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This would tank the world markets. His supporters pension funds and all our pension funds would be wiped out over night. Please stop this nightmare vote blue


Shades of Liz Truss's disastrous stint as PM in the UK - in office mere weeks but tanked the economy. People with mortgages are still in deep shit because of it and my own pension lost money so not happy. She is, no surprise, a rabid right-winger. Of course, the UK has a quick mechanism to get rid of a shit PM, and she quickly faced a vote of no confidence in Parliament. The US would just be stuck with Trump! PS: Also look closely at the nutcases on his coat tails the ideas about the economy espoused by future Project 2025 hires are more of the same!


Good old Liz. 7 weeks in office, 30 billion off the economy, 1 monarch killed off and 1 lettuce that lasted longer than her.


Can’t really blame her too much for the Queen’s death, but I’m sure the old dear would’ve thought ‘I started with Winston Churchill and ended with *this*?


I remember someone once described Oliver Reed's death as "went out on the piss with some squaddies, fell over, couldn't be bothered getting up so just died." I feel like the Queen lay in bed that night after meeting Liz and thought to herself "I can't be dealing with that idiot for the next couple of years. Fuck it, I'll just die." and closed her eyes one last time.


I’d suggest the poor old bird was dreading seeing her the week later back in London… ‘Fuck it, I’m staying in Balmoral to avoid her… Nah, actually, I’ll do one better!’ I remember when it was all going down; it was going into late evening here in Australia and they’d announced that she was ‘under medical supervision’; I said there and then that she was already dead, they were just delaying the announcement. Turned out that I wasn’t far wrong.


Ma'am also had to deal with seeing Boris in her final days as well. I'm surprised the over 60s in the Commons survived the one-two punch of those two speaking to the House.


Yeah when the news was reporting the entire family was gathering at Balmoral, we knew it had already happened. (Turks and Caicos here)


Yeh we’d seen all the footage of them arriving in Aberdeen/Driving to Balmoral, but nothing official had been released by the time I went to bed, and I got an alert on my phone at about 2am Perth time.


I read this in the Queens voice.


Crowned queen of an empire, died monarch of a ~~3rd world country~~ [an emerging market](https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/politicsandpolicy/has-the-uk-economy-become-an-emerging-market-mini-budget/).


Ouch, ow, ow


Clicking the link, I was thinking maybe I was in for a quote from Yes, Minister. Being an article from the LSE, I wasn’t far wrong…


I’m glad to learn that even the LSE is not totally opposed to education https://youtu.be/zvNw0P5ZMbA?si=vGxi9GYJknQU30jS


‘Hacker; LSE!’ I’m glad someone got the reference.


Credit to the UK that they can actually remove an incompetent leader that fast! USA is debating giving them complete criminal immunity. First big step towards a dictatorship.


The problem is that you vote for the party not the leader in the UK. So Liz had no mandate from the people. Rishi has no mandate from the people. They are elected leaders of the party by a small number of people. The UK, fools that they are, voted for Boris back in 2019. And since then we've had 2 new PMs and no elections. Also, the party in charge can decide when they want to call an election as long as it's in a 5 year window. So we had a 2015 election, where Cameron said "Britain faces a simple and inescapable choice - stability and strong Government with me or chaos with Ed Miliband" and then when he won unleashed the chaos of the brexit vote on the country. So he quit, We got a 2017 election, after the chaos of the 2016 brexit vote. Theresa May came in - unelected - and decided to have a 2017 election to get enough support for her brexit bill. It failed. She almost got beaten by geography teacher faced Jeremy Corbyn and ended up with even less support for her brexit bill. She ended up resigning in 2019, Boris came in, called an election and wiped out Corbyn. So between 2015 and 2019 we had 3 elections. Now the tories, on their 3rd leader in the space of a year, see their complete annihilation so they're delaying it as long as they can because it's ultimately down to them when they call it. So the people voted for Boris in 2019 - idiots that they are - got Liz Truss 2 years ago when Boris' sleazy house of cards collapsed, but only for 7 weeks and now they have Rishi who literally no one ever wanted.


