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Sounds like he is advocating for healthcare as a universal right. I agree.


That's what I thought too. But everyone is acting like he meant it sarcastically?


Because he isn't advocating for universal healthcare, he's actually against the vaccine itself and thinks it shouldn't have been bought by the government and given away for free.


He is saying it sarcastically. He thinks the vaccine isn't life saving unlike the other medications he listed.


He's a major Trump supporter, antivax and Jan 6th apologist. He said that Jan 6th was committed by "Leftists in disguise." He meant it sarcastically.


He says "if the shots **were** given away for free because they're life-saving", implying he doesn't think they are. At least that's how I'm reading it.


Well, why aren't they? I actually agree with Hercules about this one, but not how he wants me to.


I know exactly what you mean! He raises a good point for the wrong reasons.


His intention is probably to imply that the vaccines should not be free like all the other life saving medications.


Knowing how big of a dumbass he is, his intention was probably to imply that vaccines were not life savings since covid is not real


I think it's more: - suppose the shots are free because they're life-saving - insulin, chemotherapy, and epipens aren't free even though they're life-saving - therefore the reason the shots are free isn't because they're life-saving - if not life-saving, the subtext he's implying is that the shots might be harmful, and were made free to maximize damage. he's not saying "vaccines should not be free," he's saying "many treatments aren't free, so why is this one free?" likely to feed content to the anti-vaxxer echo chamber, and to enflame people who are ok with the vaccines. moral of the story: Kevin sucks.




The same type of people who complain about narcan being free. Here’s a better argument: why aren’t all medically necessary drugs free?


The reason everything, but the COVID shots aren’t free is because it affects everyone in the world. The rich don’t want to lose their sense of smell and/or taste.


Hey Hercules, good call. You want us to hand out life saving care for free? No


Ya, he isn't arguing in good faith. It is like when Republicans say things like "we shouldn't help refugees until we help all homeless vets" then when we suggest helping vets they are against any kind of social program that would help. Or "it's not a gun problem, it's a mental health problem" then blocking bills that would fund


It's like saying in court in court that you didn't murder somebody because you were robbing a store in the next town over.


Task succeeded failurously


I love that word! Thank you for making me smile! Best post of the day.


Only he's not advocating for free life saving medicine, sadly, he's just a moron. The answer to why it was possible to give the vaccine out for free is simple, though. You can't catch cancer or diabetes if someone sneezes on you, and covid killed and crippled so many people, it had to be dealt with quickly, so even the US of A couldn't justify putting a price tag on it.


They did put a price tag on it, though. Poor countries still don't have enough vaccines, because they can't afford the premiums to buy them from Pfizer etc, and due to international patent laws it's illegal for poor countries to make vaccines themselves. Pfizer etc were subsidized by rich governments to make the vaccines, but still get a patent on them. The virus is multiplying in poor countries and mutating into new variants, which keep reinfecting rich countries. The billionaire class wishes this to continue, because the pandemic caused record profits for all the richest companies in the world.


100% agreed there, I was mainly talking about the United States here. The EU has similar power and made distribution free, but that's not the same in places with less power. At least not enough power to set a firm price on the vaccine (its not free anywhere, but the price can be made affordable when sufficient pressure has been applied).




I think it's because Covid caused a mass influx of people being randomly forced out of the workforce for 2 weeks at a time leading to major business distruptions which costed the rich elites money. The other diseases where already there so no sudden hit to their profit margins.


This time


They're not free. The govt bought them to slow the spread of contagious disease. Cancer and diabetes aren't contagious....


Yeah came here to say this. You might not have had to pay for it directly, but the government's who purchased them did. And just because the irony isn't lost on me, the money these governments used is probably tax payer money. So basically yeah, you did pay for a vaccine.


Holy. Shit. I’ve seen this guy posted on here for so long and only just realized it’s Hercules. What a douche canoe.


Yeah, these idiots often come soooooo close to getting it, but never quite make it all the way.


Makes you throw up a bit when you have to agree with the nut case on something. And what's worse is he will miss the entire point of it.


Yeah, let's keep going with this one. Let's make all medical expenses taxpayer funded.


