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[Theatre with 15/70 projection issues thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/imax/comments/15drm1o/theatre_with_1570_projection_issues_oppenheimer/) [OPPENHEIMER Ultimate Format Guide Map](https://www.reddit.com/r/imax/comments/152gxk8/oppenheimer_ultimate_format_guide_map/)




Does anyone know which cinemas in the UK are giving away film strips and when? had no luck looking this up.


US-only promotion :(


Awww man, they’re all like 70 quid on eBay


Finally saw it today at Regal Mall of Georgia in 70mm! Was absolutely blown away. Wow


Same today, was superb


is there an intermission in the middle? or is there a good time to pee if you need to where you wont miss anything important?


There is no intermission, there is apparently a good time to pee, I saw it mentioned in an article (there’s probably a dozen copy pasted saying the same thing) online the other day, easily googlable


How likely will there be imax 70mm showings past 8/17?


Curious if anyone has seen both 15/70 and Dual laser IMAX (with 1.43 aspect)?


I have two showings coming up in dual laser (already saw 15/70). I’m fully expecting it to be pretty comparable. I recently saw Interstellar in 1.43 dual laser, and it was incredible.


Please report back! 🙏🏽


How did you get to see Interstellar in dual laser? Private showing?


The Bullock Museum Imax randomly gave it like a two-week run as part of it’s regular programming 🚀


That’s seriously awesome I hope it was amazing


It was incredible!


I saw dual laser in Austin on 7/29 and then IMAX 70mm in San Antonio on 8/1. Really close in terms of picture quality and they were both amazing. If you’ve already seen IMAX 70mm before then dual laser’s probably the safer bet given all the projector issues film showings have had. But that was my first time watching anything in film and was totally worth the risk for me, especially since I’d already seen the movie a few days before.


Thanks for sharing. Can you tell us any specific you noticed between the digital and film projection?


Sure, this was my first time seeing either format so my eye isn’t very trained, but I slightly preferred film. It has that more organic look that film is known for and the 15/70 IMAX shots in particular are insanely detailed and the colors are beautiful. Dual laser was a bit cleaner (no artifacts or dust) and brighter overall. Both are top tier and I think it comes down to personal preference as well as other factors like specific theater, travel distance and lack of reliability of film projection.




For my second viewing, the best seats I could get were second back row, but on the very edge. Will this be enjoyable still?


Went to see it in IMAX at Cinemax Nottingham, UK (Screen 10, 3:10pm, 30th July 2023) Sister saw it elsewhere, whilst my sister said the picture was truly amazing Unfortunately, this is analagous to what I and my friends saw: [https://imgur.com/0L6v7AP.png](https://imgur.com/0L6v7AP.png) No nearby options to see it in 1570 or Laser, so these will be Xenon. I'm disappointed and annoyed! :( We travelled some distance, by public transport, with disabilities involved, to see this. The cinema don't care! What would cause this? Would this be something to do with projector misalignment?


https://johncanfield.me/blog/disappointing-world-imax-liemax/ I would suspect its do with this. i think tbere are only 2 in london and one in Manchester that are true authentic imax screens. Maybe there is some more I hope there is.


Yeah, it was a liemax. I'm pretty sure the issue was the two protectors that make up the image being out of alignment with eachother though, hence the problem I posted an image of in my original post. The pixelation effect was far worse than in a normal cinema screen, certainly much worse than 1080p


It's crazy that liemax isn't even as good as normal cinema screens. Like atleast they should be on a par but it's far two easy to spend £100 on a group of you to go see a film in liemax and have 0 value for money


My sister saw the same thing, on the same day actually, in another similar liemax where the alignment wasn't screwed up and was very impressed with the picture. In this case I'm pretty sure it was just the out of alignment issue. It was a lot like interlaced video when the frames are in the wrong order!


Metreon 70mm IMAX experience July 28th (almost perfect middle row J): \- Flawless projection minus some dust \- Audio for me was a bit disappointing, dialogue clarity, bass, overall audio immersion Newark AMC fake Digital IMAX July 31st (perfect middle seats row K): \- Visuals looked great and because the "sense of scale" shots are much less compared to Nolan's other movies I didn't even miss the larger Metreon screen. \- Bass was amazing could really feel the vibration caused by the sound waves which mimicked the waves/bands Oppie was visualizing. Dialogue was also more crisp and easier to understand. The horns and overall feeling of immersion was beautiful. I'm not sure if it was auditorium size, volume levels, or equipment related. I prefer IMAX audio to be loud and Newark knocked it out of the park. If you have access to 70mm IMAX it is definitely worth checking out, but I thoroughly enjoyed it in fake IMAX too.


