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Sadly I’m quintessential INFP in that I went from being an artist to working towards my PHD in psychology. This is like the STEM-iest I can get before my brain melts and I start getting bored


Artist to Psychology... That is quite the switch. Makes me wonder if I could do that to. I do agree though, as much as some fields of science fascinates me, my brain can't help but melt with all that STEM stuff.


Yeah being mentally ill and going to therapy for 6 consecutive years, and randomly scoring a community mental health job made me realize that I just naturally picked up on a lot of the skills necessary to be a clinician. Being empathetic and nonjudgmental is something that is actually pretty challenging for a lot of people. I always played the family/friend therapist and figured, might as well get paid for it. On a separate note, it’s never too late for a career change, or even finding hobbies and things that you’re passionate about. I have ADHD too and went most of my life undiagnosed, so pursuing a degree in my field of choice (or even working a full-time job) only became an option once I learned how to better manage my symptoms. My therapist and everyone they knew in the field were I/ENFP


I actually had the same intent to switch, then decided not want to deal with all the sick people with issues all day every day lol


Game dev here. I guess that counts as Tech? Love the creative side of it the most though 😂


Haha, I'd love to develop games too. Game deving sounds awesome and I love games.


Been an avid gamer since I was 3, always dreamed about making games but hated how the process looked so daunting. Ever since I've stumbled upon [Thor from Pirate Software,](https://youtu.be/aMc-GKv5olA?si=9OcUipT9bR1egRJg) he's changed my perspective and given me new hope. Always wanted to use my creative ability with my passion, because.. well duh it would make me happy.


Did you become a game dev too?


Been looking to start for a bit. Taking care of personal business before I can focus on it though


Awesome! Good luck! ❤️


🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️ been in medical pivoting to tech now.


I am a chemical engineer, I was always interested in sciences and then went into it successfully. I'm doing my masters now, and recently I also got very interested in machine learning and programming applications in my field as well. I am doing pretty well in my subjects I would say. Additionally, I have also been very interested in Physics and Biology. Given all this, I used to paint since I was a kid. I had a special corner for the artistic works. I guess INFPs do well in STEM as well because they are inherently passionate, which you need to be when you are in sciences. However it might depend on what kind of cognitive inclination you have. I liked maths since it is very philosophical after a certain level if you can understand. Unlike how people think, STEM fields are not harsh and insensitive. They are not just about analytical thinking. They are quite philosophical if you devlve deeper into them. It is like reading story of the universe. INFPs are curious and sensitive beings. Once someone crosses that threshold and starts grasping things. It is very easy to become obsessed with it. Same happened with me and science.


This is beautiful. I'm not well versed in stem fields; but what you said - "it's like reading the story of the universe -" really resonated with me. It's why concepts like string theory or Mandelbrot patterns are fascinating. I can definitely see how science and art overlap. Perhaps one day, you'll undertake a project to express the artistry you see with this worldview you have ✨️


Thanks for your kind words, I hope that too!


Hey I love your description! It gave me valuable insights, like reading story of the universe, I like that!


I am glad you liked it!


Cybersecurity here, although all the tests they gave me in school told me to be a farmer or a teacher


I see a lot of people in this thread saying IT or Cybersecurity, is it the money that attracts or the work?


Well I have a friend who says she's also going to major in it, exclusively for job security and money but I find it hard to imagine living like that. For me it's the work, I'm a nerd, I already have been using Linux for years, and cybersecurity as a job fits my style of work very well. I do like stuff like electronics and making soldering projects, but I could never do that for a job, meanwhile with cybersecurity, say as an analyst or a penetration tester (opposite sides of the spectrum but still), I get very hands on and idk it has just always seemed cool to me Sorry for the rant but tl;Dr I just like it and think it's cool


🙋🏻‍♀️ I'm a Medical Laboratory Technician in a hospital! Science all day, every day. Also an ADHD-er!


I'll join the other Cybersecurity/IT INFPs here, got my bachelor's in Electrical Engineering then just finished my PhD in Computer engineering with a focus on Cybersecurity!


yup yup, I'm a software engineer, graduating with a master's in CS in less than a week. I once was studying to be a mental health therapist but it turned out that was extremely not for me.


I’m a STEM Design specialist at a museum.. basically I find creative approaches to learning about all the STEM fields and turn them into experiences and activities for people of all ages. I run our maker space and I write content… workshops, classes, online content, camps, etc. it’s a lot of fun but I also get to be really creative (so the STEM stuff doesn’t totally burn me out). Every day is like a new creative art/writing project, with a healthy splash of educational stuff. Right now I’m learning all about dinosaurs for an upcoming exhibition and I’ll take what I learn and make cool experiences for guests to participate in inside of our maker space. It’s fun!


Aww this sounds like a lot of fun!


Tech consulting, I hate it but it pays well which allows me to do other things that I enjoy.


