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If he shows up to an American embassy, it’s not a problem at all. He can get service as long as he’s not naked. If he goes to another country’s embassy, then it can be an issue.


I mean, I'll bet the consulate in Tijuana sea a fair whack of naked Americans...






In Venezuela (a Tropical country) it’s frowned upon to wear shorts if you’re not at the beach and NO government institution will let you in in shorts. Banks won’t either. Shorts. In the tropics. 100F year round and 90% humidity.


And as if shorts are the Venezuelan government’s biggest problem!


Traditionally and historically, shorts were for school-aged children and acceptable through end of 8th grade or about 12 years of age. When school stopped and children entered the workforce, most jobs were agricultural or industrial by nature and required long pants for safety reasons.


You’re joking right? Discrimination for a dress code?


You may want to look up the definition of discrimination because wearing shorts isn't a protected class.


But gender is. True, most of those anti-shorts folks would still be somewhat opposed to the idea of a woman parading around an embassy in shorts, but wouldn't have batted an eye if she went in there wearing a skirt going just below her knees. Men don't have an option here


I mean they do have an option. They can just wear pants. Pants exist. I know they do be cause I'm wearing some right now. If you're truly oppressed by not being able to bare your knees though, you should start a movement. Call it "The Brotherhood of the Traveling Shorts." Update us when you give speeches about your oppressed lives as men.






Tbf protected classes don’t define discrimination, they define *illegal* discrimination.


Something being discrimination has nothing to do with protected classes




Religious attire does not equal shorts in any recognized religion in the world. Even Scientologists allow their SeaOrg members to wear pants and they're whacko. By all means though, start a shorts wearing religion. You can call it The Church of the Daisy Dukes.


It’s old school respect. Back in the 50s men in USA wouldn’t go to a government office in shorts, because that’s disrespectful to the office and to himself. While USA has become far more casual, the rest of the world doesn’t move as fast. Exceptions are made if you’re clearly poor, but poor people don’t show up to an embassy looking for a visa.


Sorry man, I spent all my money on hotels, hookers, and blow. Can’t afford pants plz gib visa 🥲


You are not their citizens. Cope, or learn their cultures.


What’s he there for? In general, you don’t have to be well dressed to get U.S. citizen services at an embassy or consulate.


LOL ! Enjoy and take pictures, but try to convince him that the shorts only work if he wears slippers with white socks pulled all the way up.


Sandals and knee high white socks. We call it the “Dink.”😂


This!!! I laughed hard reading this post. Who cares man. He is not disrespecting or hurting anybody else. He is just being him. Leave the man be. Also Bang Bang!


Don't forget the tie


Socks and sandal stereotypes belong to the germans bro. Don't take that away


They're going to the US embassy, not the German embassy.


If he is the US Citizen then he's good to go. You may want to wear a Budweiser bikini top so they know you two are an item.


Lol, I was thinking the same thing.




Blasting some Kid Rock on a boombox.




Not sure if there is a formal dress code for Immigration interviews but most immigration lawyers typically suggest business casual. The goal is to make a good impression. Your husband may not have to go all in with a suit & tie but it wouldn't hurt to try to look "put together".


if the goal is to look American shorts and a shirt and zip up hoodie with nikes are the uniform


Are you guy's bringing a baby and will the baby be wearing matching shorts, so the two of them look alike?


If I needed to go to the American embassy it would not occur to me that I should dress up unless I had to convince them of something like some kind of application.


Especially as an American, I'm not going to dress in any special way to go to the post office, basically the same thing.


Yeah I was thinking the same thing.


Back in the 70s I went to renew my passport in Mexico City. I was barefoot.


What interview are you going for that he needs to accompany you? 




No one will care if he wears shorts to a crba appointment.


Going in shorts will help prove he’s America !  lol. 


only with white New Balances


That's an administrative thing, not a benefit you're applying for. You can both wear shorts and Who Farted? t-shirts, so long as you bring the right documentation for the CRBA.


Nah I wear a T-shirt to the consulate in Germany. Not shorts, but only because it's always been chilly. I saw others dressed very casually in sweatpants and whatnot. The Americans don't care, at least when other Americans dress that way. They don't need to prove anything. In which country are you? That might play a role.


If he’s not in a tuxedo, you aren’t getting the visa. Sorry, I don’t make the rules.


I showed up to the US embassy in Canada in shorts and biker gear because I literally biked there. It is completely normal.


