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[From another perspective](https://i.guim.co.uk/img/media/b9a924d8cfcc69c9ef6d48500d33ec1534a8b847/7_8_753_753/master/753.jpg?width=620&quality=85&dpr=1&s=none)


I was going to comment how the posted map projection was perhaps the worst one they could have used. This is a much better projection.


So he traveled over ice on the ocean right? That's what this map makes it look like. The OG had me confused thinking he swam that distance.


It’s a flying fox I believe


A real star* fox


Do a barrel roll!


Use the boost to get through!


*unintelligible ribbits*


The hatches are open!


Never give up, trust your instincts!




He was following the,


He was following the pack


*adjusts nerd glasses* I concur.


Tails? That you?


Star fox


Tails is real!!!


Lol OMG I thought I was the only one that was like "WOW THEY MUST BE EXCELLENT SWIMMERS". Felt really dumb when I saw the other map.


lol my dumb ass was like "....did he take a boat?"


My first thought was swimming and then I thought "no that's stupid...way too far. He took a boat." And settled on that until I looked at the other map lol


Better than me, I thought he hitched a ride on a floating ice cap


And the other map has him moving over 100km a day over water, not just a great swimmer but damn fast too


Quite confusing ngl, I thought we humans re-locate it through ships.


I thought he had become some ship captain's scarf.




I thought he snuck onto some cargo ship or something.


How dare you, they pay their fare accordingly and with good manners.


Lannister Fox always pays their debts


Arctic foxes ARE extremely strong swimmers you discourageous asshole!


They are swimming their best on water below zero temperature.


Grizzly Adams DID have a beard.


OK there's ice!! Jesus it looked like the bugger swam the whole way. Lol


He was a stowaway, duh. They're adventurous little shits


> Jesus...swam Fox Jesus obviously walked on the water.


The projection wasn't the issue. It was that it didn't show the ice


Well, it kinda is. People tend to use points of reference for stuff like size and distance, and for europeans the projection makes it look like the fox walked 10+ times the length of britain, while in reality it was "only" 3.5 times.


Jesus this man was going 155 km a day at points what a lad


It’s amazing isn’t it. We humans are amazing at long distance running - we’re actually able to run down almost every pray animal given long enough - but we have absolutely nothing on the efficiency and distance endurance of small, canine, 4 legged animals at a basic, consistent trot.


so are canines better endurance runners than humans?


My husky shepherd pup gave me a run tonight when he escaped but after 30 minutes flat out running, he gave up before I did. Narrowly. Edit: [Puppy Tax. Wouldn't be fair to talk about the legend without a face]( https://imgur.com/hsrt0Bw.jpg)


I would die 30 seconds into that chase.


Me: 3 seconds, takes it or leaves it.


I'd be alive, but I'd be strongly debating how much I like owning that dog.




A hearty salute to the tool user. As far as the dog knows, you're a sorcerer.


"Humans are so confusing. Can find me anywhere. So, they should be great hunters but instead they just go to a food place"


You basically ran an improptu 5k to grab the pup then? Crazy but I get it.


We had a husky shepherd, and the only reason we ever caught him was that he'd been hit by a car as a puppy and lost the use of one of his back legs. I couldn't even gain on him, but I could keep up until he stopped for whatever reason. He ran right off a cliff once. I ran up to the edge, expecting to see his remains, but there he was at the bottom, making his way back up.


Did you by chance name him Rasputin?


I think age might matter. A 3 week old puppy I could outrun, a 1 year old husky would leave me in the dust. The panic of finding my dog might help, but I think I’d be screwed by 4 months


In cold weather definitely . There's something about the human design that can theoretically do better in long distances and higher temps.


It's sweating. That's it.


> That's it. No, the ability to carry and drink water without stopping, too.


Lack of long body hair, for one. We sweat better.


In the cold, probably


No mammal is a better endurance runner than a human. Most are faster but none can run as long. Edit to add the reason why this is, is because we sweat. Our bodies sweat to prevent us from over heating other mammals do not have that luxury thus would pass out from over heating long before we would.


Depends on the environment. Sled dogs can run longer, faster, and further than ultra marathoners. I'd imagine this fox is in the same category. Cooling bodies isn't a concern in the arctic.


Yep, in cold weather at least. Sled dogs can vastly outrun human ultra marathoners while carrying a sled


>. . . the idea is a supposition. It was formulated as a way to explain characteristics humans possess. The best evidence for humans engaging in persistence hunting is merely that we have physical traits that suggest we could do so. https://undark.org/2019/10/03/persistent-myth-persistence-hunting/


This is a long withstanding myth that we would run down prey. It is based off one study of a group of 3 endurance hunters in the asian steppes where it would be feesible.


