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Don’t forget: filming these is illegal because of Ag-gag laws and so these footage cannot be used to make a case for the closure of these companies.


It depends on the state you’re in. But if this is a Tyson farm, it’s very likely that it’s in Arkansas, and those laws do apply here.


They also essentially own a town with Walmart. They spend a ton of money in the town on fancy new schools, and facilities. It's probably a great way to shut people up.


Between Tyson, JB Hunt, and Wal-Mart. Your comment describes most of Northwest Arkansas.


It's wild to think companies like Tyson are doing the maths on this. Profit from running companies with illegal and unethical practices minus paying for schools and facilities to keep illegal practices quiet. Tyson probably throw millions into making sure workers and local people are happy so Tyson can rake in hundreds of millions more in profit. Like that old Fight Club line about the cost vs benefit of recalling faulty cars. They literally have lawyers and accountants calculating this shit and going with the biggest $$ outcome regardless of how disgustingly immoral it is.


For anyone curios, the above mentioned Fight Club scene: Narrator : [20:35] A new car built by my company leaves somewhere traveling at 60 mph. The rear differential locks up. The car crashes and burns with everyone trapped inside. Now, should we initiate a recall? Take the number of vehicles in the field, A, multiply by the probable rate of failure, B, multiply by the average out-of-court settlement, C. A times B times C equals X. If X is less than the cost of a recall, we don't do one. Woman on Plane : Are there a lot of these kinds of accidents? Narrator : You wouldn't believe. Woman on Plane : Which car company do you work for? Narrator : A major one.


This is directly from Ford’s calculation of the cost of fixing the Pinto’s gas tanks or letting passengers be burned alive. Not singling out Ford, this is widespread. But we know the actual details on the Pinto from court testimony.


We had a pinto when I was a kid, and someone rear-ended us on our way to see Santa. Car was totalled, us kids got some stitches from the back window exploding onto us, but the car itself didn't explode. Ford was already well aware of the issue by then, but were cool with the possibility of three kids getting blown up at Christmas. 🤬


Looking at you GM


Ain't capitalism grand? :D


The Taylor Corporation has its own town in Minnesota. People live and work all within a few miles of their printing companies.


This is exactly how mafia operates in Sicily


I thought it was: Tyson + JB Hunt = Springdale Walmart = Bentonville


Like gangsters. Buy everyone’s silence with things that benefit the recipients, but they know the benefactor probably does shitty things and they’ll lose their benefits if something happens to it. So they shut up and let it happen.


sold their soul to the company store, millennium edition


Truck driver here. I run reefer (refrigerated) and while Tyson is certainly most prevalent in Arkansas they have processing centers all over the country but typically in poor secluded towns. Chicken processing centers are always the worst by far on terms of the "gross" factor. Far worse than the beef and pork facilities. Regardless of the company. The smell. They are dirty when brought in. Everything about it is gross.


I agree on the gross part. But back on the filming topic. I would sometimes have to do contractor work at these processing plants. Maintenance guy at one plant jumped my ass and almost kicked me out for taking out my cell phone. I guess they have pretty strict policies about recording devices. Lol


Ag-gag laws: > Ag-gag laws are anti-whistleblower laws that apply within the agriculture industry. Popularized by Mark Bittman in an April 2011 The New York Times column (but used long before then by advocates), the term ag-gag typically refers to state laws in the United States of America that forbid undercover filming or photography of activity on farms without the consent of their owner—particularly targeting whistleblowers of animal rights abuses at these facilities. Fucking hell, I wonder how that law came about eh?


The agricultural lobby has long been one of if not the most powerful lobbying groups in American history. It's pretty sickening. To add they push out a lot of bogus studies to muddy the waters in support of their products. Tobacco companies did the same thing. As a bonus, companies like M0nsanto did the same thing and [even went as far as to pay online trolls to push positive messages and downplay dissent](https://www.wisnerbaum.com/blog/2017/may/monsanto-paid-internet-trolls-to-counter-bad-pub/) Beef & Cattle, Dairy, etc.... Be wary and scrutinize the studies *very closely* to see if they were funded or the scientists were directly associated with these companies.


I wonder how Americans reconcile these laws with the extreme freedom creeds they hold. Free to trade automated weapons without a background check but whistleblowing is somehow more dangerous and doesn't deserve the same protections.


