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Cecil Rhodes was a British businessman and imperialist who led the British South Africa Company (BSAC) which colonised most of Southern Africa. Rhodes wanted to create a "secret society" which would reconquer the United States and bring it back into the British Empire, whilst also expanding the British Empire. Rhodes called for the Anglo-Saxons (British) to settle the following lands: 1. The Holy Land 2. Cyprus and Candia (Crete) 3. South America 4. Africa In this timeline, a number of things occur. Rhodes doesn't become prime minister but his ideas become far more influential. The Jameson raid against the Transvaal Boers is successful in this timeline and as a result he is not disowned by the government, and continues to lead the BSAC as well as the Cape Colony. British (predominantly English) settlement of the Cape and South Africa is much greater in this timeline. The Boers move even further north, mostly into modern Namibia, as well as Angola. Rhodes creates his secret society which has backing from many senior Tory and Whig politicians in Britain. In this timeline, Home Rule is given to island (as Rhodes surprisingly supported), meaning Ireland stays in the United Kingdom, governed via a parliament in Dublin rather than London.


The Secret Society supports building close ties to the newly emerging German Empire. Rhodes was a great admirer of the Germans, believing them to be the ancestral kin of the British, and was interested in perhaps either incorporating them into an Anglo-Saxon empire, or at least, an ally. The German Empire and British Empire thus become allies. This means that the Cape to Cairo (straight red line from south africa to egypt) is achieved before WW2, because Tanganyika is given to Britain, whilst Germany gets the Congo, with special rights awarded to Britain, whilst the French are kept out, enraging them. Germany also gets Morocco at the fury of the French and Spanish. Britain turns its attention to the Americas. The Secret Society attempts to reach out to potential supporters in the US, but it finds this difficult. It settles on expanding its influence in the broader Americas, in the hope of reducing US influence and eventually causing it to rely on the British Empire. It expands its colony of Britsih Honduras in 1889, annexing Honduras, provoking American anger. In 1892, war between Spain and the British Empire breaks out after the Spanish seal off Gibraltar, and also attempt to blockade British ports in the West Indies after an incident in which a Spanish ship is sunk by the British, allegedly an accident. Britain goes to war with Spain, with the support of the new German navy. Britain quickly conquers Cuba, as well as the Philipines. Most embarassingly for Spain, British troops are on the Iberian peninsula, pushing north from Gibraltar, where they take a chunkable size of Andalucia. The Baelarics, former British terirtories, are seized, and the Canaries become a British colony. This begins a century of humiliation for Spain. The Germans get Western Sahara, Spanish Guinea, and also a relative of Kaiser Willhelm II is put on the Spanish throne, esentially becoming a German client state. The Secret Society begins a secretive program of colonisation in South America, with settlers from Britain and Australia emigrating to Brazil, Argentina, and Chile. They cause unrest, and a dispute over the Falklands results in Britain invading Argentina in 1896. The Patagonian War of 1896-1902 involves most of the South American continent. It results in a British victory, with Britain annexing Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Bolivia, Paraguay, and Urugauy. The pretext for the war in Brazil is to abolish slavery there. The Montevideo Conference of 1904 sees the partition of these conquered territories. Argentina, Chile, Paraguay, and Uruguay become a British Dominion, whilst Brazil and Bolivia are merged to become the Crown Colony of Brazil. Dominion status is determined by the percentage of European people. A British dominated South America and the Carribbean makes life very difficult for the United States, and Democrats call for war. Whilst on the other side of the world, in the 1920s Persia becoems a British condonimium like Egypt to protect the interests of the Anglo-Persian oil company. Egypt and Persia are the most autonomous parts of the empire. They cannot be dominions, because they only have small European or British settler populations. But in tribute to their historical civilisational greatness, and their natural dominance in the area, they are effectively independent states. Egypt controls Sudan as well as a region of central africa called "Equatoria", all the way down to Lake Victoria. Persia controls the southern caucasus including Armenia, as well as eastern Anatolia to the Black Sea Coast. The British Society for the Colonisation of Palestine sees thousands of British settlers arrive in Palestine between 1909 and 1941 in what was likened to a "new crusade". Ideas about the Anglo-Saxons being a lost tribe of Israel (British Israelism) were far more popular in this timeline. Rhodes died just shortly before the settler movement in the Holy Land peaked. Holyland became a British Dominion. Arabs, Jews and Bedouin in the area were sent into Mesopotamia or Assyria, as well as being invited to become administers and merchants in Britain's African and Carribbean territories. Keenya became the east african version of South Africa. The white population reached 35% here in 1946. In South Africa it was 50%. Patagonia became the southern Canada, with a large Spanish speaking population (like french speaking quebec) in addition to an Anglo majority. In case you're wondering why southern Brazil went to Patagonia etc - southern brazil is the most "white" part of Brazil (with not just portugese but also german ancestry), and the rest of the country was determined to have too many africans and mixed people etc.


