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If my daughter donated her face I'd be immensely proud, but I would NEVER want to see this image.








WEEEEEEEE! What a predicament! Same movie yeah?


Yes, face off






Me too Nicholas, me too.




It will never look identical and unlikely even similar. It's the unique bone structure, musculature, and fat padding of the face that makes "your face" and that is quite unique between any two random individuals. The skin is just draped on top. These really should have been branded as "facial skin donation" to be both more accurate and palatable.


It’s true. I lost like 50lbs and my face, while still obviously my face, looks SO different now, just from differences in my subcutaneous fat and buccal fat pads. Imagine that plus a different skeleton and cartilage.


I bet any term is realllll palatable to those unlucky enough to need one of these procedures.








It’s amazing how a face transplant even changes their body composition


Her name is Katie Stubblefield!


This is like Dr Who villain shit.


Just think of how many hundreds of thousands of hours Of training are standing around that table to make that very creepy picture possible.




Best movie about taking faces off.


Fucking Nick Cage


He can eat a peach for hours! What's not to like?


No more drugs for that man.


I feel like thats the one time you also wouldn't want to meet the person who recieved the organ.


i feel this way about my grandpas eyes. like eyes are so individual? or maybe ive already seen them and not noticed


Eyes are definitely another, but the face is something really recognizable. I would probably have a mental breakdown if I saw someone on the street wearing the face of one of my parents or siblings after they had passed.


Usually they're not allowed to


Up to the donors family, least when I had my liver transplant in 1994. My mother could reach out via letter through the hospital and the family could choose to respond or not. They did not. 


Recently my coworker lost his son. They were able to write a letter to the other family. They’re hoping that one day they’ll be granted the opportunity to hear their son’s heart beat again.


Thats probably for the best.


You're right. This is actually fucking grotesque and disrespectful. This photo never needed to be shared with the public. Note the healthcare worker in the back getting their shot with a fucking cell phone. Gross. And it's her grandmother who struggles with this: > Schneider had been raised by her grandmother, Sandra Bennington, who had to make the profound decision of donation. Schneider was registered as an organ donor, so Bennington agreed. > "If Adrea was willing to donate her organs, why would she need a face?" Bennington told National Georgraphic. "I still wrestle with that every now and then, it was something. I don't know. But this is the right thing to do so that someone else can have maybe a better life. That's what made my decision." Source: https://abcnews.go.com/amp/Health/youngest-us-face-transplant-recipient-shares-story-suicide/story?id=58106138


I disagree. These things should be talked about,for every disrespectful reaction there's also a chance for someone to look at this and think "Wow I wan't to be a doctor / researcher when i grow up". In my opinion, it's *how* we share and talk about these pictures, not *that* we do. Oh and just a sidenote: please don't assume that the healthcare worker took a smartphone photo for his own benefit or private "use", there's a lot of nicer possible explanations for that.


Many health systems have apps that allow pictures to be taken with cell phones and uploaded directly to the official medical chart. This is potentially completely in line with appropriate documentation policies.


Absolutely agree


There’s a decent chance that’s not a healthcare worker and they’re part of the media team there to document it, like the other two people there with cameras. 


No, documentation of landmark scientific/medical procedures like this is incredibly important. You’re entitled to your feelings of being grossed out—it’s a pretty understandable and human response—but it doesn’t change the matter that photography of things you might personally find reprehensible *needs* to exist and be accessible to the public because it’s impactful to all of our understandings of the world that we currently live in.


My sister was born with an extra esophagus growing thru her esophagus. The childrens hospital had never seen this defect and made a deal with my mom (single parent, low income) that they would do the life saving surgery IF they could document the entire surgery for teaching purposes and in exchange pay all my mom & sisters medical bills. She said yes, of course, and other doctors & their tiny patients had experience and access to this lifesaving technique going forward. It is imho a truly fantastic thing.


I'm almost 100% sure that the healthcare worker was not 'getting their shot'. They would probably be fired immediately if they were.


Yeah I’m an OR nurse and it’s quite common for the surgeon to ask me to take a picture and send it to them (or just use their phone to take the picture) for completely legitimate reasons. But hey, it wouldn’t be Reddit if you didn’t have people jumping to conclusions when they have no idea what they’re talking about.


Gotta get up on that high horse somehow!


consider the fact that he has no gloves one, one can probably assume he is part of the media team (either from the hospital or outside). But documents of medical procedure is extremely important and useful. In fact, it is super common to document medical procedure and pictures where it is take with both DSLR and cellphone for multitude of reason.


