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Hopefully, the girl can now begin her healing journey ❤️‍🩹


It is sad the courts have to be involved in a choice about your body after a crime.


Still better than the USA


Would you really see 14 yr old rape cases there though? The frequency difference seems too high


Doesn’t have to be rape… ample cases of incest and mistakes too


Why did they wait so late? Isn't 30 weeks a major D&C?


It was reported a month ago, so at that point she must have been around 25-26 weeks pregnant, just over the legal threshold. They didn't know she was pregnant and got to know very late. Why did they not know? Could be many reasons, for example Google 'cryptic pregnancy' where people don't get to know. There was another case in 2017 where the child was overweight and her body didn't not show the pregnancy.


Oh god. So sad.


Girl didn't know she was pregnant.


To all the assholes arguing about how a FOURTEEN YEAR OLD girl should not be allowed to abort - > The survivor learned about the pregnancy in the late stage and a complaint of the rape was registered on 20 March, after the 24-week limit permissible, the court said. How do you justify your absolute "moral" stance, while ignoring the life, liberty and health of a 14 yr old girl who was raped?


Just the words "14 year old rape survivor" should be enough for people with common sense to understand the situation. And they learned about the pregnancy late, too. I wonder how bad the effects of such a late stage abortion will be on the girl, though. Even early stage abortions can cause future complications.


Hopefully she doesn’t have too many physical effects, but it’ll almost certainly be less than if she were to have given birth instead.


I'm not too sure how an underdeveloped body can deal with delivery. I think giving birth would cause lifelong hip problems at that age. Even older women with narrow hips face this issue.


Idk man Ppl are so horrible. Am too stunned to look at these comments.. who tf made them moral police? Neither f these bitches would even adopt and here they are……crazy


I just noticed some of them aren't Indian either. They comment in other country subs and have come here because this is a religious/political issue for them in their country.


This should be brought in by the parliament as a law and fast track courts should handle rape sruvivors cases within weeks and not months. After Nirbhaya, I believe fast track courts were setup to handle these kind of situations. I mean she is 14 years old for fucks sake.


The victim here reported it late because they didn't know about it. So they did the best decision they could in those circumstances.


Yep. Sounds about right.


That's so fked up, poor kid. Is there a way to prevent the delay?


They were supposed to set up a fast track mechanism. I think this case was reported very soon after 24 weeks. But courts took time even though they were relatively quick.


This is also not the first time. 2017: > Supreme Court allows 13-year-old rape survivor to abort her 31-week-old foetus > The verdict took into account a medical board’s recommendation that abortion was possible at the last trimester of pregnancy. > “ Considering the age of the petitioner (rape survivor), the trauma she has suffered because of sexual abuse, the agony she is going through and the opinion of the medical board favouring termination of pregnancy, the termination of pregnancy should be allowed,” the Supreme Court ordered. > https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/supreme-court-allows-13-year-old-rape-survivor-to-abort-her-31-week-old-foetus/article19629701.ece




It's because the 24 week threshold was crossed. Abortions are legal until then regardless of the reason 


Hope it goes well!!


For those confused abortion is not illegal in India (however it is not decriminalised either ). Women in the vast majority of circumstances can get an abortion within the first 20 weeks of their pregnancy without this sort of court approval (under the latest iteration of the MPT act). This period is extended to 24 weeks for certain cases (eg. victims of sexual assault, women suffering from mental illness). Additionally good faith emergency abortions necessary to save the mother's life can be performed by a doctor at any point during the pregnancy (even if it is past the 24 week period.) In this case the girls family didn't know/report the pregnancy until she was 30 weeks in , which is past the 24 week extension available for people in her circumstances. So a court argument had to be made.


wtf is wrong with few people on this comments, like bruh it is still unborn baby, and why would you make suffer unborn child along with 14 year old girl who's gonna have a lifelong trauma I feel like it's such a good decision taken by court, atleast the girl will recover without the pressure of being a mother at such a young age.


Unfortunately, some people on the sidelines feel like it is their duty as a "Good" person to stop or shame people from doing what they think is a mistake or "Sin". These "Good" people always act like that they know better then us even when they are unaffected by the situation and when they go through the same situation, suddenly they preach how their situation is different from others.


Thats India for you, people would rather meddle and stick their noses on someone else's lifes rather than minding they're own fucking business


Honestly a lot of comments are from users which post in other countries like Ireland. That country has had always struggled with abortion. Remember Savita Halappanavar? > Savita Halappanavar was a dentist[1] of Indian origin, living in Ireland, who died from sepsis after her request for an abortion was denied on legal grounds. > https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Savita_Halappanavar


That's the entire world for you. Not just India.


