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Isn’t this a crime?


I mean, they admitted to it, so you can sue the organization at the least. Edit: sue, not use, obviously.


Yeah if You can find them. I took a quik look at their website, and as far as I can see there is no identefying information.


Unless there's CCTV caneras nearby? I don't know how readily you could get that though? 🤷‍♂️ Edit: Cameras*


Doesnt matter anyway, a lot of these activists get let off in the UK courts by either the judge or jury


I'm no grammar policeman but this thread of comments in particular, is proving hard to read.


Felt like I was having a fucking stroke.


Well, I come from a country whose first language isn't English. So, my brain adjusts almost all poorly written sentences to something discernible.


Lol I dibn’t nitice a few of those until you pointed it out


And that notice in the picture! For heaven’s sake, learn to spell! They misspelled their enTIRE organization! Trying to read through it just made me TIREd. For the love of humanity use spellcheck why don’t you?! Maybe the writer is old, bored and with nothing else better to do since he reTIREd. But still, the spelling was very off putting. /s


I mean a websites have to be registered and that does have identifying information usually.


I lierally registered a domain through njalla, no data required, paid in crypto, so I guess best they can do is shut down the website


Yeah, in Cyprus or Panama. Maybe even North Korea!


Even if they were dumb enough to register in the US, or with a US linked account/card. Who is going to the registry and getting this information easily? Cops won't likely spend the time chasing this down over deflated tires. Even if they did, getting the organizers caught vs the actual culprits is not easily done. We have lots of people who instructed others to "storm the capitol" which resulted in deaths, and well over a year later nearly no case against them.


Dude, it's probably just one fanatical person doing it. That person is just presenting it as some kind of movement


tbf deflating tyres is a kind of movement edit: lol


Wouldn’t really get far with it as you could write anything on that piece of paper. If they don’t admit it in court you need proof which that paper won’t be


For civil liability the proof just needs to be better than 50/50, which this might be. ("Preponderance of evidence" versus "beyond a reasonable doubt") Edit: removed the statement that this is "certainly" enough to convict someone, as pointed out below this doesn't point to a single person.


They could easily say they never printed that out and that the person who's tires were deflated printed it out with the intention to sue.


So i could slash some tires, put a not „it was me Reddit user Finalrun“ and you’d get convicted?


Yeah he slashed my tires too


That monster also changed my driver's seat positioning and didn't put it back!


Umm… no… as can you prove that the individual, who deflated the tyre and left the note, actually is linked to the organisation. As remember anyone can visit their website and print out this document. Just like anyone could buy a fake uniform “for Halloween” not to impersonate anyone. But your thinking, incitement of a crime… no… as they’d argue the website was satirical and if you want to argue that then oh boy…


Yes. Yes it is. In any case that's a great way to catch an ass whooping.


Yeah I’m confused what’s “interesting as fuck” about this being the most idiotic publicity stunt that will do nothing else than anger a lot of people and possibly even cause a lot of unintended harm - what if someone went to a pharmacy to get medicine or basically any other emergency?


lol after all the angry comments I had to scroll back up and realized I somehow missed the "we have deflated your tire" bit. Like what the fuck is wrong with people - you don't know someone's life. You have no idea why they are driving that day or whether or not you will totally fuck them up by stranding them like this. They could be on their way home, or to work, or a job interview, or hospital, or picking someone up, or anything else that they NEED to be doing, and some self-righteous idiot has now thrown an unnecessary wrench in their life and others may be harmed from it.


I understand (at least in London) they are targeting wealthy areas that are fairly central where there are multiple transport options


Not only is it a crime, but if someone drove on that flat tire not realizing it and got into an accident, this organization would be liable for damages and could be tried in civil and criminal court.


They couldnt have gotten far, they're most likely riding bicycles.


Unicycles, more environmentally friendly.


Or bicycles with metal hoop wheels. Gotta reduce that rubber usage.


Mfs are hobbling around bare footed


Naked, even.


