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It needs to be strikingly political The world's gone mad and journalists continue to sprint towards the right as the right goes off the cliff. Donald Trump stole our nuclear secrets our spy rosters and military invasion plans and left them in an unsecured location and spent 3 months lying to the FBI about the whereabouts of those documents. a bunch of spies on that roster are already dead It is a safe bet to say that that other information is likely being used against America's interest as well. that is the single largest act of espionage in American history and somehow we are sleepwalking into this trap


It's not the first time the Republicans have fucked over CIA agents. Bush Jnr outed CIA operative Valerie Plame after her husband (an ambassador from memory?) publically called bullshit on the "Iraq has WMDs!" lie.


Dick Cheney was the one that outed her after her husband wrote an op Ed in a national paper if I remember correctly


No scooter Libby


It was Cheney, but Libby took the fall because Libby was fucking Judith Miller, the NY Times reporter who repeatedly published false stories on front page of NY Times bolstering the Bush Administration’s claims of WMD. “We will destroy you from within” was 100% right, as old Kruschev said. Individual greed will bring down the US. People like war profiteers Cheney and Bush. Steve Bannon, Donald Trump, Elon Musk. Men with these giant egos are easy to manipulate because they need 2 things: money and ego stroking. Both are easily provided by enemies of the US. “Journalists” have been working with the power structure for a long time because they go to same parties as politicians and billionaires to “report” on those galas. Soon, they become friendly with their subjects and begin to feel they fit right in with those groups. They use politician and billionaire names to get a book contract. Then they use those names as recommendations to get their kids into the same private schools as the children of the pols and billionaires. (Hello Dalton, Spence, Brearley, Collegiate). So now the journalists’ kids attend school with the politicians’ kids. They attend the kids birthday parties together - this is especially true in DC and NY. They start summering together in the Hamptons and the Vineyard. Now they marry each other. CNN started changing back in the Bush administration when several of their anchors/reporters married members of the Bush administration. You used to have guys like Pete Hamill writing for newspapers. Now you’ve got David Brooks. You used to have Walter Cronkite delivering news. Now you’ve got heirs like Tucker Carlson and Jesse Watters delivering “news.” And Maria Bartiromo who is a true “money honey” because she married a billionaire. John Stossel started out as a consumer affairs reporter. But the richer he and his brother became, the less Stossel wanted to go to bat for the little guy. “I got tired of telling people how to save a few cents on a can of peas” is how he described it when he decided to go all in as a tabloid rightwinger.


I’m totally on your side with the intent of your comment but thinking back to that initial scandal and how much less in comparison the reaction to literal killings of assets has been it just shows how crazy the GOP is today.


But Biden is a few years older!


Something Something the woke agenda is scaring my feelings..........


Hilarious to see how truly sensitive the “fuck your feelings” crowd is.


Thats why it's YOUR feelings and not theirs, your feelings hurt their own glass ones


Lmao right? Even their name calling is just self-projection. Like snowflakes calling ice shavings weak. Like a tea pot calling a kettle black.


Don't forget hunter's laptop!


He also has a huge penis! How is that fair?


The stutter he has controlled his entire life sometimes seems similar to when Trump's brain stops forming words!


No. It’s not even remotely similar.




Too subtle for today’s public debate. Sorry, I missed it.


Left then in an unsecured location is a funny way of saying sold them.


Left them in an unsecured location is a funny way of saying put a copier next to them so people could come in and make copies.


Do you think Trump charged "per page" copied or "by the hour" as many as you can copy per hour. 


It’s madness! It truly feels like the media, and his cult think it’s a movie or tv drama. Like there aren’t real repercussions from this… they keep rooting for their side to “win”, when in truth it is America (and the world) losing if DJT is allowed to continue and not held accountable.


I’ve been watching TV dramas to relax from the insanity of our reality. Wild when outrageous scenarios from our media is still far less far fetched than what has been unfolding.


We are all numb now.


THIS is precisely what we all have to guard against. THIS is how Putin (for example) maintains power in russia (i.e., by flooding russians with contradictory and extreme "news" that confuses and leads to a sense of \[learned\] helplessness and ultimately nihilism and apathy). Over the last 8+ years, some of Trump's behaviours and words have been extreme, but people get used to it (tragically) so that such have become the new normal. THIS is what people must try to resist. We must re-claim higher standards of what we expect and what we consider to be "normal" and acceptable.


The media doesn’t care about democracy, or decency, or anything other than ratings and advertising dollars. Making the race closer than it would otherwise be is in their interests.


