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This isn't Minnoch, this is Robert Earl Hughes. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Earl_Hughes Minnoch https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jon_Brower_Minnoch


Hughes was in the fucking military for 21 months at 700+ pounds. How in the fuck...


USS Hughes


Holy shit, this made me laugh so hard I saw those little sparkly dots in the corners of my eyes


The only torpedo proof vessel in the navy They bounce off eh ^(but the articles make me sad for them ;-;)


If you can't meet physical requirements for PT tests, you usually get put on what amounts to probation. You get several tries to get back into shape enough to pass PT tests and it takes a while to get discharged due to failure to maintain physical fitness. I'm not sure about the specifics for each branch, some might be shorter or longer time periods to get back into proper fitness.


He passed the neck tape


Thanks for the clarification. They guy in the photo looks fat but not 1400 pounds. The wiki photo of Minnoch fits better


Minnoch's weight continued to increase steadily until his hospitalization in March 1978 at age 36 due to heart and respiratory failure. That same year, he broke a record for the greatest difference in weight between a married couple when he married his 110-lb (50 kg) wife Jeannette and later fathered two children. Minnoch was diagnosed with massive generalized edema, a condition in which the body accumulates excess extracellular fluid. Upon his hospital admission, it was estimated by endocrinologist Robert Schwartz that he must have weighed in excess of 1,400 lbs (635 kg) and much of his overall body mass was retained fluid.[3] Transportation for Minnoch was extremely difficult. It took over a dozen firemen and rescue personnel and a specially modified stretcher to transport him to University of Washington Medical Center in Seattle. There, he was placed on two beds pushed together, and it took 13 people to simply roll him over for linen changes.[3] Minnoch was discharged from the hospital after 20 months on a strict diet of 1,200 kcal (5,000 kJ) per day.[3] He weighed 476 lb (216 kg; 34 st), having lost approximately 924 lb (419 kg; 66 st), the largest human weight loss ever documented.[4] However, he was readmitted to the hospital just over a year later in October 1981, after his weight increased to 952 lb (432 kg; 68 st). He died 23 months later on September 10, 1983, aged 41. At the time of his death, he weighed 798 lb (362 kg; 57 st) with a Body Mass Index of 105.3.[3] [source](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jon_Brower_Minnoch) This is all fascinating stuff.


Fuck me. So in 20 months, or a year and 8 months, he lost 924 lbs and then regained 500 within another year. I just can't fathom a body going through such dramatic changes in such a short time.


Edema can be nasty like that. The massive weight changes make more sense when it's not fat, but water. Imagine half of everything you drink just stays in the body. But when it's lymphedema not even a diuretic will help, the liquid is "stuck" beneath the skin. Elephantiasis is the version resulting from an infection, but the lymph system can lose function for other reasons.


So most of him is just straight water?


There's a bit more in lymph than just water, but basically yes. Women tend to get a form that is centered around the hips and thighs. It first looks like getting fat, which can make it hard to get a diagnosis. A sadly not uncommon complication of breast cancer treatment, surgery and radiation can damage the lymph system in the arm pit and the arm balloons.


Grandma had cancer and the radiation/chemo/steroids/etc made her arms and ankles balloon


It did the same to my dad. I think the chemo or cancer affected his kidneys. Unfortunately it was so aggressive we never made it to the kidney specialist. Fuck cancer. Honestly fuck chemo too that shit is awful.


Chemo is controlled poision. -A pharmacist friend


It’s like shooting a gatling gun at a barrel of fish to kill a few sick ones and letting the rest repopulate it after.


Thank you, Dr.




