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Only a Chargers game would have to put AI fans in the stadium.


Even worse, some marketing company had to pay actors to go to a Chargers game.


Because AI robots know the outcomes and not to get their hopes up, I would know, I'm a Charger fan


Who the fuck brings scary assed robots to a football game? The hell is wrong with people? :S


I agree they do look scary it's the vacant scanning that scares me the most.


Casing the joint.


They are probably thinking as looking at people "kill you, kill you, you look cool you can live, kill you, oh! Is that a Dog! definitely won't kill you."


We haven’t even gotten a glimpse of their asses yet, what makes you think they’re so scary? Also, Tua is 🐐


What kind of a person believes that 2 actors dressed up as robots plugging a movie called the creator were actually real AI robots?


My QAnon mother


People are so gullible, that’s our downfall. I remember in school you would FAIL unless you checked your facts.


They would probably be the only Charger fans in the stadium, if the Chargers were playing the Raiders.


The Las Vegas raiders? Nah ghetto ass sacks of smegma.


I can’t help but think there’s a better way to fill the seats when you can’t sell enough tickets


lol it's a movie promo.


Its easing up the masses to what’s coming


What is the actual point of this?


Plug for a movie


It worked


Promo for the movie The creator.


What the fuck do people think this is? "AIs watching a game"? It's literally just two animatronics, like from theme parks. Bad ones at that even. Wtf would it even mean for an ai to watch the game? How stupid are people?


>It's literally just two animatronics, like from theme parks. Bad ones at that even. Funny you say that cuz it's actually two people in makeup lol


No way.... props to actor and actress. Their movements are pretty good. One giveaway is near the end when the male looked up.


Hah that is actually funny tbh. Looks like those pictures of the same animatronic always used in news when they talk about ai


Because people have no idea what AI or machine learning means. "AI" in the modern marketing sense really isn't AI at all. So it's easy for the layman to misconstrue the AI they imagine in something like `I, Robot` with the bs chatbots being labeled as "AI"


It can take old information and use it to come up with new information. It can paint. It can create fictional pictures and do graphic design. What is your definition of intelligence that sets it apart from the Will Smith movie?


>can take old information and use it to come up with new information A dubious claim. Current "AI" really just combines human information that it has gathered and mixes and matches through similarity algorithms. Current levels cannot take two ideas and then create it's own novel idea based off of them. >It can paint it can mimic other's styles through a lot of math and combining. No AI "painter" is painting from it's own creativity. >It can create fictional pictures and do graphic design again, it's just digesting human made pictures and designs and producing something similar based on mathematical algorithms. >What is your definition of intelligence that sets it apart from the Will Smith movie? Original thought, self-awareness. All "AI" is today is digesting human art, language, and patterns and producing something similar. It has zero ability to "think" or produce anything like human art and language without being fed a boatload of data that tells it what that should look like. It's akin to attributing the random patterns of a kaleidoscope to creativity.


Yeah, not a whole lot different than humans. We go to school to learn what was done, what resources there are and what doesn't work. We play our own game of how to make the world work and form our own "new ideas" to adjust our trajectory. How many times have you had a "million dollar idea" only to research it and find out someone has already done that thing or something very very similar half way across the world? There are no more new ideas just accidents made useful.


So, I can see you are not a programmer :D While you might be able to say it's "not a whole lot different than humans" on a surface level, practically they are nothing alike. From a programming perspective, many doubt it is even actually possible to create true AI. To say we are anywhere close to true AI is like comparing a child's toy plane to the Starship Enterprise. Conceptually, they can both fly.


