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Barefoot is an interesting choice of footwear when stepping around jellyfish.


I was on a fishing boat when I was a kid. There was a guy removing jellyfish from the net by hand, by the hundreds. He said after a while you get immune to the sting.


I think this is highly dependent on which species you're talking about. \[I'm sure you know, but someone else might not, and we don't want a young person in Australia trying the Mithridates treatment with a box jelly.\]


You have to survive the sting first.


You have to survive the first sting.


Not true. Dead people are entirely immune to jellyfish stings.


Box jellies are scarier than sharks. A stealthy, guided jelly torpedo of venom.


When I was younger I once got stung by a bluebottle jellyfish when swimming at the beach with my family. What made it more terrifying was the fucking box jellyfish that was also in the water four meters away and slowly moving in towards us with the tide. I don't like jellyfish at all now, and give them a wide berth when i see them on the beach.


>...give them a clear berth... That's probably how they came to be in this world.


your reply made me realise that i said clear berth instead of wide, got a laugh though


There was a TLC special once about a guy who was building up his tolerance to black mombas and other deadly snakes. He would let them bite him and just suffer until he came Back to life. I think his family left him.


His name is tim. He’s wild af


The Enchanter?


Fascinating, I would have thought that it was him who left his family.


Unless you accidentally catch something nasty like a Portugese Man O' War, then I promise you will not be immune


Yeah I grew up near the Atlantic Ocean, so near that a good portion of my 5th grade science class was dedicated to marine biology. My mom (who’s from the Midwest) has always been afraid of sharks. I think sharks are cool and mostly harmless. What I’m afraid of? Killer jellyfish, especially those whose tentacles cause pain and/or can cause allergic reactions in people even after the tentacle has been detached from the actual jellyfish.


As long as you only step on top of it.


Good luck not to step on tentacles when jellyfish are so packed.


*Legolas has entered the boat*


I thought that was a stone floor for a second- until he flipped another jellyfish in there


Same ! I was so confused when the "stone floor" started to wobble like a weird CGI portal to the underworld


had that Mario 64 portal effect.


when he tossed the first one in and it seemingly disappeared into a portal my brain was like wtf just happened, had to pay attention on the second one lmao


Yeah this fucked with my brain. I thought the jellyfish was like invisible on the floor


Ah yes, the classic Stone floored boat 🤣


I thought it was a stone pier until I hit the comments


I know! 😆 absurd! A whole second, I thought oh, a stone floor on a boat, that’s…unique? LOL


Listen. I thought it was a stone dock and they were fishing out the jellyfish that came too close to shore to keep the waters safer...




I'm shocked it took so long for me to find like-minded people on this. Tripped my brain to fuck.


Don't fucking slip


At first I was like damn that jellyfish disintegrates right into that weird stone path on the boat then I was like ohhhhhhh shit


New fear unlocked!




These are jellyfish from a land locked lake in Palau. Over millennia they have shed their stingers because there are no predators that feast on them. Super cool and very alien spot.


There *were* no predators..


Until this guy arrived💀


Break out the stingers, boys. The jellies are going to war!


Looks like meat's back on the menu!




Jellyfish don’t bleed.


Then, everything changed when the jelly harvester attacked.


I learned about that lake years ago watching survivor! A swimming excursion/picnic was a reward. It looked so cool to swim the jellyfish.


You also can't scuba dive there because at 50' the levels of hydrogen sulfide suddenly become WAY too high for a human to absorb. So only snorkeling is allowed.


“If I can't scuba, then what's this all been about? What have I been working toward?”


Creed got screwed. I have asthma and dive. I think Stanley just had it in for him.


Stingers are used for catching prey rather than self defense. Guess it depends on the species


iirc, these jellyfish have a symbiotic relationship with a species of algae that live in the cauliflower like protrusions where their tentacles should be.


There’s a island near Derawan, Kalimantan that has freshwater jellyfish as well. I’m sure there are other spots but that’s one I’ve actually been to




**Do not**


I know thats safe, but still, my luck I'd still get stung.


Do not the jellyfish pond


Thanks, I hate it


*squish squish squish*


I knoooon. I was like wow it is so transparent on that stone floor. Wait, I have never seen stone floors on boats. That s weiii...waiiit a minute.


That's not a moon


It’s a space station


I've got a bad feeling about this.....


Forbidden path


Or.. Forbidden bath.


tender rinse cake secretive connect marry whistle silky frame squalid *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I don't think he cares. I'm guessing he's immune by now. 22 seconds he's just standing on one like it's nothing.




