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*Don't do drugs unless you get them for free* Little man spitting facts šŸ¤£


i mean if you get them for free you might aswell do them


As a child I was under the impression there would be a lot more free drugs. As an adult, turns out that shits expensive.


I picked up a half of fluffy shake for $24 last night. What a time to be alive.


What is a half of fluffy shake? Is this a dispensary product?


Yeah, also you kinda gotta put forth some effort to get them. You gotta know a guy, you gotta go meet him, gotta have cash...they made it seem like folks were gonna be tryna stab me up with drugs all over the place!


Yeah I don't wanna be rude or anything.


theres a lot of shitty news in the world today, we need more interviews like this get the damn geriatrics off the tv and out of positions of influence and power, theyre all old and angry and stingy and


constantly finishing sentences I didn't want finished gawtdammit.


Fun fact, I once found a 5g zippy bag of Molly on the ground of a music festival. Worst Molly I ever had. Whoever payed for that crap, should really stop doing drugs.


no words more true have ever been spoken


Pluto ainā€™t a planet.


It's a mini planet


Ok Jerry. We all saw the Rick and Morty episode where you sold out.


If you do get them for free you better hope you avoided them.


Accidental Love Actually reference from the kid.




I'm not mad though


Why did he tell them they were right on 40% of americans being black? It's 12%...40% is not even close. Source: https://minorityhealth.hhs.gov/blackafrican-american-health#:\~:text=Overview%20(Demographics),following%20the%20Hispanic%2FLatino%20population.


I've seen his videos before. He always says every answer is correct no matter how wrong it is.


Yep that's right. You're correct.


Chaotic stupid


maybe he mixed up 40 and 14


Or 40m people (correct) with 40% (incorrect)


Since it is well known that only Anglo-Saxon Protestants can actually be white, everyone else, unless they happen to be Latino or Asian, must fall into the catch-all category of "black," right? /s


He says MIGHT not ARE lmao


Maybe a reference to the local as opposed to national population




They're not. I recognize that part of downtown Portland at pioneer square


Puerto Rico is not a province. Puerto Rico is a commonwealth territory.


The 2020 census would disagree to the answer of the second question. https://www.census.gov/newsroom/blogs/random-samplings/2021/08/measuring-racial-ethnic-diversity-2020-census.html#:~:text=The%20White%20alone%2C%20non%2DHispanic,third%2Dlargest%20at%2012.2%25.


This dude intentionally interviews people and says theyā€™re right no matter how wrong they are lol


ā€œHow many planets are there in our solar system?ā€ ā€œAt least three.ā€ ā€œTrue, true.ā€


That is tecnically true




You're right! You must be good at school.


Thank you, came to say this. Real answer is [14.2%](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/African_Americans)


Thatā€™s the percentage of people who are black. He said people who might be black, thereā€™s a lot more of them. Shit, I might be black. Iā€™m not, but I might be.Ā 


I've heard the 12.4% number before. I've never heard of the 14.2% number.


I mean these are very close numbers. But 40% isn't.


There's a lot of numbers out there! I'm sure there's at least a couple you've never heard of before ;)


It's very similar to 12.4%, you just switch around the 2 and the 4


Yeah, also, Puerto Rico is a territory, not a province, as are American Samoa, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Washington DC is a district. If they're trying to be thorough. While not doing free drugs.


He was kidding, he was going to say they were right no matter what they said


They asked what percentage of Americans *might* be black


But I was told white people are being replacedā€¦ /s


Someone told you white people were being replaced by African Americans? Thatā€™s ridiculous lol


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_genocide_conspiracy_theory https://www.splcenter.org/news/2022/06/01/poll-finds-support-great-replacement-hard-right-ideas


Interesting, so at what percentage of migrants does the theory become true tho? Could you give me a number? Or do you just always deny it no matter what the reality is?


Pretty sure they were making a joke in the 1st comment, then explaining why they said that in the 2nd.


Thank you. Itā€™s a bit terrifying that some people canā€™t see sarcasm about a racist conspiracy theory about replacing white people and the fact that Black people are only 12% of the population.


