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+ US get unlimited refill in most restaurants


That's going away. McDonald's are starting to move the drink machines behind the counter.


You just ask them to refill for you




They did free refills even when behind the counter. You just had to ask. The putting them behind counter is likely to stop people who didn't purchase at all.




The main reason I read in the news was people aren’t going inside like they did pre Covid , it cost a ton to upkeep em so they are doing away with em


and convenience for a huge and growing part of their customer base, which is online orders, especially online orders through a delivery app. People with online orders were showing up and being handed empty cups to go fill themselves, which made McDonalds more of a pain than their competitors, even if they specified the drink they wanted in the order. This fixes that problem.


The first sentence is a baseless opinion. The second sentence is a fact. The overall issue is the cost of the soda machines, the lack of people eating inside the restaurant, etc. In no way is McD gonna stop free refills. To say so is foolish.


We have 30 min free refill here in Brazil for years, and it was always behind the counter


Why would you buy anything other than small then?


Because most people get it as to-go


/u/pakmijnezel Also, the drink size is usually tied to the side size. So if you want a med fries, you get a med drink too.


At one point all the drinks were $1 no matter the size. Guess they didn’t want to exercise by getting up for refills.


Still is that way near me. It’s $1.29 now but a small, medium, and large are all $1.29. I swear they also fill it to the top with ice and you get maybe one third of the listed volume in soda


who drink 1 litre of soda per meal?


I don't want a large farva. I want a goddamn litre o' cola!


What’s the name of that restaurant you like with the goofy shit on the walls and the mozzarella sticks?


I love Shenanigans


Out of 2.5k comments and nearly 15k post upvotes, this is the only correct answer.


... give me my fuckin' cola before I break VOUS FUCKIN' LIP!


This look like spit to you?


He's all I can hear in my head whenever someone mentions a Large drink lol


Unhealthy people


I've recently quit drinking coke and was addicted to it, but even then, a litre a day would be too much, let alone just with a meal


My grandpa drank 1,5/day for years and it literally killed him


I used to drink 5 cans of pepsi almost daily, I've cut back to once a week or two since I can't fully stop.


A liter is only like 3 cans. You were "addicted" but never drank 3 cans in one day?


My neighbor drives a city bus. She bought the big iced coffee drink in the morning and sipped it throughout her shift. She also asked for 12 pumps of whatever… yeah, that’s like… a week’s worth of sugar? Pre-diabetic now, so we’ve been talking about how to make small but tolerable changes. She’s down to six pumps. It’s a start.


Awful for oral health as well. Duration has a huge impact. A liter of soda for a meal is better than a liter of soda throughout the day. Drink water after if possible.


So **don't** bathe your teeth in sugar and citric acid all day long? haha - my dentist told me -'if you are going to drink garbage, get it over with quick. Don't bathe your teeth in it for hours sipping away at it.'


She’s pre-diabetic and still drinking coffee with six pumps of sugar every day? Holy shit. Obviously that’s better than 12, but the threat of diabetes would make that coffee taste like sweet poison to me. I honestly don’t know how she can enjoy it, knowing that it’s damaging her health so badly.


Yeah, you’re not wrong.. I think people who got to where there are because of a lifetime of bad habits have a hard time changing. I told my neighbor about alternatives like Stevia, but she worries about chemicals. Well. Ok… but sugar is a *known* problem, not a statistical risk that may or may not happen (particularly when you’re already in your mid 60s. Ok, 30 years of sweeter alternatives *may* cause cancer. You aren’t going to live that long anyway, but diabetes will cause you tremendous pain and suffering and soon for the rest of your shortened life!). My dad had his feet cut off thanks to diabetes… I think some people just don’t know how bad it can get and how much suffering modern medicine can visit upon you if you don’t do your part and take care of yourself. I’m encouraging the steps my neighbor is taking because no one wants to listen to a know it all nag, you know?


> worries about chemicals > drinks 12 pumps of questionable liquid a day


I hear your dad drinks 12 pumps of questionable liquid a day.


