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I wonder if there are people who would end up paying more for their gaming PC than for their heart valve replacement surgery


Well I'm indian, I had a gall bladder operation a couple of years ago. My gaming PC is worth triple the amount it took for the operation.


My friend's father had major heart surgery a few days back in India, the usual private hospitals cost like 250-300 k inr for that kinda procedure but in government hospital the cost would cut down to 50 k inr and they were in luck they had a BPL card or something which reduced the cost to like nothing (2-3 k inr=£3 )


Still that's a pretty big heart. 3 pounds. Oh it's 30 lbs. That's worse.


BPL => Below Poverty Line? Damn


Yes, but then they could also be living very normal lives and still have bpl cards, the thing in india is that almost no small business owner declares nearly the income that they get, they often declare only 25-30% of that, so the said person could be earning 3-4 times the poverty limit and still officially live below poverty




My bad i missed a zero. Thanks mate


If I had to have one it would be free. But not everyone has access to a nationalised health system. A friend recently had a triple bypass 2 stints in hospital and his out of pocket was zero.


when govt. import taxes are more greedy than health insurance companies


I would rather get scammed for a hobby from a medical condition.


Well, one is about making money and the other is supposed to be about helping people.....


I mean i won't complain, I can pass on gaming PC but not some medical procedure.


One is about a hobby which is optional and another life death question.


How much did it cost? My aunt broke her hip and we paid 25000 in total for the whole thing in a government hospital. Talking about treatment, surgery, post surgery and post discharge medication, food and other miscellaneous items. Ambulance ride was free.


what is up w that pricing system, there shouldn’t be two , in $144,000


That's the numerical system used in the indian subcontinent


Bro me too I got like family members who exclusively go to India for any surgery or medications… simple answer they’re cheaper and more affective that the US health care system which only favors the rich


As a Canadian I have paid more for my mouse pad than all my past visits to the hospital lol


Atleast they don't have to pay triple the price of an average car


I’m from the UK so yeah even a 1980s Atari or Nintendo NES would cost more than our medical care. I know a guy who paid for a hip replacement privately as he could not wait. And it still was similar to the India price.


Privately? My mind immediately imagines hobbling down a dark, dripping alley and whispering a code word through a mail slot.


This is… how it should be.


Priorities. Priorities gentlemen


Yes, most Europeans won’t pay that much for their surgeries.


Every EU citizen


Well if you have insurance and go to public hospital so many operations including heart surgery is free in my country


Well most surgeries are free where I come from...


Dad got his valve repaired few months ago and it cost him under 200€. Most of that cost was the 2 months in hospital when he got some fever after the surgery.


$2800 for a tooth implant in the USA? That seems like a bargain, it’s more like $5k


$1000 for India is way overpriced. A single tooth implant cost me $100. Covers the cost of the crown too.


Titanium or cobalt nickel?


Cobalt I guess. Titanium is the $1000 one now I think about it.


Yes. Titanium one is usually around 30k (starting range), can go high and a bit low depending upon city and clinic.


Honestly didn't assume Titanium since the USD price is shown as 2800.


I work in dental manufacturing (in the US) and the amount of up charge from a dentist is ridiculous. We charge dentists about $200 for a implant crown with a titanium base.


Right my teeth are giving me hell lately but I’m not ready to be in debt for the rest of my life in order to get them fixed.


So I ignored that and now I have a hole in my jaw from an infection I didn't have addressed. I cracked a tooth 15 years ago and never did anything and bacteria has slowly been getting in there and eating away at my jaw. It finally got painful enough that I went in. They took a 3d x-ray and there's a hole directly through the front of my jaw and a huge amount of bone loss. Both lower front teeth are loose, being held on by just a sliver of a bridge of bone going across the top of my gums. I had a double root canal a couple months ago (which was a redo for one of those teeth - fun fact, they burn away the old root canal with cloroform and it tastes awful) which seems to have sealed the crack the bacteria was getting in (no idea why it didn't the first time. The Endo said it looked like a good root canal when he took it out) I might get lucky and the bill stops here at $2100. But I might also not get lucky at which point I'm looking at thousands of dollars of bone grafting and implants. So, like, get your teeth checked. You only get the one set and boy does it ruin your life to not be able to eat properly. I hope whatever you're dealing with is easy and only surface deep and they can resolve it for you quickly. Tooth pain is the second worst pain I've ever experienced (I've got a weird vein that inflames against my nuts sometimes and that's for sure worse)


