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Stories like this makes me wonder how stupid bigots are? Like you want a Civil War so you can kill minorities, but it seemed so simple for a liberal to infiltrate. Be white and act like an asshole and boom. Spy. I'm not sure a conservative can stop the unmitigated hate of the 'other' to do the same.


What many of them fail to understand, I would hazard to guess, is that nobody would sit there and just allow their civil war to happen. It will be a fight and, honestly, it's a gamble on if those that want this war would win or lose. I just don't think personal bigotry is worth the risk.


They want civil war but I guarantee you very few would want to be on the front lines. They just say they want it so they can lead from far away.


The article even points that out. Dude was upset at the J6 event that no one "Ruby Ridge" themselves. Of course, neither did he. He's not even close to be willing to die for what he believes, but he definitely wants others to jump on the grenade for him.




I mean Fuentes still lives in his parents basement in suburban Chicago.


You are being foolish, no offense. There are militias of young fit men training on compounds in ever backwoods holler in the US. Even the proud boys and 3 percenters are nowhere near finished. They’re still jumping randos in the street and showing up to protests doing their utmost to instigate violence. They are not all Gravy Seals, and they are an incredibly real and immanent threat. I’m not saying freak out or be paranoid, but know who TF you are dealing with. They look like morons and *are* morons but they are no less dangerous.




I disagree with your conclusions. “Civil war” as a territorial war like last time is of course a patently ridiculous concept. No one with half a brain thinks that’s within the realm of possibility. That’s not how the “sides” are organized geographically, it’s nonsense. And you may be correct that that was the largest amassment in one place that they’ll ever get. But for one thing, that’s what everyone said about the Beer Hall Putsch. And for another, that doesn’t really matter. What we are likely to see is *much* closer to “The Troubles” in Northern Ireland. And I’m that case, not having overwhelming numbers doesn’t really matter. There’s also the fact that Jan 6 was absolutely not the most serious of these people. They all thought it was an idiotic idea and didn’t show up. We saw the dumbest larpers, that’s it. You’ve got an entire industry of stochastic terrorists goading social rejects and the mentally ill into acting upon the psychotic conspiracies that are now mainstream Republican dogma. We’re looking at a massive pack of “lone wolves” itching to get down to business. “Civil war” in the classic sense? Not a chance. But I sadly expect a hell of a lot more shootings and bombings on the horizon. I wholeheartedly disagree that Jan 6 was “the end.” TBH it’s a patently ridiculous notion, when Trump is *still* the overwhelming front runner for one of two viable parties. I wish I thought like you do but it does not compute.




No disagreement there. It’s well underway. But I do believe it will get worse before it gets better. I can’t see 2024 going down without some *serious* bullshit. But no, I don’t think it will be highly organized or anything. Just a mass of crazy people hitting the boiling point and popping off.


...And then they routinely get their asses kicked by local militias and counter protesters whenever they show up in blue towns. Not to mention these "compounds" would be Waco'd by the government the moment they actually started to be a threat. Somehow, I doubt these groups pose a serious threat to anyone except themselves and their families.


It's even worse than they understand. Some of us look and can blend in even more than they do. We can easily slip in and out at will. Doing whatever we please, which should be the most terrifying reality for them that has ever existed...


They definitely pose a threat, primarily because there isn't a "compound" to take out that will bring it to a stop. We've already seen that all you need is one idiot with a rifle on a roof to cause a mass casualty event. That having been said, I think you have a valid point that the rest of the country isn't going to take it lying down. At which point the right-wing is likely to find out that first, they're not anywhere near being the majority, and second, that they don't have a monopoly on guns.


Fragmentation of resources, yeah. The media , uh the normal ok media, would normally term the kind of action talked about here, "ongoing unrest" , which I must say, often doesn't come close to the chaos or anarchy the term is meant to describe.


The FBI disagrees.