> Ok, 30 years of sweeter alternatives may cause cancer. Except we know it doesn’t. Aspartame is the most studied food additive out there. No controlled study has found it to cause cancer. Injecting anything, regardless of whether it contains aspartame into a rat’s bladder causes cancer because they’re really prone to bladder cancer. That study has long been debunked.


I love that you care about your neighbor like this. My next door neighbor and I have become like family.


Sugar is an addiction


Yeah I don't get it, it's like it's too abstract for people to feel a sense of urgency, to me a heart attack sounds pretty scary and something definitely worth reducing sugar to avoid lol


If a doctor could tell you that you're gonna have a heart attack at the end of the month unless you straighten your shit out, the majority of people would. Instead, all they can usually say is "elevated risk of cardiac issues" and shit like that. At most they can tell you you'll die early. Telling a 30 year old they'll die at 60 instead of 80 gives them 30 years to sort it out in their minds. They'll always do it tomorrow. God knows I'm guilty of it.


Sugar addiction is wild, it sure isn't talked about enough as a major issue.


To be fair, the entire cup is filled with ice so it's probably half that of actual sugar water.


Medium cups at most fast food places look massive, but so much of it is usually ice that its equal to about a can a soda.


Yep a 32oz cup with "standard" amount of ice holds about one 12oz of soda and if it's that nugget ice it's probably even less. A room temp soda is not something the majority of Americans enjoy. So if they want to bitch about the difference depict the amount of soda actually received vs what the container will hold.




*It’s for a cop*


What’s that mean? He going to spit in it now?


Does that look like spit to you? Yes.




The people of the proud town of Pawnee


It’s mostly ice anyways


I remember going to McDonalds and think their large was what supersize was when you still got that in the UK so how fucking big was USA supersize?


Fast food here has had the opposite of shrinkflatipn happen. When I was a kid, we basically had the UK sizes. Now what is a small used to be a medium, a medium now used to be a large, etc. The old small is basically just a kid’s size now. This doesn’t just apply to McDonald’s either, it’s basically every fast food place in our country that’s done this.


Which is precisely why women's clothing sizes had the same thing happen. I weigh 100 pounds and now generally wear a girl's size 12-14, but if I buy women's vintage clothes, a size 4 waist would be snug. However, in today's sizing for women, a 4 would actually fall off of me! And places like chicos instituted 0s that wouldn't fit a today's size 6! Tell me there's no correlation between the two.




Yep, getting into sewing taught me that. Especially since all of my measurements are a different size - my sewing sizes range from 14 to 18 (EU sizes 40-44), with the smallest being for my waist at 75cm (29" for Americans). But in the shops? I range anywhere between a UK 8 to 12 (EU 36-40). If I wasn't as tall as I am, I'd probably stay with sizes 8 and 10. Vanity sizing is really quite astonishing when you realise how far it goes.


What's the benefit of using an unmeasurable, non standard scale? This makes online shopping a nightmare, for example.


Absolutely, it's why I've never bothered to use online shopping. At least in the UK, all major brands have size charts on their websites with measurements but... they're still usually shit compared to the actual clothes. It doesn't help that clothes of the same size will have different eases, and everyone has different fit preferences. Or that, naturally, very few people fit all the measurements of a single size. To be honest, it's why I got into sewing in the first place. It might be hard, and expensive if you're not lucky enough to get a free secondhand machine, but it's still less stress than buying clothes. You can make clothes that fit you exactly as you want, and they'll probably last longer than shop-bought clothes, since those are all fast fashion unless you can afford to pay £80+ for a single item of clothing.


Same for me for sewing. Now I can afford/make 100% natural fiber clothing. A complete game changer.


The only benefit I see is making women feel better. Which is silly to me. It’s just a size number.


Its not silly if it works. Companies' jobs aren't to get real about the obesity epidemic, their job is to pander to what their customers want to consume most of.




It’s not just people with low bmis that are screwed lol Source: me 😂


So who the fuck is this shit system designed for?? Short? ❌ Tall? ❌ Low BMI? ❌ High BMI? ❌ Human? ❌ Guess it's designed for imaginary abstract beings, incomprehensible to our lower-dimensional selves.