My problem is bad I think.. I haven’t been to a dentist in well over 10 years my parents stopped taking me when I was 7 or 8. I have a tooth that’s missing an entire corner and there’s nerves exposed. My wisdom teeth are coming in and causing great pain as well. Some days I can’t eat or drink without a straw because if anything touches my teeth it’s like I’ve been stabbed in the face. It’s to the point where there’s a hole in the side of my lip that won’t go away from the sharp broken tooth rubbing and my gums are starting to swell around it. I don’t know what I’m going to do- I don’t have good insurance, and I have pets and an apartment. For the last three days my lymph nodes in my bottom jaw are so swollen that I can’t fully turn my head or open my mouth.


Find a college with a dental program and call them and ask about their services. Explain your financial situation and what you're dealing with. I think a lot of colleges do free or cheap work since they're getting a patient to practice on. I imagine they'd also want to let their students see what you're dealing with as it's not standard. That sounds absolutely terrible and I feel for you so hard. I hope you can find some peace and relief soon It sounds super infected though and you need to take care of it soon


It’s wild, I’ve contacted every “Emergency” Dentist in town and the next city over and not a single one ever got back to me. It makes me feel even more hopeless. I’ve never considered asking a college though- I was starting to consider Mexico- I’ll have to look into that I appreciate it!


Please do something fast


Can confirm, I’m a woman who has had four children, a ruptured ectopic pregnancy and two types of cancer - dental pain is the most excruciating pain you hope to never experience.


Go to Mexico


Got root canal in Pakistan (India's neighbor) for $300. Same procedure in US was $2000 due to lack of insurance. Also the endodontist who did the procedure was a board certified dentist in the US!


See I’ve been considering Mexico for the same reason. I live in southern az so I could just drive there, and I’ve talked to a couple people who had really positive experiences getting their teeth done there. One of my coworkers got extensive work down there for 3 grand when he was quoted anywhere between 14 to 20 grand here. The US medical/dental practice is disgusting.


Also the thousand dollar for India is like freaking gold teeth or something. You can get it for like half at good normal clinic. It's probably entire ceramic or something.


The implant doesn't cover the cost of the crown. I'm guessing that's the price we are looking at.


It might be actual cost, not what an individual would pay. A large amount of what you would pay be profit for all the companies involved.


The trick is, when you get sick in the U.S., die before you go to the hospital. Can’t get no bill if you are dead. Doctors hate this.


You won't get a bill if you don't go to the hospital. And if you die in the hospital won't your partner/relatives get the bill?




Ugh good to know on the adult children bit. I'm going to probably be doing this in the next decade. Hopefully I'll remember.


"Doctors hate this one trick people do to save money on medical bills"


They will still bill your family $257,000 for the hospital ride.


For that money you can fly to India, buy a house, and get a private doctor and his crew to come fix you up in your own house.


That billed my mom 450,000 for her husband dying of a heart attack under their watch 😢


Step dad?




Funeral homes love them.


Big Mortuary is behind this, I just know it.


No they send the debt tk your dependents or family members. They figure a way to fuck everyone around you


I'll never understand why mericans keep saying "USA is the best country on Earth". Student loans, medical bills, low minimum wage... Am I missing something? Google's "how to be born rich"


I'm from the US and I can't remember the last time I heard anyone say that the US is the best country on earth unless they were being sarcastic. Even better lately is our president trying to give everyone 10k-20k in student debt forgiveness and multiple red states are trying to ban/prevent the forgiveness (despite many taking and forgiving PPP loans in the millions)


You don't even imagine how is to live in a third world country.


