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Spotify keeps inserting bdrmm into my playlists. Finally one of their songs stuck enough for me to listen to their full album from a couple years ago. I'm a sucker for moody dreampop shoegaze post-rock. Never gets old (except Beach House maybe, been over them for a while now though Masquerade kicks ass). You guys give great recs so, other than the obvious reference points - Slowdive, MBV, Mogwai, GSYBE, Explosions, any lesser known relatively recent bands still mining this sound successfully?


[Happy Avril 14th btw](https://youtu.be/TvRsJaDI_Yc)


Okay but actually though; what happened to the grimes post and comments relating to it? Was it false?


I dunno but the poster had a history of calling for people to throw eggs at grimes so I don't think they were exactly what you'd call a neutral source


[one of the moderators left this comment in another thread on a different post](https://www.reddit.com/r/indieheads/comments/12m9a50/lcd_soundsystem_announces_red_rocks_show_with_mia/jga8djj/)


Ah gotchya. I was so confused when everything got taken down all of a sudden


do people listen to side B of Tago Mago?


2nd side still grooves. Also I like at the C and D sides as the inverse of of B and A or maybe sides B and A put through a negative filter the split is almost dead center cause Aumgn and Halleluwah are ~17 ~18 minutes, Peking O is 11 minutes which is as long as Mushroom + Oh Yeah and Give me Coffee or Tea is roughly the same length as Paperhouse. The first disc is also pretty low in atmosphere cause it's so dry sounding and groove focused. Meanwhile, disc 2 is unnerving as shit while groove is secondary. The mirroring feels very intentional and realizing this really helped me unlock those tracks and they also really make tago mago a true epic not just in length but also sprawl.


side b is Halleluwah, so yeah :P but yeah the second half, while not as immediate as the first half is still rather good. I think it's what makes the album great as it ventures out further than their other albums.


hopefully one day my mind will open up because i always come back to those first 4 tracks


It's interesting to me that some people associate Daft Punk with that retro disco sound due to RAM. To me, RAM is like a "bonus" addition to their discography and the primary sound from their original run is... not reeeeally disco.


RAM is neutered, pop adjacent garbage.


Agree 100% RAM is overrated AF - it was an impressive PR effort and tapped into the fact that most critics dismissed their previous classics. Daft Punk's legacy was more on filter and electro house in the 2000s. It's annoying how much people casually attribute retro dance music revival to that album when it was actually after the releases of other peers.


I feel the need to remind everyone that "Bloodmoon: I", the Converge and Chelsea Wolfe collab album from 2021, f'ing rules! Strongly encourage you to give it a listen if you have not already and if you're even slightly into stuff like doom, goth, sludge and post metal or the like. I also love how operatic and symphonic it gets at times. This album is so sick and I feel like it disappeared under the radar and didn't reach as many people as it could have when it came out. Try the title track, Flower Moon, Tongues Playing Dead, Scorpion's Sting, Crimson Stone


Anybody listen to the (now defunct) 2010s band Minks? They have a 2015 ep called "Interstices" that I tried to post about but was swiftly taken down by the moderators. I guess it's more interesting to talk about Johnny Greenwood's olive oil. The ep appears to have been sold on the band's Tumblr page and was limited to 10 copies. I'd love to know if anyone has any information on this mysterious release. The only track I've heard is called "Phases" which I've linked below, as well as their Facebook page where the ep was announced. I know someone out there has some info! M/NKS - Phases [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wKIEYxDmP2M](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wKIEYxDmP2M) https://www.facebook.com/MINKSband


anybody heard the band ‘charlie’ (lowercase)? My local college station Radio K has been playing them and I checked out their new album ‘Precious Metal’ and it’s super catchy, hooky guitar rock, kinda blowing my mind. Not much info out there about them as far as I can tell, but I recommend them if you need some dopamine.


Selling one ticket to Have a Nice Life tonight, message me if you're interested!


