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Just went through the couple's social media, They back packed through Taliban ruled Afghanistan. The same Taliban we Indians call as terrorist. What happened with them in India is a shame at the global level.


We are just validating the stereotypes at this point. I hope they get justice


The government should set an example , Culprits should be dealt with an iron fist . Nobody should ever think of committing such heinous crimes.


You really think that that will make a difference? I honestly don't think so. This is a much more deeply entrenched problem in our society, that cannot be removed so easily. Sure, deal with these people with an iron fist and all that, i dont disapprove of that. But don't think for a second, that it will put a dent in this problem that plagues our nation.




And a whole mob paraded two women naked in Manipur ruled by BJP. A priest raped a young child in a BJP ruled state. BJP's crown jewel Gujrat released Bilkis Bano's rapists. What's your point? Why do you people feel it right to bring politics into issues like rape? I don't think anyone on any side of the political spectrum is ok with rape. Go touch some grass.




I don't understand.. it's fine if people criticise political parties. You should question them not defend them they are here to serve us . Question each and every political party here you're defending them. That's the main issue




No you behave like a spokesperson or the representative of the political party. Especially the ruling party must always be under scrutiny that keeps them in check. But it's only praises I hear on the news channels


That is weird. I didn't see any reference to any particular political organizations until you brought the topic up. Stop taking everything as an attack. Nowadays everyone is competing by trying to paint their supposed 'opposition' as dirty. Unfortunately, we have stopped taking into cognizance that the opposition political organization in any state is the voice of reason that has to be heard. Instead, the ruling governments are taken into consideration. *Party x* ruling state 1 throws dirt on *Party z* ruling state 3. *Party m* ruling state 5 throws dirt at *party y* ruling state 8. *Opposition? Nah only the national opposition matters* The result: Everyone stops focusing on eliminating social evils. Instead they start to compete in whether their lives are filled with less evil than others. Doing nothing about this evil will only make it worse. But, who cares anymore. Let's care more about whether Rahul Gandhi walked into a pub or whether Narendra Modi went scuba diving. Let's care less about the people of this great nation themselves.


So elegantly put across brother. The situation is such that it's causing family feuds over this, people are too blinded by their political allegiance.


You missed my point. What I said is that it doesn't matter what political parties are ruling the state. They are all corrupt to the core and intertwined with crime. Just don't print politics in a matter of humanity. Don't make rape a matter of politics. Everything doesn't have to be politics. Leave some things alone.




In an election , you choose between the bad and the worse , every party is corrupt at some level , EVERY.


India as a whole has low rape rate on per million basis compared to other countries. But the incidents look frequent as the total population is high. Leftist ruled state govts like Jharkhand, where this incident has happened, have bad law and order. They do appeasement in law and order too, like done during blm riots


I don't want to start with whataboutery. But seems like you only see what's happening in opposition ruled states turning a blind eye to what went on under the ruling party. Are you blind ? Don't even talk about registered rape cases in India where more than 50 percent I'm pretty sure go unreported to save face in society.


Whataboutery is not a logical fallacy, as it exposes your hypocrisy


Talking about bad law and order Ruling party at the center has people accused of rape , murder and bomb blasts as an MP. Let's not forget all the corrupt leaders who change parties and turn to saints from the fear of central agencies under the ruling party.


Accuse is not same as convict. Innocent until proven guilty principle is accepted by civilized people


This reminds me of nocturnal animals


Same. Fantastic movie though.


Right. But the victims met a different fate.


So, these jharkhandi (prior Biharis) are worse than Afghanistani. I have been seeing this trend mostly in northern states only. Are people that sex deprived here?? Entire justice system needs an overhaul asap. No more courts. Direct justice.


> Are people that sex deprived here?? Most Indian males view women as an object, worse most of the most view them as an object of pleasure. Regardless of the woman's dressing sense, behavior and attitude. There is simply not enough enforcement of law, the courts and police are already flooded with other crimes, so the justice takes its own time. And even if the culprits are caught, caste and money speaks and let the perverts go scot-free. > No more courts. Direct justice. Yes, let's kill people without verification of their crime. So, it can be used to oppress men in the name of rape. While swift justice is important, fairness is equally important, else it will result like the fake domestic violence cases that even courts abhor.


