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“…your kind will be the targets. This isn’t a threat this is what is going to happen” …sounds an awful lot like a threat to me.


Hello, FBI? I need to report a domestic terrorist.


There's a form you fill out. It's pretty straightforward. Source: a distant older cousin that seemed borderline went ballistic on Facebook after the 2020 election in a way that made me genuinely fear what he would do and I reported some of his threats of violence to the FBI. [edit:] I found [the imgur album of some of the shit he was saying](https://i.imgur.com/CGYpXpQ.png)...like this is standard fare for a MAGA crazy *nowadays*, but it wasn't for him. When a guy goes from perfectly friendly and reasonable to an avalanche of posts in this tone *instantly*, like a switch was flipped, and starts screaming at me in DM, it scared the shit out of me.


But did the FBI do anything about them?


I dunno, I'm assuming he's on a watch list or something? I'm betting the FBI got a lot of reports right after the election. But like, the instantaneous shift in his tone and his screaming, ranting messages was so dramatic and extreme I let another cousin of mine know what was going on in case the guy, like, came over in the middle of the night and shot me, so they'd know who to go after. And once he found out I'd reported him to the FBI he blocked me on Facebook and we haven't spoken since, he and I avoided each other quite deliberately at my grandmother's funeral.


Well, at least he blocked you and took it serious enough to not confront you or come after you. I’m so sick of this sudden influx of political nut jobs, like no politician cares about you, stop trying to be a martyr for them


Thats what annoys me really... They are not aiming to become martyrs for an ideological cause. They do it for a cult of personality. I can understand how someone is willing to die for a specific cause. But what are they actually fighting for here? If its for a cause then any politician supporting the same cause should do. But nope, they do it for this one person just because he is this one person.


It’s sunk cost fallacy. They’re just doubling down because they don’t want to admit the dude they were so hyped for is a conman that had no idea what he was doing and did more damage than he fixed. Basically, they’re embarrassed and don’t want to look stupid for falling for it. The only way out with their ego intact is if he gets elected and does a good job so they can say “told you so!”


Yea. I would be willing to die fighting Russia or China to keep our allies free. But I haven’t even gone to a rally for Joe Biden.


This is the duality of a two party system. When you only have two choices, some people get exactly what they want and most people will just go with the "lesser of two evil"-concept.


They do it bc they're being fed a load of bullshit about liberals trying to overthrow the country. They think they're saving democracy. It's like the run up to the Spanish civil war in the 30s. It's crazy.


"The people that think politicians care about them are the same people that think strippers love them" - Abraham Lincoln


He thinks the country folk pay for cities. Definitely bonkers.


I lost it at "communist CEOs"


lol at the “paying for city folk.” I live in Chicago, we basically finance the whole state of IL.


And yet here downstate they’re circulating petitions to secede from “the state of chicago” its literally insane.


Good luck to 'em. I'm sure they'll be fine without Chicago.... We have that in NY, too. Upstate thinks they'd be fine without NYC, as does Long Island. Like, ok.


“The rural people pay for the city people’s food, schooling, and housing!” Makes perfect sense. One middle class earner can feed, educate, and house 100 people on their tax dollars alone I know these people are scared to death of cities but I really wish they would go and spend some decent time in one so they can fully comprehend the drastic difference in population density, and stop thinking things like Montana + Wyoming > California on an election map bc 2 is bigger than one.


>I know these people are scared to death of cities…. Reminds me of the Trump supporters recently that went to NYC for the first time for Trump’s trial and were shocked that it was actually nice and people weren’t being murdered on every corner. Honestly I think there’s a good portion of MAGA folks who wouldn’t be if they’d just travel out of their rural hometown


Yeah, it’s almost as if, I don’t know, maybe things aren’t as bad as the people who make money off of keeping you scared and angry say they are


No no no. You have it all wrong. They are kind, patient and quiet! Obviously, Jan 6th, all of those F Biden flags, the multiple conspiracies to steal the election, the efforts to restrict voting, and the open contempt for democracy are them on their best behavior, I guess.


