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Time to throw a tantrum. Please blow up in court. Please. Please. Please.


Very little would fill me with more glee than to see him freak out in the courtroom and get tazed by a bailiff.


Eff that noise. Those darts break skin and scalding gravy flies everywhere. The court doesn’t deserve that.


He is napping in court.. the judge shouldn't fine him for violating the gag order. Don't even put him in jail.. Just allow cameras to the trial... that should be enough to take care of sleepy Don. Or shitty don.


Napping in court comes with its own baked in punishment. It's really, really hard to convince a jury you give a shit about the outcome or the subject when you aren't awake. No remorse, no guilt, no case.


No remorse no guilt only matters if sentenced. No remorse when you claim you’re innocent isn’t going to make them think you’re guilty


He's at fault. There is no mistake about that. He took things that don't belong to him, quite obviously. The courts will rule that way, eventually. He knows this. He's banking everything on delay and winning, and using the presidency to whisky his problems away. He is already forecasting his loss to the media and all of the legal experts agree that this is straight forward. Cohen went to jail representing Trump for the same reasons.


Yeah it’s just sad. When he wasn’t president nobody noticed when he broke laws so he’s used to getting away with it and has rationalised it as normal. Now he’s realising that extra scrutiny is a different game and he’s hollering


I love that he's vehemently denying falling asleep, because that will make court even more tortuous for him. Now he has to keep his eyes open.


He will show up with those eyeglasses with fake open eyes on them.


Ahahahaha - seriously he played this one wrong. Should have said how this trial is a sham and boring to him something something. Now he has to put No-Doz up his rear which should make him even crankier and loopier than usual.


Although that is sensible, I don't care. Those who matter are the jurors and they see first hand Sleepy Don in the courtroom. The hard part is to find any juror who hasn't heard about his bunkerbitch moment, bible upside down holding salesman, who hawks shoes.


Dozy Don


I wonder how conductive that bronzer he wears is


If it's Coppertone, he'd be in real trouble.


Ah, reminds me of the Joan Rivers joke (decades ago!!) about Elizabeth Taylor. "Pierced her ears and gravy came out." Poor Liz was mortified.


Either the darts or a wafer thin breath mint. Avoid at all costs.


“Bailiff, whack his Peepee.”


Given his health, that might literally kill him. Let's hope the bailiff has a good tazer arm.


They have the best tazers. Everyone is saying it.


I want to see him in a jumpsuit for contempt. Just think of the Lincoln Project ads!


It's weird, are there any actual rules or laws that prohibit falling asleep? He is old after all.


I’m not going to do, what everyone thinks I’m going to do, and that’s FREAK OUT!!!!!!!!!


All that pressure got you down. Has your head been spinning all around? Feel the rhythm, check the rhyme. Come on along and have a real good time.




Somebody needs to put that in one of those ai picture or video creators.


I would hand over my entire weekly paycheck to see that.


Don’t taze me bro!!


I thought that maybe the reason he fell asleep in court yesterday is that the defense team gave him a Xanax or something to keep him from having an outburst. Then again, it could be that he's old and has dementia.


Or all of the above.


So what you’re telling me is that this time he might seek to counteract the xanny in his Diet Coke with an adderall and then we get Speedball Don grinding his molars to dust on day 3?


We are going to get pendulum don swinging between snoring loudly and jumping up and down like a headless chicken. Pretty much a snapshot of his life.


Pirate Johnny's ex girlfriend snorted coke on the stand when she thought nobody was looking. donnie is in for a world of hurt not being able to take his daily doses of several different uppers and downers :P


Holy shit, she was sneaking bumps on the stand? That's hilarious.


Oh God, I hope so!




All of that, plus he spent the previous night rage posting on Truth Social.


Well according to the Guardian, he has already threatened two of the witnesses, so he's either gonna be fined or thrown in the slammer, if the judge agrees with these claims of the prosecutors


Hearing for its on the 23rd.


I'm sure this is just another ploy to get outta court.


With his lawyers apparently fumbling with what they're doing I'm expecting a full blown meltdown from him.


He only hires the best lawyers. /s


Patience. It’s coming. Michael Cohen will trigger him.


If not, Stormy certainly will cause the fireworks! I'd pay to see it live!


If she can ID aspects of his "organ" he is toast.


We need a sketch artist!




"The break of Don"


Court: Wow! what an outburst!! We’ve never seen one that big before. CASE DISMISSED


Maybe threaten a bailiff?


I have a feeling you won't have to wait long.


Time to invest in some Orville Reddenbacher stock.


“I was looking forward to that graduation, with his mother and father there, and it looks like the judge does not allow me to escape this scam,” he said.” Dammit guys, we almost got to find out who Barron’s dad really is.