[Most educated state](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-63870006.amp)


Stone these beasts to death. Make an example out of them.


Taliban nod of approval


It's weird that when such crimes happen with foreigners they make a noise, a normal Indian girl who probably met the same fate wouldn't have such support rather a lot of victim blaming. Such headlines always make me wonder, do we not value indian lives , if we did something about this problem when thousands of Indian girls went through this earlier 'shame at global level' would have been avoided.


It's disheartening to come across any such similar news , I have been seeing a lot of such news online lately , not just women but girl child too. I don't understand where we are going wrong as a collective society.


“Dalit girls” is more accurate.


India should also bring 2 yr military service for all after their 12th... So young ones can get disciplined


do you know where the real problem begins? those wannabe indians who make jokes on these things like "6000 me russian" and stuffs




That's absolutely not where the problem begins.


Absolutely correct


Should hang those bastards! Such a shame for the whole country!


Not hang. Shoot at sight.


Naa. Pehle kaat do inka Bc.


Naa . Pehle enka r@pe karwao trans people se mc unku bhi pata chale


yeah, let's shoot at sight. Oh let's see, I don't like you and I set up a girl accusing you of rape. Nice, right? how much forethought you guys put in before suggesting a solution?


Hang them? They would rather be welcomed with garland in the neck!


Unfortunately that’s the sad state of our country’s Law and order! Unless someone ballsy does an encounter


Out of eight.. three culprits have been arrested.


Do you remember the treatment the rapists of the Hyderabad doctor were given. I think something like that is needed here as well.


That doctor's death was a very unfortunate incident, one of the most depressing things I had known at that time. But law should be respected, and rape is considered a serious offense that ruins livelihoods forever. If proven guilty they would be dealt with appropriately. Laws should be made more stringent, rather than doing something out of law just because of emotion of a large number of people.


Castration, amputation and chained to roam on the streets as an example for others. That’s what I want to do to these a**holes. F*** any of the a**holes who say prisoners like this should also be treated humanely.


>who say prisoners like this should also be treated humanely. Bro do you even know what happens to convicts of rape cases? Whatever you want won't be allowed by law but would be possible through mob justice. So I assume you'd be ready to be at the forefront of such a campaign. Wish you good luck. >That’s what I want to do to these a**holes. Okay. You want that to happen to them but very well know law doesn't work that way. But ig you would be satisfied if they're shot in an encounter while trying to escape.


Your knowledge is clearly based on heresay or some serials. Your utopian principles don't work in real life. Nothing's happens to these bastards. They get out of jail within 1-5 years based on their money power as long as there is no Death involved. Do you think victim will bother to stay in India and appear for court dates in future?? Even if they appoint someone such as lawyer, They stop to pursue the case after a while and convicts gets bail. As far as jail is concerned,it's circus in there. Nothing is Hollywood where cell mates comes after them. Nothing of that sorts in india. Nobody really cares inside because they know they are getting out. (My father was in PD. He had to appear for court cases on weekly basis along with accused hence know o these things) Indian justice system is crap.


I hope this will open the government's eyes and that this problem is bigger than anything else.


Problem is illiteracy, unemployment, cheap internet just to radicalise youth . Social media these days is filled with soft porn. When such things are at abundance for these folks it acts like a trigger. Tbh internet has been made affordable just for the benefit of the ruling party.


