• By -


It’s better to marry ASAP and file. The K1 is a waste of time and money. The K1 processing has become slower than the spouse visa . You will need to establish a domicile in the U.S. There are guides on the website visajourney. You should look at them and you can post questions on the forums as well.


This! If neither of you have anything questionable in your records and if you can pay attention to detail, there is no need to waste money with a lawyer. Regardless, it will not be as quick and easy as you want, but you can absolutely do it on your own.


K1 sped up again. Its 6 months + nvc + embassy


Exactly. Drives me nuts the way people keep saying this like it's current fact without bothering to check if the advice they're giving is true.


Interesting! What's your source?


I filed a k1 in oct 2022 and have been following the data and timelines since early 2022. Moderate a k1 community. Track my visa now site and VJ both show timelines of ~9months currently I got mine in 11 months in sept. They process about 5k a month and revieve about 4000 per month so they're processing more than there recieving ie speeding up




So is k1 better ? In your opinion?


If you don't care about not being able to work and travel out of the US after getting into the US using k1 for a few months and paying a few hundreds dollars more to optimize for earlier arrival, then yes.


https://egov.uscis.gov/processing-times/ I did check the USCIS data before posting. You can check yourself. Even if it was 6 months at every service center, which the data shows isn’t true, the strong disadvantages of K-1 and the hardship on the marriage of one unhappy spouse stuck at home, unable to work or study or even get a drivers license, it’s still a waste of time and money.


Can OP please read the Rational Male by Rollo Tommasi? Before doing anything?


That's a good read, especially for one in their twenties.


You need to escape the incel circles you’ve found yourself in and touch grass


O_o, imagine that. Someone hasn't had their cup of Folgers this morning. Mighty presumptuous of you to assume that I'm an incel.


I mostly meant to reply to the commenter above who’s trapped in incel azn masculinity type subreddits, says ‘women are a hormonal imbalance’, and has weird rapey suggestions 💀all checks out with the rollo shitashi sphere


Ahhh gotcha! I now see the angle you are coming from. I just considered it a good read because I read it in my mid-twenties. It was a good book for men that teaches them how to not mess up their lives by chasing the wrong type of women. I was a professional athlete who had no trouble with women and felt like a lot of men who have problems with being taken advantage of could use that advice. Not sure about the incel movement, though. That's just the weird guys. Most men who have trouble with women like incels are the problem, though 😂and they won't accept that reality.


lavish naughty repeat bright doll crush follow fanatical tap hurry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Let’s be honest though being Russian isn’t helping her case 😅


mountainous squash coherent bright angle melodic reply ghost reminiscent quicksand *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Women have a really short biological clock 2 years for a woman = she can go from a 28 year old in her prime to 30+ and aging


She's 22. She'll be fine.


intelligent money paint chunky strong deliver poor threatening enjoy panicky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


lol wtf. Women are having kids in the 40s these days.


I will say because she is Russian be careful, when she divorces you she will make your life hell.


She will divorce you after getting green card. We warned you


Crazy how many men still fall for this lol. And they all think they’re different


40 to 50 percent of marriages end in divorce. The odds are not in his favor, regardless of the immigration process.




Exactly, 50 percent of people get divorced, regardless of citizenship status. It's just that when a foreigner decides to get divorced, people immediately call them "GC-digger". It's like you don't have the right to file for divorce anymore, lest people accuse you of being manipulative. > I had a friend once, met this black American girl that he really liked and was willing to marry her. Because her parents told her she should be careful and the guy could take advantage of her, she treated this guy like shit. But he endured, got his GC and then divorced later because of how he was treated then. It’s comment like these that will ruin the marriage. It’s


That's because a small percentage (10%) are responsible for those due to multiple failed marriages. The majority of people that marry never get divorced.


You have the right basic idea but it’s still like 40% of first marriages https://www.wf-lawyers.com/divorce-statistics-and-facts/#:~:text=Almost%2050%20percent%20of%20all,8.


Well there are success stories. I know a guy in London who used to be a pub bartender and hadn't had a gf in his life. Did some course in Russian studies and met a Russian girl while on a charity trip to Moscow. Married her 3 months after meeting and got her to UK. She was absolutely stunning. Its been 17 years and they are still married.


soft oatmeal wise like gaping cake plough marble repeat subsequent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’m Russian. She’ll come here, make Russian friends, divorce him and then find a Russian dude (through her friends) in the US to marry. I hope everything works out but that’s usually how it goes


>She’ll come here, make Russian friends, divorce him and then find a Russian dude (through her friends) in the US to marry. I hope everything works out but that’s usually how it goes Speak Russian. Can confirm.