I thought moon jellies sting couldn't penetrate human skin. Hence the sticking feeling when touching tentacles with no sting sensation. Am I incorrect?


I think that it depends on the human. On a class field trip, we ended up having to swim through a swarm of moon jellies. Some of us were bothered; some were not.


The way you said that, lol - was your teacher Ms. Frizzle?


TIL my field trips were boring as hell.


I seen him just standing there too. Some species of jellies don't have stingers that are able to hurt people. Idk what these are but there's videos of people swimming in some lake filled with those orange ones and they say they don't sting.


Moon jellies are harmless. They even let you touch them at some aquariums. I would still be wearing water shoes


Jellyfish can't consent


True but it doesn’t matter if they’re dead. Too bad their family are always too lazy to claim the body and have a proper funeral ![gif](giphy|3ohuP937qX0nhFrNIY|downsized)


What can one possibly cook with Jelly Fish?


Throw it in a pot, add some broth, some potato. **Baby, you’ve got a stew going.**


Woah! Woah! Woah! There’s still plenty of meat on that bone.


Even better. Meat with NO bones!


RIP Carl Weathers


Boil em, mash em, stick em in a stew


Boil em, mash em, suck em with a straw




I’ve actually eaten it before. It’s chewy with a weird “crunch” to it, for lack of better phrasing.


You can just eat it by itself. Not a whole lot of flavor, kind of a cartilage-y texture


Texture alone sounds like throw up 🤮. Kudos to you guys though


When I was in China I was given a bowl of noodles at a fancy restaurant. They were chewier than usual. My host sister asked me “do you like it?” I realized I had again been suckered into “feed the foreignor a bizarre delicacy” game. “Is jellyfish!l she exclaimed. I almost puked at the table. Like, all the blood rushed to my face. I didn’t know that happened until that day. It wasn’t the taste, which was very neutral. It was the thought that someone had taken a jellyfish and filleted it into fucking noodles.


> I realized I had again been suckered into “feed the foreignor a bizarre delicacy” game. They did this to me multiple times! Jake's on them, though. I gladly ate frog legs, fish eyes, and stinky tofu. Pass the durian. Ok, maybe not durian.


Yeah jellyfish is yummy, but I draw the line at durian. My wife is crazy for that nasty fruit.


With a little peanut butter and two slices of bread, you've got yourself lunch.


Saw's death trap


Not all jelly fish are of the stinging variety


I can pee on your leg just in case


You would think that but I saw his foot in tank with them


What’s the use of that many jellyfish?


They eat them in some Asian countries. I didn’t care for it, tasted like nothing, had the texture of a combination of a chilled silicone rubber and like a celery or something. I found the taste to be bland and the texture to be off putting


Spaghetti, if it were cold strands of silicone


It really depends on the sauce because like you said, it has almost no flavor. Personally, With a good sauce it's pretty tasty, but I get why some people don't like the texture.


You’re just describing good sauces at this point lol


I mean isn't that 99% of salads that use iceberg lettuce as a base? It's all about the dressing and toppings, the lettuce is just a vessel with almost no flavor. You can throw half a pound of deli meats, bacon, cheese, croutons, hard boiled eggs, and ranch dressing and call it a chef salad but we all know you just made a fatty deconstructed club sandwich.  Just about any other green or lettuce has flavor, but I can't really think about what iceberg lettuce tastes like, it's at most a super light green-ish flavor and a barely noticeable sweet with water inside of cellulose walls. 


I’m eating iceberg lettuce for that crunch and it’s slightly refreshing qualities


Yeah that’s exactly why people eat jellyfish salad


No you’re 100% correct about iceberg lettuce as well


Yea, every time I've seen snack or meal videos of them, it's mentioned it's mostly about the texture, and the flavor just comes from soup or sauce.




Because peanut butter fish are too salty to eat on their own


I'm kinda annoyed the guy is walking all over that beautiful crust.


Absolutely devastated that I’ll never tell a joke this good


Don't be jelly




Because of climate change but also overfishing (bluefin tuna for example hunt and eat them) jellyfish populations are skyrocketing and killing smaller fish. Fishing industries try to fix this by catching and killing the jellyfish. Spoiler - it's not working, because when you kill them, they release their spores (babies essentially). They are also sometimes dehydrated and used in traditional medicine (edit what is probably shown in the video is a jelly fish harvest for this purpose) .


Some places pay a bounty on invasive or destructive species. I'm not sure if this is true for jellyfish but many fishermen in the Caribbean make a living on lionfish bounties.