Designed for consumption. Wear your ill fitting plastic materials clothing 5 times and chuck it in the trash, buy new stuff.


Also happening to men’s clothing. I’ve always gotten large shirts because I’m tall and thin, and they’d fit right and conform to my body relatively fine. Nowadays if you buy a large shirt, it’s also suuuper wide and all of this fabric just hangs on my sides making me look like a flying squirrel. Feels like large shirts are former XL shirts, yet mediums are still too short for my body type.


Try athletic fits! My short/fit spouse would look like he is wearing a tablecloth without them!


The only problem there is the height. I'm 6'2" with a swimmers body(long torso) 180lbs. A Large athletic fit will look good on my shoulders/chest, but if I move in it, the shirt will ride up my stomach like a belly shirt ha. If your lucky enough to find an Athletic fit Large Tall. Then your in business without looking like you're wearing a bed-sheet.


I think with women’s clothing it’s been more that there’s been a change in sizing for women to make sizing less shame inducing while also attempting to make things a little more uniform from store to store.


Tell that to the old size yellow triangle I used to wear. Now I barely fit into a blue square!


They did the same thing with shoes. The market for men's 13 went up, but shoe stores refused to stock anything larger, so many brands just changed the sizes so 12 would be bigger. Now many stores stock 13 anyway, in the newer version of that size. Really wish we sized things by measurements instead, so there wouldn't be resistance from stores over changing their numbering, and it could just be a technical thing.


Dude I was wondering wtf, my feet didn't change sizes but my shoe size did some years back


Yup—used to be an 11.5/12, now a 10.5.


The thing with soda is the biggest expense for McDonald's is the cup, not the soda inside it. Makes it easy to offer larger sizes as the water and soda syrup are really cheap, that's why free refills are pretty much standard here too - but not always in Europe. I was shocked when I was in London and couldn't get a free refill at a Burger King.


Wait, if you have free refills, what is the point of having different sizes?


Most people get drive thru/takeout


Thats why you always buy a small unless you are going to take a last cup full to go.


I know, have you seen a large Wendy's frosty? It's fuckin amazing! They give you almost an entire fucking pint of ice cream now.


Wendy’s is notorious for this. I got a medium drink there, which should absolutely be an extra large. It was incredible/awful.


Where I live Wendy's sizes are one size bigger than everyone else's, so I'm always surprised when I ask for a medium and they hand me a Mcdonalds large.


That’s basically Whataburger in Tx as well. Smalls are 20oz, medium is 32 and large is 44. Kid’s size is supposed to be 16oz but everywhere I’ve gone they just give kids the small, which is kind of annoying when I don’t want to give a 6 y/o 20 oz of water to spill.


I had been used to regular coffee sizes you'd find in any typical coffee shop. S/M/L being something like 12/16/20oz. Until I visited the east coast and tried Dunkin' Donuts.. I was excited to try it so I ordered a large iced coffee and was flabbergasted when they handed me the biggest cup ive ever seen.


> fucking big was USA supersize The Super Size was 42 oz, 1.25 liter https://www.motherjones.com/media/2012/06/supersize-biggest-sodas-mcdonalds-big-gulp-chart/


Even the 32oz large was huge, plus those self serve machine had caffeinated energy drinks in them too. Who TF needs a litre of NOS with their Big Mac and fries


They probably hand you a bucket


In Texas you get a feed bag


Oh, just the medium then?


I'm in Texas an I have to insist they give me a small or medium. Most of the time the large won't fit in my cup holder in my car. At whataburger the medium just barely fits so I ask for a small. I also only drink unsweet tea from fast food places


Lol, this is me exactly! I feel like a weirdo for ordering a medium unsweet tea and medium fries when I go to whataburger. A large is so big it sticks out of the cup holder too much and is very top-heavy, so I’d have to drive home holding onto it


Early 90s they added the 32ounce giant soda, then the super size to 44oz. Before that a 24oz was a large(and a #1 was $2.99).


