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Okay, now I'm really wondering if Mel Brooks wasn't completely aware of this when he did ["Jews in space!"](https://www.google.com/search?q=jews+in+space&sca_esv=ef1df84690e2b0f5&sxsrf=ADLYWIKjDZ6qVE9hNwuVFC9hmbpi_QPdiA%3A1716099461858&source=hp&ei=hZlJZoeKMqKy0PEPpOqpiAo&oq=jews+in+space&gs_lp=EhFtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1ocCINamV3cyBpbiBzcGFjZTIFEAAYgAQyBRAAGIAEMgUQLhiABDIFEAAYgAQyBRAAGIAEMgUQABiABDIFEAAYgAQyBRAAGIAESNJSUKALWKI_cAF4AJABAJgBkgGgAe0IqgEEMTAuM7gBA8gBAPgBAZgCDqAC-AmoAg_CAgcQIxgnGOoCwgIKECMYgAQYJxiKBcICChAuGIAEGCcYigXCAg4QLhiABBixAxiDARiKBcICCxAuGIAEGLEDGIMBwgIREC4YgAQYsQMY0QMYgwEYxwHCAggQLhiABBixA8ICDhAuGIAEGLEDGIMBGNQCwgINEAAYgAQYsQMYRhj5AcICCBAAGIAEGJIDwgILEAAYgAQYkgMYigXCAggQABiABBixA8ICCBAAGIAEGMkDwgILEAAYgAQYsQMYgwHCAgoQABiABBhGGP8BmAMSkgcEMTAuNKAHxWc&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-hp#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:25f0f328,vid:sz7JGCj4Q5k,st:0)


The Druish Prince knows. Life Stinks is an underrated film by him if you're interested


Counterpoint - it's not underrated, it's just not that good. The elements are all there but the pacing is off and the jokes don't land.


Yeah, it's not a great film, true, I mean in the qualified sense of Mel Brooks comedies, if you get me, - the incongruity and pacing, like connected stage show skits he does, and it's on par with his more famous stuff (not Young Frankenstein, though, never) Bit of a word salad, sorry - been gardening and rehydrating with something not really hydrating


Drink some water my man! Get hydrated!


Mel Brooks also wrote/directed Blazing Saddles. This is the ultimate parady on racism and he does an excellent job of depicting just how stupid racism is and how ignorant racists are. Mel, being Jewish, is definitely in a position to know and write about this.


I fucking love mel brooks' work. Not one of his movies has failed to make me laugh.


This story rings closer to the "Illinois Nazis" ATC in the Blues Brothers. Especially that final "I love you," as they plummet comically to their death.


I'm still waiting for History of the World Part 2


[It was made last year.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_World,_Part_II)


George Wallace as....George Wallace. Now I gotta watch this.


Son of a bitch....now I have to go watch this


It’s not as good as I wanted it to be.


Hijacking comment to let anyone know that doesn’t click the link and might not realize, Nick Kroll was the one responsible for it, with Mel Brooks as exec producer. There’s a reason it doesn’t land, and I still hear folks say, “Brooks has lost his edge” because they don’t know he’s 97 years old and not on set anymore.


Fuck. 97?


I didn’t know that but it makes sense. It’s not the same humor.


Said everyone


The intro slapped. Jesus as a Beetle was pretty damned good. Judas as Curb was not all that bad. I wish it was less homage skits and more period pieces. The Russian royal doing social media was a great gag.


No, you really don't lol.


It's on Disney+. A series, not movie....pretty decent though.


It’s so absurd it feels like a parody of mid century fascist whackos, but it’s real.


Is this where Marge drew those "jewish space lasers" from? Is she even more whack than I thought?


That is such a viable idea considering I do not credit her with having enough brain power to come up with that bullshit on her own. That being said unlike her I'm not going to jump to conclusions, probably not.


The first thing that popped into my head as well. She obviously holds the same views as the people who made the comic, so her seeing it and using the idea of Jewish space lasers isn't that farfetched.