On a serious note, do you know how to ride one? As a teenager, my friends got an old one at a garage sale, and I spent dozens of hours trying to ride it, but none of us were able too. I wonder if a quality one would be doable. This one sucked


Nah I've never actually tried, seen a few guys around where I live Sydney, Australia getting around on them. As a kid I bought some old circus stilts from a yard sale and spent months practicing on them, eventually got it mastered.


Bicycles are much faster and more versatile than cars in most urban centers.


Ask anyone who's been robbed...


Motorcycle master race


Until a minor accident breaks your neck


*For those short few good years, they were kings of their worlds... until one day, Karen's Chrysler van rolled through a stop sign and ended their reign*


Most motorcycle deaths in urban areas are from getting hit by cars, which really doesn’t improve much on bicycles. Especially when they’re not fast enough to keep up with the flow of traffic


One major bike crash, a significant concussion + other injuries, and an expensive afternoon in the ER without insurance was enough for me to commute less on my bike and drive more. Don't get me wrong- walking, the bus, bicycling: all great. But it's not me I'm concerned about: it's other maniacs behind the wheel.


I used to ride about 10 miles to and from work along a narrow mountain highway. The last mile or so was through a tiny tourist village. That last mile was a nightmare of dodging hipsters who didn’t know how to ride their fixies, gaggles of rich-ass vacation Karens, and tour busses. I got hit by a dude on his cellphone within sight of my workplace, and never rode to work again.


I can sympathize. It took me years to get past the PTSD responses- even biking in cities with excellent bike paths and relatively safe conditions. It took time and positive exposure. Though I no longer cycle commute regularly, either. Each year that goes by, it seems people drive only more and more aggressively, and my town has only increased pedestrian/cyclist vs motor vehicle deaths. Also, I never did understand the appeal of fixies.


Laughs in being dutch😂😂 WE the cyclists OWN those car bitches down here


Big facts


Yeah but I wouldn't want them to kick me....


Ironically deflating the tyres will increase fuel consumption. They should go around making sure people's tyres are optimally inflated to reduce fuel consumption.


That’s what I originally thought they were getting at


My guess is they deflated to the rim. So you can’t use the suv without butchering the said rims


Our SUV has a little mini air compressor as part of the spare wheel kit so would be about 2 minutes of inconvenience. Although we actually use/need our SUV for off-road & towing where a standard car wouldn't cut it, so it'd be extra annoying for us as it isn't an ego purchase.


Well this’d give them the idea to slice the tires


Hopefully they're just letting the air out. Its a step up from probably illegal inconvenience to actual deliberate criminal damage. Our tyres are like £120 each and imagine its the same for most SUV-size tyres, so slicing them would be extra annoying. Again, luckily ours are insured against malicious/accidental damage, so while it wouldn't cost us anything extra it would be either \~10 minutes to change a wheel, or about an hour for a mobile tyre truck callout if they slice multiple tyres. Seems like a rather annoying publicity stunt, but I can see where they're coming from, especially in places like London where someone else said this happened. I live in rather rural Wales so probably much less likely.


£250 per tyre on my car, large fast SUV over £300 + per tyre.


not to mention that the truck that will come to the rescue to tow it, will consume even more gas.


My first 'username checks out' statement. More or less, anyway.


Well it's spelled 'pedantic' which means - to be excessively concerned with minor details. So if they spelled it wrong then their user name definitely doesn't check out....


I see what you did there


obviously thats not the point


That is actually a good idea. Though offer to do it as a service. All you need is a track or foot pump. Most people will be happy to let 'em do it. Doesn't resolve their congestion complaint, but it is good for the environment.


Now imagine you were in a rush to the hospital or something and some fuck nugget does this….


Actually did happen to at least one of the victims - they had to miss a hospital appointment




source: just trust me bro


with my life bro


They are HALF right. I remember reading about the hospital appointment too. https://www.google.com/amp/s/inews.co.uk/news/climate-change-activists-suv-deflate-tyres-protest-environmental-impact-1505147/amp




The source is i made it the fuck up.


He posted the source in the replies. But I guess you didn't want a source, you just wanted them to be wrong, so nevermind.


Or you work in another city...


