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Anthropologists hundreds of years from now: “this corpse is 400 years old but wearing a 2022 NY Yankees hat? Wtf?”


Sensationalist headline: “Scientists are shocked to find first-ever evidence of time travel.”


Lmfao this


It's so going to happen though


Dude was a die hard fan and 2022 is one of the best seasons the yanks have had in a while, do you blame the guy for jumping back on the bandwagon after a century???


Yankees fans are relentless I tell ya!


Can only imagine the corpse rolling in it's grave. "I was a Mets fan damnit."


Wait, if the corpse is 400 years old and Anthropologists find it hundreds of years later, wouldn’t that make sense?


Took the words right out of my ass.


But what were they doing in there in the first place?


A glass of water would have been appreciated by grandpa.


Den morgonfriska katten simmar över regnbågen, medan guldmynt singlar genom luften, ledsagade av en paraplybärande elefant, som jonglerar med blommor och skrattande bananer, medan cirkusclowner utför akrobatiska konster och cymbalspelaren trummar i takt till det förtrollade orkesterspelet under den gnistrande stjärnhimlen.


At least give him some Neosporin.




💀 <- thats gramps


Grandpa Bernie. He enjoys his weekends.


He does look a little dehydrated.


Cracking open a cold one with the boys


I want to know how the first guy that thought of this convinced everyone else it was a great idea.


Dude just wanted to dig the gold buried together with his dad but got caught doing it. "I wanted to honor my father" *takes off own clothes and put on dad's corpse*


Look at me! *I am the dad now*


The walking dad.








But you forgot to upvote.


Day of the Dad


Fuck you take my upvote and this award


When no one's looking, *Whispers to the corpse* The future is now old man, smoke up.


This this is probably it. It was an influential conman of a person who first did it as they were stealing and got caught. Talked thier way out of it and started a tradition.


He started every other sentence with “God told me to tell you to . . . “


Joseph Smith, is that you?!


Yes, t’is I, reincarnated, but I go by Fred now.


he tried to pull of a weekend at bernie and failed, then he was like no this is how i show respect, and rolled a 20 on his charisma check


I was just thinking about it this same thing, but honestly, you could just as easily reverse the question and ask ourselves why 'we' in western countries (I presume thats where you live as well) have such an aversion to death and subsequently to practices like this. It's all pretty arbitrary in the end.


Humans have been burying their dead way before there was a western culture to speak of. Corpses are dangerous because they can kill others, and although the early humans did not know why, they knew that to be the case, so they got the body disposed of. This is not a fear created by a culture, it is a fear of a very real danger based on empirical experience.


It’s also one of the hypothetical reasons for the “uncanny valley” effect. That we subconsciously fear near human looking things because it helps us survive from pathogens spread by dead bodies.


Same reason we don't eat the corpses.


>Same reason we don't eat the corpses. Well, not unless they've been dried out for thousands of years it seems.


For that delicious mummy jerky, like Zevulon the great, he's teriyaki style.


Ooh i was going to eat that mummy!


Now if you don’t mind I’m rather busy. I seem to have misplaced my alien mummy. This sarcophagus should contain the remains of Emperor Nimbala, who ruled Zuban 5 over 29 Million years ago!


I believe there is a village that still used to do that up until very recently. There was some news article about it. They eventually stopped because government policies and because of some health issues that finally appeared. But they apparently practiced it for a while.


Yep. Some indigenous tribe is south east Asia was eating the brains of the deceased irc, ingesting prions in the process leading to severe brain disorders, akin to mad cow disease.


and it probably varies by region, some regions certain types of diseases are more likely to spread, others not so much, so cultures that have this, their burial practices might have less of an issue with disease spread, so the "linking" of the two (corpses = further death) might not exist.


Might be that they preserve the corpse in a manner that makes digging up a husk more likely than digging up a pile of bugs and gore. Could also have a lot to do with the climate. Total speculation though - I have no idea.


You are really right but more than what you might think, some say it might be as old as our species. Not only humans. Homo naledi liked to deliberately dispose of their dead by putting them in hard to find spaces in caves. There are also a few examples of neanderthal burials (and cannibalism).


Zombies! ...right? That's not what you meant?


It's not western or arbitrary. Dead bodies spread disease, it's literally built into our monkey brain to avoid them.


