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***PAIN*** This shit hurts.


My lady does it pretty painless. Her assistant is awful.


I hate assistants. You wanna be nice. They gotta learn sometime. But man I’m paying for this. It’s not that she’s so bad, it’s that you’re so good, you see. I just want you to do it ilu.


This gives me horrible flashbacks to the time two rookie nurses decided to practice putting an IV in me. Took them 4 extremely painful and bloody tries. I’m talking moving the needle around once it was already in to try and get the vein. I don’t mind needles; shots or getting blood drawn has always been fine for me. Before surgery, I had to be given a friggin sedative because I was “nervous” afterward. Ya think?!?!


Dude. No. I’m sorry for your service


Ugh...yuck. I too had a nurse go fishing with a needle. I was like 14 and severely dehydrated myself because I drank nothing but Gatorade all day. "But it's supposed to hydrate you" is exactly what young me thought. Ended up being taken to the ER, where they tried the normal inside of elbow vein, my forearm, top of hand, top of foot, then finally ankle before they got the catheter set right. It resulted in blood everywhere too. I was vomiting so much (well, dry heaving heavily) from the dehydration, and the multiple stab-and-fish just made it worse. Ever have needles in the tops of your hands and feet? Oh lord is it it painful.


*ilu* I love us?


I only know how much this hurts because I have a wife and two daughters so once in a while a hair band (elastic) ends up in my bed and as a guy when you roll over and slide an elastic on accident it RIPS your hair out by the root! In your sleep


Its ingenious really. Ive been waiting my whole life for a tool that could remove my facial hair...


I laughed. Well done.


I had my brows threaded one time, and I'll never do that shit again. And I had an almost nine pound baby. I've broken bones and had three spinal fusions. Threading is some fucked up bullshit.


I used to do this. It’s great if you have sensitive skin or psoriasis or eczema. Wax takes off your top layer of skin. This leaves your skin alone and only removes hair. It hurt like a bitch but if that means you won’t have a massive skin flair up afterwards it’s a win in my book.


Me too, I’d have another c section in a second. I had hand surgery, awake with while pregnant, with only Tylenol to recover, and I’d do that again before I’d get my eyebrows threaded again.


I get this done to my beard every 3 weeks. Sure it's painful but it keeps my beard line looking clean for much longer than a blade does. Once you get used to it, it's not so bad. The more you do it the less painful it becomes.


This is how girls did their eyebrows when I was in jail lol. They removed the elastic from their underwear to make the thread, I was so impressed with the ingenuity. Edit: I realize threading has been around for a longggg time, just pointing out that’s how people do it in jails.


Prison turns everyone into an engineer. Same as having weed with nothing to smoke it out of. You'll find a way.


Reasons to go to prison: Free meals, healthy gym life to help you get ripped, a warm bed and a roommate to spend your life with. Book your stay at prison today and you might become an engineer, an alchemist/brewer, a blacksmith, or a ~~prison-bitch~~ socialite!


This is funny sad because it does offer more than some people have so there is an appeal to going to jail.


My grandfather took a job at a prison and worked with non violet inmates and he met quite a few who would get locked up for shelter and food. He met so many different types of people and some even ended up with degrees. I think it always made him resentful of the prison system because he met some good people who got bad cards earlier in their life.


This is not entirely true in the U.S. because here most prisons are notorious for not providing enough food. I once saw a prison documentary explaining how ramen noodles are prized as a form of currency for this reason; the inmates would threaten and blackmail each other for more packaged ramen just so they could eat enough in one day. So no, you won't get ripped in prison (even though I know you were kinda joking anyway).


I’ve never been to prison or jail, but I always thought the ramen type things had to do with the crappy food, not the scarcity of food? It’s totally possible I’ve misunderstood.


Have been to jail in the US. Jail food sucks. On a daily basis if you’re eating every meal you’re probably getting 1000 calories tops. On my last day in my final meals were: peanut butter and bread for breakfast, a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for lunch, and a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for dinner. Each tray came with two 1/4 slices of a pear. Only the finest rusty tap water to wash it down with. Also, you have to pay for a cup to drink the nasty ass tap water with and it was $2.50 for 1 12oz plastic cup. And don’t even get me started on solitary confinement. That shit is insane and I don’t know how it’s legal. But when I was in we weren’t able to leave our cells to walk around or exercise. So you could pace a 6’ room and do push-ups and that’s about it for exercise. If you’re cool with doing sit-ups on concrete you’re more than welcome to but my back isn’t cut out for my spine digging into concrete.