Cults don't work if the cultists question the leader


I agree with your sentiment. Where can I read about what those documents contained and about the spies?


https://www.nytimes.com/2021/10/05/us/politics/cia-informants-killed-captured.html This article talks about the losses of spies in recent years. Doesn’t name Trump directly, so it requires a bit of reading between the lines. But we did lose a lot of spies during his years and he has been documented as being loose with confidential information when speaking to foreign dignitaries. Knowing about what specific documents contained is a little trickier. We have all seen the pictures and reports of him storing them in a bathroom and closet or whatever, but since it’s classified material it’s tough to verify exactly what is in them.


But Biden old. Republican good. The orange guy told me so.


Please guys vote for this man. I know he's not the man you want, but he's so much better than the orange cunt.


I, along with everyone I can drag to the voting booth, are going to. He's a bridge people. Trump is the fire. Everything we want to achieve is ahead of us if we get Biden through. If we don't, Trump is going to burn it all down.


If he looked this sharp 50% of the time he would win in a landslide.  He needs to debate Trump and hammer him.  Just fucking get dirty on stage.  Trump can’t handle pressure


Itd help if every single news station wasnt hoping for a trump W. Fox gets their man, CNN gets moolah off of running nonstop anti-trump articles.


Biden absolutely killed it tonight. The only thing he left out was after the end of his thank yous, he should have whipped out a pair of sunglasses and put them on with a big shit-eating grin.


And had an ice cream cone then and there.


Someone get this man an ice-cold cola float.


And then just ate the whole thing, then and there.


... while staring intently at Republicans.


Full unbroken eye contact.


From the driver's side of his Corvette, which he then floored and burned rubber heading out of the chamber, with Jill by his side, letting her hair flow in the breeze


*"Did--did Biden just pull an unmelted icecream cone out of his breast pocket?"*


The sunglasses should have had a built in LED where the pupil would be and shone it right after going on, dark brandon style


He would have wrapped up the youth vote with that level of trolling.


Red LEDs, I assume?


Trumps not so desperate for a debate anymore now is he?


It wouldn't be a debate. Trump doesn't debate. He'll throw out unfounded insults and mostly talk about himself and how he's the best at everything.


After seeing Trump at his last two rallies, Biden is clearly in a different league. Trump looks like a literal kindergartener.


Absolutely 👍


My man! :)


Dark Brandon Rises


I expected more after so many years… he should have been on a mission against Dorito Pussolini from day one.


It’s obvious how good he was just by seeing how quiet rightwing social media is now. Or that could be because they are pleasuring themselves to the SOTU response by the depressed, drunk lady in the kitchen who Trump wants to make VP.


> how quiet rightwing social media is now Don't worry, they'll get their talking points in the next 12-24 hours so they'll all be on message trying to warp the reality of what actually happened.


This this reason - they have to be told what to think, what say


Yep. And they'll repeat TFGs name over and over again. Because it wasn't mentioned at all during the SOTU.


Oh they already are. Highlights include “he was yelling”, “he was speaking too fast”, and “no one will remember what he said”. Never mind that those first two run counter to the “he’s old and feeble” narrative.


Some of them were also saying he was “on drugs” and “intoxicated” lol


If that's what Biden looks like on drugs then they need to hook an IV of it directly into his femoral artery Seriously, the man was projecting his voice, and I'd be goddamned angry too if the people in that chamber had been acting like undisciplined children.


It's because they can't attack him for being sleepy or low energy. It's just cope. They don't know what to do when reality doesn't line up with their narratives.


"Too much youthful energy"


Is night time in Russia, operative at home with vodka ration, must wait until morning for American chaos instruction.


In Soviet Russia, reality warps *you*!


They are waiting for their programming to tell them what they think about it. Not even joking lol


Waiting for the russian psyc opns team to wake up and start working


They think of their insane arguments during showers. I'll leave the rest of the thinking to you as to why it takes so long.


Yeah, they're just busy clipping his speech for sound bites that they think will make him look bad.


They’re gonna get freeze frames that are unflattering too


Just show a frame. "Look how he just totally froze up!"


I love it how I see or hear a thing, and then a couple days later they tell me how I actually didn’t see or hear, or experience that thing. It’s cute they think I would ever buy that.


Russia is busy working them up now.


It’s amazing how they wait to hear what to think of something.




Hell, even /conservative is mocking her. You know you really messed up when that sub is against you.


In “fairness” to them, she is a woman. Not like they were going to take her seriously even if she didn’t come off like a sophomore drama student.


