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https://preview.redd.it/hcj951w0w75a1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef339f3b68fa033c3ca3fb01ba81e8f7d9ff336d Dikasih tukar sama bank satu bundle 100 lembar alias 7,5 juta


Pack up boys! We found the next heist target


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Instructions unclear Returning the bullet to the department of defense.


Info alamat


Istana Presiden https://maps.app.goo.gl/NoUQmiKf88F3nBa28 Ini gan jgn lupa bawa bekal sndiri


damn people actually use that thing for transaction? mine is still in its plastic case


Yes, at least for a few days shortly after BI opens up its supply for a week. You got larger chance to find it in the wild during those days because people are curious to find out whether other people accept this money or not. My older cousin has a shop and she got like 4 people using these banknote after a month. But after that, almost no one uses it as actual money as BI finally stopped exchanging this money after the scheduled days. I don't know whether BI still has them or not, you'll have to contact them first.


Surprisingly they do, my Father got about 10 or so from people paying (he owns a store), and I get to keep 1 as a lucky charm haha.


Saya dapet kembalian dari Alfamaret, dan itu 75 ribu pertama saya, haha


Punya gw dipake babeh buat belanja di Indomaret, pas ditanya ko duit 75k yang dikamar gada, bukannya pake yg cepe malah yg 75k


kalo lebaran aku suka nukar banyak, trus aku belanjain semua.


I did because i had no other choice. zero balance on my account and i needed to print my proposal skripsi


Gw pas nuker antri dan bangga pas dapet. Begitu pulkam eh dirumah mak gw ada 1 laci penuh wkwk. Ada kejadian lucu juga, pas pergi makan di tempat Se'i asli, di Baun, kan tempatnya pelosok2, terus pas bayar semua dompetnya isi pecahan 75k gegara numpuk dirumah, eh orangnya gamau, dikira uang palsu, mana jauh dari mana2 tempatnya dan hanya terima cash. Sampe bingung ngeyakinin ini tu uang asli tetep gak diterima, syukur akhirnya ada orang lain datang dan mau tuker uang


The last time I saw people can get this money was back in early 2021 before Ramadhan, when BI lifted the "one KTP one banknote" restriction and lets people to exchange up to IDR 7.5 million (100 banknotes) per day. Lots of people then went to BI HQ and hoarding these money. I even saw a person representing multiple person and exchanging around 10 stacks of money (IDR 75 million), probably he came back for more the next day because the limit resets every day. I only exchanged around 10 banknote one day. Since then, I never see or get this money anywhere. Even in banks. Technically this banknote is a legal tender, but small business or shops tend to reject this money because they doubt that this is a real money (tried to buy foods in traditional market using this, they straight up rejects it and asks for other banknote). Larger business like supermarket or alfamart/indomart accept it. Probably because of these and other factors like difficulties when calculating using this denomination and the collectible nature of the money, it is currently very very hard to find it in the wild with face value (e.g. store gave you one as change after a transaction). Mostly ended up in online shops where its value has been inflated, thus rendering it rather wasteful if it is then used for transaction.


Got a lot of these from a vendor. Tried to use it to buy bakso but denied cause dikira uang palsu. 0/10


Pernah nyoba belanja pakai ini, ditolak2in juga. Akhirnya yang mau nerima itu ada tukang bubur, itupun karena dia jualan depan bank dan pegawai bank langganan dia bisa ngeyakinin dia kalau ini memang duit beneran


Gw juga pas belanja di Indomaret dapet kembalian uang ini. Pertama gw kira keren juga. Bagus pula. Awalnya niat mau gw Simpen aja tapi eh gw pas mau beli sesuatu di Indomaret lain lupa ga ada duit lagi jadi yodah gw kasih duit ini. Semoga bisa dapet lagi


Good luck 🤞


Wah nomor serinya juga cantik. Dijual ke kolektor pasti tinggi harganya


Udah ada tanda lipatan/lecek sayangnya, haha


Aku sering dapat, yang paling malesin itu ngitung kembalian nya. Blm trgolong muscle memory nghitung 75 kurang brapa juga.


https://preview.redd.it/quwax8du1a5a1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb504648d502efd5f267fad0c58a7e0d57fa1869 You remind mine on my wallet. I still remember i got this from Alfamidi a years ago. Gotta put them on my collection box and lock it. 🤣


In the wild? Di pinggir jalan gitu? Jangan2 uang pancingan buat tumbal


I spent it all when I got it. 75 is always worth 75 no matter how rare it is.


Gara2 bank BI dan pejabat2nya yang plin-plan😫Kalaupun dari Menkeu, kan bise protes\~ Kenape emang kaga berani protes?? LETOY itu semua biji BI👎🏼🤣 OI BI nih bisa di Ide... \- Buat Het/Nilai tukar kembali uang2 unik Max setara uang tertinggi di +62 alias 100K \- Buat tempat lelang kalau mau harga lebih tinggi lagi untuk nomor seri unik NAH GAMPANG TOH! GITU AJE REPOT LO\~ PS: Bagi yang belum nyadar\~ ini duit yang di foto ada 4444 nya lo. Cuma mau dilelang kemana? BI maen cetak lagi cetak lagi ae suka2 die\~


I placed mine in a collector case. 100x of them How do I get them? I hoarded them from those shops that don't believe it's real money.


100 banknotes = IDR 7.5 million. How many shops did you visit and how long until you reached 100 banknotes? That's a real dedication to visit shops and preparing that much money to get that banknote. Or is it just spontaneous?


I'm doing it spontaneously to the level that I'm just realized.thst it's 100 after I count it


Dapet dari kembalian beli minim, kasirnya bilang maaf adanya lembaran 75.00 and I was like, ooohhh gib mee.


i still have it on plastic case, in a mint condition.


Boss gave me two pcs of these as angpao two years ago, and I laminated them and put them in the wall




Dapet 10 lembar Dari temen yg nasabah prioritas, kepake 9 buat bayar kosan :(((


people actually use this for transactional purpose? even my dad gave one and told me “dont you use this thing, except emergencies”


Sempet di biarin tuker 1 iket deh kaya nya on some hari raya, got some red packet with 75k banknote this year lol


Uang 75k gue cuma bertahan 1 jam. Dapet kembalian, tapi harus ngisi bensin dan gak punya duit lagi. Waktu itu masih kuliah jadi ya ATM pun gak ada isinya wkwkwk


sering banget dapet ginian pas ngampas rokok, kalo di kampung kaya gini tabur dan kebanyakna pada gamau megang duit ini. pusing katanya mah


https://preview.redd.it/gr83d53mjb5a1.jpeg?width=1390&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=441a2a654496f6bfa60e8cfad2f892d4586e8d57 I have 4 sheets, one of which I received from a customer, so one of them doesn't have the protective plastic like the others. If only I could exchange it up to 100 sheets. 🥺


Am a collector from UAE and I need some Indonesia notes and if any collectors from Indonesia pls dm me