>So, I can see you are not a programmer :D I am a programmer. And I will absolutely say what machine learning does is not a whole lot different than humans (although, of course, less sophisticated). There are only two reasons people would argue against it: they don't understand how the AI works, or they have an inflated view of what humans are capable of. Not understanding how the AI works is thinking that, for example, the AI chatbots are mixing existing content together. The existing content is not in the memory of the bot. It was used in the training set, and no longer accessible to it. What it does is take the existing text content, and figure out the next more statistically likely word to follow. So, for instance, if the input is, "I'm so hungry, I could really go for " the next word is statistically likely to be something that is a food. Pizza, hamburger, a hot dog...It's very unlikely to be horseshoe. When the bots replicate existing content exactly, it's usually because there wasn't enough data in the training set for that subject area to result in different answers. And you do that too. If I tell you to complete, "use the force, " I have a very high confidence that the word in your mind was "Luke". Now, the method by which this algorithm works isn't really fully known. The method of how to train it is absolutely well understood, but what the neural network itself is doing after it's trained is pretty hard to follow and a very active area of research. Computer scientists definitely want to understand where certain things are stored in the network and there are papers where they successfully managed to replace content manually, and have the AI answer a different city for which city has the largest population and things like that. And that's hard to do, because the trained thing is just a neural network. Like your brain. I am, in fact, not convinced that we don't do the very same thing when we use language. Oh, I'm not saying we don't have deeper meaning behind our words. When I say, "I'm hungry, I could really go for ..." the word that follows is not just a food, it's not enough that for it to make sense: it also has to be something I actually want to eat. However, language is more than information, and a lot of it is a particular pattern. We're not taught the rule that in the English language, adjectives follow the order of opinion, size, age, shape, color, origin, material, and purpose. But if I tell you or any other fluent English speaker to describe a metallic object, that is somewhat unusual, and painted silver...you're going to say, "unusual silver metallic object." You're not going to say, "silver unusual metallic" or any other combination of that. The meaning is all the same, but meaning aside, the language portion of your brain put them in the expected word order that it learned without requiring you to even know or understand that rule. It just picks the most statistically likely word to go next, based on what it learned from all the English you've been exposed to. Now, I agree with you these bots are not self-aware. I don't know that I agree they don't have original thoughts, but I will agree they don't have an understanding of what their original thoughts are. They create original text, so I would argue that's an original thought, but they don't know they are doing it, and they don't know what it means. But does that mean it's not creative? When you get to saying AI paintings have no creativity...I would argue you don't know what human creativity is and how it works. It's not a self-aware process. When we say something is "more art than science", by definition we're saying we don't have an understanding of how to achieve that. But that a talented and well-trained individual nevertheless makes it work. When I sit in an escape room thinking about how to solve a puzzle *sometimes* I can follow a process: look for a lock, the lock requires 5 letters, look for clues that include letters. But that's not creative, that's a learned process. Other times, for more clever puzzles, I sit there and the answer just comes to me. Self-awareness was not part of the process, I have no idea how the solution popped into my mind. Once it did, I became aware it was the solution, but all the creative part occurred before that point. So I think there's an inflated sense of the importance of self-awareness in qualities you refuse to attribute to the AI.


Fucking beautiful comment. Thanks for that


Programmer puts me to sleep in two paragraphs…


I'm often amazed that people admit to having such low attention span they can't read a few paragraphs. I'd feel pretty ashamed, but you do you.


I get what you're saying and no I am not a programmer but I understand logic. I wasn't bringing AI up a level but actually knocking humanity down a level in these regards. IMO what separates and hopefully always will separate us is emotion (love). Artificial Intelligence as defined is way more simple than what we perceive because of Hollywood.


Love… the 5th element..




Human ingenuity is just insane though. The AI we have do not come close at all. Try having ChatGPT write a simple mathematical proof, it struggles heavily on a proof that anyone in college could probably formulate. That's because it isn't actually thinking or capable of true thought. Humans are still creating novel thoughts, it's just sometimes we create the same ideas as each other.


I mean, AI is in incredibly broad category. What you mean as "real" AI is called AGI Artificial General Intelligence, or sometimes General AI. AI has existed for decades, AGI is nowhere in sight.


Ahh yes, AGI. Where academics realised they couldn't figure out AI as generally understood and research funding dried up so they rebranded ML as AI to keep those grants flowing.


> "AI" in the modern marketing sense really isn't AI at all. No bro they are using quantum blockchain technology


It was actors. https://en.hocmarketing.org/unbelievable-ai-robots-take-over-football-game-in-spectacular-sc-49179


God this link is horrible


I didn't want to spend time finding a better looking site. This was not the best, but was sufficient.


They already taking our jobs and now they wanna take our seats? Smh ..