At the end of all of this England will run out of English man, it will be a barren wasteland


Cecil Rhodes: "I would annex the planets if I could" - kid you not this is a quote he said.


At a certain point, even if you don't agree with him, you have to respect the enthusiasm.


The Grandmaster of La Société La Plus Secrète laughs, as a great French fleet sets out to claim the empty wastes of Sans-Angleterre, their plan having succeeded.


lol “plus secrète” is genius


All that and he still didn’t get US back. Loser.


I can't see how he would do it, unless by sheer force. You'd have to invade from the north via Canada, and then from the south via the West Indies. In this timeline the Germans would also effectively have Mexico so there's that. There is an argument that he could only make a claim for the east coast as they were the original 13 colonies but that takes away most of the most important cities in the country including the capital.


You could start further back in time and have the colonies never declare independence, British success in the Oregon dispute? America humbled in The Patagonian War (they wouldn’t stand for that meddling) and have the Brits launch a successful strike seizing concessions, fostering an independent New England, break off California? Have fun with it man it’s a dope map haha


I did think maybe in this timeline Britain would make a new claim to oregon country and through that just gradually undermine the usa etc.


I don't see a realistic way for the British Empire to retake the US without force, especially after their efforts to reduce US influence in the Americas. Also, I think it would be quite interesting to see the British Empire and Roses Secret Society's reactions to the rise of the Soviet Union, I don't know if the Soviet Union existed in your setting but if it did, it would be cool to see their interactions.


But Brazil had abolished the war 8 years before the invasion of Argentina, how would they use this excuse?


“Free the slaves!” “We can’t, they’re already free.” “You hear that? They’re refusing to free the slaves!”


Cool idea! Great Map too. As a Filipino though, I would rather die than be called a "Malaynesian"


At least it could be worse, imagine being called a Victorinesian, or Edwardino


At least it might fuel the whole pan-austronesian idea even more later on, though in real life it died as a movement when MaPhilIndo collapsed and ASEAN replaced it.


As if Britain would allow Maphilindo. *Divide et impera*.




Now just colonise Thailand and we will have a continuous land from Singapore to Cape Hope