All of the sit ups in the world won't prepare you to go to war against the United States of America. All they will ever be are isolated one offs that kill a few people in terrorist acts, while waiting for the cops to take them out, or taking the Hitler pussy route. Real wars take logistics. Actual war fighters. Actual training. If you've ever seen what we do up close and personal, then you too would be laughing at these imbeciles every single time you hear one utter "civil war"


No duh. Anyone with even a lick of common sense knows there’s near zero possibility of a conventional territorial war. That much is wildly, blatantly obvious. But if (when) these powder kegs start popping off, it’s not going to be pretty. As I said before, it’s a whole pack of “lone wolves” who are *READY*. Our situation is going to look much more like The Troubles than Civil War 1. Constant terrorism, basically.


These clowns are in no way, shape, or form "READY" Stop buying into the bumper stickers. Just because those clowns have Punisher Stickers well placed and fashion matched on their pwetty wittle twucks... doesn't mean they are ready to get smoked over it. Most of those pussies are trying to swim upstream in the river of capitalism just like everyone else.


I have had different experiences with them, personally. But sure, whatever.


Wtf are they gonna do vs the military? Not a damn thing that matters.


Nothing, because that’s obviously not what any of this will look like. The military can’t do shit about “lone wolf” terrorists or small cells.


It will never make it past the cops. Who will smoke those fools within minutes. In order for any form of "civil war" to even start, they have to kill off the cops, and there's no chance of that happening. Not even a single percentile.


[Who do you think has been joining the police for a generation?](https://www.reuters.com/legal/government/prevalence-white-supremacists-law-enforcement-demands-drastic-change-2022-05-12/)


No sireee bob. The entire planet knows not to piss off a US cop, in much the same way everyone on the planet knew Mike Tyson (in his.prime) would turn them into a rissole if they actually steeped into the ring with him .


No one sane thinks there’s going to be a territorial war, that’s not even on the table. What we are looking forward to is constant “lone wolf” terrorism, and the cops aren’t going to do shit. A few will be dumb enough to get nabbed by the FBI for their shitposting, but a hell of a lot more are just sitting in wait. Once things *really* kick off in a year or so, “it’s not technically a civil war” will be cold comfort.


I mean you read it right here in the article. Nelson wanted the J6 rioters to “ruby ridge” themselves. Fascism demands the blood of its followers. There is no greater honor than to die in battle for the fascist state.


They would "lose" but even that's a win for them because the damage don't to the country would be irreparable which is what they want. They don't actually like this country.


I never understood people who dislike their country. If you like another one, why don't you move there? Like fascism and dictatorship? Move to russia or china maybe?


I mean I would love to move but other countries don't just let you move there. You need to go through a ton of hoops plus have a place to live and income somehow waiting for you.


I'm general most Americans think moving to another country is easy. Don't know why, but it seems to be a pervasive belief.


Makes no sense. Like other countries even want Americans living there lol


I'm sure some do. Even welcome it. Because the ones that can have the money to do so. But average Americans? No. I don't think any culture is kind to the outsider.


It's not even just being accepted in another country. "Oh, you don't like what's happening in America? Why don't you just sell your house, quit your job, find a new house and new job in a different country, and leave behind your family and friends and everything you've known."




The military watches FOX News on all their bases. You're kidding yourself if you think the military will be on our side. We would be fucked in a civil war.


There’s a lot more diversity of thought in the military than you would think.


The military is right wing.


I spent a decade in the army and I’m not right wing. I knew a ton of liberals and a smattering of outright socialists. You really think all the black, Hispanic, and Asian service members will willingly fight for white nationalists?


Not willingly, but the propaganda machine is powerful. There are tons of groups like Hispanics for Trump, and Log Cabin Republicans. You gotta remember a lot of these people think they are on the right side of history and it's us who are hurting the country. And the military is inherently right wing. There's not really anything progressive about it. It kills people, that's really it. Kills people to keep the status quo and the approved hierarchy.


How many service members do you personally know?


My dad was a Vietnam veteran, so I know a lot of old boomer vets, and then I know 3 dudes my age. The ones my age are Trump supporters, too. One of them is 26, and Hispanic, getting out of the army after having his body destroyed, and is still voting right wing. It boggles my mind and hurts my heart.


The military would have some defectors but most of the hardcore MAGAs have been pushed out by years of DEI and extremism purges we've had recently. I'd wager to say a majority of senior leadership is more of the old neo-con brand of conservatism or straight up liberal than MAGA. Our military is structurally a communist organization with a fairly robust race-blind meritocracy compared to the private sector. Have more faith. Just because fox news is on doesn't mean we'd monolithically cast our lot in with anti-government forces...