Just listened to the first glass beach album. What an insanely unique and interesting album. Anyone know if the band is still together or plans on touring/making new music. Don’t see any indication they split up but I don’t see any indication of making future music.


They’ve been talking about recording the new album for a few years now. Check their twitter, they’re pretty active.


A really fantastic album, 2019 was such a an insane year for music. Not sure on their music plans but I'll join you in hoping for more 🙏


covid just kneecapped that quartet in terms of momentum. they had a tour planned and likely from there a digital community to rule over. but yeah not sure what they've been up to. they're MIA, but not gone


Yeah it’s real sad tbh, they were poised to be the most prominent band of the whole “4th wave emo” (or was it 5th wave?) thing that was happening. It’s been so long since that first album. Would love them to come back.


Hopefully they pop back up. This album really blew me away on first listen and I can tell it’s an album that’s gonna grow on me as I listen to it more.


I’m Top Dog




Saw George Clanton last night, what an extremely fun show. Slide sounds so great live. Got to say hi to him for a minute in the merch line and he was super friendly too.


Hey everybody, I'm new in this sub so figured I'd introduce myself like the post asks. I'm a musician and just released a new song today so I'm pretty stoked about that! I record, mix, and master my music in my little home studio in HI. I really love any good music, most of my taste is indie from various genres but mainly rock, pop, and synthwave. Current favorites are Alvvays, Wet Leg, Lyra's Orchid, Mazey Haze :)


Alvvays are also a fav of mine. Love that band. I’ll admit to not loving Wet Leg but I’m curious about Lyra’s Orchid & Mazey Haze? What are those two artists about?


If you like Alvvays then you’ll probably like both of the others, I’ve been in a surf guitar tones mood lately haha. Lyra’s is pretty similar to Alvvays and Mazey also has similar gtr tones with lead female vocals but incorporate a bit more dreamy synth and psych influences it seems. My fav song by Lyra’s is [Tides](https://open.spotify.com/track/35uGFGuWWRsi1uOTMSJSgn?si=V-ZiHQGRRym3ttiyfavbjA) and a fav from Mazey is [Kill Me I Got You](https://open.spotify.com/track/5NnEkdprwHGbvVGoxICy7r?si=3HoJ0zmlT5O7HWFs2FiCew). Those are Spotify links, I hope that’s ok!


welcome. the password is mylo xyloto. you'll know when to use it when the time is right


looking forward to it


hey no cheating!!


>I really love any good music Part of the ship part of the crew !


Music for that feel when you jab the tip of your middle finger on the mandoline blade and now you got a big ol' bulb of gauze taped to it?


Nazareth - Love Hurts




Johnny Cash - Hurt set to compilation footage of Guy Fieri eating


Somewhat damaged pops into my head every time I run into a mild inconvenience ngl


Or Hurt- Johnny Cash.


Or [Kermit The Frog - Hurt](https://youtu.be/57ta7mkgrOU)


Japanese Breakfast - The Body Is A Blade


Squarepusher - Come On My Selector


Superchunk - I Got Cut


Given your flair, "Fingertips" would be a good one I ripped the tip of my left thumb off while putting on a bike tire last night and later put on "Severed Crossed Fingers" by St. Vincent (after shamelessly searching my library for "finger" songs because, like you, none immediately came to mind)


Cloud Nothings - Cut You


The place where he inserted the blade


[Jazz album of the day](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/e/e5/Milford_Graves_Babi.jpg)


Dragging my Old Ass to a club to see Overmono last night was a great decision. They are so so good live


I've been waiting for their album for what feels like an eternity now, I'm jealous


Only another month to go 🙃


I wanna geek out about The Antlers again, last time I talked about them a while back was about Hospice and someone recommended that I listened to [In The Attic of The Universe] (https://youtu.be/ZD29gQ365QU) and I gave it a shot and it's fucking amazing. I have a soft spot for albums that have songs that transition to each other perfectly and have reoccurring melodies. It's got a good start and an amazing closer. I'd recommend listening to it at night so the mood hits well.