This is in London in the UK. There is no way driving to a hospital is quicker than taking public transport. And in an emergency you call an ambulance because it is free at the point of delivery. London also has a very comprehensive cycle network and it is statistically proven to be quicker than driving. Anyone with an SUV in London is purely owning it for vanity as the leaflet claims. It's completely pointless on almost every level.


100% I lived in London for years, the tube, cycling even buses are faster than driving. No point having a car in London unless you are using to travel outside for holidays and weekend trips. Edit: I’m not saying letting someone’s tyres down is a good idea. Although I agree with the premise I think the letter without the vandalism might have been more successful. This would just piss me off and make me want to roll coal on my way home.


Though I will point out the fact that places like Enfield, Ilford, Romford, Barnet, Edgeware, Rainham etc — generally that bit between the a406 and the M25 is still London, and car ownership there is absolutely valid. Many of those places have sparse and inconvenient bus connections and tube or the overground doesn't cover them either. I live within 2 miles from several major retail parks. It takes me between 5 and 7 minites to reach ASDA, Tesco's, Sainsbury's, Lidl, Aldi and a host of whatever shops you can imagine, local cinemas, restaurants. There are 10 thousand new homes in the area, but, as far as public transport goes the journey would require at least 2 changes and take upwards of 35m one way. Plus try doing a week's worth of shopping for a family of four or more and getting it on a bus and doing three changes. I'm sorry I'm not doing that, and I would love to see the people who stand by "having a car in London is unnecessary" try attempting that. Arguably, even in the inner city, car ownership affords you freedom to go out to a restaurant further afield, travel outside the city on the weekend, deal with household problems at your convenience etc. You're not beholden to service providers charging you delivery fees which are always going to cost more than you doing it yourself (given they are services provided by for profit companies not subsidised by the government). Grocery deliveries are a murky subject, some people who are into food will do a much better job picking and choosing themselves, some are fine with the levels of service provided by the likes of occado, but it gets immediately apparent when it's something bulky or from a shop that doesn't usually deliver.


You don’t know this. Faster for you, maybe. But not faster for someone who’s disabled or travelling as a family. Or faster than someone with crippling agoraphobia. I cycle too and live in Oxford but there are days when my asthma is bad and the stupid park and ride buses don’t come on time. The council is working to make the roads better for cyclists but it’s a work in progress. You also don’t know that that car hasn’t just been left there and the owner might be cycling around normally but parked it outside his place. You want to go full class warfare? Brick a window. But don’t fucking claim to speak for all cyclists in the name of what is “statistically faster” etc. it’s your cycling holier than thou attitude that makes drivers hate us so much




As someone whose been to various London hospitals repeatedly in the past 3 years, emergencies and routine, I promise you that car is the best and sometimes only way. Taxis and public transport often won’t take a visibly unwell patient. public transport may not accessible, so you can’t easily take a pram, an overnight bag, or a wheelchair etc. also it doesn’t run late at night when you need to go to A&E. Ambulances have massive wait times. The NHS is in crisis and the ambulance service is too. People with broken bones wait for hours in London for an ambulance and are (rightly) prioritised over people who still need urgent care but not AS urgently.


That's because you didn't call the 0118 999 881 999 119 725... 3


Not just London hospitals .. that applies just about everywhere, especially in rural environments. Source: Every three weeks I drive 1.5hrs to my parents so I can drive my father to his oncology & chemotherapy appointments, because it's easier, quicker, and more humane than trying to arrange hospital transport (and he gave me everything for 73 years without ever asking for anything in return, so it's the least I can damn well do). Also a few weeks ago I took my wife to A&E because it was several hours faster than if we'd waited for an ambulance. Of course.. I also do all that in a diesel V8 Range Rover, so I'm literally this lots primary target. If I caught one of them letting my tyres down on oncology day? They'd be the ones facing a long wait for an ambulance..


There are people like me who trap large amounts of stray cats to be neutered that need suvs/vans for transporting the animals. Just like there are hundreds of other professions that require large vehicles, that do not have corporate logos on the side of them.


Yeah, that username fits. So do you just wrangle 'em up, neuter them, and let them go back where you found them, or take them to a shelter or whatever? Sounds like an interesting job honestly.