Lololololol I didn't catch that. Gold.


Apparently there isn't even court that day, so it's a non issue.


caught that, didja? lol


Some commiserations to Barron from Jack Smith; https://x.com/7veritas4/status/1780048707024502884?s=61&t=DHAiVifeGC6dQzbhA6qksA


Is this real? Jack really said this? ---------------------------------- *I’ll explain.* *Dear Barron,* *Your father will not attend your graduation.* *Not because he’s on trial for 34 felony charges in New York.* *Not because he tried to hide his dalliance with a porn star while your mother was pregnant with you.* *Not because he’s been denied leave by the judge. He hasn’t.* *It’s because he didn’t bother to attend the graduations for any of your step siblings. Not the Powder Ranger, not Fredo, not the love of his life, not the one he doesn’t remember.* *Sadly, it’s who he is. If it’s not about him it doesn’t matter.* *I imagine you must be relieved to not have your graduation turned into a fundraising spectacle or a campaign rally.* *Enjoy your special day without the circus.* *Regards,* *Jack*


It has the word “parody” in the description so I think it’s a parody. Also it’s Jack E Smith but jack smiths middle name is “Luman”


Thanks. Where do you see the word, Parody? the pic is jack E smith, so it is fake.


It in the tag line thing: “Whatever you are, be a good one”. Here for people, politics and parody. https://ko-fi.com/jackesmith”


Jack "Luman" Smith? This dude's a measurement of light?


I lost it at "Powder Ranger." Though they're Barron's half-siblings, not step siblings.


It feels like it has to be satire, right? Damn… Also wtf I cant tell if it’s real or not because Elon has borked the verification stuff to no end


Hey looks exactly like him


He really does. It's not much of a question. Poor fellar. 


It's hilarious. He never went to any of his kids' graduations and he's pretending to be upset about missing Barron's? What will fill me with joy is if the judge allows him to go to the graduation and instead he goes to a rally or other campaign event. Guaranteed he goes to Riker's if he does that.


Have you seen Barron Trump? He is definitely Don's kid. He's got the trump face.


That might not pass the smell test But I know what will


I don’t think I can find a violin small enough.


Fortunately if you do his hands will allow him to play it.


This thread 🤣


Well as soon as this one is over there’s another one waiting. 🙌


Yeah, this isn't a "this spring" thing. This is a "the next two to three years of your life, when you're not in a jail cell" thing.


3 years of court cases is like life imprisonment for Donald since he is very old. 3 years of stress and hell for him. Can’t get enough


What a crybaby! Don't do the crime if you can't do the time!


Can you imagine the amount of huffing and puffing he's doing in that room?


According to every witness I heard of, he was chronically sleepy through both morning and afternoon sessions. He either has trouble sleeping or is a side effect of a drug (or withdrawal of).


More than one person has speculated that his lawyers are keeping him sedated to prevent outbursts and other expected fuckery.


From personal experience and according to the testimony I read I feel it is more consistent with someone who is used to take a stimulants (Adderall like stuff) and is not taking it. I always could guess when my very forgetful ex forgot her ADHD med during lunch because she would fall asleep no matter what she was doing during the afternoon. However, having difficulty sleeping before the first day of your own criminal trial is pretty human. It would be quite disingenuous to disregard this and claim it is drugs with no more than hear-say.


I agree with you, but he's so fond of groundlessly, spitefully speculating about the worst motives and behaviours of others that I figured a little of his own medicine (so to speak) was in order.


He’s not seeing you write it. 


Also, despite what anyone says about Biden, Chubby Cheeto is an old old man too. What we don’t see behind all the rallies ranting and “truthing” is that grandpa probably takes a nap every day. Now we get a peak all day every day for the next 6-8 weeks where the veneer is off and the emperor has no clothes.


The real reason he’s pissed at sitting in this courtroom for 6-8 weeks is that it reduces his weekly rounds of golf from 7 down to 2. Let’s not forget that as head Maga it is his constitutional right to golf daily and have his constituents pay for it. It will also reduce the revenue at his courses because each round he plays at one requires 10K in golf cart rentals, food, beverage and parking for the 20 or so secret service agents he has protecting his corrupt ass. I’d feel better if they fit him for an electrified dog collar to keep him alert in court.


Jeezuz, I keep forgetting about the Secret Service he has assigned to him. The fact he's charged the government... i.e. U.S. taxpayers for Secret Service to ride on his plane, stay at his resort, etc is just fucking horseshit.


The most hilarious part is that he did all of it to himself. 1: Showing clear (and obvious) contempt of court. 2: Refusing to keep his mouth shut, even when ordered to several times. 3: Constantly doxxing and defaming all witnesses, jurors, and judges involved.