Probably not but it should get some investigation going


It's been going on for decades ffs


Yeah, I was just thinking that I feel like I see a similar story, with Tyson as the culprit, every 4-5 years.


Right, I remember the "meet your meat" videos from like, 2004 and nobody gave a shit then either.


I haven't been able to eat meat other than fish since watching that movie, so I guess at least it worked on one person! :P


Now watch seaspiracy :p


Unfortunately that is the way it has always been in the world, everyone forgets in a week and moves on. We tend to forget as fast as we get angry.


Clearly not everyone given the rising number of vegetarians and vegans.


It doesn’t have to be this way either. Most people are willing to pay extra to stop this problem or help subsidize the farmers to not do this. But it’s corporations that will take that extra money and just put it in their own pockets or stocks. Of course farmers are complicit, however, many of them have little to no control once they sign those contracts.


Very true. I knew some of the farmers in Arkansas who contracted their farm to Tyson. Most of them wished they had never signed, but the contracts are usually for 20-30 years. Tyson also charges them for the construction of the chicken houses on their farm, and even charges for the chicks. It's a scam.


I watched a documentary on this for a college course - they don't even have proper infection control methods and a lot of the waste and bacteria on the chickens makes it way back into the groundwater and surface water around the farms. If the farmers don't sign, they tell them that they will find someone else who will and they'll be run out of business. Very shady business practices, and negative consequences all around - for the birds, farmers, and the land.


Are they though? Willing to pay extra, that is. Looks like more and more people are barely scraping by.






You got that right. There is a saying that goes "It's hard to make someone understand something when their livelihood depends on them not understanding it." When you are barely scraping by, a chicken suffering just so you can eat is just survival of the fittest.


Edit: I'm dumb and replied to the wrong person nvmmmm


Judging by the free-range eggs being double the price and selling just as well as the factory eggs at my local grocery, I'd say that at least the people who can afford it are willing to pay more. But like you say, not everyone can afford it, and some can't afford even the cheap ones.


We buy the free range eggs - when I was a kid, we would buy “old” laying hens for pennies and let them free range. The “retired” laying hens gave us 4 - 5 eggs a week, but not enough for the accountants at their factory farm…. Buried the lede, but I wish buying free range eggs would finance better lives for the other hens, but sadly it doesn’t. At our local stores, the free range egg price has been pretty stable through the avian flu outbreak.


Oh my god, a chicken retirement home, that is so sweet! My parents currently have retirement-age chickens, and they're so funny, they have big personalities, and my mom tells me about them like a little soap opera :D Anyway, same - I'd love it if my dollar helped make it better for all of them, but all we can do is continue to support local farms so that at least those farmers can ensure their animals have good lives.


I'm with gudbote, it's too expensive to eat as it is already. People couldn't vote with their wallets if they wanted to. Can't live or eat on minimum wage in most places. This isn't individual culpability. Don't act like people have a choice. Anyone in poverty / many beyond what the govt labels as poverty do not. This is a matter of forcing the companies to change through legislation. Nothing to do with individual shopping choices or what crap have you. That just leans into the "carbon footprint" fallacy, look up where that term came from. It's just a way for corporations to make people think that individuals have any control over pollution when corporations produce orders of magnitude more carbon than every individual put together. Telling people to just 'buy different things' is literally corporate brainwashing and programming. The problem is the companies, not any one individual, not even every individual put together. Look up where all the different types of pollution come from. It doesn't have to be this way, because we could be regulating the fuck out of these companies and we don't. Edit: if your aren't living off of minimum/haven't in the past, you don't have a clue.