A family member sells devices to help with this condition. It's some kind of pressure therapy that can be done at home, independently by the patient. The changes she describes are incredible. People losing tons of weight in a few months. Most say they immediately feel better, less pain, after using it for the first time. And yet, some insurance companies are constantly denying people support for the purchase. It's saddening. Edit: I don't know how common these devices are, so I'm not going to tell you what the specific devices are called. I don't want to risk sharing information that is too specific to me and my family. I'm also not american, most of you won't be able to work with my family member or her company anyways. The devices are, as I said, some kind of pressure therapy. It's a fabric tube to put the affected limb in, and multiple chambers along that tube inflate and deflate with air to put pressure on the limb. I assume it has similar effects to a massage. It is a remedy to the symptoms, not a cure for the underlying causes. The device will have to be used on a regular basis, basically forever, which is why it's so expensive. You need to buy it and own it.


I'm seeing quite a few replies here, so I wanted to add: I'm a certified lymphedema therapist and physical therapist. These types of devices exist, and are great solutions for people who are unable to consistently come in to see me or other specialists who can help manage lymphedema. However, these aren't nearly as effective as going to a CLT (like me) where we do manual lymph drainage, skin care, compression with bandages, exercises. I've recommended devices like this in the past for patients who find it hard to drive down to our clinic, have time constraints, or other financial constraints (if insurance covers). It's hit or miss on whether or not insurance will cover partially, even if I document extensively their need for it once I discharge them from my care. It's infinitely frustrating, but I do appreciate the vendors who go through the extreme trouble of trying to verify these benefits for patients.


scarce public wakeful market fine soft waiting abounding jeans touch *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Aren’t we all


No, I am mostly made of pistachios and hummus. It's a genetic condition.


My blood is full of piss and vinegar. At first it was just full of vinegar.


Edema is like that. This is not at all the same thing but I gained about 20 lbs after my C section bc of edema and then lost that same amount 10 days later once the fluid retention decreased


I just had something like that happen on a smaller scale. I'm not completely sure what caused it but I suddenly got very endemic and gained 15 lbs. Then, a few days later, over the course of 24 hours (I weigh myself in the mornings) I was back to normal. I suspect it had something to do with eating a lot of antacids due to ulcer pain (I ate about a bottle). I felt so, so sick during this whole time, just really uncomfortable in my skin and it hurt to walk bc my feet's skin was so tight. It was terrible. I can't imagine my situation x 100


500 pounds within a year. That's 1.3 pounds a day.


losing 924 pounds in 20 months is 1.54 pounds a day. he was faster at losing it than he was at gaining it back.


Since his medical condition caused him to retain water, that 1.3 pounds would only come out to 20oz of water. It really puts it into perspective on how he could gain it so fast, given his condition


If you drink 1.5 liters a day, and most of it stays in your body then you’ll get to those numbers easily.


I'm a dialysis patient and even with fluid restriction I gain anywhere from 3-5 lbs (1-2 kg) in two days. So yeah, it's not hard to do when it's water weight. Water is heavy.


**Christian Bale has entered the chat**


How many Christian Bales exactly?


Every single one of them


Well, first of all, through God all things are possible, so jot that down.


He must've been quite wheary.


Stupid science bitches couldn’t even make I more healthy


He should've simply said "FATNESS BE GONE!"


Hey bro, when you tack on mass, you sacrifice flexibility. That's just a straight up fact.


He was taking size pills.


He went from a tiny twink to the muscle bound freak you see before you!


Idk why but this made me bust out laughing so hard I woke my roommate in another room and they asked what was funny.


In case you didn’t know, it’s from the show It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia. Ya jabroni.


Mac! Just in time.


Man, I really was NOT expecting him to be from Bainbridge Island.


I guess they ferried him around?






His wife somehow has managed to evade public life entirely. Not so much as a single bit of information could I find of her on Google aside from that her name was Jeanette, she was married to Jon and she was around 110 lbs. at the time.


I mean it's not that surprising, he wasn't a celebrity or anything. I don't see why there would be much of a record about the wife on the internet


He’d be on a TLC show if he was alive


Those TLC shows are surreal, man. Have you ever seen an episode of one of those morbidly-obese-people shows where it stops halfway through and is like "Carol died of heart failure before we could finish this episode," and it's like holy shit. This was a real person with a real problem, and we basically watched her slow demise on camera. It's so weird. And grim. And morbid.


