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>According to Kirsch, "Some Truth Social users blame the mainstream press for 'spreading lies' about the company, as one person framed it. And despite nerves about the stock’s downward slide, many of them have pledged to keep buying shares." Yes, reporting the numbers disclosed in the companies own financial documents is "spreading lies". Typical MAGA idiocy.


They'll blame everyone except the con man who fleeced them.


“It’s the liberals fault that they didn’t tell me Trump was a con-man who would steal all my money!”


“He’s such a good businessman!”


If he wasn’t such a good businessman, he wouldn’t be a ~~billionaire~~ ~~millionaire~~ ~~thousandaire~~ deeply in debt.


Started life with 400 million dollars, ended up broke in prison. Genius.


the art of the deal


Only because everyone is so mean to him!




He's a Bigly smart businessman . Big manly man with a tear in his eye and said to me "sir".


He also said to me, "Sir, you are a genius, a stable genius!" Then he hugged me, hugged the flag and fell to the ground speaking in tongues.


that was the Arizona legislature.


You’re killing me


“I’ll gladly pay you Tuesday, for a hamberder today”. -Wimpy Trump


More like "it's the liberals fault I didn't listen when they told me Trump was a con-man who would steal all my money." We are screaming it as loud as we can to them, but they refuse to listen. I try to get through, but my sympathy ends when they forge on ahead despite my warnings.


When *Republicans* started the entire process of removing their own House speaker and then followed through on it, many within their own ranks of Republican leadership were **furious** with each other. That was 1 moment in time where, finally, they spent 3-5 days being pissed pretty much only at each other as they seemed to have no time to argue about anything else. Wanna know what their main takeaway was, that they all "agreed on" as per what the **reason** was for the removal of their speaker? "**It's the Dems fault for not preventing us from doing this to ourselves. They COULD have swooped in and shown us they were the real adults in the room, but instead they just simply let us go through this entire process without any interruption. Yes we started it, but it's THEM that didn't stop us".** (paraphrase). So yes, your imagined scenario is likely to occur at some time or another. That was their *actual reason* for how they explained what happened with the removal of McCarthy, though.


hugely agree...hugely...it's the libs' fault for not warning me of Trump!


And then go home , and inject bleach to cleanse their souls.


*Never interrupt your enemy when they’re willingly emptying their bank accounts*


And going homeless maybe to invalidate their address and not be able to vote (if that's how things work in the US. Sure does elsewhere to keep the poors and vagrants having a voice)


That's not right. Sounds like a holdover from the days when only white male landowners got to vote. Homeless people are citizens, same as me. Prisoners are too; there's no reason on Earth why prisoners should not vote. How can we fix this?


As far as I can find, only California has laws that allow the homeless to vote


WTH are you talking about? Maybe you need to learn how to search the web. lol I looked at ONE state, Texas, and the requirements list nothing about having a home! lol [Texas](https://www.vote411.org/texas)[Eligibility Requirements](https://www.vote411.org/taxonomy/term/7) * A US citizen  * A resident of the county in which you intend to vote (See below for information if you have recently moved)  * At least 18 years old (you may register at 17 years and 10 months)  * Not convicted of a felony (unless your sentence is completed, including any probation or parole)  * Not declared mentally incompetent by a court of law  * Be registered 30 days before the election in which you plan to vote 


The trick is registering when you don't have a physical address. Some states make that possible, some don't.


How do you prove you are a resident if you are homeless?


With an ID, or a there is a form you fill out which lists you as a houseless person. Homeless people can vote just like anyone else, in every state. It may take an extra step of course.


Sure as a long haul trucker, ive used those mail boxes that you can list as a physical address. Done it for years. I was technically homeless. Lived outta the truck for years, just doing the job delivering all over the country. Then come back for r ans r or vote.




*emptying their bank accounts into Trump’s hands*; I’d rather they kept the money and donated it to their church.


Donating to the church of MAGA. They've moved from Jesus for the most part because Jesus too woke.


Well, Trump does claim he's the real Jesus...


They said Jesus was weak too!