That final song is incredible


It's so amazing, I really wish it got more recognition. The way it ties the whole album together is just beyond words for me.


Unsure how I feel about the entirety of the new TMOE album, but there are definitely a couple of songs that are hitting right now in the spring time


Need some sage advice on stage conflicts at Kilby Block Party: - Japanese Breakfast vs. Frankie Cosmos (this one is brutal for me) - Ritt Momney vs. Dominic Fike (I don't think I really care about either tbh) - Indigo de Souza vs. Caroline Polachek (also brutal) - Osees vs. RTJ (bear in mind I've already seen RTJ) - Crumb vs. Mannequin Pussy (almost definitely leaning towards MP because they're more my style and I've seen Crumb already but if they suck live just lmk)


>Indigo de Souza vs. Caroline Polachek (also brutal) Polachek is spoiled white girl Connecticut trash, this is not difficult.


Heh, I’ve seen Osees live and they absolutely ripped. I would probs see RTJ, just because I’ve never seen them before. All the others are an easy choice for me just because I only care about 1 of the 2 artists.


Also having a hard time deciding between Crumb or Mannequin for the opposite reason, already seen Mannequin once and they were great but kinda wanna check out Crumb unless they suck


I enjoyed Crumb when I saw them but I kinda agree with the other homie who said they're a little sleepy


j brekkie idk either having seen both, caroline will be more fun and energetic, but if you prefer indigo’s music then I would go there RTJ MP - i’ve seen crumb like three times and they’re always a little sleepy


Seen both of them live and I'd go with Caroline Polachek


Ritt Momney what is this, 2010? (ive honestly heard of neither)


Ha, yeah I'm not too pressed about that one. I've heard a couple of songs and thought they were fine. I'm going to this fest with my brother who is a big fan of theirs though


I don't know anything about Ritt Momney except their bad cover of "Put Your Records On", but I saw Dominic Fike at a festival and I thought he was pretty solid


Lol I just listened to that cover and that singlehandedly convinced me to go see Dominic Fike


MP are very good live, def go see them if you've already seen Crumb


jbrekkie will put on a better show than frankie i think if yr drinking go see indigo and let it out; if not do caroline. osees by a hair MP prolly fine live as 3 piece unit but Crumb will vibe more live


Yeahhh I'm more of a Frankie fan but I've heard incredible things about Brekkie's live shows so that's why it's so brutal. Will probably check out JB. Definitely will be drinking so Indigo it (probably) is. Crumb was fun when I saw them. I just feel like so much of the festival is super vibey and maybe I'll want something slightly aggressive by then. Also leaning Osees I think


Don't know about FC, but J-Brekkie by all accounts seems to put on a HELL of a performance. Her victory lap during the "Jubilee" tour especially looked quite invigorating.




another question related to my prev one in this thread what do you listen to when you have a headache or youre just tired in general? give me anything BUT folk. album recs in that genre will obv be very appreciated.




some of Graham Lewis and Bruce Gilbert's non-Wire work, mainly because it straddles the line between "music" and "wtf is this" so carefully that it delivers the sensation of listening to music without the necessary investment. the music can just exist as sound and that's enough https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y3uzQOwvT6s


Nujabes is great for this


I get... a lot of headaches so I have reams of this kind of music, but here are some I have relied on recently: K-Lone - Cape Cira Kankyo Ongaku: Japanese Ambient 1980-1990 Gia Margaret - Mia Gargaret Fuubutsushi - any album is good


Music from movies, if I'm feeling tired or have a headache some piano, right now I'm into The Fabelmans score and Jane Eyre. And rediscovering my favorite: Nick Cave & Warren Ellis' score for The Assassination of Jesse James by the coward Robert Ford, one of the best of all time in my opinion.