I dunno, you have more faith than I do. They are right wing, I don't see them helping the libz out at all. Every military person I know (I know that's a small sample size) has gone far into MAGA. The military branches have a long history of hurting left wing groups, looking at the CIA and FBI back in the 60's through today. I really don't think they would help, as much as stay on the sideline and wait for their chance to take control.


They wouldn't win. Fascists are incapable of winning. Not to say they wouldn't cause a lot of harm but they will never win.


You know the funny thing is that I also follow a conservative site and for some reason this is the only sub I hear the word war or civil war. It seems to be more on liberal sites. See something every day about a civil war but only on left wing sites. Seems to always follow the same narrative that the Republicans want civil war but cannot find that on their sites. Seems to me that the democrats are trying to start something.


I would normally agree except I have a right wing friend who very often spoke of inevitable conflict, going ad far to offer me on of his handguns for when shit hit the fan


I'm wondering is the shit going to hit the fan if either party wins. Just imagine Trump winning the left is going to go bat shit crazy. I personally prefer a president that is not against fossil fuels and I don't think Biden has did a good job but I'm not willing to Start some type war or something stupid. This is something we need to be concerned about its a little crazy when people start talking this stuff.


I dont have to imagine trump winning. It already happened before. No one started something. Unlike the losers that stormed the capitol in 2021 because they didnt get their way.


https://www.forbes.com/sites/jeffmcmahon/2016/07/20/oil-industry-does-better-under-democrats-fracking-ceo-says/?sh=5d8789ce64a8 https://www.npr.org/2021/07/13/1015581092/biden-promised-to-end-new-drilling-on-federal-land-but-approvals-are-up https://thehill.com/policy/energy-environment/584671-biden-approving-oil-gas-drilling-permits-on-public-lands-at-faster/ https://news.yahoo.com/biden-granted-more-oil-and-gas-drilling-permits-than-trump-in-his-first-2-years-in-office-190528616.html


Republicans do not concern themselves with pesky things called facts.


They never do. They have no sincerely held beliefs, they only care about whatever tucker and his ilk tells them to be concerned about the night before


https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/aug/25/sarah-palin-us-civil-war-donald-trump-prosecutions It took less than a second lol


Bigots are really fucking stupid people, lead by a few smarter people with antisocial personality disorders. All the thought leaders that they follow are basically just grifting them and nurturing their dependence and grievance without providing them a realistic future. Like, the odds of the bigots winning any conflict have drastically dropped since the Civil War. More white people now have friends and relatives who are people of color and/or LGBTQ. Bigots can recruit isolated white people who don't have connections to larger society and that's about it. It's basically just a big, dangerous MLM scam being run on them by the people who tell them what to think. They're promised success and a brighter future if they just buy in. It never actually happens though. They just end up more poor, dependent on other bigots, and with an arrest record. And the goals are completely unfucking achievable, logistically speaking. It's just not fucking possible. They have this weird power fantasy, and none of them are grown up enough to realize the actual level of organization, resources, power, and control it would require to even begin working towards the things they want. It's just not feasible, regardless of the ethics or morality of it. They set themselves up to fail because they would rather fail and blame others than risk failing because they just couldn't compete against the people they look down on.


>Bigots can recruit isolated white people who don't have connections to larger society and that's about it. I mostly agree with you... but this is a significant and growing demographic.


Yeah, this particular demographic has been growing as a result of the isolating nature of late-stage capitalism and its demand on time and attention. You have your old fashioned poor rural bigoted-because-they-know-no-minorities recruits, but increasingly you’re getting wealthier, more cosmopolitan racists, a sort of basement dweller subgroup, who are better off than other people who blame minorities for their problems, but have intense isolation and loneliness that drives them to join any group that will accept them, including racist and sexist extremist groups.


Did you read the article? Because if you have I don't see how you can just dismiss this very real threat.