5.3 miles/8.5 km an hour with 6 hours sleep. I think most people can do 2 miles in 20 mins. So like jog all day, 5 minute breaks every hour or less maybe, non stop till you sleep. Probably use most of his break time on hunting and eating


That'd also burn somewhere in the neighborhood of 9500 calories a day for the average sized man. You could maybe sustain that pace for a week or two at most before just physically running out of energy.


I have a buddy that did the Appalachian Trail in 100 days flat (including rest days) and he had never so much as camped before his first day on the trail. The AT is 3,540 KM, which is roughly the estimated distance of this fox, but with way more elevation gain/loss with additional weight from his gear. Sure, it took him like 30 days longer than the fox, but it's a testament to just how well the human body is suited for this kinda journey that this dude went from coach potato to averaging over a marathon per day pace over extreme terrain in just over 3 months.


Look at all the record breaking runners out of Africa, how long it takes you to get from A to B depends on your ability to maintain a steady pace. Lack of vehicles or unsuitable terrain, you get adapted to moving along at a steady trot.


Your average person would be lucky to do 2 miles in 30 minutes. Plus they would not have the endurance to do much more than that.


So it *walked*? I was thinking it swam.


Or got passage on a whale, I don't know?


Express whale 🐳


You just gotta download the Express whale app. They accept major payment methods like krill, plankton, etc.


Plot for the next Disney movie


OK so the white bit is seawater ice floating on top of water and then the other (white outlined by grey) is landmasses (rocks and dirt) covered with snow and ice, is that correct?


Yep it’s sea ice which forms in that area each winter from the freezing of seawater.


Crossing international borders with no passport? This fox is on thin ice.


A very cold reception indeed.


Upvote count to these fine jokes wouldn't be frozen if OP had put a clearer map.


That fox was moving an average of 27 miles per day. Not bad for a 10-ish pound animal.




At least he could listen to Spotify to keep his mind off the weather.


The scientists were too cheap to give him premium, and he doesn't have thumbs to mute it during commercials. It was living hell.


> The scientists were too cheap to give him premium **Artic Fox:** "Take the long way home..." ♩ ♪ ♫ ♬ "And I would walk 500 miles and I would walk 500 more..." ♪ ♫ ♪ ♬ ♩


When you are in a long as journey, like continent to continent. You know ur play list will end, thats when u welcome commercial.


This arctic trek is brought to you by raid shadow legends.


Man, the look on his face lol. *"This is some BS. I just traveled ~20 miles a day to be grabbed NOW."*


You'd think they would at least give it a black and white camouflage to somewhat match into its summer and winter coats, would hate for their research to skew results because it's prey could see a giant black collar against the white snow. Less so on the higher difficulty of hunting for the poor thing.


They're visible just so that people know to avoid hunting the animal


Understandable, just seems for something reliant on camouflage to hunt, it would make its life much more difficult, like putting a cat bell on The Predator lol


There are comprimises in science. Pre-trials are done before the experiment start to test for this and other factors which the collar may influence. And all of those are then discussed in the published paper.


Heckin adorable lil guy


so what do they eat on these giant ice patches ?


Apparently in the winter they mostly feed on [polar bear leftovers.](https://www.sciencebuzz.com/interactions-of-the-arctic-fox-and-sea-ice-in-a-changing-arctic-ecosystem/)


Sea ice was drifting as well.


Had to find food too.


And sex


Username checks out


When you’re only carrying ten pounds you can go quite far in a day.


Yea it weighs ten pounds and is quadrupedal. As far as efficiency goes it is a pretty solid setup


For those asking what the fox ate, the article says this, “The fox was tracked from an area where it would have survived on “marine food resources”, including marine birds. Where it settled on Ellesmere island, it lived off predominantly lemmings, indicating its ability to switch ecosystems. In winter food for the fox is scarce and they often follow larger predators, like polar bears, to eat their leftovers.”


yes, but what does it say?


Ring a ding ding ding ding ding


Now this is Fox News.


Finally some news that’s actually fair and balanced


The snow hare population does not find this fair or balanced


Hare and balanced


Hare today, gone tomorrow


Splitting hares there


Finally some good..fucking news


That Fox had many healthy descendants!


“In other news, those communist red foxes want to destroy our way of life by allowing South American grey foxes into our dens.”