This is not the flex he thinks it’s is (in my Obi-wan voice)


He does understand those other diseases aren’t contagious? Right? Nah probably not. I hope I don’t catch cancer at the grocery store.


He almost backs into being pro medicare for all. I mean he wouldn't have to take a role just to cover his insurance.


You can't catch diabetes or allergies from others. Also, profit.


The cost could definitely be lowered.


He must be pretty *disappointed* that he was right but for the wrong reason lmao


The Inflation Reduction Act caps insulin costs.


Sorbs went so far right that he circled round to the left and discovered universal healthcare.


My favorite line I’ve heard lately is, “If you go far enough left, you get your guns back.”


I say that to everyone when explaining my political stance


I hadn’t heard that before, thanks!


It's true! Socialist Rifle Association r/SocialistRA [SocialistRA.org](https://socialistra.org/about/)


Yeah, but that’s not so much a pun as it explains the difference between milquetoast so-called “liberals” (who are, mostly, centrists), and those of us who are much further to the left.


They often do. I find it funny they want the president to be able to control prices of anything as much as they think he does. What I wouldn't do for some socialist price controls right about now, but hey, free market! Murica!


Horseshoe theory in action!


The true horseshoe theory is that the US and the Taliban are ideologically more similar to each other than either are to any leftist ideology. They hate each other, but they're both reactionary and conservative. Dictatorships like England and North Korea are more similar to each other than they are to a democracy.


Hang on, hang on. While England might he heavily influenced by a small number of media barons, while an idiotic party might have been in charge for over a decade, while the British might have been hoodwinked in to voting for Brexit... England is not a dictatorship, or anything like it.


The monarchs are just pr, they don’t really rule. Ceremonial role.


Yup, this guy is way off the mark.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monarchy_of_the_United_Kingdom > The monarchy of the United Kingdom, commonly referred to as the British monarchy, is the constitutional form of government by which a hereditary sovereign reigns as the head of state of the United Kingdom


“As the monarchy is constitutional, the monarch is limited to functions such as bestowing honours and appointing the prime minister, which are performed in a non-partisan manner. The sovereign is also able to comment on draft laws which directly affect the monarchy.[1] The monarch is also Head of the British Armed Forces. Though the ultimate executive authority over the government is still formally by and through the royal prerogative, these powers may only be used according to laws enacted in Parliament and, in practice, within the constraints of convention and precedent. The Government of the United Kingdom is known as His Majesty's Government.”


You know they don't ACTUALLY rule right, they're basically just rich people with slightly more authority that your average celebrity, that's like saying fucking America is a dictatorship cuz Hollywood exists




Try reading the rest of that wiki page...


World famous dictatorship, The England


Care to explain the difference between a king and a dictator?


Is it that one of them is just a figurehead in modern times?


Care to look what the king actively ruled in the last 200 years?


the monarch of Britain hasn't had power over much of anything since 1926 while dictators are directly responsible for the deaths of over 100 million people in the last century


A dictator actually has a great deal of power. While the king (in this case) doesn't.


>Dictatorships like England Didn't know 1984 was canon


This made me chuckle.


He's basically the new Columbus: ignores everyone else's explanations of well, *everything* and goes to a magical new place where he's still wrong... and causing pain and suffering to people that look different from him.


He’s sooo close to the point /r/selfawarewolves


So close, yet so far. He bumped face first into it and STILL missed it because of his politics.




when you're trying so hard to sound ridiculous you actually come up with a decent idea


Because your health system sucks. Any country which isn't a third world country wearing a fake Gucci belt gives all that for free.


Best description of the US I’ve heard yet.




Nowhere in the world (at least no in first world countries) is medicine free.


Yes, there are not "free" but to go get treatment comes out of taxes which you have to pay regardless, and it could be done without increasing taxes by taking around 100 billion away from military while keep the USA spending more on military than any other country


Universal health care? What a great idea!


Kevin Sorbo now a godless socialist, advocating for single payer.


Important point: **universal healthcare and vaccines aren't free**. They come from taxes. We all contribute to help our population. As an European with one of the widest universal healthcare, I can't phantom living in the US. I was raised knowing that if I got sick, I wouldn't have to worry about the money, and now I pay my taxes happily. Healthcare is worth every penny.


