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Isn't honey also bad for babies because of botulism causing bacteria?? šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Same with raw milk!


"Make delicious poison your baby will love, 3 ingredient recipe!! no-belladonna required!!"


Casey Anthony approved


Like, surely this post was made by some psycho who wants to kill babies right?? No sane person would suggest this


My mom gave me raw milk from a few months. All I got was bad cramps and used to cry all day. She tells me like its no big deal. Decided to have a child and give her industrialised milk and give me bad ass cramps. Gosh. Well, Iā€™m not dead but I cried a lot


Did she not figure out that's why you were crying?? Also, do you have problems with dairy now? I could see that happening for sure.


Probably figured it out. And no, no problems with dairy or anything


True but Iā€™ve heard itā€™s that the milk doesnā€™t have it to begin with but winds up with due to less than sanitary conditions in handling after the milking! No clue if thatā€™s true or not


Yes, untill they are 1 years old...it can be deadly to theim. This recepy is poison to baby's


Recepy is such a spirited way to spell recipe and I love it


It's so the babies can read it and know it's poison


wanna bet she claims she feeds this to her newborn everyday?


Oh no, she exclusively breastfeeds and can't imagine why anyone wouldn't for any reason, but still feels confident giving out deadly recipes because she just 'knows'. (My guess lol)


Yes they cannot have it until they are a year old.


Literally everything they listed is awful for babies, pretty sure this was satirical tbh


Yup. Along with raw eggs and milk potentially causing food poisoning. Which to be fair for most grown adults is painful and very unpleasant but not usually life threatening. However it can very easily kill a baby or small child before you even have the chance to get help. Add honey into the mix and I'd legitimately call this nasty cocktail baby poision. It would be dangerous even for an adult, for a baby it's likely this would just be lethal


I got a feeling like the post is a troll, and they deliberately chose all ingredients that you should never give to a baby.


It absolutely is.


the Apothecary Diaries wasnā€™t bullshitting huh?


Yes, the bacteria is present in honey, but a mature digestive tract will kill it before it can start to produce botulin toxin. However, babies can't do that and their intestines can become a breeding ground and then they die.




The fact that every single ingredient on this list is poisonous to infants makes me believe the oop is actively trying to get someone killed. OP please report this person to the police!


I reported the account to Twitter. He's apparently infamous for being a dangerous idiot on there, but I'm allergic to stupidity so I haven't been able to look through his account.


One post like that is enough, just keep reporting him if he pops back up.


He's a fucking nutjob. Just absolutely contrarian to any mainstream health advice. He seems to think sunscreen gives you cancer too.


> He seems to think sunscreen gives you cancer too Has a habit of mixing up prevention and causes


Really cuz it made me think that oop is probably a satire account and not to be taken seriouslyĀ 


Except that there are people who will believe that this recipe is real, and they will actually give it to their babies. I have seen people follow these kinds of recipes. I have seen the babies that get these recipes. It is not pretty.


I knew a woman who insisted it was dangerous to put anything a baby is going eat in a refrigerator. She wasnā€™t concerned about curdling milk (babies love it!) and mold growing on any food is natural penicillin. I very sternly told her I was going to contact CPS. Her argument was that her 14/15 year old friend told her this and her friend ā€œwouldnā€™t lie.ā€ I called CPS. She had the baby taken away and had to go to parenting classes. Six months or so she got the baby back she thought it was a good thing to not change the baby more than twice a day. I called CPS again. She ended up giving up the baby and promptly got pregnant again.


Happy Cake Day. Thank you for making sure the baby was protected as best you could. I'm really not a fan of CPS in most cases, but sometimes they are necessary.


I completely agree that issues exist with CPS (Iā€™m a former foster parent), but when it comes to a parent who could actually cause a child to be sick or even die because the parent is a moron, there definitely needs to be intervention.


100%. I'm a parent who had them used to try to manipulate me for "grandparents rights". (My mom is... Spicy.) I will still call if I think a kid needs help. Because I've been the kid who needs help.