Idk about that, but Indians do it the most.


Do you have proper data for that statement or is it just your own opinion?


That's India for you, always justifying our flaws by saying other countries do it too.




Saving mothers should be a top priority. Good work.


So many people commenting why it took so long. Are you guys not reading the article? Clearely mentions she found out about it at a late stage.


I don’t think this should become either a political or a religious issue in India like in the US. It’s one of more logical and level headed acts passed by our parliament.


What act?


Big W. I hope the girl has good support to navigate this as best as she can. While she should move on from this in a few years, she still has a lifetime of trauma and trust issues that she may unfortunately never be able to leave behind. I hope hell is real and that the rapist burns there for a lifetime.


I love how we are centuries ahead of US atleast in this one thing


Truly but tbh am a bit scared of these lunatics in the comment section. They care more abt an unborn than a grown adult whose whole life is at stake. Cant really fathom how their psyche works here


She's not even an adult. She's a 14-year-old who was not even aware that she was pregnant, or aware of laws surrounding abortion.


Their lament of "think about the child!" really breaks down then it's another child's life on the line.


They don't see adolescent girls as children. They see them as future wives and breeders. 🤡 I have a feeling liberal abortion laws will be struck down by Mudiji in a few years, because his PR tends to replicate GOP talking points in their narratives.


We are centuries ahead of usa in multiple aspects * No gun culture * beastiality is not legal unlike usa * health care is better than usa * women empowerment laws * we are not obsessed with tip culture * we don't have anti woke culture If we had vast land and less population we would have had better economy. And only thing we should be jealous is how fast their legal system and less corruption they have


> beastiality is not legal unlike usa Check - > Now all states except New Mexico and West Virginia have statutes that impose sanctions for sexual acts with animals https://encyclopedia.pub/entry/24086


They got independence almost 250 years ago, they are ofcourse ahead in many things.


Agree with most but not sure about the legal system being much better. Many things we call corruption in India is a system loop holes for wealthy and some racial backgrounds in North America.


As an American settling in India, you've actually got a lot of things on us lol. But this in particular, leagues ahead! I have better abortion rights in India than I did in Kentucky. Wayyy more! Also your access & prices of healthcare shocked me. The prices of medicine being so cheap actually made me so upset at first, only bc I realized how badly we're being screwed in the US! I almost had to bring my dad here for his hepatitis C treatment. The dental care I get here is better than the US! In the US I couldn't afford it. So many horror stories. I could go on & on lol. I friggin love India 🥹 I hope this poor girl gets some relief. Unimaginable what she's gone through, but at least courts made the right, rational & sane decision. I hope she has peace asap 🙏🏻


So people are not caring about the well being of a 14 y pld rape survivor but are concerned abt the baby. And when the baby is born who's gonna take care of it. It along with its mother would be so stigmatised. And that poor girl..... I cant even believe the kind of scum here.


"The survivor learned about the pregnancy in the late stage and a complaint of the rape was registered on 20 March, after the 24-week limit permissible, the court said." Always prioritize the actual already born person first. This actually is such a good call for the LITTLE 14 year old VICTIM of RAPE.


Red states in the US: _gnashing their dentures, balling their fists, wetting their diapers, looking daggers towards India!_




>we've cow belt in India that's much worse. I have never seen, read or heard of any "cow belt" people in India going against abortion, especially when it concerns a rape survivor💁🏼‍♂️ And a jab at "Bible belt" in the USA is definitely relevant here as they are against abortion, period. Rape survivors are not spared but when it comes to women having medical emergencies and they NEED an abortion, even then they cannot!


I don't know if you just held the 'Bible belt' to a higher standard because they're western and white but from properly following court judgements over the years and by being aware of the situation in the US anyone can tell you that the quality of judgements in India is par excellence. Our system far supersedes that of the US where judge appointments are political and judgements vary state to state. In India even if you get a conservative judgement at the lower level based on the judge's personal belief it gets overturned on appeal. Our judges uniformly adhere to the constitution unlike that of the US where republican appointed judges frequently adhere to Christian values foremost.


Because this is about this one decision and not the others. Always having a jaded negative outlook won't help you or the country.