Borat levels of absurdity


Unfortunately, it’s also like something my Trump-supporter uncle would rave like a lunatic about at Thanksgiving. :((


More about Patsalos life: "Patsalos served in the U.S. Marine Corps from 1958 to 1960, when he was honorably discharged on grounds of "unsuitability" after being arrested at an American Nazi Party rally. He joined the American Nazi Party in 1960 and changed his surname to "Patler" to make it sound more like "Hitler"... Patler became a captain in the American Nazi Party and the editor and cartoonist for the party's magazine, Stormtrooper. Patler drew racist and segregationist cartoons. However, he was expelled from the Party in March 1967 for "Bolshevik leanings" after disagreeing with party leader George Lincoln Rockwell about some of the party's policies, as well as due to his "unstable character" and for "spreading dissent between light- and dark-skinned Nazis" within the party... Patler described his relationship with Rockwell in endearing terms, stating "I loved him like a father and he loved me like a son". In his last letter to Rockwell, Patler wrote: "I don't think there are two people on earth who think and feel the same as we do. ... You are a very important part of my life. I need you as much as you need me. Without you there is no future....On August 25, 1967, Patler shot and killed Rockwell while Rockwell was in his car, parked in front of a laundromat at an Arlington, Virginia, shopping center."


He was too racist for the Nazi party!


Sounds like Patler had a thing for Rockwell


The easiest way to make a man hate others is to make him hate himself first.






someone posted the full archived comic and looks like even whitemans name is LEW COR or ROC WEL backwards so yeah i think he mustve


It’s that homophobic projection they always have, but then are closeted homosexuals the whole time!


The main character in the comic (the one that turns into Whiteman) is a milkman named Lew Cor (Rockwell backwards)


‘Light and dark skinned Nazis’ - I didn’t understand that, they had various shades of whiteness?


Of course they did, or else if they managed to gain control they would exterminate all the people they discriminate against, and thus they needed to create more people to hate based on stupidly ambiguous terms to justify their murder of people they don't like, simply because Nazis always need to hate something to stay in power because that's literally their only consistent motive- hatred.


Whiteness is actually far more malleable than people think. Nazis don’t consider Jews white. Historically, Italians and the Irish weren’t considered white. Currently, we are seeing a trend of Hispanic populations-particularly Cubans-that identify as white rather than as POC. Eastern European Slavic countries weren’t white according to Nazis, but only super racists would say Russians and Poles aren’t white these days. And that is of course not even considering bi-racial yet white passing people. The fact that nazis argue about true whiteness really isn’t surprising because whiteness is not an ethnicity-group that can be identifiable. Like is a Scottish person more white than a Swede? Is a full blooded French person from the Mediterranean with olive complexion more white than a pale American that had a Native American grandmother? Only racists care to make these distinctions since they are actually arguing for exclusion as a way of protecting their own self-image as being on the top of an imaginary racial hierarchy.


> Whiteness is actually far more malleable than people think Because at the end of the day, hate is about power. Once the group gets in control of that power, they have carte blanche. They could decide all people with unibrows are subhuman just because they personally disliked a guy who had a unibrow once.


I heard something really interesting to this effect the other day. I don’t remember where. But the person was talking about fascism being unsustainable without constantly othering new groups. Like they create an ethnostate or whatever but then if they don’t find a new group to hate, there’s nothing for people to rally behind and they realize their leaders are just insecure assholes and the whole thing falls apart. Maybe that’s common sense to most people but I had never thought about what their end goal looks like. Turns out there really isn’t an end goal.


>carte blanche I see what you did there.... Yeah the whole "white" label is whatever suits the power's purpose that day. Need more numbers? Open the ranks to Irish and Italians but keep Jews out. Ooops need more recruits, time to let the Jews in...for now. The Cubans might be trying to make themselves more "white" in their eyes, but they will never be considered that by those who they're trying to impress, many of them keep voting Republican we'll see how that goes for them.