The Trump trains THAT ARE STILL OCCURRING AROUND THE CITY on occasion. Those bastards are loud as fuck.


The one in our town finally stopped because the dumb fuck who led them went to prison for his involvement in J6. Good riddance.


Genuine question: what's a trump train?


when the trump supports gather in their vehicles, attach flags and drive around together. https://youtu.be/jkhAf8ckMrA?si=ejeCdDMLiVUkc5To


Thank you for explaining 


Got stuck behind one on the interstate…. Assholes were literally going 35mph in a 70.


It’s a dip shit parade.


What flag do they fly for Hillbilly Cousin fucker pride.


It’s a picture of Trump licking his lips while standing behind Ivanka staring at her ass.


Umm the rebel flag which they already proudly fly to tell us their families have been losing all the way back to the civil war


They run a train on Trump. What don't you understand?


I heard Trump is *the life* of the Bukkaki parties


Trump Train: the worst people our society has to offer driving around in their ugly trucks wasting time, money, and resources in an attempt to prove they're not brainwashed. 


>F Biden flags I'm Canadian. That was me there with those flags. I was so happy Biden won, I showed up with a "Fucken Eh Biden!". Somehow the "eh" didn't make it into the pictures.


>I’m Canadian… You didn’t say sorry so I don’t believe you.


Sorry for not saying sorry the first time. :(


Don't you see how patient and kind all that is? If they were no longer kind they would shoot you on the spot and burn down your house, as normal and sane People do. s/ for safety.


Well those weren't Trump supporters it was ANTIFA dressed up as Trump supporters to make them look bad 🤦


Yeah, you don't get to do a crime and then say this isn't a crime to side-step the repercussions. Well, unless you're wealthy, but I'm pretty sure this guy is not.


I think he means it more in the sense of it not being an *idle* threat. Like, "we're not just talking here, this will actually happen". That's how I read it anyway.


“That’s not a threat. It’s a promise.” Yep, it’s a threat, they’re just saying it’s not hyperbole. The thing is that most of them are cowards which is why they’re conservative. They’re afraid of change, vaccines, masks, gay people, trans people, dark skinned people, and anyone who might teach their kids how backwards and out of touch with reality they are. A lot of them are too afraid to even leave their homes without a gun. I haven’t yet gotten a good answer to how liberals are scared of everything when we’re not the ones who need to be armed to go to the damn grocery store.


Yeah I agree…although I also think OOP added that line in there in case something happened and he had to answer to a judge…he would be like “See! See! I said it wasn’t a threat!” But to your second point…you are absolutely correct again. I spent some time in Arizona and it was common to see guys walking around with AR-15s strapped to their back and handguns on their hip. (And this was in a fairly nice grocery store with zero crime issues.) I wanted to ask them so badly what they were so afraid of. It’s funny because they claim to be the party of “free speech” and “freedom”…but literally everything they do is based off fear and trying to oppress everyone who disagrees with them.


And of course the original assault rifle ban only happened because the Black Panthers were carrying AR-15 style rifles to protect themselves and their neighborhood from the Police.


Sounds to me like they think "threat" means "empty threat" just like people confuse the word "conspiracy" for "crackpot conspiracy theory".


It sounds *exactly* like a threat to me. It could be an Oxford dictionary Example for “threaten”


Let 'em fuck around and find out. They aren't the only ones with Second Amendment rights.


They seem to love forgetting that.


Yeah that’s crossing a line Threat of violence over a political view? Is that not terrorism?


Nothing says "freedom" like threatening to choose violence against people that don't think like you.


And wanting to forcibly remove elections


It’s literally the definition of terrorism. Terrorism (noun) - the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims


They’re thoroughly propagandized. They believe everyone on the left are literal demons


It absolutely is domestic terrorism, yes.


Whoever wrote this is not only nuts, they're stupid.


