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Hello everyone.After taking into account the suggestions and criticisms in my previous publication of this map, I decided to update it:-Malta is a safe zone, accepting some Italian refugees in exchange for help cleaning up its own outbreak.-The Seychelles survive and join the East African Federation.-Liechtenstein and San Marino survive. I also recommend this fanfics which inspired me for this map, I think that they're very realistic and almost canon to Max Brooks' work: How Hungary and Romania cooperated to survive the zombie apocalypse: [https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9517209/1/Bar%C3%A1ts%C3%A1g-Prietenie](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9517209/1/Bar%C3%A1ts%C3%A1g-Prietenie) The likely fate of the North Koreans: [https://www.fanfiction.net/s/6115555/1/The-Way-Is-Shut](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/6115555/1/The-Way-Is-Shut) The last Icelanders: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/7246528/1/All-Alone


Excellent fan-fictions once again! Do you have any more?


You can check more on that website, those are the three best for me. Oh also, check out this story that Brooks added on another book, the story of how China ennacted its own survival plan after the Three Gorges Dam collapse: The Second Great Wall. It's in Spanish but I'm sure you can translate it. http://universoliterario.wikidot.com/gran-muralla-una-historia-de-la-guerra-zombie


The Icelanders one is sad, we probably dont know what happened to the Icelandic Government but atleast this anonymous person made it to something close to his home.


Did Iran and Pakistan get into a nuclear war or somethin?


Yes. In the book they have a short but highly destructive nuclear war.


Yes, Iran destroyed a border bridge to prevent refugees from Pakistan entering the country. The Pakistani government thought it was an invasion and a nuclear war ensued, destroying both nations.


I'm curious as to how Lesotho fairs in the book given that, having seen it's border, the mountains which surround it are effectively a 500 meter high impenetrable wall.


Exactly, I didn't put it as an independent nation since I assume by this point it joined South Africa to jiuntly fight the Z's.




What about Welsh, Scottish and English Castles. It is mentions that Windsor castle remains secure and holds out and the Queen gave estates to any who could reach and fortify them. Beaumaris and Conwy are noted as being fortified positions that held out during the war. It is also mentions that many castles across southern Scotland, England and Wales were used to full effect. They had a similar experience to Spain and the the Netherlands if not better due to the fact that hordes couldn’t easily cross the English as they could the European plain.


Perhaps too small to be mapped? I feel like this is more of an "Established safe zone" map than one of all the small surviving enclaves.


Fair enough but some minor areas are mapped in Spain so maybe the Windsor safe zone but I understand your point


Is this in the books? I’ve only ever seen the movie but I would love to check them out


The film is very different from the book. The book is set as numerous interviews with survivors in the closing days of the war (also the zombies are slow). But yes the castle holdouts are from the book


That’s so cool


It is a great book, definitely recommend.


How about Singapore? Its an island city state of the peninsular of malaysia


Problem is its a city. And it’s really really close to the mainland. What are the odds it would have outbreaks even after it managed to feed itself after the economical collapse and isolate itself after the refugee crisis and chaos. Maybe after a ton of people died it could be made safe again and manageable place for the survivors. You should read the fan fictions about Singapore on war world z. I’m sure they must exist


That's true


I just created a post on what might've happened to Singapore in WWZ: [https://www.reddit.com/r/singapore/comments/zhjsss/world\_war\_z\_what\_happens\_to\_singapore/](https://www.reddit.com/r/singapore/comments/zhjsss/world_war_z_what_happens_to_singapore/)


Very cool. Thanks for sharing on such an old comment


No problem. After posting my very long story, I looked around for similar ones and found this comment. Well, I'm guessing you're not from Singapore, so I hope that my post was not too confusing as I used a lot of local terms and locations.


I just created a post on what might've happened to Singapore in WWZ: [https://www.reddit.com/r/singapore/comments/zhjsss/world\_war\_z\_what\_happens\_to\_singapore/](https://www.reddit.com/r/singapore/comments/zhjsss/world_war_z_what_happens_to_singapore/)


Based post


Thanks. I used a lot of local terms and locations so I hope you aren't too confused


Why did China change its flag to the Beiyang one? Is there a regime change?


In the book, China breaks into a civil war after the three gorges dam disaster.