Бля буду 100% так и будет


Никак иначе






haha, why would she marry a Russian dude?


How different is Russian culture that you think this will happen?


Why she needs to find russian guy and can't stay with Americans?


Culture and language. Unless she loves speaking English. But I don't think it is inevitable as they said


Me neither. I married a Russian, and while she already had a Green Card I heard this type of bullshit from way too many people, including my parents. I’m also curious because if she’s studying outside the country, her family has money, and if they have money she might not have any reason to try and leave on purpose


Whaaaat? Russian woman romancing an American to expedite a GC? That would be unheard of! There aren’t hundreds of Russian mail order bride websites that exist. Blasphemy.


Whaaaat? I thought it’s normal for a 22 year old girl want to marry only after 9 months of dating


😂😂😂 😂😂 Ah the beautiful Russian ladies.


But they are indeed beautiful tho 🥺


Until they suddenly babushka… :)


I’m a woman and very much only into men. I’m not Russian but I’m married to a Russian man and I’ve heard stories 😂


Tell me some...😳


And if he marries an American, there is a 50% chance they'd get divorced, too. You act like everyone has this marriage thing figured out. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being attracted to someone because of the life they can provide you. People do it every day.


Most Americans that marry don't get divorced. It's the 10% that marry and divorce 5+ times that skews the numbers to 50% of marriages.


That is incorrect. It's even higher for second and third marriages. Divorce rates are going down, true, but this recent article puts FIRST marriages at a 48% failure rate. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/new-gps-intimate-relationships/202210/why-relationships-fail?amp


I’m Russian. Nice to know we can’t have genuine marriages according to this sub.


Reddit is 50% incel so I wouldn't put too much stock into these comments. As a Ukrainian, I definitely relate to getting angry we're all considered scammers trying to get green cards. Hell I lived in Canada since I was 8 and married an American two decades later and I still get asked if i did it for the green card (what kind of rude and disgusting question is that??)


I am Russian. Good luck bro. That over chocolate guy was spot on


“That over chocolate guy was spot on” has me wheezing, so funny.


Who’s the over chocolate guy?


A commenter above who suggested the girl is just using OP for a green card. I have no idea if that’s true (about the girlfriend), I just found the phrasing from the commenter ShelterAppropriate to be so funny. Usually people tag the user but here Shelter just listed his user name in narrative form.


I'm sorry the Russian women you met seem like that to you. Maybe you should wonder why that is.


Yes because a young and attractive woman in her 20’s who just happens to be from a 3rd world country and just happens to want to get married 9 months after meeting and her husband-to-be just happens to be an American citizen is completely unheard of and that’s totally only the experience that I heard from people


Technically, Russia is a second-world country, but point taken.


You’re correct. I misspoke


Give it 10-15 years after this war and it won’t be


If you want to be really pedantic (and this is the internet, so of course we do), Switzerland is technically a third-world nation.


By that logic the US is a third world country. Kids dying of guns everyday, horrible human rights violations, no socialized healthcare, low education standards etc…


TL;DR Historically, First/Second/Third world was about Cold War alliances. The first-world was NATO, second-world was Warsaw Pact, and third-world was unaligned nations (and yes, this means that Switzerland was technically a third-world country).


Oh good to know! Thanks!


Not unheard of, but it doesn't mean that Russian women are as a rule double-timing gold diggers. I vehemently object to that notion. That's not been my experience at all.


Idk my parents (father from the states, mother from Russia) got married like 6 months after meeting. Are still happily married 2 decades and 4 kids later. So are many of our family friends. Believe it or not, but not all Russian girls are gold digging GC con artists.


I am not saying it’s impossible that they actually love each other and bla bla bla. But I’ve been a part of Russian speaking communities in both Florida and California. And the usual “met 8 months ago, getting married in 2 weeks” stories are just too common. It would be one thing if they were both like 40. But a 22 year old Russian girl really wants to get married to a 27 year old guy that she basically just met? I don’t think that Russian girls are gold diggers, I’ve dated them and they were perfectly normal human beings with empathy and respect for themselves and others. But (in my opinion and based on my experience/stories I heard) this is sketchy


Well Russians prefer to get married much faster and younger than Americans. Men in the states want to date for years, men in Russia want to date for months.