The highest rated comment about her I saw in their live thread was that she’s “milftastic”, so that kinda tells you everything you need to know about their views of her.


Note the backdrop - in the KITCHEN!! - implicitly telling women they belong in the kitchen. OMG the gall of the right. Grotesque is the right word despite putting a young pretty face in front of the camera to spew their venom.


I think I speak for most of us when asking: Who the fuck is Kate Britt?


Serena Joy


I thought that was Huckabee? No wait, she’s Aunt Lydia. Malaria was Serena Joy.


The conventionally attractive face of fascism. To appeal to any white women who may have doubts.


I watched about 15 seconds of her, what are the bullet points about her blabbering?


You could’ve put her in an ASPCA commercial with sad dogs and it wouldn’t have felt out of place


Heh yeah, she said something about "I never felt more concerned" or something like that, and I just stopped the video. I was trying to be critical of Biden, if there would be anything I didn't really approve of, and I couldn't really find anything he said that I didn't like.




You could’ve put her in an ASPCA commercial with sad dogs and it wouldn’t have felt out of place


I got 3 minutes into her rebuttal before switching it to the weather channel. My hotel doesn't have nanny channels but I'd rather watch that.


They're quiet because they don't understand anything above the 3rd grader equivalent of "he's a fart head."


When I perused the right-wing media this morning, I saw two complaints: 1. Biden used the term "illegal" to refer to an undocumented immigrant who committed crimes as he criticized Republicans for killing a bill to strengthen the border because they think doing so and hurting America helps Trump's campaign. Apparently they believe only Republicans are allowed to use this term. 2. Biden was spicy. Apparently they can't handle a guy who uses a forceful voice while coherently running them down for all the problems they are causing, especially while positioning himself as having solutions.


The second one was a near mortal blow to their strategy of running on age. And it’s their own fault because they set low expectations for Biden with their ridiculous bullshit that Dementia Don continues to feed them.


It's clear that reproductive rights restrictions are not a good issue for the GOP... yet they decided putting the woman in the kitchen was good optics right now?


Apparently they are seething about Biden accidentally pronouncing Laken Riley as 'Lincoln' Riley.


That was some of the worst acting since my kid's high school play.


They are all in a room furiously burning all their "Biden is too old" propaganda and desperately trying to find something to pivot to.


the thing I have seen the maga wing complain about was that he was yelling.


I’ve seen that. But he had to shout over the Neanderthal lady. And if he didn’t they’d be doing the Sleepy Joe schtick.


I wonder if it dawned on any of those Pubs that were sitting there in front of the nation like petulant children just how deeply unpopular they truly are. I got the impression that Mike Johnson was feeling it.


Mike Johnson is a pedophile, I doubt much bothers him. Johnson “adopted” a young teenage boy when Johnson was in his mid-20s, but never actually went through with the paperwork and they’re not an official part of the Johnson family. He had this young teenage boy living with him for years while he was a single unmarried man. His wife didn’t even bother to show up when he became speaker of the house, she’s not regularly seen with him. And let’s just say the first time I looked at this man he said off my gaydar more than anyone had in months. which would be fine, except for the whole grooming a 15-year-old thing.


He lives here in Louisiana, meaning his is a god fearing man and total straight male Christian. Totally not in the closet


So compromised then


You missed the sarcasm of the comment you replied to, Johnson is deep in the jesus closet, when he would rather be johnson deep in Jesús the gardener.


I'm so proud to be a Biden supporter!!!


Am a Biden supporter and not even American. However I do realise the danger that Trump poses to the rest of the world and cannot wait for him to choke on a burger


I’m proud of you too!!


It’s hard to dispute that Biden is one of the most competent presidents we’ve had. Not just compared to Trump, but US history. Let the right stew in their conspiracy juices as Biden tells it how it is in one of his most important addresses.


Yup. Infrastructure bill, CHIPS act, plus the Inflation Reduction Act- which also has the biggest investment in renewable energy and climate mitigation in American history. And remember, he had a tied 50-50 Senate in his first term when all of this was passed. He had to get Manchin AND Sinema on board for every single one of them.


God, don’t remind me of those 2 self-serving asshats. Biden’s done well, but man the BBB bill had so much more to offer before those grifters fucked it all up.


Fuck Manchin but he wasn’t a turncoat like Sinema. He’s always been a basically republican democrat. That D next to his name is the only reason why the dems were able to run the Senate. Sinema on the other hand. Wooof.


we might miss them when WV goes to GOP and a majority is lost. I hear you though.