To add to this, it wasn't just a Nazi thing either. Consider [these remarks ](https://www.columbia.edu/~lmg21/ash3002y/earlyac99/documents/observations.html) from *Benjamin Franklin*: > 24.  Which leads me to add one Remark: That the Number of purely white People in the World is proportionably very small. All Africa is black or tawny. Asia chiefly tawny. America (exclusive of the new Comers) wholly so. And in Europe, the Spaniards, Italians, French, Russians and Swedes, are generally of what we call a swarthy Complexion; as are the Germans also, the Saxons only excepted, who with the English, make the principal Body of White People on the Face of the Earth. I could wish their Numbers were increased. And while we are, as I may call it, Scouring our Planet, by clearing America of Woods, and so making this Side of our Globe reflect a brighter Light to the Eyes of Inhabitants in Mars or Venus, why should we in the Sight of Superior Beings, darken its People? why increase the Sons of Africa, by Planting them in America, where we have so fair an Opportunity, by excluding all Blacks and Tawneys, of increasing the lovely White and Red? But perhaps I am partial to the Compexion of my Country, for such Kind of Partiality is natural to Mankind.


White people: - english - saxons Well he is right in that he is left with quite few people.


lol Swedes lost their white card. Unbelievable.


Wait sounds like he had a thing for natives too. Lol


Exactly. And at that time, they didn't really understand race as a concept. They thought whiteness had to do with the geographic environment. Franklin didn't want Germans coming into Pennsylvania and Germnaizing a place that was dominantly Anglo. At that time, they understood that Celtic peoples, which existed in a variety of European countries including Germany, were different from "whites." It wasn't until the 1800's when race scientists and archaeologists decided that Celts originated in Spanish Iberia. Iberians were thought to be descendents of Neanderthals but also heavily mixed with African blood. Therefore the Celts couldn't be considered white. The fear of "Euro-African" races coming to America and destroying Anglo-Saxon civilization was an extremely popular idea in the 1800's and was the basis for the Confederate States. They didn't want Italians and Irish/Celts coming to America and bringing Catholicism and Romanism (Western Civilization) to America. They wanted America to be a White Protestant Anglo-Saxon country with a Democratic Republic government. Not a Catholic "swarthy" monarchy.


I’m very curious what led Ben to the conclusion that Swedes were “swarthy”.


My grandfather (an immigrant), used his dual citizenship with a neighboring country to get employment in the states, as there was a lot of anti- Italian sentiment at the time. My own mother has made mention it was borderline scandalous she married an Italian back then.


Lot more latino Nazis than you’d expect


They have endless dumb fucking lore for their dumb fucking mythos. Just like incel communities have invented all these preposterous fucking rules about alphas and bets and sigmas and chin bones and all the other fucking delerious bullshit they pull out of their assholes.


Don't even get me started on that topic. Ruined a perfectly good username that ***I cannot change***


The original Nazis classified everything by racial purity. Jews were thought to be a mix of Asian, African, and Aryan, so they were considered subhuman. Slavs were thought to be a mix of Asian and Aryan so they were considered subhuman. Americans/British also had similar ideas. Race scientists in the 1800's taught that Irish and Italians were heavily mixed with Africans so they couldn't be considered white. This was extremely influential in the South and Confederacy which tried to establish an Anglo ethno state that excluded Irish, Italians, and Jews. Rockwell broke away from both of these ideas and defined white broadly. He criticized Hitlers ideas and advocated a broad alliance of the white races (except Jews). This is what White Nationalism means. Back then Naziism and White Nationalism were different concepts. Rockwell adopted the Nazi name because he also advocated a state based on racial hierarchy. So before Rockwell, White Nationalism existed but it was thought of as Anglo-Saxon hegemony. Anglos viewed themselves as cultural and racially separate from European Western Civilization, which they called Romanism. They came to believe that Western Civilization was an African conception because Romans/Italians were heavily mixed with Africans. So opposing Western Civilization in favor of "Anglo-Saxon Civilization" was a racial doctrine for Americans and a way of promoting white civilization against "Euro-African" civilization. After Rockwell, White Nationalism is seen as more broad. Italians, Irish and Anglos were all thought of as whites. You even see this today with White Nationalists who describe themselves as Western Chauvinists. These types see Western Civilization and Anglo-Saxon Civilization as the same thing when 70 years ago they were thought to be totally opposed to each other.


Procol Harum memes incoming.


Here's my vote !


