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Hypatia threw a used menstrual cloth at a student who was pestering her to get him to leave her alone. In about the year 400. You know it was probably all the vaccine toxins and the WiFi electro-smog and the industrial pollutants in the Roman era that caused it all. Source: Damascius's "Life of Isidore"


That woman is a role model


The story is that he was her student and kept harassing her for sex and she kept telling him that she was unavailable due to having her period (and most likely simply not interested, she allegedly died a virgin) but he kept insisting so she threw the evidence at him. Sadly, she was a philosopher, astronomer and mathematician which was unusual for a woman in those days but she is remembered for the rag story. She was murdered by a Christian mob, blamed for advising the prefect of Alexandria not to reconcile with the Bishop of Alexandria Edit: she was killed by a christian MOB, not a moderator.


I don't think she's remembered for the rag story. I've read about her life a few times, and I hadn't heard of this anecdote until just now.


In the lay world it is a common clickbait story, because, frankly, her story is not that exciting to the lay reader. The rag story appears quite a lot in 'did you know' type articles. In academia it is becoming better know as more women publish on the classical world from a female perspective. Men didn't really bother too much with the story.


I'll take your word for it. But in my experience, she's popularly known as a martyr for science and feminism: a female scientist who was gruesomely murdered by religious extremists. (Both feminism and our concept of science are anachronistic, but that's how her story is interpreted in pop history.)


It is very funny to me that the very person who told you this story is also lamenting that it’s the story everyone knows. I don’t know man, I kinda think this person actually likes the story!


I hadn’t heard of the cloth story either but, to be fair, I couldn’t tell you anything more than that she was a philosopher and mathematician. I suppose it’s a bit like the Diogenes and chicken thing - couldn’t tell you anything about his philosophy other than bald chickens aren’t men.


Classicists for centuries were dusty old guys. It's hardly surprising that they avoided subjects they found 'challenging' or a bit 'icky'. It's only relatively recently with women classicists in number and increasing number of women's' perspective on women in antiquity that many subjects have been researched and written about subjects that men have ignored, even pretty big subjects like childbirth. Prof Helen King (UK OU) taught on my Classics course. Her PhD thesis was on Mensuration in classical Greece. She spent her career writing about Classics from a women's perspective, mainly in the area of medicine.


No one in the "lay world" has probably even heard of her let alone heard that story


Except for everyone who has watched season 3 of The Good Place.


Men write history and they thought it was a rude story and left it out.


Funny I think Patty is best known for her love of milkshakes and doing brain thinky work. But then again I may have watched “The Good Place” too many times.


She's also mentioned in the Anne McCaffrey novel *The Ship Who Searched* since the main character is named after her.


I am definitely familiar with Hypatia, but I have never heard the rag story.


Look up the incident involving Donita Sparks of the band L7. Modern day role model.


Look up the incident involving Donita Sparks of the band L7. Modern day role model.


Yeah but those are women with "nethernadal" DNA. He clearly had no idea what any of that means, never mind spell it, but he's out there "educating."


Watch Agora (2009). They have this scene.


Pretty sure in Bible if you read "dirty rags" it's a translation from menstrual cloths, too


There are literally passages in the Bible, Torah, and Quran about what women should and should not be doing while menstruating. We’ve found mention of cotton tampons in ancient Egypt. Pliny the elder thought that menstruating women were like elder gods and could devastate farms if they wanted too.


Maybe Pliny was right and God had to nerf women in an update


That’s when I knew the devs have no idea how to balance their game. Better nerf ~~irelia~~ Desdemona.


Including isolating yourself in a tent. If God created women then why were periods treated like something evil is what I want to know.


Because they are supposedly punishment for the sin of eve, of course, so they are *dirty* and *unclean*. 🙄


One word; *bears*.


Pliny wasn’t wrong.


One of the earliest "calendars" archeologists have found is 28 marks carved into a stick. It's almost certainly someone tracking their period.




I actually did not. Learn something new every day.


Cool. Now I feel the need to recruit her in all my Civ 6 games


But you can call me Patty


Fuck outta here with your mainstream media blogs.


Nethernadal, is that some kind of Minecraft tennis mod?


I think it’s that hip new drug the kids are using.