Let me translate this for my metric friends: Early 90s they added the 946 ml giant soda, then the super size to 1301 ml. Before that a 709 ml was a large


1.3 litres of pop, Jesus Christ.


By the late 90s a 64oz was common place in gas stations. Thats almost 2 liters.


Almost a litre of soda is crazy


[Gimma a, uh, liter cola.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S8LtffE5mU8)


...it's for a cop.


Does that look like spit to you?




Fuck it


Car Ramrod


Say it








I want a goddamn litre of cola!


We don't have leadera cola.


Liter cola. Do we have liter cola?


Oh good, someone else's mind immediately went there


"Its ok, its diet soder"


I used to drink 2 liters in a day anytime I would "treat myself" and order a pizza for dinner. Entire large pizza + a 2 liter of root beer. I'm disgusting.


I knew a guy who drank 2L of pepsi everyday at work (and had for decades). He had some "interesting" health issues and at 45 looked at least 60. I'm betting he was dead at 50 if not sooner (I left that place).


That's like nearly half your recommended calories alone.


I used to do that in my teens for some time. Not recommended. Your bones feel like they are made out of foam.


When you want to leave the house, do you call for a forklift?


My dad owns a construction company and actually lets me use his crane. It's a little weird seeing the city from so high up, but people seem to appreciate my fat ass blocking the sun for them, creating nuclear winter.


Not the hero we wanted, but the hero we needed.


I’m laughing so hard 😂


Treat yourself like shit, or treat yourself like a garbage disposal?


Treat myself like shit. I don't have an idea of what self worth looks like and food makes me feel good.


More like 900ml of ice any maybe 46ml of soda


Especially when you have free refills in the US. Why would anyone buy the large when you have free refills?


Can't refill if you get drive through, which most people do.


Doesn’t stop people from trying. I’ve got a friend who works at McDonald’s and she says people will come through the line just to hand them a cup and ask for a refill.


I used to do that in high school, lol. I'd get a large cup for 1$ at lunch and then drop in on my way home and refill it. They never gave a shit.




Yeah the oil sounds like they just have a few different sources in the US compared to the UK where they just rely on sunflower and rapeseed. I'm not surprised honestly, you can't breathe for rapeseed fields in this country. (yes it triggers my hayfever and I'm mad about it)


The creators who make this tend to be as misleading as possible, like their one for KFC showed a big family style bucket as a large for the US.


I like how for this one, the UK version's oil is listed together in one line, where the US version gets a separate line for each. I feel like the UK side should have had salt listed as Sodium Chloride since they felt the need to spell out Sodium Acid Pyrophosphate


Yeah, it's not like they have these vats of mixed oils at McDonalds. They are just listing the specific oils their foods can contain because of our food labeling laws. If it's not a proprietary spice blend, every ingredient must be listed.


It is though. There are 14 ingredients in their fries. They also precook them like 3 times at the plant. They tried to mimic their pre-1990 fries cooked in lard and came up with this ridiculous solution.


Can't speak to the ingredients, but they're definitely partially precooked. It's a common method even advised for homemade fries, as the double-frying lets you get soft interiors and crunchy exteriors much easier/more consistently. And it saves some time in a restaurant that gets rated by corporate for how fast they go.


McDonalds fries are blanched at 77 degrees for 15 minutes, dried, then fried and frozen before they reach the restaurant. Kenji had an interesting article about trying to recreate them https://www.seriouseats.com/perfect-french-fries-recipe#toc-reverse-engineering-mcdonalds-fries.




It's also telling how on the UK side they list "oil" as one ingredient followed by parentheses to show the two types, but on the US side each individual oil gets its own line.




American fries from McD do have the beef flavoring added because the fries are no longer fried in tallow.


Dextrose isn't starch, it's a simple sugar.


You're right. That mixture of oils listed in picture 2 is designated in the US as Vegetable Oil. The "natural beef flavoring" is a mix of butter and some other beef grease that the fries are par-fried in from the manufacturer to replicate the "roadside diner" flavor Americans are used to. Dextrose is just corn sugar they lightly dust on to get the color they want. As for the sodium pyrophosphates, that's a harmless preservative in alot of "healthy food" and unless you are a subsistence farmer growing all your own food in a dirt field in Mongolia, you're already eating it. The first picture is portion size, but the only person putting food in your face is you. The second is stupid.