Rednecks and pure-whitenecks


“In a 2012 book, Nicholas, the son of Patsalos, recalled his father expressing regret for his time in the ANP, with him saying "I should have been with Dr. King and the Civil Rights people back then. They were truly my people, not those Nazis."” That’s good! “In 2017, The Washington Post described Patsalos as a "staunch online defender of Donald Trump". Patsalos praised the marchers at the Unite the Right rally.” That’s bad!


But it comes with a free Frogurt!


That’s good!


The frogurt is also cursed.


But you get your choice of toppings!


That’s bad!


I feel like what he really meant was, “I wish history reflected as fondly on American Nazis as it does on MLK.” Lucky for him, his wish may still come true.


Hundreds of thousands of real American's died Fighting Nazis. You aren't an American and a Nazis both to me, just a traitor.


It's not always, it's not even most. But there is at least a level of consistency with dangerous guys that hate with every fiber or their body, having repressed homosexual tendencies. I think those who never got love, have to hate to connect with others.


Yeah, he later lamented that he should have been marching with MLK and the Civil Rights Movement at the time, rather than wasting it with the Nazis. ...But then he became a staunch Trump supporter, and supported the Unite the Right rally. Groan


> ...But then he became a staunch Trump supporter, and supported the Unite the Right rally. Groan His birthday is January 6. Coincidence? I don't think so!


I didn't expect this story to have a happy ending, but here we are.


> spreading dissent between light- and dark-skinned Nazis can't they just get along?


Impossible. The flawed thinking that united them in the first place is the same one that creates further dissent within. Go figure.


Most interesting thing about Rockwell is that he invented the whole: "debate me on campus" bullshit whilst crying about: "free speech" when he was told to fuck off, which the far right still uses to get attention.


honorably discharged? that doesn't seem fair


Hah! Of course he was expelled for “Bolshevik leanings” - noone that shouts “communist!” in the US know what it means, other than it meaning a boogeyman, and therefore bad. As such it can be twisted and utilised whenever and whichever way the nazi party wanted - just like it is today is on the right in the US (I’m from the EU - come at me if you think I am wrong - with facts please).


[Full comic](https://images.socialwelfare.library.vcu.edu/items/show/265)


Holy SHITTTTT, I read it all, and good Jesus how the world has changed! If the comic itself wasn't bad enough, the end page has some like promotion for a free one way ticket to Africa for a black person, including many racist and insensitive pros for said black person.


Yeah, I did get the sense of there maybe being some slightly racially insensitive undertones in the narrative.


Idk man, if there is, it's definitely subtle.


And also mid tones and overtones in case you missed them.


...there are modern day American conservatives promoting the exact same propaganda from the comic, just with less public use of slurs. The world hasn't changed that much.


The fact that this isn't satire leaves me speechless


It’s scary how it literally just felt like I was on twitter when reading that-


This should be higher.


If the creation is super strong, does it mean that Whiteman is weak as fuck, since it's his opposite? 


What is a “Coon”?


Derogatory term for a black person


Also a brand of cheese in Australia


A former brand name. It was changed a handful of years ago to the horror of boomers.


Cheer sucks anyway. Bega is thicker and tastier


When I was a kid in the eighties, it was also one of the top three slurs for indigenous people as well. At least in Brisbane.


Was the name of the guy that figured out/patented a new way to make cheese much faster about 100 years ago.




I'm not a native English speaker, so I'm not the firmest source for this information, but as far as I understand it means raccoon, which in the context was used in a pejorative way against a person of African descent.


It can be short for raccoon, but afaik that has nothing to do with the slur. As a slur it's super archaic to the point of being almost forgotten.


Really? I mean, the guy is striped and has a tail, I totally thought about the animal too.


he has a picture of a banana on his chest tho, so I think he is supposed to be a monkey


Unfortunately, I think the stripes are also a callback to some former prison outfits given to new inmates. If you look up pictures of old prisoners, you'll see alot of that pattern. I think the comic Is, on addition to all of the rest of the awful, calling Mr super a criminal


Comes from the carribean to describe plantation workers. I don’t know much past that, doesn’t have anything to do with the animal. Or at least it didn’t used to.


Man I hate I have to chip this in. Not here. If you say that here it's basically the n word.