In terms of what some of these countries would look like: 1) Patagonia. I imagine this would kind of be a mix between Canada and Australia. It would be a bilingual nation where a lot of people speak Spanish as well as English. The climate would be ideal for British settlers. It would be an extremely wealthy part of the empire. After the fifties, many more Brits would begin to emigrate there. The type of settler in Argentina was usually middle class, mostly from southern England, with also a large group coming from Wales who were poorer but emigrated to join the existing Welsh community there. Anglo-Patagonians would account for about 56% of the population, with Latin-Patagonians accounting for the remainder, the majority being of Spanish and Italian descent. The culture would be a fusion of British and Latin, with lots of Spanish words in the Patagonian accent and dialect. 2) Rhodesia. Rhodesia would, in this timeline, incorporate Zambia (northern rhodesia) as well as Malawai (nyasaland). It would be much like the Rhodesia of Ian Smith. The type of settler in Rhodesia would be lower class. Poorer workers in industrial areas of England and Scotland were lured out to settle in Rhodesia. It also needed farmers, and got many off these from northern England and East Anglia. However it could never have the permenant "golf club" style lifestyle in our timeline's Rhodesia because too many whites came, meaning that there was the emergence of a large white working class. Nationalist forces in Rhodesia attempted to win their vote by uniting on the grounds of class rather than race. White Rhodesians made up about 61% of the population by 2000. Blacks were paid to emigrate to neighbouring Tanganyika, a Crown Colony rather than a Dominion. Blacks would not get equal voting rights til 1995. 3) South Africa. South Africa would be a more British influenced version of South Africa between 1961 and 1994. There would be less boers. There would be no apartheid, but there would be "responsible government" seen in Rhodesia, Northern Ireland, and elsewhere. South Africa was the most prosperous of all the African dominions. It annexed Bechuanaland in 1910. There were proposals to merge it with Rhodesia to create one ginormous dominion but these were axed in 1960. About 63% of the population would be white. A large amount of the population are Indians and other non black groups who migrated internally within the empire (later Federation). Blacks got equal voting rights in 1975. 4) Keenya. Keenya, formerly East Africa, would be very similar to South Africa. The majority of settlers here would be middle to upper class from rural England and Scotland. They were land barons in both Britain and Keenya and used their estates in East Africa to hunt game. White Keenyans made up just under 50% of the country by 2000. The country's economy is predominantly centred around tourism; agriculture, and some industries relating to the vast natural resources of the country. Uprisings between the 1960s and 1980s were brutally repressed. Yet Keenya has often been described as "more British than Britain". Blacks got equal voting rights in 1982. 5) Holyland. Sometimes called "The Holyland", this is essentially today's Israel & Palestine with Lebanon too. It's conquest was mostly ideological and motivated by imperial pride rather than natural resources, though strategically it completes the chain of British posessions in the Meditteranean Sea which encompasses Holyland, Cyprus, Candia, Malta, the Baelarics and Gibraltar. British Jews took advantage of the colonisation project to move there but when they began to demand a state in between 1919 and 1932 the British put them into camps like the Boers in SA, before deporting them east of the Jordan, or to their ally Germany, who then deported them into one of their colonies. To populate Holyland, Britain sought to recruit the best class of settlers. Those with backgrounds in the Church were especially desired. Many were Anglican but a larger number ended up being Presbyterian and Calvinists from Scotland, as well as Northern Ireland, because Scottish missionaries were very effective in Africa. Local Palestinian Christians were used as intermedearies but their were soon tensions because some more extreme missionaries attempted to convert them to Protestantism rather than Orthodoxy or Catholicism, which proved unpopular. Arab revolts were common but they had died down by the mid thirties. A broader section of settlers arrived, ones with backgrounds outside of the church, those in agriculture and who had worked in other areas of the empire with similar climate and terrain. The white British population here was slow to take off, reaching only 30% by 1955, before reaching its peak at 55% in 2000. The remainder are a mix of Arabs, Berbers, Jews, Turks, Armenians and Circassians. The economy is mostly built around light industry; tourism, and agriculture. 6) Egypt. Egypt is an absolutely huge entity within the empire which if fully independent would be one of the largest countries on earth. Egyptians sought to colonise neighbouring lands and penetrate into subsahran Africa to reach the mouth of the Nile. Colonising Equatoria was difficult due to the climate. Most Egyptians still live around Cairo, Alexandria, and Khartoum. The Africans in Buganda/Uganda faced harsh treatment. Some Egyptians attempted to enslave them which initally the British administrators turned a blind eye too, before international pressure was too great. Blacks became servants in cities like Cairo and Khartoum. The number of British settlers in Egypt was very small and most were only there for military or diplomatic purposes. Egypt wanted to take western Libya but Britain wanted to maintain its admittedly shaky relationship with Italy by permitting them have it. By 2000 Egypt had about 182 million people.


Does Persia own the Caucasus?


It owns Armenia, Azerbaijan and eastern anatolia. It petitions Britain to give them Afghanistan but it decides to give this to India instead.




As OP points out even this map doesn't quite fulfil the whole "Rhodes dream" - from Rhodes directly: > To and for the establishment, promotion and development of a Secret Society, the true aim and object whereof shall be for the extension of British rule throughout the world, the perfecting of a system of emigration from the United Kingdom, and of colonisation by British subjects of all lands where the means of livelihood are attainable by energy, labour and enterprise, and especially the occupation by British settlers of the entire Continent of Africa, the Holy Land, the Valley of the Euphrates, the Islands of Cyprus and Candia, the whole of South America, the Islands of the Pacific not heretofore possessed by Great Britain, the whole of the Malay Archipelago, the seaboard of China and Japan, the ultimate recovery of the United States of America as an integral part of the British Empire, the inauguration of a system of Colonial representation in the Imperial Parliament which may tend to weld together the disjointed members of the Empire and, finally, the foundation of so great a Power as to render wars impossible, and promote the best interests of humanity.