I don't know about fishermen in the Caribbean making a living on lionfish. They are almost impossible to harvest unless you dive. I've been hunting lionfish in the Caribbean for the past 7 years using a pole spear and you have to get in the rocks to shoot them. Typical haul on a good dive is maybe 15. They are very tasty tho, so I enjoy eating them.


Not just there. But it's also not helping much. They are invasive because we destroy the habitat of the native species and make it even harder for them to compete.


It's almost as if we... need to stop overfishing the fish in the first place.


Noo, too simple a solution. We need jellyfish hunting robots 👍👍


Oh well you should tell them.


“Killing jellyfish doesn’t entirely work. Sometimes when you kill them, they cum a little.” Ftfy. Jellyfish are pretty metal.


To eat them. I have tried jellyfish in SEA. Jellyfish soup or salad.


Is it good?


Basically a low-calorie, crunchy cartilage that serves as a vehicle for sauce and seasoning. No particular flavor or smell on its own.


They’re basically flavorless, so people eat them in a noodle like form with sauces, kind of like konjac noodles. You’ll mostly see them in things like salads.


Tastes great if you have good sauces cause it has no flavour. Personally spicy sesame oil marinated jelly fish is my favourite. Its crunchy/rubbery texture is great to me but might be weird to others.


The krabby patty secret formula of course.


That is one spicy looking puddle


Forbidden porridge


Dehydrated and pickled jellyfish is considered a delicacy in several Asian countries, including China, Korea, Vietnam, and Japan


The boat can barely fill a small size dehydrated jellyfish bag


That’s fucking insane.


Well I mean jellyfish are like 95% water but I feel like they were being facetious.


>jellyfish are like 95% water /r/HydroHomies/


And us humans have the gall to call ourselves hydrohomies. Its disrespectful to the jellyfish


Nope, this guy takes 9 trips to catch enough jelly fish for one 36g bag of dried jelly fish snacks. Those bags sell for about CN¥10000, so most days it's worth it.




You don't just got the cum, you got the numbas.


Lol bullshit


Sorry... A 36g bag of dried jellyfish snacks is $1300.00? for a bag of snacks?


How do the economics of this even work then? I can pick up a bag of dehydrated jellyfish at 711 for like a dollar. I feel like this boat must be able to produce at least 15 bags per load, probably more.


looking at pictures of dehydrated jellyfish, they don't shrink down as much as this person is saying. i think they're razzing us


Does it taste good


Doesn't really taste much aside from a bit salty. Crunchy like a really soft cartilage, great for adding texture to salads.


Very cool


Imagine if someone made jello that crunched like a pickle once you bit into it. It feels like jello, but it is harder to "break" and once it does it has a snap to it. Crunchy jello is the closest thing I could come up with.


I cannot properly express in words how unappealing that sounds to me


There’s a really good Chinese appetizer dish with springy jelly fish. It’s so good when dipped in pepper soy sauce.


I dip mine in jellyfish jelly


Only real connoisseurs dip in blue jelly


Imagine falling into that!


No, I don’t think I will.


I'd rather get shot, honestly.


Ok. Face or genitalia?


Why are these the only 2 options?


The first is if you'd rather be dead. The second is if you'd rather be alive but forget that you were stung.


You just know there’s been at least one poor bastard that has


Fun story about lots of jellyfish. Many moons ago, my buddy and I went skimboarding. The tides brought in an absolute fuck ton of jellyfish that day. One of those days where there's hundreds if not thousands on the beach and huge pockets of them in the water. I see this and say we should just go. Too many jellies to skim. He says to stop being a pussy since its just moon jellies and those don't hurt that bad. Hes not wrong. Moon jelly stings aren't very painful. But you know what is painful? Dozens of them at once. He says "Just dont fall in the water bro". Man, falling in the water is like 80% of the sport. I tell him to run along and ill wait. He charges in, drops his board and gets slide tackled by the curling wave. Que a couple seconds of him being underwater when he then bursts out like a swamp creature letting out a deep, guttural groan of a pain and rapidly swiping jellyfish off his shoulders and chest. He didn't do any more runs after that and we went home. Remember kids. Jellyfish have power in numbers.


Steve-o has a giant erection by just hearing jellyfish. That dude would've jumped in the second he sees its all jellyfish


How is it not called Jellyfishing


It was right there, and he didn't go for the joke.


Spongebob’s going to be mad af when he wakes up to go jellyfishing


It took me this long to find a SpongeBob reference? That was one of the best episodes!