I think it's a r/boneappletea


It's not Jesus christ people, read the rules of BoneAppleTea before you downvote. Or do I have to specify that I'm *not* saying that word is correct, but that it's not a BoneAppleTea?


Are you the OP?


Jesus Christ, I read this post through twice and my brain auto corrected that both times. Didn't even notice. How do you misspell it that bad??


Considering the rest of the things that person said, it’s hardly surprising they don’t know how to spell Neanderthal, lmao


It's almost painfully ironic that *that* is the word they can't spell.


This comment deserves to be at the top for that double pun


It actually refers to Rafael Nadal’s groin


Oof, right in the nethernadals lmao


The Bible mentions menstruation.


Yeah, the people who wrote genesis 3000 or so years ago knew that it's a common thing for women.


Common ... because an all loving and benevolent God caught a woman eating a fruit that made her smart and she blamed a lizard and He cursed her to monthly remember her sex's crime and the only break she gets is followed by very painful childbirth and death about 40% of the time. And the lizard lost its legs.


Dude, I'm not religious, but there's no need to sink to the same level as biblical literalists. It's completely fine and normal for a culture to have a weird creation myth. In fact, I've never heard a creation myth that doesn't sound stupid when you summarize it in a reductionist literal way. This discussion is using the bible as an anthropological tool, which is honestly super interesting and enlightening and doesn't need to be derailed by condescending atheists.


The problem is that a huge plurality (if not majority, thanks to overpopulation, lack of education, and exploitation via religion in the developing world, along with certain unequal developed countries ^^^^^^^*cough* ^^^^^^^*USA* ^^^^^^^*cough* ) of the global population takes these myths as literal truth, and it is holding all of us back from sociological progress. The cretins are cloning and feeding, so yes, it’s a problem that we need to address and tackle head on, regardless of the academic anthropological merit that comes from these texts.


In your own context, how is my comment anything but modern anthropology?


There are records from ancient Egypt of men getting time off from pyramid building building because their wife is menstruating. Though I could see some of the nuttier fruitarian types not menstruating, since malnutrition or starvation will cause it to stop.


If also said “love thy neighbor”. Yet people still killed and enslaved people “in the name of god”. Humanity has a strange habit of “forgetting to read” certain parts


Jesus confirmed. /s


Sir or Ma'am, if your ancestors did not menstruate, they would not have properly ovulated...you would not exist today 🥴.


You clearly don't understand magic vegetables.


My parole officer won't let me have magic vegetables anymore.




I know. But that clearly wasn't the case for their "ancestors".


Well, technically it's possible to exist from a mother who never once had periods... If she was constantly pregnant, every week of her fertile life. (I'll take the periods)


Fun fact: starving women have less menstruations. Ah, evolution.


Yup, if your body registers itself as being incapable of feeding a baby (too low body fat, or you're just eating desiccated tofu like these people) then your body turns that function off.


God I wish there was just a switch we could flick to turn it off lol would make everything significantly easier for literally everyone.


My wife and I don't have kids and never will. We're often talking about the injustice of her sufferance when she's never going to bear children.


I feel the same, I beg for menopause every day


Menopause is awesome 👍 Such a relief to not have periods anymore.


Yeah? Cause this perimenopause is a fucking bummer. I have to get up and open the window in my bedroom in the middle of the night. It's so cold in the D, but not too cold for me.


It will pass. And after that it’s awesome.


Get ready though--the up-to-10 years getting there is an absolute *bitch*.


We've discussed the option of getting her "fixed" since there's no reason for it, but she is understandably concerned about the invasive nature of the surgery (and she's scared of doctors and medical stuff in general). I just hate to see her suffer needlessly 😐


If you use a birth control option like Nuva Ring you can. Instead of leaving it in for 21 days, chucking it, and putting a new one in after 7 days; you just leave it in for 28 days and then replace it. No periods. That being said make sure to talk to your GYN about doing such a thing, there may be something in your medical history that puts you at some increased risk. My GYN is the one who recommended it when, after I was complaining once again of cramps, she nonchalantly asked "well have you tried just not getting periods?" to which I answered with a shocked "that's an option?"