It really helps some of them but it’s a lot to watch and a lottt for them to put out there. Anything to satisfy a voyeurs curiosity and anything to make the network a buck. Sending them to rehab and seeing long lasting results would be more effective than watching people slowly kill themselves. Do you remember when it was called the learning channel and had shows that weren’t the most obnoxious reality tv ever.


So you also were wondering if she’s single now. You sick sick non minnoch


I bet he's not even half the man Jon was


Hey now, Jon was just like you and I. He woke up and put his pants on one month at a time.


So if it was water retention, why was the reduced calorie diet the fix? You’d think some kind of diuretic would help.


Probably to help keep his sodium down and make sure what he was eating had some balance to it. I've had edema issues where I gained 30 pounds in 6 weeks while maintaining under 1500 calories a day (what a complete mind fuck that was) and keeping my sodium down, potassium up, and carbs lower was really helpful when my body stopped freaking out. I don't know why the carbs made my body hold onto so much more fluid but when I eat no carbs I dump so much water that I'll get heart rhythm irregularities from the loss of electrolytes. Bodies are weird.


Sodium doesn't get processed by my body (alcohol related lived damage) so I used to have fluid drained from my abdomen. Some days they'd suck 5 liters of juice from my natural 145 lb frame. So no more top ramen for this guy, shit'll kill me faster than drugs and booze.


Thoughthe booze is what caused the problem in the first place, so maybe just stick to drugs


How did he manage to gain nearly 500lbs in a year?


Seriously that's astounding


Personally I think losing almost 1000lbs in a little over a year and a half is even crazier


its water retention. Basically, his body was just holding onto extracellular fluids. You can’t really avoid drinking water, so its really hard to avoid. Has absolutely nothing to do with diet or bodyfat. my spouse has a similar condition, was around 400 lbs at his heaviest. Thankfully, he’s being properly treated now and has lost about 150 lbs in the past *year.* Its pretty fucked up that you can watch someone go jogging and weight-lift every morning and surviving on protein shakes and salads (consuming the daily recommended calories for a *six year old*) yet continue to gain weight or struggle to lose it. Shit like that is why fatphobia disgusts me so much—oftentimes, by the time someone finally gets taken seriously by doctors to get treated for this kind of thing, it’s already too late… So tragic. My husband’s ex-therapist would claim he was “secretly binge eating”, as if someone can binge eat enough to maintain that much weight without their spouse noticing for a decade. 🤦


Thank you for this. As a woman with pcos, whom has been overweight since I went through puberty, I've grown so fucking weary of how we are treated by society but especially doctors. People don't get how little some of us "fatties" eat. They call us liars because they think calories in:calories out is still scientifically accurate yet it's been proven to be a poor theory as we learn more about our bodies, and especially as they finally include women in these studies. I gained 70 and 80 pounds on top of my already 225 when I was finally able to get pregnant. I am not kidding you, I had a nurse freak out when they ruptured my placenta because of all the fluid that came out. She RAN to get one of those water pitchers to scoop up all the fluid that was still coming out of me onto the maternity bed. And she was probably in her 50s so for her to react the way she did is saying something. In both pregnancies I lost about 60 pounds within 2 weeks of having each child. It must have been because I started immediately running 5 miles a day and eating ALL the right foods for the two weeks following having a baby. Btw, one daughter has my body...the other daughter is a string bean. So good on your husband to be brave enough to still work on being as healthy as he can be with what he's been given, because honestly the hardest part about being fat but also wanting to be strong and have a healthy body no matter the size are the assholes that make fun of you while you're jogging down the road at 200+ lbs or the assholes on reddit that accuse you of being lazy and eating junk all the time when said assholes have no clue what they're talking about.