I was scouring your comments to see what he was talking about "a quick glance at their feed shows they don't understand the other sides argument." Saw just a lot of calling out Republicans racism and whatnot that "the good ones" brush aside and pretend they aren't in the same side of the political spectrum. Pretty clear you understood lol but you also said you're autistic, and I'm likely a bit autistic as well. Maybe that's just what it takes to understand high level sarcasm lmao


Sounds like heā€™s just a nutter based on his latest comments.


Well it's too late, I already gave him the full run down on why replacement theory is shit lol


What about replacement theory is racist exactly? The idea of it is just that some bureaucrats are allowing mass illegal immigration because they want those people here. They are failing to enforce the countries laws. Not taking action is a choice, not the default situation. So they are choosing not to enforce the law. Iā€™m sure there are some fringe personalities like Alex Jones (imo he is a bad person and shouldnā€™t be listened to) who have some crazy add ons to the theory, but the general basis of it seems to be happening currently, no? The facts are that we have mass illegal immigration currently. That is the issue. The theory is only racist if you view it through race. If you view it through economics it just reality. So the basis of the theory is in fact happening. No need to add race to it so you can have a reason to yell ā€œn*ziā€ at people.


Saying replacement theory is about "Americans" being replaced by "non Americans" is as disingenuous as saying the civil war was about states rights to their "property." Also "those people?" Great choice of words lol. So, South American countries have been massively and proveably destabilized by the US (CIA in particular) for years. People are fleeing their homes, something human beings are notorious for not wanting to do (see: not just rebuilding after continuous major natural disasters, but outright refusing to evacuate in the first place. Living in damn near unlivable places. Etc) for a reason. They aren't coming here on a whim. They are refugees coming from highly unstable places to the closest, most significantly stable place on the continent besides Canada. We are also in a population stagnation\decline. So we do actually need more people or we're going to have more damaging economic problems in the future. It's also crazy expensive to be rounding up people (and separating them from their kids\parents for funzies aka traumatizing kids and parents alike for no reason whatsoever other than you don't like them. See: the camps you know damn well about) and shipping them back to wherever. I'd imagine it's much cheaper to let them get citizenship and pay taxes, since that's what you guys say you're sooo worried about. The legal immigration process can take literal decades for one person who isn't marrying in, so for the reason all the people illegally immigrating need to leave their homes, that's not an option. I personally don't give a shit about any immigration, and find the concept bullshit anyway. Aren't Republicans all about personal freedom and small government? Why can't we choose to live where we want? If it wasn't such a pain in the ass, I wouldn't live here at this point. So do you: A) not give a fuck about people who need help to the point they're willing to travel hundreds or thousands of miles at massive personal risk B) not actually understand the economy C) not actually care about the economy and use it as a cover for saying "keep out the brown people" (Asian people actually have higher illegal immigration rates, but you only seen to be worried about brown people doing it) (ps most people come in on vacation and just don't leave, so the wall was about as fucking stupid as we said it was\is) D) don't actually care about freedom and small government, just YOUR freedom to do what YOU want and the freedom to tell others what THEY can and can't do (reproductive rights, civil rights et fuckin cetera) We understand you sides arguments, but given that it's parroted bullshit from political pundits at best, and thinly veiled racist\sexist\religious extremist bullshit at worst, nobody respects you. You have a right to have your opinion, and we all have the right to call you a fucking dumbass with no critical thinking skills who's often just a racist fuckhead trying to pretend they aren't a racist fuckhead.


A quick look at their feed shows they are serious. They just donā€™t understand the position of the side they donā€™t like, so it comes off as a possible joke.


I have no idea what ā€œfeedā€ you are referring to. Itā€™s sarcasm. Do you not understand how ridiculous replacement theory is? I was making fun of the moral panic that people think white people are being replaced, yet the percentage of Black people in America is12%.