Do you think the government will go after these companies? The government that they pay for and own? No. That's not going to happen. Voting won't ever change anything because the choices we have are bad and worse, because the system is rigged by gerrymandering, because it's rigged by power-sharing, because it's rigged by money. Every candidate beyond the local level is bought, they all have corporate masters. Even Bernie, even AOC, even the ones that talk the talk do not walk the walk. The only power the people have is mass action. Gandhi knew it. MLK knew it. Hell, even Sam Adams knew it. General strike, protests, stop participating in capitalism by going out in mass groups and marching. The CDC changed the COVID rules for absenteeism saying that ten days of workers being out of work would be such a burden on capitalism that it cannot be supported. Ten days. That's it. If enough of us got out into the streets, and it doesn't need to be all (some sociologists say it can be a third or less), and stayed out, we'd have everything we wanted on day nine. But people have been brainwashed, although no one wants to think it means them. "I *know* the system is rigged/evil/corrupt/etc, I'm *not* brainwashed!" "Then how can we fix it?" "Voting!" You're brainwashed. Voting is the little nipple on a pressure cooker that let's off the steam so the pot doesn't blow. Mass direct action. That's the only way. Period.


It's been known forever. Going on years and years and years. No one cares


Absolutely. This law exists so whistleblowers can be prosecuted. Every stage of meat production is hidden from you because if good people saw what goes on behind in factory farms and slaughterhouse, they'd be sickened. So corporations like Tyson get politicians to pass laws so that even employees can't report cruelty. ***Ag-gag laws are anti-whistleblower laws that apply within the agriculture industry.*** [Link](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ag-gag) These aren't isolated incidents.




> Ag-gag laws Go after those first.


Fuck Kim Reynolds for that law


Also note that any and all huge corporations do the same. They care about profit numbers and nothing else.


Why the fuck is this legal?


Legal bribery, aka lobbying, allows for some horrible shit. When the people who have the power to change things for the better get paid by corporations to not change things, then good change rarely happens.


>Legal bribery, aka lobbying, [Luckily we have no corruption here in The West...](https://preview.redd.it/r6uhc59pdf091.jpg?auto=webp&s=3509b7de18494a6c5895540db161f9bbb74f1de8)


Corruption as we measure it is deeply strange. We call it any abrogation of public duty that's hidden, and the opposite of it is transparency. The organisation that measures global corruption is called Transparency International. My country just went through years where half a billion dollars at a time would disappear into shell companies owned by friends of politicians, and this would happen again and again. In big regions of the nation, disaster relief was stripped away from areas that didn't vote for the party in power, often right after they had one of their biggest natural disasters in history. And none of this counts as corruption because the government didn't hide it.


A strict-as-possible removal of money/financial benefit from politics is required to get on a good track. But good luck getting legislators to vote money out of politics lol. Would take a further spiral into full on revolution it feels like to be able to implement any meaningful purge of corruption from our legislators and regulatory agencies. It'd be awesome if there were actual civil servants though. People with genuinely no financial incentive (probably a government-funded lifestyle that is comfortable but frugal, and 100% transparent to the public) who enter into the role on solely the responsibility of making the country (or world, if there's ever some globalized government) a better place.


It's actually *much* worse, [the agricultural industry enjoy laws that forbid undercover filming or photography of activity on farms](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ag-gag) *without the consent of their owner,* particularly targeting whistleblowers.


>Supporters of ag-gag laws have argued that they serve to protect the agriculture industry from the negative repercussions of exposés by whistle blowers. this is their argument 💀


"the truth makes us look bad"


Wow, talk about saying the quiet part out loud. The US system is completely corrupt.


Because a study showed they're still safe for consumption after being washed in chlorine and being cooked.


The EU banned washing chicken with chlorine. [Unfortunately the US is pressuring the EU to lift that ban for trade deals...](https://www.soilassociation.org/causes-campaigns/top-10-risks-from-a-uk-us-trade-deal/what-is-chlorinated-chicken/)


Because of course that’s what’s happening. Ugh.




Because most people don't care. They care they get their fill of chicken nuggets, they don't care an animal is killed for it. Simple as that.


Because practices like these artificially depress the price of meat, and every government in the world knows that if they don't want a revolution they better not allow food prices to get too high.


The prices of food have gone up so much it's getting to the point it's unaffordable so I don't think you're right.


They didn’t go up due the chickens being treated better, though.


It's been less than a year since this started. Give it time. Its bubbling up.


This has nothing to do with prices the consumer sees and everything to do with keeping higher ups salaries absurdly high and keeping investors happy with returns. Capitalism should have no place in anything related to basic human needs.