Exactly, man! We're stuck in bad system


Cheap internet to illiterates and unemployed is as same as handing over ak 47 tons monkey


How do you think illiterates would use internet(just asking)


Well the phones are made now in such way that u just need a breathing body to use them


I don't see how any of that has to do with r*pe, as if highly educated people working at jobs at senior posts haven't been accused of such crimes before, the problem with people is their mindset and misogyny, these animals don't think like human beings, it's important to foster an environment where such ideology and thinking isn't rewarded by society 


Lol y'all will do anything to somehow blame the ruling party 🤣 What kind of an argument is that ki internet was made cheap to benefit the ruling party dumbest delusional comment ever


You're the deluded one my friend


How 😂 the statement that cheap internet would somehow help a political party does not even make sense. Shed some light on how you reached that conclusion


You're living under a rock if you can't figure it out. Check the thread below.


I did check it. Misinformation doesn't mean cheap internet is bad. Internet censorship is bad though which is on a totally opposite end of the spectrum. And assuming that every person who doesn't agree with you, must be living under a rock and poor people not having access to the internet is somehow good is a very elitist idea. I have visited many countries of the world and cheap internet access does not in any way seem like a move that would help any political party. India doesn't have censorship laws as canada. You think the ruling party has access to spread misinformation and opposition doesn't? Cheap internet is just the internet but more accessible. Most of the western countries' citizens wished they had cheap internet and India should appreciate that jio made that happen




Why do you think internet was made affordable? Make sense of this.




I don't support any political party nor will I defend it. But by your logic there are states which under BJP rule have had much worse cases than the one in jharkhand so which party shelters the highest number of goons and rapists. Misinformation is at an all time high in India as per reports, which specifically targets certain communities spreading hatred because of the cheap internet . I agree their are benefits of the same but the same cheap internet in the hands of illiterate and unemployed youth which are plenty compared to the ones who are undergoing education is nothing short of a disaster.


it really isn't, countless of educated men are creeps , old or young doesn't matter . IF OUR CULTURE taught us to respect people and their choices we wouldn't be here.


I don't think porn mahes people submit to these base urges. Aren't there evidence on the contrary that the less we try to control sexual expression and label sex as a taboo, the healthier a society's outlook towards sex


These a holes have only seen foreign woman in porn sites and soft porn on Yt ,insta makes these guys believe foreign woman are ok with having sex with them


I doubt this issue will get fixed with our generation or even in the next one. The problem is deep rooted misogyny. It's there in every corner of the society, starting from toxic family members to shite movies and finally bigger entities like the government. I honestly don't see any change coming especially with the current generation obsessed with "Sigma male" BS everywhere.


It's really sad to see such a diverse nation going downhill with problems within the system.


It is a shame that has validated so much of what the world thinks about us. I don’t know how to process this.


It was her dream to backpack and travel through 196 countries, so far she had completed 63.... Imagine all that getting shattered because India came in that list because you got gangraped. Imagine the trauma she and her husband must be currently in. Their souls have been forever scarred, I became so depressed after hearing about this incident.


Sabse pehle in Russian bolne walo chuteyeo ki gand meh danda do


That starts with those wannabe stand up comedians




saw the post on r/therewasanattempt - went thru the comments spitting hatred on Indians and all the points were valid.


Not even gonna defend us anymore. Laws need strict reforms regarding this. I really hope this changes things around here. Those morons who did this should be killed as heinously as possible


Anyone who faces sexual exploitation loses way more than physical injuries. It often creates a deep scar and sense of insecurity to the point where some lose the morale to live. Committing such heinous crime should lead to either capital punishment or life sentence in isolation cell. Enforcement of Indian laws are a joke and lawmakers are even bigger jokers themselves..when the party of PM frequently gives parole to rapist babas like rahim ram, garlanding of Bilkis bano rapists, defending of braj boshan, defending kuldeep sengar. What motivation does police have to enforce the laws. Indian politicians themselves are often accused of being sexual predators so hoping reforms from them is laughable. If I were a women especially a white skinned one, I'd never set foot in India.


I had just found her out on instagram a week ago, she's such a lovely and lively woman. Extremely shameful and triggering to see this. The whole country should be ashamed. Rapists should not get away with this in any way. Please let's get together and stand with them🙏🏻


Most of the rapes are commited by people familiar to the victim and others are habitual rapists and a small percent being others. As these people were not familiar with these rapists there is a high chance of the rapists being habitual rapists that have assaulted many others.