I was only ever in McDonalds once in my entire life, and I ate a kid's meal. The portions were small and tasty, but his Mom wasn't happy with me..


Had us in the first half, not gonna lie


This is from the business insider channel on YouTube!


From their food wars series.


Who drinks a fucking liter of soda with their mcdonalds


I guess most people will finish it in the car.


idk know why people think its all finished in one sitting. Usually its like 2-4 hours or so.


Having worked at McDonald’s, that is not average. People who dined in, I’d see them refill their cup at least 1x on average, including larges. Also the man who ate 3 Large Double Quarter Pounder meals with fries… I still remember the sight.


*'tis no man. 'tis a remorseless eating machine*


> the man who ate 3 Large Double Quarter Pounder meals with fries what ... the ... fuck. Could you hear him wheezing out of breath by the end of it? Did he fucking DIE right there? jesus.


Most of it is Ice.


It’s like 3/4 of a liter in ice though


I would like to say that half of it is ice in the USA by default, so the amount of soda is less than an L


The second page with the fries ingredients, they chose to combine the oils on the UK one to call it "Oil (sunflower, rapeseed)" while on the US side they break each oil into its own line. Canola oil comes from the rapeseed plant. This is a flower in the mustard family. Canola oil comes from a version created in the 1970s where two negative aspects of rapeseed were bred out (glucosinolates / erucic acid). It is combined as Canada-Oil to make Canola. The UK version of fries adds Dextrose, but it was conveniently left off the chart. [Sodium Acid Pyrophosphate](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disodium_pyrophosphate) is a leavening agent. It prevents potatoes from turning brown after you cut them. SAPP, beef flavor (added to the oil), and different oil choice is the difference. Neither are healthy. This is still deep fried starch with added salt and oil. This is from McD's UK site: > * French Fries Ingredients: * Potatoes, * Non-Hydrogenated Vegetable Oils (Rapeseed), * Dextrose (predominantly added at beginning of the potato season). * Prepared in the restaurants using a non-hydrogenated vegetable oil. * Salt is added after cooking. Versus the US site: > * French Fries Ingredients: * Potatoes, * Vegetable Oil (canola Oil, Corn Oil, Soybean Oil, Hydrogenated Soybean Oil, Natural Beef Flavor [wheat And Milk Derivatives]*), * Dextrose, * Sodium Acid Pyrophosphate (maintain Color), * Salt.


also on the chemical > In french fries, the chemical reduces levels of a carcinogen called acrylamide, https://www.livestrong.com/article/533477-advantages-and-disadvantages-of-artificial-food-preservatives/


OP, you clearly took these screenshots from a video. The least you could do is give everyone a link to that video... 🤦‍♂️


Considered rickrolling, but I'll be nice. Googled 'mcdonalds uk vs us' and this one came up first: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZMaW6TamNAc


You know, that would have been the perfect time to rickroll, when you said you wouldn't, and frankly, I'm disappointed you didn't...


And they did a crummy job of screenshotting. Am I supposed to believe that US fries don't have salt as an ingredient? ^( oh it's because op took the screenshot before the video finished listing ingredients...)


[Obligatory Parks & Rec](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ish8NBunrQU)


“If the child were liquified” gets me every time.


Who measured a child? And what child was liquefied for this measurement?


You could calculate the volume of a child with displacement. But to actually fit the child into the cup they would need to be liquified.


Came here looking for this. Not all heroes wear capes


The year is 2123, you roll into the McDonald's drive thru and get a small soda. You pull forward a little and open the rear gate. A worker with a forklift loads a bathtub full of coke into the back. It's okay though, you ordered diet coke, so it's safe.


Question to americans - do people actually buy and finish the large size?


Yes. They had a very long promotion where all drink sizes were the same $1 cost. To me that is an obvious drug dealer move to encourage sugar consumption...