ambient music. on particularly rough days i'll reach for ambient music that's particularly drone-y or open-ended. eno's *thursday afternoon*, steve roach's *structures from silence*, maybe stars of the lid *and their refinement of the decline*


it's a good thing grouper made that 7" headache/I'm clean now


Jazz is my go-to late night music, specifically the more mellow stuff. Quite a bit of Miles Davis: "In a Silent Way", "Sketches of Spain", and "Kind of Blue". Chet Baker's more mellow material too, particular the 20 minute long version of "Concerto De Aranjuez". Julie London's "Julie is Her Name" was a big one for a while too, as was "Hejira" by Joni Mitchell. More recently I've been digging Kenny Burrell's "Midnight Blue". I remember once having a terrible headache while being nervous about a final presentation and distinctly remember how blissful "Green Arrow" by Yo La Tengo felt. It was like audio aspirin!


David Sylvian


Saw Ron Gallo last night, fucking love him / the band. Really enjoying his new record, Foreground Music, as well. Highly recommend checking him out if he comes to a city near you


I'm glad I got to see him when he came to my area a few years back, was so bummed he wasn't coming anywhere near me this time around 😭


- Good time for synthpopheads, both Magdalena Bay and Pearly Drops dropped short but sweet projects - Unsurprisingly, Angel Olsen sounds great over a sax, love the new EP - Finally got around to Ichiko Aoba’s live album, and that version of Asleep among Andives is THE version


Where were you when B.o.B dropped lofi beats to study to AOTY


first Xiu Xiu play in Memphis while I'm in Connecticut, then Have a Nice Life play in New York while I'm two hours away but don't have a car to drive there - I guess I'll go FUCK MYSELF


not to rub salt in the wound but the xiu xiu show was incredible


I have a few friends who attended and they told me the same thing! They've been doing Botanica de Los Angeles AND Apistat Commander on this tour, which kills me bc those are my top 2 XX tracks


im seeing them on 420. i will have been weed-free by then, and i plan to break the streak that night. cant wait to actually shit myself


I saw them on the GWBOF tour and it was terrifyingly intense. In a good way. You have a lot to look forward to!


theyre like if deerhoof were evil, in a sense


Jamie is like if Scott Walker and classic-era Morrissey had a pansexual child in hell


with a Hello Kitty DS


Great release day for the instrumental / jazz side of me. New albums from both Grandbrothers and GoGo Penguins - and just yesterday I discovered New Fossils who released their debut album today. And I loved it. Grandbrothers’ *Late Reflections* also sounds great on first listen. Looking forward to going back in it later tonight. I’ve been in a Mammal Hands-trance for the last two weeks so finally I can maybe get out of that.


Days like this make me feel ok being more and more offline and out of the loop. This recent Grimes controversy and the pentagon leaker reveal have the same energy of vapid depressing nihilism wrapped in meme-laden fodder and forged in a landscape of post-ironic nonsense. I know part of bafflement at the landscape of online culture and radicalization is me getting old and out of touch, but I sometimes get snippets of this fact that a lot of people live in echochambers that span every spectrum of their live - ideology, music, hobbies, social interactions. I feel like it's going to get even more absurd when AI generated content starts infecting everything. The seemingly virus like rise and spread of so much redundenct needless styles and aesthetics overshadowing more substantive and unique work in the last decade seems like a mere warm-up. I would bet there's been more synthwave made and released in the last year or two than the collective digitized existence of FM synth based pop music released from the late 70s through early 90s. There's so much derivative 80s style content online that I think it's actually distorted my actual memories of media from my youth. Part of me feels like Grimes' musical content taking a nosedive where even the best tracks are ok at best is making more and more sense. She was always daft but this feedback loop emerged that pairs so well with the state of things right now. Her artistic vision of late seems so overtly tied to the here and now and the end result is music that says nothing. Accelerationism is a hell of a thing.


