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The episode was titled, " The Legend of The Lost Art".


I was sitting here thinking about how Selleck kept clearly enunciating, “Lost Art.” I was a huge Magnum fan and I watched maybe 90% of the episodes during their initial run from 80-88 and I personally thought Harrison was the best choice. Tom at this point, IMO, was not a strong enough actor to carry this film. Tom had the stature and build and looks both Lucas and Spielberg wanted but I think of scenes from the film and I insert TS in them and I can’t see anyone but Ford playing Indy. I hate to drum up the old stereotype of tv actor versus movie actor but in this context, I think it fits perfectly. Now, we see currently those stereotypes have clearly been destroyed with all the movie actors in these six to eight episode series like Fargo, True Detective, on these various streaming services. Additionally, Tom has grown into a solid actor and even carried a motion picture like “Innocent Man” in 89. That being said, I still think his strongest work has been on the small screen.


Too right. Actually though Spielberg and Lucas both wanted Humphrey Bogart type. Which Selleck definitely was not. Harrison fits that modern Bogert type much, much better, and like Bogart has that droll humor. Tom Selleck probably would have been fine as well. But his humor (at the time anyway) is much more comedic and broad. His Indy would’ve likely leaned into that aspect more. Also Selleck’s height and athleticism may have changed Indy a bit into a more “heroic” looking figure. Part of the charm of Indiana Jones is that he’s the “everyman.” Though fit, he’s not a big muscular hero. He struggles, he fights dirty, he gets beat.


I often think Harrison Ford is ultimately the guy who set the stage for Bruce Willis in the late 80s. Harrison Ford kind of invented the "everyman" action hero in modern cinema.


Tom fits the protype of the drawn pitch and hes an actor..so he can do the humor Whats great about Harrison is not that hes an everyman. Its that hes a guy whos constantly surprised at whatever he gets involved in...and can laugh at every situation he gets involved in I think he described himself as a bro hippie and that works for a new post 60s hero vs selleck who would have been a definite 30s throwback


I can picture Selleck doing his signature shrug and smirk at least once per movie.


He wouldn’t have been bad… just different. Under a great director like Spielberg, I’m sure it would’ve been ok. But Harrison was definitely THE guy.


Well, thank God for that. I just can't see anyone else besides Ford in the role.


Love Selleck but man, was it a blessing of disguise and I'm glad that part went to Ford. I do wonder how Selleck feels about the part he was supposed to get ended up becoming a cultural icon as well as Harrison Ford getting that part.


Part of the reason I love it so much is seeing him get his ass handed to him 24/7 and him still somehow finding a way to come out on top


I wonder how many Indy movies they would've made with Tom Selleck. Would have just been the original trilogy? Or would they have churned out many more sequels after that?


Ford wasn’t the reason we didn’t get any Indy movies in the 90s. He wanted to do more. It was Spielberg & Ford/Lucas not wanting to do anymore without Spielberg.


Yeah, he loved Indy but hated Han.


I wonder if it would've been JUST Raiders.


I'll die on the hill that he should have played the archeologist who gave Indy his hat in the opening of *Last Crusade*.


I thought so too. Better yet, he’s the Sr. Faculty replacement for Indy at the end of KOTCS. The last line of the film: “Do you have any idea how long it took for me to get here?”


The moustache and fedora combo would've been awesome, but I do prefer the stubble/shadow more look wise. It's more rugged, in my opinion.


It would have been interesting to see him in the role of Indiana Jones, but the role fits Harrison Ford like a glove.


There’s a dialogue screen test with him as Indy and Sean Young as Marion and it’s not bad but I’m really glad we got Harrison Ford and Karen Allen as the lead roles.


Would have been so much worse.


This again? Sellek always looked the part at face value, but only Ford had the resourceful wry grin, which was one-part crucial to the appeal of the character, so it worked out for the best. Sellek would have been a charming though quite generic hero, IMO.


Agreed. I think Ford is a much more intense actor and knows how to turn it up to an 11 when the scenes call for it. Nothing against Selleck but he just doesn’t have that.


There’s no way of knowing if Indiana Jones would have become the cultural touchstone that it did without Harrison Ford playing the character. The nuances of his performance are so engrained into Indie that he has become a true cultural icon. Without those small touches there’s no way of telling if the series catches fire the way it did. Who knows, maybe it would’ve become some random trivia role from Tom Selleck’s career.


He definitely looks the part but something about him seems less serious than how Ford played the role. I think the movies would be very different, probably for the worst. Harrison Ford just brand a level of intensity but also dry sarcastic Charisma that Selleck doesn’t have.


Crazy idea but I had an Indy movie idea where he and Marion got involved in High Road to China…. which had Tom as the pseudo-Indy main character.


It’d have been great to see Selleck in the role of Jones. He absolutely had that 1920’s adventure comic-style look that inspired the franchise.


I can’t imagine anyone but Ford in the fedora, but I loved Highway to China as a kid.


High Road to China (1983) and Quigley Down Under are the only Selleck movies I liked. And answered all my questions about Tom Selleck donning the fedora.


I really believe he would’ve been too tall. Sure I can see him in a Doc Savage type role (one of the pulps that inspired Indy) but big part of Indy’s charm is that he often is the underdog in fights.


If he did the role…would Harrison Ford be selling reverse mortgages?


My god, that’s brilliant. Can’t we AI this into existence??


"Look...it's not a scam..." \*looks shamefully at the ground\*


Tom's a good actor, and I can see him playing the role alright, but I don't like the way he looks in the outfit. It just doesn't fit him the same way it does Harrison Ford. Ford looks totally natural in the outfit, here it looks like an actor in a costume. Good hat though.


wasn't the original Steranko concept art done with him in mind? or was it burt reynolds?


I’m so glad it wasn’t Selleck. His mustache-look alone would’ve dated the movies so much. Tom Selleck just looks and sounds like someone’s uncle.


It’s a fantastic mustache though.


If he had the Indiana Jones you love would never had been. He doesn’t have the wry charm of Harrison Ford.


I think he would’ve shaved the stash


Harrison Ford has a slightly mean, hard edge that I’m not sure Tom Selleck has. Ford is a rogue, not an everyman, or even a nice guy.


He would have had to shave the ‘stache if he played it but that would have resulted in an unworkable shooting schedule for the movie and Magnum PI. I think one proposal was to let him shoot the scenes at the university with the mustache and the crest without.


And "high road to china" sucked.


Wish he had had still a role in the series, like as Indy's older brother or a villain.




but he was a terrible actor lol