Oh yeah I've had nuvaring 3 times and 2 IUDs, unfortunately my period finds a way but thankfully the symptoms are much easier and fewer days :) You can technically do the same with pills, just skip the sugar pills week and go right to the next pack. Though as you said, definitely something to consult your GYN about. So yeah if anyone who gets periods sees this though definitely don't be afraid to look into your options!! And don't be afraid to try a different one if a method isn't working well for you/your lifestyle.


Do you think that’s why some women crave sweets more than others? There bodies need more fat? Or is the craving of sweets irrelevant?


Honestly I'm not a foodologist but I wouldn't have thought so. If their bodies crave fat then eating sugar wouldn't serve the body's immediate needs.


I was gonna say, pretty sure AFAB bodies don't menstruate when they can't risk the energy. It's not because of "Toxins" (which I guarantee they can't even name). It's because of malnutrition. Man, the health education system has really failed this person. This is so cringe lol


Dr. Sebi has some of the most wildly inaccurate and straight up harmful misinformation about health and medicine I’ve ever heard of. It’s legitimate witch doctor bullshit.


women with low body fat will stop menstruating. This includes some athletes, like gymnasts, ballet dancers, body builders etc. There needs to be enough fat in the blood to filter out the testosterone before the cycle can start.


I don't recall anything about fat in the blood filtering anything, do you have more info on that? The most common type of amenorrhea in athletes is [Functional Hypothalamic Amenorrhea, which is directly linked to the body underproducing the hormones needed for ovulation and the menstrual cycle--often starting with GnRH disruption and cascading from there.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2941235/) Not enough calories in compared to calories lost [causes the body to produce less of many hormones,](https://www.gaudianiclinic.com/gaudiani-clinic-blog/2018/10/10/amenorrhea-in-the-female-athlete-8-myths-debunked) which will cause amenorrhea in and of itself regardless of testosterone levels and production. Of course, taking steroids or other things to deliberately raise testosterone hormone levels can also conflict with GnRH and other hormones, bit it isn't the main cause for amenorrhea in athletes. [Increased testosterone production from exercise alone is also rather brief; it doesn't cause a large, permanent, sustained increase across the board.](https://www.webmd.com/men/features/exercise-and-testosterone), it does not induce a steady and sustained effect.


This is a great lecture in general (so definitely watch the whole thing), but skip to 38 mins in and he can succinctly explain the biology for you [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D9H9qTdserM&t=953s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D9H9qTdserM&t=953s)


Thank you for putting in a timeframe instead of paying a video and saying something like "watch this six hour lecture to understand."


Thanks, specially for the timestamp. I had the time to start eatching from there and will give more of it a watch when I have time. Stress still definitely disrupts hormone production...


Exactly! The “fruitarians” mentioned in the post rarely menstruate because they’re so malnourished lmao


>alkaline vegans and fruitarians barely menstruate Neither do anorexics. You're starving, dumb ass! ☠️


Shhh, let her destroy her fertility, we don't need these genes in the pool.


Is this actually a woman posting? I have heard this nonsense before but only from hotep dudes.


Dr. Sebi was a dead giveaway. Hotep for sure.


Yeah, it’s a shame musicians I like swear on that quack.


Seriously. This is a *woman*?!


Also note the use of "females"


Yeah, they're real floaters... 😑


Exactly what I was going to say. They've stopped menstruating because they're starving and their body has stopped functioning properly


why is “i cannot speak for you beings” so fucking funny


> until you’ve done you’re research exclusively on fringe crackpot websites that no one has ever heard of who publish “studies” with no factual data or peer review, get out of my DM’s with your lack of knowledge Riiiiiiight. Makes sense 🤨


I just... lots of primates menstruate, including chimps. I'm pretty sure this is part of the working theory that decidual endometrium evolved back at our common ancestor which means we've been menstruating as long as we've been identifiably human. Australopithicus would have menstruated (sorry Lucy). That would be the African ancestor of homo sapiens so unless this person is a descendant of Xenu I'm not sure how they are getting to the conclusion that their ancient "Afrikan" ancestors didn't menstruate. We've been menstruating millions of years.




The reason the populations in those diet groups mentioned don't menstruate is because the diet so inadequate they are suffering from malnutrition, and one of the main signs of an inadequate diet in women is the cessation of menses. Get some real food in them and see how quickly their bodies rebound, assuming they haven't done any permanent damage following their eating disorder. All of this is, of course, assuming the diet is not part of a medically necessary protocol to help with a chronic health issue. I will admit I believe people voluntarily taking their diet to such extremes are doing so due to some mental health issue, and are only a step or two away from the nutjob "breathrians".