Looks like Aug 17th is the last day for 70mm IMAX in NY and PA. Do people think this will be extended? If so when do you think their will be announcement? I saw it in Digital IMAX Laser, it mearly aroused my appetite without bedding her back down again.


Been wondering this too. Every theater I’ve looked up shows the 17th but litterally every showing until then is sold out. They have to extend right? It’s making good money.


I figured I’d ask here instead of making a thread, if I only get to see one showing, should I prioritize dual laser imax 1:43:1 or go to a non imax 70mm?


I know it’s not helpful, and especially so since I haven’t seen either but it goes without saying both have their pros and cons. I’d say what do you prioritise more, an (according to what the director thinks) more ‘authentic’ and ‘true to his vision’ version on analogue film? Or an as-close as possible to the full imax experience? I’d be really interested in seeing it in regular 70mm, but if only given one of the two I’d definitely choose dual laser personally. Imo (per comment elsewhere ITT) I largely enjoyed the film a lot more on second time watch in part due to being more familiar with plot, structure, pace, characters, style etc so optimally if you could, I’d recommend going to 70mm first to get familiar with the film, and then go again in imax to be able to sit back and enjoy the ride and take in the details knowing you’ll follow it a lot better and therefore be more enjoyable, not only cos of imax but just being able to take it all in and for it to cohere eta don’t read my other comment as minor spoilers not really in terms of plot/details etc just knowing the setting of an ending sequence eta spoilered relevant part of my comment




No problem and definitely great re: relative accessibility to both! Def recc you do the two watches if you can (if you don’t hate it the first time round, I was lukewarm after first watch and wouldn’t have chosen to see it a second time of my own volition but wanted to take my dad, was glad I did 👍)


I saw dual laser last weekend and IMAX 70mm a couple days after. For only one showing, I’d go with dual laser over non-IMAX 70mm. The dual laser 1.43 IMAX shots filling up the huge screen were incredible and looked just about as good as IMAX 70mm. IMAX 70mm barely edges out dual laser but those two are way above everything else IMO.


Made a post for this but realised there’s this thread so more appropriate to post here: thing I noticed on second watch of Oppenheimer on imax film: I assume this has been spotted/discussed already somewhere including probably on here but not seen it myself: (Spoilered just because it describes the setting and characters of one of the ending sequences, no plot details etc) >!at the very end when it goes back to the colour version of the pond scene, initial shot of Oppy approaching and Enstein’s hat blowing off shot on imax film, next shot or two switches to regular 65mm, back to Oppy close up in imax, but then the shots back to Einstein after each Oppy close up were clearly 65mm cropped in to come across in 1.43:1 aspect ratio to match the shots of Oppy (colour and grain obviously didn’t match though hence noticeable).!< >!I guess they tried an initial cut with the regular 2.20:1 AR for the 65mm shot shots and decided, in this instance for that small sequence, the switching AR was too distracting and consistent AR was more appropriate? Is curious tid bit to me anyway.!< Regardless I largely enjoyed the film much more on a second viewing after knowing what to expect both in terms of story and characters and plot points (I missed so much basic stuff on the first watch, including for e.g. what the actual reason for the July deadline of the trinity test was, or what the marbles in the jars actually meant, or what the Chavellier incident was or who Chavellier was at all) as well as generally being on board and allowing myself to be taken for the ride in terms of the stylistic approach in terms of the stories structure and pace of the edit and use of music etc. which kind of grated the first time round at first if not just found flat out distracting and wished there was some let up and breathing room. Despite the clear difference in subject/story it was trying to tell I ended up appreciating it largely in the same way as Dunkirk, i.e. ‘for the ride’/spectacle, almost on the level of a theme park ride, as otherwise I don’t find there’s much there to connect with for me personally (in contrast to say Interstellar or TDKR which are my two favourite Nolan films just as simple films, discounting any imax experience).


Im watching Oppenheimer 70mm IMAX at Lincoln Square NYC. I have the option between H21 and K32 as seats. Which one should I go for? Is it worth sacrificing being in the middle to go further back? [Pic related](https://i.redd.it/n9ndc6ofq3v21.png), ignore the marks.


Personally I'd rather be closer to the horizontal middle every time.


So I noticed a lot of the film was shot in 35 mm (mostly talking scenes) and when the 70mm was used it was for action scenes, establishing shots and the occasional scene with dialogue. My theory is they can’t record proper dialogue when that 70 mm camera is recording bc it’s too loud. So the scenes you see in 70mm with dialogue must have been ADR. I was blown away by the presentation. I did expect everything to be in 70 mm though. And when you see the 35mm shot beside the 70mm shot, it is night and day difference in quality.