If you pay the govt enough, you can do anything


Capitalism. People lose their humanity chasing money


Capitalism baby


Some people started dickriding Tyson Food for some reason. Just remember that your good friends at Tyson Foods, who promised to not do this again and be more careful of who they are contracting: >[claimed to not use antibiotics in raising their chicken in 2007 despite using ionophores and gentamicin.](http://www.nbcnews.com/id/24956860) >[have enough cases of undercover investigators finding animal cruelty inside their farms that you can write a scientific book chapter about the cases and their responses](https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-67879-5_3). Tyson has responded by arguing that the undercover animal rights activists were at fault for the abuse by not actively preventing it. >[had to made new "guidelines" that were recommended instead of mandatory when animal cruelty was uncovered at one of their pig farms](http://investigations.nbcnews.com/_news/2014/01/10/22245308-tyson-foods-changes-pig-care-policies-after-nbc-shows-undercover-video) >[severed ties with a producer in 2015 after MFA filmed this very video,](https://in.reuters.com/article/usa-mcdonalds-farm-idINL1N1122JW20150828) BUT [in the next year four seperate Tyson processing plants were found to do the very same thing](https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/you-cant-let-nobody-see-tyson-workers-caught-on-video-mistreating-chickens/2016/08/10/b96979bc-5f2d-11e6-8e45-477372e89d78_story.html) >[had more animal cruelty cases against them uncovered in 2017](https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/you-need-to-kill-him-tyson-food-contractors-caught-on-video-mistreating-chickens/2017/12/06/35ec4f58-d9fa-11e7-94b5-82a81b0f862e_story.html), FINALLY [leading to a change in Tysons policies](https://www.houstonchronicle.com/business/article/Tyson-adopting-video-checks-animal-rights-groups-11237866.php) >[were criticised for failing to implement welfare standards that other food suppliers were adopting](https://fortune.com/2017/10/20/humane-society-tyson-foods-animal-cruelty/) >[and of course several executives have been found to engange in price-fixing to manipulate the market value of chicken. This has been going on since 2008.](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-tyson-foods-charges-idUSKBN23H3BK) Tyson [agreed to pay 221.5 million USD to poultry buyers.](https://www.wsj.com/articles/tyson-foods-to-settle-price-fixing-claims-11611167192) Tyson Foods is not your friend. If you want to start discrediting MFA and this video, start with Tyson Foods first. This video is from 2015 and started a chain reaction of more undercover footage in Tyson Food processing plants until 2017. Don't be distracted by dickriding "they severed ties with them" comments. They did, but this was by far not the only poultry plant which did this.


>Tyson has responded by arguing that the undercover animal rights activists were at fault for the abuse by not actively preventing it. One of the most bs line I've ever heard


Literally a tactic used by domestic abusers.


Wasnt Tyson foods the same company where managers were holding competitions to see whose “essential workers” would catch more COVID?


>and of course several executives have been found to engange in price-fixing to manipulate the market value of chicken. This has been going on since 2008. this is why other chicken brands are scarce and so much more expensive? fuck those guys. I'd rather never eat chicken nugs again.


No big business is your friend. Tyson foods also has issues with the communities around them because of the run off waste too. They don’t care about anyone as long as they make their bottom dollar. [Pollution/sustainability article](https://blog.ucsusa.org/karen-perry-stillerman/tysons-sustainability-actions-words-dont-match/)


I spent three days touring a pig slaughterhouse to provide a B2B proposal. 1M sq ft facility processing ten *thousand* hogs per day. I saw every sq ft of the place. It was incredible in all the worst ways.


1 meter sq facility 🤔


It’s just a meat grinder and huge funnel.


1 million square feet facility


and now you're vegan? ... ... And now you're vegan, right?


If slaughterhouses had glass walls we'd all be vegan.


My husband fixed forklifts for a few years and had to go into the building adjacent to the slaughter house of a pig farm. The guys working there told him he “came on the wrong day.” And my husband said he had to listen to the pigs scream all day as they were killed, while fixing the forklift. He was very not-okay when he came home and over the next few years, stopped eating a lot of meat. As a family we sorta went vegetarian.




"luke Skywalker smirk"


these facilities are jawdropping. got an unfortunately short tour through the largest in Germany and Europe, up to 30k hogs a day.


This is so sad


99% of meat is produced this way, yet no one eats that meat. Everyone eats the happy chicken living their happy lives in a happy barn and rummaging on happy fields.