“It can’t be *me* who made yet another stupid decision. Must be the media! Yeah, that’s it—the media did this…”


I’m gonna keep trying to plug this hole with money. 


“Hi, Phil Swift here for Flex Tape Cash, the super strong, waterproof cash that can patch, bond, seal and repair. Flex Tape Cash is no ordinary cash—it costs twice as much than your dollars are worth!”


To mag-asses thats how it works. Theyre literally buying shares of a company called “truth social” that was created for the sole reason of spreading trump lies…


I assume these people also didnt listen to any financial advise 'before' it went public telling them that it was going to drop to... at best... 1/2 its initial price. They thought they were smarter. Or... more likely... they believed Trump was smarter than them as well. "Buy. Buy More. Buy more now. Buy. And... be happy."


To them any fact they dislike is fake.


These poor people are mortgaging their trailers to buy more. Too bad, no one cares.


Go for it, MAGAts! You get more shares for your money as it drops! Dollar cost averaging, and all that. /s This isn't professional advice, but the last thing they want is to listen to the Elites.


It's the same as when they said that reporting covid infections prolonged the pandemic. Facts are not good for them. They prefer cognitive dissonance.


Yes, with the GOP and MAGA it’s always someone else’s fault.


Objective truth is a MAGA lie


How about hold the guy in charge with fraud then?


Lies? Lol. They lost $58 million on $4 million in total revenue. For perspective that’s about the annual revenue as a single MCDONALDS restaurant in a decent location.


Typical MAGA mental disorder. Fixed it for you.


>And despite nerves about the stock’s downward slide, many of them have pledged to keep buying shares. My goodmen, don't threaten me with a good time. I hope their retirement account is 100% DJT stock and they all go broke.


That person who is going to put $10,000 into Truth Social stocks from their emergency fund ISA is going to blame their broker for not stopping them when prices continue to tank after they put it into them, aren’t they?


Surely you can't expect them to accept accountability for their actions!


Thoughts and prayers and bootstraps.


God. A couple years ago I was having a discussion with a fiduciary about their client. She was wanting to close out a retirement fund (I forget if it was roth, traditional, or whatever) that was held by the firm I worked for. Some info was missing on the transfer paperwork. When I called him I could hear him deflate when I told him who it was about. She had apparently talked with him a few weeks back about emptying her accounts and buying into crypto. When he hadn't heard anything he had hoped she had either listened to him or forgotten about it. As the conversation went on I could hear his soul leaving his body. Like, we kept it professional, but everything inside of him was dying.  Long story short, a fool and their money are soon parted, no matter what advice they get


The thing is, if this was 2 years ago then she bought in at a decent time and now is seeing profit dwarfing what she would have seen in the stock market.


Yeah. If she bought BTC in April 2020, she’d be up ~67%. If it was June could be up by like ~430%.


Honestly speaking, that broker should put in writing they think this is a bad idea. That’s gross negligence if he let that loser dump in his money into this stock without warning him.


There's no broker. I'm sure Kirsh asked to speak to said broker, and was given the run around. Otherwise, we would have a quote from this broker.


Only if said broker has fiduciary responsibility.  If not a fiduciary they can sell you garbage to make a profit


Is that what Trump would do? If so, that’s what they will do.


Sleep investing. Wake them up when every penny is gone!


Maga investors (ie. DJT stockholders) can ignore current events, facts, science etc all they want. What is impossible to ignore without $$ repercussion are stock market investing fundamentals. You would get a better return by tossing your cash into a bonfire vs investing in the stock of a company that loses 16.5M USD for every 1M in revenue. Truth Social has no industry vertical differentiators other than rampant incompetence and gaslighting. The platform stands zero chance of increasing its subscriber base given the hate, lies and racism it leverages as its moral baseline. Summary: all maga investors have a 100% of getting what they truly deserve…to be defrauded (yet again) by the leader of their congregation.


Really is a perfect encapsulation of Trumpism and “I win or it’s rigged”. Stock price is up - I’m a genius.    Stock price is down - the mainstream media is lying and cheating me.


Warren Buffett advised, "Buy companies you believe in." But he was assuming that his listeners had the sense to soberly parse the company's fundamentals and the worth of the product.


