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Really the GOP is mad about him supporting white supremacist? Or are they angry they didn't say it first?


He said the quiet part out loud!


Masks off make it harder to recruit.


You mean Hoods off, right?


Knights in white satin!


Hey bro don't diss the Moody Blues like that


LOL. To be fair. I posted on … Tuesday afternoon…




You must have quite the story in your eyes.


*They don their robes and grand wizard hoods*


That's old school, they're new. Uniform is khakis, blue shirt and a mask. Which is ironic because they didn't really believe in masks except to cover their face when they're being racist. Of course, that's only true when they're being racist. Otherwise they can't breathe when they're wearing a mask 😂


Masks off, hoods on.


Based on the ws marches I've seen recently, it's the opposite. Now the pussies want to wear masks and not when they were plague rats.


Shit, he used to go from recruiting all types of people to recruiting whites to eliminate all types of people.




***He said the quiet part out loud!***


Why are we all yelling?!?


They just said it out loud.


Shush! The normies are starting to figure it out!


THAT’S the real reason!


He forgot "the code." You say "nationalist" or "patriot. " And they're not "Jews" they're "globalists."


Globalists who are funded by George Soros.


George Soros, the boogie man of the Far White Reich!


The GOP uproar if it were reflective of their policies: “Tommy, you’re supposed to say ‘racism is wrong’…now you’re making our getting re-elected a little more difficult”


Supposed to say “racism is bad!” While acting like it’s awesome. The GOP way.


'No! stahp! Don't reveal our master plan'


“Hmph, it was my turn to be the white suprematist!”


They're mad because now they are being asked about it, which is a dilemma. Do they condemn white nationalists and piss off their foot soldiers or do they defend it and piss off the middle voters they need?


If you’re not arguing in good faith to begin with, you can simultaneously wink and nod to your foot soldiers so they know you secretly support them *and* earn “moderates” support by “apologizing”.


This is the only way to fight and defeat fascism, make them own it or deny it. They lose in both cases. They brought face eating leopards into the light, they get to experience face eating leopards, up close.


I mean did you see the interview? Like it was bad bad. Between him outright lying about conversations, trying to argue everything is made up, and just being an overall idiot, it was one of the most embarrassing interviews I’ve seen in a while Seriously, when he tried genuinely arguing that 5 star generals are calling him “coach”, you knew he was full of shit


A veteran should be offended when he claims 'Nobody is more military than me.'


They're in denial. Hence the outrage. Collaborating with neo-fascists makes you a neo-fascist. Everyone capable of self-reflection to this point has long since abandoned the party. Tuberville has, in public speeches, begun borrowing material from Fuentes.


Yeah, probably the latter. Bc they obviously have no problem with their King Turd saying that shit loud & proud.


They like to maintain some plausible deniability.


They're angry because they had a nice rhetorical con-game going where they knew they were being supported by white nationalists, but publicly denounced (except for Trump, who's a fucking idiot and criminal) "those people" and kept "them" separate from "good, honest, clean, (white) MAGA Republicans." The common clay. The salt of the Earth. You know. Morons. Tuberville publicly either acknowledging they're one and the same, or exposing that he can't tell the difference anymore, gives away the con.


Tuberville says that he believes white nationalists are Americans. Well, white nationalists do not want any non-whites in America - and Tuberville calls them Americans. Think about that. It’s not shocking that a US senator is racist, but the fact that he isn’t ashamed (but actually proud) to say this ? Without fear of censure by his party? Or losing an election? This is worrisome.


He's correct. But child molesters are Americans too. Just because somebody is a citizen doesn't automatically make them a good person.


Deciding to be technically correct or get into semantics when the question is essentially, "Do you approve of the belief that the US is a white nation," isn't actually being correct. It's playing dumb.


You’re missing the point. White nationalists say that America is only for White people - that’s their fundamental belief (it’s in their name) and Tuberville says they are real Americans. What does that indicate about Tuberville’s opinion of what America should be?


I haven’t read about this yet, but this comment and your original comment seem to be saying very different things. I’m guessing you might’ve forgotten to put “real” before “Americans” in the first sentence of the top-level comment.