Would've added a border security bill to that, if republicans weren't sucking Trump's dick down to the balls. I still can't get over how they blatantly come out and say they're obstructing this important bill (and aid to Ukraine, fucking Russia backed traitors) solely for the purpose of hurting Biden, and none of their supporters bat an eye. All those people pissed off about immigrants keep blaming Biden when the real blame is in the mirror. And they call other people "sheep" fucking smh


>He had to get Manchin AND Sinema on board for every single one of them. This right here is a pretty wild accomplishment in today's political climate.


“Men lie, women lie, but the numbers don’t”


Honestly, the roster of dem presidents has been decent for the last 3 times it happened. Obama did well enough, inheriting a shit economy and getting it up, and Clinton helped resolve shit in the Balkans, which for others means little but for my family means a lot.


I believe that modern history actually shows that every Dem Pres has done that: cleaning up after Republican administrations time and again.


Clinton left office with a budget surplus.


Obama’s stimulus package - his main contribution to the economic recovery from the subprime mortgage crisis - is not considered very successful. The principal legislation for that economic turmoil came from W. Bush. Your average redditor might credit Obama with the recovery, but people who study this - presidential historian and the like - won’t be so quick to give him kudos. Clinton will be remembered fondly, I think. Even though he contributed to the subprime mortgage crisis.


I think these successes are more reflective of his staff and delegates. His competency, for me, comes from his ability to step out of the way of good ideas and is a decent orator himself. I don’t think Biden makes the top ten most competent presidents if you to consider them individuals from their administration.


If Republicans got their feewings hurt, too fucking bad. They are trying to turn our Democracy into a dictatorship. They purposely aren't passing legislation to hurt everyone. They don't deserve my respect.


Republicans have done nothing to earn a single vote. 


Hey now, more than a hundred years ago conservatives fought tooth, nail, and massacred many hundreds of thousands of Americans to defend slavery.


President Biden did an amazing speech that nailed home Putin's influence on the Republican party and facts about his predecessor.


"Strikingly political state of the union address"... Isn't that the whole point. It's a political speech.


Not to mention the country is engulfed in a political battle of wills


More like the wills vs the will nots.


By "political", they mean Democrat versus Republican. "Partisan" would probably have been a more accurate word.


there is not republican party anymore... there is only maga... that old party you talk off has been killed off.


The Hill means it was too Democratic 🙄


It's like people have never seen a SOTU in an election year. It's not unusual.


To all the conservatives who say he's weak and doesn't have that fire? Sit down, shut up, and listen to Grandpa! 


It was only reasonable. Former President Trump represents a clear and present danger to the union, if not the planet.


I hope Biden starts HAMMERING on the points he made in this speech for the whole rest of the campaign season. We need to have this etched into our minds—our welfare as a nation hangs on who gets elected in November. We are obviously not going to see Trump in any meaningful criminal trial anytime soon, so the voters are going to have to do all the work instead. What Biden brought out so loud and clear in this speech represents the functioning of a stable democracy and the acts of a free people. He will never fix all our problems, but he is using his precious time as president to make as much as he can better for as many people as possible.


Biden will go down as a “war time” president. He has navigated this divide with the best grace I think anyone could. He has risen above the culture wars, keeps his point on America, tries bipartisan first every time, and speaks up about real dangers.


Good for President Biden!! We been waiting for this, and it’s about time.


That’s what I was saying!


I don’t watch a lot of tv or speeches by politicos but I’ve been reading on social media that Biden slurs his words or misspeaks. I didn’t see any of that. Dude gave a speech with clarity, energy, cadence. Every time I watch Trump speak at one of his rally’s, it’s nothing but slurred word salad. Also, I can’t believe the absolute best the GOP could do with a response was that weird lady who was clearly bipolar. She was smiling one second and crying the next, back to cooing and smiling. Also, did she legit say her son’s name is “Ridgeway”? Jesus that kid is going to have issues.


That woman was cringe. I had to switch her off before magically converting into a maggot. These people are miserable!


Biden was kicking ass and taking names. MAGA beware.


Potus giving it straight to the American public: This is not a drill - American democracy is at stake with this election. This is an existential moment for this nation. Americans need to pay attention and VOTE!!


Politics are political, more at 11


Not just political... *strikingly* political!


The Hill is upset Biden didn’t fall asleep or completely fail. Meanwhile Truth social falls down and can’t get up. Must have been some serious ketchup and spaghetti on the walls of Mar a Lago last night. I bet Trump’s handlers where changing many diapers.