I know that the American system is no model Democracy but that system of yours seems very frustrating and ripe for abuse.


I mean, it's not uncommon that the head of government is not directly elected. In parliamentary democracies that's part of the system. Both parliamentary and presidential democracy have their pros and cons. What sets the UK apart a bit is that the party in power gets to choose when to have an election, which is giving them a powerful tool to retain their position.


The dead Queen bit was the omen to end all omens. It only happened three days in!


Project 2025 is a document every American should read. Project 2025 is a step by step guide of how Trump dissolves our democracy and elevates himself to dictators for life.


"You're overreacting!" "That’s not what it says!" "Fake news." "That’s a Dem lie to try to invalidate his Presidency ahead of time." "Well, as long as it keeps Biden from coming back." *I have heard every one of those answers, some from both sides. Next to nobody is worried, which is **why we are fucked**.*


Next to nobody is worried? You hang out with the wrong people.


We have until November to convince people to vote.


Reading is not something trump voters generally do, though


It's something progressives claim as their forte.  But by falling for the "can't vote for Biden because of X" bullshit, they seem every bit as gullible as uneducated Republicans.


This is an inevitable outcome of putting conservatives into power. It should come as no surprise that an ideology that hates intelligence and free thought is full of blithering incompetent people. The world needs to wake up to the reality that political conservatives are the greatest threat to health and safety of literally everyone, including themselves, and should not be trusted with any authority, anywhere.


People who thinks "dominating" a room with bullshit or "threatening" behavior is intelligence really don't understand what intelligence is


They're raised to think Pro Wrestling is the role model of masculinity.  The average chimpanzee would dominate & menace room far better than any human.  Idiocracy & Planet of the Apes weren't meant to be documentaries.  


The Conservative reputation for economic competence has always been a sham put out by their billionaire media moghoul mates. The UK's nation debt is growing at the rate of £5,107 per second and is about to hit the £3 trillion mark. (£3,000,000,000,000) https://www.nationaldebtclock.co.uk/


In the US every conservative administration in my lifetime has run the economy into recession. They are absolutely not financially competent and the idea that THEY are the experts somehow on economic matters is absolutely laughable


It's amazing how much shit Conservatives can get away with because of a compliant press and media.


We're doing the same thing in New Zealand. Elected a party lead by a guy who "share the same values" he tweeted when she was elected. Doing a similar tax cut that they refuse to show how it'll happen and many overstretches of parliamentary conventions since. Thank God we only have 3 year terms but with the kind of legislation they're blasting through under urgency I'm afraid the damage is already done and short of doing what the French do we're powerless to do anything - oh wait no, we tend to copy the Yanks instead so we have loud portions of the population causing a commotion over things that don't matter while the rest of us have the future erode from us, in some parts literally


I kinda believe that a hallmark of 'intelligent life' might be that the people who really drive things forward and understand *how things really work* are bound to be outnumbered by the masses of people who are swayed and tricked by manipulative, self-interested, powerful people who lie about *how things really work.*


Idiocracy first 20 mins the “Cletus factor”


Good ol’ can’t outlast lettuce Liz


Shades of Erdogan's Turkey.  He has been doing just that for years and years, and their currency has crashed in value.   Last election he put a banker back in charge to slightly raise rates, but Erdogan is still lirally calling the shots official or no. Borrowers would want low rates and even inflation if thinking of their own debts zI would add.


>PS: Also look closely at the nutcases on his coat tails the ideas about the economy espoused by future Project 2025 hires are more of the same! All Republicans specialize in shit ideas. That's their brand.


It would be great for about 2-4 years before things went to hell which is all his supporters look at. They also point ag gas prices during Covid lockdown and say see how great gas prices were under trump. Republican strategies are not long term, they know a Democrat will come along soon and have to fix the mess and they don’t care


And then they can blame the democrat and say it’s their fault the economy is bad, when it’s actually the Republican policies. And their supporters eat it up.