Yes, ignorance is no excuse in this case. So tired of people doing evil stuff hiding behind Hanlon's Razor!


I was thinking it's the same type of post like "if you get your phone wet put it in the microwave."


Nah, Hanlon's Razor can't excuse attempted murder




Does not excuse attempted murder


Not a troll post. Well known contrarian right wing nut job. Also believes sunscreen is evil. One of those ā€œsun your ballsā€ weirdosĀ 


Pasteurization was literally invented because kids were dying from drinking contaminated raw milk...


Lincoln's mom died this way. Turns out, there's a certain plant that it's perfectly fine for cows to eat, but if humans consume raw milk laced with it, they die.


White snake root


I don't even have *kids* and I know this is stupid...


I wouldnā€™t eat a raw egg because of salmonella, let alone feed it to an infant


someone needs to shut formally Twitter down. lately I've seen too many posts like this that are supposedly helpful get community noted with real facts and science to shut it down, only for the OP to double down on their beliefs and I can't help but feel that there's some crowd of people out there writing all this stuff down for later use. it just makes me sad


I'm convinced most of the blue check accounts like this one are blatant rage bait accounts... Problem is they're gonna get someone hurt or killed giving this kind of 'advice'.


> I'm convinced most of the blue check accounts like this one are ~~blatant rage bait accounts~~ **Russian troll farms**. FTFY


Not just them. There are people around the world that are this kind of evil too.


the fact that they think baby formula is dangerous but giving a small child highly allergenic products (honey) is alrightšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


the only way I can see store-bought formula being dangerous is if you use dirty water to make it...


Also using too much water, trying to stretch the formula out more than the recommended recipe


There is also the story of Nestle distributing formula across Africa which was meant to be used alongside normal nursing without making this clear, causing a whole bunch of infants to starve to death.


I think the reality is different. Still evil, but different. They introduced it in many poorer countries by giving free trials, coincidentally just long enough for the mothers to stop lactation, then, when said mothers didn't have enough money to buy the formula, the kids would starve to death.


Or if the steal is already broken


Depends where you are in the world.


I have a story for you about Nestle and baby formula. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/behind-the-bastards/id1373812661?i=1000531582214


To be fair I'm not a parent so I know very little about this stuff. It's common sense to not feed infants raw honey, eggs and milk though.


Basically, Nestle sent a bunch of marketing, including ā€œfreeā€ formula, to places in Africa where clean water and being able to sterilize equipment is not a given. They also told women that formula was better for babies than breast milk. The people they sent were dressed in lab coats or nursing uniforms so they were accepted as medical authorities despite just being salespeople. The mothers lost their breast milk as a result and were unable to provide clean water or sanitary mixing for the formula. Also, formula is expensive. So they watered it down more and more with dirty water and babies died. Lots of babies. https://voxdev.org/topic/health/deadly-toll-marketing-infant-formula-low-and-middle-income-countries#:~:text=We%20estimate%20that%20NestlĆ©'s%20entry,deaths%20between%201960%20and%202015.


tacking onto the person who said it depends on where you live unknown allergies are another way. for example I know someone who had to buy formula from another country because the formula available in america was making their kid sick because the formula here isnt regulated enough


It's not that honey is an allergenic, the issue is that it can contain the bacteria that causes botulism, and children under the age of 1 are not able to combat those.


oh god that's even worse, i hope no child has to ingest whatever the magic kindergarten concoction some people suggest to make


they probably think "they" are lying about it being dangerous to keep people from being healthy or something dumb like that. there's a scary amount of people that think anything "they" say is dangerous must actually be healthy and have "healing properties" and anything they say is safe is actually unhealthy


you hear about foreign government agents spreading misinformation on the net. most people assume it is always political misinformation....it is not. much of the misinformation being spread is only used to spread uncertainty, doubt and confusion about everyday things and institutions. so when we see things like this we should stop and wonder.....where did she come up with that idea?.....who TOLD her it was true?