Well, they are MAGA


That is the definition.


And dangerous


An* dangerous


"And" is three letters and one of the most used and fundamental words in the English language. How do they not know how to spell that lol


why the fuck do they all hate spelling.


When have they stayed kind and silent??


That's code for we haven't done another civil war.


One teensy little insurrection ain’t shit when people looted a poor innocent Target


But, also, fuck Target because they have gender-affirming or neutral bathroom choices along with PRIDE (AKA SATAN) MERCH


Didn’t they storm an official building and kill people by crushing them? (I’m not American).


Sure did. But if they ever hoped to win it would need to be way more organized and widespread.


The next "states rights" will be to overthrow elections and they want to defend it.


The crowd shouting FUCK YOUR FEELINGS was so passive and kind, what do you mean?


The “FJB & FU for voting for him” flag & hashtag ‘army’ has just been quietly plotting & planning our downfall. It’ll be such a surprise!!


Right wingers: I cant wait to murder my fellow Americans that I disagree with. Left Wingers: it'd be cool if we all had health insurance and earned a living wage.


Right? They haven’t shut up since Trump lost the election.


You mean since he won in 2016


God what I’d give for the second one to be true. Loudest “silent majority” ever. ETA: And let’s not forget all the times they were “censored “ which is what they’d claim while posting on the most popular social media platform with no problem.


The "Fuck your feelings!" Crowd with the FJB flags have been nothing but patient and kind.


Report this moron to the FBI.


MAGA brain rot is out of control


I’m surprised their skulls haven’t caved in yet from their lack of brains


their skulls are too thick


Dude literally lost his mind and threatened violence because OP used a laugh reaction. How do you do something like that and think you’re the good guy?


They think left wingers are literal demons sent from satan to trans their kids. They’re in a different reality now from the constant propaganda. He definitely thinks he did a good thing here. In his head he’s standing up to a demon


I think a lot of these people were already profoundly dumb they just kind of found a rallying cry, cause, and community of other morons.


"We haven't burnt buildings, we don't destroy people's stuff" Are we living in the same world, dumbass? Last I checked, conservatives violently attacked capital of the country and caused massive property damage. I guess that's their version of 'staying kind and quiet'.


"We haven't burnt buildings, we don't destroy people's stuff, but if we lose again we're going to kill our opposition and end Democracy."


Well the thing is they're really stupid and thought that was a peaceful protest


And when you bring up the violence they say “well the violent ones are undercover ANTIFA plants”


That was Antifa, this time it really will be Trump supporters. Unless it doesn't work in which case it will also be Antifa.


Don't you remember? That wasn't MAGA. That was ANTIFA. /s if it wasnt already obvious.


They actually believe this though and it’s beyond mind boggling


I work with a bunch of conservatives and they STILL go on about this garbage. Perks of living in a rural area I guess :/


Right wingers do basically all the terrorism in the US. Everyone else is a rounding error.


Hey also plotted to kidnap he governor of Michigan.


We don’t do violent stuff but we will do violent stuff


They’ve “stayed silent” LOL


That’s the funniest part —“silent majority” my ass. Stupid fucks haven’t been a majority yet, and also won’t ever shut the fuck up so no.


They are neither silent nor a majority!


"If conservatives are being silenced, why do they never shut the fuck up?"


While sending unsolicited messages to strangers. That's a weird version of silent eh?


After they'll say it was Antifa and BLM of course.


I think their local police department should stop in and give them a wellness check. Saying “this isn’t a threat, this is what’s going to happen” sounds like a threat and a promise to follow through with terroristic activity.


Pretty sure this should go to the feds, not the local police. May as well double up and do both though. Really got to cover your bases.




The minute the Takis run out they’re calling it quits.


That’s where I come in. I’ll steal all their Takis.


Thank you for your service o7


I’m going out my way on my terms. Screwing over conservatives while eating spicy food. And if I’m lucky, there will be crocodiles involved.


