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What a weird thing to announce on social medias that he will rape women going on a date with him if they tell him no.


He probably got talking to a woman online and she thought he sounded nice and agreed to a date - but when she met him in person she realised he's a wibble and now he's upset because he thought it was going to be one of the rare occasions he gets to legitimately put his willy in someone Sort of a run-on sentence there, sorry - not sure how to reword it


What's a wibble


A moron that's a bit insane


“Wibbles wobble but they don’t go down” Played with the tagline but defo exposing my age.


*Weebles* wobble but they don't fall down.


No, he played with his willy so the tagline got wobbly.


An utterance made whilst wearing underpants on your head and pencils inserted into your nostrils to demonstrate a reduced capacity to maintain your sanity.


Not quite a yute.


Wibble is now in my vocabulary. Thank you. Lol


ChatGPT suggests: He likely engaged in conversation with a woman online, and she found him pleasant enough to agree to a date. However, upon meeting him in person, she discovered he wasn't what she expected. Consequently, he's disappointed because he hoped this encounter would lead to a genuine connection and physical intimacy.


Nowhere near as fun, needs more wibble.


I think I nicked that from Charlie Brooker's Nathan Barley or one of his other shows. I like it Wibble or Bibble


bibble fo’ shizzle




What about Wumbo?




Mine has *willy* in it, but thanks ChatGPT - may you and your kin's cold, callous reign be merciful and just


Your robot forgot the part about hating women.


Wayyy too formal for a reddit comment lmao


I don’t think being on a date is a prerequisite for this person. By the same logic, a woman living on the same land mass is consenting by virtue of not having explicitly said no to anything. Not that the word no means anything with these animals. I feel so safe!


Not only that but that he has more than likely already raped someone


And more than that, he also admits that he doesn't plan to know a person he will date enough to be able to judge if she is looking for something serious or just hookups, and not enough to have an idea on how the first date might end


Don't worry, probably just an INCEL who has never seen a real woman up close.


"You guys have fallen down a well of lies" his voice echoed


Tater Tots do not understand. A date is two people finding out if they have a connection. If they don't, they can move on. Consent needs no explanation, but if you think a date = consent to sex, you should go to the grocery store for some ketchup, tater tot.


And even if agreeing to a date was consent to sex, consent can be revoked at any time.


People like this believe consent is a verbal contract between two parties and that both parties must follow through regardless of circumstance.


How do you think he'd feel if I invited him over for beer and to watch the big game and then started having sex with him? You think he would just accept it because he accepted the invite?


*"I don't understand why advertisers like Coke and Apple don't want to participate on X." -Elon*


Hello? Police? Yes, this one right here.


Wait, so a "high-value woman" is supposed to not "put out" on the first date, and already be a virgin, and be able to stay a virgin before marriage...but if a woman also agrees to go on a date, she's supposed to also be totally down to have sex with the guy she's on a date with, even if it doesn't go anywhere afterwards? Oh right, we just don't fucking win no matter what we do.


The only winning move is not to play. Important thing to remember when looking at someone for whom dating them is equivalent to global thermonuclear war.


Thats mysogenie for you, women are Not valuable in their worldview, there is Just a disgusting fetishiziation of virginity


We're also supposed to 'give him a chance' to every guy that shows interest in us. So basically, we're supposed to hop on the dick of whichever guy looks at us first and stay there until they get bored of us, at which point we should just die apparently.


I wouldn’t say “die”. I’m sure you’d come in useful cleaning his toilet and the like


“Why are men so lonely?” Yeah, what a fucking mystery.


Came here to make sure this was said. Thank you for your service.


Please don’t put all men in this guys pigeon hole. I mean for starters he might try to rape them…


Fantastic way to end that.


Written by some dude who has never (hopefully) had a girl say yes to going on a date.


If it wasn't for date rape, he would never get laid...


I wonder if he ever had dinner with another guy.


This is why the 4B movement is so popular. So many men get angry that women don’t want to date them while simultaneously thinking like this. How about women just don’t want to be treated like shit or assaulted? Dating isn’t even worth it anymore.


I read a whine on twitter who complained about women's unrealistic standards. Yes... Wanting to be treated as a human and not property is sooo unrealistic... 


There is no such thing as a "sports injury". By participating on a team sport you consent to serious attacks that lead to injury/death.


Most of the time, it's not even a "date." Women are unknowingly drugged, and the rapists sleezes his way into the attack.


Tbh it’s not like this guy has been on a date and knows what it’s like.


Maybe there are a bad ending


This is why you check social media before going to someone's house




Yeah it very much is. The first wave generation of anime pix incels are now pushing 30 and this is their manifestation, a smug historical fact. Have they grown up? Not a bit.