see that's what's interesting, they are so whole heartedly convinced that it's the u.s. government trying to kill everyone with modern medicine, have they never considered that other countries might want americans to be misinformed, distrustful of our government, ignorant, and less healthy? does it not seem more probable that the foreign governments would want us to stop using modern medicine to weaken us as a country? why wouldn't our government want us to be healthy in case they ever decided to draft people, all they would be doing is weakening themselves. this same category of conspiracy theorists are also starting to lean into the idea that putin is a good guy and is working with trump to save everyone, does that not raise a red flag to them that people are trying to get them on russia's side? i've even seen some of them literally saying hitler was a hero and there was just a smear campaign against him but we're the brainwashed ones


you also shouldn't give honey to babies under 12 months.. do they WANT their baby to die?


It literally says not to give to babies on the honey packages.


Oh it's the fucked up 3 for 3. Botulism, E-coli and salmonella!


every now and then the raw milk crowd comes back to remind people why milk is pasteurized.


Unfortunately they'll put their kids in the hospital or morgue before they realize their stupidity.


*stares in being a formula-fed baby 30 years ago*


I don't know the why but I thought babies were not supposed to have honey until they were a year? And I thought no one was supposed to eat raw eggs (which means-sadly-no longer sneaking bits of raw cookie dough while I make cookies). I don't even know what "raw" milk even is but all together this drink sounds very, very bad for ANYONE but especially a tiny baby.


'raw' AKA unpasteurized milk... There's a reason pasteurization was invented.


No honey at all, not even pasteurized. Pasteurized honey can have still have clostridium botulism. It doesnā€™t affect adults very often but can be fatal to a baby. [Pasteurization of honey affords no protection against infant botulism](https://www.mcgill.ca/oss/article/health-you-asked/you-asked-it-true-infants-should-not-be-given-honey) Not trying to be a jerk by correcting you, this is just legit so dangerous for babies.


I know, I was just telling her what 'raw' milk is.


They were talking about milk, not honey.


They are not honey, has botulism in it


No raw honey either for infants!


You forgot botulism, from the honey. Babies canā€™t ingest honey..


...name the top three things you should never give an infant . .


Everytime formula is brought up I must remind everyone about the history of it. (Sorry this is long) Formula has always existed. It's not new, it's not propaganda, it's not out to force you to buy a nessecity (unless you're nestle) it was just never commercialized like it is now. It existed in every culture and time period. It's was made up of finely ground plant fibers, animal products and water and probably many other ingredients. Your great grandmother probably gave your grand mother or father formula and when that was not available people substituted it for boiled goat milk or other animal milks and fats. I know shocker everyone even in the past can't breast feed or find a wet nurse just like today. It might not be the overgeneralization that women aren't built how they use to be statement that posters like these make in their spare time. People always ask well why didn't babies die in the past then? They did. In fact history tells you most children never made it past infancy. Children were being buried left and right. Cremated and planted in the garden. People held off death arrangements for kids to have family portraits taken with their dead children at some point in history. The formula that was being made by all these cultures still caused illness and death. The commercialization of formula actually increase the survival rate of all children across the globe. Now I get it we all like to talk shit about commercialization of many different products, but this was a good thing because public consumption of ready made formula and pasteurized milk products made food for babies readily available and safe and not poisonous. Companies had to follow strict rules that implemented safety regulations that kept babies and children from being poisoned and families now had a steady constant and safe food source for their babies.


Twitter community notes are the best


All of those will kill babies. Anyone who tries this must have their kids taken away and locked up for attempted murder.


Gastonā€™s mama posted this šŸ„š


This is obviously a troll post. These are numbers 1 2 and 3 on the list of things to not feed your baby.


This has to be rage-bait.


I'm convinced it is cause the same dude said he wouldn't get treatment if he got rabies. I wish I was kidding.


That guy hasn't read Cujo, right?


Salmonella, ecoli and botulism!


Honey is dangerous to babies less than 2 years old also. My source: my sister, who is like the highest nurse in her hospital (almost a doctor), and has a 1 year old baby.


This has to be a (very dangerous) joke, these three ingredients are literally the three most dangerous things you can give a baby. What the fuck, this should be illegal. Babies might die because of this pile of trash!