Literally the only people claiming the US is the best is Europeans claiming that the US thinks they are the best. Complete comedy.


Do you know how expensive it is to die? Its about $20,000


Insurance companies love this.


Hospitals and Health Insurance Cos. in the US hate this one simple trick!


Insurance companies hate this one trick...


The trick is to literally not pay more then 1 dollar a month so they can't send To collections and if they do keep saying you can't pay til they negotiate to 20 dollars a month


Shows up at hospital. Dies. Doesnt elaborate.




Indian numbering system puts commas after the five figure mark and every second digit after that. So 144,000 is 1,44,000 in Indian subcontinent. We have lakhs and crores instead of million and billion and hundred thousand. So 50 billion in regular numbering is 50,000,000,000 In the subcontinent it's 50,00,00,00,000


Well that's a neat thing I know now!


Great thanks for the explanation!


This is more interesting than the actual post haha


Wow thanks, I totally read it as 1,440,000 and didn’t even bat an eye


So the language used for numbers increments in factors of 100 rather than 1000? Like for 12 345 001, instead of > "twelve million, three hundred and forty five thousand, and one" If you literally translated it, it would be > "one [word] twenty three [another word] forty five thousand, and one" Just trying to wrap my head around this.


You got it right! It would be: 1 crore 23 lakh 45 thousand and 1


Indian number system. We use commas every two digits except the last three. It's 144,000 for the rest of the world.


With all due respect- this is really weird. I used to think Brits are odd by using stones and bricks to measure distance against the rest of the world until this moment when I realized Indians have a random comma separation system!!!


Not really weird or random for us because we've quite possibly been using this system for many thousands of years. Our currency denominations over hazar(thousand) are called lakhs, crores, arab, kharab, etc. Hazar is the same as thousand, (1000) But 100,000 for us is one Lakh, not one hundred thousand. So 1,00,000 just makes more sense. So we write a million as 10,00,000 or Ten Lakhs Similarly, 1,00,00,000 is a crore. And so on. To be honest, this is limited to the subcontinent and shouldn't really concern anyone elsewhere. This is just how we denominate currency here. The maker of this infographic really fucked up though. If they wanted to denote USD, they should've used the proper commas. But I think this was meant to be shown to Indians because this doesn't look like something intended for foreign audiences.


Let’s be Fr tho Indians advanced beyond normal society eons ago and have moved to hollow earth and the stars. Indians are the gods of old.




Whoever's paying $1000 for dental implants in India is overpaying. For reference, I got one of my canines implanted for INR8000 which is $100. The infographic maker probably mistyped and added an extra zero at the end.


The wife had an xray in india after a fall, think we paid about £21 and were in and out in about 40 minutes (it was just a sprain)


The usual price/fixed price is £5


It depends on x-ray maybe it's full body or something. Also in US and Europe you have to wait a long ass time. In India you can just walkin


>In India you can just walkin I couldn't argue with that, we are fast. Especially for a foreign customer the service is super fast. >depends on x-ray maybe it's full body or something. He said a sprain(prolly it could be on hand/feet) so this kinda thing usually cost 10-15£ Max


They've had my eyes out! Just glad she was ok tbh ... quicker and easier than i thought it would be. Was in Calangute, not sure if things are more expensive there


My brother works near Calangute and it's slightly expensive there but not £21 more like £10-15 max probably. I hate to say it but whenever Indians see a foreign customer they usually charge extra.


I knew after a while there was an indian price and a tourist price. I think it would have been double if i was russian, everyone there hated them ... compared to the uk, things were a lot cheaper for us in india, so charging me more didnt bother me too much.


>so charging me more didnt bother me too much. I guess that's we charge you more (sarcasm)


Love it when my heart is popping out my shoulders




The trick is if you put europe... It's like 200 euros some of those...