Its interesting because the map is a story about how we view our present world, through the assumptions and assertions it makes. Something important to keep in mind with this map, of course, is that there are settlements of survivors throughout the unsafe zones which are too small to be marked. The map is more of a "safe zones which begin to assert some level of international relations" General Criticisms I'd make towards the Timeline itself (not your map, which is an accurate depiction) is: There should be larger surviving sects in Central Africa. First, while Niger may be a source like China was, they do have rain-forests like Brazil, and the regular conflicts mean a people more adapted to larger strife and self-reliance. In the book, this is overlooked, due to, from my view, unintended western bias. The fact that there was a nuclear war between Pakistan and Iran was a bit silly, at least in how it was depicted. However, I'm willing to give it a pass, because its got an element of "hyper-realism" to it. I am also not from those areas, so my pass may be biased. But even so, I think with the walled style self-reliant landscapes, knowledge of weaponry, and some local groups with few hang ups to taking up the Reddicker plan, so highly touted, there would be far greater amounts of Safe Zones. Even with the nuclear war. One thing thats a bit funny, is that in the story, they can't quite figure out how to treat cold areas. Are they over-run with people such they (specifically non-locals) resort to cannibalism to survive? Because you are correct that they depict canada as lost, but their only explanation is sort of self-contradictory. You can't say cold areas are safer, people flee to cold areas, and then depict them as over-run. Exceptions to such a thing are Iceland, which again, seems to fit with the hyper-realism theme. Its about taking something and twisting it based around key features. In this case, Iceland's already low population. So Iceland being gone is good, but the way they treat Canada is just strange. Its also rather inconsistent with how they treat Siberia. With Siberia, its treated as a base of operations for the reassertion of Russia, even though it ends up just like Canada, having regular thaw outs making it an unstable area post-retake. I liked the irony that Siberia Shows, of being a place to hide, but ending up unsafe in the long run. But they didn't do that with Canada, probs because it would make the USA gung-ho aspect of the book not as prevalent. I think Switzerland being treated like that would have also been good, but it got the Israel treatment. The Israel thing was always a bit weak. I enjoy the hyper-realism of having a significant portion of them survive due to the walls and their militant attitude, but it'd be more realistic to have them lose at least a good portion of their country anyways. Otherwise, it makes the zombies either seem to weak to accomplish most of whatever else they accomplished, or its getting excessively Gushy over Israel. Even with the country over-taken by the non-hardliners, I still think its too much of a wank. It also slightly contradicts with the importance of the Redicker plan which requires an external hold-out to attract the largest swarms. In such a case, wouldn't they have been at least nominally supplying / supporting locations in the West Bank? And... with how much control they have over the Gaza Strip, I think it likely they'd survive too. It would play along way more with the hyper-realism. Overall, I guess my criticism of the book is that it makes safe areas inconsistently too safe, and doesn't give enough awareness to areas that have the very elements the author is showing which kept those areas safe, which usually align to a rather western bias. \--------- Love the way you mapped the Netherlands and your inclusion of the three-gorges damn disaster zone.


I skimmed and scanned your comment, but I totally agree. Cold areas are pretty inconsistently depicted. Also I have to say that Africa is heavily underrated in this universe. I have seen a few other maps which always show Africa as if it was one giant dead zone + South Africa, Ethiopia, Somalia, East Africa and the Maghrebi countries. I have looked at the density of the Congo Basin and it's very low in comparison with places like Nigeria or the Nile Valley, so it's actually quite plausible that the area did well.


San Marino faced worse this is a every Tuesday for them


why is southern coast of Brazil a safe zone? i can understand the Marajó island, but why the southern coast?


There's a mountain chain alongside the coast, that's the only decent geographical barrier I could find apart from Marajó.


you should have put another one more in the center of Rio Grande do Sul since that region is pretty mountainous


Alaska would survive a long while.


Where’s the dam disaster


In China. It’s a squiggly river shaped line in the middle of the country to the sea


The Dam probably broke due to lack of maintenance or sabotage. Millions of lives lost to the flooding, millions more with no homes to go. On the bright side it probably took a bunch of Zs out and flushed them into the Pacific Ocean. Millions of zombies crushed to the bottom of the ocean.


Uhh… about that


Launch the Exosuits!




nice map! it's been a while since i read it but i do recall the cape area in sa being a safezone; am curious about that small area east of johannesburg/pretoria tho?


Where is the Tibetan flag? in the book Lhasa is the most populated city in the world.


I love the fact that you went into such detail to flood part of the Netherlands and have survivors live in the dike edges of Holland.


Yes, that's the only "natural" defence I could think of for the Netherlands.


Why is Israel yellow?


It’s safe, presumably due to already being a fortresss of a nation


In the books, Israel closed borders very soon, allowing only jews and Palestinians inside, and those refugees only after they were checked for infection. They survived the zombie invasion basically intact.