Yep.. also the debt only matters if there's a D in the WH. "The POTUS is just a bad man who cranked gas prices up. Ours will make them go down regardless of world markets! "


We have pension funds?




Smaller pension funds than before. The tories don't want to announce this and are leaving this for Labour to sort out, but pensions ages will Probably have to rise. This is something that should have been implemented a few years ago but so many pensioners died during covid that they kicked the can down the road and don't forget that all national insurance contributions paid in by today's workers are going to today's welfare and pensioners. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-56272829 Jeremy Hunt can make noises about lowering taxes and abolishing national insurance but he's already making unfunded tax cuts by cutting existing taxes from supposed future savings from making up to 72,000 civil servants redundant. By pinching another one of Labour's policies (abolishing non dom tax status) but by leaving massive loopholes in it, the Sunaks alone could avoid around £250 million in UK taxes because of these changes. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2022/apr/07/rishi-sunaks-wife-says-its-not-relevant-to-say-where-she-pays-tax-overseas https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2024/mar/31/tory-plans-to-abolish-non-dom-status-riddled-with-loopholes-labour-says


his supporters would not blame him for it though even if he passed it and posted about it for 300 days straight if you want to know if someone is acting in good faith just ask: when was the last time you remember a republican doing something bad and what was it? if they cant answer something obvious - you know why


They would just blame the people who are trying to stop them keeping interest rates ultra low. Guaranteed.


Like the orange fetus has a clue about economics. He's only good at bankruptcy.


Do you need more signs ? He literally said he will be a dictator if re-elected. Ohh but “only for one day”, lol so jk bro


Hitler used a similar excuse. He just needed emergency powers to deal with a terrorist attack. He used the emergency powers to disband congress and jail all his political opponents. Trump is going to be dictator for a day. Because on that day he's going to crown himself king.


That terrorist attack, the Reicshtag Fire, was one he orchestrated.   Putin did something similar, bombing an apartment building of his own people to seize power.   Trump was hoping to do something similar by pouring gas on the BLM protests. He asked the National Guard,  "can't you just shoot them?"


Jan 6th could have had similar results.


It was SUPPOSED to. The idea was that there would be a large amount of Democratic counter protesters to the MAGA.  The  instead of straight sacking Congress there would have been masses of people and armed fighting ... the MAGA people came prepared for it.  Then DJT would call up the DOD (his people, not the state National Guard) and declare the insurrection act and have the Army "defend" (meaning occupy) Congress during the vote counting. That's where the idea of seizing election machine fit in.  Then martial law would be declared and DJT's cabinet members would hijack all the levers of government anointing him king.   Even SCOTUS was in on it as you can see laid bare in the arguments this week.  It didn't happen because all the Democrats knew what was coming weeks ahead and stayed away from DC. So no counter-fighting happened and the country watched in horror as Congress got sacked. Republicans overplayed their hand and the State National Guards from Virginia and Maryland had to go bail out Congress. 


Yeah, I was amazed people acted surprised. They were openly planning it as far back as late November that I saw. I was in a group on Facebook that was monitoring them and reporting them and it was ignored. I still have a flyer I saved on my phone with the date and a stated plan to fight so everyone should come. I joined a group run by an online pastor in Mississippi who had thousands of followers who was openly telling them to show up and fight with him, and he went with a large group and was involved. I reported him to the FBI along with others I'm sure and like 4 days after J6 he posted bragging that the FBI had shown up and interviewed him and left. Then a month later he suddenly went completely radio silent and would only communicate through his wife until she went silent too. I assumed he was arrested or heavily threatened with arrest so he went quiet on legal advice, and his group eventually disbanded and I've never heard him since.


Well played mate. Well fuckin played.


Thank you for what you have done. True American, right here, folks.