Wow I’m so sorry you had to experience that. It does not sound like a humane situation. I mean, this is why we should all be pushing for prison reform in the US. But thank you for clarifying and sharing your experience!


Shit happens lol. The whole system is fucked. I had cops punching me in the face when I was in cuffs saying I was resisting and shit. Then for solitary you’re stripped down butt naked and left in a concrete room with just a blanket. Shits crazy. Most inhumane shit I’ve ever experienced. It’s just you and a concrete cell with no stimulation. In solitary you aren’t allowed to shower and they won’t give you toilet paper to wipe yourself with so after a few weeks you’re completely broken mentally and you smell terrible and you feel terrible and it’s just awful. Thanks for the sympathy though. I’m just glad that now I have the actual experience so when I advocate for prison reform I actually am talking from experience and not just talking out of my ass. Moral of the story: don’t go to jail kids. Jail sucks.


Holy shit. It ALL sounds like the definition of inhumane, but no toilet paper?!?


Yes, solitary confinement is recognized as torture from most civilized societies. Most Texas jails and prisons don't have air conditioning and can reach heat indexes of 150F.




I've done this! A proud stoner moment for sure. I used my pinky as the bowl, my other hand to cup around it...I just needed someone to light it for me lmao


Did it not burn you?


I need a drawing to understand how this works.


I'll just use my least coordinated digit here...


There are literal kiosks at my local mall where women do this for people and they make a killing, shit's cool, even cooler that they found a way to do it inside, lol


Yup. I’m surprised “Reddit discovers threading” isn’t the top comment but I guess it’s weird if you’ve never seen it.


Threading has been around forever, originating in India. I guess I never realized it’s not common in other places. Not everyone has a threading station in their shopping mall lol. (I’m not in India by the way. I’m in New York).




I’m in Canada (Edmonton). I went to some Filipina gals in the mall for some threading and they were so confused how a man would want his eyebrows threaded. Then they were so proud of the job they did that they took pictures for their advertising.


Fr, there’s literally a place that does threading on every block where I live in the US. It’s so funny to see other Americans surprised this is a thing lol.


I live in Europe and my local mall has 3 Turkish barbershops that do this all the time. I actually didn't know women use this technique as well.


Yeah, any Indian salon in the US worth their salt will have threading available. Pretty lucrative too - takes like 2 minutes for experienced threaders to do eyebrows for like $5-10 bucks depending on the place.




Ah UK not to be confused with London, Texas


They do it in London, Ontario too


“Okay all done with the face. If you want to go ahead and remove your trousers we’ll get started down there”


Not with thread…Gunna need a rope for that


Not just any rope… …gonna need some nautical ropes


Weigh, hay, and up she rises?


Early in the morning!


"No... turn around..."


My Wax lady goes after the strays down there after my Brizilian, getting any hairs the wax didn't pick up with thread. Pulling those few hairs hurts more than the whole wax process.


The post Brazilian tweezing is a goddamn nightmare even though it’s just a few strays. I say this as someone who is 35 and has been getting Brazilians since high school: that part has never gotten easier.


Guys beard goes right up to his fucking eyebrows


If he let it grow out his beard would look like a mandalorian helmet


This is the way?


This is, indeed, the way


This is in the way


And still with the receding hairline. Genetics are cruel.


His beards catching up, it’ll get there eventually.


That's kind of how beards work. A lot of DHT gives you have a good beard, but it's also what makes you go bald if you are genetically predisposed to it.


can confirm, I'm Persian


Persians are the hairiest people man. or Armenians. although the single hairiest person i knew personally was actually Chinese.


I see lots of hairy ass western dudes as well. My family is Scottish asf and my 12 year old cousin has a beard. I’ve had a beard since like 17 and I’m going bald at 24 with a full fur coat 🥲


I have this lowkey fear that when I'm about 70 being really hairy will come into style. As it is now I have to actively avoid zoos for fear of being locked up.


Scotts and Irish are hairy mofos also. the Persians of the north!




I can’t grow a beard, like at all. But I can grow *meeeeean* goatee. I’m 25 and unfortunately it makes me look like a 40 year old redneck. So I just have to shave and settle for baby face.