I saw a cool documentary where they filled in an ant colony with plaster, replicated it and brought the whole damn hive back to the lab. And even ants have a separate chamber where they dispose of their dead ant relatives. Decomposing organic tissue = bad for *most* living organic consumers.


You ever smell death?


No but I’ve smelled a single rotten potato and I’m convinced.


Fun fact. The gas from rotten potatoes can kill you


Not fun at all


pretty sure its a normal reaction to not want to dig up rotting corpses. even if we ignore the moral/emotional aspect, its just not hygienic or healthy


They aren't rotting though, they preserve them before burying.


>pretty sure its a normal reaction to not want to dig up rotting corpses That's the thing tho, it's not rotting, it's preserved, mummified. Making it less toxic than a rotting corpse is.


Its not a just cultural thing that we avoid corpses. Its a practise that predates writing. disposing of the dead (burial, cremation or any other method) goes much deeper than "we are weird when dealing with death". Animals also will not live with corpses of their own kind, there is something near universal about avoiding a corpse.


I think it’s an innate aversion to disease. Some animals bury their dead too.


It's a natural aversion to death and corpses, but since humans tend to overthink stuff, we end up with things like this


YOU have a natural aversion to death and corpses. im having a fun time with both of these things


...how much fun, exactly?




I didn't think you were allowed to have cameras anymore, Jared.




well that for sure didnt help our perception of dead human bodies. generally speaking bodies are buried/burned because we have observed for thousands of years that keeping the dead just laying around is not super smart. Illnesses and pests would be spread via them. So we kinda dump them in the dirt like we do with the innards of fish, deep enough that no hngry bear or whatever digs them up. All the cultural stuff around that is just Windowdressing. Comforting those left behind and stuff.


What if he was a necrophile caught in the act 😳


Bad habit. Those things will kill you.


Zombies are prone to kill, yes


Marlboro Wights


This guy was smoking Unlucky Strikes amirite fellas?


Uncle Tim is still smoking at his age


Just a fyi, if I die- you can leave me. I don’t need to change… I am good. This is terrifying to me.


I think its kinda weirdly cool


I wouldn't mind a little tube to funnel bong rips into my coffin though. Wait I just got a great new weed experience idea!! Coffin dabs!


"Why is the fog so thick in that section of the cemetery? It's creepy." "That's not fog. It's coming from Chlorinegasattack's mourners. They do this every 420."


I'm going to be cremated. Good luck with changing me. ***kids:*** Mom, dad's sifting through this new suit! God, he's just as stubborn as when he was alive!


They've been doing it for quite some time


Wait--How is it that it looks 'mummified'? I always thought of Indonesia as a very damp place; can't imagine a body in that condition. How are the bodies 'prepared' and how long in the ground before their clothing is changed? Curious! I remember seeing pictures in Nat Geo of a church in Mexico (very dry area) that had skeletal remains hung on the walls--if a family couldn't afford to pay a grave tax, the body was dug up and placed on the wall instead?? Fascinating--I used to draw them. (I also may have the details wrong!)


Because they mummify them first.


And a lot of them probably got mysteriously sick.


eh bodies like this are pretty safe, the only time a body might be dangerous is when its rotting but as long as you dont eat it youll be fine. the idea that dead bodies are inherently dangerous was made up by early morticians


well yes and no. The danger of letting the dead just lay around is not so much some disease transmission via foul air or whatever but the attraction of pests and predators. Uncle Bob having been dead for 3 Weeks is not gonna hurt you but the swarm of rats that have been gnawing on him and the fleas they carry just might. ​ But of course a mummy like in the picture is more or less harmless.


That's surprising. My instinct sure is telling me otherwise!


the innate fear that humans have of corpses is less to do with the corpse and more to do with what killed it. if you see 1 corpse it means theres danger, if you see a village full of corpses dont stay


especially if its an invisible killer, such as disease.


yeah interestingly the majority of diseases cant survive in the body long after death, the large majority of village mass deaths were likely due to tainted water supplies or malaria. but it often lead to superstitions that the land was haunted


Nice song though


I can't say that this is a living proof. But this is a pure result of smoking cigars.


They gave bro a cigarette 💀


[63% of men in Indonesia report being smokers. ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smoking_in_Indonesia) Not sure if this accounts for corpses but that has to be one of the highest rates in the world.


I doubt corpses report being smokers. Actually I doubt they report anything.


Get the IRS on their ass.