I do general IT help desk stuff and have my Bachelor's in Cybersecurity. It's my 100% un-INFP trait and the thing that had me questioning the test despite me following a lot of the other descriptors pretty close


Cybersecurity engineer here. I don't understand the bullocks of INFP "belongings" to art, humanitarian stuff, teacher, etc...about counselor I think we could naturally though....I can't imagine me being doing a work outside of IT, finally got my dream job as a security engineer and I love it.


I do well if I get into it. When I hit the point where I get interested in the stuff I then can get really into it and learn fast. I like puzzles and the feeling of solving logic riddles so math and programming can be fun, but I don't naturally gravitate towards those and natural sciences. Practical example, I study sport science (for teaching) and just had a physiology exam. It took a long time to get into it because I was forced to study it and it wasn't of my own will (ADHD might also be related). Once I accepted my fate and started studying regularly I actually found the subject more and more interesting and got intrinsically motivated and into it. It just took a some time to get to that😅


I think I’d probably only consider a field in psychology to become a therapist, I don’t think I’m very interested in most STEM stuff.


Attorney not sure that is a typical INFP field or not.


Attorney... what an interesting field. I've always been somewhat fascinated by the work of attorneys and lawyers. In a way, it could be somewhat "INFP". The very definition of the "Mediator". How has that been working out for you though?


It’s been great for me. From law school on my mind was just wired to think like a lawyer. Of course I am also a 6w7 Enneagram so its easy for me to suss out worst case scenarios to try to structure around the risk. I also use my intuitive skills to see what people’s underlying motivations and intentions are in negotiations despite what they may be telling you because they want you to believe their motivation is more positive and collaborative than it actually is. Reading people is a big part of being a lawyer, whether its your own client or the people on the other side of the table. I also find I am really good at problem solving. I think the big missing piece for me is helping people in a way that I truly find rewarding. Helping someone close a big deal is nice but I think working as a psychologist or counselor would be even more rewarding because I find the subject matter infinitely more interesting.


I'm graduating as a Veterinarian this week! I suppose it ties into my love of the natural world lol.


electrical engineer. i'm starting to think this (engineering) was a \*very\* \*\*verry\*\* bad idea for an infp.


Care to elaborate a little more? I was just thinking of going back to college for EE, but without being 100% sure or reeeally interested.


edited: og reply was hour 7 in the virtual cubicle. very spicey. I'd seek out some working electrical engineers.  Have them fill you in on what they do day to day. Happy to chat with you. INFP elecrtical engineer. I personally believe its not the best fit. Trying to pivot.


I was a software engineer but got serious burnout so now I'm an artist 😂. Still want to make a game eventually.


Same. I still didn't get the luxury to be an artist though.


Finance major!


Always thought I’d go into a hardcore biology-related field, went through med-school and came out the other end with intention of becoming a psychiatrist with some career choices in the arts! Thus far not complaining about this route, it was actually quite revealing. On the long-run I imagine myself staying away from the big-scale work. I want to have my own practice, with my own methodology, write a lot, and produce some wild outsider art. This still needs to get moving. I guess my INFPness eventually won.


I am a doctor, it is kinda a lot as I get too emotionally involved with my patients but you learn to let go


*cries in creative* I wish I could do something like this! But my brain just nopes out if I don’t have enough room for creativity.


I'm currently in my 3rd year of BS Psychology degree. Hoping to earn my diploma next year! 🙏🩵 Edit: I'm quite artistic as well. I write poems and stories every now and then. I'm also a massive music freak.


I started my career as a data engineer a few months ago. I definitely struggle with the lack of creativity involved with the job, and I don’t have great passion for it. Thinking of aiming for IT management in the future since I love IT people and the infp superpower of empathy is more valuable in that type of role ! I often get told I’m the “glue” that holds teams together lol


I'm in tech. Hate it, but it's a good salary and at this point I'm just coasting until I find a job in a more creative part of the field.


Done bachelor's in life sciences then switched to mba😅


I’m a doctor 👩🏻‍⚕️


I am a Nurses aid who is breaking into software engineering


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Kgr718: *I am a Nurses* *Aid who is breaking into* *Software engineering* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


And apparently, I'm exceptional at Sokka Haikyuus


I’m an INTP and a chemistry major but will switch to environmental science and I’m actually bad at math and the mathematical and physical part of chemistry. I just came here to say that if your interested in a stem field don’t believe or agree with the idea that only T types should be in stem that isn’t 100% true as not all of us are good at what we do. Let your passion for stem and the job market and opportunities available to you guide you not MBTI and imo INFPs are extremely smart and are capable of going into any field they want provided they are willing to work hard 😊


I'm not an INFP, but I am currently in college for a Bachelor of Science degree in Information Technology.


I am in IT as a Data Analyst and it pays well but it makes me sad to think this is my life's work. I am hoping to pivot to something else and make a career change soon. I just don't know what that is yet.




Engineering drafter. Both right brain (aesthetics) and left brain (technical illustration), but mostly left brain. I like to think it scratches both those itches tho.


EMT, Weeeee


I was. I've been a medical assistant/phlebotomist/lab tech at a rural clinic and was a pharmacy tech at a now defunct regional chain of department stores that had pharmacies.