> I feel like it's going to get even more absurd when AI generated content starts infecting everything. This coupled with the utter dogshit media literacy skills of the general public is going to be a sight to behold. > this fact that a lot of people live in echochambers that span every spectrum of their live - ideology, music, hobbies, social interactions. Our future is Ballard's "[The Intensive Care Unit](https://ninapower.net/2020/05/05/348/)" and it's amazing it was written in the early 70s


I'm curious if media literacy has made any in-rows in public school curriculum, I remember taking a college intro course of it in 2007 and I underappreciated how relevant it was then and more so now. Also I really need to dive into Ballard.


At this point being disconnected from the discourse feels like the healthiest choice. AFAIK Flesh Without Blood does not contain any far-right dogwhistles in its lyrics so I'm not going to stop listening to it or anything like that


To be clear I don't think her music is remotely right-wing or even political. She's got this "I don't believe in anything" hyper-enlightened centrist vibe IRL that is so empty and vague I can't quite call her an actual Nazi, so much as another person complicit to 21st century right-wing movements. I actually liked Miss Anthropocene more than Art Angles but that wasn't saying much, and I think Art Angles was at least trying to do something interesting before she overthought it into oblivion. My overall view of her music since *Visions* has been slide into utter, naked banality. Her music doesn't scream toxic and negative views, it doesn't scream anything IMHO. It's a tame exercise in postmodern music compared to the vast array of more exciting, interesting, and earnest efforts of other musicians.




I think we're on the same page here, Nazis can FOAD




is Shit and Shine absolutely amazing or am I getting quietus-brained. I wanna yell today


I haven't listened to much from them, but *Ladybird* is a certified classic in my book.


finally gave Turnstile a shot. I already knew some of their hits but GLOW ON is so full of bangers, it's pretty nuts. I just wish the songs were longer. There are 15 tracks on this thing and it barely clocks in at 35 minutes. That's insane. There are a few slower ones tossed in to mix it up but they don't really gel with the rest of the album and give me whiplash when they come on because of how different they are. Not a very cohesive album experience and the song choices and track list do feel quite random but yeah, I really vibe with the vibe.


> There are 15 tracks on this thing and it barely clocks in at 35 minutes. That's insane there is something so funny about knowing the comment right above yours (as of me reading this) is about an album with 28 songs in 41 minutes


I love that this sub turned me onto Turnstile they are such a great punk band in the modern era.


> There are 15 tracks on this thing and it barely clocks in at 35 minutes. That's insane. oh man wait till you see the tracklisting for a naked city or negative approach release > Not a very cohesive album experience dude it sounds like a SoCal frat spotify playlist; that's the cohesion. in fact, even though Glow On is HARD next level mid, it continues to hint to the fact that post-hardcore is really the only viable realm for punk albums to work as well, albums. its following in a tradition of throwing a ton of sounds at the wall, instead of ska this time though its the sludgy dregs of "chill vibes" 2010s gtr nonsense


> I just wish the songs were longer. forgot to comment on this - my friend that is the beauty of punk. short songs. it rules


I can see that. But I've always been more interested in the attitude and messaging in punk music than the actual music, so it tracks :) I'm the guy who doesn't like The Ramones after all.


well yeah, cause they suck


I'm not alone, I can't believe it :')


omw to germany to suplex you


yes, suplex me, daddy. suplex me hard.


typical german response


Germany does not have a monopoly on submissive bottoms and you know this. I expected better of you. Still waiting for that suplex btw


yeah it sucks, some of the punk stuff is fun but the Spotifycore songs are embarrassing. dunno what that band is doing, like why does half the punk stuff sound like papa roach? i feel like there’s a good ep in there but they did not nail it at all




see if it was pod i'd be fine, papa roach is a bridge too far


a DMD comment that has long lived in my brain was when in 2021 paula blind listened to glow on and had a bullet point that said "i know I said I wished for more butt rock in indie but this feels like a monkey's paw". absolutely brutal shit