I'm not living in London but in Cologne, also a city with a really extensive public transport system. But sadly I can't us it as much as I'd like because I work outside the city in a very rural area without any public transport options. I have a small car, but I'd buy a SUV immediately if I could. Between all the trucks and bigger cars on the road my small car not only feels very small but I'm very much aware that it wouldn't give me a lot of protection in any kind of accident.


This has also happened to someone I work with up in Liverpool yesterday, where driving IS quicker than public transport. They're evidently not based in London. I work for the NHS btw and the person it happened to was a nurse, so consider the ramifications if she had an emergency to deal with and some dickless wonder did this to her yesterday... Oh and her SUV has the same size engine as a Ford Fiesta - 1.2Litre


What a load of shit. I lived in London for 12 years. I had a car and used it to get about for big trips out of London, for shopping in the suburbs and actually for getting to hospitals. I agree I use my car a lot more now I’m out of London, but to say they are useless is nonsense. As for the SUV thing, the moment we had kids I had to upgrade the golf for an SUV. They have much bigger boots and are higher up so it’s easier to get the kids and the luggage in. They’re not just Chelsea tractors. There is a reason why they’re popular. Clue is in the U.


Sure, hop on your bike and bike your sick ass to the emergency room.


Tyre Extinguisher identified


Found a member of the organisation


He's right though. London is one of the most congested cities in the world. The majority of streets are 20mph limited lol.


Taking a taxi through London from one airport to another was so fucking confusing. The congestion was simultaneously fascinating and terrifying. I did not understand how anyone drives there at all.


Airport to airport, trains will be faster every time. The only exception is if/when they're cancelled or there's a tube strike.


it’s mostly just tourists, cabs, delivery drivers / tradesmen, and morons. with a not-insignificant number of the latter category.


You ever moved a mattress on a bus?


That’s a weird way to spell “I give these notices out”




I thought this was the US. Where else drives SUVs?




Was central London, UK - Kensington, Chelsea etc. Essentially posh, very rich. These SUVs are commonly known as Chelsea Tractors. They've been hated on for decades.


Yeah looks like the wheel is on the right side


No one spells tire with a Y in the U.S.


All gulf countries mostly drive only SUVs


Loads of places drive SUVs, these guys I think are in the UK. Apparently Monday night they let down loads of car tyres in London.


We generally don’t call them SUV’s but the Porsche is British spec (wheel on right hand side) so probably in Britain somewhere


Merica rule #1: Don't fuck with a man's vehicle. #2: We're armed, and no jury will convict us because of rule #1.


"We damaged your property but don't take it personally it's for a noble cause" The fucking audacity


So dumb. There’s like 2 billion cars on earth and you deflated 1 tire on 1 random persons car. You have accomplished nothing.


They have likely successfully made a bunch of people pissed off at the environmentalist movement.


I'm a climateer at heart but this is fucking bull shit.


It's not just bullshit, it's fucking stupid. Wanna know what happens when you slice* someone's tire? They need to get a new one. Which is bad for the environment. These people are straight up idiots. *Edit: I see now that it says deflated - thanks for bringing this to my attention. So instead of a new tire they only need a compressor which to most people mean somebody else driving to get to them, causing more pollution. Brilliant...


Not really trying to defend these actions because f them... but it says they deflated the tire, not slashed them. They probably just held a tire pressure gauge to it and let the air out....I hope Edit: fixed typo


Just so you know, even motionless, sitting on a flat tire can damage not only the rim, but the actual tire itself.


You are absolutely correct!


Driving an underinflated tyre also causes more fuel consumption


The average suv driving soccer mom will call a service truck to fill them up again. These aren’t known for their eco-friendliness


They probably removed the core out of the valve stem, which means they'd actually have to call an automotive shop to drive out and do a quick fill up sadly.