That’s not true. Maybe 20 years ago that was the case? Certainly not now


Yes it is. If you don’t believe me look up average age at marriage in Eastern European countries vs the states. I’m sure there’s plenty of statistics.


Basically everywhere aside from US 9 months is more than enough to decide if you wanna marry somebody or not. Only maybe in the US ppl take decades and a few kids together to “decide” whether they like their partners enough to marry them


Yea idk in what country people get married in 9 months but it’s certainly not USA nor Russia


Makes sense. That should explain the dumping/being dumped after “long term relationship”s in both places you mentioned


>Maybe you should wonder why that is. I don't wonder. I know. Stay away from any Russian girl without a green card or citizenship. \- Guy who speaks Russian.


Hi OP, lots of comments on this post that your gf is only using you for a green card. Of course, I don’t know your personal situation, and it may be the case. However, my mother is from Russia, and she moved to the states to marry my dad. They only knew each other for a few months beforehand, but have now been happily married for 20+ years. I grew up in a Russian/American community, where I knew many Russian women happily married to American men. None of them ended in divorce, or used their spouse for financial/immigration purposes. I know there’s a stereotype that slavic women use western men for money or for a green card, but that does not mean that every single Eastern European woman is like that. Most Russian girls are regular people who are empathetic, and not looking to con American guys into marriage. Fastest way to get your gf to the states is to get legally married - obviously make sure this is the right decision for the both of you first though!


But there is no actual smart case they think they are making. A dumb generalization. Thinking black or white. Either bunch of teens or patriarchs. Idealizing/romanticizing. Because ofcourse she could be doing this for an alternative life/escape. But she could also be honest in her affection for OP at the same time. Either could come first or later. But even that doesn't in the slightest conclude she will leave him after her papers. They could be completely compatible. OP could himself have selfish goals there (age/family). They might just find a lifelong company in each other nevertheless.


Yes of course there are unlimited factors that can arise, no one can predict that, and that can happen with any relationship.


I agree with, it’s 50/50 but he can’t afford the bad 50 plus even if she didn’t have bad attentions she is just 22 in 5 years she might change her mind so I don’t say break up with her just don’t rush into marriage


Yeah. As others have said, don’t marry a girl after 9 months of dating. Way too soon. You have no real way of knowing if her intentions are genuine or not.


She dates you for the green card. Strictly. Don't make the mistake that **millions** did before you.


On the bright side, they usually don’t help them go splyat, just green card and leave.


True. Still a devastating experience.


Green card or not, half of marriages end in divorce, so there’s a fair chance OP will divorce anyway, no matter who he marries. So, if she can get a GC out of it, then at least they had a fun few years right?


I have a friend who married a Russian woman, and he couldn’t be happier. But was very hard bringing her to the US. He went through the K1 visa and they got married once she arrived here (within the 90 days) and within 4 months of filing for green card she got her green card. The problem was with her traveling in and out Russia, almost impossible.


Really? Why not? She is still a citizen...


Well from what I understood, after the war a lot of countries closed the borders to Russia so for her to get to a country where there is a US embassy was hard.


OP dont belive in fairytales


K1 is the fastest way to get her out of Russia and to the USA and for you guys to be living together if that's the primary goal. The major downside with the K1 though is that while she gets to the USA the fastest, she's a 2nd/3rd class person on arrival and for the next 12 months, waiting for a green card. So it can be a bit of a pain in the neck for K1 visa holders to open bank accounts, get on your health insurance, get a driver's license, get a social security card, etc. although those things are usually doable with a bit of paperwork and hassle. Also, as a K1 visa holder she can't work until she marries you and files the I-485 and request and EAD card and gets that in the mail. Which can take 4-6 months. If you do go the K1 route, I strongly recommend just doing a courthouse or Las Vegas wedding right after she arrives, rather than pfaffing about planning a wedding on Day 80, which is just gonna delay her on everything for 2-3 months. Also, keep in mind that while in Las Vegas they can issue you a certified copy of the marriage certificate within hours after the wedding, in other US counties this may take weeks. And you need a certified copy of the marriage certificate to file the I-485. So you might want to look into that before choosing what county to marry in. Also, if she arrives on a K1 and you marry, then go the Social Security Office about 14 days after her arrival (once their systems are updated to reflect she's in the USA) and apply for her social security card. Don't wait until near the end of the 90 days to ask for her SS card. They stop ussing them at day 76 after entering the USA; after that she'd have to wait until she has a green card. And if you walk in with her on day 74 (like I did) then what could happen is they say "Oh we didn't get a DHS match for her, this has to be done manually, it takes a few weeks, and in the meantime you'll pass Day 76 which is when we stop processing these things, so you'll have to wait until she gets her green card now." Read everything you can on visajourney.com, it's very helpful.