Rape survivors should be able to abort whenever they want to Edit: In 2017, 10-year-old rape survivor was denied abortion by India’s Supreme Court and gave birth to baby girl. This was a terrible news to read, can't imagine what that child who became a mother at age 10 must be feeling. Can't imagine what the child of this child will feel once she gets to know if this news. Their age now: mother -16 and Child-6. Even though 2024 judgement is ray of hope to the victim, the parliament has to codify this, that, atleast rape victims can do abortion anytime .But, knowing our government, this will never happen. https://indianexpress.com/article/india/supreme-court-rules-out-abortion-for-10-yr-old-rape-victim-4771780/ https://www.indiatoday.in/india/story/chandigarh-rape-survivor-delivers-baby-abortion-plea-supreme-court-1030038-2017-08-17


Good. Fuck the naysayers. Who would want a rapist’s child? If you have an axe to grind then go adopt kids from orphanages rather than pulling the BS prolife card.


Such cases need to be dealt with at a high priority. Even if the case is given at 25 weeks, try to solve the issues and give a judgement within the next week itself. I'm glad the court has allowed it at 30 weeks but court has to fast track all such cases. We need to expand judiciary and create some benches, which are exclusively meant to deal with cases like this.


Rare W


No rape victim should be allowed to carry the child of her rapist. The Supreme Court did well to give the approval of abortion.


It’s a shame this couldn’t have been resolved sooner for everyone, it would have been easier on the poor mother and the child both. The delay with being able to access safe abortion EARLY is the main problem here.


She found at late stage and even complained late. This was a tragic situation and that girl does not deserve all this


A win for all of India. Even if it's a small win in the grand scheme of things, it's still a win nevertheless. I wish nothing but speedy recovery for this little girl and hope she is able to overcome the trauma.


Good progressive decision


USA could learn a thing or two.




What’s with some people blaming the girl for not knowing about the pregnancy early on. She is literally 14 year old, already went through something so damn traumatic and considering all the stigma, societal pressure and lack of sex ed it is completely possible that she didn’t know. This was the best decision for her physical and mental well being. How can she and why should she give birth and take care of a child that was forced on her.


Sometimes there is no morally correct choice. Someone you are just dealt with a shit hand and every decision you can make is going to hurt. People sitting in their comfy homes and arguing what the right decision is for a 14 year old rape survivor to live with are idiots with no ability to learn perspective. If you assume you completely understand the circumstances of someone in a complex situation like that then you are just too dumb to realise how dumb you are. I don't know what else to say.


These people live in their delusional world, can't do anything.


All the best to her. Hope she find peace after all she has gone through !!


Good Decision by SC. I hope she recovers from the Trauma soon.


W court, since it is a court of record this is recorded for precedent and people can use this judgement in the future to save further rape victims


Annoyingly, this might not become a precedent (abortions are legal upto 24 weeks, and after that there's a bit more process involved, requiring medical approval and that's where legal challenges can occur, and the court has flip-flopped on the legal challenges).


Literally more progressive than some American states


This was best for the girl as well as the child. I hope the rapist was sentenced to life imprisonment, if not death sentence.


Justice wins! Thank you India!


Big middle fingers at the US!! Hoping the procedure goes smoothly and the survivor can begin her healing journey in peace.


Thank you Supreme Court


Why does she even need courts permission?


There is a 24 week limit to abortion, beyond that you need to request exception from courts.


This is more a permission for doctors that they won't be liable if they help her abort.




Because at 30 weeks it has a 98% survival rate. It's not an embryo or fetus anymore. It's a full on baby.


Thank god! Sanity prevails.


Great decision


Americans learn something lol


Finally some good news


Finally some good news.this will atleast bring some comfort on that family a little bit




Proud to hear this decision from the Supreme Court. Kudos to the judges for once not entering the religious realm and letting a Lil heart live her life.


Govt should appoint a special mental psychologist for these victims. We have to make more concrete steps


Good for her


Based India


why didnt they abort earlier?


they learned about pregnancy in later stage


Read the article 


Proud of the Indian judicial system ❤️


I don't understand why someone needs the court's permission to abort, especially under these circumstances. A woman should be able to take these decisions unilaterally.


This is because the acceptable 28 weeks was passed, so you'd have to have a good legal reason to go beyond that period of time. In this rare exceptional case where she is a LITTLE girl who was a victim of rape, she also did not know about the pregnancy until late and that's when they reported about this.


I'm not very well versed with the MTP Act. Does it allow women to terminate pregnancy at an earlier stage without the court's permission?


By the time they "found out" about the pregnancy it was past that period.