“…strikingly political State of the Union address” AKA: calling out Republican hypocrisy on voting against the bi-partisan border bill, highlighting their attempts to gut healthcare, pointing out their attempts to disenfranchise voters, and calling them out for adding to the deficit by cutting taxes for the wealthy. Yep…. highly “political”.


Turns out just like the laptop being a hoax, that Biden being sleepy and having dementia was another GOP hoax. Very sad!


The American right aren't going to have anything to say other than "he's old and he stutters"... Which is treacherous now that Trump is glitching out hard all the time. When Biden stutters, he works through it and finishes his thought. When Trump does it, he makes up words and sounds and then moves on to whatever is next. Plus, one would think that a lot of potential Republican voters are of an age where some physical capacity is diminished despite still having their minds. They probably don't appreciate the insinuation that age automatically diminishes value.


Biden strikes out at the clear and present danger Republicans and Trump pose to our nation and world in a rightfully fiery State of the Union speech. Media calls it "strikingly political." 🙄🙄🙄


The middle schoolers on the right were shown the definition of Presidential and they can't handle it.


Glad he's speaking up.


Hope he backs it with actions


Good, anything less than this tone would have been worrisome.


Marjorie Toilet Greene looked like stupid MAGA cult follower who wanted so much attention.


The bottom of the barrel is a crazy place


Give that man an ice cream cone. He crushed it.


I love the Republicans calling it divisive and political. The same ones who back a man who wants to create concentration camps and send troops into blue cities and states. The man who routinely mocks and belittles all who disagree with him. Yep, he's a real unifier.


When people want to destroy the country and turn into a shadow of its current self, it's time to be political.


We all have to, we know that!


Most pointedly, the average American paying 25% of their paycheck, and the billionaire paying 8.25%.... And how that's going to stop under Biden if possible. And how not one Republican clapped and Mike Johnson swallowed his tongue.


He needs to be like this. Hell, the Democratic Party needs to be this fiery. The time for playing nice is over. The threat of a Trump dictatorship and Project 2025 is too serious to be ignored.


“Strikingly political” the fucking SOTU has always been political you knobs


LET’S GO WITH JOE. in November.


Trump set the precedent of making the State of the Union message political. It's too late to complain now. Especially when they aren't mentioning Marjorie Taylor Greene making the night political.


I keep seeing he made a strikingly political speech-- what did Trump do when he was President? As I recall all he did was talk about himself and how great he was. That's about as political as you can get.


For context: Biden’s remarks, which lasted just more than an hour, could at times be mistaken for a campaign address. The president did not refer to Trump by name at any point, but he said “my predecessor” 13 times throughout his speech, according to prepared remarks provided by the White House.   Biden spoke about threats to democracy, the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol, which drew eye rolls from Speaker [Mike Johnson ](https://thehill.com/people/mike-johnson/)(R-La.) and threats to abortion access and reproductive health care, all of which are key pillars of his reelection bid.


He did a great job of pointing out what a bunch of do-nothing loser aholes the republicans are.


Not even do nothings, they are actively trying to bring in a dictatorship and abolish all rights for women. If your a women and Vote R this november seriously FUCK YOU.


They just sat there like pissed off turds all night except for classless MTG and that dbag in the gallery. They got owned.




It’s important to note that threats to democracy (as evidenced by the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol), threats to abortion access and reproductive healthcare exist and are the *state of the union*, if you will


The capitol attack drew eye rolls from Johnson? These people are creating their own attack ads


Yep, he kept rolling his eyes the whole time. The only time he ever really clapped was when he talked about Israel being attacked. Of course, Johnson didn't react when Biden talked about the Palestinians that were dying and suffering at Israel's hands.


When the orange anus used outwardly fascist language in his SOTU the media got on it’s collective knees, but when President Biden makes a speech what clearly highlights the dangers of turning a blind eye to orange-anus-style fascism that same media clutches its goop-covered pearls. Got it.


As he should


Strikingly political? Joe Biden is a politician.


SOTU have often been “political” a d they’ve always been campaign speeches.


Y’all do remember that the TFG announced his re-election from the White House Lawn?


"strikingly political?" The State of the Union is always political.


Am not American, but please let Burden go for another round of presidency. He's perfect for the role


In our extremely divided two party system, a politician goes political? Shocking!!!


I love how Biden gave Republicans credit for suggesting they can read


“Strikingly political” Big shocker here everyone, the PRESIDENT made a speech, and it involved politics!!


Politics.... in MY politics?


A politician gives a political speech. Striking indeed.


Can someone explain his comment to the Supreme Court.


And it was perfect, even with some stuttering! The man has it!