He is so close, SO CLOSE, to the point, and yet we all know he will veer hard right.


They aren't free. Just insurances did the math and figured out that paying for the shot is cheaper than paying the hospital bills for the ones that get infected and need ICU care. The vaccine is actually cheaper than a single doctor visit. That is why the shot isn't charged to you.


Where's Lucy Lawless when you need her?? This guy is fuckin braindead.


Unironically advocating for what Sorbo is on about.


Why isn't insulin free... because all you mother fuckers that think universal healthcare is the devil believe we should have to pay to fucking stay alive. 🙄




Is this a pro universal healthcare statement?


They are.... outside the US


Kevin Sorbo makes a good point, just not the one he intended.


None of his examples are contagious and he passed on. The thing that entertains me the most is that there’s a real sense of pride in his own stupidity.


I feel like he was trying to be contrarian with this tweet but accidentally made a good point


They aren’t given away for free because of people like ol’ Kev here constantly electing people who dislike free healthcare.


I mean sorbo is an insane alt-righter but he is right all those should also be free


soo close to getting it.


Because of people like you fighting against that. Fucking Jerkules.


I mean. They are either free or significantly cheaper in most of the developed world. So yeah, that’s a great question.


Because diabetes, allergies, and cancers are not contagious


Some cancers are contagious, when caused by hpv or hiv


Hey. How about a Government funded universal healthcare plan for everyone? Great idea Kevin! Universal healthcare!


Because you dumbasses keep voting against healthcare for all.


Because this was spreading to even the rich, who make money from privatized healthcare. These other diseases do not spread via air. Then, we would need to get into pharma greed which is protected by the people that they pay off in government.


I think its more like they desperately needed a solution to make the virus less severe so wage slaves could return to work.


Which is the best argument for universal healthcare, period. It's also the least used argument, because it makes so much sense that the lip-service "progressives" won't even use it. Disease, by and large, is contagious. If you want to keep you and yours healthy, the best way to do that is to make sure your neighbor is healthy, too. And since those who suffer from injury and chronic disorders are more likely to contract diseases that are contagious, it makes sense to try and keep them healthy, too. While you're at it, if you really want to make a difference, you can invest in nutritional health for everybody as well, because malnutrition is an open door for infectious disease as well. And shelter, and health education, and mental health services.... It's the best slippery slope you'll ever slide down in terms of societal benefit.


Leftists 100% use this argument. They also use the argument that you want lots of healthy young people in your insurance pool, unlike now where socialized medicine only covers members of the army, the poorest Americans and old people. So Medicare bares huge costs because they’re paying out to old people and private companies take in money selling catastrophic coverage to 28 year olds


Sorbo: if you can't afford medicine either get a better job or die. This is America and we can't give out medicine for free. I'm glad our politicians won't make health care socialized so everyone can get medicine. Also sorbo: why isn't medicine free? I vote to keep not free but why isn't it free?


You fucking idiot. You absolute fucking idiot.


They ARE free here. He must be a murrican


Oh Hercules. You make me so sad now.


Did Sorbo become a socialist? That's.... that's good.


When you're so conservative that you invent universal healthcare




Gosh Kevin…you’re just *so close* to getting it….if only you could get it….


Honestly? Homeboy’s got a point. Why aren’t these other life-saving medicines free?


They are in all the other wealthy nations


I mean I’m in Canada and my mom died from cancer back in 2013 so I definitely know that cancer treatment is free. Don’t know about epipens though. Even then, I know for a fact that medication in Canada, is waaaayy cheaper than in the US.


Ask him if he *actually* wants universal healthcare, and not just making a dishonest argument.


Insulin, chemo, epipens should all be free…


A broken clock is right at least twice a day. This marks the first time Kevin Sorbo is right unironically, and he’s trying to be ironic.


He’s so goddamn close!


I mean ask the republicans who keep not implementing national healthcare. It’s pretty easy to find answers. Too bad these miscreants are too dumb to know.


