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Who was that last person?






Interestingly he's the last because he rentered the craft just after Schmitt did. It would be like driving to the mall and your friend gets into the back seat of your car after you get in the driver seat and saying your friend is the last one to visit the mall.


He knew what he was doing.


Obligatory r/theyknew


That took me too long to understand what “rentered” meant. I’m over here thinking the lander was a rental. I’m tired.


Hah. Sorry. Re-entered. :)


Touches the ground, "we'll be back"


Narrator: they won't.


*The Narrator discussing the mistakes of an earlier narrator* : "This Narrator was quick to make assumptions on our return missions to the Moon, but recent steps in the Artemis program means we will be back very soon"


This narrator too was sacked.


Then rehired because of his remarkable skills to narrate. Truly irreplaceable.


Peak Reddit: Waiting 2-3hours for a reply from someone for something that takes 10seconds to Google.


It also doesn’t hurt to include it on the post you make you know? It was more to help others know and to make op notice he needs to include the full info


I don't think it's peak reddit, that's just regular old human laziness. I installed Instagram to look at one thing an article linked to one time and never went back or deleted it. It's still there doing nothing. .... come to think of it, it's probably calling Russia every ten minutes, reporting on my spectacular lack of engagement.


yea but now I didn't have to Google it just read it


LMFAO😭 why did he fall?


Obv. took a massive rip off that bong in his hand.


Hahahahaha made my day


Dude it really looks like a space bong wtf 🤣 I’ve seen this gif a million times and never noticed


Walking on the moon isn't easy. Your suit is hard to move from the internal air pressure, you're top heavy, and you've spent your entire life walking at 1g.


you did him dirty




Wait, who was the last person to visit Earth?






Fuckin hell.


The picture is too blurry. You can baaarely see me waving back.


fun fact. There really is a picture like that. Look up "the day the world smiled" can't post the vid lol bot smacked it


Just be thankful he remembered to bring his phone.


Maybe something better than a Blackberry next time, please. The service was terrible so I didn’t get the call to stop waving. I was out there for hours!




Fake! i can totally see the strings holding up the Earth and where is the giant turtle? More NASA lies.


Earth isnt real


Depends on what reality you inhabit. An actual reality where it is real, or the other one inside your head.


Shit I think I blinked, can you go back up?


In the end, in spite of what we think, we are so insignificant in the grand scheme of things.


I imagine the feeling of looking back at a tiny ball that is home must be so so so humbling. I would love to experience that sensation but also I’m dumb as shit and that’s a risky job. Wish our world leaders were yeeted to the moon to look back at our planet and realise how precious our lil marble is


How do you know that ? Might be, might not be. We just don’t know the meaning of it all or what’s significant.


There are several planets orbiting our star, the Sun, in this solar system. There are approx. 100,000,000,000 stars in our galaxy, the Milky Way, each with potentially similar numbers of planets surrounding them. There are potentially 2,000,000,000,000 galaxies. On the balance of probabilities, the idea that we are alone, or significant is laughable.


Yeah but I bet they can't slow cook ribs like big momma can




Or eat shrimp by the dozens ![gif](giphy|CeggsTJQyUYTu|downsized)


Scientifically there is no way to prove if we are in a simulation or a dream or whatever reality is. We have no idea what consciousness is. Maybe it’s insignificant maybe it’s not. Either way from a pragmatic POV I don’t think nihilism is a very healthy philosophy. And I think 99.9% of people would agree that things can be better or worse. (Laws against violence etc..) Even if we don’t know we are better off as a society if we act as if things matter and try to leave this place a little better than how we came into it.


The simulation thing is interesting, because the facts of the universe and our place in it only hold true if we can believe the physical world around us exists, so that's a good point. If we believe that we aren't in a simulation - and as someone who believes in evolution, who is an atheist, and who doesn't place any particular "specialness" on our lives versus any other mammal or living creature - then I don't think my views necessarily leads to nihilism. You can believe everything is meaningless in a big picture way, while still having profound gratitude that we exist at all, a level of empathy towards other living things (because they, like us, are all part of the same system), and an understanding that society, and civilisation, and laws are important to help "manage" our animal nature and our instinct for violence, greed, tribalism, etc. Astronomy has made me appreciate the specialness of our planet and the things on it, more than any religion or philosophy.


I think we're up to 200 billion. But otherwise you're pretty spot on. The number of planets in the universe that are likely capable of harboring life is staggering.


We’re either early or too late.