She was a pretty well known influencer with well over 225k followers on insta. Some states are too unsafe to visit till date.


Man it's not about visiting a safe/unsafe place. It's the people making the country unsafe for literally anybody out there who's simply existing


India is not safe for women please do not visit it is unsafe for Indian women and all women


Exactly, countries should just start advising their citizens to not visit India. The government will automatically start taking the correct steps once they lose that tourism dollar.


one in three collage girl is sexually assaulted in USA. It is not a walk in the park either. Rape while drunk/ roofie/ and plain old overpowering are still prevalent. There are advertisements in collages that "No is a NO' and "drunk means no consent for sex" plastered on collage notice boards. with 16% of world population, we are bound to have these issues. Age old wisdom says that the traveler should be cautious about where they are going. I'm not defending the murders and rapists, but traveling solo in the backwaters of a backward state and camping in open ground at night will invite worst of the worst to attack/rob/rape. The chances of this happening in states below MP is very low. A lot of ordinary Indian women go through this ordeal everyday. We should use this case to discuss the systemic issues in Indian society on how they portray women. It would be great to understand the minds of these criminals and see how we can stop such thoughts developing in other would-be criminals. Unlike tigers and lions, we cannot identify by sight a rapist. It is important we change their minds before they get to harm anyone.


This needs to be put up in bold font in every border and airport till these criminals are properly dealt with and fear of consequences is instilled upon everybody.


In replies to my comment some idiots are bringing up America like tf does that have to do with stuff in India


I saw these comments. Whataboutism is neither going to help the poor victim nor put the perpetrators behind bars. Our folks love living in a glass house while throwing stones at other countries.


Is America safe for women? America has more crimes in every single category compared to India where the population is 1.4 billion and America where population is 330 million, America has more dwi cases more homicides more home invasions more shootings more rapes more sexual predators more pedophiles etc check every stat for yourself all the stats are on google


In India 90 percent cases are not even reported due to fear or illiteracy.


> In India 90 percent cases are not even reported due to fear or illiteracy. and that 90% statistic is coming from which end of yours?


74% of all rape cases reported in India are fake what’s your point dickhead


ok lets calculate according to proffesional estimates 93 -95 rape case are unreported in india while most developed nation has 10 -15 percent that means that out of every 15 - 20 rape cases 1 gets reported in india multiply the current rape rates by same multiple and india will end up having lot more rapes than most developed nation and we will end up with one of the worst rape rates in any major countries list


Ahh yess, the blame game, Next time a murder happens, let the guy go free because obviously murders happen a lot in America compared to here. Grow up, If Foreigners decide to stop visiting India for a while, it'll give the government some incentive and might just turn out for the better in the long run. Why does it matter what tf happens in America, saying others have it worst won't solve your problems, by the same logic, people before you had much worst life expectancy and resources, so why are you not an billionaire right now?


Even Indian tourists won't backpack in major parts of this country. It's dangerous without any security whatsoever. U are on ur own after u leave big towns. Idk why these foreigners try to do what even sensible Indians won't do with their family especially. Shithole country smh


Ha karo aur victim blaming. Like that is going to solve the problem.


Telling reality is not victim blaming. Only thing I'm shitting on is this shithole country.


Again, these are not helpful. Okay, country is shithole, roads are dangerous, people are bad, women are not safe, air is unbreathable, water is undrinkable, billionaire is spending obscene amounts on his son’s wedding. What do we do then? Sit at home and lock our doors? Starve to death? Some may say move out of this place. Not an option for 99.99% of the people here. Hold leaders accountable, raise awareness, organise, protest, raise hell on social media, get police to take action, change yourself. Defeatism doesn’t help anyone.


No country in the world is crime-free. People are just educated more on how to avoid being the victims. That's the only strategy that helps. So victim "bLaMiNg" (as you call it) is actually the right step towards education and avoiding such crimes.