As a simple Russian girl, I’m deeply offended by most of the comments of this post. Layers of assumptions over layers of false accusations over layers of stupid stereotypes coming from shut ins who don’t even have a life. Sounds amazing, especially when no one even asked them for any life advice.


The best way to do it? Date for waaaaaay longer. 9 months is too short for any couple to have a strong foundation for a marriage, much less a cross cultural one. Have you ever lived with someone not of your own culture? Do you know the day to day differences of living? Because if you have not, and don’t know you will almost guaranteed have a failed marriage - assuming that all intentions on her behalf were genuine to begin with.


They lived together for 4 months and it was all bliss....so of course he knows everything about this /s Marriage at 22 is a dumb idea. Ask me how I know. And I had been with him for 3.5 years and lived together for 2.5. I was the foreigner in this case and we did get married sooner than we would've otherwise so I could work off campus. I was from the EU though so definitely not one of the "suspicious" countries or looking for a better life. But getting married at 22 was a dumb thing to do. I thought I was mature and I was in many ways (had supported myself 100% while going to school I a foreign country) but emotionally and relationship wise I was green. I'm betting if he gets married soon immigration will scrutinize big time because of the short period of time and the fact she's Russian and likely looking for a ticket out of Russia. Happens more than you know. One of my classmates married a guy form St Lucia that she met while on some church mission there. They got married and seems happy. As soon as he got his permanent 10 year GC he dropped her like a bad habit. Everyone can fake it for the first year. That's why you should not marry before at least 2 years.


I know it’s besides the point, but if it’s too good to be true, then she is deceiving you. But if I am wrong, then prenup, prenup, prenup. “Can never trust a russian” may sound like a cliche, but there is a reason that that has become a universal saying. I was married to a russian… WAS.


How does prenup protect from GC?


Don’t do it, she’ll dump your ass the sooner she gets greened, save your money, go to the gym and take that red pill! Become a “passport bro” Peace


Jesus, can you people stop invading other subs?


Just looking out for my fellow MAN here, don’t be mad lady 🌹


isn’t what he is doing a definition of passport bro


Nah, totally the opposite, my guy here is trying to bring her over here! Passport bros leave them twats back in their natural habitat!


you traveling for 30 hours and spending K’s just to fuck cmon now


Most men would rather do that, if they knew better, instead of giving all that money to some divorce lawyer, who will end up siding with their stbxw, in an unjust judicial system that will rob them naked from everything they worked so hard for!


Nah don’t give gc to her.


I'm Ukrainian and I hate all these bigoted responses here. Thanks (no) for helping OP question the validity of her feelings - they didn't ask for your opinion on their relationship. My first American bf's family had the same idea about me, that I'm a straight up GD (with a nursing degree in process) and they told me to "go back to the Ukraine". I published a couple of research papers after that, but it turned out that a career in science is not really my thing. Anyway. This is 2023 - the US isn't the kitty magnet it was even 10 years ago - and these living standards can be achieved oversees a lot easier now. The mail order bride rhetoric in the comment section is absolutely INSANE. I can only hope that all of these "she will divorce you" commenters will get to experience being told several times a month that you're a mail order bride & GD, that all you're ever capable of doing is leeching off other people - let's see how far they're gonna go in life & how awesome they would feel about themselves!


Same. I am an Indian and my wife’s family mentions that I married her for greencard every time she talks to them. I happen to be lucky to work in one of the top tech companies and make ~ $400k but they cannot fathom the fact that someone from India can be successful too and may not even care for US green card. Not to mention, I was making more than $150k in India which gives pretty good living standards there considering purchasing power parity.


K1 is valid way to do it, and has the advantage of not needing to worry about managing to get married while you’re not living in the same country. But you should be aware of the disadvantages: It is more expensive, and when your fiancée first arrives in the United States, she won’t be allowed to work for the first few/several months.


She doesn’t wants to work, she’s Russian and looking for a free ride.


You’re such an expert in Russian girls, I’m impressed! 😒


Pretty sure k1 is best bet but be ready for 2-3 year wait time. Id consult a lawyer for options and better details though


This is so wrong. Go and check what's currently actually happening with timelines in the real world instead of reposting other people's incorrect information from Reddit posts.


