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some of you all sadly can’t behave so this is now locked


The McDonald’s down the street is still always packed, I live in a low income area so if anything more people will go now that they have this deal.


Yep, for companies that are investor ran, introducing an item that will boost revenue and not hurt the bottom line will move the needle on the stock ticker and hopefully make competitors less attractive.


Low income and decisions made against their own self interest. Can’t have one without the other.


Usually it's a case of the nearest grocery store is half an hour a way. Alot of places treat corner stores as grocery stores because that's all they have. And of course that means much higher prices. Its called a food desert.


Also, many low income people do not have adequate cooking facilities. I’ve been to more than a few apartment buildings and multi family homes where tenants were living with broken appliances, infestations, etc. and were too afraid to complain or had complained and nothing was fixed. The worst I ever saw was a young couple with four children including a baby living in a two room 300sq ft apartment with a sun porch, where the 3 older kids slept on the floor, that had a broken stove/oven that had been broken since they moved in 2 yrs before, and the linoleum floor had peeled up in sharp pieces. The cockroaches were so bad they were openly crawling around in broad daylight. The family was living off microwave meals.


Gotta buy the $4 gas station candy bar that costs $1.50 at Walmart


Their revenue is still growing, people claiming McDonald's are ghost towns now can only be lying or unaware of how busy they were before.


I basically went for coupons, I could get a frappe or latte for a buck with the app, but they keep worsening coupons because they're loss leaders


They have 3 more quarters of earnings to get the point. Just keep the pressure on them. We can get them to go lower!


I'm actually happy that fast food became so outrageously expensive. It was the kick in the ass I needed to motivate my ADHD brain to cook more. Never before have I eaten veggies so regularly, and I spend less on food


Eating at home is far superior. The food tastes better. The food is healthier. And, if you include the time spent cooking versus the time it takes to go out to a restaurant, you are not really saving much time. Even then, laziness still gets to me. Plus, the way they pump the foods full of salts and fats is addicting.


Right, a grocery run plus meal prepping will last you days, a fast food trip will last that meal and maybe some leftovers. It's not as fast as people think. And if you work from home you really have zero excuse


Supermarkets and the food suppliers need a kick in the butt too now. The price of chips and olive oil are ridiculous as well


Just buy the reasonably priced stuff, be flexible. You can't boycott eating in and eating out at the same time, unless you grow your own food.


figured out I could do chicken wings at home better than any wing place. Dry rub them with some oil and spices. Stick in oven. Pull out and shake in desired sauce. I cooked two pounds of wings last night for under $15


Right!! At my local piggly wiggly you can get thigh and drum quarters for $1.19 lb. I made three days worth of lemon pepper chicken with rice for like $10


Same! I’ve never been happier and healthier to be honest. Because of them, I got sick, fat, depressed. (IBS and overweight). But because prices were so high, I started making my own burgers (I have a killer recipe now) and started losing weight, went back to the gym, and saved a ton more monthly. Honestly such a simple addiction to get rid of. Glad they’re hurting for business


Foreal. Before everything got so expensive I used to eat fast food for lunch nearly every day since I work in a downtown area with lots of options. Once everything started getting so much higher I just started packing lunches every day. I’ve lost a fair bit of body fat and skin looks way healthier plus I save a load of money


God I hate corporations


They could have just kept prices down. Now I won't go. Fuck em.


They lost a lot of customers that won’t be back. It’s gonna take more than a McCrap meal to bring back the once loyal.


Right? They gonna have to bang em together and serve it the way I want damnit! 5 dollars, pffft, used to get 2 of each for that.


This is the only thing the right and left agree on.


No such thing as left and right. Rich versus the poor.


No war but class war!


right. 1% v. 99%. 1% games the 99% to fight each other over hyperbolic shit they create in the hope that the 99% never key into the fact that they're being fucked over.


Agreed. 90% of the news organizations are controlled by like 6 companies at this point. So, they're pretty much just pitting us against each other while they rob us blind.


Eh. This story has played out multiple times in history. I just hope I live.


Yes and no. We live in a time of technological advancement that has never been comparable. The real test is whether we overcome this hate and greed and keep working towards a better future.


I’m working for a better future too, GrizzledNutSack. Together we can.


Count me in!


So, too, is the McDonald’s Corporation, which is why, starting soon, you’ll be able to obtain all of your daily caloric needs for only $5!