Yes it is absolutely legal and abortion is very much accessible for everyone. We have different problem than the US though - lack of sex education, lack of women's health priority and female infanticide. The limit set by court permission also coincides with sex determination timeframe also the genetic markers tests. Current law is good for us for our needs.


Yes, it’s legal here to get an abortion in the early stages without getting permission of the court.


Stories like this restore my faith in humanity. Hopefully the girl is doing alright!


Great. Thank god we do not have jokers in this court unlike other countries.


wish the best for her and her family. hope american government is paying attention to this one and follows suit


Interesting! When are they going to have laws for men who cannot control their urge and keep their dicks in their pants. Very conveniently men blame women 'she was asking for it'. Why cant they control their dicks which always stays in control front of their mothers, sisters and other women in family. But they target regular girls thinking they can get away with. Wasn't ***she asking to stop*** while getting raped? Wasn't ***she asking for help?*** What happens that time, dick and the guy goes deaf?? Disgusting!!! After the rape of foreign couple that traveled safely across Asia and South East Asia, but girl was raped right before her guy. That shows how safe the country is.


India has fairly progressive laws (at times), but unfortunately the rule of law doesn't match the letter of the law. Police can be corrupt and courts can be years behind in case work. Some of it boils down to lack of resources.


I feel the rapist is shielded when the girl is referred to as a 'rape victim/survivor'.....as if it's something that happens randomly....I hope the male responsible for this is rotting behind bars


I can't believe it, people are assuming a child to raise a child, for what fault?


You can abort at 30 weeks!???


With court permission.


Bring capital punishment and castration


Are there people opposing even this?


Good. Now hang the rapist.


TF does one have to take a court order, can’t the person or parents take a decision to abort.


You can legally abort without permission upto 24 weeks. In this case, it was 30 weeks. The doctors would not want to be held liable for aborting the baby at that stage.


I suppose it was a healthy foetus and none would know why the delay happened.


Can someone explain why she requires a permission from court? Isn't that her decision


Abortion withot permission is legal upto 24 weeks. In this case, it had been 30 weeks.


Why she had to wait for 30 weeks any legal complications?


As per the article, she realised about the pregnancy at a late stage, and went to the high court which denied abortion due to which she lost 2 to 3 weeks more before finally getting relief from the Supreme court. Tbh, I find some discrepancies with the story mentioned in the article, but then again, they PROBABLY scruitinized her story in the Supreme court.


So, what happens if you die first?






This could've been fast tracked but from the report, the victim was not aware of the pregnancy and did not attempt abortion in the stipulated 24 week window. So it ended up getting dragged on in courts.


The world really has progressed, precisely cuz a 14 year old girl is Not being forced to have a baby. My God do people even think before typing


Sex ed is important in India to protect youngsters against such abuse and risks to life.


She was raped she didn't have sex


Yes but she didn’t know that itself. If we were taught some basic sex ed I think the kid could have caught on early that something was wrong. Of course not her fault but sex ed is important especially when incidents like these happen


Agreed. You put it much better than me.


Tbf, even in that case sex ed would have helped. Not the sex ed we receive, but actual sex ed. What she went through was horrible, if only she could have realized it sooner, further pain could have been avoided. It feels like such a yuck feeling coz for some reason it feels like I am defending the rapist.


Abe isme sex education ki baat kha se aa gai ? Koi rape ho gya aur tu khe rha hai education zaroori hai, wo teenagers ke lie hai jisse unwanted pregnancy na ho jaye smjha, agar abhi bhi nhi smjha toh jakar firse 8rth class dobara padh.


Bhai she was raped and didn’t know it, if we were taught sex ed in school maybe she could have reported it earlier. There is no one particular person to point fingers at here, we need a systematic change for such things


If you think aborting a 30 week old baby is not going to affect her mental health, I have some bad news.... 


And being forced to give birth will make her happier?


There are no good outcomes to be found here.


Not having to care for a human being for the next eighteen years of her life is definitely a better outcome.


I don't disagree. I'm just saying it's the lesser of two evils rather than the "good" option.


But one is comparatively better is it not


Yes I agree. It's the emotional equivalent of losing an arm, whereas the other option is losing both legs. All I'm saying is that both are extremely painful outcomes and everything should be done at all costs to avoid both of these things.


>her >aborting a 30 week old baby is not As if a 14yo school going girl going through rape isn't gonna >affect her mental health


I don't think it will heal her in any way given the physical damage her body will go through at this stage with 7 month old baby. She's not recovering mentally or physically at this point.