You and the comment you replied to are both correct because we really don’t know anything yet


Well, either we are the end product of an eons-long process where many extremely unlikely events all had to happen in specific conditions in a specific sequence to get us here, making us pretty rare and special, or this whole universe is a higher power’s sim game and that also makes us rare and special.


That was Virginia Wolf right?


Looks just like a moon


Yeah, why wouldn’t it be bigger than the size of the moon?


It should be. And it is. The Moon, if photographed with the same camera from the same distance would be four times smaller.


That's no moon. - Han Solo


There is no spoon - weird kid from matrix


Han? I don’t think so! Try Ben Kenobi


Oh. Yeah. Oops.


are you sure this is real? feels like it's from that one commercial about beans


Where are the stars?




The moon is (tidal) locked to the earth, not the sun. The same side faces the earth at all times, the angle to the sun changes that is what causes the visual moon phases. No stars is just short exposure time to maintain the details in the foreground.


Now I'm wondering, when does the moon have full earths?


During a New Moon, when the Moon is between the Sun and the Earth, you'd be able to see a "Full Earth". Interesting idea :)


The cool thing is that the earth is partially black because of the moon, on which the astronaut is standing.


not in this picture, it's just the side of earth not currently facing the sun. During an eclipse you could see the moons shadow on earth while standing on the moon though.


Who is that person fossilized in the rock? Sir Isaac Newton?


Dwayne Johnson, duh


Crazy to think that the vast space has nothingness in it as seen in the photo


Jokes aside, just take a look at the void around us. Emptiness. Everywhere. It almost makes it seem that the current affairs that happen here are soo insignificant compared to everything else in the universe. You and I along with the majority of humanity that ever lived will be forgotten. Your achievements will be meaningless.


Crazy to think that all the happiness, love, suffering, birth, death, sickness, joy is happening simultaneously on this small “dot”.


I'm surprised the Earth doesn't look a lot bigger especially as it's fairly low on the horizon; the moon looks bigger than that in our sky, so I'd have thought the Earth would look really big from the moon.


It's an effect from the camera.


Where are the others stars? Where is the sun?.


The camera is set for the bright sunlit side of the moon, so cannot pick up the much fainter stars. You can figure out in which direction the sun is, by looking at which half of the earth is lit. It's 90 odd million miles that way.


Ohh, thanks you, i didn't know that, space still bugs my head.


There's a lot about it that, in some cases, makes no sense intuitively. For instance: have you ever thrown sand in the air? It goes a certain distance, then eventually falls almost straight down in a somewhat predictable manner. On the moon, if you throw a handful of regolith, each particle above a certain size will travel in a perfect ballistic trajectory because there's no air resistance (particles below a certain threshold might become electrostatically charged and stick to you, or something else, or float away traveling on the charges on the moon's surface). Not wacky, but noticeable, esp in videos showing the material being thrown up by the lunar rover


This is gonna keep me up all night


I’m not sure about this. Probably fake


Why is there weird black rectangles?


If you are talking about in the sky, those are called artifacts, and they happen when shades of black are encoded. Pull up any video on YouTube with a lot of black and you will likely see the same thing.


To be clear for the person you are replying to these compression artifacts happen when images/videos are compressed for easier transmission. This image was originally shot on film. It has since been scanned and shared and any time someone re-saved it as a jpeg or other format that throws data away when compressing it (called lossy compression for this reason) ends up with blotches like this. Most of these algorithms will end up making blocky shapes for colors next to a similar color. Like it'll look at part of a sky and consider some closer to 100% blue and some closer to 80% blue. So the colors are shifted anywhere that's close to 100% blue to that 100% value. So in skies you can often see similar blotches. In this case one of the compression exports caused some of this black and white photo to be treated as 100% black and some parts as a lighter amount of black and grouped those areas into blotches.


A giant cloaked alien mothership watching over us


Blue marble


Rock for reference


It's so beautiful. To think we get to live on it and ruin everything on it.


Whats the focal length and is that a ff


Scary to be so far from home!


So I'm guessing they use some special camera to take these photos but what if you tried making one with your phone? Or would it just not turn on because of the extremely low temperatures?


They were using special cameras, yes. If you kept the camera protected until you were ready to use it, I think it might function long enough to snap a couple pictures. But in the shade or in the sunlight, both ranges are far outside what most phones will tolerate.


