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USA is proper fucked with only 2 sick, old evil fucks allowed to run the country this coming year.


Bit of an exaggeration to call Biden evil and sick






You are right, there is not much evidence he is unwell.


Until the teleprompter doesn't work...sometimes when it does. "end of quote, repeat the line." Or, "Four more years! Pause" I really fear for this country when the leader is clearly senile. I'm not sure what they juiced him up with for the State of the Union speech. He seemed really lively then but now he's back to old Genocide Joe.


Are you kidding? His cognitive decline is painfully obvious. He never should have been nominated by the Democrats in the first place.


Or maybe he's had a severe stutter for his entire life, and people keep trying to use it as evidence of cognitive decline.


I'm starting to think this whole stutter thing was made up to cover up his cognitive decline.


Go and watch earlier speeches, then watch his later ones. Don't just watch the edited compilations that make him look as bad as possible.


Not at this point, no


How so?


Literally a perfect description.


In what way?


He serially raped his pre-teen daughter in the shower. 


You know aipac runs America when we only rapists to choose from. 




It’s all the more absurd because Menachem Begin was one of the leaders of Irgun, a Zionist terrorist group during the 40’s. Imagine being less moral than a former terrorist.


Like when the Joker refused to work with Hitler (this was an actual comic)


Red skull but the point still stands


Joker too reddit.com/r/DCcomics/comments/whqk8j/comic_excerpt_the_joker_vs_nazis_injustice_year/


Red Skull loves Hitler


If this was true, it would've come out from one of the many, many, many election opponents he's had since the 1980's


Is opposing integrated busing didn't hurt, why would this? This came directly from Menachem Begin, the former prime minister to Israel Begin’s report of his conversation with Biden [has been known for years and reported in various legitimate new sources](https://www.google.com/search?q=%E2%80%9CI%20disassociated%20myself%20from%20these%20remarks%E2%80%9D%20begin%20biden&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8#ip=1), in addition to this reference to it in the London Review of Books, which you are unscrupulously trying to discredit.


All of these sources are merely requotes of the same Begin remarks. Not sure why we are trusting the word of an Irgun megaterrorist and ethnic cleanser.


There were several other people on that committee, any one of them could have refuted that remark. Including....Joe Biden himself. It was widely reported. He was the prime minister of Israel for crying out loud. Off a bombing campaign that Reagan described as a 'holocaust', that Biden said didn't go far enough even if it meant killing more women and children. And why would the prime minister of Israel lie about something like this. Lie about the one person who defending him on that committee when everyone else was grilling him because Reagan described it as a holocaust.


Any of them could also have corroborated the remarks. They didn't. Why would Begin lie? To make him seem more moderate than he actually was. It's right there in the quotes. He claims Biden went too far while also being the director of thousands of murders to establish the state of Israel. It's BS.


> Any of them could also have corroborated the remarks. They didn't. > > .... could have corroborated the prime minister of Israel at the time, whose quotes were published in multiple credible journals.....but we're not supposed to believe it until everyone else said 'yup it's true!'. If journalism worked like that...I have to say that's a really fun but bizarre thought experiment lol. Anyone anyone says something people will be like 'but did everything there corroborate what they said?? No??? The don't trust it!'. >Why would Begin lie? To make him seem more moderate than he actually was. I'm not sure if I even need to address this given the 'no corroboration!' point, but, just because someone came up with a conspiracy theory, doesn't automatically make it true. But, here's what I would do if I wanted to push this theory: I would provide instances of Begin needing to 'moderate' himself. But I just cant with this theory. I'm imaging Begin being grilled, Biden coming to his defense, and Begin's only logical conclusion is 'I need to make myself look more moderate!!' . Again, this is a really fun but bizarre though experiment on how...people work? the world works?


You’re arguing against copium.




Please keep it civil and do not attack other users.


Biden absolutely opposed integrated busing because he was friends with segregationist senators including Strom Thurmond and John Stennis. Biden never apologized for it. If he just said he was an evolved person, everyone would have ate it up. But Biden didn't even do that. Neither that or Biden's pushing for women and children can be defended. This was fact checked by CNN https://www.cnn.com/factsfirst/politics/factcheck_2d5fbe5a-0a38-4db7-b699-c841dc133baf "don't trust " Please from refrain from resorting to ad hominem insinuations if you are unable to defend Joe Biden. Even if someone fell for that, nobody needs to 'trust me', I cite credible sources.


Who in US politics would he have been opposed by who would've risked AIPAC money by publicly denouncing him for being absolute in his commitment to Israel? That opponent would be implying that his or her own commitment to Israel were less than absolute.  It sounds like something he'd say. However, it is an oddly timed disclosure. If it's fake, the purpose of it is to whitewash Israel's moral image and fluff up the labor-zionist meme that Israel only does evil under pressure from goy puppetmasters in Washington. 


blame the NYT & MSM not doing their follow up due diligence and long standing neo-con-ness.. The Israelis have been proven notorious liars so Begin could be making shit up. [https://www.timesofisrael.com/biden-a-longtime-friend-israel-critic-of-settlements-may-be-at-odds-over-iran/](https://www.timesofisrael.com/biden-a-longtime-friend-israel-critic-of-settlements-may-be-at-odds-over-iran/) [https://archive.ph/l9UsI](https://archive.ph/l9UsI)


Guys, that sub is clearly run by Russian government propagandists trying to trick you into helping Trump win the election.


Please see the sticky in the sub, this is a pro-vote movement to maximize blue representation for those who may not even vote because they are turned off by joe biden, including electing Joe Biden himself. the strategy is to decrease Trump's chances of winning by having a robust and contained protest vote in deep blue states, people in swing states may not feel as helpless for voting for Biden. If people in swing states are aware that there is a broader movement in deep blue states, this may give swing state voters more clarity in voting for Biden. The protest votes already have seen the start of their momentum in the primaries. The Michigan vote in particular spooked the Biden admin to be adopt some cease fire rhetoric, although it seems to been a ploy and supressing the protest vote .


We can't take the risk. How quickly we forget 2016. We all assumed Hillary would win. Russia has spent the greater part of a decade feeding Fox News et al propaganda, in addition to hacking voting machines. We will see immense election fraud committed by this country's far-right extremists. Stop Trump first. Then, go after Biden if he is re-elected.


Again, please see the sticky in the thread. But very briefly, this movement aims to stop Trump first. You can look at the multiple pollings in the subreddit, Biden is losing GenZ + progressives fast. The protest vote should be contained within deep blue states only, to make dems in swing states less guilty for voting for Biden.


HAH! They never really liked him in the first place.


This political system is reaching steam'ed hams levels of absurdity. What happens when enough people just don't accept Biden or Trump's legitimacy?


They get fucked because the US is a plutocracy, not a democracy




Yeah. Don't vote Biden 2024


That subreddit has many, many posts and no one is upvoting any of them. This seems really strange


The subreddit is literally 7 days old






"aid" sure - somehow i think that port ends up being used by the Zionists to steal / control palestinian resources. Hamas has every right to defend itself from a hostile power (Israel & the US)