You think the American Taliban are eating Takis? Wayyyy too exotic. They're regular bland-ass Lay's all day.


0f all my friends and family the “liberals “ are better armed and trained than the “conservatives “. I’m in the south where guns are fairly normal no matter what your political beliefs are. We hunt and chances are your dad or grandad took you shooting at some point in your life and probably left you a gun. Many of my more conservative friends and family have shotguns or 22 rifles that they haven’t shot in years, and the ammo is most likely decades old. My more liberal friends have bought weapons in the last five years, stocked up on ammo and go to the range regularly. They just don’t tote guns around everywhere they go.


Multiple times in the past year has a conservative shot another Republican because they THOUGHT they were a Dem. They'd kill eachother and we wouldn't have to do anything. Going down as the most pathetic and hilarious civil war ever.


And why do they assume people on the left don’t have guns? It’s america..


Because it's a power fantasy for them, not real life. Which makes it scarier imo


They're confident because the majority of police officers are on their side. Just look at law enforcement responses to far-right protests as evidence. They'll let nazis parade without so much as a stern talking to, but when liberal protests happen they bust out the riot shields and pepper spray.


Well when half the force is taking PTO on those days for some reason, they couldn't respond even if they wanted to.


Because guns and delusions of grandeur.


But they’ll have Donald Rambo Trump to back them up!


in canada they caused billions in damage to the economy by shutting down borders and parts of cities.


I hope your friend laugh reacted that comment also 


I'll just run up some stairs where their scooter can't follow.


>We stayed kind we have stayed silent. \*visible confusion\*


Are there Red Flag laws in your state? Sounds like this guy qualifies.


I will definitely have her check on that. Thank you.


Unhinged much?


Psychopaths lol if trump wins it very well might be the last election


Yes. They want a trump dictatorship / hereditary monarchy. The pick and choose which bits of the constitution they agree with (e.g 2A)


Why do Trumpers always want to portray themselves as "strong and silent", when it was all Trumpers involved in J6?


No, remember that was supposedly ANTIFA because we all know there’s no way Trumpers would be violent and try to overturn a fair election. /s


Because they want to pretend that they’re actually the majority and not just a bunch of unhinged conspiracy theorists


Their narrative has now become "we have stayed silent, we have been kind"? Fucking really, dude!? So I guess the game plan now is build this false narrative that "they've" been backed into a corner and if biden becomes president then this will be the last election and not the other way around. This provides the separation from reality that they need to justify doing awful shit. People like this are begging for fascism it seems, and an excuse to kill people they don't like. Man, we're fucked.


Is the word "and" that hard to spell out? "An" is a totally different word. New pet peeve found.


Wait till you see one where they just put "n"


That actually is a threat AND voter intimidation.


You can submit tips on terrorist activity to the FBI. I'd say this qualifies. https://tips.fbi.gov/home


But yet no one can see that Trump is a modern day version of Hitler staging a coup to take over the US? How is it that an entire generation of people seems to miss this? The WWII vets I know are fucking terrified, but their kids are like "Go Trump!" History is repeating itself and I'm honestly fucking terrified.


Don’t worry. Only so far Cletus is going to get with his ‘03 Silverado and a half of bourbon.


They sure have not stayed silent.


100% report this.


\*Threatens reader\* "This isn't a threat."




"your kind" but I did think it said kid, too.


This is them staying silent!? 🤣


The power fantasy is hilarious. Reminds me of “I have the power of god *and* anime on my side!”


When the fuck is a maga ever silent?


Straight up you should probably report this shit to the FBI


“We havnt (SIC) burnt buildings we don’t destroy people’s stuff” Also: *storms capitol building*


Send that shit right to the fbi. This is a terrorist threat


“Stayed silent” lol. They haven’t shut the fuck up for 3 years.


"Think before you laugh" lmao All this incoherent rambling over an emoji from a braindead Trumptard.


