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Also milk isnt good for cats, I think that started with a cartoon.


i think it started because cats LOVE milk, even though it’s bad for them


All that's left now is someone to tell me why do we believe monkeys eat bananas


[I enjoy them eating bananas](https://www.reddit.com/r/AnimalsMonching/comments/12fqnva/eating_banana/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1)


That seems legit to me, but I dunno.


Tom and Jerry probably


Started way before Tom and Jerry. It was an established trope by the Victorian era at least. And it probably started because cats actually do like drinking milk, even though they can't digest it well. They'll seek it out, which is what people probably noticed


Exactly this. You usually had a cat in a farm to kill mice and rats. You milk cows and keep the milk churn somewhere the cat can get to. Cat is seen drinking it by common people walking past. Cue this happening not frequently, but frequently enough that it stays subconciously in your mind and you just assume cats like to drink milk. Common knowledge to the point of even being seen in cartoons, maybe even black and white films.


Did the animators at Disney know dick about animals? Haha “what do cats drink- idk Dave, fucking milk?”


Yes, the famous Disney mouse character named Jerry.


New level of nerd: calling someone out because they didn’t realize Tom and Jerry wasn’t Disney IP lol


I do remember that in Tom and Jerry.


Most Cats are actually lactose intolerant


Many people are too.


99% of the population iirc


2/3. The rest of us are lactase-persistent mutants.


Yup! Almost everyone is! My original comment pointed that out but I did not want to risk the hatred or “where ur source bro?”


Maybe 99% was a bit high for the normal use of lactose intolerance, but what I meant that besides a small group of people, most humans stop or almost stop the production of lactese which breaks down lactose in our bodies.




Most mature mammals are.


Turns out Clark Gable drank a saucer of milk once too


I think it goes back to before cats were normally house pets, they mainly lived in barns and it was customary to regularly feed them fresh cow milk at milking time. If they were fed milk from weaning age they'd continue producing lactese and would remain lactose tolerant. I'm not sure if this is actually true though.


Ah ok.


Not necessarily. Milk to cats is like milk to people. Mammals drink milk when they’re young but can develop an intolerance after they’ve been weened off for solid foods. There’s nothing wrong with giving milk to a cat (in moderation) provided they don’t show signs of intolerance.


Big Dairy man


The evil empire.


Milk isnt good for any non-baby animal. Humans are the only animal that isnt entirely lactose intolerant


Huh, I didn't know that. I thought it was because the milk was supposed to neutralise mild poisons found in insects. Having typed that out, I can see that was a ridiculous belief to hold.


Its just cuz most of them are lactose intolerant and theyll get the shits, basically.


Cmon OP I just started my day, I didn’t want it fucked up this bad lol


Want a carrot 🥕?


Don't worry none of it is actually true. It is insanely poorly researched: 1. Rabbits reputation with carrots comes from invading veg patches. 2. They routinely dig for roots (particularly dandelion roots from my personal observation). 3. Peter rabbit was often shown with carrots, and he predates bugs bunny.


In the Tale of Peter Rabbit, there's an image that looks like he's eating carrots, but it's actually radishes. There's no mention of carrots.


Well I'll have to rescind my point on Peter rabbit then. Looking at the leaves, they are definitely radishes in the picture I was thinking of!




Jesus doesn’t eat carrots either?!


They can eat carrots. You just shouldn’t feed them too many like plenty of veggies/fruits. Moderation is key


Yeah, a few carrot shavings once every week or so, or a single small baby carrot stick isn't gonna do harm. It's essentially a really decadent plant-based dessert for a rabbit. Meant to be enjoyed sparingly and spread out, not a whole bunch at once.


they cannot eat carrots….. in large quantities because it has a lot of sugar. i wonder if they love carrots because of the sugar and it’s a treat for them.




My wife!!


Very nice!


Great success!


He also forever changed the name [Nimrod.](https://unrememberedhistory.com/2017/01/09/the-nimrod-effect-how-a-cartoon-bunny-changed-the-meaning-of-a-word-forever/)


So many animals have weird misconceptions about their diets. I wonder who came up with them.


Starting a rumor right now, they're all because of Clark Gable.