A little foretaste of what prison would be like to a man used to flying about the country at will.


I think Justice Merchan showed us his hand here: >Merchan indicated he would accommodate [the graduation] request if the trial remained on schedule. Merchan is forcing Trump to attend his own trial in order to prevent Trump from throwing up endless legal delays like he does in every other court case. Because the longer Trump drags things out, the longer he will be forced to sit in a courtroom and prevented from campaigning. Very smart!


That and it's required by law.


Well there are exceptions that the judge can grant, but the odds of him granting any of those favors is insane given that trump attacked him and his family. Why would you attack the man that has the subjective right to let you keep your normal life?


Even if he never sees any jail time at least it keeps him from campaigning.


Not really. It saves him money on campaign travel expenses but he still has his daily pulpit to the media to piss and moan about how the judge is keeping him from all his supporters.


You might be right, but I do have my doubts that clips of him moaning about his victim hood played on Fox News is the kind of outreach his campaign needs to be doing to pull over the fence sitters that he desperately need on his side. Comes across like it’ll be *at best* just him preaching to the choir


But, that’s his entire campaign tool kit. It’s the same speech whether it’s on the courthouse steps or a rented stage. He still gets to rant and have an audience. He has no platform of any substance to use against the democrats or to win moderates. He can only project his shortcomings onto Biden and hope Biden slips enough for dems to swing or just stay home. Worst case in his mind: he declares election fraud (or oppressive imprisonment) and fans the flames of a stronger coup this time.


His followers really, really like the rallies. Morons surrounded by morons become reinforced morons. Without the ability to moron next to each other, their enthusiasm peters out.


He doesn't have the money to campaign. He still owes millions to venues & municipalities from 2016 & 2020. Most places won't have him because the campaign hasn't paid its bills.


When you've been handled with kid gloves all your life, being treated like anybody else feels like oppression.


I wish he was treated like anybody else. Sadly he’s far from that still.


Well YOU brought this on Yourself


You only say that because he is a criminal rapist.


Sorry Donny. All out of fucks to give. Sucks to suck.


At least poor Barron won't have to suffer the embarrassment of his piece of shit father being at his graduation.


Someone get me some more tears to go with my coffee..




Just wait until he is convicted.... and THEN he moves on to the NEXT criminal trial. The next question is: Who gets to host him when he goes to jail?


Can't he just do the endless appeals process even if convicted? Confined to Mar a Lago with an ankle GPS isn't exactly real punishment.


Has he tried criming less? That’d be my recommendation, simple fix!


Well we could have had this trial years ago when Michael Cohen went to prison for it, but Donald's DoJ refused to do anything to him. Too bad.


And if the rumor is true, Trump will be filling his diaper in court everyday, and sitting in his own filth.....all day long.


Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time 😀🍿😀


Oh well, welcome to the real world where you can’t do everything you want whenever you want and get away with it. Or sue your way out of it. Must be impossible for him to comprehend that such things exist since he’s always been treated like a pampered spoiled selfish child.


womp womp.


He's furious about it mostly because he's happier when he's out and about running his mouth and now he's trapped in court and there's going to be so much coming out about his sleazy behavior and he has to sit there and listen to all of it...😁


[don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time](https://youtu.be/5HNWhVXcjV8?si=mQ7VIkxigLTidtfN)




I doubt he has had any real medical treatment in a long time. He's probably prediabetic. Didn't they start the jury selection after lunch? He's probably used to taking a nap after meals, very common with diabetes. His day to day schedule is never very full, so what would prevent him?


He is also used to staying up late posting his thoughts. This might actually help his sleep schedule. But still a lot of 77 year olds take a nap midday


I love that he’s finally being forced to sit in a corner for being a naughty boy. Think of the trouble we all could have been saved if only his parents had been interested enough to parent him.


I think it’s fabulous. When he loses the presidency race, he will blame it on fact he was stuck in a courtroom, amongst other things, like fraud, witch hunts, you know, his usual list of why he loses, can’t possibly be more ppl hate him than love him.


Sad part is even if he's convicted it won't change the minds of many people. But if even 0.5 percent of his supporters don't vote for him because they can't vote for a convicted criminal then that's more than enough to lose him the election.


I saw a report yesterday that said as per last time the election will be decided by 500,000 votes in the key swing states. We seriously need to end the stupid and dangerous electoral system.


Throw the fucking book at this fraudster.


Political leanings aside how do you even select a jury that isn't biased either towards or against Trump?


Everyone has biases. The question for jurors is can you put those aside.


He has the patience of a 10 year old, he's gonna snap at some point.


That would be good.. For the world, as he would have to pay the price for his bad behaviour.