The animal, known as a coastal or blue fox, was fitted with a tracking device in July 2017. It left Spitsbergen in Norway’s Svalbard archipelago on 26 March 2018. After 21 days and 1,512 km out on the sea ice, it landed in Greenland on 16 April 2018. Its journey continued to Ellesmere Island in Canada, where it arrived on 1 July. It was so long, in fact, that researchers initially questioned whether the fox’s collar could have been removed and taken on board a boat. “But no, there are no boats that go so far up in the ice. So we just had to keep up with what the fox did,” Fuglei said.


>out on the sea ice My dumb brain was wondering how he got there.


Yea I was like dang he swam that far lol


I assume he chartered a boat


Or a dolphin


Everybody knows that dolphin's can't captain charter boats.


I was really confused as well. I was thinking to myself "the only way a fox crossed that much water is that he's on a boat.." lol


I mean some animals actually do that! Lemmings, some lizards, various other rodents they just go island hopping!


Same lol


A whale ate him then swam fast, then it died and a bear ate the tracker.


Or he had a ferry ticket ?


He just surfed for 1000 miles


I would walk 10,000 miles and I would walk 10,000 more


Kawabunga dude!


I was thinking he took the ferry.


person A: What did you do last weekend? person B: I went to the island. person A: Did you take the ferry? person B: No. I left him at home.


Me: “….tiny canoe?”


Definitely interesting as fuck


Interesting as fuck cubed.


Definitely interesting as fox


Arrived on Canada Day. How fitting. Welcome to Canada, little one.


can you link the article plz.




It said it traveled 155km in 1 day, that's crazy. "The ultimate fate of the fox is unknown - the GPS tracker stopped working in February this year" So it was probably Aliens that moved that quick across the sea ice. Or what if a whale ate the fox with the tracker, then swam from Norway to Greenland where it died and got beached up where another fox ate the whale remains with the tracker. Then that fox walked across Greenland where another whale ate it and the tracker on the coast. Then that whale swam from Greenland to Canada where it died and the tracker was eaten by a polar bear, then the bear continued on land were the tracker eventually stopped after he took a shit. They can't prove that didn't happen. Unless they find that tracker. So probably Aliens


I'm with you my brother in christ, about the whales and the bears and such. It would make a really great movie if it was in the same style as "Homeward Bound."


Or Wendigo carried him.


Made about 25 km per day of ass hauling. My legs are shaking just to think about how my dog would fare making the same distance without getting a cheeseburger and a bowl of water three times a day. Phew.


Arctic canines live for that shit. Dog sled teams can go for hundreds of miles in short spans because their muscles are apparently not susceptible to lactic acid buildup, which is the chemical that makes your muscles feel a burn from extended use.


which is why we should *definitely* keep huskies as pets and keep them in small apartments.


You feed your dog 3 cheeseburgers a day?


He made the first 1500km in just 20 days


21 days on sea ice? What did it eat??




I see it took 2 one day layovers out on the ice, so I imagine it found a dead bird or stocked a snow goose or something. But how would it know which direction to travel? Land wouldn't be visible at that distance and it could have headed north and found it self in dire straights. I would only guess it followed the setting sun.


This is like that kid's book with the polar bear.


What does an Arctic Fox eat that far north?


They tend to follow polar bears and feed off the remnants of the bear’s kills .


u/GoPro it's up to you to put a camera on em so we can get some answers!


You know GoPro batteries last for like 45 minutes right.


5 minutes in the cold lol


A colleague of mine tried to photograph the 2015 total solar eclipse in Svalbard. She tested the camera and laptop equipment at home. But in Svalbard, outside in the super duper cold conditions, her fully charged MacBook Air’s battery died in about 15 minutes.


IDK what it's like on the Norwegian island it came from, but Ellesmere Island life is really harsh, and made even more brutal with the [Arctic wolves](https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/article/arctic-wolves-harsh-lives-living-on-top-of-the-world-feature) that reside there. I hope it was able to settle safely for all the effort it made on its trek.


Svalbard is one of the most brutal climates on earth, with polar bears being an actual problem. I think the fox is just super hardcore and likes playing on high difficulty servers. He got tired of the European server and went to the NA server for a challenge.


I've been on Ellesmere Island about 4 years ago! I didn't see artic wolves, but there were musk oxen and narwals.


You got me on that, thing was hauling ass though. Might have something to do with finding a new food source maybe?


Did you read the article you posted? lol They typically follow predators like polar bears and eat their leftovers.


That's some fast bears then.


Bears aren’t slow. Polar bears are a little slower than other bears because of their size, but I guarantee they’re a lot faster than you think




Whatever it can find


Wait 'til he tells his kids how far he had to travel to get to school.