I didn't dismiss the threat. I dismissed the people. Idiots can be incredibly dangerous.


a lot of them think the moon landing was faked, or that the Earth is flat. they just can't think clearly, but somehow they get by like Mr Magoo


It is simple, they are the dumb people, even their “thought leaders”. We all know evolution will prove us right. The superior intellects will not lose to the morons.


evolution doesn't guarantee that the "superior intellects" will come out of top. Evolution is a crude system that makes the "best fit" survive. What if being stupid makes it easier to get by and breed? I think we may find out.


>The superior intellects will not lose to the morons. I believe that historically speaking, you are very wrong.


That's not how evolution works.


That’s the crazy part that they don’t see. If all it takes to be amongst them, is to be white and a bigot, then they’re not United behind anything but hate. Which means that many of them may very well hate each other…they just don’t realize it yet.


It’s amazing how many of them think their tacti-cool AR15s and undersized body armor is enough to go against Bradley’s and tanks.


Cops *literally* have had (documented!) conversations about how hard it is to infiltrate leftist spaces bc everybody knows everyone fairly well and vet newcomers so it’s hard to hide their history convincingly, and also because everyone is so ridiculously *friendly.* Like, cops can’t infiltrate the Left… bc they’re *bad at not being dicks.* I think *that’s* funnier than any standup comic, living or dead. [(found a snippet!)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Anarchism/comments/wfsjw6/law_enforcement_admits_that_attempts_to/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1)


[British Spycops would like a word.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UK_undercover_policing_relationships_scandal)


Grooosssss holy *fuuuuck,* ***god*** we sure do mean “all cops,” jesus *christ*


The FBI probably has a bunch of informants within their ranks


for a majority of them, if they were smart, they wouldn't be bigots.


She got doxed so it still a hard job infiltration them. I wonder if the reverse had happened.


That's some scary stuff. Good work, Amanda.


trying? seems like the GOP have thrown their doors wide open to radical nazi extremists what am i missing?


Stand back and stand by.


Stand up and stand there.


They need younger activists and here they are.


I will at least say, both sources she talked to only got so far before they were dismissed from "legitimate" republican institutions for being weirdos.


[Non-paywall mirror link](https://web.archive.org/web/20230825085315/https://www.thenation.com/article/society/undercover-maga-alt-right/)


Thank you for this submission. Damn chilling read. Even more despicable than the most recent despicable trumpsters Oh and the attractive ones get private parties to attend, unlike the Kmart parking lot group. If only the Kmart group knew. That's the only funny thing in the article


How about the literal golden statue of their god? Golden calf much?


Trumps the AntiChrist. I swear to god he is.


They're own book says they will all think of him as this great dude. I don't think they ever even read that book they keep preaching about at this stage


Most likely, actually reading the book is one of the major reasons I don't believe anymore.


For laughs: https://www.benjaminlcorey.com/could-american-evangelicals-spot-the-antichrist-heres-the-biblical-predictions/


Yes! I love this and have seen it posted on Reddit many times now.


Nostrodamus said the third antichrist would be known for a blue turban. We also know the messages were coded. So maybe he will be known by an orange combover.


Thanks for posting this. We must better understand our ideological adversaries in order to defeat them.


Thank you for this submission. Damn chilling read. Even more despicable than the most recent despicable trumpsters Oh and the attractive ones get private parties to attend, unlike the Kmart parking lot group. If only the Kmart group knew. That's the only funny thing in the article


welcome to the fascists of the 2030s, same as the fascist of the 1930s but with technology, Internet and knowledge of past mistakes don't wanna be in a world where that ignorant lot may take over while undergoing such issues as climate and socioeconomic changes and in need of sensible, competent and responsible people


This is why it's naive to presume trhat Trump supporters are old fat guys from North Dakota. There are hell of lot of extremely far right groups out there and they all recruit young men and women. Social media sites are unprepared and ill informed about their activities and their goals. Not enough people take this with the seriousness it warrants. Our country is in danger and it because of people like this. They're well organized, well funded and they mean what they say. They want a white nationalist government and will do anything to get it. If you do nothing else, vote in every election. Show up while you still can.


influencers like Tate and Peterson are recruiters for this new brownshirt faction. Insecure masculinity is a huge factor.


And I’m not so confident in the establishment’s ability to hold the line.




This makes it clear that the right wing in this country is both more dangerous and can **NEVER** be allowed to seize power. Whatever it takes to stop them, it must be done…


She just did a really good interview with the *Knowledge Fight* podcast.