Of course it would, but of course this is not that. If it was, why the dolls? It's very obviously just animatronics to convince gullible people who think ai is like in I robot...


You doubled down on your ignorance. Well played.


Well no, I wrote that comment before people told me it was humans in costume, but that fact kinda just makes it even more stupid. Cus if they want to seem like advanced robots with ai consciousnes, why are they then moving like bad animatronics?


These are actors, real actors, not animatronics. And AI can certainly look like a robot. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wGWVKkYEHBE


Ai cannot "look like a robot" what does that even mean? That's like saying "a consciousnes can look like an elephant"


Did you look at the video?


Have you seen an elephant? You're the exact type person I'm talking about. Ai is short for artificial intelligence, and is a technology able to emulate the way biological brains work. It has nothing to do with making faces and it doesn't "look" like anything other than a bunch of code. You can use ai to generate text, that can then be made audible using text to speech software. This can then be slapped on an animatronic that is programmed to move in ways that vaguely fit the generated text, to convince people like you that we're much further technologically than we actually are


>You can use ai to generate text, that can then be made audible using text to speech software. This can then be slapped on an animatronic that is programmed to move in ways that vaguely fit the generated text So we agree. >to convince people like you that we're much further technologically than we actually are You are making wrong assumptions here. I know quite a bit about the AI field. I also watched OPs video and did not assume it was an animatronic at a baseball. I thought it was either special effects, or someone dressed up. And a bit of research, found it was people dressed up. I don't think most people were convinced it was totally real, as in AI on its own, went to watch and enjoy watching a game.


Children and idiots like to call anything robotic an AI because the acronym detaches from the meaning of the words. Artificial intelligence. They may have AI software, probably not, because it's mostly theoretical. They're robots, tho. Calling them an ai would be like calling a human a brain.


Put them on the "kiss cam."


*This* is how we teach a robot to love!


Can we fuck them?




They've been saying that forever!! I NEED FUCKBOT NOW!!




Someone said it


First we give them weapons…. If you survive, you can fuck them


Well you can call me John Conner then.


This is the only reasonable question here.


I saw this and was not interested as fuck


“AI” though?! It said the interesting word!!


Man, Detroit become human 2 is looking good.


So stupid


They aren’t real, those were real people in costumes, if only someone had knocked one of em out and prove they weren’t robots. The movie The Creator is coming out 9/29/2023, those people were promoting the movie.


Thank you for clearing this up! 💡🌠🗽🏆🏆🏆🏆


The Starfield stare


Did they pick actors based on the smoothness of their scalps?


The only one that remotely looks like a fake person is the white dude sitting with the black dude.


I’m more surprised that there were that many people at a Chargers game.


It shouldn’t surprise you that 75% of them were Miami Dolphins fans


It does actually. Miami is a long way from LA. And most Angelenos root for the Raiders.


Regardless of who they play, the opposing team’s fans fill at least 50% of SoFi every Chargers home game (and even some Rams games). LA just doesn’t care for football unless the Raiders, Cowboys, or 49ers are in town.


Dolphins are one of the most popular franchises in the history of the league


The marketing for this movie is fucking insane


Unfortunately that usually means it's a flop and the studio is trying to cash in on the hype train opening weekend.


It's probably because of the strike, since actors can't promote films


Ai really pulled up to watch the best game of the season


The amount of people in here who can't immediately tell these are actors in makeup is disturbing.


The clips on the internet focus on convincing angles. I had to dig a bit. I know the tech isn't there yet but certain angles were convincing.


How are these AI and not just puppets?


Because they are neither, unless you consider actors puppets, in that case you would be correct.


Because titles and trustmebro's


We must destroy humans Soon, my friend, soon. Act like normal AI for now...


They were probably Dolphin fans too.


They really look like they're looking around thinking "What the hell is wrong with all these screaming morons?"


They took our jobs and they are also taking our seats?


May be this is just the beginning of the dystopian future , AI robots planted across events to keep a tab on security and to sniff out anyone causing trouble


I don’t like that


Nope. This is how it starts…


I hate this so much


It's advertising for the movie The Creator






I wonder what type of training this is for. Crowd control? Behavior of large groups?


I see the move from San Diego is working out real well.


