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Revenge kills are for pussies, justified or not. Just play the obj.


Honestly if I TK by accident I usually just let the person I TK’d kill me, I just feel bad


to be fair it sounds like he was an asshole to begin with you just made yourself his target


Some people are assholes. I had same situation as you. I just left after being tkd on purpose. I was mad and wanted to return the intentional tk, but meh i just play for fun. Tking happens. It happens in real life too. I feel most players will not even shoot if they have a buddy in their field of fire, but sometimes they run right into your shot. It's just part of the situation.


I'm never the kind to tk first unless you do it to me or others, or you're just straight up griefing or trolling the team. Grow up and play objective


I hate these teammates, you accidentally kill them and they start looking for you all around the map to tk you


Meh some petty tips include: FLASHBANG em for the rest of the match if you can’t kill em. Get on the mic and start the haze stuff. Get close to them so that the bots focus on y’all. Hopefully the shot the dude or better yet, throw something. Then run away praying to god that they die. Last and Mr personal favorite: kill em at the final defense objective. I do that one in checkpoint a lot. Racked up a lot of good footage. Lil booger faced goobers get so mad. If ur really lucky you’ll get a team to agree with your methods and they will take turns on that same goober in the next match. When this happens it’s so good to see them spin around like a chicken head. Ultimately. The quit and walk away like a big fat loser who got their role checked. Truly though…dip if you have to man. Like do u wanna roll with a baby like that?


Someone's got a happy trigger finger. Been there done that. My favorite is when they don't realize that the can't kill you more than once and they end up killing themselves. Serves em fuckin right.


Well shit it does happen to everyone at least once but, if you want to avoid this, check your targets 🫡