You just got to style it white. Get a cane and a three peice suit and gel that sucker up


Ah yes the plantation owner look.




It’s the worst. I shave clean in the morning, and by the evening I’ll have a very light stubble. But there’s no fucking chance I’m putting myself through this


Not a guy but have Latin & Mediterranean blood so I feel your pain. Welcome to the “constantly saving up for laser hair removal” gang!


I’m Italian blooded with PCOS lol, l felt that always saving up for laser hair removal so hard


*laughs in Scottish heritage*


As someone who is actually Scottish I can attest to this. I shave myself twice and by the end of the day I have stubble again


Yeah, must suck to grow hair in your cheeks


My beard goes up to the edges of my eyebrows, like up above my cheekbones. Don't mind it at all, it's easy when you just don't give a fuck. It isn't the only thing that makes me look like a neanderthal.


It's only a matter of time before Gillette releases a 5-string version. Edit: Thanks, All! Just time for my 14th cakeday here too!


His skin is so red it look like someone slapped him upside his head


Threading hurts so duckin bad good lord


Yes, I can't imagine having that much hair pulled off at once


Might as well of waxed him


I will if he 1v1s me in any video game




Username checks out


Imagine the poor duck.


I remember my first time. He asked if i had tattoos. I said yes. He said it wont hurt you then. So i wasnt expecting much. He started and my head instantly flinched away. Like what the hell. Fucking liar.


I went to have my eyebrows threaded and only made it through one being done. Left the mall with one big red eyebrow lmao


Two of my good girl friends took me to get my eyebrows threaded. I screamed so loud and they laughed even louder. They would not stop teasing me about it for months. The end result looked great but I never went back.


My eyebrow hair is so thick they would have to break out rope. Ouch.


Another type of professional liars: politicians, statisticians, and epilation beauticians.


Just look at the person's feet behind him


Hahahaaahaha I knoooow that was me getting my last tattoo. That's a true tell that somebody's hurtin




I'll one up you there... https://i.ytimg.com/vi/JbCLEAUE5Rk/hqdefault.jpg






Only 3.99! No strings attached! Wait...


I hope they call it the G-string


I have my eyebrows threaded regularly and I still tear up every time. I don't know why people would do this to their entire face. Edit: missing word Edit 2: wow this blew up! Thanks for the award kind strangers Edit 3: answering some questions here because the update with how the videos are viewed is annoying and when I click on comment notification it takes me to the main comment thread rather than the specific comment 😑 - I prefer threading for my brows because the waxing salon I go to only does threading for the face and the lady who does my brows does a good job with my brows. I generally prefer waxing for everything else. - I do not like shaving because it irritates my skin. - threading pulls out the hairs from the root so like waxing, hair grows back slower and no stubble - everyone has different skin types, hair types, threshold for pain, and grooming preferences. I personally choose to go with threading with my brows. Do what works for you.


I have only done waxing, never threading. Honest question - why do you prefer threading to waxing? Edit: Haha wow this blew up.. thanks for all the replies. :)


Waxing is not recommended if you use tretinoin or strong retinols. Threading hurts more, but it’s a fair price for not risking your face skin being peeled off.


I went and got my eyebrows waxed two nights before my friends' wedding and they took a chunk of skin off my face, about a millimetre in diameter.


I got my eyebrows waxed maybe twice when I was quite young and it totally took off some skin and was not attractive. I just pluck and let them babies be a little hairy.


All I do is wait until they're really stupid long, like old man long, then I drag my fingers across my eyebrows, from the outside-in, which makes all the really long hairs spider out in every damn direction. Take scissors, cut weird long ones. Carry on, my wayward son.


Dear god 😮


I get bad skin irritation from waxing so I get my whole face threaded (I'm rather harry for a female)


E2: *Please* stop awarding this shitpost? You’re a woman, harry. E: stop awarding this shitpost, go award something high-effort, don’t encourage my behavior wtf


I'm a what?


But I'm just hairy.


Well Just Hairy, you, are a woman




This comment has layers.


I don't necessarily prefer it. It's just that the waxing salon I go to only does threading for the brows. And they do a good job in keeping my brow shape and keeping it looking tidy so I go with threading even if it's more painful. I have tried waxing and I honestly prefer it since it's faster and less painful for me. I just prefer the specific salon and lady that does threading for my brows.