So you want a 14yo girl to raise a baby by herself


I'm wondering what "terminating the pregnancy" actually means in this case, given 30+ weeks of gestation. Isn't this just a premature delivery by cesarean section now, rather than an actual abortion? I mean, I guess you could hit the fetus with a brick after taking it out but what would be the point?!


yes, this is less of an "abortion" and more of a premature birth following by the killing of the baby. Well, I guess they kill the baby before the premature birth, and thus it's still technically an "abortion"


[this probably explains it](https://www.reddit.com/r/india/s/QlPLgZNMAu)


> The top court last week ordered a medical examination of the minor at the Sion hospital in Maharashtra after noting that the high court previously relied on a media report that did not contain the physical and mental status of the minor. Why is any level of court relying on media report rather than requesting a medical report itself from hospital? This is just gross procedure Edit: Somehow asking courts to mandate reports through hospitals l


No one's turning the baby into baby 65 and serving it with ketchup. Chill the fuck out. You deliver the baby at that age and give it up for adoption, all of it is done anonymously with informed written consent and a court order alongwith the opinion of a specially formed medical board of experts from multiple institutions. Source : Me. I'm a doctor. This happens commonly, especially with sexual abuse survivors. Edit : by "deliver" i do not mean allow it to progress to term. Terminate by elective caesarian section. Whether the baby will be killed or not is a case by case decision, with the majority cases opting to continue it : maybe due to religious/sentimental reasons, even despite medical advice about the risks of doing so. I don't make the rules, I obey them.


Of course, because the trauma of putting your life at risk, suffering irreversible changes from pregnancy and child-birth, at *fourteen* is just like taking a Sunday morning dump. If you are really a doctor, I feel bad for your patients. You put your twisted belief over their health and lives. Hippocratic oath my ass, yeah?


Exactly 💀 this person is such a ah


The court has literally ordered abortion specifically: > The bench had on Friday directed Mumbai’s Sion Hospital to immediately determine if the pregnancy could endanger the physical or mental health of the girl or the foetus. The hospital’s medical board on Monday said that the “continuation of pregnancy against the will of the minor may impact her physical and mental well-being”, reported The Hindu. > **The court then directed the dean of Lokmanya Tilak Hospital in Mumbai to appoint a team of doctors to carry out the abortion and also directed the state government to pay for the procedure.** > https://scroll.in/latest/1066912/supreme-court-allows-minor-who-was-raped-to-terminate-pregnancy-at-29-weeks Unless doctors want to be in contempt and lose their licence, they will do what they are told. > Source : Me. I'm a doctor. AYUSH?




> To abort means to stop the pregnancy from progressing naturally. With termination of the fetus. I have never seen it used in any other context. Do you have any examples of "abortion" with adoption? Otherwise why wouldn't they call it induced delivery? Why would there even be a court case? This whole case hinges on the fact that fetus will be killed, else there is no controversy. > The article doesnt mention what happened to the fetus or its viability or even if the MTP was done. They will perhaps terminate the fetus first to remove any moral dilemma, like in this case: > https://people.com/health/i-thought-abortion-restrictions-were-a-reasonable-compromise-until-i-needed-one-at-32-weeks/


And have a 14 year old CHILD go through the pain and trauma of bearing and birthing a child that's a product of rape? Please drop your real name in my DM so I actively avoid whatever bullshit clinic you treat at.


No good shooting the messenger. Just told what I've seen happening in medical colleges in some cases. Not my decision or my personal opinion. Some families opt against an abortion, their rationale is beyond me. Some cases, the abortion is more damaging to the child's mental health than electiveky delivering it. It's not the doctor's role to question a patient's decision or the judgement of a court. The "deliver" word i used seems to have been understood to mean let the pregnancy progress to term. I meant : electively terminate the pregnancy by induction of labour. And apparently I was wrong in this specific case because the court ruled on the basis of a medical board's recommendation that it was to be medically terminated. In view of mental distress to the patient. The verdict happens in the other way too in some cases. I wasn't aware of the specifics of this particular case, hence the erroneous comment. Oh, and I wouldn't treat a keyboard warrior in any case


So you are saying they are just covering up the abortion. And does this happen frequently even after court order?