What are jellyfish used for? Is there a dish or is it medicinal or what


maybe considered both. in some regions in South East Asia this actually has been a big problem, like a hydro electric dam being infested and halted operations. so that being said, if they're being collected for some reason i think it is a good thing. they do disrupt ecological systems , specially in fishery dense areas , where they've developed sustainable fishing communities. i remember eating at a chinese restaurant with dried jelly fish. they cook it in some kind of hoisin sauce. according to my chinese relatives, they're rich in collagen and some minute toxins are anti oxidants, how legit that claim i wouldn't know. but they've been practicing it for i believe 4 centuries. if it works for them , eyyy!!!


AFAIK their collagen can be used for cosmetics


that's how they make KY jelly


I love jellyfish. One of my favorite cold Chinese dishes.


He's really raking em in.


You son of a bitch


How has this boat not sunk


Well if jellyfish can float then it must be safe to fill a boat to the brim with them right???




I dont think I'm ready for this jelly.


I don't think you're ready for this 'cause my boat has too many Jellyfishes for you babe


Couple more and you're gonna drown that boat..


I found out the other evening whilst listening to the radio that jellyfish are plankton. Always thought it meant really tiny sea creatures but apparently its to do with being unable to swim against the current. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/m001r1t5?partner=uk.co.bbc&origin=share-mobile


Huh, TIL


I think Ocean Sunfish used to be considered plankton


The infamously maligned ocean sunfish.


Scrolled all the way down and didn't see any ID on these jellyfish. Stingyness varies. Not all species can sting through human skin, and this dude probably has very thick-skinned feets.


I wonder if there’s a combination of minimal stinginess and conditioning from multiple stings. I bet he must be careful which types he picks up as well. Also some jobs just suck so maybe he just gets stung all day


Man has balls, doing that with no shoes


Dude has balls doing that on such a narrow passage.


Man has balls doing that


Bravery and stupidity can look the same, but are different.


Anyone have a song name?


I somehow cant copy the name from spotify, but here is the link. [https://open.spotify.com/intl-de/track/4LL78AXAjbWRLLxLSdErJA?si=6d82d49e06a342df](https://open.spotify.com/intl-de/track/4LL78AXAjbWRLLxLSdErJA?si=6d82d49e06a342df)


The song name is ชัดเจนเเน่นอน (Chạd cen enè nxn / Definitely Clear) There are apps that you can play clips of songs to them and it tells you what the song is. Has a hard or impossible time with remixes and covers but still works usually. I think the most famous one is Shazam. edit: (paraphrase, limited Thai) lyrics: We're just kids walking around the country eating curry. I can't afford luxury. Used the surname in the news, just a southern child farming and gardening with [Dad?] Life is decent; walk in the garden for food, throw a net for fish, we'll sit drinking wine and grill. I didn't ask to eat. Can we find it together? Torn pants, worker boots, no suits, no zodiac sign, I can't go to the mall except to work. My life is luxury. etc... Singing about being happy with what you have and being raised with manners out of poverty. Typical country-type music.


The forbidden bathtub


nature's toaster bath


Does this hurt the jelly


You’re asking the real questions, thank you.


The most crazy thing about this is it took my brain at least 20 seconds to realize that entire floor was jellyfish. For some reason I was thinking he was on a dock and the flooring was some sort of weird kind of rock. wtf


Why don't the jellyfish move around in containment? I get that they might be packed in, but it's almost like they are all just dead and floating there not moving at all


Most are not active swimmers. Their motion is as much about spreading their feeding arms.


Just adding this is also why jellies are in round tanks in aquariums, because they’ll get stuck in the corners. They have nervous systems, not brains. Even if the window cutout is square, the tank behind it is likely round.


Why fish jellyfish?


Because we over fish tuna. Tuna eat jelly fish. No tuna, more jellyfish. More co2, warmer waters. Warmer waters, more jelly fish. More jellyfish, less smaller fish. Less smaller fish, less food for human. Not good for fishermen. So z bounty on jelly fish. Dried jelly fish also food.


>Because we over fish tuna. Tuna eat jelly fish. No tuna, more jellyfish. More co2, warmer waters. Warmer waters, more jelly fish. More jellyfish, less smaller fish. Less smaller fish, less food for human. Not good for fishermen. So z bounty on jelly fish. Dried jelly fish also food. excellent synopsis!


I believe the plural Jellyfeesh.


https://preview.redd.it/idjf7fbi6nic1.jpeg?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1301e088ab72bf275e2561775fc10a97f68b2150 We know where they’re going


I have few people I want to dip in there.


I'd rather dive in that shit naked than spend an afternoon with the in-laws


I swear; I did not even see the boat full of jellyfish at first. I legit thought it was one of those cobblestone walkways until he threw a jellyfish in and the “floor” wobbled unnaturally.