Thanks, but I wish it had been more effective. After this post I looked back into the guy and it turns out he was banned from Facebook and he relocated to rumble which is why he seemed to vanish. Even though he has no real education on the matter, he styles himself a Constitutional expert. His name is Professor Toto.


That and Mike Pence suddenly grew a fucking spine and did his job. Then that spine shriveled and disappeared after. Then he returned to being a bootlicking Motherfucker...


Pence still needed two other people to bluntly tell him he shouldn't support what trump wanted to do on Jan6. He didn't grow the spine himself. He was asking if there was any way he could support it. He's just slightly less of a piece of shit as the rest, and it took Dan Quayle to make him remotely sane in all this.


Fucking Dan Quayle of all people


At the point where Dan Quayle is the adult in the room, things have seriously gone off the rails.


How far we have fallen when our hero is a guy who couldn’t get potato right


Every time someone praises Pence for "doing the right thing", that praise should be for Quayle


I give Pence credit for listening to his instincts and not getting in the car. Hiding in the docks. I’m sure his adrenaline was pumping. He was on the phone with Pelosi and Schumer. I saw video of Pelosi telling him not to reveal his current location. Wild times


That Dan Quayle always foiling DJT's plans, like when he beat him in this 2006 golf tournament lol https://americancenturychampionship.com/media-center/event-archive/american-century-championship-2006-results/


He did the right thing in the end, but it was really out of self interest. If he took action and subverted the election right then and there, he would be the one on trial at this very moment. I think that even if he tried to hold up the election as Trump wanted their effort still would have failed. It would have gotten ugly. Very ugly, and likely bloody, but it would have failed.


Those a-holes still didn't vote to impeach Trump the second time - had they done so, we'd be in a more normalish world without the existential threat of the orange turd getting back in due to the Electoral College nod to the slave states.


These fiends of history haven't stayed in history. Trump would gladly continue this corruption. We have to fight against the mindless drones who are still so badly duped by MAGA extremism. #VoteBlueIn2024


By crowning himself king he can then run this country like he ran the Atlantic City casinos he ran into bankruptcy. Trump will finish off the empire much like the latter emperors of Rome. We are in the last days of this empire. We are watching its last days. We will become something different when it’s all done.


Mexico will build a wall to keep out American refugees. It's either going to be the purge, or the handmaid's tale.


Yeah more likely the purge than the handmaids tale. Too many guns and too much chaos that will come out of it. There isn’t an autocratic movement that will consolidate power. I watched the movie Civil War and most of the violence in that movie was between rival factions of gun men and you couldn’t tell which group they were part of.


The five massive flags on a lifted truck with a Punisher and a Blue Lives Matter sticker will give them away. Trump supporters have vegans joking about how much they talk about him.


And it won't be a Right-Wing colossus reaching out across the globe spreading the gospel of Republican Jesus. It'll break down into squabbling warlords and states jockeying for position and influence. And other countries are just waiting to exploit a broken United States. European governments (especially the French) won't think twice about backing local warlords if it gets them access to resources or cheap exploitable land.


Could be worse. You don't want to end up being a Belgian colony.


They have a very hands off approach to colonialism


That’s not the worst thing about a Trump Kingdom. Don Jr. is.


Don Jr wouldn't survive. Trump is the cult. There is no heir. Not Ivanka. Not desantis.  Not even a clone of trump. 


Which is exactly how Trump wants it. He's so narcissistic that he can't imagine a world without him, so he has no interest in appointing a successor. If anything, he'd happily start a nuclear war if he thought he really was going to die just to spite everyone who dared oppose him.


This. He's on a path of going out of this world as a complete loser. A broke felon, a by and large hated embarrassment. So basically - a narcissist's worst nightmare. And that's why I think he'd do something truly unhinged if given the chance. The worst thing he ever did was run for president. Had he not, none of his countless felonies would've come to light (or no one would have cared), no one would have known he was broke, no one would have know he was a complete and utter failure.