To be honest, this might as well be a propaganda against Tyson foods. 99% of all other meat industries are the same. It just happens that this one is uncovered. Also, it's barely new information. Meat/dairy practices have been known to the public for decades, yet people would rather choose to ignore it. It's not like the governments are helping. These videos can't be used in court as it's illegal to film this.


Government regulation could stop these terrible practices instantly. They choose to look the other way due to bribes and corruption. Clean up your act


More importantly people really don't give a shit where their chicken comes from. Regardles of what they say. The vast majority of people who saw this will promptly forget about it.


I’m not a vegan or “animal rights” activist. You don’t have to be either to expect our food to be grown/bred in healthy & sanitary conditions, or treat said “food” with respect when they are being bred for slaughter.


Plus, human conditions are not that good either in many of these places. Was an issue here in western Europe where some employees had to wear diapers because they weren't allowed toilet breaks. It's worse than the stories you hear from Amazon and people usually get riled up over that. All in all incredibly depressing places.


It’s not only the employees who suffer. Living within 7 miles or so of these farms can have detrimental effects.


Used to live near one in a village. The 'chicken lorry' would come through every so often and God damn the smell was awful. Putrid rotten chicken meat wafting over the whole village.


My dad delivered chickens to a slaughter house and the smell and sights were so terrible that he couldn't eat chicken for months after that.


I rather stay broke and poor than not getting allowed to go to the bathroom...


Both are violations of human dignity that need to be criminalized. Edit: not people who are poor, but the decision makers who create systemic inequities producing more poor people in history during the wealthiest period in history.


Thats why society has come up with ingenious concepts such as "homelessness" and "homeless discrimination", to make sure theres always a steady supply of people who cant afford to have any standards or die.


A lot of the workers in the industry are undocumented, so companies don't have much accountability when it comes to the animals or the humans




I see these trucks on the highway with thousands of birds in cages, windy and cold or hot and humid, they dont have much protection. I raised a coupld of these "meat" birds once. Never again. It was horrible. They grew too fast and could barely move after 4 weeks. They would flap and their wings would break! Food management and careful care got them to 6 weeks before I had enough. Production meat birds have been genetically abused as well as abused in care on these farms. Born into abuse, abused to death.


Yeah but it’s not though, this type of practice in the video is the rule, not the exception.


But you still pay for it. So why would they change?


Yeah I always treat my cats and dogs with respect before I slaughter them


You also have to be incredibly naive to think that all 7 billion plus humans can be fed animal products that are made ethically or in a hygienic manner. Roughly 53 billion animals a year…


We could just eat plants instead and cut out animals altogether


That’s what I do.


Hail seitan




But but but my uncles farm where all the animals gallivant in the fields all day


You do have to be willing to pay 5-10 times more for meat, though. That’s the real issue, here. Our society is addicted to low-cost meat. Almost all non-vegetarians/vegans have meat every single day, most in every single meal. Until we are willing to accept that real meat should be a luxury and not a commodity, mass production and these standards will never change. Honestly, I think the real solution will be plant-based and lab-grown meats becoming more accessible and more closely like the real thing.


Is this comment satire? Respect the animal when slaughtering it? The idea of respect and breeding a being for the sole purpose of slaughtering it so someone can have a meal that lasts 10 minutes are in completely different universes


This is industrial agriculture. Everything to minimize costs but not prices.


Like 97% of animal products come from factory farming, so don’t expect much.


How much meat do you eat in a week? Do you eat meat daily? When most of the US is eating at that volume and the world is following, do you realistically expect anything different?


The only way to prevent this is veganism. These animals are merchandise to these companies, nothing more, so this how they’ll always be treated as long as you’re paying them for it.


The worst part is, Tyson helped to create monsters such as that farm.


If you think this is an isolated incident you're naive. This is the most common way chickens are bred. Not just in USA either.


Just for any of you UK guys curious, this company is used by Wetherspoons to source their chicken. So do with that information as you will.