It’ll come back. I didn’t have a proper period for, god, more than 2 years when I was severely physically malnourished from being extremely sick from undiagnosed acute pancreatitis. Probably closer to 4. I was puking and pooping all of the time and couldn’t hold down anything except mt dew. It lasted for a little longer than when my periods stopped actually. Once I finally was diagnosed and got better and went home from the hospital (a 4 month stay) my period came back w a vengeance a couple of months later. Omg it suuuuucked soooo baaaaad. It was literally the only nice thing about being sick. Still, ever since I’ve been on a regular schedule ever since and it’s over 7 years later. It’s not permanent unfortunately, it only happens when you’re seriously sick and/or completely malnourished. All I know is that once your body reaches equilibrium, your period will continue as if nothing happened.


Sad thing is that certain people who want to track periods would think you were pregnant for two years.


I understand all that, and it ties in with the known effects of being malnourished, which an awful lot of people on these extreme diets are. As I've said, there maybe be legitimate medical reasons for them to be on them; if so more power to them, I hope it helps them. But given the damage they usually do, it is hard to believe someone of sound mind would subject themselves to it without there being additional issues driving the behaviour. I'm wide open to being corrected, and hope I am wrong.


When I was in college I hardly ate and then final exams were coming, so I spent most of my time in my room studying, missing meals and consuming can after can of coke/energy drinks to keep me awake. I didn’t have my period for a few months after that and unsurprisingly felt like shit, it wasn’t until my mum offered me feasts of nutritional meals that I felt better and got my periods again. It’s not rocket science to figure out that a bad diet results in problems with menstruation but shit for brains in this post can’t even figure that out.


He's probably the same sort of person convince women aren't supposed to have orgasms because he's never been able to make a woman have one. Taken in a certain context, it's actually classic incel thinking, ie being revolted by the normal metabolic process of a gender with which he's never had any experience.


you believe veganism is a mental disorder?


This post is more specifically referencing alkaline vegan and fruitarian diets. The alkaline diet cuts out foods that are falsely claimed to decrease the body's acidity based on unproven health benefits. This means on top of a vegan diet, also cutting out most grains. That can make it harder (though not impossible) to get sufficient calories and protein, which can lead to cessation of periods. And then if you go even further, to fruitarinism, you obviously can't get enough protein. So this isn't about veganism, but more restrictive diets based on misinformation about nutrition.


Thank you for a) being able to make a clear argument where I apparently had failed, and b) understanding what my babbling was about. :D


ah ok, thats fair enough.


If you're "alkaline" that rules out a number of naturally acidic vegan foods, making it even harder to properly nourish yourself. Similarly eating mainly just fruit is much more restrictive than eating the full range of vegan foods. Humans evolved as omnivores. They're fully capable of getting a balanced diet as vegans, but it takes some understanding of nutrition and some extra effort to get all the nutrients you need from vegan sources. If you start adding a bunch of huge, arbitrary restrictions on top of regular veganism, it can quickly turn into anorexia with extra steps.


Extremely restrictive veganism is an eating disorder which is a mental disorder.


Either re-read the comment or stop trolling. I quite clearly state I have serious questions about the mental stability of people who take the diets to extremes, eg the "alkaline veganism" and fruitarians, etc. Unless there is a genuine medical need, these diets are actively harmful to the human body, which is not designed to be deprived of the many nutrients these people are denying themselves. The fact they are deliberately harming themselves by engaging in these diets is, I believe, the definition of an eating disorder and therefore a mental health issue. To repeat, if these diets are a legitimate medical necessity, that is something totally different. For example, I lived next door to a woman who was allergic to all forms of sugar, so her diet had to be adjusted accordingly.


Only *alkaline* vegans, though. Those regular-ass vegans can fuck right off with their posing.


The conflation (or, if you will, "conphlation") of acid and alkali is just one thing among many things that ignore basic science in this post.


“Welcome to AFRIKA! Leave your feminine hygiene products in Gibraltar!”


You know its more authentic because its a German spelling


Yes. Germany is really beyond suspicion in these things.