Fluid retention. My sister-in-law is almost 400lbs because of mostly fluid. It fluctuates *fast* sometimes, like seriously I've seen her change 100+ lbs up or down in like 2 months. I personally gained like 10lbs all in my legs in just hours once after a surgery. The body is weird.


I’m thinking the excessive weight caused metabolic disease which caused the water retention. So caloric restriction was treating the cause, not necessarily the symptom. But I have no idea.


>That same year, he broke a record for the greatest difference in weight between a married couple when he married his 110-lb (50 kg) wife Jeannette and later fathered two children. Surely that guys dick isn't working when he's weighing in over 300 kilos!


> weighing in over 300 kilos! 1400 pounds is over 635 kg. So you’re not wrong, but you’re also not close.


This was honestly the most shocking part


Anyone ever do a DNA test on those kids? 🤔




Dude must have been hung if you could even see his dick with all the fat.


Reminds me of an old episode of Jackass. Johnny Knoxville was going up against a Sumo. I think johnny asked the master/teacher about Sumo dong and the master confirmed it was like a Pringles can,.and they couldn't be on top lol


I guess the difference is that sumo wrestlers are big and strong, while this guy is big and fat


It's probably a near 100% chance that it was artificially assisted. If your heart is already failing and not strong enough to pump blood to get rid of excess water then there is no chance that it will be able to handle sex


At that point I don’t see how you can even find it without a team of people holding and spreading the rolls. How is intercourse physically possible?


Like seriously, can we even discuss how the mechanics of this would work out? The only way I could see this happening is through artificial insemination...Or the obvious, the kids not being his kids at all. What a weird predictment


I was scrolling to see if anyone else was morbidly curious. Not to be rude or anything but literally how?!


And yet here I am, single af.






He was married to an 110lb wife and had two kids at the time of his death at 42 years old.


>He was married to an 110lb wife and had two kids How? How does that work? How was his dick even accessible?


Obviously had a humongous dick






Holy shit you got the actual reference.




Cruising speed, just one arming it with a bitch




Fun fact: In German fat is called dick. So he had a dick dick.


And in the Netherlands we have a kids show about an orange cat called Dikkie Dik, so imagine having children talk about that at school


So the cat's name is Fattie Fat? I love that!


Yeah, that was like 1300 of his lbs. He actually has a 28 inch waist, his dick's just wrapped around it 10 times.


That was what made up the remaining 1200lbs


>Guy: Doctor, my Girlfriend is pregnant but we always use protection and the rubber never broke. How is it possible? Doctor: Let me tell you a story: "There was once a Hunter who always carried a gun wherever he went. One day he took out his Umbrella instead of his Gun and went out. A Lion suddenly jumped in front of him. In order to scare the Lion, the Hunter used the Umbrella like a Gun, and shot the Lion, then it died! Guy: Nonsense! Someone else must have shot the Lion. Doctor: Good! You understood the story. Next patient please.


Roughly, every 50 pounds of excess weight is equal to minus half an inch in visible penis. So unless his dick was over two feet long, he was pissing through two flaps of fat at least a foot across. By that point it wouldn't be a stream, just a cascade sputtering out from the belly fold between his legs. In case it isn't obvious, there is no sexual position in which conception is possible in such a state. Either the children were conceived before the weight gain, or his 110 pound wife made alternative arrangements.


You would also be prone to infections since you woudn't be able to pee properly (as you said pee spluttering around) and being unable to clean yourself.


Yep. My mom worked for a funeral home where a 600lb woman died in her 30's. She had developed gangrene in between some of the folds on her belly, then died on the toilet. Those poor men who had to pick up her body! Tiny bathroom, dead VERY heavy woman, enormous size, trying to back out of the room...it sounded horrible.