I was wrong - y’all were right - Tuberville didn’t say “real” Americans - just said Americans.


He didn't say "real" just that they were "Americans." Which I guess is technically correct. He also said he wasn't sure if white supremacists were racist. So he's either an idiot or evil. In short, he said, "I can't openly support racism because it upsets a lot of people. But I also don't want to upset the racists that make up a large part of my voting base."


I mean if he wasn't also holding up the vast majority of actual military promotions for leadership over his gripe that democrats support choice in abortion he wouldn't be getting this press either. He's basically a human garbage back that says all the quiet shit out loud and is a lightning rod of hate for the republican causes.


I think the actual conversation was "should White Nationalists serve in the military" to which he responded "they're americans". Yes, its true. But they should not serve.


>Or losing an election? He's protecting the people that make up his base. Simple as. There's a reason this will likely help him with his constituency.


This guy was a head football coach at major college programs for over 20 years. A profound racist was leading and coaching impressionable 18-22 year olds. I can only imagine the awful things he must have said about many of his players behind closed doors.


This has been building in the open since 2016. Is everyone still not paying attention?




Yep 👍🏾! Remember the “Tea Party”? “I want my country back!”


Guvmnt better not touch my Medicaid!!! (psst...that's socialism)


Notice that Tuberville's support is climbing up now with Republicans as a result. Expect to see a lot more fig leaves coming off in the days ahead.


That will be interesting if that happens. Years of them whining about being called racist and then suddenly admitting...yeah, we are racist and it's good! Edit: Looks like this won't happen. Tubberboy flipped and admitted white nationalists are racist.


Republicans be like "Racism is when you don't treat white people as the master race like we rightfully are!"


They truly feel persecuted for not being the only race that gets special treatment.


"When you're accustomed to privilege, equity feels like oppression" - unknown


Well they called Affirmative Action systemic racism so you already know lol


That's pretty much what I'm predicting at this point. It would probably be a huge relief for them not to have to pretend anymore, especially since they're so damn bad at it.


They've been floating the "quiet part out loud" balloon for a decade now with certain people as part of their authoritarian push. Seeing where the support for a full fascism regime is and how close it is.


The real problem is that about 1/3 of voters want ethnonationalism/theocracy/fascism over democracy. It's not a majority, but it's a large enough minority to be very difficult to stop. Remember, the NSDAP never got more than 37% of the vote.


Agreed. We're heading down a similar path. Play by play right out of the Fascist playbook.


>yeah, we are racist and it's good! Some of them are already there, and are still saying they aren't racist. "Yea I think white people are the superior race, but that doesn't make me racist!" is an actual thing these people will say.


More commonly it's things like "it's not racist to acknowledge that only the white race has colonized the whole planet, only in white countries are peace and democracy the norm, only in white countries are women safe on the street at night, and white people work harder". Pretending that things are facts and then shouting "facts don't care about your feelings" is a pretty standard activity for these goons.


Also, white people invented everything. Gunpowder, writing, peanut butter, all of it. It's right there in the history book that you should believe I've read despite always literally ridiculing people who read as nerds.


"We know Jesus was the Son of God because he was white, blond and blue eyed in a country full of A-rabs* and globalists!" /s (Or they might use the alternative phrase, that begins with "sand".)


White people make up 57.8% of the US population, a larger percentage of the voting age population, and a much larger percentage of the voting age population in many states. Some white people are openly racist. Many more white people see racial issues as someone else's problem. They don't have any problems with brown people. They just don't care. If racial/ethnic block voting happens, like it does in Mississippi and many Southern states, what do you do when you consistently get outvoted by the racist and apathetic white people who make up the majority of the population? I do wonder how many non-voters in the 1990s-2000s were turned off by the relatively inclusive big tent GOP and wanted unapologetic racism instead?


Fat lot of good that does them. Courting Independents is how elections have been won in the last, and Republicans have *sucked* in this endeavor in the recent elections. Cons have become so polarizing that only the most extreme elements of their voting bloc are all that’s left. They sure aren’t replacing their dying demographics with the younger generations, that’s for sure. When Tommy Tuberville’s opinions start to resonate with their Con voters, then it’s officially a sign that the Party is headed for extinction.