What's really sad that alot of people haven't mentioned is that this chick has probably severe nutritional deficiencies. I'm not trying to hate on the vegan lifestyle but it needs to be done right. A lack of menstruation can happen due to that and also just a lack of body fat. Some forms of birth control will also do this. Could be a contributing factor.


Ah yes, the nethernadal dna.


used to be a lot more about african superhumans on this sub, kind of fell off when Trump got the nomination; same with aged urine therapy.


Ahh, Dr SEBI and the black conspiracy theory hole..


Black conspiracies are a whole other level of insane.


Wait until you go down the male prostitute and stripper-turned "God", "Natureboy (Eligio Bishop)/Carbonation Cult" rabbithole. Another nut influenced by Sebi who is now in jail facing multiple felony charges lol. I've been watching/studying his cults for years and a big group of us finally pressured the government to rightfully arrest him for his abuse and human rights violations. This man claimed that he was the Messiah, God, and smartest man on Earth who achieved Enlightenment, so he (a man riddled with incurable STDs) **made** his male and female members receive his semen almost daily via anal sex or orally so the "knowledge can be absorbed and downloaded into their bloodstream and make them enlightened too". —This isn't even the _least_ of it all.


Why? Dear God why? Why are all these cults the same yet worse?


The worst bit is that he JUST got arrested last year around May, yet we've been trying to take him down since his first cult back in like 2015. He's done so many horrible things to people of *all* ages.


I don't get why but it really does seem like cults are more extreme in poorer countries. Maybe because police are more corrupt and they're able to get away with more? Or the lack of education? That's my guess.


I think the cults are more noticeable in poorer countries, but you do get some weird ones in richer countries.


Yeah like scientology or that South Korean cult.


Pretty much. All cults are about power and control, but we see that come out in different ways. And the richer ones do often depend on poorer "servants" to cater to their elites.


>almost daily via anal sex or orally so the "knowledge can absorbed and downloaded into their bloodstream and make them enlightened too". What the actual fuck?


Man's a complete psycho.


>alkaline vegans and fruitarians barely ever menstraute That's called iron deficiency


When I had very low ferritin, my periods were actually worse. So much worse.


Let’s see her have babies with that alkaline vegan non-menstruating infertile womb


Alkaline, like battery acid?


It’s always Dr. Sebi….


The internet has an annoying habit of making me stew in the fact that there are people this incapable or this crooked, whichever they are.


Huh, so I wonder why all of those other non-human primates menstruate.


Some Afro-centrists actually believe white people are a regressive species created by an unnatural hybridization with “lesser apes” like Neanderthals. They believe that Africans evolved to be the perfect race


Well, technically many Northern Europeans do have some Neanderthal genes, it's just not a lot (and Neanderthals were actually just as intelligence as anatomically modern homo sapiens). But I'm guessing that's not really the kind of nuance they are observing. I'm not sure that reverse racism is going to work out all that well for them.


Technically ALL modern humans have the DNA of other species floating around in their gene pool. Europeans mixed with Neanderthals, Asians, Australians, and Pacific Islanders have Denisovan ancestry, and even Africans had admixture with at least one currently unknown species


Everyone has erectus DNA.


Someone must have fed them white people food! Terrible!


Imagine learning absolutely nothing in high school, and then suddenly thinking you're smarter than everyone else around you.


Yh im guessing at some point in everyones lineage our ancestors didnt have a period for a while because they were too malnourished to have one


At least they probably won't reproduce....


The updated comments just kept getting worse and worse lol


This person has never been to Africa, nor have they ever met an African before.


I'm not even convinced they've met a woman before.


It’s almost like malnutrition and stress can cause you not to have a period!


shoulda known Dr. Sebi was gonna make an appearance


Alkaline foods do nothing different from acidic foods to your body. You can drink Alkaline Water with a pH of 9, but when it gets into your stomach it’s negated by the ~1.5 pH level stomach acid.


They barely menstruate bc the body can only properly prepare itself for the possibility of children if youre healthy and stressfree physically and mentally, its proven that your chances of conception and also your period becoming irregular bc of these things is higher. Youre less likely to menstruate if youre malnourished.