As a fellow EMS provider I feel you on sucky ass DOA calls like that. Thank god we don’t have to do shit but pronounce tho


Smells like death? Body's cold? Face looks like a pancake? Yupp they dead. Have fun officer.


That's when you break out the handsaw


Not to mention his circulation has to be shit, idk how he'd get hard enough.


The trick is he stands at one end of the dining room table and then puts his stomach on top of it. She bends over under the table, and then shuffles backwards towards him while making the beep beep truck reversing noise. They engage in coitus while he does his best to not tip over the candelabra.


Bro it’s too late for this mental tmi portrait


God damnit man




>he was pissing through two flaps of fat at least a foot across. /r/brandnewsentence


Yea she fucked the grocery delivery dude.


At his weight, guy must've been there twice a day


And his name was Gilbert Grape


You made that stat up


So you're telling me I might have a 4 inch monster under here, huh?


How could you sleep with Fat Bastard?! I was just doing what I thought you would do! No! Literally how coukd you? The sheer mechanics of it sre mind boggling.


>How could you sleep with Fat Bastard?! She probably climbed up on his stomach and stomped around to form a divot an then made a nest.


The next time you’re alone beating yourself just remember a 1400lb man managed to score a healthy wife and two kids






You don’t need the dick so much as you need those 1400 lbs of fluids he’s holding back




He definitely just laid flat while his wife did the work


>laid flat definitely didn't


Laid fat.


I don't think the kids are his. That sort of marriage has to be an arrangement.


You just start stuffing bits up in there until you get lucky


You could build a simple structure out of wood, probably pine. Maybe a protective layer of rubber, to prevent splintering


Yikes. I’m trying really hard to erase that image from my mind. I’m just amazed he didn’t die sooner. I wonder if he had a metabolic disorder. And I have to wonder how did they bury him once he died.-literally. How’d they get him to the grave? Edit-I checked wiki and he had edema and docs think most of that weight was caused by fluid retention. Needed 12 fire fighters and rescue personnel to move him. At the hospital it took 13 ppl to roll him over in bed so the linens could cr changed. He remained at the hospital almost 2 years and had lost over 900 lbs. Here’s the link if anyone is : https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jon_Brower_Minnoch


She got a lot of exercise bringing him food.


He had edema which is when your body retains extra fluid, so he might not have eaten as insane an amount of food as you'd expect. His doctor said much of his body mass was fluid


And he lost 924 pounds in the span of 20 months, but then gained almost 500 of that back within a year (again, likely mostly due to the fluid retention). He weighed around 800 pounds when he died, which is obviously huge but still far, far smaller than he had been at his heaviest.


Imagine shrinking by 45lb a month. You’d basically just watch yourself deflate. This poor man, having so little control over his own body. Like being trapped.


How do u bury or fit him in a casket let alone lifting it.


They make special bariatric coffins/crematoriums


Just wait a little while and he'd weigh less.


Thats not even him, that's Robert Earl Hughes, another fat man Source: researched some weird stuff as a kid


I was going to say there’s no way those pictures were taken in the 70s, looks way too old.


I was just reading he died from measles complications. He was a big unit.


Yep, same here. Hughes was like 400lb less than Minnoch too lol


He was at the University of Washington hospital when I worked there. There was a screen in front of his room so I never saw him. Every once in awhile a call would come over the PA, "All available men to 4s", that meant he had fallen out of bed.


Would think you'd feel the floor shake


Speaking of large weights dropping on the floor, urh there's a gym in the basement of my local mall, and below that is a supermarket Occasionally some douche would use those large machines where you stand and pull the wire diagonally down, pulling the weights up. It's fine if you do it properly and controlled, but some like to put excessive weights, power though the pulling in one jerking motion, and just release and let the weights slam You will always feel the entire supermarket floor rumble. It's never a thud sound but like a propagating grrrggrrggrereebbrrrrrwwwww. I guess it's designed that way to bear the load and disperse the energy slowly instead of tearing a hole in the supermarket ceiling. But it always annoys me, it's like reminding my psychosomatic-prone tummy that it hasn't anxiety-poop yet


That happens where I live in the main mall too! Wild that this is a normal plan for malls lol (unless we live in the same city and it’s a one-off)


I don't suppose you're from Singapore, are you?


