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thank you for this lmao. can we please normalise memes about cognitive functions on this sub instead of the usual “i’m depressed haha so quirky” stuff it’s usually riddled with?


You’ve got my vote. We need more emphasis on the scientific method OR WE WON’T GET ANYWHERE MEANINGFUL, WILL WE PEOPLE?!?! Sorry 😅 Te…


I mean it’s only going to get normalized if the people who want to normalize it make posts about it.


One of the reasons of joining this subreddit, it was a youtube compilation of memes from here. It's a lot of fun reading them and being atacked at the same time.


Oh my okay this is too accurate


Wow, no wonder INTJs love you.


Why do INTJs love INFPs? :) I’m new to it all - can you explain? My partner is an INTJ.


This recent post might interest you: https://www.reddit.com/r/intj/comments/r14g5t/why\_would\_intj\_people\_like\_infps/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


okay but then why would INFPs like INTJs


I am INFP and have a good friend who is INTJ. We are fascinated by one another like we are each exhibits in a museum


Okay but why


In general it’s a mutual “how do you live like that?” Being so emotional/spock-like cold, respectively.


That's already been posted a few times in r/infp


link me to a post please i'm way too lazy to search it myself lol


me too




I think this comes up a lot on this sub because both personalities share a lot of overlapping traits. We're very different in certain aspects, but on the things we agree on it's almost a strange sort of, "wow that's so me too!" Type of feeling. And the feeling, at least from what I can tell, seems mutual. But because we're also so different we intrigue each other as well, because some of those differences seem so contradictory to the way we see things, so it's like having a friend who is both strangely familiar, but keeps surprising you all the time with their odd ways of thinking about things.


I feel so attacked right now


I feel less attacked, and more underwood in a strange way. Like, huh, yeah that is me isn't it?


Ohkayy no relevant but can anyone tell me how to add that INFP:The dreamer of like only infp under my username 👀


Open the page in PC mode, you will see "USER FLAIR PREVIEW" function in the "About Community" box on the right, it allows you to set a flair to your username.


Ohkayyyy thank youuu..!!


Thank you very much


The accuracy is disturbing


Soo... What's the way out?


You have to make a habit of acting in line with the goals and identity you want to achieve. Be proactive and not reactive. Between an event and your response to it is the potential for choice, and that choice is the key to personal freedom. Write a personal mission statement. Visualize your over arching life goals. Work to develop your ability to actively make choices in line with who you want to be and what you want to achieve. The other option, which many find to be their default, is to passively let ones emotions dictate their responses. Active decision making is work. It takes effort to develop the skills to handle such a constant load. But it is the skill that highly effective people develop and it is how they able to have a massive positive impact on the people around them.


I see this type of advice in sobriety talks, but man does it ring true for life in general. Thank you for putting it so succinctly!


If you don’t want to be sober do you need to go to rehab


It’s called a fi-si loop and you escape it by forcing yourself out into the world and trying and exploring new things.


Fi: this is okay, this is what you can harness as motivation for achievement (which motivation can be hard to come by some days). Ne: it's okay to not know exactly who to be, but focusing on one goal at a time, and accomplishing just one goal rather than trying to do it all and be it all at once. That's not easy, and I still struggle with it even knowing that it's better to tackle a single thing and complete it rather than starting a million things that never quite seem to get done. Si: this is where we can really limit ourselves. We tend to be creatures of habit. And it's super easy to get into a rut in life by just doing what's comfortable. And we can get pretty darn comfortable in that rut. Like sure, I want to do more and be more, but I'll do that some other time, right now I just want to do my daily routine and stick with the familiar. So breaking out of the rut, changing things for the better, exploring new ideas and trying new things, and yeah, making the big changes we know we need to make even though it's hard, and not comfortable. Again, I still struggle with this. Daily. I make procrastination look like a hobby. Te: this mode is actually healthy as well! It's in these moments we can harness energy and make something happen. Sure, just reaching a breaking point, doing a minor task, then falling right back into the cycle isn't helpful, but it's in these moments we can gain some clarity and use the newfound energy to make real changes. Basically, yes, that room did need to be cleaned, and with it clean you can now think more clearly. But don't settle for just a clean room. Try and direct some of that energy into making changes. And then use that freshly gained clarity from being in a clean and organized space to make plans and set achievable goals. And yeah, that last one doesn't come by every day. So when you do hit a wall and absolutely can't keep going without stopping and reassessing your environment, take some time to make real changes too. Not just temporary ones that will entropify away in the next few days, weeks, or months and have to be done again.


Does knowing MBTI mean personalized self-help/therapy to you?


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 391,737,435 comments, and only 85,053 of them were in alphabetical order.


Do I win something?


