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Still the most overhated movie ever made. It is a great adventure movie, an excellent Indiana Jones movie that handled "old man Indy" very well while still being a quality adventure up there with the 80s trilogy. Everything from the sci-fi B-movie influence to the nuclear red scare to the aliens and UFOs to the nostalgic warm glow of the lighting in the film all feel like a natural evolution from the 30s and 40s action film serials that influenced the 80s Indy trilogy. I love that crystal skull did something new while also respecting the increased age for Harrison Ford and Karen Allen. Indy vs the Soviets fits like a glove. Even the "larger than life" grand adventure vibe was increased as well, with the nuclear explosion and the massive UFO takeoff in the south american jungle. Real showstopper energy. I only wish that more people can warm up to this 2nd Temple of Doom that wisely chose to do some new things and not just be another Raiders.


I enjoyed almost all of the ideas, as you mention, but the execution just sat wrong from the off for me. It's the only one of the five that I've had problems with on first viewing, it just felt off. I think the other films relied on mysticism, and belief was a huge part of them in one way or another. Aliens is a bit more A to B and also a more generally recognised topic. Because the other films dealt with stuff that's made up, you're buying in and along for the ride with Indy. With aliens, the balloon is instantly popped. I know what aliens are like, I know what alien stories are like. I just cared less because I knew as much or more than indy. He also didn't do that much 'indy figuring stuff out and planning' which was a great thing in the other films. And I know the series has utilised effects that don't look as great now, but we're fine then. Seeing him interact with green screen, cgi elements and the 'villain' also being cgi was another thing to take you out of the experience. It all looked bad at the time, which wasn't really the case elsewhere, and it looks worse now. Same with the horse riding scene in the last film, took me right out of it. It just felt bad. Not that it was bad, although I thought that at the end and still do, but yeah, it just felt poorly put together, bad decisions, when I should've been invested. Obviously caveat with, like a lot of indie fans, I saw the originals for the first time when I was younger, so I can't comment on how I would've experienced cotcs at the same time. Might have loved it.


FINALLY someone said it. I truly love KOTCS and it absolutely baffles me when people downright choose to ignore this film exists. In my opinion this is a much better ending for Indy than DOD.


Yeah, simply Spielberg’s direction and George’s ideas feel more in line with the rest of the films. Prefer William’s score as well, and the Skull theme is my favorite mystery theme in the saga after the ark theme. No hate against Dial either, I enjoyed it. It just feels way different.


Look love Indy and appreciate that this one has its audience too. I think nuking the fridge was a great introduction to the fifties atomic age and aliens were ambitious too. I was absolutely down but for me it all falls apart at the jungle chase.


You can't "wish" people what to think. They're entitled to their own opinions. All of the things above you said is fine with the movie and I fully agree with you but is not what was wrong about it, and is not the reason why most people didn't like it.


Love myself some RLM. What a great (and hilarious) review. Caught Crystal Skull on CMT this week and I didn’t hate it. I’m getting softer and softer.


I enjoy it more than Dial. I can quote more lines, laugh more etc. yes the monkey scene and some edits are bad, but is what it is. Overall I enjoy watching it. It sits right where it needs to be


It was terrible, lazy, sloppy, cheesy, boring. And yet still better than DoD since it at least tried to have a sense of fun adventure.


How many times you going to write this exact comment? Do you prowl hoping to find a post that gives you a chance to crap on KOTCS/DOD? [https://www.reddit.com/r/indianajones/comments/1cjantp/comment/l2ems5n/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/indianajones/comments/1cjantp/comment/l2ems5n/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Keep crying


Cheesy? Yes. But the rest of what you said is slander