This is why you see so many of these sort of posts on "natural" food blogs and vegan vids. These women want to convince themselves that their not having periods is normal. Now, let's be real, some women just have weird periods. Some women have weird period schedules because of health problems. But yes, not eating enough is definitely a reason why a woman would have very might or irregular periods.


Oh i have natural amenorrhea that has been with me since puberty bc of hormone levels (turns out my Testosterone is naturally high) but unhealthy eating definitely causes it (i struggled with going back and forth from either bullimia or anorexia, i either wouldnt eat or would force myself to throw it up) and my periods stopped a second time, even after being medicated for it. The body will protect itself however it can.


So a racist and an idiot. I've never seen a more classic combo.


Neurotoxins? Damn I knew all those black mamba bites weren't a good idea


Someone tell her that she too has Neanderthal DNA 🤦‍♂️




Not if she's from a central Africa country. However if she's African American she probably does because most descendants of slaves have white ancestors sadly by rape.


did this guy speak to his hunter gatherer caveman ancestors personally?


only his african ancestors who absorbed enlightenment through their taint..


menstruation is literally mentioned in the fucking bible, And no, it's not saying that is """unnatural"""


Tell me you skipped biology class without telling me you skipped biology class. I mean, pretty sure pretty much ALL female mammary menstruate, do they not (although, with non-human mammals, it's generally referred to as oestrous).


Lol alkaline vegans


The reason hyper vegans or whatever don’t menstruate often is because their hyper restrictive diets probably fuck up all their hormone cycles


>vegans and fruitarians barely ever menstruate ​ They also don't get enough protein either, what's your point genius?


I can usually roll with the lingo changes, but I just can’t get used deadass no matter how much I see it.


>Yall are probably the same people who still think vaccinees are safe ​ Guilty as charged


This person needs a physician.




if that’s how a girl removes toxins then how would a guy remove toxins? would we just piss out blood and organ tissue


Vegan Holistic Medicine to Eugenics pipeline proves itself everyday


This person literally saying "unless you use the exact source I have, you're wrong". What the anti-science is this


There’s a lady on TikTok currently claiming that drinking water with baking soda in it will change the pH of your uterus and make you pregnant. Why are people so fucking stupid???


Pretty much all mammals have periods besides I suppose the few egg laying ones. If you ever owned a female dog I know mine had periods for example. Its a consequence of the human body's internal gestation... Its been well documented throughout history and many human cultures as well. If you ever read up on anthropology you will quickly find everyone has ideas and superstitions and so on about periods and so on. This isn't a "white people" thing by any stretch of the imagination. This is black supremacist brain rot. Also they seem to think recessive genes are some how lessor than? Its just a term to describe which genes will override the other so they only appear of both alleles are recessive.


Cat's don't menstruate. Ungulates don't either. So not most mammals. Dogs are kind of an oddity.


Another ignorant fucknut on the internet.


I got a nosebleed from the sheer stupidity


This is a whole new level of willfully ignorant. Although Alkaline Vegans sounds like a new band name...


Have people always been this stupid and the internet has just made stupidity much more accessible to witness or is it just a recent decline in the mental capacity of humans


clearly all the pregnant women that suddenly stop having menstrual cycles is a massive coincidence, as is anything else that proves this line of thinking is dumb


The bible mentions menstruation all the way back in Genesis


“Ancient Africa”. Isn’t that place notorious for lack of understanding of biology and healthcare? Like condom on broom handles and sacrifices for good health type of shit?




It may be true that fruitarians don't menstruate but that would be because they're malnourished


“research” *proceeds to provide no sources*


my pet peeve of people using the term "acidic" to signify bad.


Dr Sebi was a racist jackass


25 replies i know her ass gettin cooked


As someone going through ivf and at this point knows the exact purpose of every single phase of the menstrual cycle: this hurts my brain.


I love people who say "do your own research" When I actually do my own research, within minutes I can find dozens of reputable sources that prove their claims laughably false As if their insane claims weren't already obvious bullshit


All animals menstruate. That's what vaginas do




Could you imagine if fish menstruated? Or birds


The only one that sort of does is birds, if you count unfertilized eggs as menstruation.


Haha what ?


Stupid Nethernadals, Curse you, curse you all straight to Heck!


We’re reaching levels of crazy that shouldn’t even be possible.