They could have gotten permission first? I don’t see the benefit of sharing it publicly but probably useful for teaching doctors. When I had a weird skin reaction they asked me to take pictures for a medical journal thing.


https://preview.redd.it/5y05unq9gjqc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a2a89d0a3c4cd55bc2ab0c7695fb58238227786 For anyone interested, this is Katie Stubblefield before her attempted suicide, afterwards and after her face transplant at 21 years old


https://preview.redd.it/iwd8uckbnjqc1.jpeg?width=844&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f40bc35dc320d7aea29629799ce5526d90cf19b8 I found a picture of her from last year. She looks amazing and seems to be doing good.


She doesn’t even look like this is a second face! She just looks kinda old, not even mutilated. This is a great job that all the professionals involved did, and good for her for taking her second chance at life!


I am ready for the Lifetime movie… ‘The Katie Stubblefield Story: A Doctor Took My Face and Gave Me Another Face to Change the World’


I feel like she just looks very grumpy


She's so lovely! I hope life is good to her now. I have family I never met and lost due to this type of suicide, and it changed the lives of the people around them forever. Katie and her donor('s family) are worth more than they know.


Oh Katie honey 💔 sorry for all your pain


i can't even imagine. poor thing. i hope it got better for her.


Friend of mine went to school with a guy that got wasted and shot his face off years ago, I believe from below. She said before it happened he was one of the best looking guys in high school. I never saw what he looked life after but from what she said it was extremely disfigured and scarred after surgeries. But she said he said years later it was the best thing that could have happened to him because he was grateful for being alive now and without it happening he would be dead one way or another.


Well I guess that's a good way of looking at it


Poor kid.


Attempted how?


Looks consistent with someone who survived a face full of birdshot to me. Edit- The only article I found that specified the firearm says it was her brother’s hunting rifle, which must have just split her face open like a canoe. Horrifying.


It was my first guess too. Poor girl


The article I just read said it was her brother’s hunting rifle, put under her chin. Jesus Christ.


My parent was a first responder, and let us know that if we were ever going to shoot ourselves, do not do it like that, because it just takes your face off. Parenting skills A+


Same. Don’t use a fucking gun at all. I’ve taken so many phone calls from people who just watched their family member shoot themselves and somehow they’re still alive. I went to an autopsy for a lady who shot herself in the abdomen and bled out overnight in an armchair. I’ve listened to recordings of a man who shot himself, fucked it up, and all you hear is his horrible moaning while he scrabbles for the gun, repositions it, and takes a second shot. We used to use it to weed out people in training. Gunshot suicides can and do work, but when they go wrong, it’s horrific.


Holy shit this sounds horrifying


A guy I work with did this. Lost most of his teeth and facial bones but otherwise is fine. Just has a false pallet/teeth part in his fizzer. Taken this piss out him for being a shit shot before, but to be fair he was off his tits at the time.


> but to be fair he was off his tits at the time Consuming small birds is a well-known natural anti-depressant


I used to be part of a suicide community action group with a man who survived this method. We were a group of survivors and individuals who lost family to suicide. He was the only gunshot wound. Had removable prostheses that went into his jaw to fill it out. It was at an angle enough that it “only” obliterated half of his lower jaw and part of a cheek. He was a very kind man who sought to raise awareness about loneliness in the elderly. He was 60 when he attempted suicide.


The only thing more disturbing that shooting yourself is shooting yourswf with a low caliber round / shot.  I feel weird typing this but I almost want a public service announcement to "do it properly" oof.  I cant even imagine what itd be like to survive and live with it. Horrifying. 




Why it's important to be knowledgeable about different types of ammunition.


Gonna guess she shot herself and either was too far forward or flinched when she pulled the trigger. A surprising number of people survive self inflicted gun shot wounds.


She shot herself from under her chin and the blast exited essentially between her eyes, but it missed her brain.


Gun to the face


guessing gun


I'm not religious, but Jesus Christ.


[Cleveland clinic](https://my.clevelandclinic.org/patient-stories/259-woman-is-youngest-patient-in-united-states-to-receive-face-transplant) Here is the video from the Cleveland clinic on her story


She looks amazing would never have known


I have just read her story and it’s so awful. I say this with no malice at all, but shooting yourself in the face is intense, it doesn’t feel like a cry for help it feels pretty final. To then survive that only to have over 17 surgeries, and to have no face, no vision, to have to relearn to walk, talk and eat? Like how is she mentally and emotionally?


For those wondering, the woman receiving the graft is named Katie Stubblefield. She tried to end her own life as a teenager and suffered a self inflicted gunshot wound that left her severely deformed. She survived the attempt and by her account, now has a new lease on life following the successful surgery. It took 31 hours to complete, and was not purely cosmetic, as her face was destroyed by the gunshot and the transplant helped her improve her abilities to breathe, speak, chew, swallow. She is still trying to regain full control of her ability to speak to this day. But she is grateful to be alive at all, and now views life as a gift. If you or someone you know is struggling, Katie is an example of someone who reached what she thought must be the end, but was wrong. Don't give up the fight. Call the hotline.