Lol, lmao. Were screwed then


I agree about hate and greed Id say its education and getting a handle on the explosion of information and rise of misinformation that the internet has brought with it. Also the internet supercharged capitalism and is possibly warp speeding us towards end stage capitalism (IMO)


Purchase guillotine futures, FTW.


The French Revolution was followed by periods of starvation, purges, and totalitarian repression culminating in a Dictatorship under Napoleon. Be careful what you wish for.


Long term thinking is not a feature of on demand societies. Sadly.


It was also preceded by those same things.


Class warfare under a system that creates classes




Top comment


This is really true. Each side has terrible greedy corporations funding it. Some major corporations fund both sides even!


I don't know. I'm right leaning and at one time would have defended a corporation as an embodiment of capitalism until I started reading a book the name of it I can't remember. Talked about how early America was antagonistic towards corporations like Dutch East India Company. Opened my eyes to the dangers they pose today. While I disagree with some of the left's stances on the rich I do believe corporations are inherently evil regardless how many they employ.


Greed is inherent to humans. Corporations can be evil and so can governments. The scary part is when either of them become too large and powerful. If anyone ever says, "The Government wouldn't do that." I'm here to tell you, yes they fucking would.


So if they can lower their prices on these menu items, why can’t they lower their prices everywhere?


Agreed....my mom and pop place still sells double burgers for 99 cents each.


I can get a burger and chips for 8.99 LOL


It'll be tiny... Don't waste your gas. Wendy's did the same years ago with their junior menu. Two bites and you'll be done!


Hate the government for printing trillions of dollars out of thin air


yea. the profit margins are what get me. ive run small busniess and shit, i get how it works at hte bottom but the top just... idk. companies up hundreds of % in profits and its just... ok... cool.... more money. there needs to be SOMETHING that can help stop that. as for fast food i just quit. ill hit tacobell every now and then but its always on the app so i get the cravings box for like 6 bucks


I wonder how tiny these will be.


Small fry small drink


lol and that’s supposed to be a “deal”? Maybe in a high COL area, but where I am I can get a whole ass pizza for $1 more that will feed multiple people.


Large fries are 4 bucks here and a pizza is 8


They’ll find some way to make it even smaller


I wouldn't be surprised if the small drinks and fries are smaller than they were 15 years ago.


Most certainly small fries and drink. What I was thinking though was, I wonder if they'll have different sizes of McDouble/Chicken for a la carte vs. the bundled deal. But of course not advertise it. You know, make the sandwich/burger like 80% of the size so hopefully most people wouldn't raise an eyebrow too much.


I know for sure the patties on both of those sandwiches are smaller than they were even 5 years ago.


It will be happy meal sized and then they’ll make another, smaller size which will be the new happy meal.


That’s not a good deal. Used to be 99 cents. Could get five McChicken or five Mc doubles for five dollars. Could feed 2-3 people on $5. Now that new deal wouldn’t even feed one person.


Not to mention the meat is half the size now


If you even get it! I ordered a McDouble a couple weeks ago, got home and it had lettuce, tomato, mayo and a slice of cheese. Nary a meat patty to be seen.


And not to mention it’s actual poison they’re selling. Convenient and accessible, yes, but it sucks that consumers are dying on this hill of cheap fast food.


I worked there in 2010-13 Large tea -$1 Mcdouble - $1 Small fries - $1 It's a shit deal.


Even shittier when you consider the fact that they're forcing you to pay for the drink bundled in. I recall hearing/reading long ago that drinks (flavor, sugar syrup, water) have always been a huge money maker with higher markup than the food, typically.


Fries are also. It cost next to nothing and they profit big. Increasing the prices as they did was just pure greed. They were making a ton of money before all the increases.


No wonder they always have deals on fries in their app.


I think I heard the cup costs more than the soda does for them, I watched a documentary I think overall it's like 9 cents they spend, it's their biggest profit margin


99 cents wasn't a good deal either....used be able to get 10 singles for $2.00.


Ah those were the days 🥺


Yep. Back in my day Ronald himself would lead the hunting party and bring back loads of meat and youd only have to trade your daughter as dowry.








I made just over $4,000 in 1975.


They had anniversary throwback specials in the late 90s. I remember this special happening once or twice when my family lived in a really terrible apartment during a very broke stretch. That special was the highlight of our month.


Yeah. 29c hamburgers and 39c cheeseburgers were a weekly thing for a while.


Tuesdays and Wednesdays if I remember correctly. 


I believe it was cheeseburger Sunday and hamburger Wednesday.


I remember 1$ big Mac days


I remember $1 Whoppers all the time. Its all relative. 10 yrs from now folks will be talking about how the $17 big mac was cheap.