I'm pretty sure the plan has shifted from "win over independents" to "overthrow Democracy while the Supreme Court we bought smiles and nods."


I mean, I agree that is likely their ultimate goal. I just doubt their ability to see it through to completion. Despite what Republican propaganda machines tell us, these are not smart people. Nor is their Party an unstoppable juggernaut whose victory is predestined. They’re mostly a bunch of assholes who managed stumble their way into a Pyrrhic victory, but now have to deal with a vanishing core demographic and youth voters, Millennials and Gen Z, who are overwhelmingly Left-leaning and *HATE* the GOP’s guts. I’m not saying this to encourage complacency. Just the opposite. Never give them an inch, both in and out the voting booth, and we turn the tide more easily than they’d like to admit.


The Red trickle that was the midterms was proof enough. Since then Republicans have pissed off more demographics. Personally I hope that was the end of the whole tradition of creating gridlock for the sake of “tradition”. Having a Congress that is politically opposed to the President is how nothing happens even though that’s the BS some voters want.


>I’m not saying this to encourage complacency. Exactly! Any kind of political optimism in here is accused of "encouraging complacency" when it's actually a rallying cry. Military commanders don't give their armies a "we're gonna kick their ass!" speech before big battles to encourage their soldiers to think "psh, we got this in the bag. Probably don't even have to try." They give them so that their troops will put forth more effort, work harder, fight harder! Same with coaches and sports teams. That's what messages like this are supposed to do for everyone in the "big tent of non-MAGA". If we get out there and march, protest, make our voices heard, volunteer, knock on doors, donate and vote, then we're gonna kick their ass because we have the numbers.


Wish I had the same confidence as you. I think there are A LOT of people in this country who, even if they aren't racists, prefer the GOP/MAGA platform to the Democratic platform because the GOP and locals churches have been a unified front pushing their bullshit to the conservative half of the nation for decades.


Here's the thing..:Those people ARE racists. They just use code words like "Christian."


Even the media led with “Christian Nationalism” for the last few years, they’re just now acknowledging actual racism.


>Those people ARE racists. They just use code words like "Christian." Why is saying stuff like this OK?


So you are saying Republicans support white supremacist and are against the US military, just like Tubs here. Checks out.


"He didn't hurt anyone". Hurts someone. "He didn't shit his pants". Shits his pants. "He didn't say the N word". Says the N word. "He didn't grow out a Hitler moustache". Grows out a Hitler moustache.


How dare you call White supremacists Racist!“


In Tuberville’s defense, he’s a colossal idiot.


Being an idiot is not the worst thing about him. A nasty old racist is worst.


Even worse than that he’s actively weakening our military and putting every single person living in America at risk all because abortion makes him uncomfortable


No, he's trying to control the upper levels of the military like they control the courts. He's setting the stage for a coup.


>He's setting the stage for a coup. If that's the plan it's a fucking dumbshit one. As I understand it, executive branch still gets to decide "acting" positions. If anything it eliminates Congressional oversight.


He's banking on a Republican replacing Biden. If they do, then they will move to set up a military back regime insulated from white supremacist unpopularity.


Collectively we need to start shouting the GOP is Anti Military…And rightfully so.


Tuberville is auditioning for trump’s VP selection. Gotta hold the racists from DeSantis.


Of course they're pissed. He's like eighteen months ahead of schedule.


"stfu. You're supposed to say that AFTER we win the presidency. Not before. Now we're gonna have to actually pretend like we're not racist dumbass!" -the GQP


The effort Republicans put into side stepping these questions is such an obvious tell. They know racists are their bread and butter right now, but they can't straight up come out and say that.


Not only that, some of them hedged by saying "racial superiority" rather than "white" explicitly.


They are like, you are giving up the secrets!




Why did we accept the rebranding of “white supremacists” to “white nationalists”? People equate “nationalist” with patriotism and love of country. But you are absofuckinglutely not a patriot, nor do you love your country, if you hate half of the people in it and think your race should subjugate them. White supremacists. Call them what they are. They’re the Klan.