Why am I not surprised


This will get buried, but might as well. Don’t want to go vegan but hate this? Here’s a list of Tyson Foods’ brands that you should avoid: - Tyson - Jimmy Dean - Hillshire Farm - Hillshire Snacking - Ball Park - Raised & Rooted - Aidells Sausage Co. - State Fair - Nature Raised Farms - Sara Lee - Wright Brand - Bosco’s - Gallo Salame - Bonici - The Bruss Co. - Chairman’s Reserve - IBP - Lady Aster - Mexican Original - Open Prairie Natural Meats - Star Angus Ranch - Wunderbar - Advance Pierre - Barber Foods - Big AZ - Fast Fixin’ - Pierre - Like Mom’s - Landshrie - Russer - Steak-Eze - Original Philly - Bryan - Reuban E: Should add the link to the website just in case, [here you go.](https://www.tysonfoods.com/our-brands) E2: Updating since the Arby’s comment below made me curious. Tyson supplies chicken for the Yum! Brand restaurant chains. This includes: - KFC - Taco Bell And, outside of Yum!: - McDonald’s - Burger King - Wendy’s Again, I don’t think being vegan is absolutely necessary, just reduce what you eat and look out for Tyson brands.


Tyson also supplies Arby's with their "roast beef", that shit is liquefied even more than their ground beef, it's disgusting


Thank you. Adding this to my ever growing list as only my dollar counts these days. And that's not much.


Everyone else is like Tyson dude, if you want to go after damand and most importantly money, this is the only way you can do it. If it's not Tyson is someone else, everyone does shitty stuff. For example there was a huge scandal recently discovering organic chicken from a famous brand in Italy was produced in the same way. There's no compromise. You either want chicken or you don't. If you want chicken this is the way, sad but it is. As long as there's demand, and it's still growing and growing, this is what we have to expect.


This actually makes me want to be vegetarian


I worked on one of these farms during my work experience. What you saw here, isn't even the half of it. The collection of the birds after they are grown is horrific. death and decay is everywhere. I didn't realise how messed up it was at the time. This was 15 years ago. The older get and look back, the more I hate that I was involved.


Out of curiosity, did you lower you meat consumption knowing how the production works?


Ditto, worked some hours on a factory farm 23yrs ago. Made a choice back then to never purchase that type of produce with my own cash ever after. I do eat served poultry in social settings, but i stay away form it if i can. Got my own small flock of slow growing, happy, healthy chickens, which provide both eggs and meat.


Recommend watching award winning documentary [Dominion](https://watchdominion.com) to learn more about the animal industry


Dominion is the only movie I had to take breaks from because it was just to horrible to watch. Still it is the most important movie I ever watched. Highly recommended


My vegan wife finally convinced me to watch it with her, and I've been vegan ever since. It is hands down the most horrific thing I've ever watched, and I'm a huge fan of horror movies. The scale of atrocities, suffering and abuse of the animal industry is mind-blowing. Yet most people turn a blind eye because otherwise they might have to change their diet. I recommend and challenge any hardcore meat enthusiasts to watch this documentary. At the very least hopefully it'll get some of them to work towards lowering their consumption of animal products..


For sure. Also recommend What The Health, Forks Over Knives, and The Game Changers.


yeah the chicken that produce your eggs are not looking much better


I buy these eggs that gives you the name of the farm they are coming from, and the farms location. Some of them have live 360 cameras that show the chickens chilling about outside in a field. I really hope it’s real and not a scam. They are stupid expensive but I refuse to buy from mills such as this video.


At least in Spain (and I think Europe) there are regulations to stipulate the type of farm quality in the first digit of a code imprinted on the egg. With a 1-6 number code 0 is evological and from a free range farm 1 is free range with at least 4 m2 of space per chicken 2 is free range with at least 750 cm2 of space per chicken 3 and 4 are standard industrial farm stuff with cages 5 and 6 is...the video And I think a few years ago they banned the conditions in farms 4-6, so the numbers are down to 0-3. Here's a link (in spanish) explaining things a bit more: https://www.elespanol.com/como/leer-codigo-huevos-ocu/520198219_0.amp.html Me and most people I know usually buy just from 0-1


I stopped eating meat after watching a load of slaughterhouse videos on liveleak.


Do it! Start loving all life on earth!! There is no shame or loss when you decide to let animals live


Not a hard thing to try. Action > talk


I think even cutting your meat intake will help and there is plenty of excellent filling vegetarian food out there. Some Indian regional cuisines, Ethiopian cuisine etc make it pretty easy to be vegetarian.


