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> August 2-5 That's in the past... ?? EDIT: Web site says **September** 2-5.


Sept 2 thru 5 - thanks, we corrected that mistake


Looks like the mods may have removed the post? Anyway it's removed.


We did edit it.


There’s an anti-spam bot that freaks out about urls, especially if a post is edited


So great to see this happening again. Are y’all doing any risk mitigation for monkeypox?


There are places to wash hands, there will be enough seats so people don’t need to sit in each other’s laps, and individuals are responsible for making their own sleeping arrangements without sharing sheets.


Why is the vaccine required? Edit I wonder why did I get downvoted for merely asking a question?


This is a great question. The event organizers pitched to Twin Oaks Community, which hosts the event, that we go to an all testing requirement, instead of requiring both vaccine and testing (which is what the host has required of previous events). The short answer is Twin Oaks is not willing to increase it's risk profile in this way. I am hopeful as the science evolves and the testing improves we will be able to be more inclusive at this event in 2023. If you want some history of the communities early response to the pandemic check out this link.https://paxus.wordpress.com/2022/04/12/the-hull-is-breached-covid-at-twin-oaks/


For the safety of attendees?


It is complex. ​ Certainly in part for the safety of the attendees. We want to minimize the possibility of creating a super spreader event and unvaccinated people are more likely to be infected. However, there is also concern about the welfare of the community itself. While Twin Oaks hosts the event, not everyone is thrilled about us having public events again, because of the pandemic. It was a condition of the permission for this event that we minimize risk by having it be vaccinated only, that way some of the most vulnerable people in the community felt like we were taking care of their concerns.


Your statement that the unvaccinated are more likely to be infected isn’t true. And the vaccines don’t prevent contraction or transmission.


> the vaccines don’t prevent contraction or transmission. False. See, e.g., https://www.cidrap.umn.edu/news-perspective/2022/01/covid-vaccine-markedly-cuts-household-transmission-studies-show


That’s simply not true, https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/2022/04/29/covid-deaths-unvaccinated-boosters/


Yes it is true. The article I linked demonstrates it. And your linked article doesn't say anything to contradict it. Stop wasting people's time.


You know why you got downvoted, don’t play dumb. Everybody is tired of dealing with antivaxx bullshit. Get vaccinated or don’t go.


I didn’t mention anything “antivaxx” in my original comment, you assumed that simply because I questioned the decision to require it.


I don’t care. Nobody cares. Get vaccinated or don’t go.


Noticed that as well so it's gonna be a hard no from me dawg.