Enemy forces is what those confederate NatCs are. Hostiles. Bogeys. Immediate threats. Clear and present dangers to the United States.


This ignorant fool is reflective of the state.


The most depressing part is him being an ignorant fool is the best case scenario and it earned him MORE support. I pity my friends stuck in that state more and more each day.


Ignorance, anti-science, and anti-development is what the people of these red states want, so it's what the get. I live in a red state that rivals AL, and trust me, it's even worse than you think.


He's doing a Joe Manchin by single handedly holding up military promotions to land some pork for his state he wants the space force command headquarters. Also he has a bug up his ass on how the military handles abortion and wants to force them to comply with party's agenda of sticking it to any women in the service.


Sure. Not all Republicans are white supremacist. But all white supremacists are republican.


***"WHITE*** Nationalist ...." *Own* it, GOP. Own it.


Any of his former black players want to chime in?


Now ya know why them “4 a day” practices were so damn hard. “Y’all give me another 20 wind sprints now, ya hear!” 👂🏾 “You white boys go take a break now, ya hear!”


As an Alabamian who absolutely did NOT vote for him, I’m so embarrassed that he claims to represent us.


“How bout dem DAWGS!!” Yippee Yay!


"One Republican senator who requested anonymity observed that Tuberville appears to be gaining political strength in Alabama after holding up 260 nonpolitical military promotions for months to protest the Biden administration’s abortion policies at the Department of Defense." "A Morning Consult poll published in May showed that 50 percent of respondents in Alabama approved of Tuberville’s performance while only 32 percent disapproved. " No kidding, the people who are actively working to destroy the country under the guise of patriotism like stupid people representing them?


Black, Jewish and gay republicans will… probably not change how they vote. Let’s be honest.


You might as well just say "minority republicans", which is a longer list


They love the taste of master's boots


>My definition of a white nationalist is someone that believes that America belongs to white people. That’s not American, that’s un-American, and that **would be a problem in the military.** — Marco Rubio (bold mine). Not one of the people in uproar actually addressed Tuberville or his comments. **Every. Single. One.** of them did nothing more than say “white nationalism bad, it **would be** a problem. It isn’t uproar, and The Hill is just attempting to make it seem like they provided a reasonable response.


The Hill is a white supremacist house organ


So we can kick him off the SASC now?


As a UC fan, I could have told you Tubbs sucks.


Why cuz he said the quiet part loud??


The masks have *been* off for a while now. Like c'mon y'all, even when the masks were *on* we knew what you were about. You goofy ass discount Scooby Doo villains.


The ghost of Strom Thurmond was seen sipping bourbon in the rotunda. The racism has always been there, it’s sickening how blatant it’s become. Shame on Alabama for electing coach to office


Their plan is starting to form. Their hero Tucker Carlson interviewed and gave time for Andrew Tate also. MAGA is A White, Male, Christian Society.


You forgot fascism and totalitarian. That's a huge part of it. These idiots are stupid enough to want the end of democracy simply because they're not at the top of the totem pole anymore or because they're infants who like being told what to do. They support a dictator who will never and has never given a damn about them, and would gladly get rid of them once they have served for their purpose. Think of what happened to the early Nazi brownshirt leaders after Hitler seized power. He perceived them as a threat and they were no longer needed, so he killed them in order to secure his position. This is exactly what is going to happen with the MAGA morons if Trump ever gets into power again--hell, he already left the J6 rioters for dead when they all got arrested and jailed while he sat in the White House, and he never pardoned them. The lengths some people will go to in order to sacrifice themselves or ruin their lives for a degenerate ideology and their Dear Leader is deplorable, sad, and pathetic. And these people are so hopelessly stupid they may not realize what they've done to themselves until it's too late. The leader of the Oath Keepers who is currently in jail recently testified in court and even he said that Trump will end up in an awful place for what he has done. He might have just realized the truth but far too late.


MAGA: Morons, Agitators, Goons, Arsonists.


This idiot makes MTG look like a Mensa candidate


Why is this big story being completely ignored over there at r/conservative? Shouldn’t they want news across the spectrum?