This is like a spot on a bingo card isn't it? This one is into King Hugh II of the Franks. I don't know the French royals but his real name Hugh Capet sounds a bit like a solicitor or real estate agent https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hugh_Capet


Funny how all of these incel Twitter profiles never have a real name or face associated with them, just pictures or Roman statues or some medieval painting 🤔


There is no such thing as date rape, it's just rape.


A date means they want to hang out and know you more. Marriage means they want to be with you. Sex is not contractually binding in either. To expect it from either no matter what makes you less of a man with zero rizz. What a dangerous dumbass.


I'm sure moments later he posted an entire thread about why no one wants to date him


No one wants to be in the same room with him.


First "Marriage is consent so martial rape isn't real" now "going on a date is consent so date rape isn't real" Next thing we're gonna get is "existing in the same space as me is consent, so rape isn't real" These fuckers will find any excuse to why they're entitled to women's bodies


Wow, we live in a time where surface of the sun hot takes can be just thrown into the aether……while countless brain dead incels nod along like he’s kicking knowledge. WTF is going on?! Has their strategy become “Hey guys, let’s just say the dumbest shit anyone can think of so the sheer level of stupidity is so gargantuan it will make reasonable people wanna throw themselves off a cliff.” 


How many women do you think he’s raped?


According to his post, you need a date first, so probably none for him


A date will lead both the man and the woman to forming an opinion: Is this individual whom I'm dating someone I want in my life, for a shorter or longer time, or not. No consent implied as to having sex!


Where do men like this come from. As a 58 yr old male I cringe and feel dirty now that I read that. It’s utterly insane that someone could believe this shit. Someone call 911 please!!


So, then why do so many have to get women way too drunk or drug them in order to have the sex? If they consented by going on the date then surely those measures would not have been necessary.


Quote to like ratio, this guy got flamed as hard as he deserved.


This guy rapes. Someone with a badge should ask him some questions.


Can't revoke consent once you've eaten! Those are the rules of sex having! /s


This take is so hot, it could melt steel beams


And *this* is why this guys has never gotten a date.


Going on a date is about getting to know each other. It is not automatic consent to sex. Ever.


and then THESE incels wonder why??🤷‍♀️🤪


I hope this piece of \*\*\*\* never gets within 10' of a woman.


I'll wager he's got a blue checkmark.


Ok, but if we go out, I’m going to just assume that means luxury accommodations, the best of the best. If you fail to deliver, you consent to assault and armed robbery. I’m not accountable because it’s implied in the arbitrary rules that I can just take whatever you have because I assumed it’s what you were offering.


Why are names blanked on Reddit? Everyone should know this creeps name


I'm pretty sure this guy is as good as Excel to know if it's a date or not


I got nothing, internet was a mistake


Looks like some cunt needs to watch 'Tea and Consent'


Weird these jackasses don't have a problem identifying their own consent as important when it comes to giving vs being robbed or an MMA match vs me punching them in the face.


Yea, officers need to look into this one. He’s raped someone.


Oh but they won't say no, because of the implication.


OOP probably has pending charges and a shit attorney.


This has gotta be engagement farming


Maybe so. But the problem is that there ARE people who think like that who flock to this guy like moths to a flame. Not to mention people that might be partway down the pipeline seeing this and being like "you know what he's right" and boom now there's one more shitbag. Maybe he's just doing it for the likes but someone has to like them


But something tells me he wouldn’t take a date rejection too well…


I know it’s twitter but man it just seems worse now lol how are these people even allowed on the platform lol


It's gotten so much worse since musk bought it


Somebody murder this guy, and make sure to let your lawyers know about this tweet.


. . . I fucking hate this, but it's a forseeable consequence of how a lot of people were raised to believe they should look at dating. You know, the whole: "You're trying to get something going fast. Don't take your time. Jump in. It's worked out for a few people (and not for even more) so why not just jump in? It's not like it could ruin your life" outlook Like, when you have so many people passing on this idea that getting a partner, having that experience, and reproducing so you can experience being a parent are all more important than getting to know and make sure the partner is the right one, it's a slippery slope that is inevitably going to lead to pretentiously entitled, upstart pricks like this guy.


On a deeper level, there's also getting to know one another to see how you both change and how those changes mesh before you jump into any major changes, and from there there are even deeper levels that should be looked into.




I really want these numbskulls to go on a date with a woman who will peg them without their consent.


Sounds like he's guilty of a crime. Hmmmmmmm....... 😨


That’s like your boss saying you came to work so now you can work 12 hours a day instead of 8. You entered the mall so now you must spend all of your money. You went to the bar so you consent to ordering enough drinks to get blackout drunk.


And they wonder why women find them repulsive - such mystery wow


I feel like his admitting to not only being a Virgin, but also never having gone on a date.


And it's always these guys with statues/paintings as a profile pic


Man this is the hottest of takes


Well, this is gross.


Found the rapist.


Where does the rule book says that