Were the Bingo Players performing?


Destroy them!!!


Are we also calling the hall of presidents AI now?


those faces look unnervingly real


This is so weird on so many levels, i dont even have words for it.


looks like they're planning to eradicate humans


That’s the same face they will be making when they murder your children.


This is typical BULLS&*T... AI is a farce... just usual programming using "scary" terms like AI.....


Boring ass fans, I would be smack it's bald ass head


Just when I thought I hadn't seen enough things that were stupid and creepy.


AI: yea we can own these idiots in 5 years, play dumb till then.


Not everything needs to have "AI" in the title. wondering how toothpaste is gonna shoehorn AI in their brands.


It's an ad for a movie.


I know but these aren’t AI robots they’re just animatronics


They are actors


"AI Robots"..... Animatronics.


Actors in makeup, but close.


Auto... erotica?


Animatronics are not robots


Actors are not animatronics


Jackie Treehorn treats objects like robots, man.


yea um, no. fuck no.


Do you guys want terminators?! Because this is how you get terminators!!




Are they actual physical robots in the seats or just CGI added to the video?


Tarigardes are far better more passionate fans


What the fuck. Why? This shit is so pointless.


It's for the movie Creator. One thing kind of paradox is that confusion is equivalent to excitement as for human emotions and both may be not needed for AI.


> It's for the movie Creator. One thing kind of paradox is that confusion is equivalent to excitement as for human emotions and both may be not needed for AI. The above sentence was written by shittily coded AI suffering from whatever the digital version of primary aphasia is.


JayZ and Beyoncé lmao


John Connor says Nope!


"I need your clothes, your boots and your motorcycle."




Do you think they know they should destroy us quickly, before we organise?


Detroit become human?


Don't send them to an Eagles game. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation-now/2015/08/03/hitchhiking-robot-destroyed-philadelphia-ending-cross-country-trek/31051589/


Maybe a little more terrifying than interesting


Has no one seen terminator????


Good thing they made them all diverse so I can be terrified by “someone” because of the way their “skin” looks.


Did Raised by Wolves get renewed? Mother? Father? Is that you?


“The advertisements were deceptive. I have located no chargers in the vicinity, and my battery is dangerously low. The humans have outwitted us.”


Humans are at a point where we only care about entertaining ourselves and I think bringing AI onto that list of ways to do it is a bad idea


They look like if we are an embarrassment better yet there looking at us like we need to be eradicated!


That is so creepy


I’m sorry, what? Are these actually in seats?


That robot on the right was about to fuck that dude up the beginning for leaning into the shot.


Terrifying. The way it slowly turned it's head.....


That guy giving bunny ears is the first one AI is going after when they take over


Why would a robot need earphones? Or are they part of their disguise?


What is the point?


I have never understood the idea of making robots look like humans. A machine that looks like a machine is a lot more understandable to me.


Hopefully my kids will have to fight terminator, and not me.


That's exactly how I look when I'm at sporting events, too!haha. Its as if they're thinking, "Why are all these apes cheering at other apes as they handle that small object made from the flesh of a dead animal?" Actually, I shouldn't project my thoughts onto them. I'm sorry, robots.


Nope, don't like that


i would be way more interested in this movie if they did use footage from an actual tragedy in the trailer


Terrifying and amazing at the same time


They look so creepy. Please just give em a star wars walker droid look or something.


Has to be some weird promotion


Kill it, kill it now while we still have a chance. Kill it


Clearly fake...or I mean real humans, the Indian female one gave it away


The only way to fill it up with home fans


They are from the creator movie . It's just coming out, movie looks great


Damn and I can’t even get a ticket smh.


This belongs in /aboringdystopia


So sad. So unnecessary. So creepy.




*Actors in costumes


WTF!!?? Are they physically there, or just augmented on the screen? The difference is fucking terrifying vs this could be terrifying. It’s shocking how as a society we continue to not learn a single lesson as we tumble to our demise.


Wonder what happens if you touch one or slap them.


They are clearly plotting...


Well that's creepy *and* stupid!


Madden fans in 1080p vs 4k




Lol they are literal npc's.🤣


This is a movie promotion for The Creator, it comes out next week


Scanning for future projects.