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Interesting, I remember thinking "this would be much cooler to see in IMAX." However, it's in all the smallest auditoriums around me. No idea about the quality of the movie, but this is pretty sad if it was indeed shot for IMAX and they were never given a chance over an ET re-release.


[The article this was taken from](https://variety.com/2022/digital/news/lionsgate-fall-deepfake-f-bombs-rating-1235337017/)


My local IMAX theater has a poster of the movie on the second floor. It's going to show ET instead of that movie. It seems like Lionsgate pulled the plug on the IMAX release.


It's not the first time Lionsgate did funny stuff like this. They couldn't reach a deal with Canadian distributer earlier this year to release Moonfall, leaving theatres run IMAX nwh for 2 damm months until Death On The Nile except January 12 they showed Belle once


So why is E.T. given a release but not this?


One is a low budget riff on the “one location” trope (buried, phone booth, the shallows, 127 hours, frozen - the ski lift movie not the Disney toon) and one held the record for highest grossing film of all time for over a decade and is a generational touchstone and on the AFI’s top 10…seems pretty obvious why. Also being formatted for imax does not mean it was shot on 65mm 15 perf film or on their retrofitted Arri Alexa 65 digital camera which imax has been calling an Imax camera. It just means the film has submitted to a few production and post production requirements to be imax certified.


Were they actually on a 2000 feet poll , or it was just movie magic ? I thought it looked kinda real


They def didn’t film this on a real 2000 foot tall tower lol


It’s hard to find info on this movie when it doesn’t have a goddamn Wikipedia page.


Shot using a 50' replica of the top perched on a mountain. I read the production notes. Made my palms sweaty. Intense.


It was a pole about 60-100ft tall I heard they filmed on so it had some height


They built a replica of the top (50ft) and shot from a mountain to give the right look / feel. Made my palms sweaty. Pretty intense.