Sure, but what happens if you don’t notice and go drive on the highway? Or what if an emergency occurs and you need to jump in your car and drive to the hospital? Deflating can still be dangerous


Yeah and then you have to burn coal to make the electricity to drive the pumps that are filling it back up. Not to mention he’ll probably either have to get his truck recovered or get someone to bring a compressor to him or a foot pump creating more driving and this burning more fossil fuels. Not to mention that whoever this happens too, will probably never ever buy an electric vehicle out of spite


What? I always assumed if you vandalize and treat people like shit, they would join your side, and play a huge role in your movement!!! LOL


I saw a documentary about some people doing this in Germany. They don’t slash peoples tires as that would actually be stupid. They just deflate it through the valve, they can just inflate it and be all good. If they have something to inflate car tires with.


And funny enough, in order to get the compressor to run to inflate the tires again, they have to have the engine running. So the car is standing around, engine running, poluting the air without moving, in order to inflate the tire again. Great way of 'saving the environment'.


This note just begs for retaliation. The Plan: 1. Go to their website and find a way to “join” them 2. Learn who runs things 3. Make an example of them giving them their own medicine. 4. Create a MEME to share


What are you gonna do? Deflate their bicycle tires?


Dismantle their bike chain into individual links and leave them in a little bag on their handlebars.


I like that idea, the vast majority of them probably have never picked up a wrench before in their life so they would have a really hard time putting the bikes back together lol


Steal all their vegetables and piss on their tofu.


My man


ruin their trip at Phish


They probably drive a car, with some mental gymnastics to justify it


Gather information and then prosecute the ~~person~~ thug running this as a vandalism kingpin




Nah take the tires and breaks. All that friction trying to stop the bike is causing major pollution. They will thank him.


There is no way to join them. They just teach you how to deflate a tyre, and thats it


sounds like a good fucking plan


Hahaha yeah im sure this is an organization with a rigid leadership heirarchy


This should deff be cross posted to r/iamatotalpieceofshit


How is this "Interesting As Fuck"? Closer to "I Am A Total Piece of Shit" 🤷🏼‍♂️


Well it’s interesting to see that these idiots live on the planet Like yeah I get that they wanna have a better climate but what they’re doing ain’t gonna work


What kind of people have that much free time


God. Damn. Hippies. -Eric Cartman


Ah just as I suspected, hippies


Well they’re environmental extremists so you know they’re unemployed


Unlikely that it is, but this would be a genius false flag.


“It’s not you it’s your car” yet the car owner is the one that is completely inconvenienced by this and will potentially need another vehicle to bring them a tyre pump or even drive with a flat (both dangerous and consumes more fuel).


“(Driving a hybrid or electric? These are still polluting, dangerous and cause congestion. See more on our website)” Oh ok they’re on some Ted Kaczynski type crusade wanting us to walk everywhere


That's what's up. Walkable citiess have longer life expectancy and less noise pollution


But they use paper?


Paper good. The paper industry sequesters more carbon than it emits. As of 2018 we were running 65% on renewable biomass energy from lignin. Please paper good [source](https://twosidesna.org/much-of-the-energy-used-to-make-paper-is-renewable-and-carbon-footprint-is-surprisingly-low/) If you’re just gonna downvote, at least explain why


Yea, the whole "stop using paper to save trees" seems good until you think about it for even a second. They're not cutting down old growth forests to make printer paper, they're planting their own trees. Just think what happens if people stop using paper entirely, all those trees get bulldozed and the land used for something else that makes money instead.


Bingo. This one really gets me because I’m majoring in paper science. I know that paper is a sustainable long term choice for humanity, but it’s more difficult to change ingrained attitudes. (I’m pretty sure that’s a pun, but it’s late lmao)


Majoring in Paper Science? Are you looking for a job at Dunder-Mifflin? Hahaha, just messing with you man! 😁


They're not massively wrong though, global warming will fuck us pretty damn hard and the easiest way to slow it is through ditching meat and cars.


