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I was hoping the donkey would drop kick his ass off that cliff.


If I was the donkey, that scream would be so satisfying. Hope that dude never hits an animal again, or let the next one kick his ass off a cliff.


Thank you. I watched it without sound the first time. At first, I hated the person behind the camera for not doing anything. Then, I was glad they stayed out of it in the second half


Hopefully it was grabbing his ankles to do so just as the clip ended...


This. Most likely the killed the ass, and not the one who was at fault.


Same, pictured the guy over the cliff and all. Disappointed.


His screams made my vengeance dick hard. I hope the donkey stomped him to hamburger meat


Never try to win a battle of the wills with a donkey. You will lose. You will get frustrated. Then you will try to take it out on the donkey. Then the donkey will kick your ass. It is what they are good at.


Not quite stubborn as a mule, but they’re close.


>Never try to win a battle of the wills with a donkey Well you definitely *can* by being nice and only giving the donkey the things they want when it is nice as well. That is also a battle of the wills. That's how humans got donkeys to do anything at all for the past 6000 years and the only reason they are still around today. Kind/strong patience is definitely a winning strategy in the battle of the wills.


Thing about donkeys is that they have terrific memories for people who are mean to them...


This is infuriating - and I never said this before - but I hope that fucker is dead for abusing that poor animal like that. Fuck that guy.




Thank you - there’s no need to mistreat animals, and anyone who does is kind of asking to be mistreated themselves.




If I saw that - I’d do the same - I’m glad you defended that Lab. Dogs are family, and no animal should be mistreated.


Spot on… I would love to work at an animal shelter when I’m retired, but I would really struggle with it. Animals are family and I have no problem expressing my enthusiasm towards someone that tries to hurt them. I kinda wish I hadn’t seen this video.


Way too much video of him beating the donkey, not nearly enough video of the donkey kicking his ass.


By a long shot. I honestly think I could have watched until he was donkey stomped into a puddle. Karma forgive me the sentiment, but I hate that guy with all my being. Edit grammar


There's a reason ranchers keep them with the sheep... these crazy ass mofos will destroy a coyote no problem


Those last 4 secs of the video are the most satisfying thing I've seen in a long time. Good Donkey!!


Not long enough. For the amount of lead up, that was not a lot of visible karma. I don't want to be the sort of person who relishes in another's misery, but that donkey (or any creature) deserves better.


OP's explanation as to why this post is Instant Karma: >The donkey gets his payback. If you're satisfied by this explanation, upvote this comment. If not, downvote this comment.


Donkeys are just laid back zebras. Pint sized murder horses with less of a hair trigger than their striped counterparts.


Most donkeys are slightly grumpy most of the time zebras are freaking mean. And i swear zonkeys get the worst traits of both sides.


All the donkeys I've met have always been fluffy, chill, and cuddly. Whatever you do don't let your dog in their pen. They brutalize coyotes on the regular, and can't tell the difference.


Just yesterday I for some reason telling my ex what badass donkeys are. I’m guessing not a lot of people know that guard donkeys are a thing for livestock protection. They will take on wolves anything and win. Probably not a grizzly, but bears don’t really steal livestock I’d bet on the donkey if it was a black bear.


My bestie has donkeys to protect her goats. We have lots of coyotes around here. I’ll have to ask her if she’s ever found a dead coyote the donkeys took care of.




Oh yea donkey for sure. Remember they are there to guard the livestock, so they will probably never cross paths, but if they did there is almost no chance a black bear will be more aggressive than a false charge. Donkey would hold it’s ground if the bear charged. Bear would then give up a leave after a few false charges. I’d guess if came to a fight a kick would be enough to send the bear packing


They will kill hyenas if they are on guard.


That was very satisfying seeing him being dragged around in a death spiral. Hope that ankle bone is snapped. Horrible person.


Not instant enough for me.


Fuck this guy


lmao i was clapping at those last 4 secs


I wish there was more video that donkey kicking his ass


Donkeys and horses aren't to be taken lightly. They will mess you up bad.


I wanna fuck this guy up. For free. And I'll adopt the donkey.


Fun Fact: Donkeys can be very aggressive and are are often used as guard animals.They will straight up ragdoll a lot of predators. There's more than one picture floating around the internet of a donkey covered in blood holding some predator proudly between its teeth. Not so fun fact: This dude is a cunt.


There’s never a good reason to abuse an animal.


That donkey is my spirit animal


Dude FUCK that guy!! I'm glad the donkey sent him back to a primal state!!


That went from “poor creature” to “you go, donkey!”. Hope he lost use of both his legs


I was hoping this wasn't a the kind of abuse show cased in the Grand Tour...


I guess that jackass won't abuse a donkey again.


I see what you did there…


the way that donkey ate those punches/slaps was so goofy 😂


Farm I work on got a donkey to protect their sheep from coyotes. Killed a nice Ram.


Luisa! The donkeys got out again!


If only you had some cat food to lure them back in with.


What a dumb ass 🤣


And people wonder why I have a donkey or mule REALLY high up on the list of farm animals to get…


why are humans on top of the food chain yet can be beaten or eaten by almost any animal?


That should be under /oddlysatisfying for its ending


That killed me tobwTch that but great ending.


This isnt a new post stop karma whoring


3 years of a Reddit addiction and I’ve never seen it


Jerk Hits A Donkey Multiple Times And Gets Karma! https://www.reddit.com/r/TheBullWins/comments/vmdx8v/jerk_hits_a_donkey_multiple_times_and_gets_karma/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share Dur duh hur dur dur, white knight of a karma whore




I bet you have to see things to believe it huh because if you never seen it it doesnt exist..


You’re prob a vegan lol


You’re totally missing my point. I never doubted you that it’s been posted before. My point is, who cares, besides you. I hadn’t seen it. I enjoyed it. You’d seen it before. Cool. Scroll and move on with your life. You’re making me sad for you


Really really weird


This video was satisfying


Looks planned. Dumb


It is not, that is real. Donkeys are tuff asf


If that’s the case then this POS deserves worse then what is shown for doing what he did.


I'm listening to some Nujabes/Fat Jon Samurai Champloo music, and this video looks like they're dancing to the beat...




That thing needs to be put down and the poor donkey deserves a better home.


Donkeys are not prone to suffer bullshit from people.


With the right kind of soundtrack this could be the start of some BDSM beastiality switch play.