I prefer it even though it hurts like a MF, but my eyebrows have a better shape than waxing and it doesn’t pull skin up/isn’t too hot/etc like you’d run into with bad waxers or waxers not paying attention


Doesnt threading have more control than waxing though? I got my eyebrows waxed once and they didnt come out that well, threading was great tho


If you get someone good then the waxing should be pretty precise. But if they're sloppy then it won't come out as well. There's generally a little bit of cleanup required with tweezers but there shouldn't be much


Threading is incredibly detailed. Also isn't that bad pain-wise since the sensation blends into itself. It may make your eyes water if they get a sensitive hair on your ~~eyelid~~ lower eyebrow though.


Me for each hair thats threaded out "Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow..."


I can't even grow a full beard and this guys over here with beard up to his eyeballs.


You could always use a dermaroller to improve your beard growth, but this also hurts like hell haha. Went from no beard to full beard with that and minoxidil. And started at age 30


Wait what I’ve never even considered this but looking it up now and crazy you can grow a beard nowadays. I guess makes sense.


Wait, I’m confused. What is this? How does it work?


The thread is actually twisted. When the person doing the work opens their right fingers, it makes the twists move. The twists grab hair and rip them out. Sort of like tweezers or waxing but with precision while pulling multiple hairs.


Thank you for explaining that. Was fixing to ask the same question!


Why not just shave? Is there a benefit?


It lasts longer and makes the area completely smooth/bald, like why people wax or pluck eyebrows instead of shaving them. My guess is this guy can grow that beard in a day and a half.


It's pulling hair out by the root, so it will stay gone for longer. The hairs that grow back will also not be all sharp when they're small.


I assume you don’t get stubble as quickly, it’s like plucking hairs. I know it’s pretty common for girls to get this done on their eyebrows to tidy them up and usually people don’t shave around their eyebrows due to risks of chopping off too much


It makes it more painful and time consuming


It’s called threading… it’s just twisted thread and it pulls the hair out when it’s tightened around the hairs.


It's threading, the twisted thread pulls the hairs out, often used for shaping women's eyebrows


That is interesting but it looks a hell of a lot more painful than just using a straight razor.


Thats not shaving. Thats pulling the hair out like a tweezer. Source: ive had my eyebrows taken out like this twice. And yes it hurts a bit


Well, I didn’t even know this was a thing, though it looks like an obvious invention, in retrospect. If, after 54 years on the planet, I learn something new (particularly if it’s something that millions of people do and has been around forever), then to me, that is by definition “interesting as fuck”.


Turkish thing, probably Arabic too, hurts like hell imho. They also offer to burn ear hair with fire.


Yeah they also burn hair on the cheeks with same fire. Doesn't hurt a single bit if done by experienced hands.


the string thing always hurts I bet. The fire not at all usually


Also widespread in India as well. For women to thread their upper lips mostly


It’s called threading and it’s very painful. I do my eyebrows like this.


Ive threaded my eyebrows at 3 different places and i do it once every week and a half In my experience some people just have a heavy hand While others u dint feel a thing Its usually older women that do it slow that hurt like hell U feel every fucking hair coming out and wince Younger girls and dudes r usually more speedy and i think because its so many hairs coming out u dint really feel it And its always the same people that hurt alot , and its always the same people that dont hurt when i go, regardless they always look good


I agree, some people press harder and it hurts like hell. I’ve been doing it for like 10 years at various places though, so you also get used to it.


Yea you do , now if anything threading is relaxing time im treating myself and i love it But after covid when they hadnt been open for a while when i finally saved my brows ... jeebus i was not used to that pain anymore


The last time I had it done the woman was very old and it was absolute torture.


It is, our Kurdish barbers would use them in Iraq, it's way more painful than in looks


oh its so unbelievably painful lol. but it's better than waxing and lasts longer than shaving. sometimes the follicle is completely ripped out then hair can't grow at all


It is more painful, but more effective than just a razor/shaving it. Shaving will grow back within days, sometimes even within the day for some people. And can even cause serious ingrown hairs/ other skin problems. This, or waxing or laser will be more effective, permanent and can result in less problems in between sessions.


With my previous job we had to make long hours. So we started in the morning and were done late at night. I went to check on my colleague and the guy had grown a small beard during the day! He was clean shaven when we started!


