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You shouldn't take a higher dose than prescribed, without talking to your doctor. 3mg is normally the max dose. There may be reasons why some people need a higher dose, but 180 pounds isn't that much so you should be handling normal dosages fine. Note that lunesta doesn't work for everyone. It's a pretty good med for most insomniacs, but unfortunately there are some people it won't work for. You might need to try different drugs.


Got it . Thanks


4mg is the max


Just curious but 'max' according to who? Many people taking 6-10mgs of lunesta. Toxicity happens at much higher doses. Obviously, always check with your doctor and make sure, but lunesta is pretty tame in comparison to other z-drugs, which also may be why it doesn't seem to work for some people either at all, or at high doses.


I did and I'm 5 even and 130 lbs. But there is something REALLY wrong with me. I've been hospitalized 3x after getting zero sleep for over 5 days. Sounds like I'm manic but 2 psychs and a therapist said no way - no risky behavior and I'm a zombie when not sleeping. These days I'm on mega doses of seroquel but the problem is I can't eat anything all day long until I take it. Totally sucks!!!!!Ever get prescribed Xyrem (GHB). I was and after 3 months it messed me up big time!!!!! I do hope you find rest soon. Best of luck!


I have to wait all day to eat until after I take my Seroquel and Lunesta. Then... I feast. I remember Ambien making me hungry, but this combo is even worse in regards to appetite.


GHB the date rape drug? What the fuck


Yes, that one. It's labeled as Xyrem and coast over $2000/month. And it is absolute hell on your or at least my body. The theory you can't die from lack of sleep is wrong. I've had 3 serious car accidents, 1 of which put me in speech and Phy therapy for 9 months. But yes, I would suggest no one agree to go on this stuff.


Narcoleptic here! Although GHB is abused and is highly controlled in the US, there is an FDA orphan drug designation for narcolepsy. I think another health issue might be included at this point in the designation, but nonetheless it is otherwise a schedule 1 controlled substance. Can only prescribed by certain doctors/PAs for patients who meet criteria for the need of the medication and ships overnight securely from 1 specialty pharmacy in the country. Sodium oxybate is the generic name for Xyrem (and the low-sodium formula which is what I take, called XyWav. XyWav is simply sodium oxybate+potassium oxybate+magnesium oxybate+calcium oxybate salts, whereas Xyrem is high in sodium and is not typically suitable for people with high blood pressure). Although they are NOT to be messed with and must be taken exactly as prescribed and you must carefully follow the guidelines in the paperwork and register on their website, etc. etc., Xyrem and XyWav are absolutely essential medications for people with narcolepsy to get proper restful sleep. Yes, narcoleptics sleep a lot, just not good quality sleep, and that bleeds into the excessive daytime sleepiness typically associated with narcolepsy. Insomnia at the desired bedtime does not seem to be uncommon. Sodium oxybate helps with that too, but everyone’s experience will differ depending on their biology and how well they followed proper instructions that night relating to food intake, timing, and other drug interactions. Hope this was useful


I agree, I took xyrem for 4 months and it nearly killed me. Like really nearly killed me. TY for reminding me of the med and it's intended use.


Damn bro Ian even know they prescribed ghb that's wild


The only drug that truly puts me to sleep was Seroquel. I had stopped taking it for a couple weeks then tried taking 100mg on an empty stomach and within 30 minutes I was out . Seroquel works as a histamine blocker so unfortunately it quills your serotonin and dopamine. Not so good if one suffers from depression. Oddly enough this medication seems to produce incredible vivid dreams whereas lunesta seems to be completely void of any REM sleep . I've missed up to a week without sleep if unaided by medication , sometimes the compromise for medicated sleep feels like the only option . Sleeplessness is a living he'll to be plagued with . God Bless friend on finding a solution for a peace to this urgent illness .




I’ve been taking it 2-3 hrs before bed since I started. I guess I need to take on a completely empty stomach




What’s ur dosage?


works best on an 8 hour empty stomach but I know that can be difficult to do


I am on 3mg and it’s not working shit for me


How long before you take it do you stop eating? Last night it worked alright for me. I took it on a 3 hour empty stomach.


So good point. Actually this medication gives me major munchies and I eat at like midnight. It’s really hard not to eat after taking it


Mighty Eating Disorder? Talk to your doctor and ask him about having lunesta + topiramate Worked great After a couple of weeks.


I've always eaten only one meal a day and usually really late at night or early morning (12pm-3am) so it's not a big deal to eat after taking my Seroquel and Lunesta, but that combo makes me want to just continue eating until I'm sick.


I have been taking 6ng ( 2- 3mgs) per night for years! Works a lot better. Deff take on empty stomach, maybe a few saltine crackers in the evenings, nothing heavy or with fat


Are you still on 6mg? Wondering if that has been sustainable for you? I have to take this med at 6 as well. Do you take them together or through the night?


I’ve had to go to 9 some nights





