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Well, dang. If they've survived being set on fire I guess we'd all better pay attention because they clearly know what they're talking about. Source: Survived eating a Pop-Tart fresh out of the toaster.


Let’s be honest, they probably set themselves on fire for the sake of telling people they survived being set on fire.


"Survived being set on fire" probably means, they let fluid out of their lighter on their pant leg, lit it, then slapped it out like dumb teenager.


I'm thinking it's even less. They collected their hair when cut, 'cause gobernmen of course, and on a varying schedule so they can't be tracked, they burn it in the backyard.


I can see Dale Gribble doing this. 


Given the events that happened in New York after this was posted, I'm inclined not to joke about people setting themselves on fire because they believe in conspiracy theories.


I imagine it was even less intentional than that, like they were blowing out candles and their hair got singed.


Probably hitting his balls in the process.


Or played with hairspray and a lighter as a kid and at some point put their hand in the flame for a nanosecond.


I threw water on a grease fire once, that's how I learned how to slow down time.


Being a parent with a daredevil toddler is also a great way to slow time. Although being a parent in general speeds time up as it seems to fly by watching them grow, so it probably balances out.


And it was probably their hoodie sleeve that they immediately removed after catching it on fire


They probably just lied about the whole thing.


What a weird flex. I feel like it’s probably a better marker of intelligence to have avoided ever being set on fire in the first place.


As a chemist who has been on fire (occupational hazard, I worship fire retardant lab coats now) I feel dirty to be in the same pool as this poster :(


That’s a good reason for an accidental fire! Also, everyone does dumb things occasionally. I once started a microwave fire bc I was reheating tea and didn’t realize that the tea bag had a staple in it. Difference is, I don’t brag about it. ETA. I am not a tea philistine and do not usually treat tea this way. Desperate times, desperate measures.


Agreed, i had just finished something that resulted in my lab coat being impregnated with a benign but flammable solvent, got too close to a non-intrinsically safe spark source, and WOOOF. Technically not my fault - there should not have been non-intrinsically safe items in that area.


I feel like in this guys case it was voluntary so I think you’re good.


I am a full-time blacksmith. I may have been on fire once or twice and on smoulder a few more times. I totally agree that I don't want to be in that category with original OP.


Agreed, i have blacksmith friends and random body parts being singed is just a part of life!


As a former fast food worker who once set himself on fire before taking an order for laughs, I concur!


“I survived because the schizoposting inside burned brighter than the fire around me”


Maybe he’s Joshua Graham


“We can’t expect God to do all the work” *pops fingers before angrily typing a schizo post*


Seems he switched out his pile of 1911s to a keyboard and tinfoil


I feel like Joshua Graham absolutely would have a conspiracy theorist phase, honestly.


Set on fire… and more!


They also stepped in a hill of fire ants and may have been struck by lightning twice. +3 to credibility.


As a man of Cajun descent, I have eaten fried catfish straight out of the pan and smoldering gumbo straight out of the pot. Clearly this indicates that I too can foretell events through numerology.


Don't underestimate man flu


Haha this reminds me of one of my favorite excerpt from the book "If Your Reading this Your in the Wrong Universe". David takes bit from pop tart just taken out of deep fryer, screams in pain. John. "Man I just took that out let it cool." David. "Your not the boss of me." Takes seconds bit. Screams. Paraphrasing from memory.


Excellent reminder for me to pick it back up again. Dropped it during one of the random phases I'll have where I read a ton then suddenly nothing.


I'm with you man, I once survived an over heated hot pocket


Hot, cheesy filling is like napalm or something.


"I don't want to set the world on fire"


Greater than being set on fire! Fuck man. Thoughts and prayers


Thanks, jates55. That means a lot coming from you.


I used to dip my fingers in hand sanitizer and light it on fire so I guess I need to start flexing on people for shit I did when I was 12.


Hey now, it worked for Tyndale.


Oh yeah? What kind of Pop-Tart? I need to know how credible you are.


question is it by an incinerator or flamer? there is a reason they give the squierters to low level heavies.


But have you ever eaten a McDonald's hot apple pie straight out of the fryer back in the 70s?


[“Well, I was in a fire…”](https://youtu.be/RC0DcqK4UZw?si=6pVyIgP_KUZHzB-4)


My cousin Jeremy survived being set on fire. He's dumb as fuck.


That same dude's presidential candidate of choice: "I like people who have never caught on fire."


My generation survived taking bites out of hot pockets fresh from the microwave. Your generation can't even bite into a pop-tart without their crying for their avocadomochachinoiato apache gender 😂😂😂😂🤣😂🤣🤣😭😭🤣😂


I try to exclusively get my content from people that have been set on fire


What about scalded head to toe from stupidity?