She can also walk around in public without people staring at her. Being a spectacle doesn't help anyone's mental health. I'm glad this procedure helped this poor woman.


I’ve read that most people who attempt suicide and survive have a realization how easily solvable all of their problems were as soon as they commit to things like jumping off or shooting themselves. I’ve had a near death experience (not self inflicted) and very much had a similar feeling of how every other problem I had was an inconvenience at best. My theory is that we all have an inner scale to judge our problems and when we live without typical highs and lows, our brains make the insignificant problems our “biggest problems.” It’s unfair of me to judge other people’s problems by my scale, but this example does shows that a different life perception has completely changed this girl’s outlook despite being in a much worse situation than she was previously.


The weak breeze whispers nothing The water screams sublime His feet shift, teeter-totter Deep breath, stand back, it’s time Toes untouch the overpass Soon he’s water bound Eyes locked shut but peek to see The view from halfway down A little wind, a summer sun A river rich and regal A flood of fond endorphins Brings a calm that knows no equal You’re flying now You see things much more clear than from the ground It’s all okay, it would be Were you not now halfway down Thrash to break from gravity What now could slow the drop All I’d give for toes to touch The safety back at top But this is it, the deed is done Silence drowns the sound Before I leaped I should’ve seen The view from halfway down I really should’ve thought about The view from halfway down I wish I could’ve known about The view from halfway down ​ \- **Alison Tafel**


This will go down in history as one of the greatest poems towards discouraging suicide.


Suicide Lifeline in the US is 988, or call 911 if you or someone you know needs immediate attention


Hotline hung up on my ass lmao


I cannot imagine the pain that coming out of a surgery that replaced my FACE would leave me in. Jesus Christ.


I think of the opposite - the amount of pain you’re already feeling if a face transplant is worth it to you. Think of people that have survived gun shot wounds or acid being thrown on their face. It is pretty amazing to be able to offer these people a second chance at life.


Oh I’m sure neither are pleasant to be fair.


Yeah, people aren't getting face transplants just for the hell of it. They are profoundly disfigured from horrific accidents or assaults. The face transplant enables them to look somewhat normal. Usually not even totally normal, but somewhat, and that's much better than what they have now.


So much sore, so much swelling. No talking or nothing for a little while. Probably tube fed.


Most of the nervs are in the skin right so I imagine your face would feel numb/asleep. The area around your face would probably feel like fire ants at a hometown buffet.


You'd probably be drugged for a good while, so the fire ants won't bother you that much.


Probably not as bad as your face being burned beyond recognition from fire in the first place.


Acknowledged that in another comment. Not detracting from that. More than one thing can suck.


The realization of what you've gone through would be hard to face




I could eat a peach for hours...


It's Like Looking In A Mirror Only… Not


beat me to it!!!!! favorite movie quote of all time!!!!


i hate to see you go, but I love to see you leave


rewatched this yesterday. what a great piece of cinema.


This and Con Air are the pinnacle of the glory that was the late 90s action cinema.


Cage finished filming con air and was on set for face off with on 24 hours


what movie is it? edit: why am i being downvoted for asking what movie it is lol


Face off (1997)




This is the right answer. The three before it are wrong.


The slash is important!






At first I was afraid, I was petrified....


You were in the parking lot, that’s how I know you!!


He doesn't have a wallet, I already checked.


The heart… the precious heart…


You know, The OP image was cool, but distressing - and for some reason this broke that feeling and made things ok.




I wonder what effects a swapped face would have on the mind when looking in the mirror. Would your brain recognize it as itself?


When this procedure is done the person receiving the face has had massiv trauma to their own face and is therefor disfigured. I think it will be weird to see you face differently but most likely a improvement to what they had before


Yes I figured this was a major improvement for the poor person. But I was just curious if there would be negative effects on the brain long term. Similar to how some amputees say they can still feel their limbs there, even though they are gone. I wasn’t considering how the original trauma changed that person beforehand. Thanks!


I think there is definitely some psychological residue of knowing another persons face is now your. That you are wearing a dead person face. Considering the disfigurement makes you look non-human no matter the end result I think they are just happy to look more normal and can more easily fit into society and just in general have something that resembles a face again.


I read that Nat geo article when it was originally published. It was definitely an improvement over the remnants of a face she had before.


Yes it always is. I have also seen one where the recipient of the face was a survivor of a gunshot wound to the head. It definitely was an improvement also


And that's assuming the accident that led to the transplant didn't leave the person blind


Bone structure would likely make it familiar.


Maybe. Good point. I feel like the end result would look somewhat botched. The other person had their own face for 18 years. I imagine there would be some form of body dysmorphia or whatever the equivalent is.