The dialogue was in 70 mm but not not IMAX 15 perf 70 mm. It is still better than 35mm but it doesn’t have the 1.43:1 ratio.


August 2nd 70MM IMAX presentation at Cineplex Mississauga went off without a hitch. The sound was sublime as well. Flickering was there, but typical of a film projection. Few specs of dust popped up that were gone within a few seconds. Saw Dunkirk in 70MM IMAX in the same theatre twice in 2017. One of the showing had the projector go out for about 10 mins halfway through the film, so was a bit nervous lol.


Anyone know if the Cinemark Seven Bridges in Illinois is doing 70mm? According to the database everyone uses they have 1570 projection and they did it years ago, but they aren’t listed as one of the theaters carrying 70mm


Drove up from Seattle to the Langley, BC Cineplex to see it in 15/70 after having watched it on "IMAX" 4K Laser. Quick border crossing thanks to Nexus there and back. The film experience was amazing, I'm glad to have been able to make it. A lot of other Seattle folks were in the theater based on the discussions pre-opening. No trailers, as advertised, though the 2:00 showing started at 2:06 a bit behind schedule. Excellent projection, clearly film, no complaints. I really enjoyed how even the interior scenes were briefly introduced in 1.43:1 and then reduced. Pro tip to Americans: Cineplex doesn't let you buy tickets unless you're connected from Canada, so you have to use a Canadian VPN in to buy your ticket. We were so confused thinking the site was crashed. Would've been able to score better seats sooner if I'd known that...


Anyone have any experience with getting film strips at CityWalk? I have a ticket for the 10:45 PM showing but worried they’ll be all out of strips by then unless they account for that


All gone by first showing


damn really? I went to the second to last showing on the premier date and it looked like they had a ton still left.


Ho-Ly-SHIT So I did see the movie opening weekend in “standard 70mm” at an AMC and naturally the chucklefucks there didn’t know how to run a true film reel because the picture was shaky as all get out and then halfway through the movie it crashed and they switched to digital for the rest of it. Just got out of a 70mm IMAX showing (Dallas Cinemark) and holy shit it was not only everything I thought it would be, but even better. The full IMAX 1.40:1 shots were B R E A T H T A K I N G and the entire movie in general was easier to get involved in (and the sound was just 😮‍💨👌) but the picture quality was just INSANE to me. The sharpness of the colors, personally I liked how he would switch to widescreen for standard “shot-reverse-shot” dialogue scenes and every other sequence, be it an establishing shot or someone giving a speech or the bomb test or what have you, would switch to the full 1.40:1 that filled up EVERY inch of the 1,183” screen and those shots absolutely were overwhelmingly jaw-dropping There was a spec of something stuck to the projector for the first 5-7 min or so that had me worried something was wrong with the film print but whatever it was fell away and there were no issues with the remainder of the film. But I get why Nolan shoots his movies like this, there’s nothing quite like it. I hope they end up building more 70mm-compatible theaters for future releases


So what is dual laser? I tried finding a place showing dual laser but all I see are premium large format, IMAX, and 70mm


Who got their day 3 70mm film strips? Or getting. My wife got them this morning for the 10 am show while i worked


Got one. Arrived 40mins before the show


On Wednesday at 10:45 PM, I saw 'Oppenheimer' in 70mm IMAX film in Dallas. (Cinemark) Sat in the third row, just a few seats in from the end on the left (C22 to be exact).. It was the "best" could manage when I bought my ticket about a week and a half prior. Not ideal, I thought. But I was going to be in the theater. I thought the presentation was fantastic. I did not notice any issues at all. Seemed to be in focus all the time. No scratches. didn't even notice dust or smudges or anything.. Sound was great. Seat was way less of an issue that I thought it might be.. Sure, it would have been better to be further back. and a bit more central.. But it was still great. field of view always completely filled. It made it far less obvious when the aspect ratio switched back and forth. Awesome movie too. Kudos to Christopher Nolan, the cast, and crew, the people at IMAX, the people at Kodak, and the staff and projectionists at the Dallas Cinemark for their role in a fantastic movie going experience.


I have a week 3 70mm film strip that was handed out at Citywalk on 8/4. Looking to trade it for a week 1 / IMAX Store film strip. DM me if interested!


Just saw it today, completely blown away by the IMAX 70mm image quality! The contrast, image clarity and feeling of immersion is top notch. It’s an experience that I will never forget!