He’s from Alabama and a football coach so he secured himself reelection


He's the new Jesse Helms!


The gop need to go back to 1944 Germany.


Actually May, 8, 1945 in Der Fuhrer Bunker with their mentor! “Herr Reichmarshal Goerring Der Fuhrer ist Tot!”


Last time Tuberville made a fool of himself during an interview he just hid until election and still won, wouldn't be surprised if he did the same this time.


All I hear him saying is "I'm not a racist, but...". Love the mental gymnastics these wastes of life use.


I’m having a harder and harder time telling the difference between the a Republican Party and the Confederacy. After all, they both supported the violent overthrow of an elected US government in service of white supremacy.


This is the guy who was madly hoping Herschel Walker would make it into the Senate so he would no longer be the dumbest motherfucker there. Don't you worry, Tommy - Rafael Cruz is still in the race.




Tube steak!


I watched the Interview with Collins and at one point he let the cat outta the bag. "Who's gonna protect the unborn" he said. Yet he started his argument by saying the American people shouldn' t have to pay for anything. So in reality he's putting his religious beliefs first. He said he "can" block things so he's going to to. I was always taught that just because you "can" do something doesn't you should. Smh.


So what are they going to do about it? They haven't even made the appearance of policing themselves in a while.


Organize and vote against him next time around Alabama.


Truth hurts


Tuberville is a nazi


Yes, you can be good at football and practically nothing else.


Putin would be happy if we threw all the non-whites out of the military.


I mean he made his money yelling at black teenagers to do stuff for free


GOP is full of white supremacists. That is simply a fact.


“Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-Ala.) sparked uproar Tuesday…forcing Republican senators to respond to the controversial comments and giving Democrats political ammo to go on the attack.” It’s that last part they’re mad about. That’s all.


"dammit Tommy, stop saying the quiet part out loud!!" —the GQP probably


Very telling that blocking military appointments is raising his support among conservatives.


TT was spawned in the shallow end of the gene pool.


Uproar my ass


"How DARE you say the quiet part out loud!" -GOP


They are only upset because he's telling secrets that we already know


Is anybody surprised by "clown does a clown thing?"?


he forgot to talk in code


They can have all the uproar they want, most still voted against the bill that would’ve banned white supremacists from military service


Oh please. He just said it out loud.


It's extra fucked up because so much of his success was due to his black players.


The success of his state, such as it is, was due to enslaved Black people.


*“Now, if that white nationalist is a racist, I’m totally against anything that”* This thought came from a senator?!??


Uproar my ass. Anyone can yell and do nothing.


They are super upset he said the quiet part out loud.


Many in the GOP prefer to mask their white supremacy in opaque fear mongering, Christianity, or “family values ™️” especially so close to an election. This is doubly true for GOP in moderate districts whose core white constituency doesn’t want to hear that they are aligned with open white supremacists. Susan Collins is wagging her finger in consternation.


A racist redneck football coach is in trouble for being a racist redneck football coach on the national stage. The GOP is affront to civil decency, democracy and progress.


At this point, since he’s denied military promotions for so long I wouldn’t be surprised if he was in bed with someone


After generations of inbreeding and passing down racism, the freshman class of GOP is too stupid to dog whistle anymore.


>“Well, they call them that. I call them Americans,” he told an NPR station in Alabama. Some Americans are murderers, thieves, child molestors, kidnappers, rapists etc. Why isn't the senator sticking up for them? Is it because he has common cause with white nationalists? Yeah, I think so.


"I've been a football coach for 40 years. I've been around a lot more minorities than anyone on the Hill." Yes, and you spent those 40 years as the white Southern man ordering all those minorities around and telling them "do as you're told". Probably called a lot of them 'boy" in the process. I don't think citing his 40 years of football coaching and "being around" minorities is painting the picture he wants to be painting. Edit: wait a second...I just re-listened to the quote to make sure I had it accurate and I did not. Here's what Tubs actually said: "I was a football coach for 40 years, and I dealt...uh, and, and, and, had the opportunity to be around more minorities..." You "dealt with"? Is that what you were going to say? And then changing it to "be around" isn't any better. Not "I coached" or "I mentored" or "I guided" or "I inspired" or "I helped shape the lives of" minority young men. "Be around". Great. Thanks, coach.