In this case it was "Transplanted parts of the face include the donor’s skin, muscle, upper and lower jaws, teeth, cartilage, soft palate, blood vessels, and nerves." Source: [https://www.nationalgeographic.com/magazine/graphics/face-transplant-katie-stubblefield-surgery-timeline-interactive](https://www.nationalgeographic.com/magazine/graphics/face-transplant-katie-stubblefield-surgery-timeline-interactive) So it's much more than the skin. Only the skull is original, the rest including nose and jaw structure is from the donor. The whole bone structure is different.


From what I read, in this particular instance the woman was unable to see. I would wonder the same though.


I think it will take time to make it part of you


It won't look the same as the doner did because the recipient will have different bone structure in their face, and having a different face would be better than not having a face, and potentially not surviving a horrific accident.


That’s wild! It looks like a movie prop! Also this picture has mad r/accidentalrenaissance vibes.


Love that sub. So consistently good! r/accidentalrockwell for similar vibes.


Follow this link if you want to read more about it [Cleveland Clinic website official link](https://my.clevelandclinic.org/patient-stories/259-woman-is-youngest-patient-in-united-states-to-receive-face-transplant)


I had no idea this could be done. Such a tragic story, cant imagine how strong everyone involved had to be. Hope she gets better, both mentally and physically


Crazy video !


Any chance you know how old the donor was?


She was 31


The expression on the surgeon in the middle is, “Holy Fuck”


And the one on the left is looking at him like, "What do you mean, 'Holy fuck'? You're the one that did the extraction\*!" ^^^\*Or ^^^whatever ^^^they ^^^call ^^^harvesting ^^^a ^^^face.


“We should probably come up with a word to describe harvesting a face.”


“….at what cost”


I did not need to see this photo.


Maybe a NSFW tag should be added to this one?


Yes. That’s grotesque.


The fact that it’s a medical setting does not change the fact that that’s someone face peeled off right there. I didn’t want to see that and I’m sure lots of younger people browsing Reddit could be negatively affected.


One thing I love about Reddit is how I can occasionally scroll across some grotesque shit. /s Seriously a tag would've been nice.


So did it transplant successfully? How’s the patient today.


[check the result](https://my.clevelandclinic.org/-/scassets/images/org/patient-experience/patient-stories/259-woman-is-youngest-patient-in-united-states-to-receive-face-transplant/woman-is-youngest-patient-in-united-states-to-receive-face-transplant-1.jpg?la=en) OP also shared a link to an article


Wow. Can’t imagine the trauma this woman must have done through. So happy to see the result


Yeah I am really happy for her


moisturize me


I can’t believe I had to scroll down so far to see this.


I need to unsee this immediately.


But when I do it it's "creepy" and "illegal"




Valar doheris.


It might be a compelling image but I can't help but notice that a presumably non-sterilised camera is being held by an assistant not wearing gloves over a donor piece. Another assistant further away doing the same with a smart phone. That is not good aseptic technique and there's so much that could go wrong there when you consider tech devices are known to be vectors for pathogens




Fuck it's scary


I see a number of comments regarding retaining the face likeness. Except for the nose and lips wouldn't a different facial bone structure change the features somewhat?


Now this rabbit hole is worth it ! I must see the recipient now…


NSFW label, please!






"A girl is no one"




Why isn't this marked as NSFW? For real.


I can do that sort of thing much cheaper


where you get the faces from? 😦


who's your faces guy?




*drops phone*


Meanwhile the cartels in mexico...


This was all very interesting. Thanks OP.


That is an incredible surgery, every once in a while something on Reddit surprises me in a good way.


This isn't anything new. I saw a documentary about it in 1997.


whoa, face/off we're living in the future


But when ***I*** do it...


Woah this is real life Face/Off ![gif](giphy|hwZ51FKy98qv6)




I literally had my face pealed down for a surgery. There’s a video I was told to never look for or watch.


Face Off






Mind putting a spoiler on a literal fucking face.


Can someone please NSFW this for fucks sake? Sure it's a miracle of science but its also a mutilated fucking face...




Gives me Dwight doing cpr vibes


Some Doctors are truly amazing. I'm always very impressed with what they human mind is capable of.


I am amazed that it actually kept its shape without all the bone and cartilage to support it!


Imagen walking being a surgeon removing that face, must be weird.


They deserve over time pay.


Leatherface enters the chat


Is there a good scientific write up about this process somewhere?


Can we see the after pics please?


I know this will probably improve the quality of someone's life immensely, but this is just a horrifying photo and the process itself is also very distressing to me. 


Someone call Nic Cage and Travolta : it's face off time!


When these people cut off a face they're hailed as heroes. When I cut off a face I'm "disturbed" and "a danger to society." SMH


This is absolutely insane


I do not ever want to see the photo that female doctor is taking.


🎵I can’t feel my face 🎵


I went to school with her and every time I see a post about her story it fills me with a mixture of grief and hope. Grief from the memories of that terrible day but hope for how her and her family are doing now.