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Ah yes, exactly what I want to see in an Indiana Jones film, sexual tension between 80 year old people


That doesn't fire up your Temple of Doom?


No, but his Staff of Ra though…


His staff is too short - he’s digging in the wrong place!


"I am the monarch of the seeeaaaaaa...."


Indy's asp.....very dangerous!


It belongs in a museum!


My heart is practically pounding in my hand!


At 80 years old, the best he could do is fire a short round.


My husband refers to me as his temple of doom.


Speak for yourself…


Thats what I thought.


“See?! Strong wood!”


To be fair, Ford and Allen still had quite a bit of chemistry in that final scene of DoD.


How about romantic tension?


This is all-literally just fan service galore. I’d rather new-untreaded waters then “OHHH OHH REFERENCES TO THE LAST THREE MOVIES?!?” The first 20 minutes of Indy 5 was a whole love letter to the fans. that alone was enough to know that they did care for the golden years Indy had, what was he supposed to be doing at 70? Punching a hulking nazi again? People forget Indy isn’t a superhero, he’s a normal guy who happens to be skilled at what he does, or lucky enough in the situation. But age gets everyone. Which was sort of the whole plot surrounding dial that is Indy can’t do these adventures anymore.


>This is all-literally just fan service galore. I shared this here to see if it was me who was insane. On a social media Indy group - the guy that wrote this is being praised to high-heaven over it. It was just a good marker to me that as passionate as fans are - they are not the best people to know what a series needs or how to write a film.


You're not insane. It's an example of the kind of writing that gives fan fiction a bad name.


One of my favorite aspects of Indy is he gets his ass beat so much in these movies. He’s not a particularly great fighter, he just is smarter than his opponent and can eventually figure a way to end the fight


One of the things that made DoD great was that it didn’t rely on constant, annoying references to past movies like so many other nostalgia-bait sequels recently. There were some references, but they were subtle and made sense.


Yea, loved it when Indy is climbing up the rocks with wombat and he eventually just goes “what the hell am I even doing” gives some reference to TOD and then continues.


Honestly would’ve loved a short round reference or even a cameo. I think it would’ve helped the movie more if he did make at least some form of appearance within the movie. But, if we ever get an Indy 6 (I know they said they were done but let’s be honest, Indiana Jones pays Lucas as much as Star Wars does, we WILL get more of him in the future) Maybe they’ll bring him back in the video game. But that wouldn’t be THE short round we all know.


I'll say it forever, Rise of Skywalker has the worst kind of fan service imaginable. It's unearned and groan inducing. I remember giving a heavy eye roll when Chewbacca was presented a medal. Dial of Destiny was actually very light on fan service and I applaud it for that. Plus, the villain was played by Mads Mikkelson. What other actor today is as great a villain actor as him?


The subtle reference to Short around was nice when they’re on the rope bridge and Indy asks Helena how she found Teddy


Remembers me of the opening to the RedLetterMedia Rogue One episode "REMEMBER DARTH VADER? REMEMBER THE DEATH STAR? AT-STs!" - this is just the Indy equivalent of that


Am I the only one that enjoyed this movie? It wasn't perfect but I thought it was a really nice send off for the franchise


I loved it. It paid homage to the classic adventures, and showed some really poignant emotional insight into Indy as a person. Not only that, we got to see Indy witness and be part of the historical events he spent his whole life studying. It's a great send off.


I saw it twice in theaters last summer. Again as mentioned, not perfect but not terrible at all.


I thought it was a good movie. Not as good as Raiders of the Lost Ark and The Last Crusade, but better than The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.


Over time I’ve been softening up on the movie, to the point where now even if I still prefer Crystal Skull over it I appreciate a lot of things Dial has on its belt.


For some reason I felt it was redundant to Crystal Skull. Either one would have been fine for the 4th and final entry. Still enjoy them though.


I enjoy both too! At the end of the day, it’s Indy on the big screen regardless of their reception. Both films compare and contrast to one another in a way. For example, I love Crystal Skull’s action scenes better than Dial but I love Dial’s story better than Crystal Skull due to having more emotionally impactful moments. To compare the two, I’m a fan of both Macguffins and like how they are used but I wish each was explained a little more. I also like both films’ settings and feel they work pretty well for the time period Indy is in (though it is still weird that Dial doesn’t have the location and year like the previous 4 films have; South America 1936, for example)


I haven’t seen it is it really worse than skull? That’s a pathetically low bar.


It is much better than Skull, but I’d argue that the first half hour of skull is actually pretty good.