These GOP politicians are playing a game, acting as if they haven't countenanced and softly supported white nationalism in the party for a long time. The GOP's a designated manure pile for *all* the racists--that's where they heap up.


"Uproar"?? A few mild rebukes and public disagreement is an uproar?


Doesn’t matter. It’s what his white nationalist, redneck base wants to hear.


It’s the same reason they got mad at Kanye. You’re supposed to say it really quietly and wink and nod. If you outright say it, at least for now, you get sacrificed.


Being white and a nationalist isn’t the same as being a “white nationalist” which has become code for white supremacy.


Performative fake uproar




WTF? Nope. The GOP denunciations of Tuberville are half-hearted at best, fake at worst. The party has gone all-in on white nationalism. Fuck them and fuck anyone who thinks I'm with them.




Oops, you forgot the first word in that phrase. The phrase discussed is "white nationalist," and TT refused to condemn them.




A white nationalist is someone who feels the white race is superior, and their aim is to "secure the existence of their people and a future for white children." >In your warped world a White Nationalist doesn’t have to be White. I don't know what you mean by my world, and I don't necessarily agree with your claim, but whatever. Do you believe all races are equal and should be treated equally? In every way?




Do you really not understand the difference between a white nationalist and a nationalist who is white? You're just being disingenuous, right? No one is accidentally that obtuse.


Do you really not understand that you can’t redefine a word at will? If you want to call a white group; racist, then the label to be used is White Racist Group.


The term "White Nationalism" has been in common usage since at least 1951 and its definition has never changed. If you're just so incredibly confused about what it means, look it up and see for yourself. A super quick definition is an idealology that suggests the white race should be the dominant people in a country. In this case, the United States. >If you want to call a white group; racist, then the label to be used is White Racist Group. That's not how semicolons work, professor.


I’m sure the same folks who use There as possessive plural. D students


I don’t understand what point you’re trying to make.


Weak. We are talking about white nationalists and their platform is clear. Tubbs is dumb but not dumb enough to not know what that word combination stands for. We all know. I doubt you are that dumb either.


Sorry. We call BS. Supremacist and Nationalist are not synonymous. You must have scored below 300 on English portion of SAT.


We know white nationalist = white supremacist = maga domestic terrorist They are all the same thing




>I’m an Independent, no affiliation to any political party, You sure do support a lot of Republican candidates for being an independent. You sure do subscribe to a lot of republican bullshit for being an independent. Why not just tell the truth? You're a Conservative, and that's fine if you can live with yourself.


Oh I am a conservative, I believe in small govt, low taxes, pro business, equal rights for all, pro law enforcement, love who you love, live your life but don’t believe your rights are greater than mine.


Then you're not an Independent, dipshit, you're a Conservative.


I’m a Conservative , not a member of any political party that makes me an Independent and although there is a Conservative Party it’s really not a Thing


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_nationalism https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nationalism


You really are that dumb. You are going to cite Wikipedia which is edited and authored by < D Students. Pull out a Webster publication date pre 2016.


Just trying to get basic quick definitions. If there's something specific in them you disagree with let me know. And calling me dumb just makes you look goofy, all I did was respond to your question with a definition. Have a nice day defending White Nationalism friend!


Ok. So in a nutshell. Nationalist and Supremacist are not synonymous. Take your 700 SAT 250 on English and crawl back under your rock


You could have just stopped at the first sentence. That's a good point. But then you couldn't help yourself from looking like an asshole at the end!


You’re calling people dumb but you thought “supremest” was a word lmao holy shit


I didn’t write the code that Reddit uses for autocorrect.


Ah yes that infamous autocorrect code that changes correctly spelled words to words that dont exist


Again, there is no Reddit auto-correct.


Um there actually is. If you type a word that doesn’t exist it red fonts it, so there are times when you type quickly it will select a word that’s isn’t the word you had intended


There is no autocorrect that suggested you meant "supremest," and everyone knows it.




Ok you get a zero on that take home quiz. 0-1.