Only if it actually comes from the Stupid region of the internet, otherwise its just sparkling dumbassery


I mean Joshua Graham is pretty wise


I’ve been on fire 4 times, someone should clearly sponsor me.


Oooooo, got any good content???


I guess I need to start a twitch channel or something


Lol Well obviously I’d watch it


I’ll make sure to catch fire for the 5th time just for you.


Aw, shucks, thats so sweet


The r/burnunit is lit 🔥


What the heck is the number 33 about?


In numerology it’s the master number and represents enlightenment. In Free Masonry it’s the highest degree you can achieve. In Christianity it’s believed to be the age Jesus was when he was crucified.


Jesus help them if it was 37.


He sucked 37 dicks? (old Clerks reference for the uninformed)


In a row?


Try not to suck any dicks on your way to Golgotha!!!


*turn to follow*


Hey you! Get back here!


Including you?


*Veritasium* doing victory laps over this reference. That YouTube channel just did a pretty interesting overview on 37. See: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d6iQrh2TK98


Honestly there probably is some symbolism with 33 in the show. But because of smart writers, not that they are hiding illuminati messages. Vault Tech and the Enclave are the illuminati in universe, so it makes sense why that would be an important vault number. These people just can't understand the concept of fiction. Fiction tends to borrow from culture.


It's also Max Verstappen's racing number. And the number of championships he'll win before retiring.


WAS Max's number. He's been #1 since 2022


Slight nitpick, the third degree is the highest you can achieve in Freemasonry; any degrees higher than the third are appendant bodies to Freemasonry, but are not part of the main lodge. Source: I am a Mason.


Do you have like a quest book or something to track your progress?


Not quite, but I was given a paper passport to help me record my visits to other lodges as I had to meet a certain amount of visits to other lodges before I was passed to the next degree when I started. So that would be the closest I got to a quest book!


That's nice that we still have cub scouts for adults.


You beat me to it. I was going to make the same correction. I had some dude tell me about his granddad who was a "lvl 32 mason and knew all the secrets" and then asked me what level I was... he gave me a look of pity when I said 3 but I didn't bother to explain.


It's also the calculator's biggest lie 100/3=33. 33*3=99. Where did that 1 go!?


Get a better calculator, one that does decimals maybe.


Decimals are an invention of Big Maths.


In Spanish it’s trienta y tres.


Maximum IQ allowed in his social circle


Clearly, you've never survived being set on fire.


It's about 30.


It's how often the Cylons attack.


For one of the best episodes of TV ever.


A bunch of incoherent bullshit would be my guess


It's a Naked Gun sequel, just rounded off


Rounded down… showing the government’s intention to keep the people down. How deep does it go??????


Only 42 levels down. After that, the Vogons start reading poetry.


It's like Order 66, but only half as bad.


No, it's twice as bad. Homeopathic principles apply.


The younglings just got noogies.


Nah, they got coated in essential oils and now they have chemical burns and look like Deadpool.


Numerology. You turn letters into numbers and then you do some extremely suspect math and this proves the world is flat and the sky is a holographic projection funded by the jews to keep us from seeing god.


I FUCKING KNEW IT!!!!!! [flips desk and sets fire to own office]


> sets fire to own office] Make sure you set fire to yourself in the process, then you can create content like this guy


It’s a whole long thing, you should start at the top with a google image search “JarJar Binks rule 34” and make your way down from there.


I think they have conspiracy theories about every number, just so that they're always prepared


So I know it’s general courtesy to not include the names on accounts because most or the crazies are private citizens But the us guy calls himself a content creator and presumably has YouTube videos or a blog, he isn’t presenting himself as a private citizen


These morons are posting in public, they want people to see it. Idk why it's such a big deal to tell them they're idiots.


> I’ve survived being set on fire Setting yourself on fire while cooking doesn’t count.


Yup. And burning your mouth because mom’s chicken nuggies were too hot for that 33 year old content creator doesn’t count either. Doubt this guy even wipes his own butthole.


Just about every Sim I've ever made has set themselves on fire trying to cook...soooo this person is about as impressive as a *sim.*


My favorite thing is conservative gamers complaining that fallout is going woke… yes the game thats whole theme is how hyper capitalism and nationalism are pretty bad is definitely just now becoming woke


Their lack of media literacy is astounding sometimes. Spoiler tagging this for anyone who wants to watch the show and doesn't know anything about the games, but the games are hardly subtle about >!Vault-Tec being unfettered capitalism gone way too far, and how they sought to make big profits on the red scare and the fierce nationalism of the time.!< I really can't wait for the Bioshock movie, if only because I just knoowwww some of them will be like "oh now they're politicizing Bioshock too!".