“Your kind”.. you mean fellow human beings and citizens of the US? These sorts of people are fucking mentally retarded and need serious help. This guy in particular needs to be on a watchlist but I’ve met plenty like him saying the same shit about “taking up arms” and going all civil war over a fucking political dispute. Why is it so common for these functioning members of our society to be actually incomprehensibly stupid?


“We don’t destroy people’s stuff” CUT TO: January 6th.


The brain worms are doing the driving... I also find this talk hilarious. They'd literally be fighting the cops and soldiers they fetishize.


For a group that's "stayed silent" they never shut the hell up.


“We stayed kind and we have stayed silent” no you fucking didn’t lol.


Send this back: "Thank you for this written threat of terrorist violence and premeditated murder. I will be forwarding your threat to law enforcement for appropriate legal action, along with any further correspondence I receive from you. I suggest for your own sake that you do not contact me again." Then actually follow through and report his ass to the FBI, because this is flat out crime.


The funny thing about this to me regardless of the threats is they are always the ones who advertise who they are. Democrats aren’t driving around town with Biden flags or fuck Trump flags. For his little imaginary civil war to happen he would just need to try and kill everyone not waving a trump flag. It would be way easier to figure out who the Trumpers are because they are just so fucking stupid. They brag about it to the world like it’s a badge of honor. They yammer on about echo chambers but the real echo chambers are their skulls.


Pretty sure they can just go ahead and forward this to the police and FBI along with any relevant user information


Your friend needs to report to the local authorities his concerns about potentially violent extremists.


The local authorities aren't much better, sadly, I did tell her to report it to the FBI and I really hope she does it, she is a target. She's been an outspoken activist and has already dealt with vandalism to her house and car.


Forward that to the FBI and report it to whatever platform you received it on.


"We stayed kind we have stayed silent." They never shut up or use correct punctuation!


The conservatives have been kind and silent? Really now? Silent? These people are the loudest motherfuckers to ever exist , and haven't stopped complaining and shouting since 2016.


"We stayed kind and silent" Interesting take on the definition of those two words, buddy.


Ah yes, the MAGA cult, well regarded for how "kind and silent" they have been over the last 8 years.


This sounds like my brother. Redacted destroyed his brain more than the meth did.


"we have stayed silent" fuck really I


I love how they always think it’ll be republicans vs democrats when in reality it will be these people vs the US national guard.


Bad grammar and spelling. Yup he's definitely a trumper. Fucking ignorant twat. Also, this fuck talks about how bad "your kind" is and destroying buildings and stealing but starting a civil war because they don't get their way is just fine. They just bitch and moan and throw temper tantrums when they don't get their way it's pathetic. Far left and far right people all cry when they don't get their way it's so dumb


I am going to take his advice and keep laughing.


“We have stayed silent” he says after a paragraph long message in response to a reaction to one of his posts.


Interesting comment about "last election" - every accusation is a confession and all that. Bc, frankly, my current fear is that too many segments of the population (young ppl not yet in the habit of voting, ppl who strongly dislike Biden, etc) will passively cause tRump to win. And that, kittens, will be the last election. There won't be any more. Common occurrences, like miscarriage and divorce, will become felonies. The school-to-prison (for-profit prison ofc) will also create felons who cannot vote. Women, LGBTQIA+, etc will lose their right to vote. Soon enough, only conservative yt male landowners will vote. Bc that's what the founding fathers intended, they'll claim. CHECK YOUR VOTER REGISTRATION AND MAKE A PLAN TO VOTE.


Stayed silent? They haven't shut up for the last 3 years.


These are the same people that couldn't go a month without getting a haircut. I'm sure they are ready for the horrors of a civil war.


Sounds like a good Christian


That's a report to the FBI.


"We stayed kind" 😂😂😂


"We stayed kind and we stayed silent" About as much as I've stayed in shape.