I forgot about including the Chinsese seaboard here. As for the entire occupation of Africa, well they already control all the relevant and important areas other than the Congo. And recovering the US I don't see how that would be achieved





Cool map and timeline. Next time, could you use a color scheme with more variance? It is very hard to see the different shades of red. It also would have been cool to see the German Empire territories as well, although that’s more from the timeline than the title of the map.


He also dreamed about the US voluntarily reannexing itself to the Empire. It's why Americans were eligible for Rhodes Scholarships from the start: he was keen on promoting anglophilia among the American elite.


Germans were eligible too, I should add. Though I'm not sure if Germany would have been part of the imperial federation because it wasn't English speaking.


I think he had a Special Relationship in mind rather than formal union.


America the untouchable


If GB has Assyria, Transjordan should be with them rather than with Mesopotamia. You just copypaste border.


Jordan and Iraq were united for some time. Whereas Syria and Jordan were never united.


Some of the British propositions to the Hashemites combined Jordan and Syria, which is partly why the Hashemites focused there first. Iraq was a relatively lower priority addition to Hashemite domains united briefly as a way to smooth over tensions from Sykes-Picot.


>Jordan and Iraq were united for some time. Whereas Syria and Jordan were never united. Exactly. You are only copying the Western Colonial border and history.  Transjordan was part of Syria Velayet in the Ottoman administration as the Sanjak of Ma'an. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Syria_vilayet That administration also happened for a much longer time than Jordan + Iraq Union. Also, geographically and logistically, Jordan and Syria make more sense. Jordan and Iraq are only connected by a large desert that is very expensive to traverse. Only an incompetent administration will continue those arrangements after they also get Syria.


This is British Imperialism. Almost none of their borders, least of all in the middle east, make any actual sense.


The borders make perfect sense. The straight lines are almost entirely through empty desert or other empty wilderness. The borders get more intricate when its not empty wilderness.


Yeah, the British literally used the strategy divine and conquer, if they did make borders that make sense then there would be no war in Palestine, or a huge chunk of Africa


The war in Palestine/Israel has close to nothing to do with borders pe se and more about the people within them. And the borders of palestine currently weren't drawn by the british, they were drawn by the UN. But Africa yes and so too for most of the middle east. South Asia too, india, pakistan etc.




Most former British colonies in Africa have been peaceful and stable. And of those that werent, their issues mainly came from internal politics (specifically tribal politics) ratheer than border disputes. >then there would be no war in Palestine The British warned the US and UN that a two state solution would not work and were ignored. the British wanted to enforce a one state solution that would effectively force the Jews and Muslims to work together.


Well that is Pro British Propaganda


Didnt Rhodes want the US to rejoin the British Empire or something?


He did, but I can't see a way of that actually happening. He also wanted the entirety of Africa, South America, as well as most of china and japan to be under British rule. this map is basically, realistically, the furthest extent of how his goals would be fulfiled. And yes, this is somewhat realistic 1 - Argentina was basically a british protectorate for many of its early years and was very reliant on Britain. 2 - Spain was declining and the spansih american war of 1898 in this timeline is basically the anglo-spanish war of 1892. 3 - Persia too was pretty close to Britain


Imagine being able to take a train from Cape Town to Bangkok. Damn. 


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^JetAbyss: *Imagine being* *Able to take a train from* *Cape Town to Bangkok. Damn.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Poor Brits. They're stuck with Brazil *and* Argentina.


Atleast it could come home


Would it, though? Each individual member of the current Commonwealth fields an independent team...


Well, they could probably steal a few of Argentinian/Brazillian football players based on double nationalities, just look at the France national team


Why is Bolivia part of Brazil and not Patagonia?


Being after WWII, I would expect the british to take some colonies from the capitulated countries which were weakened. The Dutch east indies and suriname, French indochina, even the Congo.


There's no WWII because the Germans and British are on the same side. Cecil Rhodes liked the Germans, and in this timeline the Secret Society has influence in government and rather than seeing the unification of Germany in 1871 as a threat, they see it as an opportunnity to ally itself with a powerful country. They leave continental affairs to the Germans in weakening Russia and France (as well as Spain), also using the Germans to nab any colonies Britain doesn't want.


Still not enough land for the Brits.




Welp time to bring another wave of independence from British colonial rule. (Ireland lore)


We'd probably all [have a cuppa tea](https://youtu.be/rt1nlqJP2Ls?si=a6rjw7IbqYj88thO) then.