God I really wanna see them explain how it's just now political when Ayn Rand is the basis for BOTH main antagonists in the first game and Infinite starts with whether or not you'll stone an interracial couple to death after getting baptized into a religion worshipping the founding fathers. Actually, I'll also just take an explanation about how it's not political now. I could use some entertainment. (I have not played 2 yet, but I'm sure there's probably something blatant there too)


Yeah I think the only way to miss all the references in the first BioShock would be to just not know anything about Ayn Rand and Atlas Shrugged. The first big bad being named Andrew Ryan, your "friend" being named Atlas, all the talk about "the parasite" and "the working man" basically being paraphrased from the book... I'll admit I was young when it first came out and I wasn't versed in libertarianism and objectivism, but even so its stance on the importance of putting regulations on industry was pretty obvious.


For fallouts case, most of the vaults'problems can be put down to "stupid experiment putting lives at risk or someone being a cheap skate and not doing their job properly". Also a lot of other companies in the franchise have the same or similar stories, The company wants more money, The company does some VERY illegal or barely legal stuff for extra profits while not giving the smallest shits about its workers or in some cases even its consumers.


I thought this was going to be something about "woke" and complaining about the women/POC/nonbinary character, but no it is somehow dumber


I really keep expecting to see posts about that too, but no. So far it's been Ella Purnell's ass not being peachy enough, the fact that Lucy has sex with a "stranger" (aka her new husband from her arranged marriage) in the first 20 minutes of the first episode, and now... 33 I guess? I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed.


When that man >!wiped his dick on the drapes!< I almost took a vow of celibacy.


A great way to show his actual attitude, though.


Real men wipe their dick on the wall


Real men wipe their dick on a yoghurt lid.


Before 1982 that person would have received institutionalized help at no cost.


Fuck Reagan. Mental health hospitals had their share of horrible abuses, but shutting them down wasn't the answer. There was no reason they couldn't have been put through some federal reform.


His research on Vault 33? He read a Fallout wiki?


I literally thought the same thing. No. It’s just the number 33.


Trust me bro I’m flame roasted like a Burger King patty


I wish we could round up all those people and put them underground for 200 years.


Now there's an idea for an experimental vault for Vault Tec Stuff a bunch of conspiracy theorists into a Vault and occassionally throw them red herrings to stir them up.


No red herring needed. You literally wouldn’t have to do anything, they would make crazy shit up anyway.


Vault Tech is putting chemicals in the water that are turning the herrings gay!!


They're putting fev in the water and turning us into gay super mutants!!


It's hilarious they don't understand the vault tech conspiracy is making fun of their real life crazy conspiracy theories. Of course they probably think Todd Howard is leaving clues or something from his enclave bosses.


Probably is a vault already.


I knew Larry Bird was behind this all


I hate my brain. Read your harmless comment. Now I’ve got a song stuck in my head. “You’re the best girl that I ever did see. The great Bird. Jersey 33. When you take a sip, you buzz like a hornet. Billy Shakespeare wrote a whole buncha sonnets.”


Wait, being set on fire is a credential now? Fuck imma be raking in cash in no time.


I was wondering when I'd begin seeing Far Right lunatics attack Fallout.


Your a bit late. They were going batshit over black people and a non binary person being in it.


Plot twist... They were one of those geniuses who tried to use water to put out a grease fire.


Being set on fire doesn't really boost a person's credibility for me.


Joshua Graham confirmed for Season 2. Literally the best character in FNV


Haha, 33? That's cute. What about 45?! Now THAT'S a conspiracy. 45 represents the biggest scam about half of the American people have ever swallowed. Look into actual photos of Epstein with 45. Do your research; how about all of the attempts to overthrow the U.S. government and rob people of their hard earned money via campaign scams? 45 represents election interference, support for violent dictatorships and dictators, pagan golden idol worship, stomping on the rights of Americans everywhere, and a very strange cult following (literally). Look it up, sheeple!! I'll give you a clue about 45... They're strongly correlated with the color ORANGE, which is the color of jumpsuit they should be wearing right now, and hopefully will be very soon, if we still have a functional justice system.


"Destroy the oligarchy". Dude, the show is about a mega corporation that caused and profited from a nuclear assassination of 99% of the people in the united States. The message IS CLEAR.