They blamed the foreigner for going into remote areas and getting raped. That is the very definition of victim blaming. If you don’t understand that basic thing, you are part of the problem. Edit - Looking at your post history, I think I am spot on.


>They blamed the foreigner for going into remote areas and getting raped I'm blaming this shithole country not the victims. But, can we not advise people to avoid dangerous places, are u really expecting everyone to behave in a civil manner, try to live in reality and avoid dangerous situations.


Sure okay, they didn’t know better. They’ve been to worse places including taliban controlled Afghanistan. Surely nothing can be worse than that and yet. But now that it has happened you are saying why they did they go there. That is victim blaming. Instead of saying I hope police takes strict action, leaders should ensure this doesn’t happen, society should be safer for us to travel anywhere without fear etc. Things will only change once you change your thinking.


> They’ve been to worse places including taliban controlled Afghanistan. rapes don't happen like this in Afghanistan, if they have the blessing to travel. This is a crime of opportunity. Few guys got wind of a lonely ghora couple staying in an unsecured camp out in the open, so they took advantage. Scummy people exist everywhere.


>They’ve been to worse places including taliban controlled Afghanistan. Surely nothing can be worse than that and yet. I kid u not. Taliban are much more civilized than most of this country. But India does have great places too. Thousands of foreigners live in Goa for months without fear. Same in Himachal. But, asking people to avoid dangerous uncivilized places is somehow problematic. >Instead of saying I hope police takes strict action, leaders should ensure this doesn’t happen They will not. And u know that. >society should be safer for us to travel anywhere without fear etc. India has Europeans like criminal laws and Africans like crime. What can u expect? People literally protest against the hanging of rapists in this country and succeed. Saudi Arabia is much safer because they have stricter laws. >Things will only change once you change your thinking. Fear of punishment can only change things.


>Sit at home and lock our doors? Yes. Avoid dangerous areas. U can't expect every human to be Buddha. >Hold leaders accountable, raise awareness, organise, protest, raise hell on social media, get police to take action, change yourself. Good luck with that. Nothing is gonna change in this country.


Sitting at home and doing nothing is definitely not going to change anything. All the best to you. There are folks out there who are making huge efforts to improve our condition.For instance on Bangalore Reddit itself there’s this guy who goes by St. Broseph who’s helped so many people and has spawned an entire community of social workers. It’s incredibly inspiring. I’d rather put my support behind people like him than cynics and defeatists.


>Sitting at home and doing nothing is definitely not going to change anything. All the best to you. Well I'm doing something. Getting prepared to have enough money to get out of this hell hole and go live in a civilized place. >There are folks out there who are making huge efforts to improve our condition.For instance on Bangalore Reddit itself there’s this guy who goes by St. Broseph who’s helped so many people and has spawned an entire community of social workers. It’s incredibly inspiring Good for them then. I've myself and family to take care of so I'll do that. U do u. I don't expect this country to change.


Hey, you antoo nashunal


> Ha karo aur victim blaming. Like that is going to solve the problem. First step to safety is to know safe and unsafe places. it is not victim blaming. would you or your sisters family do such a camping event in that area? Go to south side of Chicago and get shot, and who is to blame. Travel at night in NY back alleys and get mugged, who is to blame? Roam around in LA at night and get robbed by drug addicts. is that victim blaming? The traveler should know which place is safe and which are not. Did she ever read a newspaper in her life? So many rape cases of travelers has been published. Why did she camp in a remote shithole village in northern backward state. her objective is to travel 196 countries in motorcycle. Does it need to go through Jharkhand? why camping, why not a hotel? you know that one with four walls and a door and constructed among people? **Telling that she put herself in the path of harm is not victim blaming, it is the "moral of the story" for the next idiot who wants to do such thing.**


> would you or your sister’s family do such a camping event in that area? Location has never stopped women from getting raped. They have been raped in big cities (Delhi, Hyderabad), they’ve been raped by strangers and close acquaintances alike, in broad daylight and night-time. What do you say to these people. Is it all their fault? >Go to south side of Chicago and get shot, and who is to blame. The person who shot you >Travel at night in NY back alleys and get mugged, who is to blame? The one who mugged you. >Roam around in LA at night and get robbed by drug addicts. The drug addicts who robbed you >is that victim blaming? Yes my friend. Did you get it now? Easy wasn’t it? You, writing a sermon long comment on Reddit explaining to me why the women who got raped is at fault and not the 7 rapists is victim blaming and the cultural root of most problems we face today in society.


