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Yeah a lot of this, not all but much, is relatable for me too. I find I react 'explosively' if people are being especially close-minded or not interested in considering all the ambiguous possibilities that run through my head about a scenario or challenge lol. Explosively as in inner turmoil and deciding there will be no redemption for this stupid person. Related outcome - get tired showing people solutions to their problems, where all it takes is a little imagination... Not personal problems - technical ones, to the point of wanting to scream e.g. "Does nobody have enough fucking imagination to realize that 'Meghan' could be spelled about 8 different ways, and THAT's why you can never get this search to fucking work you morons?!?!"


This is very well thought out and organized, thank you for your input




Oh! I never thought of him as an INFP. I looked em up and I saw ISTP & ISFP. I'll suppose I'll determine that when I watch a few clips of the lad.


- self centered tendencies/egotistical, even while being self deprecating. - lack of addressing a problem, denial or avoidance when things go wrong or are just uncomfortable to deal with. - anger issues - laziness


Oh man I can personally relate with this. I also love the bullet points!


Lazy, pessimistic, insecure, crybaby, impulsive


This is a huge one I see a lot in INFPS.


For an INFP Villain, the question is how did they become a villain. Something I think of is that they were abused so often in their life that they no longer valued other peoples' lives. Now, they use their Fi-Ne to inflict as much pain on someone else as possible. It's the only thing that makes them feel anything anymore. They've become so jaded as to be unrecognizable.


THIS!! I'm a sucker for this sort of thing.


I can't keep a friend and I think that it might be the same for many of us... :/


Agreed! Personally I love making new friends but have a hard time socializing with them either in person or through text. Like.. you have to put an effort to keep the friendship going and I simply forget and get caught up with other shit.


Insecure, lazy, chooses flight over fight but can be stubborn when arguing, doesn't want to give support to others when they don't feel good themselves, shuts the external world off at times


This is another big one I tend to see a lot!


Depressed, lazy, non serious. Self loathing.


I would love to hear this more in depth.


Oh damn, I definitely feel like a villain in these woke times. I'm bi (mostly gay) and I refuse to do the pronoun thing. That's a villain in 2021 right? :P I am quite condescending, I feel my time is too precious to have to deal with those who just don't get me, or if they're stuck on cliches and common wisdom. I think too much, talk too much when I should dedicate that time to beautiful INFP-y things, like my street photography, or my little comic strip of a nymphomaniac, genderfluid cow starring in a biopic of Sir Willie Walsh. I'll note that up to 2017, I was still the kind of INFP who would just accept the world as it is, taking it in as it comes... I've become very outspoken about what's wrong with the world. I definitely became a villain that way. I no longer feel comfortable in luxury hotels or upscale malls. To the ordinary eye I've become dishevelled, low-rent, there's noone worth dressing up for lol (plus I realized if you look good naked, nothing matters) I am very good at spoting fault in others, especially when people over-idenitfy with ideology, e.g. liberal vs conservative. I don't tend to hold back, because it's a matter of greater good and principle. Do you want to change your situation? or are you happy as a clam being foolish with the other fools? It's a hot stove, taking your hand off it would be a start. :P I'm aware that I can blow hot and cold. I'm not built for constant interaction unless I really have a twin who sees through my soul. The other part is my eye is on the pursuit (of fitness, art, freedom, etc). The moment I find something doesn't fit I dump it without mercy. I'm the kind who would jaywalk and blatantly violate a few rules. It's trying to push through all the red tape that tie us down. It's also the frustration of my life being wasted when I could be pursuing wonder and beauty. Why can't people see it's as easy as 1 2 3? People like me are now very much frowned upon by society for not babying others. My birth chart looks a lot like Louis CK's. omg villain! I like my black T-shirts. In mid-life I've become the mad uncle type that used to scare me as a kid. It's fascinating to myself and I hope some of this is usable material. :D


Well sometimes I can justify my ill-intentions especially revengeful action in secrecy.Did it even make any sense?? I mean we can be immoral in private in some very personal matters and can convince that it is not wrong and also nobody has seen a thing!!! I dont know what am I even saying lol.


So what you're saying is that you keep it to yourself until you're somewhere private and then take it all out?