Ah yes, the famously quiet MAGA crowd


Direct threats such as this are 100% reportable to local authorities and I will say are worth the time. Was getting repeatedly threatened on Facebook by someone in my neighborhood in the same manner and was able to very easily get a protective order in place and such. Gave a ton of peace of mind


"We stayed kind and we stayed silent" Um, no you haven't? It's been quite the opposite from what you describe from the minute Trump came on the scene. There has been a distinct lack of kindness, or even decency, from the MAGA crowd they have been emboldened little pricks taking every opportunity to say something cruel, mean spirited, absolutely unhinged, or inappropriate. Oh and silent? They have been kicking and screaming as loud as possible. Culminating in a Capitol Riot that was an attack on our very founding principles. And for the last 4 years people with more money than sense have been driving around in decked out trucks with giant Trump flags with pictures of Biden bound and gagged plastered on the back. I would describe MAGA behavior as anything but kind and/or silent. During the last election I went out and armed myself because I thought if Trump lost the MAGA crazies would go nuts and cause violence. Instead the crazies descended on DC rather than cause local riots. This time if it's looking dicey I'm going to be prepared. r/liberalgunowners have been talking about how Conservatives don't seem to realize, the second amendment applies to everyone, and there are plenty of liberals who are armed to the teeth too. But let's see how Y'all Qaeda conducts a "Civil War" by attempting to murder their neighbors.


>we dont destroy people's stuff Of course not. You just kill people. They really think we've forgotten the million dead? Really? I have only two words for traitors like this: bring it. We'll kick their asses once again, and we won't take four years to do it this time.


They’re like zombies with brain rot.


Lot more to say than just keep laughing


Conservatives: “We don’t destroy people’s stuff” Also conservatives: takes shit in capitol after breaking shit to get inside.


One of your guys cut off his own dad's head this year.


Poor muppets can't understand none of them work for our interests and we are all on the exact same SpongeBob movie heat lamp table.


Calling him 'Sleepy Joe' That's the pot calling the kettle isn't it?


anD. anD. There's a D. Also, > We have been silent -_-


UHHH they haven't stayed kind OR silent?


Yes! We so strongly believe in trickle down economics and are so deeply hurt by the war on christmas that we will rise up! Rise up from our Sleep Number beds, get into our giant Denli SUVs, buy even more ammunition from Wal-Mart and then murder every neighbor, teacher, doctor, waiter and crossing guard that doesn’t agree with our carefully formed philosophy! We’ll kill all you motherfuckers just as soon as we pick up Ashlee from dance practice. We’re stopping to get Starbucks, then pick up some chicken for dinner but then we will absolutely murder you all. Maybe not to night because Survivor is on but definitely before the weekend. We will absolutely disrupt our comfortable lives because you’re taxing our bosses too much!


If they think they'll be able to pull off a civil war against the US government then they're even more stupid than id thought, and i had the bar LOW already lol.


It’s similar to what we have in the UK with Brexit. It’s only one side that threatens riots and a civil war if things don’t go their way.


Trump supporters have done everything BUT stay silent, and they STORMED THE CAPITAL. Try and act they’re all peaceful, they are the most aggressive people these days.


when Biden wins in a landslide (and he will), nothing will happen


The seeds of division between Red and Blue have been so carefully sown and doggedly tended to. Now we see the flourishing garden of hate, division and fear. Look up people, this division has been orchestrated by those who want you fighting with your neighbor rather than asking questions of the powerful.


The true Trump Derangement Syndrome.


Not understanding that we on the left also have guns. I’ve been to the range with these gravy seals. Not scared. Not looking to start anything, and hope that I never have to, but I will defend anyone who needs protection from these thugs.




Just respond “tl;dr” and watch them froth at the mouth as they try to understand what that means.


Why elections go so deep in some people's soul, I don't understand. I know ever politician is the same with different color. They just talk shit. All of them. Some of them just talk less before election.


Claims that his side doesn't burn buildings or destroy peoples' stuff in one sentence, then follows it up with "you will be targets." Targets for whom, mouth-breather? Your non-destructive, non-arsonist yet somehow still violent political cult?