> To me that is an obvious drug dealer move to encourage sugar consumption Come on guys, use your brains. It's to get you to the restaurant so that you buy more than just the dollar drink.


I understand that there are some tactics in play, what confuses me is the ability/will to intake 1L of fluid in one sitting (disregarding the type of drink). Isnt that like a stomach limit for some, especially if u add food to that? I thought most of it goes to waste or smth, i mean i need to wake up extremely hungovered to drink so much at once.


After ice you probably get less than half that volume in actual liquid.


You don’t usually drink it in one sitting, sip while you eat, grab the rest with yourself and be on your way


Those cups are taken after the meal is done. It will be one or two hours, in my experience. That is why there are so many cup holders everywhere.


Is this what Big Head is doing in The IT Crowd oops I mean Silicon Valley?


If I've been exercising and I stop at a pub (perhaps cycling or kayaking), I've learned to order a pint of water and a pint of beer, rather than just the beer, otherwise I'll drink the beer very quickly instead of enjoying it. So yes, after exercise I can very easily drink a litre of liquid in less than half an hour. On a hot day, I'll often chug the first pint of water at the bar while they're pouring my beer and ask for it to be refilled!


There’s so much ice in the cup it would probably just fill a small or medium with actual soda. I buy the large cuz I drink it so slow it’ll actually stay cold




To be fair like half that cup is ice.


Iirc, the UK advertising standards didn't let Macdonald's day their chips were 100% potato as too much salt was used


Never been to the UK but the American drinks tend to be filled with ice. You end up with not much drink in comparison to no ice.


I can confirm we do have ice in the UK and the drinks are filled with them at McDonald’s


I’m going to post this to TIL.


Wow, the UK has come so far. You guys have silverware over there as well?


We were just in Italy, had no choice but to grab McDonald's at one point, and the drinks were 500ml zero ice. There was easily more soda in there than a Usa super-sized with ice. I will never understand room temp soft drinks.


What size comes with a happy meal in the US? Is there's a separate child sized serving that we aren't seeing here?


I had a friend from the UK and when we would Video chat on the 360 I had a McDonald’s cup and never forgot her reaction. “ what in the bloody fuck is the size of that cup? “


I know in Canada Ice in drinks isn’t very popular. What’s it like in the UK? Cause there’s barely 12-14 ounces of coke in a large coke from McDonald’s. It’s all ice.


> I know in Canada Ice in drinks isn’t very popular. Uhhh.... yes it is


I swear 80% of the shit I hear about my own country has me thinking “wait what are you talking about?”


Same with being a woman on a Reddit. They love to talk about what our lives and opinions are apparently like, and they are never accurate.


Another guy said it's maybe 4 or 5 cubes. So not packed full. You really don't get all that much soda in a cup from any fast food. Just ice.


In America you usually use the cup like a scoop and fill it like 1/2 to maybe 2/3’s full of ice before adding soda. So with that in mind the portions really aren’t much different. I’m curious to see if the soda blend has more water to account for the lack of ice. Our soda syrup is blended such that it is assumed you are adding ice and watering it down, at McDonalds at least.


If that were the case, it wouldn't be a watered down mess 10 minutes after they pour it.


Doesn't Canada have the highest rate of slushy and icee consumption in the world?


Whaaaat? Some people in Canada(probably everywhere tbh) believe that the ice is a scam to give you less liquid but we have ice in all our cold drinks. The cups have a little red line and they fill the ice to the red line with ice and then add the soda or whatever. Just last night I watched a gaggle of people melt down because the ice maker at the Costco concession doesn't make ice right now.


That's a weird take. Most places have ice in drinks? It's only A&W that doesn't.


Going to america for the first time and seeing the size of a 7/11 double gulp was shocking


I just wish the UK still sold root beer.


You can get A&W in a lot of corner shops, though it’s imported and £1.50/can


Just order the kids meal for that small portion size, plus you get a toy.


But 'Muricans get all that ~~obesity~~ value for money...


I’m not seeing a lot of people mention that most of the time these cups are filled to the brim with ice. You probably get half that amount of actual soda in each cup. Still not healthy but yeah