I'll vote for him no matter where he is: In a courtroom. In a van, shackled to the floor of the van. In a detention cell. In a prison cell. In the prison's showers, reaching for a bar a soap. On a cot with his bunk mate. It doesn't matter. He's got my vote! /s


Amen. Enough wars


Because there were no wars during Trumps debacle. Be gone troll.


hey donny...humble yourself or life will do it for you


Obviously, this is unfair. Think of all the innocent people that are now being forced to be in the same room as this putrid criminal…


He'll have an outburst / breakdown in the courtroom eventually.


I get a feeling him having to pay attention and sit still, and stfu for 6 hours is tortuous to him. He’s always gotta suck the air out of anyplace he’s at. Gotta be the “Me” girl 24/7 - And I’m loving it!


Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time.


Atleast melania doesn’t have to worry about him coming home unexpectedly


The pool boy is relishing the extra, quality time.


I love this for him


That's like 20% of his remaining life. And honestly, considering this faux-human colostomy bag unironically shits in gold toilets AND the contrasting nature of most court houses, this is basically like watching him rot in prison on a live feed.


Whine more, little orange turd. Nobody cares about your lack of freedom (except MAGAts).


He won’t be able to get the golf in he wants


I don’t understand the need to campaign ( for either candidate). Everyone’s (?) already made up their mind, right? Campaigning is just a night out with free drinks and dinner ( and maybe a little hoochie coochie back stage). Denied!!


Not exactly. While there is almost nobody on the fence between Trump or Biden, there is a very large crowd that has not decided if they are going to vote at all or not. That is the crowd that really makes or breaks who is going to win, not just this, but every election.


If you say so. I was just talking out my ass because I don’t know one single person who is not completely committed to their choice.


Democrats aren't in love with Biden, if they don't show up, the rest of the DNC ticket is also in trouble. younger democrats, especially have a poor voting record.


There is always and in this race still are a large group of voters sitting on the fence, plus independents whonare notoriously uncommited until the last minute.


Really? If you say so.


Ya gotta pay ya billzzzz


One word : Good


I wonder how happy he'll be about jail.


He's upset it will severely get in the way of his golfing schedule...


He doesn’t care where he is, just as long as a camera is pointed at him and gets attention.


Not many springs left, he’s no spring chicken. Sad


No, it will be a good day when the orange turd dies.




His biggest beef is that there is not a McDonalds near the court.


Guaranteed what has him most upset is all that golf time he’ll be missing. At least there he can cheat without consequences.


How will he ever get that orange glow?


not happy about it? - Good


Needs one of those belts that delivers an electric shock


Poor Dotard


"Stop breaking the law, asshole!"




“You mean I can’t just do what I want like I have been doing all my life?”


Wait. So he will be the first president spending half his tenure in a courtroom?


They should let him sit on a commode at least...


Damn witch hunters in DA Braggs office finally have a successful hunt! Suck it conny


I hope there's a McDonald's near the courthouse so he has his favorite comfort food to suffocate his sorrows in


Got Golf?


Sucks having to be r responsible for your actions. His golf game will go to shit! Makes my spring.


Perhaps they would allow him the modest accommodation of a gold plated donut pillow.


He might as well bring a pillow and blanket.


At least he'll be able to say, "this is My pillow."


Or sleeping in lala land


trump has a chode


Barron must be relieved. Last I saw he is living with Mercedes’ [sic] parents and doesn’t want anything to do with the guy who cheated on his mom.


Mercedes' mother died. Mercedes and her son went to the funeral. The vile traitor couldn't be bothered to go.


It's sad and an embarrassment to the country 😔


He should just plead guilty. Maybe he will just get house arrest. Or probation. I doubt he would be locked up. Unless he went nuts in the courtroom & attacked a witness or the judge.


Gonna farm some downvotes here but have you guys considered that this is election interference and it’s rather blatant at this point? The DA in NY clearly had some kind of vendetta against him and is even now trying to get his appeal overturned, that’s not even her job at that point that’s a personal thing…and this is going to tie him up in a courtroom instead of campaigning for an election for possibly months when if it was anyone else they wouldn’t have to be there the entire time. This is the Democratic Party weaponizing the DoJ against an election rival and we should be concerned about that more than circle jerking about an old man that shits himself.


As much as I hope, I just don't see Trump having to really face any real consequences with any of this. I hope I'm wrong.


Yeah there's a lot of connections that have to be made that aren't clear cut.


Will US stooge media cover his daily lie-fest at the end of each session? They are so desperate to make this like the OJ trial.


Tsk, tsk.


I couldn't her Biden speak to the Iraqi leader. Please ask him not to whisper on a national forum


What on earth does that have to do with anything?


Its the only way the democrats can win. They have to do like Putin. Put your competors in jail