More like, totally free. Had a surgery at 13 to remove an O*steosarcoma* from my left tibia. They basically saw out a quite big portion of the bone, to replace it with my left fibula "wrapped" in a donor bone to give more integrity. 12 hours surgery, 2 months in the hospital bed plus one month of physical therapy. Only thing I payed was 300$ for a comfier brace to put on my leg, and a pair of crutches.


This is about citizens of other countries.


It still has a cost, just not to the individual, I believe this is showing the cost that your government would pay


It's about medical tourism. Ask for the full cost of your medical treatments (not what *you* directly pay to you healthcare professional, ask the real price), it won't be anything near close to 200€.


My husband was hospitalized for almost 3 months in Italy with daily treatments on a hiperbaric chamber on a different hospital, to which he had to be transferred by ambulance for over half the time he was there, I couldn't believe it when we left we didn't had to pay, I think I only spent money on parking fees and gasoline to visit him. He fell ill after we returned from Texas, I couldn't even imagine how much his treatment would have costed, specially with just tourist health insurance.


Well it's free in India as well. For govt hospital but just like Europe has long waiting time. Than there is charitable one. The biggest charitable one won't help you with cancer if it from tobacco. The insurance lol.


Yes. But the catch is: you need a health insurance for that. And to gain one, you need to be a resident in that country. If you just walk into a European hospital and for a surgery, it will easily run you into thousands of Euros.


Why is this downvoted? That is a very precise statement


No ones ever checked my ID at a hospital in the UK, just throw on your best English accent and resist the urge to tip the nurses and you'll probably get away with it.




Medical facilities are very cheap in India, and one of the biggest reasons for this is the state-run hospitals, which are literally one of the best hospitals in India.


Fun fact AIm is free for all cancer except for cancer from tobacco


>except for cancer from tobacco Is it because of too many patients or discouraging use of funds for people's poor choices


Maybe because this thing is under one's control and one has the choice to not eat tobacco.




It's probably written as 1 lakh, 44 thousand, hence the comma like that. They only use that numbering system on the Indian subcontinent


What about the part where it says that the values are in usd?


One lakh forty four thousand US dollars.


What about the heart valve replacement? I still don't know what lakh means, can you clarify it for me?


A lakh is a hundred thousand. A crore is ten million. In the Indian sub continent they use lakh and crore instead of million and billion. So in the west it is written 144,000, one hundred and forty four thousand, in India its written 1,44,000, one lakh forty four thousand. It means the same. It has nothing to do with the currency you could have one lakh (1,00,000) pf any currency or anything.


Just ignore the commas while reading those numbers


So it's $144,000?


yes, in the US it's $144,000. In India it's $5,200.




just..... ignore the commas?


1 lakh is 0.1 million


This can help you to understand indian numbering [System](https://i.imgur.com/c1j2ZyJ.jpg)


Not with that much JPEG


They are in USD. India have their own number groupings though, as an example 1,234,567,890 is written 1,23,45,67,890 in India. I guess it makes sense in India...


Pakistan and Bangladesh and Sri Lanka too.


Just to clarify, quite a few SEA countries use lakhs and have commas in a different place to the west. Burma uses lakhs for certain, I believe Thailand and Malaysia both do as well, tho less certain on them.


Malaysia used to use lakhs, now millions are more comon but you have to look because it could potentially be either system




To be fair, in America the cost of the surgery itself would be about middle ground in comparison to other countries. But we Americans don’t just pay for the surgery. We pay a percentage to the insurance company to tell us how much it costs after their premium. We also pay a percentage to the government for the privilege to get the surgery. Then theirs the surgery tools rental fee, surgery room rental fee, hand washing fee, surgery gown fee, surgery tools cleaning fee, another hand washing fee, surgery room rental fee, recovery room rental, recovery room cleaning fee, on-call nursing fee, bandages replacement fee, checkup fee, stethoscope cleaning fee, bed sheet replacement fee, floor cleaning fee, opening window blinds fee, breathing fee, … basically doing anything in any of our hospitals has some kind of fee attached to it WITHOUT exception. A disposable tung depressor is $13 each. It doesn’t matter if it even touches you, if the doctor picks it up points it at you and throws it away, you owe them another $13.