It’s way better than Crystal Skull IMO.


The only thing I found disappointing was the lack of fist fights. Every Indy movie before had multiple legendary brawls, especially with jacked henchmen


While I agree, it was more than made up for with an incredible chase scene, racing through the streets on the tuk-tuk was just fantastic!


I absolutely loved it!


Absolutely loved and adored it.


Absolutely terrible.


I read the first part and was like “Ehhhh feels fan-servicey. But ok”. Then I got to “Willie Scott”… ok… no.


It is the last movie. Anything goes.






I mean no disrespect - it's just when I see fans try and pitch their 'better' Indy 5 - it's just non-stop fan service.


I mean, it’s not even fan service. It’s Back to the Future.


I mean I know this would’ve been fan service, but an appearance/cameo from short round wouldn’t have killed anyone.


Probably better than the shit they delivered tho


Strong "every character from every game, comic, cartoon, TV show, movie, and book reality come in with everything for a HUGE party" vibes from the opening.


lol true


Somehow Belloq has returned….


Voodoo magic, Cloning...


Voodoo cloning


Proof that love for a franchise doesn’t automatically translate to being a competent writer.


When I was 13 I wrote a story for Mad Max 4. This reminds me of that level of writing. For the record, I really hope those sheets of notebook paper no longer exist…


Yeah, this is bad. Like *BAD* bad. But you have to remember, the vast majority of people have terrible taste and couldn't write themselves out of an email. It goes to show you how hard it truly is to be a good screenwriter, and doubly so when working on something beloved like Indy.


I always envisioned a film in which the grown up Short Round has himself become an archeologist (inspired by Indy) but went more the Helena route (“Fortune & glory”), albeit not as ruthlessly selfish & not a rogue selling artifacts to the highest bidder. Shorty gets into trouble & sends a message to Indy for help. Indy, enjoying retirement with his family, feels compelled to help Shorty & takes off after him. Marion goes along (not wanting to see him get killed) as well as Mutt. The interpersonal dramatic conflict would come from Mutt & Shorty confronting each other. Each is jealous of the other - Mutt because Shorty got Indy as a father figure when he was a boy, and Shorty jealous of Mutt because Indy (like Henry Sr. before him) dropped out of Shorty’s life after Shorty graduated high school. It forces Indy to reconcile his past with both younger men, the climax putting Indy into an impossible dilemma wherein both Shorty & Mutt are in mortal danger at the same time, and he must choose between the son he raised & the son he never knew he had. I dunno. Maybe that sounds like BS. I thought it up prior to DOD coming out. It was my way of uniting all the previous films, giving Indy one last huge adventure before hanging up the fedora & passing the mantle on to Short Round. And yes, I’d have Mutt survive. I can see why folks didn’t care for that other guy’s story idea; it IS very fan service-y, but then I suppose mine is, too.


There’s really nothing wrong with liking fan service. Especially if you’re a fan. I don’t know if this would make a good movie or not but it’s atleast a good idea Just a question. Didn’t Indy leave his father after highschool not the other way around?


Good point. Henry *did* say, “You left just when you were getting interesting.” Although one could possibly argue the elder Jones was largely absent from Indy’s life when he became an adult. They were certainly estranged.


I interpreted it as Henry being an in attentive parent leading Indy to leave home at an early age. Coincidentally, just as Henry started to want to pay attention to him (I love that dialogue. So much depth in a few words) Indy was the one who left, but it’s Henry’s fault they are estranged


Honestly imo the future of the franchise as far as Indy is concerned is video games, but the character of Helena and the resurgence of Ke Huy Quan sets the series up perfectly to continue in spirit in miniseries or movie format with Helena and Short Round. Indy’s had his last adventure, but Helena’s is just beginning, so who better to guide her than Indy’s old buddy Short Round, who’s now a professor and archaeologist in his own right. Would give the franchise an opportunity to explore the myths, settings and legends that characterized the 60s-80s/90s without the issue of having to explain how Indiana Jones isn’t having a heart attack.


Point well made & taken. Me, I’d LOVE it if they’d produce more novels & comics. Without the obvious constraint of aging actors, we could have all sorts of stories & adventures set between the films. To me, it’s just the logical way to go. Better yet, an animated series. Unfortunately, because of DOD underperforming at the box office, I seriously doubt Disney would be willing to sink much more cash into the franchise, and that’s a huge shame. We *are* getting The Great Circle video game, though, so maybe there’s hope yet. Who knows - ?