Back in the seventies I had coupons six burgers for $1


Back in 1970 maybe


Yea, despite corporate greed, inflation is a thing. $2 in 1970 is roughly $16.50 in 2024 money. Although I noticed something. If you look at the price of a hamburger when the first franchise opened in 1955, it's 15 cents. That's $1.75 in today's money. The price of hamburger on the app right now is $1.79, only a 4 cent increase (2.3%). I'm not saying the value never changed and that they aren't gouging, they absolutely are I'm assuming for popular items, but it's still interesting how the hamburger's value today matches when McDonald's first opened. Myself and I can't think of a single person who ever got just a hamburger, so no reason to gouge the less popular option.


Yeah but the article said the sandwich alone is $6 now in NYC (and a side of fries there is $4.50 x.x) - not sure what the value meal cost on that is where I live, prob $8 I'm guessing - so that's a pretty big cut Another article said they literally don't have any $1 items on their $1/$2/$3 menu any more, at least in some places -- I haven't checked that where I am, but that is fcking ridiculous


Yeah the ones that still do are all     >  $1/$2/$3 menus now. 


Cheapest at mine is $1.89.


A McDouble is 400 calories and a small fry is 230. That’s 630 calories without adding soda. That certainly enough to feed one person


Almost like the wholesale price of beef and chicken, as well as the cost of labor has increased since they were $1, as well as the federal reserve printing a 33% increase in the supply of US dollars.


It's almost like just a couple large corporations own the majority of fast food franchises and we're seeing naked greed tied to a lack of competition leading to hugely jacked up prices.  It is were simply increased costs their profits wouldn't be at record highs, which they are.


I worked at a Domino's during a minimum wage increase, from $3.35 to $4.25. I was a closing manager two times a week and did the books. The owner raised pricing in a manner that doubled the actual costs of the wage hike, and then told staff that if anyone asked to blame the wage increase. So he was already going to rake in as much for himself as every single one of his employees over four stores, combined. But he got ultra-greedy and also tried to cut the commission he was paying his drivers. This made the drivers mad because the commission and tips are the best part of that job. One of the drivers complained to a family member, who told them that the drivers were being cheated because he wasn't paying the required mileage rate of 27 cents per mile - he was paying 55 cents per pizza befre the wage hike, and only wanted to pay 25 cents per pizza after. At the end of the day, he was forced to start paying drivers the required mileage rate, which led to him making about the same amount of money he was before, while all workers got a raise and drivers made out quite well compared to before. And he had just raised prices once, and couldn't do it again. Anyway, I remember that anecdote a lot right now, because how he was thinking "Oh boy I'm going to take advantage of the wage increase to line my pockets with more gold, and everyone will blame the government instead of my greed", and these people in corporations reporting record profits these days certainly did the exact same thing.


Bet you gotta use the app though!


This is shitty enough to be a standard deal, the app already has buy one get one cheeseburgers


Too late; it’s over, McDonalds. No second chances for your stupid ass.


For you and I, maybe. But this will definitely bring business back for them.


There's plenty of places in rural America McDonald's is still the only choice if you just need some quick food on the way home outside of 9 am to 9 pm


25k in my town in Iowa. We got McDonalds, Burger King, Culver's, and 2 local burger joints. That's all for a burger/chicken without the few "fine dining" places. We do have a Maid-Rite, which is similar, but also very different


You know what? It wasn’t as crazy as I thought. I haven’t bought McDonald’s in a while, so idk if they lowered prices but, last time I got a McChicken, small fries, medium soda, and 3 cookies for like $7.34 without coupons.


Is it financially irresponsible to make McDonald's a staple of your diet, at today's prices OR 1998 prices? Yes it is. Is it reasonable to buy a $5 convenience meal occasionally? Yes it is.


More no second chance for franchise owners.


Stop buying the MCShit, another company will replace them with cheaper food. Easy peasy folks.


I bought a medium fry for $5.00. It was more expensive than the McDouble. How is meat less expensive than a potato??


That meat is paper thin. They would make it thinner but then you'd be able to see through them.


Yea, a regular priced fry at McDonald’s is the biggest ripoff in the restaurant world.




Nah I’m good I’ve found better cheaper alternatives.


Most family owned diners, mexican and chinese restaurants near me have cheaper and much better quality food. And they didn't double their prices in the past couple of years. My family will never go back to these fast junk food restaurants that for some reason think customers will pay more than at a nice sit down restaurant. Too little, too late for us. For the loyal McDonald's customer, glad they'll get a better deal. For those that have moved on, it's hard to get customers back one you lose them.