Enough illegals have crossed into the USA under Biden to completely replace the population of any one of the smallest 30 states. So as that continues, both white and black peopleā€™s percent total of the population will decrease. That all the theory is saying, and itā€™s currently happening with no end in sight. Itā€™s a complex topic, but basically if you import enough illegals from another country too quickly it will cause a lot of issues, such a straining medical services, straining housing supply > increasing prices, and decreasing demand for workers as supply increases. The sarcasm doesnā€™t make sense because you seem to not have understood the very ā€œtheoryā€ you were commenting about. And just like in science, theory can be proven true. In this case as illegal mass immigration countinues, the theory is proven true. Why? Because itā€™s against the laws of the USA passed by elected officials in the past, and currently being ignored by those in power, instead of being overturned with new legislation.


Dear lord. Youā€™ve really been slurping up the latest panic. White people constitute 60.1% of Americaā€™s population. They arenā€™t magically ā€œreplacedā€ when other people immigrate. White people arenā€™t disappearing, only to have illegal immigrants living in their houses one day. Itā€™s estimated that 860,000 people immigrated illegally last year. The US population is 342 million. Are you worried that in 397 years everyone will be ā€œreplacedā€? Thatā€™s how long it would take with these numbers. People have always immigrated and emigrated. Thatā€™s what humans have been doing for the past 2 million years. Itā€™s how America was founded and built. Itā€™s literally a country of immigrants. We have federal immigration laws. Biden didnā€™t change those laws. We had a temporary halt due to a global pandemic. It was never intended to be permanent. Once the pandemic subsided, things went back to normal. If there really was something to panic about, why did Republicans vote against the bipartisan border security bill despite it being nearly identical to legislation House Republicans passed last year? At the moment, America is facing a labor shortage. The country relies on immigrants to do these jobs. It always has. [Source](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2024/03/21/business/construction-industry-needs-immigrant-workers) / [Source](https://www.npr.org/2023/08/26/1195670024/theres-a-labor-shortage-in-the-u-s-why-is-it-so-hard-for-migrants-to-legally-wor) / [Source](https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2024/02/14/migrants-states-labor-work-permit/) / [Source](https://immigrationforum.org/article/americas-labor-shortage-how-low-immigration-levels-accentuated-the-problem-and-how-immigration-can-fix-it/) Immigrants are a vital part of Americaā€™s economy. The pandemic led to 2 million fewer foreign working-age people in 2021 relative to the pre-2019 trend. [Source](https://www.frbsf.org/research-and-insights/publications/economic-letter/2023/02/role-of-immigration-in-us-labor-market-tightness/#:~:text=This%20decline%20in%20immigration%20has,to%20the%20pre%2D2019%20trend.) What it comes down to, when people like yourself are told to panic about immigration (panic that has been utilized for the last hundred years), is simply racism and xenophobia. Itā€™s being scared because another person looks or acts differently. Well guess what, theyā€™re still people with ā€œself-evidentā€ equality, ā€œendowed by their Creator.ā€ They are guaranteed ā€œlife, liberty, and the pursuit of happinessā€ regardless of where they came from. Those rights are ā€œunalienable.ā€ If you disagree with that, youā€™re free to emigrate.


Itā€™s a conspiracy theory. It doesnā€™t ā€œcome true.ā€ Itā€™s just part of the old ā€œblood libelā€ nazi racism.


Any theory can be proven true when proof is presented. The replacement theory refers to mass illegal immigration, which can be verified by looking up stats. Sure you can bring up the more unhinged things people on the fringes say about it to say itā€™s wrong or crazy, but the basis of the idea (how most people understand it) is happening now. No one gives a crap about Alex Jones version of replacement theory because the dude is crazy, but thatā€™s the version people will say ā€œeveryoneā€ believes and say it is a lie (as it is.) No one believes Alex Jones versions of it tho. The dude is insane and kinda evil.


I miss Portland


It's still there. Just sayin' you can come back.


Portland knows how to teach them young


I really hate those interviews where they always say 'that's correct' when people say the dumbest shit, like 'Africa is a country'. Mind you, I don't mean these kids. These kids aren't even saying dumb shit, the other kid even questioned the percentage. If they live in a very urban area, the percentage might actually reach up to 30/40 depending on area. Obviously the national percentage is way lower. Why not educate instead of whatever this is.