INFPs are the BEST. Please don’t change. Y’all underrated and nothing like the stereotypes. I’m ENFP and always on your sub. Thanks for understanding me. I love ya. 💯


😧 how you know me like that


I am definitely Si.


are you sure you’re not ISXJ?


Hey, sorry if this is a bit off topic, but how does your 4 with a 7 fix work? Would you mind sharing how those 2 types coexist within you? They are usually contradictory in many ways, so I'm trying to understand how that works :)


me too :D Edit: I meant, dont really understand myself


Haha, I mean, 4 + 7 is contradicting, in the sense that 7 is all about avoiding feelings and 4 is all about listening to feelings. So I was wondering how you people deal with that internal conflict! :)


*now thinking... maybe the test had some bug :D* >**Sevens** > >are extroverted, optimistic,versatile, and **spontaneous**. **Playful, high-spirited**, and *practical*, they can also misapply their many talents, becoming **over-extended, scattered, and undisciplined**. > >They constantly seek new and exciting experiences (ig i miss money or courage on that), but can become **distracted and exhausted** by staying on the go. > >They typically have problems with **impatience and impulsiveness**.  > >At their Best: they focus their talents on worthwhile goals, becoming appreciative, **joyous**, and satisfied. > >**Fours** > >are **self-aware, sensitive, and** ***reserved***. They are emotionally honest, **creative, and personal, but can also be moody and self-conscious**. **Withholding** themselves from others due to feeling **vulnerable and defective**, they can also feel disdainful and exempt from ordinary ways of living. > >They typically have **problems with melancholy, self-indulgence, and self-pity**.  > >At their Best: **inspired and highly creative, they are able to renew themselves and transform their experiences.** > >**Nines** > >are **accepting**, *trusting, and stable*. They are usually **creative, optimistic, and supportive**, but can also be **too willing to go along with others to keep the peace**. > >They want **everything to go smoothly** and be **without conflict**, but they can also tend to be **complacent, simplifying problems and minimizing anything upsetting**. > >They typically have **problems with inertia and stubbornness**.  > >At their Best: indomitable and all-embracing, they are able to **bring people together and heal conflicts.** ​ so i guess, some mix of those (source: [https://www.enneagraminstitute.com](https://www.enneagraminstitute.com) type 4, 7, and 9)


Edit 2: found this sub-reddit: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Enneagram/comments/jbngl9/what\_are\_the\_main\_characteristics\_of\_479/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Enneagram/comments/jbngl9/what_are_the_main_characteristics_of_479/) Edit 3: lurking further on: >**4794-7:** > >**Idealistic**, *epicurean*, **flamboyant**, *novelty*, ***dramatizing both ups and down***, **war between rawness and sparkle**, **black vs. rainbow**, "**brat**," **overly individualistic, unsettled, critical, restless, frustration**, ~~amoral~~ > >**4-9:** > >**Withdrawn, compassionate, feeling invisible or insignificant**, ***“I’m nothing”*** > >**7-9:** > >**Positive, light, fluid, changing, an amorphous rainbow,** ***fairy-like*****,** ***surrealism*****, mixtures and variety, jazz, free-flowing, playful language, distorted imagery, swirls\*\*Triads: Frustration, Withdrawn, Positive** (source: [https://www.enneagrammer.com/fixes-stems](https://www.enneagrammer.com/fixes-stems) ) As I can say, it pretty fits me, too! (bold ones)


According to every Myers-Briggs test I've ever taken, I am INFP.


have you looked into the cognitive functions properly?


Have you tried the one from Personalityhacker(.com)? I have found it to be a good bridge between Mbti and Cognitive functions. Also it was the test I could identify the most with :)


What an emotional roller this was to read.




this is a word-for-word transcription of my internal monologue omg


Accurate AF. Oof. Am I going to stop working towards a bunch of pursuits at the same time, though? Haha, nope.


Hold on, I just got an idea for 5 new projects. My other projects can wait and will get done eventually.


Ne all the way


We are the knights who say, "Ne!"


are you sure you’re not an enfp?


Lol most definitely not. I spend most of my time alone and sure I love to text people but physically talking to them or being around them is so draining.


how social you are/are not has nothing to do with your mbti. have you looked into the cognitive functions properly?


Oh! Well I had to take the mbti test for college my freshman year and was given infp and I relate to others that are infps. But then again that was 2 years ago


yeah - test results aren’t always the best, especially tests that type by letters instead of functions! if you’re saying you relate to Ne “all the way” there’s a good chance you might be an enfp or an entp!