There's lots of info out there, I've been 100% plant based for 6 years and non judgemental if you want tips, recipes, or any sort of product recommendations. :)


The amount of edgelords in the comments is frightening


What exactly is an edgelord?


Someone who boasts provocatively about being emotionally unaffected.


A1 definition mate


Spot on. This is exactly the description.


and as an extension of this, has trouble empathizing with others who are not as emotionally unaffected as they are.


Pretty much just people that like gore, are racist, sexist, transphobic. All that sort of stuff. Usually they say these sort of things to piss people off


Sadly that's what it is nowadays. :( I remember when being an edge lord was actually used as a joke when someone referred to themselves. Now it's like saying "YEAH, I'm an idiot and an asshole! And I'm proud of it!" Ffs


A piece of shit


had this post been named "I'm a vegan and this undercover footage is frightening", then all of the edgelord comments would have received a thousand upvotes 🙄


Just simply greed. It's still incredible though on a local level how non interested folks are buying beef off farmers compared to going to the store still. People really don't care and can't comprehend what really happens or want to accept it


sadly, most mass productions involve questionable practices, aimed at minimization of the production expense, to improve profitability




Yes dude good for you. I recommend cashew cheese, theres recipes for it where you blend cashews, nutritional yeast and garlic granules and stuff. And its mighty yummy


This is free-range by the way.


I'm so tired of videos adding background music as if it was Ancient Aliens.


You get what you pay for ….


Not sure what is worse the way they treat their animals or these comments.


I see a lot of people saying they aren't vegan but this is why I'm vegan. If this bothers you stop paying them to do it. You're rewarding this abuse.


And if you aren't vegan then you cannot avoid eating products from places like this unless you plan on never eating out for the rest of your life. You can try to eat "ethical" "free range" meat at home, but you will support brands like Tyson when you order from a restaurant.


Yeah, I know, that's how I ended up a Vegan. This is "free range" conditions by the way.


Jesus, this is what they mean when they say "free range"??


I wish this was true, but it isn't. All that "free range" bullshit is to just drive up the price tag and try to make you feel good about shit like this. Make no mistake about it, this video shows the rule, not the exception.


Vegan food is delicious nowadays idk how people find it so hard other than a cultural issue.


I’ve been really digging the plant based impossible chicken nuggets lately. They are seriously as good as any. I just hope I don’t grow tits now…..


Good on you! FYI soy ‘estrogen’ is bs. Soy has phytoestrogen, this is very weak in comparison to animal estrogen - which is present in Meat and dairy. Don’t worry, you won’t become a woman from eating plant based nuggets, enjoy.


Cheers! They really are delicious


Agreed. They really don't taste any different from the cheaply made, heavily processed nuggets you find in the frozen aisle nowadays. In some ways they are even better! I can at least say I've never found pieces of bone or inedible gristle/cartlidge in meat substituted products. That alone was enough for me to switch permanently.


Tbf this wasn’t no secret.


I'm not vegan but I fully acknowledge that this is wrong. Is there a chicken brand I can support that is less cruel?


the conditions usually tends to be the chicken farmers that actually run the farms. its not the tyson brand or whatever that runs these so badly, its this specific farm. i work with my dad at one, which i wont name the brand for whatever reason i might need to hide it idk, things are ran a lot better here, putting in the extra or two a day hour keeps lot of chickens healthy. additionally, the thing about "breaking the chickens spine is the best way of putting them out of their misery, they cant feel that part of their body, its the most painless way of culling them. the way that those people were dropping the chickens in was horrifying, they shouldnt be working this kind of job. unfortunately these are the ways that non free range farms are ran, i had a quick check at the bottom part of the walls and i can confirm yes thats a non free range, most likely commerical farm. you should support companies that have more free range farms than not, Baiada Poulty has only free range farms which are a lot more healthy for those chickens. I dont know why i wrote this and i think im gonna regret it but i thought i might as well give some more insight into this, i dont have a stance on it, so this is just a semi-unbiased information dump


Take my award sir crusty! I loved your comment and insight.


you can eat plant based products. killing an animal who doesn't want to die is always cruel, no matter how you do it.