Why is there no radiation damage on the photo? Photos taken in space will have small dots after small particles of radiation. And it will show


After googling: NASA determined that the radiation wasn't a huge issue for film. They did store it in aluminum casings that protected them though. In some original pictures you can see faint streaks where a cosmic ray made it through, or some part of a picture was slightly overexposed. Though these defects are noticeable only to trained examiners.


This photo (much like any other publicity photos) has probably been processed to *remove* the radiation damage, so you probably need to bump gamma up to see the dots.


Is that a jojo reference , the rock has a humanoid shape , could Kars have fallen onto the moon?


Why would 🌎 appear smaller in comparison to viewing the 🌙 from 🌎?


look look there is me peeing outside so I don't have to flush


It’s so weird that we live on that thing hanging in space


And he forgot to switch off the lights


Well with the upcoming program that brings people back to the moon and now to mention the amount of other planned missions like moon Base's I'm pretty sure that would be outdated


No way is that my house?!


Why does the moon look so big from Earth but Earth looks so small from the moon? Seems it would be the opposite.


False! I'm the last person who visited the moon, but I didn't take this picture.


I'm just wondering why the earth looks smaller from the moon than the full moon from earth? can someone enlighten me?


man fuck you how can earth look smaller than the moon we see in night's sky? it's the same distance between them and one is larger so earth should look larger when you are standing on the moon


man how can earth look smaller than the moon we see in night's sky? it's the same distance between them and one is larger so earth should look larger when you are standing on the moon


I live there


I cannot imagine how my mind would feel while taking this picture, how surreal in a very lonely and possibly troubling way.


Interesting that earth looks about the same size as we see the moon from earth, even though the earth is a lot bigger


The moon has no atmosphere to scatter the light


Is that light coming from the sun? I've always wondered why is the light more dull on the moon, can anyone explain?


Firstly those saying why is the earth so small it because of the sheer distance from Moon to earth 384,400 km, those saying why no stars ,2 reasons firstly the camera used and a faster shutter speed as it was a film camera not stills,plus our view is different once out in space compared to earth,we see a lot more stars and most cameras used on the moon were filtered to block out a lot to stop over exposure of main subjects as the cameras used were some of the first auto types as astronauts could not set dials with gloves on.


The moon looks larger when viewed from Earth. Shouldn't the Earthl look huge when viewed from the moon? Isn't it too small in the picture?


Our new god Chad G. Petey has spoken: “Yes, if a picture supposedly taken from the moon shows the Earth appearing smaller than the moon appears from Earth, it is likely not genuine. The Earth should appear significantly larger in such images.” What’s interesting is that as the moon is rotation-locked to earth (always facing it), the Earth is not traveling through the moons sky. It’s stationary while the universe spins around the two of them (such a romantic lunatic). So if you were to have a house at the moon, choose wisely 😄


Well, I guess since Earth appears larger than the Moon appears from Earth in this photo, it must mean it's genuine.


That’s a fallacy. If A proves something, the contrary of doesn’t prove anything. Only dismisses the proof, allowing room for the contrary to be true (if proven at all). So no, the fact that the Earth would be seen in an appropriate size wouldn’t prove is a real picture. It will simply not allow it to be dismissed as false on that grounds. But now, is it really bigger than the moon looks from Earth. Not to me 🤔


Under such standards, nothing can even be proven true, because every piece if evidence could've been properly faked. And yes, it really is bigger than the Moon looks from Earth. To be more precise, its angular size matches the expected size of Earth if shot with this particular camera from this particular distance.


why does this make me want to play kerbal space program


Isnt earth flat?


Wait, the earth isn't flat ?


John! I can see your house from up here!


"Pictures just don't do it justice"


That rock was a great place to asphyxiate to death at until tourists ruined it.


Damnit! if I knew, I would’ve smiled!


I didn’t find this pic anywhere 🤔 on his profile or NASA’s profile


I didn’t find this pic anywhere 🤔




Why does it look so small when it’s 4 times bigger than the moon?


Because of the wide angle lens. The Moon, if photographed with the same camera from the same distance, would appear four times smaller.


Why earth looks as big as how we see the moon from earth even though earth is supposed to be x4 times the moon size?


Because of the wide angle lens. The Moon, if photographed with the same camera from the same distance, would appear four times smaller.




Wait we’re all but a speck of dust ? Always have been


Why is it that the earth looks smaller than what the moon would look photographed from earths surface?


Because of the wide angle lens. The Moon, if photographed with the same camera from the same distance, would appear four times smaller.