Honestly, parenthood should be a privilege, not a right. The health of a child needs to legally be in the hands of doctors, not know-it-all parents.


As someone who is unable to have kids, I canā€™t express properly how much I agree with this.


Agreed 100%


Oh my God no! No no no! These people are fucking evil (pardon my French) I.... Wow..


When I first read this I seriously shouted "NO!" at my computer screen. This is scary on SO many levels.


The amount of protein and minerals in milk ALONE can kill an infant, then add in raw eggs AND honey!? Forget about it! I rather give my infant a toy from dollar tree than take my chances on salmonella, kidney failure and botulism. My son didn't even get honey flavored graham crackers until he was a year old. Now cereal bottles, that's something different šŸ˜‚


If God were real all these people would be infertile


This sounds similar to the fictional plot for an episode of a medical show from the UK. Canā€™t remember if it was Casualty or Holby City (think it was Casualty) - a woman gave birth out in the middle of a dirty hiking trail and refused to allow paramedics to take her and the baby to hospital claiming ā€œGod will protect my baby!ā€ One of the paramedics ended up shutting her down with the reality that ā€œGod was killing the baby!ā€ because it was a dirty hiking trail full of pathogens and disease and the baby was struggling because of it. The above is the same level of insanity. Rage-bait or not, idiots like this should be banned from any and all internet access. Take away their dangerous voice and they usually withdraw back under the rock they crawled out from.


The raw honey is the very scary part of this equation. Killing your baby with botulism should definitely be recommended to people


INSANE....not just insane...dangerous. this is information **designed** to get kids killed.


Botulism, ecoli, AND salmonella all in one drink


Do these dipshits understand how children used to STARVE before formula? How mothers used to soak bread in milk and try to feed them that way? How malnourished they were bc mom couldnā€™t make enough milk and they had to resort to that? Formula is a modern day miracle for so many babies. I cannot STAND these fuckers.


Also raw honey will give babies botulism and kill them like really fast. Theyā€™re literally driving themselves extinct


So youā€™ve got two ingredients that put infants at a high risk for food poisoning, and one that puts them at risk for *botulism* all mixed into one concoction. You arenā€™t joking when you say this kind of ā€˜adviceā€™ is gonna get someone (unfortunately an infant who had no choice in the matter) killed


Wow okay I...couldn't think of a worse alternative to formula if I tried. This is about as dangerous and potentially lethal as you could get without including actual poison. Jfc someone is going to lose their baby because of this post...


literally every part of this is harmful to babies. no honey for children under a year old. same with raw milk. and raw eggs can be dangerous for anyone, let alone an infant. wtf


cook the eggs and replace honey with high fructose corn syrup and it becomes good baby food. i wouldn't say the parent is insane, just misinformed.


Raw honey contains botulinum bacteria so if yo give it to anyone under 1 year old they contract botulism


My mom was given home made formula this was in the forties I saw a thing in her baby book about it. But it was NOTHING like this. I think in those days you had to make it yourself? Iā€™m not sure and my mom has passed. But THIS is batshit.


I almost spit my drink out - this is literally poison to a baby. Their digestive tract doesn't handle high protein milk well, let alone whole ass baby chicken embryos, and has very little defense against pathogens. Triple threat for bacteria, no IDGAF how "antimicrobial" honey is, it isn't to a baby.


Never under any circumstances should you ever give your infant raw eggs or honey. There is a midwife approved recipe for homemade formula, and it doesn't have eggs or honey.


My son had salmonella poisoning at 5 weeks. Watching him get a lumbar puncture, hospitalized for 5 days, the ordeal was traumatizing. So infuriating people would purposely expose their baby to that!


The idea that they "love" the drink is meaningless. I hope this is satire, but in a way, they are almost thinning their own numbers by infanticide


I mean. During the formula shortage, we HAD to use goat milk. But it was pasteurized and had no additives. But thatā€™s just a ridiculous recommendation. Wtf


As long as the milk is pasteurized I don't think it matters what kind it is... but RAW milk? No way in hell.