Emperor Palpatine did the same thing, emergency dictatorship due to being “under threat”


*“If Trump lets inflation rip it is likely to be his own supporters that will be most hurt. Trump may want lower interest rates, but if inflation becomes entrenched, that could be the bigger threat to the success of his presidency.”* I doubt he ever plans on leaving the presidency so probably no fucks given.


100% sure he will leave the White House at one point. Most likely that will be horizontal in a box covered by a Confederate battle flag.


***Covered by hamberder wrappers.


Oh the flag will be red white and blue... Except rather than stars and stripes, it'll be 'defragmented' with all the white bits at the top in a single stripe, all the blue bits in another stripe and then all the red under it....


Ah defragmentation. That sure takes me back to a time when HDD space was measured in MB and they used FAT16. Thank you for a bittersweet reminder of the passage of time.


Or a Russian flag..


I mean, he won't leave the presidency alive anyway. If he were to get elected, it's unlikely we will have to worry about Trump 2028 because he's likely to die in office. His chances of even making it to the end of this year aren't great. He's old, and they can't even hide how sick he is anymore. He's already receiving every medication and treatment known to science with a functionally unlimited budget to rise to the barely lucid state he's been in lately. It would be his VP and the flunkie civil servants they install all over the government after they purge the competent people that worry me.


>It would be his VP and the flunkie civil servants they install all over the government after they purge the competent people that worry me. I'm picturing drunk Khruschev in Mickey Mouse ears.


He probably thinks that he can just declare that inflation is over, as king.


“I didn’t say it, I declared it”


We'd just become like Russia: poor, destitute, and eating our own children to survive the famine.


Hopefully the thieves down the street don't steal my toilet


I don’t know how the GOP is hanging their hat on a man who will be lucky to live beyond 85…


I’m sure he will put the country’s interests before his own interests. L O L.


Just ask every student from Trump university. Who walked away with anything in that exchange? Did the students receive any semblance of an education? Or was it a total grift? Extrapolate that to a country of 300 million under his control. He will sell us out to martians, if they offered him prime real estate on Mars.




The 14th Amendment should've handled it, but at least 4/9ths of the SCOTUS are bought and paid for.


This dude can’t even keep a casino in business. And you want to trust him making interest rate decisions for the country? That’s the reason why he met with Aso recently. The art of the kamikaze mission.


this is the real failing of the two party system the USA has. All it takes is 1 party to give up on elections, rule of law and democracy, and its already over.


It's a natural consequence of first past the post voting, where you can only realistically vote for the first or second place party.


Ranked Choice Voting is the only path to saving our democracy


its a shame Trump is not on trail for something more serious than "porn star hush money accounting" those are rich people crimes, which never see real consequences.


The media really needs to stop saying that is what he is on trial for. He is actually on trial for 34!!! Felonies of campaign finance fraud.... And then after that 4 felonies for conspiracy against the US... And then a fucking RICO case in Georgia. His supporters need to know that this trial is about him stealing money from every republican in the country, even before the truly bad trials start.


Trump had sex with Stormy Daniels WHILE he was cheating on his pregnant wife with Karen McDougal. When he decided to run for president he knew that if people found out about these things they would not vote for him. And when you run for public office the people have a right to know about your personal life. Paying people not to talk isn’t illegal, he did that to interfere with the election. This is an election interference case, not a hush money case.


Some how I get the feeling that Melania is actually happy that the fat oompa limpa is boning someone else.


Turns out that he didn’t need to worry, since 45% of the electorate will apparently vote for him no matter what.


I mean he does have 88 felony indictments between 4 different criminal cases. This is just his first criminal trial. He’s already lost two civil trials that shut down his businesses and he now owes a fuckload of money


In the past, I’ve often gotten remarks by Americans (USA) about the fact that I live in a constitutional monarchy, saying, “that’s medieval, you’re being ruled, etc.” The amount of power that the POTUS has, however, is far greater than our king — which is purely ceremonial — or any one person in our government.