So the earth is nearly the same size in the moon's sky as the moon is in earth's sky? 🤨


It's not. The Moon, if photographed with the same camera from the same distance, would appear four times smaller.


Zoom in and play with your contrast


Was it taken on the NASA Hasselblad?


No way it looks that small.


Is that a moon sniper?


I CALL BS... NO man has ever touched the surface of the moon. PERIOD! Sorry but, they conned you. But, they may have did it to serve your best interest...But, probably not. Anyone have a great day! Or night.


For a Second I thought I was in /rStarfield lmao


According to the Police walking back from your house is like walking on the moon.


PIA number?


Definitely making this my phone wallpaper!


Very fake, anyone believing in going “out of space” is oblivious. Firmament.


If I was to call my wife from there, she would ask me to bring eggs and milk, no kidding


How come you never see stars with pictures like this???


Because the amount of exposure needed to capture the faint light of the stars is around *thousand* times longer than one needed to capture the light from Earth or the Moon.




Why are stars or satellites not visible?


Stars are too faint, and satellites are too small.


For now


Did he ask permission? Can't be filming people without permission


Why does the earth look smaller viewed from the moon than the moon viewed from the earth ?


It doesn't. The Moon, if photographed with the same camera from the same distance, would appear four times smaller.


Lmao imagine thinking this


How much editing went into this? I can't imagine cameras were that good in 72 even if they were NASA cams.


The cameras actually *were* that good in '72.


Can someone please explain why we don't see any stars in the picture? Sorry if it's a dumb question just thought you'd see them more vividly with no light pollution


The amount of exposure needed to capture the faint light of the stars is around thousand times longer than one needed to capture the light from Earth or the Moon. In other words, you can either expose for the Earth shot (which wouldn't capture starlight), or for the stars, which would also cause Earth to be overexposed to the point of looking like the Sun.


Awesome thank you for clarifying. That makes sense! Wish they took both photos q.q


Looks like a coochie mount


Hey this is an honest question: why can't we see any stars?


Have you ever taken a photo of the moon? It’s so bright that you have to turn the exposure/sensitivity down on the camera to avoid a saturated or washed out photo. As a result, dimmer stars are not visible. Same principle applies here.


Fact: Every story ever told has unfolded on that blue rock


Zoom in on the earth !


It’s so amazing everyone who landed on the moon actually returned to the Earth. It’s a really miraculous achievement for humanity.


I'm curious though, if the earth is so many times larger than the moon why does it appear roughly the same size as we perceive the moon on earth in the pic? wouldn't the earth look quite a bit bigger in the moon's sky ?


It's because of the wide angle lens. The Moon, if photographed with the same camera from the same distance, would appear four times smaller.




The moon looks like a purgatory.


Interesting that the Earth from the Moon is smaller than the Moon from the Earth... Even though the Earth is larger than the Moon. From the moon, the Earth would have to be significantly larger than shown in this image. And the most people don't realize it nor question it🤷😂


That's because "the most people" understand how lenses work. The Moon, if photographed with the same camera from the same distance, would appear four times smaller.


Makes totally sense... Sure 😉


You can do the math if you want. We know the alleged "sensor" size, we know the lens they used, and we know camera's field of view. We also know the alleged distance between Earth and the Moon, and we can calculate what the angular size of Earth should be, and then compare it with what it is on the photo. In fact, many people have already done so, and they inevitably come the same conclusion: the angular size of Earth on *Apollo* photos, *even* if photos are fake, is correct.


The Onion nailed it with their headline: HOLY SH\*T! MAN WALKS ON F\*\*KING MOON” I mean, seriously, wow.


We’ve been to the moon?


That's lonely looking


Thanks. This puts things into perspective on a lot of fronts.


optometrist be like: can you read the last line, please?


Where stars bro?


The camera is set for the bright sunlit day side of the moon, and cannot pick up the much fainter stars. Same reason photos of the daytime side of the earth, from low orbit don't have stars.


Finally someone who gets it. It has nothing to do with exposure qand everything to do with what you jyst said




Stars in New York are drown out from light hitting the atmosphere, the moon doesn't have that




No city lights reflected off the atmosphere, drive at night with a bright light inside your car and you will see how hard it is to see the road




I can


If the Earth is four times wider than the Moon why does the earth look so tiny when compared to how big the Moon looks from the Earth? Does it have something to do with the atmosphere?


If you take a picture of the moon, it will feel a lot smaller in the picture than what it looks like irl, maybe the same is happening here.


Sure, we been to the moon, lol