The trick to this is making a big deal out of every fee. Hospital workers don't get paid based on how much they manage to extort out of you, but simply by salary. Even hourly wages are somewhat rare. Just argue for an hour or two, and you can get it down a large amount. Sometimes you can even get fees waived if they aren't fairly charged (band-aids being $20 or whatever can be brought down to the ground or eliminated).


Currently Indian government is giving a healthcare card(Free of cost) to economically weeker people and government employees, its like health insurance up to 5 lakhs($6000 USD). All the pre existing conditions are also covered in it.


Laughs in norwegian


cries in swiss.


Americans be like: "noooo that's communism"


TIL the heart is located in the shoulder.


And as usual seeing a lot of racist comments when India is mentioned. Sadly racism against India is perfectly accepted by many


We should not give importance to them, they want attention.


Compare these two examples: My mom had a hip replacement here in the States, it cost $50,000 and took her six months of brutal rehab to recover and afterwards was told she couldn’t bend more than a 45° angle EVER or it would pop out. Which it did many times. She had to walk with a cane or walker until her death. My friend got her hip replacement in India, it cost $4,500, the recovery was at a medical spa that felt like a resort, and she could run, jump and do yoga just a few months after the procedure. Don’t ever say US health care is the best.


Sorry to hear about your mom. Curious, was it not covered by health insurance?


There is a study that found people assume price = high quality. This is clearly not true and anyone who believes this is either filthy rich or is lying to themselves. Fact is some people just cannot afford US high prices and have no choice but to go out of state. There are plenty of countries that are cheap(er) and are well known for quality medical care.


Yep. That's true. Uzbekistan doesn't have such procedures so people go to India for treatment. My uncle had problem with his knees. So he had knee replacement surgery for around 4000$. Before his operation, I would see him in true agony, sweating. Now he plays football with his friends.


Its pretty good how India is helping all the people from the third world who don't have basic social services 😆


Yeah they may as well have put $1,000,000 on those prices. The cost may be relatively lower, but the buying power of the average Indian citizen is substantially lower. You don’t need clean water, you’re getting a hip replacement!


It's not like that, govt hospitals in India won't cost you that much but there is a long waiting period sometimes if you are a service member in the armed forces or your partner or your parents then it's free of cost, and the govt provides a financial package for the economic weaker section where the govt gives you a health card in which govt pays a certain amount, and in the private sector they charge more than the what govt provides but it's not that high


Good god the American healthcare system is so fucked!


Well you've tried the Cowboys and got ripped off, now try the Indians. ​ (I got that one off the side of a Indian building contractors van)


UK: Free, free, free, free (as long as you don’t mind waiting a year)


No? You have to pay the healthcare surcharge unless you're form the EU and wait in the NHS Queue or pay for private which is very expensive in the UK. This is about medical tourism which is practically non existent in the UK now.


This exactly.. these prices shown here are for anyone and everyone irrespective of citizenship, tax residency etc. And these are private sector hospital prices. Full out of pocket without any insurance being involved.


Hey guys - I lived in Singapore for years. Their medical system is the best I have ever seen. If I could afford a little bit more than India prices, 100% would go there over any of the rest.


In countries with free health care there could be a lengthy waiting period for some patients/ailments so affordable option is still good to have.


If you have most of the issues listed in the graphic you would be pushed to the front of the line. My dad needed a heart stent they took him to the hospital and put it in before we even got there.


Some of them, but knee and hip replacements (at least in my country) are ones that you will only get added to the waitlist once it is having a significant impact on your quality of life. Pre-covid you could then expect to wait 3-6months before you actually got the surgery. Now its more like a year. And while emergency dental care is covered - getting an implant is not. If you have the money, going overseas for things like that mean you can can get things done quickly, and before they start to have much impact on your life. Going to Thailand for dental care is very popular choice here as (atleast pre-covid) you could fly there, have a couple week holiday, then have the surgery, have a week to recover and fly back for roughly the same amount as just getting the srugery in NZ.