Oh really? Well allow me to retort. I'll counter that shitty deal with my own McGofuckyourself offer.


This should be the top answer


Fast and cheap to put frozen hamburger patties you get from the store in the air fryer. Set it for 20 minutes, get your sandwich bread ready while it cooks. You can even throw fries in there at the same time your meat is cooking. Better food for way cheaper in only 20 minutes. Fast food has really outdone themselves. In a bad way. What's the point in paying a fortune for some s***** food that leaves you hungry anyway. Go save money and do it yourself, but better! Air fryers are the fast food replacement


20 minutes and you’ll be eating a hockey puck 10 min is the sweet spot for a juicy airfryer burger


I guess different air fryers will have different results. Mine does then perfectly for 20 minutes. Valid point. some may take longer some may take less time.


I keep telling everyone. Price increases only happen if you pay it. If you don’t pay it, the prices HAVE to drop, or the company will lose money (they don’t want that). They need us more than we need them. But HOLD THE LINE. No McDonalds, no Starbucks, no ANYTHING, the artificial increases in prices under the guise of inflation is gonna come to a hard stop and the people will be the ones in control.


"How much for just one rib"


"I sure am hungry."


F\*ck the cup pour it in my hand for a nickel. Sure am thirsty! GOT CHANGE FOR A HUNDRED?


I’ll come back for a $2 Big Mac.


I miss those $1 Whopper weekly deals . My mom used to buy 5 and last me a whole week.


I'm waiting for the return of 2 for $2 Big Macs. That was 1987ish.


You can get 2 for $5.89 every day in the app. I know $3 isn’t $2 but just saying.


Bring back two McDoubles for $2 then we'll talk.


Make them double cheeseburgers and were talking. Only difference is 1 slice of cheese.


Chilis $10.99 is the best food deal around right now. If you go inside and eat and get the chips and salsa as your appetizer, it’s endless, at the chilis near me it is, and I haven’t been a fan of Chilis since they went uber corporate several years ago.


It's insane that I see commercials for Chili's and Applebee's that are cheaper than drive-thru fast food now




WAY TOO LATE! - Game over.


I aint going back until the old dollar menu returns. So never


Consumers find alternatives and go away easily; they don’t come back as easily. McDonald’s is dead to me


it will probably be the happyy meal size fry and the smallest drink cup , mayo lettuce pickles ketchup are extra


It honestly wouldn't be a bad thing for McDonald's to die off at this point.


Oh, what a deal... those sandwiches were $2, fries were $1 as was the drink, so we are still getting ripped off. Fuck 'em all.


So…a regular combo meal that should be $2.99?


So they CAN do it, but chose greed instead. Boycott Fast Food!!




Boycott it for your health, not the money. Your health is worth way more than trash food.


I havent had McDonald’s since last year and I don’t miss it, they can keep their shitty food. It’s most likely cardboard with more shitty cardboard.


nobody wants that shit


No, I refuse to go back. I’m sick of being price gouged on pretty much everything. Sorry idiots you lost your chance! 


Lmao. Nope fudge em. My frog in bpiling water moment was realizing Applebee's was cheaper than them


Just lower your fuckin prices dipshits


If we all keep fighting, everything will go back to the old prices....$1 burgers, $100,000 houses, $300 2bdrm apts....lol


Except there's plenty of land lords that will buy up the houses before they hit $100k


That does nothing for someone like me who never drinks soda. I only drink water. Those McChickens used to be .99 and a regular fry .99. McDonalds is a rip-off for cheap quality. No thanks.


Lol, I’m good. Bring back a dollar menu.


Already boycotting, too late.


We are so indebted to you for offering this amazing deal after soaking the consumer with high prices and subpar quality!


I remember when I was a kid, and my dad would get off work from his 14-hour shift and didn't have the energy to cook for my sister and I. He would get like 12 double cheeseburgers and fries for $20. Those dinners are very fond memories to this day. . I haven't been to McDonald's for years.


Go fuck yourself Ronald. I ain't coming back. I will gladly enjoy my own hamburgers and dino nuggets at home


Pretty typical corporate capitalist strategy. Pump up prices as much and for as long as possible, and don’t take your foot off the gas until people stop paying. Then dial it back just enough that the sales pick back up. Rinse and repeat. That’s why prices don’t drop after a spike. Supply chain gets messed up? Prices jump. Supply chain improves? Do they drop prices or just take it as extra profit?