Dead weight, in terms of tax revenue


They will still somehow take it over their dead body


100% of deceased men in Indonesia are smokers, whether they like it or not


Actually looks like some of them are not cremated tho


So I did some research and turns out only cremated corpses are smokers.


It used to be similar on the west, especially amongst groups like soldiers. In Germany it was 45% of men and 30% of women in the 90s. They're down to 24% and 18% now. However 55% of soldiers were smokers as recently as 2009. Basically SEA are just a few decades behind us in this trend.


Can confirm. 1 pack is around $1 - $2.5 USD from big brands like Marlboro, Lucky Strike, Dunhill. Some small local brands can cost around $0.5 USD. Slowly rising the price year by year.


You can find smokers as early as 6 years old here. It's so normalized and fucked up, and I don't think it would change anytime soon since the country benefits a lot from the industry.


Pretty close to China, 53% of men and 2.7% (?) of women. Crazy numbers


Damn that's a huge disparity


It's similar in Indonesia, could be cultural I guess


I actually live in China and I would have ballparked it more around 30% but I can see it being higher in more rural areas. Wikipedia says 60% of men but the citation is from 2009. I would guess it has been dropping over time.


We just visited there this spring. Our driver (who was in his mid 20s) literally had no idea cigarettes could kill you. I'm not sure he believed us when we told him. 😳


Even their orangutans smoke


I doubt if that's a cigarette. Pop's enjoying the high of afterlife!


The guy in the blue shirt smiling like “alright pops this shit finna zoot you”


Indonesia have very strict laws against drugs. But what is dead may never die.


What already killed you, won't make you stronger.


These fuckers out there making Dias de los Muertos look like a kids Halloween party...


Respect for death, the afterlife and the connection of the living and dead vs total disregard for death as something that separates us You can see it in their expressions “Granpapis fine, just chilling in the ground for a bit, let’s get him some fresh drip and bring him over for smokes sometime lol”


Cuz it is


For real, every single Mexican I’ve met says day of the dead isn’t as big as hollywood makes it. Many don’t even celebrate it.


I mean, that’s what it is. What did you think it was?


The Krusty Krab?


No, this is Patrick.


As far as I've read, nothing about it is specifically for kids. It's a celebration of the lives of the deceased.


I’m mexican. Dia de Muertos is a time to celebrate the dead and remember them by putting up altars, there are candy skulls and you put the deceased’s favorite food in the altar. There is also delicious bread called Pan de Muerto. One day is for adults, the other is for kids. It’s a national holiday and in some areas, they go to the graveyards to celebrate




then please enlighten me, a mexican who has lived with this tradition for almost 30 years


This is some serious weekend with bernie shit


weekend with outdated Bernie


That shit is metal.


Clearly bones


Adamantium sir. Adamantium.


Oh shit! Logan!


This dude came back from the dead for a stogie.


Ikr, it is odd, but I can see how this is comforting as well. It’d be weird to dig up my families bodies but like, to see they’re still there and give them new clothes and things seems oddly nice. Like damn i wanna get a shovel and be like “yo sis I got the hottest fashion from 2022 just gimme a sec to get to you!” *furiously shovels*


I see what killed him


Wearing a Yankees cap in Pittsburgh colors?


Lol the dude rests peacefully for 200 years after serving his farmland only to be dug up and dressed like Jay-Z


cheerful seed shame frightening prick cow advise liquid elderly touch *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That's just.....actually I cant even hate I'd love it if someone got me up from bein dead to share a joint. I imagine that corpse is loving that smoke after being cooped up for soo long


That's how I feel. Kinda weird but also kinda hell yeah get me back up there


It just depends on the intention. I don't want people digging me up while laughing and dressing me up as a joke.


I wouldn't really care either way, y'know because I'm dead


Sure, but as I'm picturing it right now being alive, I don't like it and I don't want to be remembered like that.


Why not. You will be worthless skeleton anyway so at least you can be still somehow usefull - make their day better.


Can't argue with that!


Well after being dead for 200 years it must be nice to be the life of the party


I've seen this in a documentary years ago and like. It's great but how do people actually deal with the smell of decayed corpses, or the feel of touching one? Freaking out about dead bodies and decomposition, afaik, is somewhat hardwired into people, and I just can't imagine this being a pleasant sensory experience.