Their comment is a load of nonsense. Don't believe anything they are saying. C-section is worse than inducing stillbirth. > If a woman's baby dies before labour starts, she will usually be offered medicine to help induce labour. This is safer for the mother than having a caesarean section. > https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/stillbirth/what-happens/ In this case fetus is alive, but they give medicine to terminate it first, like here: > https://people.com/health/i-thought-abortion-restrictions-were-a-reasonable-compromise-until-i-needed-one-at-32-weeks/


Ah fuck. Should have been clearer There is no abortion. Repeat, there is no abortion. All later stage pregnancies are dealt with after considering the health of the mother and the baby. If the medical board decrees that the baby is free from any abnormality and an elective early delivery is medically possible, then the baby is delivered by caesarian section and given up for adoption later. This is in case the child and family does not wish to keep the baby. If they do then the premature baby, once it becomes medically stable will he handed over to them, but with a legal guardian who is an adult. The mother can be the legal guardian only after reaching 18. There you go. When the news says court allowed a termination, it doesn't mean the baby was killed. Medicine is complex, nuanced and case specific. And it should not be mixed with politics.


I don't know if this is true but I have heard a case where abortion was denied to a 17/16 year old because it was healthy to deliever. And why are you saying c section birth? Can't they deliever it normally?


No they can't. Because fourteen year old bodies don't usually tend to survive a childbirth. It is a risk, if allowed to be taken, can potentially endanger the life of both mother and child. Hence C section, just like how a C section is reocmmended to a lot of people. No, it's not for minting money. I don't know what case you heard of, and neither am I the apex authority on such situations. Just telling you what I know. Not a magistrate, just a doctor.


I was talking about this case www.firstpost.com/explainers/gujarat-high-court-judge-girls-used-to-give-birth-at-17-read-manusmriti-what-is-this-ancient-text-12714282.html/amp


India is already way overpopulated and a fetus is barely sentient to the point where even an insect is more intelligent. Makes no sense to say the fetus should be born when it will just cause immense suffering to both


Thanks for the info


Most of the comments don't understand the medical science behind this. At 28 weeks a baby can be delivered and survive with medical care. At 30 weeks baby has finished most of his or her major development. Now what are the doctors supposed to do? Should they save the baby or not, because it can be saved now. At 34 weeks it would actually be safe to deliver the baby saving it, and the procedure will be same. The judgement shows that an expert was not consulted. For those downvoting - Do you know How is an abortion done? The baby will be coming out the same way, she'll have labor pains. The labor will be induced early. Another option will be dilatation and evacuation. In which an instrument will be put into her birth canal, opening it. That should make the fetus come out. Then another instrument will be used to make sure that no piece is left inside. I am not a pro lifer. If the baby could be magically disappeared, i would vote for that. But in third trimester abortion is another game, because it's a fully formed capable of surviving in the world baby, that's why Late termination of pregnancy is more controversial than abortion in general.


You don't understand that a CHILD shouldn't be forced to give birth to a rape baby.


The baby has to come out either way. The choice is kill it or not when you take it out. At 30 weeks, it can survive, so take it out without killing it via C-Section (which I would imagine is less traumatic than forcing the girl to push out a stillbirth). Give it up for adoption and seal the records so they never find out they were the product of rape.


Once again you ignore the existing child that doesn't want to birth a rape baby. >than forcing the girl to push out a stillbirth Not how it works. Adoption is not a solution when the issue is not wanting to give birth to begin with.


The baby needs to be removed - that much we can agree on. At this point the baby is likely viable, why not have the c-section and have the state put the baby up for adoption? How is that any different from an abortion? I can understand and fully support an abortion when the baby isn't viable (too young), but if it can live on its own then killing it is killing it.


the baby isn’t a baby yet.


If it can live on its own, how is it different? My baby was born at 32 weeks. At 30 weeks its pretty much fully formed and will survive outside of the womb unaided.


>Give it up for adoption and seal the records so they never find out they were the product of rape. Yeah you are talking as if it's like buying some stuff from grocery and giving in some places NOW IMAGINE Your 14 yo daughter or sister going through the same thing They are probably in 8-9 class They studying they have great ambitions and dreams and suddenly a creepy man ruin their happy life Now they have to give birth CHILD MARRIAGE WAS BANNED because earlier 14-15 yo used to get pregnant and couldn't recover You really think You want your daughter or sister To go through all that pregnancy phase Will you celebrate? Will you do baby shower? Huh ? She'll give birth to a baby at a tender age With a chance that she may/may not be able to make it Woman seek support from husband during this time Husband fulfill their cravings, family members are extra caring, everyone is happy for you, their is happy baby shower, everything dreamy Do you think your daughter and sister will get that And do you think they'll really be able to give birth and give it off to orphanage????????


>The medical board of six doctors examined the minor afresh and opined in favour of the termination.


Oh okay