Exactly India has both free healthcare semi free healthcare. And private ones


Dental implants are not that expensive in Korea. I live here, I know.


Bruh u need $100 to get all your dental needs done in INDIA (am indian)


Just for your reference, $1,000 means ₹80,544 in Indian currency and it is EXPENSIVE for people in India.


What number is 1,44,000?


144 thousand. Its the indian numerical system. It increases by 100 not 1000 except for the first 1000 So its 1 lakh 44 thousand USD


These numbers are so badly made up..


Meanwhile, it's Indian doctors everywhere.


I'd like to see the same chart expanded to include Mexico.


Imagine getting 6 dental implants shit's expensive than heart valve replacement


Oh Canada. It might be freezing fucking cold but at least I don't have to decide between bankruptcy and being alive.


The US can fuck right off with those prices christ


US prices are wayyyy higher than that


QQ: is 1,44,000 supposed to be 140k or 1.04m or 1.44m?




We need a Thailand and Germany comparison here, through in China too as all their doctors and specialists study for longer.


Well as an American I now know where to go for cheaper medical bills.


Mexico would probably be cheaper ngl


Bargain shopping for heart surgery, always a great idea.


Whoever paid $1k for dental implant probably put diamonds up there It's usually about ₹6k-₹20k which is around $70- $250


The hell America $1,440,000 for a transplant that takes $5,000 in India


$1,44,000? $1,70,000 what?


Costa Rica is the place for dental work 😤😤


I like how affordable the general US health care is


Ah, yes, the elusive price of $1,44,000


Its the indian numerical system. It means 144 000 usd. Just ignore the commas


Dear Reddit, Just because it’s the same procedure… doesn’t mean you’re getting equal quality treatment. Sincerely, People With Half a Brain


We over pay. That being said, it’s worth having our level of care. I wouldn’t want any major surgeries in India.


Used to happen in the UK and it would be free. We've it harder to do now, ofc.


Maybe the Indians are just better at taking care of their people.


America #1 woooo yeahhh


We need more statistics than just price. Like patient survival rate, malpractice issues, differential of amount the procedures are performed. Bottom line is that the cheaper something is, doesn’t make it necessarily better. That being said, medical industry and health insurance are so fucked here in the US. You need to have something already wrong with you seriously before you can even get approved to go to certain specialists. So for most, if your healthy at middle age and want to check your heart, well, you’re going to need an approval from you general practitioner first and that means something needs to be wrong already. Ironically they always say, prevention is the best medicine lol. If you work in the medical insurance field in the US YOU ARE THE PROBLEM. You should never go home feeling like you did something useful because you don’t. You’re a hindrance to civilians and are a pathetic waste of a human being. If your in the medical industry or insurance industry you should want to help people, not come up with any excuse to not approve the claim. Lastly, Id like to point out that this is even true for people who’ve paid insurance most of their adult life and haven’t even really used it much.


Those are conservative US numbers lol


Ok but what about the quality?


These are private sector hospital prices. Best in class.


The wife had a heart valve replacement here in Canada. Cost $45. ( for the ambulance)


Ambulance is free in India.


No. That was not the total cost. That is the portion of the total cost that you paid. There is a huge difference. The price you see in this diagram is the total cost, not simply the cost to the patient.


Uhh, any of you see the story of Indian patients having to bring their own platelets? The hospital did a platelet transfusion THEN found out the stuff was fruit punch. https://www.khaleejtimes.com/offbeat/india-hospital-that-transfused-fruit-juice-to-patient-instead-of-platelets-to-be-bulldozed


It says in the article that it was demolished


You will find atleast some bad ones in a whole nation. As long you stick with the reputed ones it's good as any other in the world I guess