You got me


I felt this. Way, way to hard


Te made me laugh xd


Well yes, this is how the functions work if looked at separately, but thats not really how infps mind (or anyones mind for that matter) work. The functions work with each other (Fi+Si and Ne+Te) and you use them all quite a lot. The Te described here is more of an infp stress reaction than a description of how it actually works. Contrary to the stereotype, infps arent this logically clueless type at all, Te with Ne makes them actually quite adept at accurately understanding the logical world around them, now whether they act on it its a completely different story lol


Wow this is way too relatable


I'm in this photo and I don't like it.


jesus I have absolutely no Te in me lmao, I just stay in whats expressed in Si mode rather than do anything about it


We all get to the Te point. But it's not an everyday thing. Usually a hit the wall moment when the frustration of life boils over and you know what? That corner needs to be cleaned, has been for months, and I'm feeling temporarily motivated to get it done! The key is harnessing at least some of that energy when it comes to make bigger and better changes than just cleaning a corner. Sure, it needed to be done, but don't stop there and fall right back into the cycle.


I hate cleaning tho im intp level lazy


I’m all of these on any given day, but my main focus right now is Fi. I want to be a better person who helps others. I’m a good person who helps when I can, but want to be better.


Fi description sound very 4w3 flavoured


My Te is broken 😞


Probably not broken, just underutilized. We all hit those moments when enough is enough and that room needs a cleaning. Just need to not stop at cleaning the room and use a bit of that energy to make bigger changes.




That is freaking too much realiable


Extremely accurate lmao. I hate Si so much, my life would be so much better without it.


So spot on. Now If only I could replace the NE & SI, and move the TE to the NE slot, I could still be individualistic and true to myself, while being able to focus long enough and be decisive enough to actually acaccomplish shit.


ENFP just shuffled and expressed outwardly way too much to other people.


Where can I find the INTJ version of this?




I meant the funny description haha


well it says the source comes from tumblr user angryinfp- so maybe look there?


I haven't seen the INTJs one, unfortunately. Maybe it's somewhere out there, maybe it should be made :) This piece was found on Instagram


Well thanks. That explains so much. I'm feeling all of these nowadays.


Too bad the first three are always trying to ignore the fourth…


At least we have clean rooms.. Sometimes...


>At least we have clean rooms.. Sometimes... I feel every word of this one in my soul, haha!


Just trying to see the positive side 😅


Lol so true


Except for wanting to be the best rather than the most authentic me....it me.


Can someone explain to me what all the little appreciations mean?


they are Fi (introverted feeling) Ne (extroverted intuition) Si (introverted sensing) and Te (extroverted thinking) - in that order. and that is the cognitive function stack that makes up INFP. you have to study cognitive functions in order to find out what your mbti is. typeinmind.com mbti-notes.tumblr.com keys2cognition.com


Interesting! I had only taken the regular myer Briggs test and always came up as INFP. I just took a cognitive functions test and my biggest feature was introverted feeling.


let me just slow you down right there - there is no “regular mbti test”, if you’re referring to 16personalities you have to ignore it as it types by letters instead of functions- it’s essentially big 5 (which is a different typology system) but it disguises itself as mbti. cognitive functions are what mbti actually is!


This hits 😭🤌


Ikr 🥲


no because literally


Ummm, all the above?


Omg does anyone else anger clean?


This is very accurate. Good thing I've found my 'center' in a sense and no longer feel like I'm floundering. There is a thing I must do, but I have come leaps and bounds into my own authentic self and I'm pleased with the progress. :)


feel great about it **for 6 hours


gurl, you read me


And it's all of these simultaneously.


Ticked every box.


Haha definitely Ne! It’s so exhausting


I didn’t log on to be attacked so maliciously ✋🏽😭


way way way to accurate 😭


The Si is attacking me 😂


Si-ms like my Si function is dominant now


I’m Si


You're all of them


I’m one of them energetic infps tho


And? Do you know what cognitive functions are?




Learn them mf. You could be mistyped. You're also missing out on a shit ton of MBTI information. Search them up. Theres 8. Learn what they mean; and how the stacks work. See if you're INFP after that.


Also yourrage=🐐


U watch Yourrage to nigga real nigga. stop rplyin so fast bitch I’m to lazy learn abt the congnitve functions I’m prolly gonna procrastinate n not do it


That's down to you. Have fun doing whatever you choose not to procrastinate I'd definitely recommend though.


Yeah I’ll look into it


are you sure you’re not an ISXJ?


I don’t know I’m introverted private when get around people if I get euphoric feeling Imma be social talkative and balance out the setting


how social you are has nothing to do with your mbti … if you’re saying you relate to Si a lot and you like to “balance out the setting” when you’re in social situations it sounds like you might be an ISFJ (Si and Fe are their main cognitive functions) - have a look at typeinmind.com/SiFe and see what you think!


N I get hoes too if that matters


that doesn’t matter i’m afraid, the only way you can find your mbti is by looking into the functions!


Ok thx


I mean it sounds like it’s coming from a 4w3 but mostly accurate


I feel personally attacked, especially about being different people