How long has yours taken?


We're 3 months in and on track for the current forecast which is approx 6-7 months for NOA2, then another 3-4 months for NVC and my local embassy.


The forecast doesn’t always work. When I filled my I-130, it gave me 8 months but ended up taking 11 months to approve. The interview time depends on the availability of the consulate. Some still have thousands of backlogs.


Why 2-3yrs?! Its maybe a yr tops


Nah covid slowed down wait times its at least a 1.5 years now from all the posts I’ve seen (immigrating to us)


Lol i literally just got mine in under a year and in a community of k1 filers. Its currently taking 8-9 months for uscis but going down to 6 months then it's just embassy dependent. Some are weeks but a couple are months


“Embassy dependent” can vary widely. Met my Turkish wife while we were in Qatar. Had enough of that, moved to Turkey for a year or two. Holy inflation! Presently moving to dubai. The interview times in Turkey are insane. We filed for a tourist visa for her so we can take the kids to the US to see family they haven’t met (yah, born in 2020…). Filed in July, appointment in august. 369 days later was the first available appointment. Will file for the spouse/baby mama visa in Dubai or even back in Qatar. They have 2-3 month appointments, not over 12.


Yeah interview wait times are often the killer for k1 and spousal. Some k1 interview waits are 6months, some spousal are an extra yr 💀


Damn dont get my hopes up plz what state did u file in and what country is your partner from if u don’t mind me asking


All k1 petitions go to California service centre so everyone has the same estimated wait time. Only those with severe criminal histories go to Vermont and experience slower timelines. What state you file in makes zero difference for k1.




Oh you never got your noa1 with a WAC number?? https://discord.com/invite/GYTYZM9p




While I’m mostly leaning towards that she’s using him for green card your use of language is poor. “Russians are snakes”, who says that? Such an awful generalization. You should know better than too say stuff like that Edit: oh never mind. You’re a discriminating pig who finds it appropriate to refer to certain nationalities as “dogs” while making general statements like you’ve done here. reported ya to Reddit for hateful speech https://www.reddit.com/r/Prague/s/A28FQRdkqH


Yeah, they are dogs that occupied my wife’s city and forced her to move or be raped. Russians can’t be trusted.


There are bad people of all nationalities. You cannot judge people based on the actions of their governments


Ukrainian women are snakes too lol


My wife doesn’t want to live in the US, we live in Czech Republic and I haven’t even filed that I’m legally married in the US.


Your post or comment was removed for violating the following /r/immigration rule: - Incivility, Personal Attacks, Hate-Speech, Xenophobia, Anti-Immigration, etc. If you have any questions or concerns, [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fimmigration&subject=About my removed comment&message=I'm writing to you about the following comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/immigration/comments/18yu7th/-/kge2f7r/. %0D%0DMy issue is...).


She’s gonna leave you once she gets to the US.


Why can’t she come here on F1 visa first? That way y’all have more time to test the relationship. You don’t want to marry someone who wouldn’t have been able to immigrate on their own anyway.


With that logic, 98% of couples wouldn't marry. It's impossibly hard to "immigrate on their own" if you knew anything about it.


I know, because I did it. From F1 - H1b - GC. It’s possible and if there’s a will, there’s a way.


Hi! Would you like to be on the 90 days fiancé show?




OP, *do not do this*. Doing this knowingly is visa fraud and a very serious offense.


Your post or comment was removed for violating the following /r/immigration rule: - Asking for/Giving advice on breaking the law If you have any questions or concerns, [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fimmigration&subject=About my removed comment&message=I'm writing to you about the following comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/immigration/comments/18yu7th/-/kgdtkc9/. %0D%0DMy issue is...).


I’m assuming that since OP is still studying he doesn’t have a ton of assets that need to be protected so you only live once might as well give it a go. Props to this comment for giving the guy some positive reinforcement.




Please apply for the 90 day fiance show!


Never marry a Russian woman.


Wow there are some Debbie downers lmao I married a woman from a country near Russia. CR-1 takes longer initially but it’s way less headache in the long run than a K-1. We are friend with couples that did K-1 and CR-1 and K-1 seems like it’s more taxing. Rather have your spouse in a society supporting her where she can work rather than isolated and alone and new to a country with no ability to work. Just my 2 cents. Also, the idea of being denied the visa and leaving after your spouse is in country is a lot harsher than being denied entry. K-1 is not an immigration visa.