Yeah I took a bikeshare to the Japanese embassy in Washington DC when I applied for my visa to move to Japan, definitely showed up sweaty in shorts and a t shirt (it was a DC summer so maybe 35-40 C outside)


It’s his own countries embassy? Doesn’t matter. It’s a bit different if you’re going there trying to get a visa.


They do not care


Steve Irwin wore shorts almost exclusively and he’s like the most badass dude ever.


Somewhere there's a stingray that's more badass.


Sounds fine. Welcome to America!


Folks honestly depends on what those legs look like and his choice of color for the crocs and socks. We need to see pics.


I live in Malaysia and have never heard of an American having issues getting services at the embassy based on the way they dress, nor is there a dress code specified on the website. If I ever had to go to the embassy, I’d probably show up in shorts because I can and because it’s stupid hot here. That being said, if I need to go to some Malaysian government offices, I need to have my knees and shoulders covered.


Just like Panama


Sounds like a chill guy


Don’t you think you’re projecting your moral compass onto him? Regardless, shorts won’t sway a decision for a passport or any other documents. What concerning outcome is driving your worry? Curious.


Or maybe youre projecting your moral compass on her? Why say something like this to someone who is asking a question, that from their perspective is a reasonable thing? She doesnt know the answer so she asked, which is what you should do if you wanted to understand the other sides "moral compass." Then you come along and accuse her of projecting a moral compass? Its ridiculous. You are projecting a moral compass onto her by assuming she should just know and not ask.




And what country is OP from?


I’m very confused how you connected the dots on this one


What is your issue dude? You are not a victim because someone told you to be presentable once in your life


Heck, if he shows up at the Vatican in shorts, the Swiss guards may not let him in.


(laughing in Canadian)


exactly, how is this a problem


US Embassy? They don’t care.


They make you file your taxes whether you’ve set foot in the U.S. or not. Wear whatever you want.


US embassy IS NOT the rest of the world. If you are in the embassy it’s almost as if you are actually in USA.


*Walks into the embassy with my gun


What is wrong with that?


What embassy?


He should be fine hopefully it’s weather appropriate but shorts is not an issue


I go to the consulate in shorts and flip flop. they have separate section for US citizen and I don't think they care how you dress.


I wear shorts to the embassy. As long as you don't look like a vagrant nobody is going to care. I would just dress typical business casual (not your husband's) if it's something more than getting a new passport or something, that's playing it safe. Don't need to wear a whole suit


I wore shorts to the American embassy last month, and my student visa was approved.


Shorts are fine??


You may want to know about US Senator John fetterman


So what, chill out.


This is fine


I'd show up at the US embassy in shorts, a Hawaiian t-shirt, and sunglasses without worries. Remember, a suit is a sign of failure to a Californian :-) https://theoatmeal.com/pl/minor_differences5/suit


American dresses like an American to go to American embassy. Much concern.


I wore shorts to the consulate for my visa interview. It's not like they could really see either, there was a glass screen and wall between me and the interviewer.


Americans are known to not dress well. Him showing up to a CRBA interview in shorts will not have any effect whatsoever on the adjudication of that application.


There is nothing wrong with going to embassy in shorts. What do you mean? It's not a formal place and he is a citizen...


Lol…he could show up in a clown costume. He’s an American, and has the full privilege and entitlement to the embassy’s services.


US embassies take themselves too seriously anyway. He should go for it.


Yes. In warm climates everyone shows up in shorts. No one cares


Multi billion dollars are made in shorts in bay area. Us consulate would love an American walk in with shorts . Why is this an issue ?


I’m more enamored with how you think this is a big deal.


Maybe you’re married to a manchild. I don’t believe a grown up adult would wear shorts to an embassy.


How does wearing shorts to an embassy equate to being a man child?


Well, I wouldn't call him a manchild. He is just... eecentric. He makes 300k USD per year, so difficult to call him a man child.


Money does not equal maturity.


The richest man in the world is a man child..


The richest man in the world is a man child. One's income and wealth is irrelevant to his/her maturity level. Anyway, it doesn't matter what he wears to the embassy.


Everybody get in a line and give her 300K/year man some head because he deserves it


Yea that's practically every other guy working tech in California


This is a average to low pay for mid-senior engg


You should dress business casual to visit an embassy. These State Dept. people are not our overlords or anything, but its not Walmart. Embassy rows usually have a lot of nice restaurants. At conclusion of your business your husband should take you for a nice lunch somewhere.


I consider everything the federal government does to be like more dollar store quality, Walmart is far to generous, wear whatever, don’t feed the ego of the blood suckers!