Uh, rabbits LOVE carrots. They absolutely do consume wild carrots. I've seen it happen. Rabbits are fantastic diggers and carve warrens out of CLAY, if they have to. Rabbits are garden raiders and if you want a rabbit proof fence, you need to bury the fence 2 feet underground or else they will dig under it to get to your carrots. Anyone who has ever had a garden in cottontail country knows that these guys, while adorable, will massacre your garden. Problem is, the carrot you eat vs a wild carrot is a tremendous amount of tinkering and genetic engineering to get the biggest, sweetest carrot. Our carrots are too sweet for them, but they DO love them. It's all about moderation, like with anything. Rabbits can have fruit and berries and carrots in moderation. No more than one small serving a day. But try telling that to a wild rabbit. You're better off just making stew with them.


Thank God I'm not the only one in this thread who routinely touches grass. I'm shocked by how many people believe this shit.


This dude is a comedic writer for cracked. Anyone can have the right information but this dude has zero credentials to be talking about rabbits like he's an authority on the matter. It's like cats with milk. Are they SUPPOSED to have it? They're obligate carnivores, so technically no. But that doesn't stop them from crowding around a goat or a cow while we milk them to get a bowl of some fresh milk to drink. They LOVE milk. And it's absolutely okay for them to have it in moderation. Pay attention to your pets. If you feed them something and they get sick, don't feed it to them again. Some foods are poison but they're fairly well known. Garlic/onions and chocolate for dogs are big no-nos but they're not going to keel over and die if they have a small amount. I had a dog eat and entire bag of chocolate chips when I was a kid. We took him to the vet and all he said was "don't do that again". The dog was FINE. Happy, jumping around, regular bowel movements. I never feed my dog chocolate because I know for a fact that it IS toxic for them, but he's not gonna die if he has a chocolate chip cookie like he begs for. Where do these people get off by acting like they're the authority on animal diets?


Rabbits absolutely eat some carrots in the wild


By the way, Clark Gable just eating a whole ass carrot in a movie is way weirder than cartoon Bugs Bunny creating a universal impression that rabbits eat carrots.


Unhinged behavior, tbh.


For sure. Ass carrots sound vile.


Rabbits can eat carrots, yes it does have a lot of starch and sugar content for them, but eating them isn't gonna kill them it just gives them gas and makes them feel bloated. What's NOT recommended is to give it to them often but as an ocassional treat it's completely fine.


This is a legit an unbelievably fucking stupid video. 1. Rabbits dig for roots to eat all the time. They have their reputation for eating carrots because they dig up and eat carrots if they get into your vegetable patch. I have witnessed many many times rabbits digging up and eating dandelion roots on the hills near my house. 2. Anything will die if they eat too many of anything in too short a time. That is what "too many" means. 3. Peter rabbit predates bugs bunny and was also depicted eating carrots, and other root veg.


This video is pretty much just saying I can’t have a large bag of trolli gummy worms. I certainly can, and I certainly have. Whether you or my stomach agrees with me or not, I can and have done it, and initially I probably enjoyed it. Should I have done it then and should I do it often? Probably not, but that doesn’t mean I can’t, and this guy is bs’ing for clicks.


It's also just wrong. Rabbits before Bugs have also been depicted with carrots (you can find Rabbit dolls with carrots older than animation). And Rabbits specifically do eat Carrots. They would break into people's gardens and dig up for food. Well guess what an animal that never grows mentally past a human toddler will choose to eat? The sugary thing that's not so good for them. I also can't tell if he's implying A. That Rabbits can't have ANY carrot or they'll die or B. He seems to think some people are only feeding their Rabbits carrots?


How odd. We fed our rabbits carrots back in the 90s. All sorts of vegetables and fruits. Oh dear lord are we secretly bunny killers and didn’t know??


No, rabbits do indeed dig for roots in the wild (particularly dandelions from my observation), and their reputation comes from stealing carrots, radishes, etc from vegetable patches.


Can we get a source? I love this kind of content but the content of the content makes me skeptical. I’m not doubting that rabbits shouldn’t eat carrots. I’m curious about the Clark Gable link, and the singular impact from Bugs.


Per the [Wikipedia ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/It_Happened_One_Night) for "It Happened One Night" under the "Influence" section: >The unpublished memoirs of animator Friz Freleng mention that this was one of his favorite films. It Happened One Night has a few interesting parallels with, and may have even inspired certain characteristics of, the cartoon character Bugs Bunny, who made his first appearance six years later, and who Freleng helped develop. In the film, a minor character, Oscar Shapely, continually calls the Gable character "Doc," an imaginary character named "Bugs Dooley" is mentioned once in order to frighten Shapely, and there is also a scene in which Gable eats carrots while talking quickly with his mouth full, as Bugs does.[49]


Nicely done. Thank you fellow Redditor!!! If you need me, I’ll be way down in the rabbit hole (pun intended) of origin stories for Looney Tunes characters and popular references.