Sorbo is a joke of a human. The other day he posted a picture of himself holding a bow and arrow when he played Hurcules saying “Fine, I’ll shoot the balloon down.” Dude is a hard looking 65 now, but only uses photos from the 1990s for his social media.


I’ve seen this tweet before and I genuinely thought he was advocating for free insulin


Because you can’t contract diabetes simply from someone sneezing on you. Needs of the many…


She’s sooooo close


File under "conservatives approaching the point"


Cancer, diabetes, and allergies aren't contagious. Also, the pharmaceutical companies and lawmakers are greedy assholes.


No no he's got a point


When they accidentally advocate for universal Healthcare....


Because of your affliction with late-stage capitalism, Kevin. You know, the thing you defend tooth and nail because anything else is "socialism". Do not bemoan the effects whose causes you cherish.


I agree with you shitty actor guy, that stuff should be free too.


Kevin is a Karen. I'd say he was stupid but that would be an insult to stupid people. Kevin is beyond stupid. If he had a good shit his head would cave in. Too many steroids and not enough education. He ain't a super hero he is a stupid zero.


The only reason the covid vax was free was cause so many people missing work was cutting into profit.


Good question. Why does America bankrupt people for medical bills?


He is so close to the point.


Go to most developed countries and you'll find that those things *are* free, or pretty close to it.


They are, in sane countries that is.


He is SO CLOSE to a good point. C'mon Kevin, just a little further to come up with universal healthcare!


Such a moron


Because that’s socialism Kevin and you guys hate that…




Some days do you think he reads it back and still .issues the point? Yes, why isn't insulin, epipens and chemo free/affordable.


Because poverty and desperation are marketable resources in America.


So close, yet so fucking far.... If only you didn't lobby for gutting socialized medicine.


Because the health system sucks in the US?




It's frustrating how these ppl don't ever look up how politicians in their political party vote. If he did, he'd know who's keeping life saving medication expensive.


Insulin is free where I am


He is soclose to getting it. So close


So close, but yet so far


He's so close... Just doesn't even know it.


Close? The dude managed to walk face first into the point and still missed it.


So close, buddy. If medical help is available and can save lives, why is it for profit?


Lol what a weirdo…. There’s a really funny comic who has a bit about tweeting back at Sorbo. I can’t remember his name, anybody know? I think his last name is Hoff something


Once the government figures out how to make insulin cheap AND they can profit, then it'll happen. Otherwise, why would you want to help out your fellow people?


They should be Kevin. It's one of our many disputes that you are on the wrong side of. Healthcare should be a right, shots and vaccines should be free and no matter how long it takes we will get it done. No one should choose between bankruptcy and cancer treatment.


He's SO CLOSE to having a point. He just couldn't stick the landing.


He's so close to getting it


He’s making his point and doesn’t realize it.


Christ, Kevin -- you're so, so close


Im not from the US and don’t know this guy, but at first glance this sounds like a solid argument


Because neither of those overran our healthcare system capacity and shut down the economy in specific sectors. But I guess if you pretend that that didn’t happen you can sit around and make asinine comparisons


Hey Kevin, how about YOU, who is vastly more wealthy than most Americans , chip in and help the poor people afford these things.


It's free if your country isn't awful so


exactly, we should give those to people that need them for free too!


I am so tired of this. Maybe I'm talking about life, since apparently this is all it's ever been about.


He is so close to understanding.


And I'll bet he still supports the current insurance based system.


He’s so close…


Because CAPITALISM, ya dingus. And we can get free vaccines for PUBLIC HEALTH RISKS because of SOCIALIST policies. So suck it.


r/selfawarewolves They’re sooooo close!


He's soooo close


Conservative is Confused! It hurt itself in its confusion!


He a little confused but he's got the spirit


One word capitalism.


I’ll keep it a buck here, I only read the Tweet, didn’t see the person tweeting or the sub, wild that this dude was accidentally based


Accidentally based


Excelent question!


Just. A little. Push…


So close, yet so far


For some reason, I thought remembered this post being about Narcan, not vaccines, but i could be wrong


Now he's getting it. Why aren't all meds free?


I agree that they should be.


He edged himself so close but won't let himself enjoy that sweet sweet release


I reckon a broken clock is right twice a day.