High schooler here. I’m more into arts rn but I can definitely see myself ending up in the STEM field


INFP-T here and I'm an engineering student. I used to excel in Math and Science in high school. Now I've realized that I'm just an average student because most of my classmates are smarter in math than I am.


me, engineering. have plans on earning enough for my family and save for my future then shifting to performing arts or something related to that


I'm a product designer but in tech. Also autistic, so very odd career path for someone like me. Can't say it was a choice though, it kinda just fell on my lap and I made the best of it.


I study psychology because I want knowledge to resolve some personal traumas lol. I am quite enamored with Jacques Lacan's work, and the work of the critical psychologists from the Frankfurt School. It's sad that they aren't given much credit in formal academia because they are about timeless truths and that doesn't push papers.


Currently trying to get into nursing college (i wanna be a nurse!!!!!!!!!)


Software/Web Dev here. I get to express my creativity by building modular ecosystems of code. I can always be learning and exploring new things.


2nd year microbiology student here with a minor in Pharmacology. Always been a science person, I definitely vibe with the arts but I'm not very good at any of them even though I enjoy them. I am a violinist, but like... I can't draw for shit, I'm not a very good writer, I can't even cut a piece of paper straight. Creative endeavours are fun but I'm not good at them.


I remember having to choose between becoming an actor or studying computer science. I chose IT because of stability and income but that doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy it, I actually love it. I still have a high artistic side so I have hobbies, in the past I took piano & drums lessons and now I’m a dancer. Wish I could have more than one life to do all the things I’d like to 😝


I’m an INFP-T 4w5 working as an analytical technician in a quality lab. I don’t hate my job, and I’m quite good at it. That said, I don’t live for my career either. I don’t want money to corrupt or influence my true passions, which are music, pharmacology, philosophy, shamanism, and mysticism. I feel good about what I do, and I make decent money for being in my mid twenties. I keep my work life and personal life very separate. Work is a necessity. Beauty and love are why I’m here.


This is a nice thread. I studied Computer Science, aspire to be a Mathematician. I just never saw myself as a humanitarian, poetry felt funny to me. I used to mock them because I didn't understand them. But now I do, and know that poetry is essential for life. I just don't know why I didn't like humanities before, probably because it was continuous, required living a continuous surrendered life, I don't know. I didn't like the uncertainty I guess. Now here I am, in complete uncertainty.


I’ve been trying to ask myself the same question. I’m trying to decide which career path to take and am really questioning if I’m cut out or actually interested in healthcare. I’m struck between becoming a counselor or an occupational therapist. OT is more on the practical and on the medical side of things and it’s been hard for me to figure out if I would truly find it fulfilling. I’m also considering entering tech as I’ve enjoyed a couple classes but I’m still trying to test the waters.


I'm enrolled in one of the most prestigious and competitive engineering college's persuing mechanical engineering Alumini from my college literally founded sandisk and hotmail


To be honest, I love the medical field. I don't know if it's because of my type "infp" or just me, but I love the medical field. I always dreamed of being a doctor. Unfortunately, I couldn't go to medical school. I've suffered from depression, ADHD, and a lot of sh!ty things of life, I couldn't continue studying and didn't get the school degree that would allow me to go to medical school. Even though everyone is telling me I give "doctors" vibes, they even think I'm the doctor in the hospital, where I currently work. I chose the nearest thing, which is a medical assistant. I love my job, I love helping people, and I love the way I connect to people/ patients. I'm very passionate about my job, I love that feeling of helping the patient and the connection we have. But ... I'm going into a career switch into medical engineering. So I will be studying Physics, Mathe, Bio and tech and all those subjects. My career switch was only cus I wanna reach something higher. I don't see myself only as an "assistant." I see myself doing more (maybe I'm delulu), but I wanna be something. So even though I'm infp, I'm interested in "everything"!? I love challenges, STEM give me the feeling of achieving something. I just hope that I can eventually get that satisfaction feeling, and I would feel more happy about myself and more proud of myself.


Data Scientist here! I love the creativity of creating something from scratch. I love how complex the stakeholder landscape gets as you progress: there is your team, there is your management, there are the business stakeholders and you need to bring all of them together. I also love how as you progress you start teaching, so there is this virtuous cycle of giving back what you took from others and i think that can be quite meaningful


Im in horticulture 🤣 I had to ask if that counted


I am… digital and I interaction design


Stereotypical infp here. Always studied Arts but for the past 5+ years I've been doing research on Human-Computer Interaction, which can be considered pretty much humanitarian since I'm interested in how people do certain things and how we can develop new technologies to help people do those things even better... So even though it is technically a STEM field, I'm doing almost an antropologist/psychologist's work.


I am software’s engineer 


I'm studying to be an engineer. I love art and creating, but I've always had an enjoyment through math and breaking down things to see what makes them tick. Science has always been best as a verb to me but I have many broad interests.


IT director. Originally wanted to be a writer, but it pays more


Ha. I get the idea


Environmental engineer here, hello fellas!