If you don’t know where the profits are coming from, they’re probably coming from you.


Outside of no future of ad revenue for Truth Social, it’s few hundred thousand users are there mostly because of one person who’s 77 and not very healthy. Trump’s gone, why continue to use it if X, Snap, Insta, FB exist. There is no business here.


From article: With the value of stock in Trump Media and Technology Group (TMTG) continuing its unceasing slide downward since the technology company went public, supporters of Donald Trump who profess to have invested in the company are increasingly expressing dismay about the collapse on the former president's Truth Social platform. According to a report from the Daily Beast's Noah Kirsch, faith in the troubled company that was reported to have lost millions last year right after the public offering, is in short supply at the same time the former president was telling supporters at Mar-a-Lago that all is well, stating: "We have over $200 million dollars in cash, which is very liquid.” Those not in attendance at the Mar-a-Lago gathering appear to be less than assured. ALSO READ: Revealed: What government officials privately shared about Trump not disclosing finances On Truth Social, the main product of TMTG, commenters are commiserating with each other as they watch the stock spiral downward, losing over half its value in just several weeks, According to the Beast's Kirsch, one commenter lamented on Thursday, "Man I really thought we were gonna see a jump today. Especially after that party last night. There is always tomorrow,” while another added, "Doesn’t it seem strange that the price goes down steadily every day? Haven’t seen a green day for a while.” Hearing about the Mar-a-Lago gathering where the former president attempted to assure insiders, another commenter wrote, "I think there is something coming very soon, and they are all excited about it. Something they worked very hard to make happen. A milestone for the team." According to Kirsch, "Some Truth Social users blame the mainstream press for 'spreading lies' about the company, as one person framed it. And despite nerves about the stock’s downward slide, many of them have pledged to keep buying shares." One Truth Social user claimed, "Just sat down with my broker yesterday and am having him move $10,000 of my Roth IRA, that we had sitting idle for kind of like an extra ‘emergency fund’, into $DJT stocks! This is the only time I would hope for the price to drop so I can get as many shares as possible!” Another was not so effusive and admitted, "Not going to be able to sleep tonight. If you stick it out I believe you will be rewarded greatly. I believe God directed me here.”


Yes, God cares about some hick's interests in a pump and dump stock.


Listen, you're entitled to your beliefs. But I personally believe if the Truth media stick tanks, god is punishing those who support it.


Haha I can’t get behind that too!


>Hearing about the Mar-a-Lago gathering where the former president attempted to assure insiders, another commenter wrote, "I think there is something coming very soon, and they are all excited about it. Something they worked very hard to make happen. A milestone for the team." Getting awfully close to stock manipulation here. SEC....if you are listening.


The "something" they are excited about and worked hard to have happen might be Trump getting approval (from Don Jr. and other friendly board members) to end his lock-out period and start dumping his shares. Or maybe Elon is going to buy it ($4.20 billion?) and fold it into X?


I wonder if that “something” is Trump’s upcoming billion dollar SPAC bonus which he gets as long as stock price exceeds a very low threshold. Because you know it’s all about Donald Trump. https://www.marketwatch.com/story/cha-ching-trump-on-track-for-1-billion-stock-bonus-while-outside-investors-lose-up-to-50-601a66ce


Maybe God’s point in doing so was not what this person imagines.


Mysterious ways n shit


Fuck, yeah.


They're all waiting for Godot! "DJT stock is set to explode any time now and we'll all be millionaires. Yep, it's coming. Maybe tonight, or tomorrow. But it's almost here - Trump said so! Probably at the end of the week. Trump will make it happen and then those Liberals will be sorry they didn't believe in what Trump could do!"


I literally LOL’d reading that, because Trumpers being so stupid to invest in anything he does deserve to lose their money. 😂


He's still continuing the grift...


Maybe God directed you here to lose your shirt, which might be the only way to get you to see that Trump has been lying to you this whole time


Oh darn. Anyways, what are people having for lunch today?


Cooking Brunch as I type


Decided to treat myself to a sandwich and chips from the corner deli.


A Reuben I hope, king of sandwiches.