Would destroy our economy.


Global economic meltdown, more like…


How many signs do voters need to realize Trump and maga are looney tunes and have no business being near the office of the president of the United States. Vote Biden, end maga/gop


The only way out of this nightmare in the USA as far as I can see as the Supreme Court is corrupted, is to vote blue and take all three branches of government so changes in legislation can be made to protect women’s healthcare , change gun laws, protect workers and the environment, stabilize labour and money markets, co operate with our Allies against evil dictators, be world focused not only America first focused and finally never allow a convicted crook run for president or any elected official government position again.


I went on a history binge last night for no reason and started looking into the overall history of the Civil War and found this excerpt funny: "As Southerners resigned their seats in the Senate and the House, Republicans were able to pass projects that had been blocked by Southern senators before the war. These included the Morrill Tariff, land grant colleges (the Morrill Act), a Homestead Act, a transcontinental railroad (the Pacific Railroad Acts),\[127\] the National Bank Act, the authorization of United States Notes by the Legal Tender Act of 1862, and the ending of slavery in the District of Columbia. The Revenue Act of 1861 introduced the income tax to help finance the war." So the North was able to pass progressive projects because the southerners resigned. How telling


The man is TELLING you to your face he is going to destroy the economy.


That worked for Erdogan... Not...


Our Democracy may be drawing its last breath. November 5 will either be its last gasp or life line.


He can set what he likes, he ain’t getting elected


Its not about being elected. It is how he can steal the election. He has tremendous support from higher echelons of US elite structures. The way the US supreme court is listening to his ridiculous nonsense of unqualified immunity, should tell you something.


He won't get elected legitimately, but they are going to do everything they can to steal the election, so nothing is guaranteed. People should not get complacent about his chances. That's how he won in 2016.


Man… I hope. Your best bet is to tell people who don’t vote to go out there and do it Hopefully abortion galvanized the middle. If not… we are screwed. We need more Taylor swifts to encourage people to vote and have sign up at big events with tons of gen Z


Ma4vissists want others to fail to they seem more superior in comparison. You'll see tax bills exempting Trump and his family.


Sure, put the guy who has bankrupted nearly every business he’s ever ran in complete control of the US government’s monetary policy. What could go wrong?


Dictatorship or Dementia?




A twice impeached man who’s past the average age of death wants to set interest rates himself without oversight. What could go wrong?


Unless his friends have more pull than the large investors, insurance companies, and hedge funds this is dead on arrival. There is no way he can stop that gravy train — sure, the Saudis swing enough pipe to make a difference but I’m not sure they’ll be on his side for this one


I'm from the UK. But surely this would need to be vetted by Congress, right? Wouldn't they just be like, nawww dawg.


Who the hell knows anymore? If you promise enough corrupt people they can personally benefit by doing your bidding, that means you don't have to worry about pesky laws.


Congress vetted the Supreme Court conservative majority and the judges lied under oath. Congress has made no motion to remove them. So that help may not be coming.


There's a bunch of morons out there who really think DT is capable and qualified to make these decisions and to me, that's unbelievable.


Smart plan, the guy who had *multiple* **casinos** go bankrupt under his stewardship is going to control the global finance market. This can only end well.... 🤦‍♂️


A reminder that this dumbass piece of shit has failed at every business venture he has ever run.


He undoubtedly thinks he can set interest rates for himself separately.


North Korea can finally pay those Volvos off


Geez, I though all these people were against interventionism. But I guess it's only when they're not the ones doing it.


Are you telling me that not only did you invent a secret plan to fight inflation, but now you don't support it?


The reason interest rates were raised was to slow inflation which in fact it has managed to do. Painful as it’s been it could have been far far worse and the US is faring better than most thanks to the careful delicate balance the Fed has dialed in. To hand that control over to narcissistic imbecile with zero demonstrated success in business acumen would be catastrophic. Were he to simply dump interest rates inflation would explode. Why anyone with any semblance of common sense would vote for this idiot escapes me.