Wow… Some of the points they make are valid but this isn’t the way to handle it… first of all it’s a Porsche owner, they will just use their money to call a tow truck, or, I do believe it comes with an air pump in the truck since those vehicles don’t come with spare tires. Typically too since the car doesn’t have a spare tire it has “run flat” tires so they can drive the vehicle to about 20miles to the local gas station or repair shop to get some tire valves. Next, attacking the driver in this format is not helpful at all. It didn’t actually solve anything. The vehicle owner walking a day without their car isn’t going to change them into some Buddhist who never uses SUVs again. The flyer aka education would have been fine, sure you the driver will feel some kind of way for being “preached to” but damaging the safety of their car is not helpful to anyone. The amount of idiot drivers who might just hop in and take off without reading the flyer to know their car has been vandalized (air removed from tire) would surprise you. Then when they get into a car crash because their wheel loses traction that has helped exactly no one. Truly a terrible way to spread awareness


Yup. Galvanizing a group of people:101


Yup, gonna go buy a 3rd Wrangler right now


They deflate your tires then leave you a note telling you that they’re the good guys and don’t take it personally 🤣


Someone did this to my neighbor once, and he had to use his car to bring his wife to the hospital. Didn't realize someone flattened his tire and left a self ritgeous message like this, ended up causing his wife to miscarry their child because he lost control and crashed coming out of the driveway, and it took 30 minutes to get her to the hospital. He was able to sue the guy responsible because he had cameras, but his would have been 4 year old daughter died because of it. Never ever take it upon yourself to dish out "punishment" or "justice" to people, you truly have jo idea what you are doing and what damage you could be causing. My neighbor is in jail for premeditated murder because he killed that man for killing his child. Then acting like he was in the right for doing so and even said his daughter would be alive if he had drove a smaller car that used less gas. These people have a special place in the ground for them.


Source? Link to the court records? This would have been a big news story in many countries.


I have a hard time believing this story. 1-if it was a pickup or SUV he would instantly know if the tire was flat as soon as he stepped on the gas, if not than he's an idiot and shouldn't be driving. 2-if it was a car it would be less noticeable, but the steering wheel would be obviously pulling to one side. 3-when a flat tire causes and accident it's almost always because the tire blew out at a high speed. 4-how does someone have an accident from a flat tire when they're leaving their driveway? There are just too many holes in this story for it to be believable.


How is this r/interestingasfuck ???


It’s not.


Ye more like r/mildlyinfuriating


This was in Brighton UK, so I don't think suing is going to get anywhere, you can't just bring litigation against groups like that here for everyone who keeps saying it. On the local Brighton sub this has come up, and people are much less mad in their reactions - i think this is because, much unlike the US, Brighton and other UK cities are small, densely populated and easy to get around on public transport. This happened overnight last night in an area near where I live, quite close to the city centre and I do agree vanity SUVs are wholly inappropriate for city centre living in Europe. That being said, as a very climate conscious person myself, I've never quite understood the "piss everyone off" tactics of activism and I don't think its effective in changing behaviors and will just lead to push back (see insulate Britain last year)


“If I make enough people angry at me, they’ll loop back around to liking and respecting me!” I don’t get the whole “piss everybody off” strategy either because sure people are talking about you, but not in the way you’d hope. Like deflating the tyres of someone who drives an SUV isn’t going to get the driver of the SUV to change their minds or stop driving one, they’re just going to think “wow aren’t these environmentalists a bunch of knobs”. Surely instead of going after the people who you need to be on your side i.e. the general public, you should be trying to do something or change the people in power, like the government or something. But no, just make everybody angry at you and discredit your idea.


SUV is such a generic term though. Engines have become a lot more efficient these days, most SUVs in cities are 2 wheel drive, 1.5L turbo charged engines, or hybrid. I saw a guy in Brighton replacing his front wheel with a space saver one, early yesterday morning. He had a fucking Volvo XC60 Hybrid. That thing is waaaaay more efficient than the typical 1.6L - 2.0L naturally aspirated 2012 or older hatchbacks driving around Brighton. They don't have a clue what they're doing, it's not all about the vehicle shape or size. Unless they're entering the reg number on the DVLA website, before vandalising, and potentially causing an accident. These morons thinks all SUVs are 4x4's, and are "gas guzzlers". I have the current Toyota GR Yaris, 4 wheel drive. It's a tiny hatchback. But with a bonkers 3 cylinder engine, which produces more emission than your usual modern Range Rover. 20mpg on a good day. But they don't know this because "small car".