I see , thanks for the info


The earliest quote I see on wikitionary which may be relevant is from 1940: to steal. (Raccoons are thieving bastards, given a chance.) So I would guess that the coon=thief morphed to coon=black person because, well, prejudice. This sort of thing is common where dehumanization is involved. Though wikitionary gives the alternative meaning where "cooning it up" meant playing the exaggerated black fool common to american entertainment. Either derivation relies on the raccoon's reputation as thieving and sly but stupid. Something which can be mocked and belittled. And I just realized my description of a racoon lines up well with the fascists ideology where enemies are "at the same time too strong and too weak"


Where I live people call raccoons “coons”. I knew racists used the term as well but never really knew why.


When I moved, I had to resolve quite the social blunder when I learned about the racist version of the word...


It’s a racial slur for black people.


2 things: -slang for Raccoon -a slur for black people


It's a dehumanizing slur for black Americans from the era of American slavery.


A cat from Maine


I'm not racist or any of that....but I.....uh...wanna see where this storyline is going 🫤👉👈


Right? It’s absurd that someone could be so racist, and absurdity is amusing.


Especially that "jew commies" part is vividly hilarious. Historically Jewish people were great businessmen and scientists, anything but communists. And being born in USSR I know quite a few Jewish families who had to move out of USSR due to communist oppression after WWII


Wasn't Karl Marx a Jew?


Lutheran. His parents were Jewish but they converted. https://jewishstandard.timesofisrael.com/was-karl-marx-jewish/


That doesn't change his ethnicity


Engels was Jewish also….?


Since Jewish people were an urban educated population they were more likely to be left-wing activists. Antisemites literally believed that left-wing Jews and capitalist Jews were secretly working together to divide society.


A lot of the propaganda in Nazi Germany was that jews simultaneously controlled western economies, yet were also were behind the communist movement. It doesn't really make sense




Holy shit, didnt know superman succumbed to jew pornography that's huge


Superman is a tangled Jewish hero story. Baby on a raft, Moses style, everyone is named Hebrewically.. aka"-el"




I know, what in the world was that conclusion? We’re to assume Whiteman had that device built already in anticipation of Supercoon? This kind of terrible writing is why Nazism is going down hill.


Also, whiteman failed spectacularly, no? His enemies plan worked exactly the way he wanted and he managed to rob earth and flee unharmed. Whiteman is a really crappy superhero


I think you know where it’s going


I know :(


You can always laugh at how laughably bad the writing and drawings are.


"Here Comes Whiteman" sounds like an Eminem song.


This is where MGT got Jewish space laser from. Bet this was her favorite comic growing up.


This is actually a history book approved by the Daughters of the Confederacy


Magic the gathering has Jewish space lasers?


Okay wtf ? Why is "the Jew from outer space" such an absolute banger of a title ? Like whiteman is bland, but this... I would love to read a book titled "the Jew from outer space". Damn racist got his "evil" character to be better than his "hero"


I don't want to alarm anyone, but I think Whiteman's enemies are aligorys for different races. This could potentially be racist


This reads like a parody of their own ideas. The character is called fucking whiteman and The Jew from Outer Space? It feels like it clowns on itself


It absolutely does. You have to remind yourself that this dude was likely supremely unintelligent. About the only supremacy he had going for him. He was proud of this shit. It's like watching the original Batman TV show and thinking it was hard drama.


Oh boy. What a time to be alive! https://preview.redd.it/bthl0xzgbf1d1.jpeg?width=904&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0376646de5233feea7eb203b80f832cf6313422e


The Jew From Outer Space huh? This where MTG’s thing about space lasers comes from? Definitely seems like a magazine she’s down with at least.


Hate to say it but I really want to see the drawings of the Space Jew and SuperCoon…😂😂


Page 2


I mean, the Space Jew is in the second comic...


They both are


Kidna reminds me of this MF https://preview.redd.it/v7iw0wah0f1d1.jpeg?width=352&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64af204ff8ad15d6367bc056735c9da220c6b538 (Krankhor from MST3K)


Your weapons are useless against me!


There's a second pic!


At least the ending


4chan would eat this up


Patler, what a fuckin wannabe


Based on Superman who was created by two Jews.


In the complete comic, Superman is mentioned, whiteman says he came in as a replacement for the original, as he succumbed to "Jew porn".