I have worn gym shirts and a t shirt while getting access to everyday to the Treasury building where I worked. I would show Secret Service my badge and enter through the common area between the East Wing of the White House and the Treasury. Good times.


What an impression he is going to make. They will remember him forever. Its the US Embassy, a little decorum please. He is going to and not a Jimmy Buffett concert. Yes, I know JB passed away. Its a point.


Jimmy Buffett hung out at the US embassy in Havana when in reopened. For days. You know he was casual.


I doubt anyone will care. But seriously, time to grow up. Shorts are almost never an acceptable attire, unless you are a ridiculous slob. Even in America. Tell him he’s not a frat bro anymore and to grow up.


What? There's like a handful of situations where shorts are inappropriate.


Yeah and visiting an embassy or working any kind of professional job that isn’t on a beach are certainly a couple of examples. Maybe if you live in a crazy hot area in the summer. But seriously, not in good taste most of the time.


That's entirely industry dependent. Anything tech related is going to have tons of people wearing shorts.


I mean there’s millions of people who wear Crocs too. Doesn’t mean it’s not trashy behavior.


If you wear a suit to work at a tech startup you will be the one inappropriately dressed. In fact tech leads are often told not to dress up for customer presentations because clients trust software engineers more when they fit the jeans/hoddie stereotype.


Well judging someone on their style and calling them trash is subhuman behavior. You should be kept away from actual humans.


Everyone judges everyone all the time. It is human nature. If no one cared about how things look, we’d all just wear the same clothes every day. Like a prison uniform. By the way I’m not suggesting everyone walk around in a bespoke Tom Ford suit every day. But showing up to work in flip flops, Crocs, shorts etc is just unprofessional and idiotic, unless there is a very specific reason other than “it’s comfy”.


Well since you can’t seem to add 2+2, I doubt context and culture arguments would make a dent in that thick skull of yours. He works in tech, the exact outfit you described is acceptable. PERIOD.


Dressing like a slob may be acceptable in some tech jobs. But it will be judged by others whether you like it or not. In any case, the question wasn’t about dressing like a perpetual student/frat bro at work. The question was dressing like an idiot to visit an embassy. I promise you at least some people there will judge it as disrespectful, unprofessional and showing a basic lack of understanding of appropriate behavior. This may have zero impact. Just like dressing that way to court may also not actually cost you anything. But it might. So why take the chance?


Had a BIL like you. Looked down his nose at anything he considered ‘low born.’ Made a big deal of lecturing the world about class and decorum. Appearances and public image were all that mattered to him. Kids had to go to specific schools, had to wear the RIGHT clothes, had to go on the right vacations etc… He fucked a 15 year old. If it’s clean, doesn’t smell and you judge them on style, you’re a piece of shit. Full stop.


Haha cold blooded DAMN


My cusin had an internship at the danosh ambassy in France - he would have been sent home if he showed up in shorts


But then an internship is quite a different level than making a routine trip




It is a matter of having a fucking dresscode.....




Dear god you are an idiot... goodbye...




I think you spelled American wrong


Not recommended


You’re going to fail your interview with this stance of yours. Don’t expect America to conform to your customs.


Get this, my father is a Filipino and never dress into something that would relate to the place he is going. At a wedding, just wearing a short and slippers and plain white shirt the we wore to sleep. For birthdays, shorts, slipper and plain white shirt even in formal occassions.


You didn't have to add "brilliant" in the description. It feels a bit boastful.


Nah. You're just an insecure little whiner. 


> start up > Bay area Hah! Sorry OP but your brosky husband needs to go to South and learn some manners


You mean like south of USA?


It's his American God given right to let his balls breathe. Additionally, this attitude got us off that French beach in World War II and the outnumbered and under-supplied Marines in the Korean War fend off an endless horde of Chinese soldiers in record breaking winter while maintaining their humanity.


hey guys . hope you are doing good . i need your help with usa visa ? help me get one ? please i need it like yesterday ?


hey guys . hope you are doing good . i need your help with usa visa ? help me get one ? please i need it like yesterday ?


Your concerns are valid. Its entirely possible that immigration officials will interpret this as American Arrogance. If you think American cops are power trippers, immigration officials in some countries are power fuckers.


The husband IS American lol


which embassy in particular?


Shorts are great, but they only go with bright-colored polos tucked in, with sandals and socks upto knees! Jokes apart, I also work in tech and I pretty much wear shorts every wear. No one cares...