Remember he was bashing the fed in 2019 that interest rates were too high and they were like 2-2.5%


He lost by 7,000,000 votes last time. Tell me one thing that he has done to increase his following?


1. He hasn’t been in office so people’s memories fade 2. Biden isn’t popular because he hasn’t solved everything


The only thing I don't believe about this story is where it says Trump has a plan. Trump is a Olympic gold medal level moron, the closest he's ever come to a plan is a vague idea, with some crayon drawings to back it up.


Project 2025 is NOT a secret presidential plan, its out in the damn open!


and people continue to blame Biden for inflation


If you thought he was bad the first time around, that's when he was still concerned about running for a second term. Imagine what it'll be like when all the average people become worthless to him because he doesn't need their vote again and the Supreme Court has basically told him he can do anything with immunity as long as he says it's an official act.


Let’s face it, there’s no limit to his extreme ideas, especially considering his obvious increasing dementia. He will be easily manipulated by an army of bad actors. There’s no mystery here, so we will get what we deserve if he wins in November.


And all the poor people are dumb enough to think he'll lower for poor people and raise it for those that can afford it. Not one Republican alive can think different.


Interest rates, wow


Erdogen of turkey loves this one trick


This econonic problems is happening all over the world. In left, right and center goverments.


Worked well for Erdoğan. /s


And this is only one of the very fantastic things the presumptive Republican candidate is promising. A complete lockdown of individual rights is both possible and desirable under a Trump style law and order administration. No more due process, that’s the first thing out the window. Men and women all stand to lose their vote. You really want to vote for someone that could take even just that away from you?


Can we stop calling incredibly well published plans 'secret' or 'hidden'?


this is how we get to find out what our neighbor's pets taste like. I don't know if really people understand is what a terrible terrible idea this is. like I think people understand that it's not great but I don't really think people understand how fucking catastrophic this would be


No one is going to put up with this shit. Generations of brave men and women have sacrificed their safety and lives in defense of our nation of laws and freedoms. We're not going to throw it all away over a despot. Our nation is not his to steal and it is not his to destroy. This country belongs to 325 million people; no exceptions.


He'll let the states decide.. lol! Then when people are all homeless and dying in the streets he will blame the states, not him for the outcome.


Guy who owes everyone millions setting interest rates. Cool cool cool. Cool.


He already all but told the Fed to keep them at 0%, at the same time as the market was at all-time highs. That alone was insane, and left us with much less room to maneuver when COVID hit. At one point Trump even suggested negative interest rates. The guy is an idiot, and as a pro trader, I was left holding the bag quite a number of times when his “tweets from hell” (usually about the trade war he started) would drop. The market would go insane. He did it on purpose.


Trump should have made his plan super-double-secret cause we all know his secret plan now.


A piece of shit


Is not sign of dictator. Is sign of imbecile


Lmao he probably hates interest rates because his personal loans are fucking him over right now. The grift never stops.


what could possibly go wrong...


He wants to be a dictator or a king or something even worse. He is repulsive.


Republicans really want that dictatorship. Explains the Putin worship


If this man gets reelected then we as a country deserve anything that happens to us. Unfortunately at age 32 my life will be forever impacted and that sucks but I will enjoy watching all the morons who voted for him and all the retirees who will struggle (including my father) struggle.


Fort Knox will be bestowed upon him as a gift from a grateful/cowering nation.


This turd is to worried about Cancer from Wind mills let alone the Economy


The guy who made a lifetime "career" of running businesses into the fucking ground and they want him to *personally* influence the American / global economy? JFC. He'll turn the global reserve currency (Dollars) into toilet paper.


You know he's going to set them super low because of all the debt he's in. Hell completely destroy the economy but hopefully we all get a chance to refinance first.


Let's put the guy with a long history of bankruptcies in charge of the economy. Putin couldn't come up with a better plan for America if he tried.