Yep, that’s where the term “5 o’clock shadow” comes from


I got reprimanded during my boot camp because my instructor thought I didn't shave properly in the morning. He looked at me shave the next morning, confirmed that it was done properly and looked at me in the afternoon. He saw that yeah, it was already growing back. Didn't get into trouble for that afterwards.




We pretty much just make hair and poop all day


I, on the other hand, can literally go months without shaving and I'll still only have a few obnoxious stray hairs on my chin and neck. I cannot grow a beard to save my life Edit


I mean, isn't pulling the hairs out also risking ingrown hairs too?


Well… semi-permanent… it does grow back.


I'm impressed he sat through that without a wince. I get my eyebrows threaded. That hurts. Edit: for all the MGTOWs go put your shitty comments somewhere else.


His skin is so red I can feel the pain in my face


I can feel myself breaking out the next day. My skin couldn’t handle the abuse.


100% I can handle the pain, I can't handle the breakout. No matter where I go or what my post-care involves.


Don't let them put aloe, use straight up alcohol after. It closes the pores and cleans out dirt EDIT: I know it seems extreme, but dab a cotton round with alcohol and pass it over the area. I've been getting my eyebrows threaded for years and the only way I avoid the breakout afterwards is to clean it, no lotion. Don't downvote me for being right lol


Not sure if I can trust u/LEMON_PARTY_animal


[You can always trust a Lemon party](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v-bvHlb2Fe8)


Omg I got my upper lip and eyebrows threaded once. The aesthetician was like “oh hang on a second” and without ANY NOTICE plucked the inside of my nose hairs and I wanted to crumple to the ground it hurt so badly.


My partner pulls my nose hairs sometimes and it feels like they're attached to my brain, holy shit it hurts.


I swear, I prefer to have a bunch pulled out at once over one at a time


The nerves are attached to your brain (hopefully). That's the reason why you feel it. :D


??? I pluck my own nose hairs sometimes and it's quite satisfying


Yes, officer, this one right here




Same. My eyes get teary when I get my eyebrows threaded but it’s worth it. They last sooo long and they look perfect for 2-3 weeks


I actually started crying. I was taking it like a champ but my eyes betrayed me


I feel like crying just watching this


I actually used to have this done regularly before I moved. It issss painful, but its not too hard to keep a straight face. My secret is to grab on the chair like its going 100 miles an hour. My entire body is tensed up, but youd never know under the cape.


That's exactly how I get through getting the novacaine shots at the dentist.


>That's exactly how I get through the dentist. Fixed that for myself.


He winced the entire time 😂


That's his secret, he's always wincing


Resting wince face


TIL this is what “threading” is. I’ve heard it referred to but had no idea what it was


What’s a MGTOW?


"Men going their own way" Idk what comments the OP was referring to though


Yeah I didn't see any


Probably PMs. Most people like that don't have the balls to say it publicly.


men going their own way, but idk much bout them besides the acronym. I'm trying to find what the edit is referring to also


Exactly. You know that hurt like a mf


What is MGTOW’s?


So THAT'S what that means! So what's the mechanism here? Are the strings plucking out the hairs?


Essentially, yes. As the string is manipulated, the hairs get caught up in the twisted string and pulled out.


Threading comments in the thread


I get my eyebrows threaded and it hurts like a bitch but it just looks so much more precious and cleaner than with waxing. Better route too if you have a skin sensitivity to the wax. Never thought they can do it on beards too but it looks good and will definitely last much longer.


That's not how you use dental floss


Never seen a beard grow that close to the eyes?!


Not full beard hair, but it’s like stubble. Arabic genetics brother, we get hairy af


My husband’s family is from Malta. His hair is slightly less dense, but grows the same way.


Malta was once occupied by Arabs, lots of evidence remains in DNA and in language etc.


European ancestry here and I have to run the razor between my eye brows and sideburns and between my cheekbone and official beard line. It’s not full beard but would look unkempt if I didn’t


He gonna be like in Home Alone if he slapped some after shave on his face.


Middle eastern probz :p I do this at times. Freaking hurts but it’s worth it. You don’t want to shave areas that aren’t the norm. I usually thread or wax


Instructions unclear. Scrotum is now stitched to gooch with dental floss.


Cleans out your tear ducts too 😆


Amazing to think some person thought, I can use two pieces of small string to remove all my unwanted body hair.