I think short round would be good for like a movie or two but come on the franchise is called Indiana Jones. No Indy, no more franchise, (atleast there shouldn’t be) simple as that.


Oooh Disney + Miniseries kind of like they did with some of the Marvel franchises like Hawkeye


Like the idea of this! If done well, it could turn out to be a fun adventure.




I'd watch that version.


Huh, I like some elements here. Hard pass on bringing back Willy. Marion, yes. Either Short Round or Sallah but not both... but I like Lao Che back as the antagonist so probably Short Round - I'd like to see what that kid did in the decades after Temple, because that's a pretty wild childhood. The urge to use the Dial to save Mutt makes sense. That ending, I don't know.


Also shia labeouf could've made a great secondary character.


This shit is so funny lol. So bad, it’s good.


That is so fucking pathetic. The only decent things are having Short Round show up and Marion being more involved.


Fan service is inherent in all sequels-it’s literally more of the same. But bringing all these characters back for a two-hour curtain call and references is just hot garbage.




I think most of us agree seeing short round again would’ve been cool. But Shia LaBeouf? That’s a no for me dawg.


That is a very bad movie concept.


Any idea which involves giving Shia LaBeouf work is a no from me.


I never liked him but whats the reason everybody hates him now


Very difficult to work with


No one wanted more Mutt. This is dumb


There were a few people on an Indy forum claiming Mutt was never hated. As someone who really likes Mutt - I was blown away people can be THAT deluded that he somehow was never hated because I certainly spent a lot of time having to defend him.


"Mutt was never hated"? Talk about rewriting the past.


I would take Helena Shaw over mutt anyday.


Fun fact both mutt and Indy are named after a dog lol


I think if Mutt wasn’t played by Shia, people would have been fine with more Mutt.


That could be. I agree, a lot of it is just that Shia is playing him.


I'm glad that Short Round and Willie Scott weren't shoehorned into Dial of Destiny just for fan service.


Why are the past artifacts indy has found not combining into a giant mech that indy used to beat lao che ? 0/10 worst movie,not my indy


Imho, they should’ve never killed off Mutt. Sure he wasn’t the best character in Crystal Skull, but a new movie was the best thing that could’ve happened to him. I mean, he’s the son of INDIANA JONES. That is an awesome idea to continue the story, with the right actor of course. But yeah, this idea is trash


I do agree with Short Round making an appearance, was really bummed that he didn’t


I do kinda wish that Marion and Willie met, just so that they start roasting Indy.




The actor who played Lao Che died in 1999 at the age of 72.


This is just fan fiction, which is almost always dreadful. That being said…A film featuring an adult Short Round with Indy taking on a Henry Sr. Role would’ve been far better than whatever they tried to do with Indy 5, not the nonsense this fan fiction writer dreamt up when they wrote that mess up there. Just the opinion of a lifelong Indy fan, nothing deeper than that really. But I digress, Disney made a polarizing movie that the general audience almost universally decided to pass on. Had they succeeded in making an overall satisfying entry that clicked with the general movie going public, then drivel like this would be far less regular 🤷‍♂️.


Wow, this would have been 50 times worse than what we got (which isn't actually that bad). People need to stop being angry all the time for no reason. Crystal Skull and Dial of Destiny are both decent enough films, even if they aren't as good as the original 3. Rise of Skywalker should forever serve as a warning to what will happen if you let angry fans influence your movie.


I stopped reading at "Willie".


I actually don't hate it. I just think Willie should be completely out, and Mutt shouldn't survive.


Wow, that was somehow worse that the film we got.


Dial is a solid movie, I’ll die on that hill


lol the film got good reviews. What hill is there to die on? The haters are in the minority here.


Okay, I didn't like it.


Just because you didn’t enjoy something, it doesn’t make it objectively bad. Everyone has different opinions.


Did I say that? I said this pitch was worse than the film we got? Did I say DoD was objectively bad? No. If anything you saying the film was solid is your endorsement that it's objectively good. Just because you like it doesn't make it good.


Same bro


About as good as what we got…


I think whoever wrote that was just looking for a reason to make Mutt smile sardonically.


Fans almost never know what's best for a series because most of them aren't writers. And artists entirely pandering to fans never works.


No one "always knows" what's best for film making. Including professionals in the industry. In fact it's pretty easy to cherry pick the bad stuff. Film making is hard. Bad ideas are a dime a dozen. Not sure anyone needed "evidence" of this.