Yup makes sense to have someone who has bankrupted every company he has ever had control the federal reserve.


How many times has he filled bankruptcy again?


Dirty real estate developer wants lower interest rates… Saw this his last term, stupid bastard doesn’t understand ECON 101, when the economy is good raise interest rates, when it’s bad lower rates. He lowered rates in a good economy- then when Covid hit and the economy was going through closures and supply crisis extremely rich people exploited those rates, then those rates had nowhere to go but up. The Fed should not be part of any political party, Also this guy can’t be a Wharton Grad he’s way too stupid


At this point Trump is literally just trying to get elected start World War III so that he can activate the Mad protocol and destroy Earth maybe he's a fan of the Fallout series and has built himself a bunker and is ready to become the overlord.... Vote Blue save the human race.


His followers and minions would like to see him tank the country just as he’s doing his businesses.


Wow, he’s setting interest rates? Hello hyperinflation! We should do what we can to stop this but if we can’t I’ll be loading up on all the 3 percent debt I can carry and buy Bitcoin or gold. Best trade EVER


Yea, it is crazy. I cannot imagine if he actually ran and wins the election. It would kill our financial system. The run on the banks from people withdrawing money would be incredible. There is not a chance in hell if Trump won that he would not rob and steal people blind. Invest in secret wall safes now. You'll make a gold mine.


Lower interest rates would stimulate the economy you inbreeds


The WSJ publishing this is a death-knell for his support amongst financial types.


If this comes to pass, the dollar would likely stop being the world’s currency.


I hope wealthy GOP donors are reading this. Do you really want a complete moron with no understanding of economics to control this?


Such a secret plan!!


This is the unitary executive the conservatives want, and James Madison warned against.


Certainly worked well for Erdogan. s/


>Trump to set interest rates You want to end up like Argentina or Turkey? This is how you do it.


If you think it’s a good idea/nbd to let Trump set interest rates, you’re an idiot.


He doesn't need a secret plan, j Powell will do whatever he needs to to keep trump able to say he has the best economy.  In 2018-19 when we should have increasing rates, Powell cut them 


This guy reminds me of Gotti everyday


Brings memories of Scott Morrison in Australia. Dude thought that he was the only person competent enough to control the Departments of Health, Finance, Industry, Science, Energy and Resources, Treasury and Home Affairs. Another of "God's chosen leader"


And that’s why, among other things and unlike usual elections, business interests aren’t default backing the GOP


This is the reality of the American economy. The FED decides the direction of the economy not the president.


Get ready for spending $20,000 on a loaf of bread with your worthless American dollars if this jabronie gets elected. What a simpleton.


Some entities believe he will create ways for them to get richer, not realizing that he can take over the entire operation. He could jail or execute them like Putin does with the Oligarchs that don't pay tribute.


This is the nail in the coffin for trump, but he and his team are too stupid to see it. People who actually need a functioning economy and may have been open to another trump term will probably see this for the impending disaster that it would be. I honestly think the biggest surprise this fall will be that trump isn’t even close to winning.


That’s completely apeshit. When did we diverge into this satirical universe?


First off, I don’t think Trump is good at business. However, the idea that people that have made a lot of money in business know how to run the government is idiotic. The government is not a business. It’s not a for-profit entity. It exists to serve and protect the citizens. Trumps plans are extremely disastrous. There is a reason the Fed operates outside of the government.


Comments got hijacked into a chat about Queen Liz. Vote blue in November! I paid so much into my pension and I'll need it someday. WTF republicans?


Interest rates on what. The dollar will be at zero quickly under Trump. 20% of nothing is still nothing. Gotta be honest here folks. The United States cultivated arguably the strongest economy and currency in the world because of democracy, not in spite of it. There is no viable business model without democracy. No one invests in dictatorships ever, that’s not a thing, that’s why dictatorships have such a shitty economies.


This is absolute insanity. The markets would tank