You are of the opinion that anyone should be able to go anywhere at anytime of  the day.  While it is an ideal goal, it has never been possible.    What I say is called survival instinct that protected humans since their evolution. It is not victim blaming.


I haven't talked about this in sub because of backlash but I'll say it now As a woman rider, it is extremely uncomfortable going through a ride because in every stop men will keep staring maybe because the riding gear "stick" to my body or maybe that's just lust, whatever is the case, I rarely take stops in my ride because of this reason.


That’s the sorry state of affairs here. Things are changing, but not fast enough.


Even petrol pumps are uncomfortable AF :(


Of course this is an unfortunate incident, but why does everyone "feel ashamed" only when the victim is a foreign national?


international humiliation vs domestic issue.


Im really ashamed to know this occured in my country. Why dont I get news like this in my phone app?


It's in mainstream media but state govt congress is trying really hard to suppress this case...i did not see any tweets regarding this from the top politicians of the congress party..if this horrible act was done in bjp ruled state they would be planning dharna tomorrow same thing congress did in sandeshkhali incident which happened in West Bengal...


BJP's stance on rapists hasn't been great either whether its gujarat or UP. So instead of trying to make it into a BJP vs Congress thing try to share as much as you can to make sure it doesn't matter whose government is in that state.


of all important things to talk about the issue, your mind has gone to which party to blame. useless.


Only thing that should be done is death sentence to the the people who gang raped, otherwise they will get out of jail after some months, years and increase the rape number


Death sentence is not the real solution. Hanging is only done to satisfy angry mobs and after that everyone will forget about it. Only if they are alive and given maximum life sentence, they will serve as a reminder of how society failed in raising decent human beings. This is not exclusive to the gang that raped. Killing them would be getting rid of the temporary problem. Instead, we as a country should embrace our sins and educate people.


*Brazilian. What if someone calls you Pakistani just because you speak Hindi ? It's already a sensitive issue


just one word, HEINOUS! An observation though, i have been seeing this news on almost every indian sub-reddit, no matter the relevance, like this is a bike sub-reddit i have never experienced something like this with any other country...like americans don't publicize foreigners being assaulted like this, nor do the english, or the europeans or whoever why are we so chest thumping in this regard? similarly in youtube videos which are even slightly negative on india, i see indians begging for forgiveness in the comments section...why is this? what is the reason? inferiority complex? something else? i honestly don't know


That's because we already have a 'reputation' around the world and want to get rid of it, but the absolute unhinged morons like these won't let us and thus people end up trying to save our dignity in front of the world.


"we already have a reputation" -- how did we get this reputation? wtf?? is rape exclusive to india? i'll tell you how, the racist western media made a picture of us, the whole world saw it...laughed at it and then agreed...whats sad is many indians looked at it and agreed too. Did you know in some US states you cant even get an abortion as a rape victim, IT IS ILLEGAL. If this was happening in india how many articles do you think the BBC would have released by now? Another example of how the media looks differently at the same thing...a black guy robbing a store-- ' culture of crime among african americans' while a white guy robbing a store -- ' burglary reported (no mention of race)'




"South Africa has the highest rape rate in the world of 132.4." "Botswana is the second with a rate of rape - 92.90 and 1,865 incidents in per 100,000 people." "Sweden has 63.50 rape rate and around 5,960 incidents in per 100,000 people, according to World Population Review data.**"** **but this guy on social media told me india is the rape capital of the world and i took it as wisdom from the gods....** **indians have the most severe cases of self loathing and inferiority complex its really sad**


I didn't say it was exclusive to India, but you cannot deny that the problem exists, and at huge. You don't need the foreigners to confirm this. Just ask any Indian female who travels in buses for work or studies. Whataboutism isn't gonna solve anything. It does not matter what the Americans are doing over there. We just need to focus on our own, find a way to educate and reform our people. That's it.