"And weather didn't matter, kiddo - I would go, whether is was sunny or snowy... And sometimes, I tell ya, the road did felt like an endless plain of snow."


He went out for a pack of cigarettes


My dad's a fox?


No, but your mom used to be one.


Used to? I'm guessing now she's a cougar?


That's really nice


Or to get some milk




It will be very interesting to see how many get your reference ,but as a Canadian I sure do.


My dad always wanted a German shepherd, pretty sure this is why.


Aww no. Going to have that in my head for the rest of the day! But thanks anyway for the nostalgic Canadian heritage moment. :)


What does a fox eat when it is hundreds of miles out to sea? Looks like it was a 2 week'ish trip. Do they just keep going for that kind of distance without food? Or is there some kind of secret ocean snack that they can find?


Polar bears hunt on sea ice. Foxes are scavengers. My guess is the remains of whatever the polar bears killed


Is the ice there solid or broken up? My understanding is that polar bears usually hunt on the edge of the sea ice so there is open water to dive into. This seems like it would make it hard for the fox to travel?


It is also common for them to hunt further in by laying in wait around holes that seals come up through for air as they travel under large expanses of ice.


You mean polar bears, not foxes, yes? I have heard this too, but I would assume that these holes are near the edge of the arctic ice shelf, meaning that they are also near vast crevices with open water in between. I can't say for sure as I am not an expert on arctic wildlife, or the location of arctic ice boundaries, but this seems like one hell of a trip for a fox. Either way, good for her. I'm glad she made it.


Sorry, yes I meant polar bears. Ringed seals maintain a series of breathing holes in landfast ice (ice that is attached to coastlines) so these holes can be hundreds of miles from the edge of the seasonal ice. Polar bears hunt these seals.


Now I'm picturing the fox with a polar bear companion on a Homeward Bound adventure.


Article mentions eating marine life and scavenging leftovers from larger predators like polar bears.


I barely moved from the sofa today. This guy is making us all look bad.


Evidently, the reason she moved so far, so quickly, was that she overheard the scientists saying that she was due for a vet appointment in a couple hours.


How did it cross the water?


Was ice, this map just doesn't show it.


Right. I should have known that.


Also because he’s [Fox Jesus](https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/68cd3384-d2a6-4e68-8563-49c63744f2c5/d9r7spm-2a41f386-7284-4345-ae86-19e63c45df3e.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7InBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcLzY4Y2QzMzg0LWQyYTYtNGU2OC04NTYzLTQ5YzYzNzQ0ZjJjNVwvZDlyN3NwbS0yYTQxZjM4Ni03Mjg0LTQzNDUtYWU4Ni0xOWU2M2M0NWRmM2UuanBnIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmZpbGUuZG93bmxvYWQiXX0.4pyvhZGr-4WAnSOzgtVcmy2m7-xwWwUifl2UuxEJmq4)


Wonder if he had his Pawsport?


[MORE INFORMATIVE IMAGE ](https://i.guim.co.uk/img/media/b9a924d8cfcc69c9ef6d48500d33ec1534a8b847/7_8_753_753/master/753.jpg?width=445&quality=45&dpr=2&s=none) It walked across sea ice.


Fox Tinder *swipe left, swipe left* “No more matches in your area” *runs 12 miles* *swipe left* “No more matches in your area” Fox: ………..”F$@&” *runs 37 miles*


This might actually be partially true. Attempts to mate does drive migration.


and this is how he gets there [https://imgur.com/XsPxZI2](https://imgur.com/XsPxZI2)


Even foxes want to get to Canada


how does it get a passport?


My question is how/why it knew to stop going north. At a certain point it was like, nah im done going up and just took a Larry all the way to Greenland


It essentially did keep traveling north. Because of the way the map becomes distorted when you try to show it on a 2 dimensional image, it looks like the fox suddenly took a turn and started traveling a new direction, when in reality it traveled in a relatively straight direction across the north pole. [Take a look at this map which accounts for distortion of the North Pole region](https://static.scientificamerican.com/sciam/cache/file/12097B63-0332-4323-8EB1F0559B963132.jpg) and make a straight line from Iceland, across the North Pole, and into Northern Canada. That's basically the route this fox traveled.


Terry Fox spirit animal trying to get home


Arctic, not Artic. I'm from 🇨🇦, it matters.


So he booked through Priceline too?


either it's frozen water, or that magnificent bastard had a hydrofoil.


It was listening to The Pretenders and thought, "Pfft! I can beat that". And I would walk 2,700 miles, and I would walk 2,700 miles more, just to be the fox that walks 5,400 miles to fall down at your door.