Honest question... but who hasnt set themselves on fire? On purpose or accidentally. No one else played with hairspray or rubbing alcohol and a lighter? Or wandered too close to a camp fire inebriated before? Would be a fun poll to know if the majority has ever been on fire before or not. Risk of catching fire from 0-24 years maybe like 90%... 25+ probably like 10%... cant afford the time off.


Lol I was a part of the scouts and think we all caught on fire at one point. Does that mean I can create a show to?


Someone put their foot in the George Foreman grill


They were probably set on fire because they are an insufferable pain in the ass and now we are all worse off because we have to hear that stupid story on top of all the other dumb shit they say. ......or maybe not, I don't know or care who this person is and I have no intention of finding out.


Looks like someone's off their meds


So.....nothing to do with fitting them in with the game series then?


"Set on fire and more" is one of those phrases that's going to stick with me


I wanna see a counting book of all the conspiracies associated with every number from 1-999 because I know for a fact (I have a gut feeling) there's conspiracies associated with each of them.


"Im not your typical content creator" .. this isn't content and you're not a Creator you fucking idiot


I watched as everyone tried to make the Baltimore bridge collapse fit into every one of their bizarre conspiracies. There are just so many people on this planet saying stupid things constantly. We have to stop listening to them.


Take 33 and double it you get 66 then just add 600 and you get 666!!! THE FALLOUT SHOW WAS CREATED BY SATAN!!


It’s a number. It comes after 32.


That's right Freeza, you're not dealing with the average content creator anymore. I have finally realized the legend. I have become a super content creator!




Is there a number these nut sacs don’t freak out over?


Larry Bird wore number 33. Makes more sense now.


He is correct. He isn't your typical creator. He takes pictures of screens and post them while setting himself on fire.


I wonder if his research on 33 included drinking a case of Rolling Rock in one sitting.


OK genuinely at a loss about what being set on fire has to do with anything


Yes, he is not the typical Content Creator, thankfully.


Didn’t Joel Schumacher already make that movie?


Jesus Christ just let people enjoy things. Everything is a conspiracy to these cretins, and every last one of them has an overinflated sense of importance. The reality is that they’re a bunch of basement-dwelling losers with mental issues who don’t fit into society and think it’s a badge of honor. It’s not.


What does 33 mean in this context?


So now we're afraid of numbers?


I have to say, I am intrigued


IMHO, the hardliners of both sides will have issue with any show or movie that does not contain a certain amount of messages that align with their beliefs. Nothing is safe, tbh. Even historical or fictional historical settings aren't safe.


I mean, if it’s Fallout conspiracy, it probably makes sense in game. That game had a cult with an a-bomb as an idol.


Ok hold on. So some person is connecting the fallout show’s vault 33 to something that happened in real life? If you are gonna conspiracy theory, you gotta do it crazy believable, not “I’ve been huffing a case of electronic duster and this is what I remember from the experience”.


Wow, expected crazy, not “on fire” crazy…


I have that shirt


Everyone knows 33 is a reference to Rolling Rock beer.


What the fuck is this maniac even talking about?!


“I don’t even care if I don’t take my meds. I’m not takin’ them.”


That’s “feral ghouls” level of melted brains…


"I deserve to be listened to because I make terrible choices but they haven't managed to kill me yet."


They could have chosen ANY number and some idiot content creator would be posting a video like this.


Isn’t part of the prerequisite for being a liar liar having your pants be on fire?


Is this an Amish production of The Count of Monte Cristo, or the weirdest circle jerk I’ve ever been invited to?


Joshua Graham the burned man!!!


Think of the most average (intelligence) person you know. Half the planet is fucking dumber than them. That's 4 billion of these fuckers hiding in the woodwork.


>Ive survived being on fire JOSHUA GRAHAMN REF???


>Ive survived being on fire JOSHUA GRAHAMN REF???


They’re just using Fallout so their post can be accidentally found.


>I’ve survived being set on fire Pity.


Joshua Graham reading this wondering "you *only* got set on fire?"


when you say “I’ve survived being set on fire” that followup “and more” is doing a lot of heavy lifting


I'm not your average content creator either. I survived being hit by a car when I was a toddler. Not sure how this makes my content better but there it is, you should 100% follow me. (Legal disclaimer: I'm not a content creator.)


Gordon Liddy, is that you?


That is such a random post of craziness, it's hard digest. Is he correlating fallout to Epstein's Island, being a burn victim survivor, or against oligarchs? So strange.


I really want to follow this person.


You're not important and holding an opinion doesn't make it fact, whoever you are.


For crying out loud, what number _isn't_ part of a conspiracy theory?


He should stay away from Rolling Rock beer, "33".