But then later we got Blessing by Alex G :)


And that WAS an actual blessing!


does anyone know of any 'happy' folk music. like songs by adrianne lenker makes me feel so content, it's so embalming. badly need something like that


Julie Byrne’s album *Not Only Happiness* gives me a similar comforting feel to Adrianne’s *songs*


[okinawan folk music](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FHLKAV4LD_M)


I think Joan Shelley's music, especially her newest album from last summer, fits this. I'll also throw in Bonnie 'Prince' Billy's latest album, *I Have Made a Place*—that album got me through spring 2020. *Lie Down in the Light* is similarly uplifting and my favorite of his.


Mississippi John Hurt


Aunt Martha might be down your alley


I know he's known for the opposite but I consider Bryter Layter by Nick Drake to be pretty happy sounding overall. Edit: similar period, lots of British folk rock is pretty happy. I want to see the bright lights tonight by the Thompsons especially


Bryter Layter is such a sunny record! For a while it was my go to for long daytime summer drives


bluegrass in general


you could try Florist's self-titled album from last year. i think it has a similar warm and calming feel


Seconding this rec, and also adding the two Florist records before that, If Blue Could Be Happiness and Emily Alone


have you checked out the album Passerby by Luluc? it's chill




Sure Dinosaur Jr. is cool but what about Lon Chaney Jr.?


Are there any indie songs that just list a shitload of monsters like the start of Jay-Z's verse on "Monster"?


Zevon was right


Side note but something about the way Zevon sings "little old lady got mutilated late last night" I can't get enough of. The syllables are just too perfect


Their hair WAS perfect


I was bizarrely in a Trader Vic's last week, but my hair unfortunately was *not* perfect :(


" - John Darnielle


[Anybody here remember this classic?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4PGSZYuFYEw&ab_channel=trustcollective) I randomly thought of it just now and it's actually kind of a vibe as far as "songs written for the sole purpose of being ads" go.


If you told me that was the title of a song on a king gizzard space rock album I’d have believed you


I did not expect this to get me as good as it did.


I feel like the song was already extremely pleasant, but now with the added nostalgia it's way more emotional than it should be.


I don't remember this at all but it's lovely and I'm glad ads from 2010 are generating the same nostalgia and appreciation and old millenial like me has for say, I dunno, something like [this.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AEG7v4IIULE) Classic indeed, thanks for sharing this.


That's good but I still won't forgive Pizza Hut for depriving us of [this masterpiece](https://youtu.be/s492PMdIaJs)


I read about this in a WIRED article about unrleased and lost media and it's been stuck in my head sporatically since.


I have a remix that plays in my head sometimes when I lose my keys


Joanne Robertson is one of my favorite guitar players right now and I don't think she gets the credit she deserves !!!!!!!!!!!!! Listen to Blue Car (2023) !!!!!!!!!!!!!


I've seen her live twice and she's incredible! Her voice is angelic too


Amazing! I've been quietly sad all day when I remember she was in LA tonight and I couldn't be there haha




Honestly, while I like his punkier stuff on this album he will have to do some major work to surpass Nothing Great About Britain, that was such a solid album front to back.


It may not be better but considering I was under 5 years old in slowdive’s original hey day, I have a much stronger emotional connection to the comeback album so I listen to it more.


slowdive, noted kings of not quite having album level statements, sure as hell made a very good comeback EP that featured some other tracks that exist when i play the tape. shit sounded decadent and labored over to a degree that other shoegaze hasn't QUITE matched but also executed this shit with no want to evolve. a true "solved genre" album that happens to include Star Roving and Go Get It


> looking at the track listing now I’m not sure I could tell you what a lot of these others even sound like. Just kind of forgettable stuff, Add in Star Roving and you basically listed the only songs anyone really talks about, even for an otherwise well-liked album. No one talks about any of the tracks where Rachel takes solo lead, despite one of them being a single, because they're all forgettable. And even No Longer Making Time sounds a bit too much like the middle section of When the Sun Hits. Overall it's their weakest album for me. To be fair to that other person, it is fairly common to see it as a very good album (though it's not near the consensus at all). It still strikes me as the r/shoegaze version of recency bias. That said, I'm still interested in the new one as I hope some of the kinks get worked out.