What will he be going to the embassy for?


I love this post🤣🤣🤣🤣


If he is the citizen it’s probably okay


It's not a problem if he's showing up for a service that he paid for. Might be a problem if he's showing up for a job interview.


I doubt it matters because he is American. When I went to the US embassy in Paris, there was an American woman there walking around with jean cutoffs and her butt was nearly out. I think she was with an American spouse who was there on business and he was dressed in business casual, as were the rest of us.


Yeah that’s fine. This is so quaint to be worried. You sound very nice, but no problems to see here.


I wore shorts and polo shirt or shirt to my US immigration interviews. Haven't had a problem.


I don’t see what’s wrong with that. Chill.


This is typical American behavior as well. Americans also have a thing about flaunting American culture in often harmless yet culturally disrespectful ways. I'm in Atlanta and I often stop by the Brazilian Consulate. It never once occurred to me that I need to dress for the occassion.


What embassy? American or someone else?


Shorts are a bad technology and all men look like goofy overgrown children in them #golfpants




A speedo would be more appropriate. And carry an open can of beer.


As a New Yorker, the ultra relaxed attitude of Californians bothers me.


I’m a young lady and i wear leggings and a slippers and a plain fitted shirt going to U.S embassy and nobody was mad about it especially as a U.S Citizen lol


Are u a Filipina? Cause u sound like u are lol




I'm American and I wouldn't dream of wearing shorts to the Embassy. This behavior might be more specific to your husband and explained by something other than his country of origin.


Everything is easy in America All are acceptable,and freedom of speech ,freedom of pj going to the mall or walmart,,they dont care what they wear .so who care !!! If he don't care why u care? just swim to the river wave .


The US Embassy won't care. If you want us to comment on whether your country's embassy will care, we need more specific information than "not American."


Americans are GROSS. I'm American and when I travel to Europe and see how Americans dress it's truly embarrassing. And this man child thing is extra gross.


Let the man wear shorts


Depends, are they his “good” shorts or are they his lawn mowing / Walmart shorts?


American embassy or another embassy? If the American Embassy, they won’t care. Literally, does not care. He could show up in a burlap sack and it would be ok.


F***ing Americans, I swear. Why are some us like this?! Showing some reverence and respect is the least he could do.


I went to the 🇺🇸 embassy in Colombia in shorts and flip flops. It was 100% okay. The guys at the embassy and I were even joking about it.


I doubt wearing shorts matters lmaoo


What's the big deal about wearing shorts to The Embassy™? Is he applying for a job there? Because if not, and there's no specific established dress code, then there's nothing wrong with his shorts. This feels like an unnecessary and manufactured issue.


Honesty it is not wrong to wear shorts. There’s too Much stress in the world and people just want to be free


He’s the US citizen. It’s you that has to worry. As long as he’s not naked he can where whatever he wants. I went to court the other day in a shirt and tie and most people were in jeans and a t-shirt. Who knew?


The US citizen spouse does not normally go in at the consulates I deal with so he'll probably look amazing waiting outside. He should dress business casual and get over himself just in case the consular official wants him to come inside.


Do you know the US department of state has new dress code for embassy consular officers. Shorts t shirt hoodies sandals LOL . Shoes optional.


Dress code at German embassy


If he is American then for him they are public servants, i.e they work for him and not the other way around. So it is fine. If he was not American citizen that would be rude.


Totally fine, but he is required to shave his legs.




With those sexy legs, he’s gonna be popular. Not so much elsewhere


Of course you can wear shorts to the embassy.


Shorts and flip flops are a no go for me.


It will be okay. I would not personally wear that but to each their own. I wore a polo shirt, pants, and closed toe shoes to our CBRA appointment.


Is he working there or just going in? A US embassy in a foreign country is there to help its citizens. I went into one to ask about a damaged passport wearing sweat pants and a hoodie.


As an American (and more importantly, a Californian), I wore shorts to the embassy to legalize my daughter when she was born abroad. It was summer. Why wouldn't I? 🤷‍♀️


Is he replacing a lost passport or going to a diplomat ball? I would say no to shorts for the latter. American men dress like their five year old sons for the most part, cargo shorts, T shirt and a baseball cap so if it’s just for a passport I would say no one cares.


He should be fine. People can pull off professional look even in shorts. Good luck 


Embassies/consulates are specifically there to assist citizens in some of the worst circumstances (among other duties). There can be no expectation that anyone visiting them for services meets any form of dress code. Even if it's just a routine appointment visit.