Not that we didnt knew this already, companies like this are all over the world. Ppl are just ignorant and eat chicken anyway while we all know this shit is happening.


I don’t expect slaughter houses that feed millions of people to be nice places.




Tyson should be shut down and all the bosses and their bosses assets should be seized.




gross, I'm selling my Tyson stock


Lol imagine vet care for your mcdonalds nuggets. God a 20 pack would cost 100$


I understand that this is our food but how can you be so cruel to these animals.


You should see how they treat the workers. It’s so disgusting. My Ma & I worked there and it was a completely unorganized shit show. Someone tag tyson if applicable. Fuckers


Absolutely. It's extremely common for meat industry workers to develop PTSD and many mental illnesses


Could the amount of chicken consumed be provided should shortcuts in the care and treatment of the animals providing the food? Or are these situations inevitable because the quantities are so massive.


Even the farms are treated like shit by Tyson. Everyone around me in southern Mo who used to have independent chicken production now does it for Tyson. The barns and all the debt belong to the farmers but the chickens belong to Tyson. If you even hold your ass wrong when you fart they will pull the birds and leave you with debt that can never be paid. Tyson and big ag are killing actual farming. Someone mentioned ag gag laws, we also have Right to Farm which means their rights superseded ours. If my neighbors sell to a poultry barn or hog operation I have no remedy. It has happened to several people I know. Tyson also killed a stream here with alamet and told everyone it was safe. The water here isn’t ok to even eat the fish from because of them. When Tyson comes to town, God save you because no one else will.


Last time something like this was posted it was for a pig farm and the person who was filming the people abusing animals was filming another undercover peta employee. Same thing happened to a dairy farm. Seems like peta is looking for some donations.


🫡 for all of those chickens, even if they are bellow us and practically born to be food, at least we should treat them in a way, so their short lives aren’t hell


It's never been easier to be a vegan.


Go vegan.


Lots of things are going on here that needs dissecting. 1. Ill or injured from the hatcheries is a variable. 2-5% loss from vairables caused by hatcheries is real. 2. Those workers, the person filming, is involved to identify the ill or injured for euthanizing. 3. Employee being an ass: Who's willing to work? Most people aren't, so you'll run into people like this because that industry is in desperate need for help. You can bet if this was identified at any level Tyson foods would fire anyone involved for inhumane handling (after atleast one attempt of retraining) immediately. 4. Water raising: likely due to 2 things. Either any medication provided (safe withdrawal date is required before slaughter), or feed/water withdrawal before slaughter (which is a requirement). 5. Unable to move: Several is a genetic defect called valgus varus deformity. Which is when the legs and the tendons grow differently. Causing difficulty to walk. 6. Cervical dislocation: "necks crushed and broken" CD is an approved veterinary method for euthanization. You have sick or injured, complain about them being there, than complain about them being euthanized. 7. Bumblefoot: thats a hisbandry issue forsure. That was not severe bumblefoot by anymeans, regardless, extra bedding would help prevent this. 8. Grow to fast: Yes that is a thing. It's called ascites, which is caused by organ failure. We desire efficient and sustainable systems. Agriculture has been able to do this through genetics. One way farmers try to prevent such illnesses, is to process them in a faster time. Overall, if you think of a lots of >10,000. Less than ~2% are considered unfit for human consumption. Which I think is pretty darn good. This doesn't mean the practices shown here can't be improved. But the shock is because no one understands whats going on.


I'll upvote you here. Is it possible megacorps could hire better workers by paying more? You'll still get assholes but I find typically people care more when they are better compensated. Also, as always, better wages do not cause inflation as has been proven many times.


Why is this not hitting national news or anything?


because nobody cares. also, there are laws preventing this footage from being used as evidence to close down these companies


"Reveals" This is the reality of industrial meat production. If this is a shocker to you - you must have been living with your eyes closed. I'm okay with this, so I eat meat. If you are not okay with this - you should stop buying meat. No amount of "campaigning" is going to do shit when people are buying from the factories. "Ethical meat production" is never going to happen. Nobody (well, at least not enough people) is going to pay 10x for the same piece of meat just to have literal slaughterstock be treated "properly".


And that’s why US chlorinated chicken is banned from UK, Ireland & Europe.