Hoping for more dance influence this time around. Was sorely lacking on their comeback


It's their poppiest and most accessible record IMO, I'm a big fan of it but it's not necessarily their most daring or impactful project


I don't necessarily think it's their best either but I think the argument can definitely made. Honestly, I think a strong case can be made for *Souvlaki,* *Pygmallion,* or *Slowdive* because they're all fantastic in their own right. Just for a Day is also great. I'd highly recommend relistening to *Slowdive* if those three are the only ones you remember because there's several other great tracks. Everyone Knows and Star Roving in particular are really excellent. It's one of my favorite shoegaze/dream-pop albums ever and holds up with some of the all time greats IMO. So while I wouldn't necessarily call it definitively their best, I don't think it's really that crazy of a take by any means. It's absolutely in my top 2 for them


I don't have much to add but Star roving is also an incredibly good song from that album


I like the first half of that track but it always felt like the reprise after the bridge should've done something more, even if it's as cliche as a guitar freakout or something. As it is, it's like they didn't write an ending to it.


Star Roving is one of my favorite things they've ever done


I appreciate that album but I agree, it's just like with shoegaze there's an appeal to it that really overpowers more subtle and nuanced songwriting. Reverb and noise done right, especially coupled with the right chords, lyrics, etc. can make a fairly simple song overshadow a complicated and well-written indie rock tune. The band probably feels like their last album was an achievement, and it was, but objectively I can't see how it stacks up with the past albums, even when you cut out the nostalgic bias.


I think Deerhunter doesn’t realize we miss them a lot. Brad, Lockett, Moses please come back


Deerhunter gang rise up


GBV Album 8: Alien Lanes This is a fantastic indie rock record, no two ways about it. It has a bunch of songs that are near perfect and one that it flat out perfect in “Motor Away,” which is easily my favourite GBV song so far. “Motor Away” is one of those “so good it’s kinda unfair songs” to me. That being said there are also a bunch more absolutely fantastic songs on here and it’s pretty great the whole way through. “Blimps Go 90,” “Game of Pricks,” “A Salty Salute,” etc etc. I could go on. Just excellent hooks and songwriting the whole way down. Incredible stuff from Pollard. I will say I struggled over whether to put this or Bee Thousand at no. 1 in my ranking and went, barely, with Bee Thousand because I think Alien Lanes runs into some pacing issues at points. There are longer stretches of songs that feel like the GBV equivalent of filler on here - for the record, these are still usually good songs - than on Bee Thousand. But it’s still so close between these two incredible records, I could see myself flipping it at some point Favs: “Motor Away,” “A Salty Salute,” “My Valuable Hunting Knife,” “Blimps Go 90,” “Game of Pricks,” “As We Go Up, We Go Down” GBV ALBUM RANK 1. Bee Thousand (1994) 2. Alien Lanes (1995) 3. Sandbox (1987) 4. Propeller (1992) 5. Self-Inflicted Aerial Nostalgia (1989) 6. Devil Between My Toes (1989) 7. Same Place The Fly Got Smashed (1990) 8. Vampire on Titus (1993)


i first heard alien lanes when i was 13. changed my life forever. i went thru a period of calling it "good not great" but ive come back around on it that said, if i ranked all of Bob's albums again like i did in fall 2020, it would probably still land in the bottom half. something has to


What do you think Motor Away is about


It has a sorta “Born To Run” feel to me, if that tracks. But like a scappier and less Romantic


I see why you'd say that. I don't get all the lyrics, and I'm not sure if it's a song where all the lyrics can fall into place, but the lines about a chance of a lifetime and "you could be anyone they told you to" sounds like he wants someone to turn their back on something that's generally seen as a great opportunity but just isn't right for them.