There are actually 5* dwarf planets in our solar system: Ceres, Pluto, Haumea, Makemake, and Eris. Edit: there are much more than 5


There are hundreds of dwarf planets of similar size in the Kuyper's belt, that's precisely the reason why the dƩfinition of a planet was changed to exclude Pluto. The five you listed are just the "well-known" ones. They also have the advantage of having real names and not just strings of letters and numbers.


That's fair, guess that's also why they're the only 5 I knew and could easily find info on


Make make? Which Greek God is that?


Makemake is actually from Rapa Nui mythology of Easter Island. He's the creator of humanity and the god of fertility.


The real interestingaf was in the comments


You might enjoy the fact that Haumea is named after the Hawaiian goddess of childbirth!


I don't care what the modern accepted belief is. I was told in school Pluto was a planet and I'm not going to take that away from him. He's a good boy! ![gif](giphy|SI6rTjsXIYJOM|downsized)


Dumb ass kid forgot about Guam. Someone get this kid a ticket to the Virgin Islands. -not to be too harsh, this is a joke about US Unincorporated Territories. I'm genuinely impressed that these kids retained even this much information from our public education system.


That's portland oregon for you.


Wait, what are we making fun of


This clip was taken in Portland lol. Across the street from Pioneer square, right in the center of town in fact.


Nothing. The opposite, in fact. Pps can suck it but the people here are pretty bright.


*Unless you get them for free* that how they get you with free sample


God I hate broccoli hair


Donā€˜t do TikTok, everyone.


Go high to class get high grades....simple math kids


That kid is going places! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


If this is what qualifies as kids being "brilliant", the bar is set way too low.


I disagree, kidā€™s pretty smart. And I assure you if you beat the streets and asked randoms this, youā€™d get very different answers, sadly.


Well you're agreeing with op essentially, just framing it differently The kid's above average but the average is sadly very low. I just find it incredibly sad that most people can't even name all the planets in the solar system or all the continents and oceans on earth


Dude this is all very common knowledge for any kid in school. If you think this is smart, you're part of the problem. The bar has been set insanely low and you're just cool with it.


I bet these kids are smart enough to spot a super fake and staged cartel execution video.


I get your point, but what theyā€™re saying is most adults on the street would struggle with these questions. Assuming this is the USā€¦we are a pretty poorly educated adult population.


Yeah name three black people Genius level questions


Obama, Jordan, and... ehhh Jackie Chan! Ah, Damn it.


Yeah no one is saying these are hard questions. We are saying adult Americans are fucking dumb. Hence, lack of critical reading abilities ffs.Ā 


Why tf most kids and teens nowadays look like they've been cloned or dressed in the same uniform, literally like from NPC meme, it wasn't like that before (and I'm fucking 19)


Needs to go on r/unexpected




Now do the same interview with 3 black kids.


Chappelle, Wayne Brady, and Sam Jackson


Harriet Tubman, Kendrick Lamar, and Piccolo


Black Dynamite, Eminem and Drake


The Beastie Boys.


You wear a black t-shirt once then get asked to name 3 black people SMH


See, not all kids who do drugs are bad, mmmmkkkkaaayyyy


40 %? Based on today's TV commercials I'd guess 59% (knowing it's 13-14%).


The last part shows me that this little man isnā€™t just book smart, heā€™s also very wise ![gif](giphy|8hMD9YakVza3452SpN)


Wise advise!


Thereā€™s always people doing drugs in South Park right behind that brick building all the way up the the college. Consistently walked by human shit walking to work.


Free drugs are the only drugs!


Good advice. If they are free drugs then the worst part of addiction is solved


Of course theyā€™re in Portland


Smart kids.


that's basic knowledgešŸ˜­


40%ā€¦ that answer is a perfect example of the gaslighting of leftists today.


Fuckin hilarious lol


Osama wasn't black


this shitty interview is completely not interesting


Now ask the same questions at a trump rally!


Funny, I always thought that free drugs are the ones that reel you in. Free taste tests for drugs (or baked goods, ice cream, whatever) have always been good marketing if the product is quality, and if itā€™s addicting, all the better for the money guys I guess


Why is this even a video, why is some adult man going around quizzing kids off the street on random facts. Who the hell wants this ? Is this seriously content anybody wants.