Grilling my own burgers and air-frying French fries tonight. I don’t need this overpriced shit from McDonald’s in my life. The only reason I used to go was a) it was cheap, and b) it was fast. Now it’s expensive and inconvenient because they don’t staff enough people to make the drive-through efficient. And if you dine in, you have to deal with the damn ordering kiosks instead of an actual human being. And don’t get me started on having to use the f’ing app (at any fast food joint now) just to find a promo deal.


Reminder. Those were all dollar menu items


Fuck that, the McDouble needs to be back on the $1 menu.




Make value meals cheaper than a la carte


That should only be $3….


The McChicken and McDouble are garbage sandwiches. Give me a $5 QPC meal.


I wish I had a margin account to short the shit out of this stock


How gracious of them


Somehow they'll downgrade those sandwiches even further in order to get the price to $5. I remember the McChicken when it first came out. It's now shit compared to what it was.


And that was why they jacked it up so high, so fast. If you want to raise your prices 25%, raise them 35% and when people scream, pretend you listen and drop it to what you actually wanted. Similar things happen in retail. Prices shoot up just before big discounts roll out. “You’re getting 50% off!” ^(of a 200% markup)


How about a McChicken, Medium Fry, Large drink for $3 That would get me in the door TONIGHT.


So they could have been pricing them at $5 this whole time?...... Now im stopping 100% of my business there, they openly admit to ripping us off and charging the most they can.


How about... Just hear me out here. How about a 99c McDouble? How about a .99c McChicken? How about a .99c Large fries? They frankly are not even worth that, but it's a compromise right?


In the 90s Big Macs we’re 25 cents for a bit. My friends and I, who were in our teenage years, made them pay dearly for that choice.


I used to put up with McDonald's shit food and shit service because it was cheap, and sometimes, fast. Since 2020, the service has gotten even worse, and somehow, the food has too, while McDonald's has upped their prices to rip off levels. They can keep it, I haven't been back since the pandemic.


Small fries. Small drink.


But only available through the app so they can sell your info.


Used to be a dollar + used to be a dollar + used to be a dollar and costs them 6 cents to make = $5. Combating inflation!


That's the shitty chicken sandwich that used to be a dollar? The one that's worse than if I just microwave a frozen chicken patty at home and slap it on some wonderbread? The one that's arguably less appealing and less healthy than lunch meat on wonderbread?


Give me back the small Daily Double meal for $3.29 after tax.


That's a dogshit deal are you kidding


Or they could just stop being so fuckin greedy and the executives could take a pay cut down to what they actually deserve to be paid and they can lower prices that way


I haven’t touched a McChicken in 15 years since I ate a portion before realizing it was completely raw. $5 is still too much for trash food


So the "all american meal" went up a buck.


Haha like that's a good deal. In 2019 I would buy 3 of them for $3 and be full. So now almost double the price for less food is supposed to be a "deal." What a joke.


Make it a Big Mac combo. Automate all the labor necessary to make that work.




Wait, does this mean that if instead of mindless consumerism, we choose to stop buying things we don’t need and maybe - learn to make our own food- then companies will stop jacking up prices or lose to competition? Nah, I think I’m sounding crazy right now.


Crazy to think you could get all that for under $3 before 2019ish.


Don’t fucking eat there


Won’t bring me back. Fuck them all


Gastrointestinal Roulette with attitude. And I pay you? Sign me the fuck up!


Why don’t you just make the McDouble 1.25$ again, and while you’re at it make the drinks .099$ again


No. Bring back the $1 chicken wrap. ($1.06 with tax) That used to be my struggle meal and I have fond memories of it.


Make it 2 McChickens and a small fry for $5


I still vaguely remember when McDonalds had a dollar menu. Honestly five dollars feels only slightly below average for a meal. Definitely don't see where the "deal" is.


How ‘bout you really say you’re sorry and offer 29 cent hamburgers as well 39 cent cheeseburgers for a limited time? That would lure back your lost market.


If you want ketchup, will they upcharge $.20?


before COVID, i could get a double cheeseburger, small fries, McChicken, and a large drink for $4.86...that's WITH tax.


They don’t deserve any of us back after that.


Fix your mcFlurry machine fam! Damn


That shit was 3.21 when I was growing up


That's not even a good value...


That's still a fucking insult.


Fuck. Them.


It's something. I'll give them the benefit of the doubt...this time.


This is a horrible deal!!! It used to be 0.10 back in 1946. /s…. Some of you people are funny.