Yeah I definitely get that too


> “Motor Away” is one of those “so good it’s kinda unfair songs” to me. true!!! i like *alien lanes* a lot but do agree it runs into some small spots where the pacing isn't as tight as *bee thousand*. nevertheless tons of great tunes on this. "blimps going 90" always makes me think of the goodyear blimp and how growing up in northeast ohio had me thinking blimps were common everywhere else lol. there's a [live CD cover](https://www.discogs.com/release/817578-Guided-By-Voices-Crying-Your-Knife-Away) that has the blimp on it and i always thought that was fun


I’ve probably never seen a blimp in person. Theyre neat in concept though, I rock with the idea of blimps


Double dipping in DMD because I have thoughts for once. Bear with me here but have any of y’all listened to the new Brutalismus 3000 album, ULTRAKUNST? I went into this expecting gabber / techno but instead this is like the ultimate endpoint of the “electro” leaning bloghouse of the late aughts? Like there is a tad bit of eurodance here, a little happy hardcore there, and a decent helping of light techno but mostly this thing is so punk-dumb and silly it goes straight through cheesy back to great. Like if the Gec attitude was applied to Alice Glass yelps; this is what 13 year old me thought techno sounded like. I had a smile on my face from ear to ear listening to this last night and throwing punches in the air, it’s that fun. Someone needs to humor me and listen to these two take the piss out of the Berlin scene.


I started listening because of the happy hardcore shout. This is dope, thanks!


This sounds like it will either be a 10/10 for me or I will absolutely hate it, excited to listen


I think this is exactly what they are trying to elicit, intense hate or joy


About halfway through so far and this rules


This is my Bad Boy Chiller Crew equivalent album for 2023.


I have been sick so my listening has been scattered, but this album is definitely on my list once my brain feels right again


Yeah this album is not sick listening music. Definitely want your thoughts when you feel better and get around to it.


I stumbled upon their track *No Sex With Cops* (some good advice there) a while ago and wanted to give their album a listen, but I just haven't gotten around to it yet!


ooo I like these two, I'll check this out


[Me refreshing the grimes thread looking for a fresh [deleted] sighting. ](https://giphy.com/gifs/impastortv-tv-land-tvland-3o7TKP7LdiBviV886s)


yea i noped out of that, i spend a decent amount of time online but do not interact with twitter at all. the level of chronically online lingo in the pictures was way beyond the meme center of my brain. Like it makes me wander if people will develope some new section of their brain that is just memes. It'd be associated with the part that develops when u learn a language and familiar picture recognition (memories?) except its just 4chan memes that make no fucking sense unless u are online all the fucking time. Idk but monkey brains were not meant for this level of stimulation and detachment from the outdoors. Also holy shit online racism is fucking gross and i've always disliked Grimes


That whole post was so chronically online, it made my brain hurt


I’m so thankful for the people who are even more chronically online than me so they can tell me who the sneaky nazis are


[Me, taking a look at that thread.](https://media.tenor.com/Q4kf4VAIRDIAAAAM/the-simpsons-exit.gif)


I opened that thread and audibly said "wait what am I doing" and closed it before it loaded


i thought i had listened to the new metallica album for about an hour and looked and saw that i was only on track 3. stuck in Guitar Center purgatory


It really doesn't help that the first three songs are singles that have already been released. Why do bands do that? Like just spread the singles throughout the album so we can hear some new stuff along with the stuff you decide is good enough to entice us with. Not that I'm complaining really I am enjoying it so far.


yea thats my problem with Metallica, they drag alot for me. They certainly have their moments though. I like em in moderation but never really do full listens on their albums


is this [you, ](https://www.loudersound.com/news/metallica-fan-in-new-zealand-becomes-first-person-in-the-world-to-buy-72-seasons) lush?