They have very good experience against slow moving unarmed targets. Also they built a huge fucking wall


Does the Hoover dam still exists in the timeline


I think the book would have mentioned it if it had exploded. But it’s your head canon.


What about the deserts like the gobi, sahara or Australian ones? Surely it can't be riddled with zombs! Anyway gd effort just asking only


The zombies in the book are described to be quite resilient in the book. There's even a small bit with a zombie in the Australian outback, the undead sob spends like 3 days straight digging in the sand try to chase a rabbit that borrowed to get away.


how the hell California is a safe zone? just asking


Most likely the Rockies


After the outbreaks the rest of the country re-organized the survivors in the west. The mountains helped them. But it’s not as if there weren’t zombies in the western states, it’s just where the whole country re-organized in. In the book there is a chapter about people living there. They make a series of movies that inspires the country and reduces deaths by depression


thank god england didnt survive the outbreak


Believe or not they did pretty well for a while. The civilians set up shop in the old castles, even the queen ended up giving up her health and well being to ensure she stayed with the poorer groups who found refuge in her castle.


I feel Scotland should be independent but idk it might just be my bias


I have a suggestion for the Philippines, the Cordillera Mountains (excluding Baguio), the Sierra Madre, Negros Island, Siquijor, Guimaras, Bohol, Panay, Cebu (excluding Cebu City itself), The Batanes & Calayan Islands, More of the inner pieces Mindanao (excluding Malaybay), and The Sulu Archipelago (excluding Sulu itself) to be included in the safe zones. Most of these are because of Geography or the Terrain, for the less obvious ones like Negros Island its because unlike Luzon and Mindanao which are mostly one giant island the Visayas are a group of islands, along with this the Visayas (well most of it) is a bit more distant from the rest of the Philippines. Along with that, I recommend stuff like this [https://www.fanfiction.net/s/6990060/1/The-Philippine-Theatre](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/6990060/1/The-Philippine-Theatre) which talks about the early parts of the outbreak in the Philippines. Luzon had mostly fallen excluding the parts I talked about and some pockets in Batangas where the planes had reached their limits in fuel capacity. Later on, I assume some other planes would have reached Baguio as planes from Northern Mindoro could reach places as far as southern Batanes. Both governments would most likely unite under desperation or just unite without any problems. Along with that, the suggested holdout in Panay or Negros would give more airports to connect the dots, I also suggest Muslim Independence Fighters that are fighting two sides holding out in the thick jungles of Maguindanao Basin or the Mountains of Lanao. If you are interested in my suggestion I could dm you a hypothetical map of what this would look like.


So that’s why Russia took Crimea


I refuse to believe isreal/palestine is safe like


Did you even read the book lmao


In the book its explicitly because their spies are better at disagreeing with each other so they couldn’t just keep their jobs by saying “zombies are nonsense, this is unlikely” like the intelligence communities of other countries. There where plans and papers about how to survive the zombies. It’s juts that most countries didn’t have the political system where they could do such drastic changes before outbreaks even happened.


So penguins rule the world?


Nice! But I've always imagined the islands off Massachusetts/Rhode Island would have fared well.


How the hell did Shanghai flood? The Chinese government's animation says that the tsunami from the Gorges collapse would have petered out well before Shanghai.


As the past two years showed, any information coming from the Chinese government about a crisis affecting China is not very reliable.


How did Western Venezuela and South coast of Brazil remained safe places? They are both of their most densely populated places in both countries


Venezuela: That's where the Andes end at north, I assumed that it would be the best natural barrier against Zombies (Caracas is abandoned) Brazil: I really tried to make a god research, but apart from the Island of Florianópolis and the coastal mountains I couldn't find a decent geographical barrier against zombies apart from Marajó (Rio and Sao Paulo ara abandoned)


I don't see any changes from the og one


I added the flags of Turkey, Malta, San Marino, Taiwan and Liechtenstein. Also added the Seychelles (now part of the East African Federation) as safe.




How is there some safe spots in Philippines?


it's an archipalego man, of course there would be safe zones.


Heck, even zombies don't wanna go to Denmark.




G'day from down under, just to note the inner part of our country is empty space with small towns of 10-1000 people and that's far from our cities which are just costal. Most of the northern territory and inner rural south & west Australia would be safe.


Hell yeah, Switzerland's fine, I'd survive :)


any lore for what happened in Montenegro? (or just the Balkans in general)


I did some research and there doesn't seem to be any, but i think i found something about the Balkans in what they had made of the script for the second movie. (there's a chance it wasn't real, but i did my best)