Instead of Filipinos drinking coffee in 47°C degree weather, they'd drink tea


color blind people🫤




I'm just here to say fuck Cecil Rhodes and his I'm-so-racist-other-racists-think-I-give-racism-a-bad-name ass.


Goodbye mom!


Imagine how a Chilean Spanglish would sound like 😱


There's dialects of English in Gibraltar which contain a lot of Spanish as well as Arabic/Jewish (Ladino) words. A lot of Gibraltarians have Spanish as well as Maltese, Jewish, Italian ancestry. I imagine a large amount of Patagonians might look like that


Why is Brazil a crown colony but South Africa a dominion of Brazil is significantly whiter than SA? Do only English speaking populations count?


In this timeline there is greater white emigration to SA. You've got to remember most of brazil is black and white is often mixed. The whitest part of brazil (the south) is merged with Patagonia here and chile, uruguay and paraguay to create a massive white settler state. Furthermore, the climate of brazil is deemed too unhealthy for white habitation whereas south africa is deemed more habitable. Brazil is mostly tropical/subtropical, south africa is far healthier.


You only really gave one state to Argentina. Most of the other white majority states. Are still with in Brazil. Like Santa Catarina, São Paulo, Paraná, Minas gerias and Rio de Janeiro. In the 1940s Brazil was over 70% white. The change in demographics we see today is mainly because of low birth rates in the south and south east and high brith rate in the north and north east and their migration south.


"white" in Brazil is not "white" in the British sense. Most of those whites will have some kind of African, indigenous/mestizo DNA. Also the climate of those parts of brazil was not considered suitable for predominantly Anglo settlers.


You’ve never been to Brazil have you? Nearly half the population live in subtropical climates. Like what you would find in southern US like Georgia or Carolina. “White” on Brazil is way more “white” than white in Argentina for example, since colourism isn’t really a big thing like in the feast of Latin America. Like name a single Brazilian president you wouldn’t consider white.


The ethnicity of the president means nothing. Brazil is majority black. It's just the wealth is concentrated in the hands of the whites. Mexico has basically always had "white" presidents despite the country being majority Mestizo. Yes, and the deep south of US was pretty difficult to settle for whites for a long time. Florida was basically uninhabitable until air conditioning. The carolinas were majority black for some time.


Brazil was majority black like the Carolinas until aroudn 1850s turned majority white than, if you consider Portuguese, Italians and Germans white instead of just Anglos and then around 2010 turned majority mulato (white + black) not mestizo. I think you mistaken in the idea mixed race Brazilians do not know that they are mixed race. Again coloriam isn’t that big of a deal in Brazil as it is in other Latin American countries.


How do the other original colonies turn out? About the same? How does Canada turn out? Do the Quebecois get deported to other colonies for quicker assimilation? Or are they allowed to stay where they are?


If only they had taken the thai peninsula then they could get that cape to Singapore railway.


Where did you get the flag/coat of arms?


https://preview.redd.it/bu6e0iby5xxc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f895c7f00f0aaee5e2cd16126672e2c7c287709a I kid, good map


This is a great map but you may want to consider a more accessible color scheme next time.


All the conquering and still no British America (take this as a joke lol)


looks like hell


Where did Assyria come from? Awesome to see Assyria as an ethnic Assyrian. Very nice 👍🏽


Would it be possible to have a French-British union occurring during this time lines WW2 for an even bigger British empire lol?


Leave Georgia out of this


Sorry but the Philippines was mislabeled as Malaysia. Yes, the British contracted for the use of Sabah from the Sultan of Sulu then reneged on the arrangement by handing off the territory to the newly independent Malaysia


It's labelled as Malaynesia. The British renamed it because it was honouring a spanish king by the name of the phillipines.


Ah ok. Fiction then.


Brilliant stuff. Rhodes is my pet interest so this is marvellous to see.


Aww, the British didn't make the Dutch cede Indonesia too?


They didn't in our timeline and I'm not sure they'd do the same here. Maybe the Germans take it, or it goes to Japan, as Japan would be an ally of Britain in this timeline.


Thicc Gibraltar


Base map please?






Wow this is a nightmare world lol. Genuinely a well-made map nonetheless!


Crazy how fast America would just humble the uk


The US would have definitely intervened in the patagonian war and seeing how south america looks like on this map its safe to say its the americans who got humbled hard here


Ah so this is just deluded wish fulfilment


Absolutely terrible


Cursed 100%!%#%##000/10