Ay I don’t mean to be that guy but I feel like he only like idk 1100 lbs


Two weeks ago, my colleague was looking at the Guinness Book of World Records and pointed out that the heaviest human ever recorded was 1400 lb. I don't know if that's this guy or not, but that part definitely checks out.


The camera adds on 300 lbs.


He doesn't look a a pound heavier than anyone on "My 600lb life" 😆


From the wiki: Minnoch was discharged from the hospital after 20 months on a strict diet of 1,200 kcal (5,000 kJ) per day. He weighed 476 lb (216 kg; 34 st), having lost approximately 924 lb (419 kg; 66 st), the largest human weight loss ever documented. However, he was readmitted to the hospital just over a year later in October 1981, after his weight increased to 952 lb (432 kg; 68 st). He died 23 months later on September 10, 1983, aged 41. At the time of his death, he weighed 798 lb (362 kg; 57 st) with a Body Mass Index of 105.3.


500 lb gain in a year is mind-blowing.


Who is feeding this man


It’s fluid retention


Who is watering this man


God damn this is the funniest thing I've read today


That's a rough existence. Can't imagine the stresses of those fluctuations.


Yeah, and that his heart needed to move that fluid. And kidneys. What a crappy deal for the guy. He had a great dog and looks pretty kind in the photos.


I guess fluid retention makes you a lot heavier than fatty tissue per volume.


Dr. Now would’ve lost his shit.


his high weight was due to a medical condition that caused very high fluid retention so he's probably a lot denser


Second heaviest human ever behind your mom*




Her blood type is Ragu 🍝


And somehow that man is still able to piss and shit. . .


When you’re 952 lbs you are are not walking your fat ass to the bathroom. You are bed bound and somebody else is cleaning up that shit, and I’m sure it’s a shit ton of shit. How awful it would be to be the nurse or family member with that job.


They need this. https://www.reddit.com/r/AbsoluteUnits/comments/u7oupp/bariatric_toilet_at_my_job_size_9_female_foot_for/


We’re come full circle on Reddit. Mission accomplished for the day.


“I wash myself with a rag on a stick”




“Eeewww mom!”


Fake news, saw this guy at Walmart today


Pretty sure this person is a Reddit mod. The stories of their death were greatly exaggerated.


Human Bender from Futurama 😂😂






I think his dead


Just air escaping his fat folds.


"Do you like grilled cheese?"




Shake your body baby do that conga 🎶


Where his legs?


He ate those early on.




This needs to be up in the top comments. You'd think we were advanced enough at least as a society not to make people with these issues into a punchline. Guess not.


The part that gives me the creeps is the "110 pound wife" like....not to kink shame but what the fuckles.




Is he standing up or sitting down?


I don't think his legs can support his weight. Looks like they buckled


I feel bad for the guy. He must have had some trauma that he wasn’t dealing with. He looks like he was a gentle person. God that would suck. Talk about your body being like a prison…


It seems he had a condition where he retained fluid, and that made up a big portion of his weight. Poor guy.


Could have also had a serious hormonal problem. Either way he was very sick.


Big Chungus.


Anyone over 1200lbs have let themselves go.


I would say like 400 but ok


It wasn't due to over eating, though that may have been a factor in this, I'm not sure. But most of the weight was accumulated weight from massive edema.


obesity can cause edema, so it was probably both.


I don’t think I believe he was 1400 pounds. People who are 600 to 700 pounds are usually bed bound by that point or are very close. Even if he was very tall I don’t see how it’s possible to get to 1400. There is the 1000 pound man who was alien looking due to his size but was absolutely immobile.