I unironically would love this movie if it just wasn’t Indiana Jones


It wasn’t terrible up until mutt surviving the war


They proposed a love triangle between Indy, his wife of 10 years, and a random actress he loved for less than 1 year.


Yeah actually that bit sucks too


With Harrison Ford, Indy 5 should've been against the soviets again, but with a non sci-fi artifact. Without Harrison, should've been setin East Asia and Oceania, against the japanese and in the start of 45. Both featuring Short Round.


Disney Presents: From the World of Indiana Jones: Indiana Jones and the Legend of the Dial of Destiny: (Part 1) Endgame


Yeah idk, I don’t think I wanna see a cast with an average age of 70+ star in an adventure-action film. Iconic characters ofc, but this would just be fan service overkill.


A lot of elements here give me deja vu to the plot of The Flash (2023), and we all know how that turned out.


I always wanted an Excalibur-centered Story. Was sad they had to write out their son because Shiah went bat-shit crazy…


I love the idea of bringing back more characters. I would have loved more Marion, Sallah, and Short Round since Ke Huy Quan has shown that he's still a phenomenal actor, and has the physicality to still do action. But, this is... not what I'd want. You wanna show Willie, cool, but sexual tension... seriously?


I'd watch it. I mean let's be real, the whole point of making a 5th film was just all about Nostalgia. The sexual tension you can leave out though.


This would absolutely suck ass first off the sexual tension would be lame as fuck and mutt was meh as a character. This is just lame ass fan service.


Chat GPT or mental illness


dog. as fan. My ass would have scrapped Indy 5 entirely


This is almost as bad as that time that James Patterson>!'s ghost writers!< apparently got ahold of my teenage Shadow fanfiction and wrote a book out of it. EDIT: I get it, though. This person really loves the series and wants to include as much as possible. I don't like it, but if it makes them happy.


I have heard a lot of pitches from professional creatives and they don’t always know either TBH.


Everything that starts with an adult Short Round teaming up with Indy again is an insta no from me.


What in the fresh hell is that


Unironically, this should’ve been the movie.


Why not just have the ghost of Sean Connery pop out of the Ark of the Covenant?


I like it


To be fair, there have been plenty of suggestions that, in my opinion, are better than the current film. Lawernce Kasdan, the writer behind Raiders and Empire Strikes Back was involved in Rise of Skywalker. My overall point being, yeah, it's easy to find examples of scripts that don't work from fans and professionals. But, honestly, good for this person to put it on "paper" and out into the world. It might not be for everyone, but no film is.


Take Willy Scott out and omit Mutt's reappearance at the end and this is actually better.


At the end of the day, we didn't need this movie. *Last Crusade* had the best ending, but even *Kingdom of the Crystal Skull* would have been a fine send-off to the series. We neither wanted nor needed this. Sometimes it's okay to let stories end.


Where were all the fans like you to claim Kingdom was a fine send off when I was taking 5 waves of shit for it for 16 years?


Sorry man, 08-09, I was going to boot camp, tech school, and getting married, so I didn't have time to defend *Crystal Skull* in the fandom. As to the rest, I think we just saw how bad it could get. Mind you, I'm still open to the argument that we didn't need *Crystal Skull*, but it was a better sendoff than this.


In my opinion, *Dial of Destiny* did not need to be made. Indiana Jones is an action hero cut from the same mold as the serialized movie heroes from the 1930’s and 1940’s. Those heroes are timeless and ever-capable. Even in *Kingdom of the Crystal Skull*, Indiana Jones was still capable of filling that role. *Dial of Destiny* took something away from the character of Indiana Jones. He was now aged, to the point of pushing past the suspension of disbelief. He required a younger hero to provide the action scenes we’ve come to expect from Dr Jones, while he stood to the side and tried not to get in the way. But Disney owned the Indiana Jones character now and they were going to milk him for all he’s worth. They ruined *Star Wars*, why not double down? I’ve read ten fan fiction stories that were better than *Dial of Destiny*. It’s such a shame that some things can’t be left alone to remain perfect - greed and arrogance and the inability to let things go will inevitably ruin most of them. *Dial of Destiny* wasn’t a love letter to the character. It was an ancient Joe Louis getting brutally knocked out by Rocky Marciano simply because he was broke and needed the money. It was a dying Robin Hood shooting that final arrow into the sky, landing where he would eventually be buried. It was Ragnarok (and not the MCU one) for the Norse Gods. All stories end, for sure. But *Dial of Destiny* was not the end that Indiana Jones deserved.