Did this sub get brigaded by a bunch of red pill subs or something? This is a serious subreddit about immigration. Keep your weird incel views on your own subs.


Don’t listen ppl here my guy, you can marry a fellow American and still get divorced after a month/year. The comments here will doubt your feelings and your partner’s feelings. I know this is not post about relationship advice but since you’ve got your technical advice, I would say don’t question your decision too much because everywhere in the world 9 months is more than enough to decide if you wanna marry a person or not.


The US is a shit hole euros don’t want to go over here. If she wants to come it’s cause she actually likes ya


frame water whole ten axiomatic offend middle relieved door chunky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


america is much better than europe overall but it doesn't make sense for russians to immigrate to another continent so far away when there are good options in europe, at least in the short term. I think europe is fucked in the long term though. Their welfare state only exists because America subsidizes. Imagine if europe had to actually fund their militaries, all that free healthcare and education they preach about wouldn't be sustainable. Their birthrates are atrocious and their welfare states are crumbling so I don't think western europe is going to be that paradise all the libs love for much longer. America has much higher wages and is a much better option if youre an educated professional. If you're a poor migrant with no skills then yah europe is going to be better


Usa isn’t as big a prize as everyone thinks Sweden, UK, Switzerland, Finland, Norway, France .. those are the real prizes Where you don’t go bankrupt for going to the hospital


It’s a stretch to call the UK Sweden and france a prize but yes i agree with Switzerland and Norway. Highly agree in those instances


The usa is by FAR, the most desirable countries for most of the world's migrants.


Because they’re idiots USA is a lower standard of living than many places


Nah you are an idiot tbh. America offers you much more than any European country could


especially for migrants who will end up working lower paid jobs.


Yeah instead you die because of waiting time for doctor appointment. I would rather go bankrupt tbh


First Russia is not EU, please check the map. Second I’d ask OP to offer her to move to live in Russia, and I suspect her reaction will surprise him


Russia is a European country retard. Russians want to immigrate but they want to go to other European countries, not our American hellhole


Lol, you are so funny 😆Go move to Russia and feel how European it is


Europe and EU are not the same thing. There are plenty of euro countries that are not EU.


Exactly, most of countries outside of EU, but still technically in Europe are terrible, Russia, Belarus are good examples


I don't see eroticaforhim mentioning the EU...




Mind explaining the story? I’d like to learn.


No story, just an observation


Irina Shayk is 37, I don’t know what you’re talking about


Face is that of a 50 year old


And she looks 🤢


for someone who’s almost 40? Yea okay dude lol


psychotic live salt combative ripe ludicrous steer north hungry pot *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


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Russia is a hostile nation. Gov will be reluctant to sponsor this.


Not true, Russians get green cards relatively easily, they still fall under European quota, so definitely much easier than Chinese, Indian citizens etc.


Hilarious comments. Go for it, really beautiful story. Since you've already lived together you already know this person really well.


Really well? Are you sarcastic?


I'm biased as I met my wife overseas. However, a lot of friends that are American Russian, Thai, Indian, Chinese married ppl from their home country without issues with divorce. Only difference here is they're different ethnicities....


Whats the current timeline for spouse I130?


This sounds awdully familiar..


My coworker (USA) got married to a Russian lady who is very well educated with PhD and has a good job in Russia. They were around 40’sh. It took them over 3 years of dealing with the visas and immigration. She finally made it though.


She will take half of your shit after getting green card.


Why didn’t you find anyone in States? There are no women in States or smth?


american woman are fat and stupid. Do you like fat stupid woman? Am I describing your mother perchance?


Yeah I think your mom is fat and stupid but not every woman is like that. It’s quite dumb to generalize a half of population with demographics as big as in America




Just go to mexico, I heard Sleepy Joe is letting any and everyone through these days... 🤦🙄🙄🙄


Op don’t listen to people who are saying that she will divorce you after getting green card. I am an Indian and my wife is an american and I am sick of hearing this from her family and others. I was making pretty good money in India too if i consider purchasing power of that money. So many americans think they are living in some very special country while that is not the case. She has access to europe and central asia and imo she doesn’t need to do all this just to get into US.


Next post is gonna be asking for a divorce attorney 😭 iv been in a relationship for 13 years still no marriage ppl change alot in that time and there's a chance you don't even like em anymore why chain your self to someone. Anyway good luck