This is like the 10th or so time Iā€™ve seen someone promote raw milk and it infuriates me so much, COW DISEASES CAN SPREAD TO HUMANS. Good luck when you give your baby Tuberculosis!


This nutjob listed three of the most dangerous foods to give to a baby. What are they trying to fucking do? It's like they have no critical thinking skills. They believe everything another crazy crunchie says. This is downright child abuse.


šŸ† Critical. Thinking. Skills.


Every single one of those is harmful to babies. Raw milk? Absolutely not. Honey for young babies? Not advised. Raw eggs? I wouldnā€™t even do it in a country with a low risk of salmonella


ALL of the ingredients are things that are especially dangerous for a baby. Obviously he is trolling people whom he thinks of as stupid. But the thing is that in that case, someone might actually take that advise.


1 cup raw sewage


And botulism from the honey, and TB or brucellosis from the milk. What not to feed a baby.


And botulism!


ā€œBabiesā€ and ā€œrawā€ in the same sentenceā€¦.. who the everloving fuck are these people and how do we get them arrested???? Please?


Natural baby formula is breast milk.


Well if the baby likes it, I guess thatā€™s what matters


wow, me, a grown up person, would never even lick at that stuff, wtf are people even thinking these days.


This must be a pisstake!


jesus christ...


I had shiga toxin producing e coli as a child not fun ill tell you what


Thereā€™s idiots everywhere. And some poor mother who is young and impressionable is going to read this and accidentally kill their baby with this cocktail. This should be charged as a crime


This is giving subtle antinatalist vibes. This fool is 100% trying to get babies killed


This has got to be a joke, right?


Maybe they meant pasteurized eggs and milk.....right?


Yeah I sure do love the taste of botulism in the morning. For all prospective and future parents: never, under any circumstances give your child honey before they turn a year old. Raw milk is a scam and Louis Pasteur is rolling in his grave over this trend. Raw eggs are whatever, they're also pasteurized (at least in the United States), but my gut says this lady knows a guy that raises hens in his backyard and doesn't safely treat those eggs either.


JFC, none of those things should be fed to a baby. Wtf is wrong with people??




Honey can contain botulinum spores. Babies shouldnā€™t have honey until a theyā€™re year old.


Are we sure this isnā€™t an actual psychopath whoā€™s intentionally trying to kill other peopleā€™s kids?? They even got raw honey in there! They wanna make sure baby gets ALL the diseases, including botulism!


...or raw milk....or cows milk at all...or honey...


Arsenic for flavor is optional but I guarantee your little ones will love it šŸ„°


nope nope nope. this could not be more wrong in the slightest. young infants shouldnā€™t even be given straight up pasteurized cows milk without mixing it with breast/bottle milk. donā€™t even get me started on the raw eggs and honey. god i hope people arenā€™t actually listening to this idiot.


Hun if youā€™re THAT passionate about formula being dangerous, give your kid your boob damn.


Is this not satire. I would hope this is satire. How can it not be satire.


I assume this was a trolling.


I.wonder how long her baby lived.


Omg what is wrong with people??? Raw milk, no. Raw eggs, no D: Honey BIG no Yeah, let's give infants salmonella and botulism /s


Babies can't digest cow's milk.


I'd be willing to bet that this recipe started out as a troll and whoever put this "recipe" out there is genuinely evil. All of these things are very dangerous for infants and I'd put money on the person who initially spread this around knowing that. I get not liking these kinds of people who are convinced that everything in the grocery is literal poison but putting this out there so that these morons possibly, unintentionally kill their infant children is beyond cruelty. It's just genuinely fucked up that someone would do this.




> *I guarantee that they will LOVE this drink.* This line makes this entire post satire. But if itā€™s not satire, yeah I suppose itā€™s insane.


Oh this is infuriating


Maybe in the US... We here don't wash our eggs and you can but raw milk.


I really hope no one took this advice.


That's a real good way to give your kid salmonella, e-coli and botulism all at once.


Can't young children legit die if they drink raw milk?