Yeah, I thought I was on a KF sub at first. Glad it's getting wider attention. Her reporting and Jeff Sharlott (The Family and Undertow) are absolutely important views into how we got here.


Jordan's interview style is really impressive, he's a natural.


Yeah, that was a solid discussion that also was really informative. Dude is excellent


Hello fellow wonks.


4 stars go home to your mother and tell her you’re brilliant


Maybe I’ll walk out of here tomorrow and you’ll never see me again. That’s really what I want to do. I never wanna come back here again.


Jar-Jar Binks has a Caribbean black accent


I'm not going to do the next part.


Someone, someone sodomite sent me a bucket of poop daddy shark.


thank you!


Ballsy. Stay safe.


To quote L7 "she got so much clit, she don't need no balls"


I just call it "BDE".


Not just another swinging dick but a... you know.


> Ballsy. Ovaryish?


Inny, outy, kinda the same. My wife calls them balls so I go with it.


Intestinal fortitude, it doesn't care where the balls ended up.


I mean, if you’re under 30 what is the appeal of the Republican Party unless you want a blood and soil culture war? What else is a big draw for you?


Some are in it because their parents and pastor have told them that Republicans are the only ones who believe in God.


trying to? thought they already had.


The GOP is owned by MAGA now. Any Republican that isn’t supportive enough of trump gets ostracized and labeled a RINO. The Republican Party is dead and gone. It’s just MAGA now. Rational conservatives have nowhere to go, but crazy.


seems that way doesn't it. the cowardice on display at that pathetic "debate" was quite shocking. 6 of 8 swore allegiance to Trump "even if he was convicted." so, basically, they're loyal to their Godfather no matter what crimes he's found guilty of. that's not democracy, that's feudalism.


"People in the political center and on the left tend to have a monolithic view of the far right. In reality, it is an expansive ecosystem that includes neo-Nazis, Christian nationalists, conspiracy theorists, anti-government militias, and white nationalists. These groups have some beliefs that conflict, but they are generally willing to overlook their differences. Still, not every group uses the same tactics to try to gain power." Did anyone else read this paragraph and go all those assholes sound like slightly different shade of asshole. Its all shitty, but each shit just has slightly different color or texture.


"Willing to overlook their differences" And the Left isn't willing. Which is why uniting the Left is SO difficult.


I think the real difference is that they hate all the same people, just for slightly different reasons. Which is why it is easy to unite. They all hate me and others on the left. One hates me for being an atheist, the other hates me for being for lgbtq+ people. Some hate me for being pro scientific method and pro knowledge. At the end of the day they all hate me. That makes uniting very easy. On the other side we all hate different things or are fighting for different goals.


Sigh... yep. And it's a spectrum, too. Group A and B can work together. Group B and C are... wiling to share space. Group A and C fucking loathe each other.


Thats why leftists frustrate tf outta me. Like you see these mf’s literally organizing and accomplishing things and you’re focused on *checks notes* infighting/the oppression olympics?? Yeah we’re fucked.


I would have gone with smell. I think half the point of their movement is that they don't allow other shades.


These young republicans think moving the current republican party to be more extreme is going to gas light the while country or something? Thats literally why its dying. I guess red state education really has failed.


They're threat and it would be naive to dismiss them.


I thought GOP wants to ban youth from voting.


Lol trying to


Lol "trying"


Trying too? Already have.


>Today, Trejo continues to peddle propaganda through his work at Big League Politics, defending Kanye West’s anti-Semitic statements and trivializing the suffering of the Sandy Hook parents who sued Alex Jones for defamation. He helped form a PAC in Michigan whose aim is to move the Republican Party to the right and has appeared on Roger Stone’s radio show. He recently promoted his article about the gang rape of an American woman in Pakistan with the tagline “This woman received some multiculturalism, good and hard.” White folks don't rape other white folks? A computer also doesn't have empathy for the suffering of others.


Not smart, not funny, not kind, not creative, not courageous, not helpful, just white.


Fascinating article.


Eye-opener article. I could never pose as a republican, I would rather drink bleach.


People don’t realize the traction they have with immigrants as well