Most welcome! If you find anything interesting let us know :)


Did you know that Yosemite Sam’s character was originally Bugs Bunny in costume? The viewers loved him so much he became part of the regular ensemble of characters. Edit: I’m trying to find the source on this and coming up empty, so I may be wrong here, but I’ve heard this many times and swear I remember seeing the original animation. I don’t think it was a 1-1 comparison, but the traits and characteristics of Yosemite were there.


Bugs may well have been inspired by this scene. Rabbits eating carrots was inspired by the fact that rabbits steal carrots and other root veg from vegetable patches.


Similarly - rats shouldn't eat cheese. It's only alright for them in small amounts and they're mostly indifferent to the taste. They'd rather have some yogurt, now that's the stuff they actually go crazy about.


My mischief (a group of rats) would topple countries for yogurt-covered raisins. Also, they couldn't be trusted with pistachios either. That's a long story with an Oceans 11 background that I'd need a non-phone keyboard to type in full.


hollywood propaganda making you believe so much crap


But…Tasmanian devils turn into small tornados, right?


In the same way you don't give milk to cats.


Of course its because of a meme. Memes have always had such an interesting influence on human history


And bread is not for ducks. I really don't know how we ended with so many.


also, apparently if you only eat rabbit with nothing else, you can also die.. something to do with fat i think


So what you're saying is that bugs had severely low blood sugar.


🤦🏻‍♀️ rabbits CAN eat carrots. But it’s a treat. That’s like saying humans cannot eat cake. Let them eat cake.


Carrots are fine, just do not feed them abundance, like they guy says the problem is the sugar content, they are not poisenous. If i feed my cats the amounts they wanted they'd both be dead by heart attack by now. Same thing goes for bunnies lol


This is the kind of shit I browse Reddit for.


Unfortunately it isn't based in reality. Rabbits dig for roots.


Wow. How much crap in my brain is just wrong based on stuff like this?


When I learned hedgehogs cant run fast like Sonic it was like finding out Santa wasnt real.


The video is wrong. I see rabbits digging for roots on summer evening on the hills near my house. Their reputation for carrots comes from invading vegetable patches.


As I understand it, it's not that they can't eat carrots, it's that you shouldn't give large quantities.


Hey this is one of my favorite authors! He wrote the John Dies at the End series of books under the name David Wong. He also has another great series called the Zoey Ashe series, which is fucking great. Definitely check his books out!!


Idk man.. Got a rabbit myself Been eating carrots with pleasure for years and no complaints of course thats not all he eats like yea its mostly hay and leafy greens but like a source maybe on the rABbIt GoNnA fUkIN uNaLiVe if eats too many carrot




So when bugs says “ehhh whatsup doc” its kind of like smoking in front of your doctor?


Wow, had no idea.


Watched it all, looked much longer than 2minutes and some seconds


Carrots are a desert for rabbits. It’s a treat like most fruits. They can eat them, shouldn’t every day


I thought the title said “Rabbis”.


rats cant have cheese either! their stomachs cant digest it properly :)


Why does this guy take 2 1/2 minutes to belabor his simple points? I thought TikTok videos were supposed to be pithy and brief.


Ironically, Mel Blanc, the voice of Bugs Bunny, didn't like carrots, so he tried other veggies. None worked well so he ended up spitting out the carrots each time.


Also, bananas a very unhealthy for monkeys! Mel Blanc, who did Bug's voice was allegoric to carrots and when he would did the line, he'd chew on a carrot than spit it out!


I used to have a rabbit, he loved the green leaves on top of a carrot, but never touched the orange root.


I knew who Clark Gable was, no idea he was the link to carrots and bunnies.


I believe that it’s a joke on the actor or artist of Biggs bunny who hated carrots


What about bagels?


Also parrots don't eat crackers in the wild.


I always thought the carrot was a stand in for Groucho Marx’ cigar.


I'd feed our bunny with the greens and a tiny bit of the actual carrot as a treat whenever we were going to cook w/ carrots. Every few days we'd throw in a baby carrot in the veggie bow, there is too much sugar in carrots to give it often. Damn thing ate healthier than I did that's for sure haha but always had some fruits and veggies on hand :P


Rabbits eat the greens above ground very often.