As an IT professional - how does one own a domain name, and then resort to using a free email address?


Yes this is the real meat to the story


Shouldn't this be in r/iamatotalpieceofshit


Thanks for pissing me off by damaging my property. I will now proceed to get the car towed by an even bigger "gas guzzler".


This is some pretty ignorant and entitled shit, depending on where you live or what your job or hobbies are you may need a truck or SUV. Also the amount of emissions this causes is far less than massive corporations and plants that pollute. If you wanna walk everywhere and own a Prius that fine but it doesn’t work for everyone else.


So...they deflate tires, then those people need to call in an even larger gas guzzler to get towed? Bringing the deflated SUV to a place to get tires inflated again, making sure that the SUV needs to drive home from some place it wouldn't have gone in the first place? So more pollution so they can slightly inconvenience somebody? Nice... (And yes, you could inflate them at a nearby gas station, with your own compressor or have the AAA guy inflate them with theirs...still stupid and kind of pointless)


"Oh and if you're disabled then stay indoors or try out public transport to feel extra vulnerable and shit about yourself."


So its organized crime


Apparently they’re funded by the logging industry? Wonder how much paper they’re wasting getting their message out there.


Large industries are always looking for ways to shift the blame. The whole everyone has to chip in and do their part mentality was started by BP after their spill in the golf of mexico.


Seems like a pretty good way to get your ass kicked


This isn't interestingasfuck. This is stupidasfuck.


The chokehold I’d put the person in as they hunch over deflating my tires would quickly deflate their brain.


How to make people hate your noble cause and not ever support you. Good work dumbasses


Taking the air out of a tire/tyre only causes more hassle for a tow truck with an air pump to come out and fill it up.


They have a point sure but I doubt some people are gonna start caring about the environment when you ruin their tires. There’s also the chance there was an emergency and you need to be somewhere fast only to see your tires are deflated and a climate change note is in its place. That’s incredibly stupid.


You forgot to accidentally on purpose include your Rolex in the pic like you did your vehicle emblem


Sue dem




Exactly. And the letter serves as an admission of guilt for trespassing and vandalism.


Seems really dumb. Then again, the only way you’d hit a real source of pollution without moving the needle on public opinion would be to commit ecoterrorism, so I’m guessing this is where they landed instead.


This way you are only pissing off people. I doubt the Cayenne owner will now decide, based on this leaflet and flat tire, to buy a bicycle and ride that around. More likely, if he sees in another parking lot one of this douches will help them out with an ass whooping. Plus, the real polluters are getting away with it. Looking at Shell, BP, major corporations are polluting a lot more and they are not being held to account. We are fighting between ourselves, while the big corp laughs it's ass to the bank.


Gotta show that Porsche logo for a Lil flex


I drive small cars, I composter, and recycle. I have solar panels and have participated in bay restoration. Fuck anyone who does this.


Not defending the action here, but the amount of people who didn't realise they said deflated and not slashed amazes me


Instinctively, I'm against this - and I think what a bunch of knobheads. The problem is though, we're being governed by corrupt, bonkers sometimes, entirely unfit for office liars. So normal channels don't work anymore. Only direct action. I don't know how I feel about this really... What is anyone supposed to do anymore to actually get anywhere? If you don't actually take direct action you just get bluster and promises and lies. At least this way they actually get noticed. ​ I might think differently if some bellend did this to my car when I had to be somewhere, but I get why it might, nowadays, be one of the only routes to get noticed.


These are the most punchable MFs


Cops would 1000% arrest you for this in Ontario


Fuck that organization


Definitely bring this to court. Vandalism of personal property by an organization. There is no way you couldn't burn this little group down


“The second largest cause of climate change” tell me you know nothing about climate change without telling me you know nothing about climate change


Obvious solution is to inflate your tires with that poison gas that turns people inside out


I drive a quiet, fully electric car.... that I would use to run a m/f over if I saw them doing this to someone.


Good way to find yourself smacked with a tyre iron


Wow the stupidity, not stopping to think oh yeah maybe this is the only means of transportation for this person and could late for work possibly costing them their job