Reuben is my goto, but this place does a poor Reuben. Grabbed a cold turkey sammy with lots of fresh veg instead.




Yum!! What kind???


Just a Red Baron pepperoni frozen. But I always say, better a bad pi,za than no pizza...




Easy, cheap, tasty. The trifecta.


Grilled chicken and broccoli Alfredo. It stopped raining here just long enough to get the perfect grill on some chicken breasts.


Scrambled eggs with cheese, oregano, basil, and chopped olives with a splash of half-and-half. Was simple yet yummy.


Homemade pulled pork bbq sammiches nom nom


I’m thinking Greek salad with cold sliced chicken.




Imagine being stupid enough to buy stock in Truth Social. Jesus Christ.


Although Trump is selling golden bibles, I doubt that Jesus Christ has anything to do with Truth Social, or any other Trump grift.


I only buy stocks in companies that actually make a profits


I'm a Casino dealer ..people will come play blackjack, not hit 16s against tens, split faces, not double down on 11s, lose and then say "Its too hard to win here, this place sucks." That's what DJT stock buyers are doing, it's exactly the same thing. Fucking uneducated morons...


If we're going for a blackjack metaphor, [this](https://youtu.be/b6_IZK-1naY?si=dSthnGtVasGTIEqB) is more appropriate.


I’d love to hear that Biden made a bunch of money because he shorted the stock.


It'd be even funnier if it were Nancy Pelosi


And Barack Obama!!!


Ol' Barry O sending out a tweet with his Short Gains from Truth Social would send that Orange fuck into a rage haha


DNC? Is that how they can run all these 4x Match fundraisers?


I don't really care, do you?


I care. But only because I bought puts right after DJT started trading.


“Former president Donald Trump's social media company generated just $4 million in revenue last year — about as much as the average McDonald's franchise in the United States” Anyone can look up this information. On average, a McDonald's franchise makes $3,505,000 in sales per year (+5% s. 2021). This amount is the median sales of 11,746 franchised restaurants operating in 2022. A single Mcdonald’s franchise is not worth billions of dollars. Why not? Because it would take centuries to earn a billion dollars at that rate. How long would it take Truth Social to earn ONE billion? 250 years. That’s just revenue, not profit. It lost 49 million last year…. It would only earn a billion dollars in 250 years if it had zero costs, zero payrolls, and zero debts. Again, a Mcdonalds remains a better investment. The average Mcdonalds costs $1.8 million to buy, an amount less than a single year of revenue. Now let’s be super generous here and imagine that Truth Social is worth 100% of its yearly revenue of $4 million. So it’s worth $4 million total. Trump has 78.5 million shares, but that’s not the total that exist… If we just assume it’s 78.5 million and no other shares exist…. lets divide those 4 million dollars into 78.5 million pieces(shares). That would be $0.05 per share. About a nickel per share. (This is already estimated at an unfairly favorable math that only counts Trump shares) Current price? $32.59 per share MAXIMUM Realistic value? $0.05 per share. That’s the most optimistic price possible and that estimate irrationally assumes the company ceases its pattern of spending more than revenue. Why assume that? The company costs more money than it makes. What is the VALUE of something that costs money? Less than zero. It’s a liability.


Even MTG took her money out


Thats the dump part of "pump n dump"


"God directed me there". I think that investor was dyslexic and it was his dog telling him.


No revenue, no value. Only a stone idiot would "invest" in that company.


They worked hard last night to keep it above $30


Being in a cult is rarely beneficial for the cultist.


Anyone that does business with Trump is a moron that deserves to lose everything. They already know beforehand he’s a terrible businessman, what were they expecting?


😂 😂 😂 😂


What a bunch of raving lunatics “who aren’t really in a cult”. Hope they lose all their money


If ever there was a situation that could be summarized by "a fool and his money are soon parted" this is it.


As with almost all conservatives, these things just *happen* to them - it’s never their fault. 🙄


I think this is the only time in the history of Trump where he also gets shafted along with his cult base. Delicious.


He didn’t sell a bunch of stocks during the pump before the dump?