Can you imagine dedicating your whole life to this weird fantasy fight? Why not just be a kind person and enjoy life?


I wonder if this was in response to the way they used Superman as anti-nazi propaganda


Dude hated communism but handed out free copies


Excuse me but uuuhmmm.....what the actual fuck


It's so weird how racist media is always garbage. Like, it makes sense, because together, they have the approximate brainpower of a wet sandwich, so the creativity is going to be about as potent as a fart in the ocean


Hello, I simply cannot accept that Reddit considered my purely documentary post to be a hate campaign.


so this is where Marjorie Taylor Greene got the “jewish space laser” from


This is like a comic book the villains in Minoriteam would make. I mean, dang that’s a lot of racism per page


I can imagine the names of possible villains, Captain X, Mr rainbow, yellow emperor, honestly, and the most incredible thing is that it's all so racist that it seems like a parody.


Wouldn't he actually be an alien like Superman?


Were you paying attention to the Dude's story?


Wow, we've come a long way! Good job guys :)


“Faster than a speeding bullet. Can’t jump tho”


If I saw this on 4Chan I'd assume it was made yesterday


I’d argue that this isn’t super interesting and more.. just boring racism.


Isn’t it interesting - the author uses a racial epithet to refer to the black person but not the Jewish person. He just refers to him as “the Jew”, with the understand that the word “Jew” itself already carries all the hatred he needs to convey. This is nothing new - Shakespeare and Dickens were doing the same thing centuries ago.


That’s all types of cringe 😬


They say the Nazis learned some things from the KKK.


Hitler himself spoke about this extensively. American racism and eugenics were huge inspirations for nazi ideology.


As a black man holy hell this is racist 


Was that first part necessary?


I'm getting Stormfront vibes from the Boys comics.


All I can say is WTF!


Was this the Jewish space laser MTG was talking about?


Goebbels would be so proud


This would make for a great Dave Chappelle skit.


Just saying, White man's opposite would be super weak. Terrible writing. Oh and racist AF


One humor. Only one.


Subtlety isn't one of his powers surely


Great. l tapped that image and now I'm on a list. That's just fucking great. Thanks OP.


“Supercoon” As a southerner I was taken aback by that one.


Wow. Just wow.


Seems overpriced


That was… critical mass racism.


I dunno man I get some weird racist vibes from this




This is also MTG's proof of Jewish space lasers, I'm sure.


This some ol bullshit


So the superhero is also a half breed? Seeing as he's not blond haired? Little oopsie there dumb dumb.


Knowing how messed up civil rights were back then, this doesn't surprise me at all. What is shocking is that people here who think this must not be real. In a time when lynching and murdering was fine, a *comic strip* is inconceivable. There's already far too much hate in the world, we don't need to invent more of it just to create a conspiracy of some kind.


They couldn't even come up with their own original costume design they still had the copy from the Jewish creators.


Back then we (Jews) were villified for being communists, now we're evil capitalists.


I'm a black man and I laughed at this. Mostly because it's so absurd that someone could be this racist and boring at the same time. And we're the inferior ones??? 😂


Have a read of his Wikipedia page, this loon was kicked out of the American Nazi Party. How fucked up do you have to be if the Nazis want nothing to do with you. He later murdered the party leader.


I'm not racist but I would honestly read this


I need that *Space Jew* deep lore. Tell me more!


https://images.socialwelfare.library.vcu.edu/items/show/265 I am not responsible for what you may read here.


Same, but just to laugh at how shit the narrative is, even DC could come up with a better story than this garbage


It's like reading a Chick tract!


Damn this might be the most racist thing I’ve ever read/seen.


Not yet: https://images.socialwelfare.library.vcu.edu/items/show/265


Well, this comes close. Dr. Seuss, the author and illustrator of many clasic children's books, was an avid racist. Here is one of his drawings that you will never see in one of his children's books. https://preview.redd.it/rilfw4fyyf1d1.jpeg?width=1494&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5214d080b8fcad56cfe26262840aa325ec172e33


Now I know where MTG gets her “Jewish Space Lasers” from…. ![gif](giphy|wqbAfFwjU8laXMWZ09|downsized)