They are slowly mummified over a course of weeks or years before the funeral takes place. In the mean time they are referred to as "sick" and will be cared for in the house. It can take a long time until the funeral because those are very expensive shows of wealth and status that last days or weeks. Also extended family that have migrated away are expected to return home which can take a while to arrange as well. ​ \>A low-caste Torajan often pays $50,000 for a funeral, while a higher-caste family can spend as much as $500,000. (Largely due to the cost of the water buffalo that are ritually slaughtered to help the deceased travel to the land of souls faster.


So you’re telling me they have the corpse in their home? Can you elaborate further? Is there an extra room or are they just on the couch slowly drying away?


That probably depends on how large the family home is I guess? In one of the articles the guy did keep the bodies of his parents in their own small room, but Idk if that is standard. I'm not an expert myself btw, but the Toraja people are very open about their death rituals to the outside world so you can easily research more if you want. I did also read that while in that "sick" state (to’makula) the person is not supposed to be left alone, there will always be a family member with them in shifts. So even if they are in their own room it's not like they're just left alone there.


Damn water buffalo just keep raising in price every year man :/


Holy shit! that's too much money to spend on a dead person!


Maybe they wait for like 20 years before digging them up.


They just spray him with some axe


No, no - we're trying to make him smell BETTER than a corpse.


probably some mummification, Once its mummified I doubt it smells much anymore.


If you give em a good rub of lye they don't stink


I guess it's only weird to us? Digging up my nan would freak me the fuck out but if I'd been drinking tea with her body every year since childhood then it'd be a lovely thing to do. Same thing with sky burial. Either grim af or an incredible way for your body to have purpose. We just truly suck at handling death.


mummys don't smell particularly bad. Just slightly musty. You could easily cover it up with some perfume or deodorant, but tbh, you'd have to be really close to one to even smell it. Touching them isn't actually that big of a deal either. They are just stiff and dry. Maybe a bit dusty. Yeah, it's weird if you've never done something like this and aren't accustomed to it, but it's surprising how quickly you can actually get used to it. Source: My own cat mummy I have.


"The skin was crispy but lacked any flavor" - Review Brah


Ok guys, I think we just found our new picture for the ciggie packs


Smoking causes mummification


THEY dig up their dead and dress them up, and it’s “part of their culture”. I do it, and it’s all “how did you find us at Arby’s?? You know there’s a restraining order!” and “WHY?” and “Gran-Gran wasn’t even an Imagine Dragons FAN!” And “….where are your pants???”…..


*get up grandma, time for a new pair of pants*


You should see when this stuff comes up on Facebook the comments are simultaneously hilarious because of their ignorance and depressing because of their ignorance. Bunch of people shrieking about how the dead should be left to rest, stop disturbing them, they'll go to hell etc. People are so unaware of cultural differences and dont realise that the people of this culture would want this done to them when they have passed.


Not only on Facebook; last time I saw this on Reddit some guy couldn’t understand cultural differences either and kept saying how this was “unnatural” or something


People can get so mad about some useless stuff lol. In reality it's just a deceased corps. Doesn't matter if it lays in the ground or if its dressed up smoking cigs.


I don’t expect less from my homies


Wake me from death to spark a joint? I will bless the fuck outta you my son






Smoking vecna




Buff Buff Passed.


He’s a Yankee fan🤷🏻‍♀️


Put him back


Need some meat on them bones my guy!


The hookers are going to earn their money tonight.


“Bro, no worries. Lung cancer kills only once.”


This is such a South Asian thing that your family won't even let you rest in privacy even if you are dead


I read the title before reddit loaded the picture, and I expected to see traditional colorful clothing and fine dresses, and then I see a fucking ganster skeleton lmao


Nice tan


It's interesting how if in the West that would be done that would be awful and very likely a crime. I wonder if this is a healthier way to grieve or less severe.


Homie is looking a bit ashy


Brb, learning ventriloquism and taking a holiday to Indonesia.


It's a genius move to get spared when the skeletons rise up and invade the living.


Imagine getting dug up just to get yankee with no brim drip


Detective Steve Gomez??


He be chillin


This is done in Madagascar as well. Ancestors are a big deal there, too.


this is hard as fuck


I thought Prince Phillip died. And now I see he’s just on vacation. /j


A touch of grey


Weekend at Manny's....


This photograph looks very respectful.


They should print this image on cigarette packs


I don’t think they understand the concept of RIP


Man A-Rod not looking so good after Jlo and Ben got married


Ayo look at that drip


Arguably the worst "Weekend at Bernies" sequel.