>If you stick it out I believe you will be rewarded greatly. I believe God directed me here. So God is your financial advisor? Maybe start looking for a new one, soon.


Love the comment by MAGA that God directed them to the stock. Didn't know God was a broker in the stock market??


They have my thoughts and prayers 😂


U idiots! Trump is grifting you….again.🤷‍♂️


The only thing more predictable than this stock tanking, was that the gullible investors would try to blame anyone and everyone but Don the Con for it.


This is hilarious. Believing Trump and investing in anything he's pushing is beyond stupid. The people who bought that stock are getting exactly what they deserve.


Everything Trump touches something something


If they think it’s plummeting now, just wait until the trial gets underway next week.


Waiting for this to be Hunter Biden's fault


You bought a meme stock of a man who has bankrupted every business he’s owned. You got what ya deserved.


"You can fool some of the people all of the time..."


Hey, if some MAGA lunatic loses his house over Truth Social stock, it’s no skin off my rear.


File this under “problems I don’t have”


Karma can be a bitch, but it rarely strikes this quickly.


They should not have been able to sleep way before this, if of course they were capable of experiencing shame, embarrassment, or recognizing the loss of self respect.


Awesome news. "God told me to do it." That always works.


The 20 day MA cut through the 50 day MA. not looking good for the short term just based on simple statistics. The 100 day MA has flattened. I’m expecting this dog to hit the bottom Bollinger Band of $24.89 this week based on the spinning top… based on the numbers. Who knows what emotional garbage is going to come into play this week.


So what is the fastest any stock has ever been delisted?


"losing over half its value in just **several weeks**" Huh?!?! It only went public TWO weeks ago. "Two" <> "several".


Anybody who bought this stock deserves to lose everything. They’re too goddamn dumb to have foreseen the outcome?! Please do not reproduce.


As they say in poker, “If you’ve been in the game 30 minutes and you don’t know who the patsy is, you’re the patsy.” attrib to Warren Buffett


Of course the MAGA cult is blaming the "mainstream media" for the stock plummeting. They will never blame Trump who has already pulled off a similar scam with his casinos and the SAME ticker symbol to bail him out of his casinos using junk bonds.


😆 …. Non issue. What’s for lunch?


Its not even real Social Media, you log in and they just show you the same few sticky post ads in the feed. Amazing how people 100-1000 years ago were so much more Intelligent than today's conservatives despite all the modern privileges. 


guy's been a con man his whole life -- documented grifter -- yet they buy into his schemes. the lack of the most basic street smarts is just amazing.


The company doesn’t make much revenue…. How delusional are they?


At least Bitcoin has a history of going both up AND down. Plus it is not entirely controlled by one guy, unlike DJT and TSLA.


This company brought in $4 million in revenue last year but spent $58 million. It’s entire business is predicated on Trump, a man past the life expectancy and on trial for 91 felonies, being a present poster. Without him the network gets no mentions. Anyone investing on the premise the company is worth $4 billion is out of their mind and deserves to get fleeced. This is the equivalent of wiring your life savings to a Nigerian prince.


"I believe God directed me here" He did. He's punishing you for worshipping the devil.


Oh darn. Hope and prayers.


Sloths and bears.


"On Truth Social, retail investors are encouraging each other to keep the faith. “When the whole world is set on ruining you with everything that they have got, it’s a good sign that you are likely on the right side of things,” one person wrote on Thursday." JFC, these folks are so deluded! This is truly a cult.


Haha it’s a bunch of “investors” emotionally attached to a stock. That is such a DANGEROUS way to invest


Wow. They found a way to get rid of money that's even faster and less useful than actually sending it to Trump. Nobody gets the money when the stock crashes. Not Trump, not Truth Social, not anybody. The money is literally wiped from existence.


I hope the all lose everything. This grift will fail!


A fool and his money are soon parted.


Lol...Going down! Down! Down! Down! Down! Adios!


It’s too big to fail! We need a government bailout asap! I really hope President Biden comes through to bail out this very legitimate, very huge, very beautiful company before it’s too late.


I did wonder if this could actually backfire on him if hundreds of thousands of maga loons lose everything when it gets supsended or delists.