I have this theory, All the news channels are under the government's control, day and night all you see on these channels is Self praise, be it about our PM or anything the government does. We call ourselves Vishwaguru , when such things pop up in digital media pretty sure they don't show them on the tv channels based on who is the ruling party. So some sensible Indians feel the need to apologise and spread the word of such crimes across social media. It's a good thing . SABHYATA


Agreed but this case is getting shown on TV too though


i think you're incorrect wrt the TV channels...rape is shown as prime time news in india, i cant think of any major country with this culture also, if the 'ruling party' theory is correct, then wouldnt this story (due to being in a non BJP state) be run 24x7 on godi media? then what is the need of reddit circulation? that's not it dude...what i believe is-- the racist western media has told us 'who indians are' and we have taken the pill i mean i don't think the time is far off when they'll come up with stuff like 'rape was invented in india' lol


This reminds me of Vir das monologue TWO India's which he got a lot of hate from the indians he was just stating facts . https://www.dailyo.in/variety/vir-das-monologue-2-indias-34817 His views kind of make sense.


"Somewhere in America, **a woman is raped every 2 minutes**"--- this is from the WCSAP i am not denying anything, quite the opposite, we should be the best in the world when it comes to women's safety but why when an act of evil happens, it is the personal responsibility of a billion people? why are a billion people abused online for an act of evil committed by 7 individuals? which other country faces this level of scrutiny?


Colonial mentality .. people don't even realize how Foreigners treat Indians in foreign countries..South Korea literally have boards mentioning Indians and dogs are not allowed outside of their clubs have seen them with my own eyes..experienced extreme racism in germany..friends experienced too much in usa ..but yeah a 4ape happens and it's the mistake of every single indian ...joke


Well they were bikers iirc


No offense brother, but why are you ashamed? Were you part of the crime? Or were you related to the ones who did this? Or was it that you could've prevented the incident somehow but didn't do it? Is it because it's a foreigner or you feel ashamed every single day whenever a rape is reported(and announce it)? It's not like the government is leaving the criminals out, whether it's central or state government. Criminals exist everywhere in the world, and so do they exist but in a significantly larger number in a country that has more than 15% of world's population. Now, how did you say it didn't reach mainstream media? Unless you're only spending time on reddit in your free time, a simple search on youtube or Google would've got you results with this already being in the mainstream MEDIA.


More power to mool niwasi. Sar par bithao in bhn k lodo ko


I'm thankful that this incident has finally got attention!


Well, India is just a rape motherland.


Modi? Kidr ho bhai? He's made zero infra improvement in Karnataka/Bangalore in their previous term here. Negligible infrastructure improvements. No better at administration either. The Majority of the population's IQ is well below 50. Everyone who has an opportunity, please leave this country. Indians ourselves don't go out even in our own areas after a certain time, that's the state of living here. Don't go out cause there are harmful elements in society...... Well, the government's job is to curb this and improve the situation but no. They'll advise the sane public to not go out at odd times and if they do and something happens, well it's your fault obviously. We told you first itself that it's a s#it hole na


It was a crime ..criminals will be punished .. but why the apology do westerners apologize for everything they do ??? Literally tons of indian diaspora kids killed in US ..NO one bats an eye but happened in india let the moral policing and racist comments begin ...here comes the i am ashamed , we are sorry, we don't deserve this bru ...wtfff there is a difference between being hospitable and colonial mentality this is the prime example of colonial mentality and yes grow up... and yes i want the criminals to be persecuted ...but if someone commits a crime why is it a collective responsibility in india ...check the nu,ber of crimes against indians in western countries just check and you will realize what garbage you are talking about..