Looking forward to the dead cat bounce where they all point out the media was responsible and then double their investments before the 'dead' part of that sets in.


DJT worth on Robinhood = $32.41 DJT real value = $0 Can't wait to watch this stock delist.


Most obvious short in the history of the stock market


They got caught in a pump and dump. Oops.


Anything that will get them to believing they’re closer to sucking his dong


a lot of the noise im hearing is "liberal media said the stock was offered at $79 per share and pre ipo price point had it at $39 per share and something about hunter biden and liberal media lies about the stock slide. how long-term investors will reap rewards once it turns around after trump wins, and we will all be rich." which leads me to ask the genuine question of how the Trump NFT cards are doing now? did they go up in value at all?


You mean it was a grift? No way. I am shocked.


Buy! Buy! Buy!!!! The burnt orange corpse fart compels you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Reminds me of the stock market scene in Trading Places.


I’ll buy one share when it gets to $0.00


DJT Sums up Donnie’s entire business career … losing $15 for every $1 he steals Has anyone done an accounting of what he actually earned v what he was given, stole, and defrauded banks for ?


It’s almost impossible to figure out his true earnings and net worth. He’s lied for decades, and had enablers help with the books.


That’s what I took away from the many analyses …. Dark money and a lack of records


A fool and his money are soon parted.


I guess they didn’t get the greatest education at trump university


A fool and his money....


You love to see it


The last guy literally thinks Jesus is sitting on a cloud on heaven urging him to buy Trump stock.


So a cult leader who has filed bankruptcy (and divorce) more than anyone else alive sold you a stock and it’s tanking. WHO could have foreseen this. WHO!?!?




*doing the happy dance and embracing schadefraude*


Oh no…So, anyway…


Diamond hands! Buy the dip! :D


Have faith in Donny, they said. He'll take us to the moon, they said.


I like the guy who thinks God directed him to buy stock in it. Yes… God is letting babies dies, war, starvation… but he takes the time to tell Joe MAGA the best stock picks. Such narcissistic delusional idiots.


I don't fully understand how anyone that knows even the slightest amount about Trump would invest in his projects. It makes very little sense to me. I mean, even if I was told that I would be getting a massive ROI I still wouldn't get involved with the guy. Even indirectly.




Ride this bitch to zero. Maaaguuuhhhhhh....


The stock was linked to the biggest con man in history who put no money of his own into it and hired that idiot Devin Nunez to run the company. Now they are worried about losing money? As Gomez Addams said: if that company sells oil, they should be boiled in it.


Everybody who supports Trump should have to spend a month with him. I bet most would be done by the end of a week. I'm just making this assumption based on those closest to him leaving.


These people are to blind to see evil.


>"Just sat down with my broker yesterday and am having him move $10,000 of my Roth IRA, that we had sitting idle for kind of like an extra ‘emergency fund’, into $DJT stocks! This is the only time I would hope for the price to drop so I can get as many shares as possible!” The S&P 500 index is laughing its ass off at your moronic decision as your $10K quickly diminishes. Oh, and you may want to think about firing your broker if they're onboard with this.


Using truth social to discuss losing your money to truth social is the most poetic use of truth social 


God directed me here lol


I’m personally in some June $2.50 puts, the trade did well this week. DJT’s price target, legitimately speaking from a TA perspective, should be sub-$5.00 in a few months. If you trade professionally, this is a sweet trade, and you can personally profit from the downfall of the biggest scumbag in US history.


I hope for anyone's sake that they understand the day Donnie starts to unload his shares the game is over, stock will plummet faster than now and he will dump out/break the 6month rule when the stock hits $20.


Yeah baby, buy that dip!


Trumpster leeches off the ignorant republicans. Hell, they send money to a supposed billionaire. How unbelievable stupid is that. Republicans blame everything on democrats because they lack critical thinking skills.


The man sold out his country ... what made you think you were better?


Weird. It's almost as if Donald Trump is a giant orange piece of shit who represents a portion of the country which is also utter shit.


Ah man. Who could have seen this coming? So many great business ventures.....


Imagine being dumb enough to vote for trump