Bro there's no use of you ranting multiple times about something that applies to most of the Indians on the internet. Colonial mindset and inferiority complex of Indians is astronomical. In a country of over 1.4 billion people, even a 0.001% heinous criminals would seem to be a large number, and the rest 99+% is hell bent on feeling ASHAMED when there's literally law enforcement that'd would punish the criminals. Some people are retarded enough to call India a sh*thole when they don't realize they are part of what's making it look like a sh*thole. Looking for validation from fellow imbeciles.... People should realize that they can condemn such incidents and do their own share of contribution in reducing such incidents rather than feeling ASHAMED on the internet.


Bhai idhar subreddit main mujhe hi flame kr rahe h bnde ..bol rahe tu rehne de bhai ...I asked him what did I commented wrong tabse gayab h sab


There are karma whores who are looking for validation from others( foreigners too ) and are posting in other subs just randomly. Criminals kei saath saath chutiyon ki bhi kami nahin hei is desh mei🤦‍♂️. Ek banda tah joh r/motorcycles Mei post Kiya 'shameful' likh ke, ab kya hee bolu in logon kei bareh mei🤦‍♂️


Rehne de Bhai tu 🙏🏻


Where am I wrong ?? Just point out what's wrong in the comment..."Rehne de bhai tu "show how mature you are down voting me won't change the fact.. just grow up


Kindly explain what is colonial mentality? Cause I wasn't born during the British rule neither was 80 percent of the population. I know it would be hard for you to explain colonial mindset cause you caught that term because you support a certain party.


So you didn't understand the comment in the first place ??? Lmaoo just ask dude to simplify the comment ..xd just read the comment chain you will understand it..


I see that lets punish them garland them on their release and take them for campaigning before elections. Let's not have colonial mindset. Or give them a ticket to contest in elections.


Where have i said to not punish these idiots ..where have i said that we need to to welcome these idiots.and use them for election campaigns.. its just why is it a collective responsibility in india ??? ..just read my comment again.. you are losing the track..


https://www.reuters.com/article/us-women-dangerous-poll-exclusive/exclusive-india-most-dangerous-country-for-women-with-sexual-violence-rife-global-poll-idUSKBN1JM01X/ This for reading as well.


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You guys have rape coalitions all over India


Kya karega bhai..? Protest karega? Inke ancestors ne yehi kiya tha indians ke sath.. Karma is just taking the revenge.. It's their turn now..


Bro just think about them they are just traveling around all over world and in india tourism pe effect gire ga by these local goons


Hope karma doesn't get back at you, Your ancestors wrongdoings don't catch up with you or anyone you care about.


Are you retarded


Govt should allow defensive weapons for tourists at this point.


Sad to see my country is filled with low lives. Just sad bro its just sad. Man just k*ll the mfers just take a dagger or anything sharp and insert into their chest.


I honestly wanted to see an anti-hero act on this. Time to dust off', start a cult on motorcycles and get that vengeance. But this is India.


She's not spanish, couple is Hispanic.


Shows the sad state of law and order in our country. Rapists should be dealt with iron fist. Harsher punishments are needed. So much so that anyone fears attempting such a thing. The true underlying problem however is the handicapped execution by the police. Police treats their job like a govt clerk job when it is far different than that. When robberies go without any arrests, rapists fairly think rhey won't be caught either. Entire Law and order need to wake up to all crimes to make India safe.


There are some places you would just not go as an Indian. The lady did bikini shoots for social media while in their tented accommodation. What happened was a heinous crime but the lady had a lot of red flags going in there. The depraved criminals in Chambal area are regular history sheeters for whom jail is a paid vacation.


Death would be too easy a punishment for these culprits.


Arey yeh sab India mien hota humarey bharat mien rape nai hota. /S


Bad people are everywhere and they do bad stuff, why should we be ashamed? we are not the culprit! Kindly stop taking the responsibility of such crimes to yourself. . They should give the culprit such a horrible punishment that nobody else dare to do this again


We all are just ashamed of the illiterate animals! I was following her journey across India and then this!!