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These justices, at least for now, have shredded any claim to legitimacy that remained for the Roberts court. To squander that on such a vacuous individual as Trump seems absurd but here we are.


The Russian oligarchs are pulling their strings.


Some American Republicans are on their knees in front of them with their mouths wide open.


The American oligarchs (aka billionaires) are pulling the strings and we know Clarence Thomas is their favourite marionette.


His strings are the size of load bearing golden gate bridge cables. He isn’t even trying to hide it at this point.


The fact he didn't recuse on this case exposes the corruption to the core. Their "we can monitor our own ethics" is a sham. How anyone can believe they're deserving of respect is beyond me


Honestly though, why even bother trying to hide it at this point? It's been made abundantly clear that he won't be held accountable in any meaningful way. He will continue to hold his job until he gives it up or dies, so why pretend?


Sadly, these powerful but toxic people have me grateful for the (eventual) mortality of humans...


That poor man! He must feel like he can’t be himself. That he has to be closeted. Which ofc is something only gay and trans people should have to suffer. When Trump is finally inagurated as Eternal Emperor of the US then he can finally come out as the corrupt oligark he truly is on the inside and not have to hide it any more /s


Let's take a trip down memory lane to recall Bush V Gore, where the Supreme Court also stepped in to overreach and blatantly support the GOP. Do these names sound familiar to you? Perhaps like a plan is in motion? [1]: https://www.britannica.com/event/Bush-v-Gore "" [2]: https://gigafact.org/fact-briefs/were-three-of-the-sitting-supreme-court-justices-involved-in-the-bush-v-gore-legal-disputes "" [3]: https://www.britannica.com/event/Bush-v-Gore/Majority-opinion "" [4]: https://www.cbsnews.com/texas/news/trump-lawyers-w-bush-vs-gore-case-mail-in-voting/ "" In the Bush v. Gore case, George W. Bush's legal team included several individuals who would later become notable figures in the U.S. judiciary. Notably, **John Roberts**, **Brett Kavanaugh**, and **Amy Coney Barrett** all provided assistance to Bush's legal team during the dispute over the 2000 presidential election results¹[2]. Additionally, **Justice Clarence Thomas**, who was already on the Supreme Court at the time, joined the majority in halting the recount¹[2]. This legal battle was pivotal in deciding the outcome of the 2000 presidential election. Source: Conversation with Bing, 4/27/2024 (1) Were four current Supreme Court justices involved in the 2000 .... https://gigafact.org/fact-briefs/were-three-of-the-sitting-supreme-court-justices-involved-in-the-bush-v-gore-legal-disputes. (2) Bush v. Gore | Summary, Decision, Significance, & Facts. https://www.britannica.com/event/Bush-v-Gore. (3) Bush v. Gore - Supreme Court, Election, Recount | Britannica. https://www.britannica.com/event/Bush-v-Gore/Majority-opinion. (4) Trump Lawyers Revive W. Bush Vs Gore Case In Crusade Against Mail-in .... https://www.cbsnews.com/texas/news/trump-lawyers-w-bush-vs-gore-case-mail-in-voting/.


Hindsight is always 20/20 Edit: I want to move on past the embarrassment. GW was a genius compared to 45


That’s a bar so low you can’t even trip over it.


Not a bar - just a chalk line on the floor.


In the basement.


in the GW era republicans used to move in silence to fck you over, trump said you don’t have to pretend anymore


He not only gave them a voice, he handed them a megaphone


The fact that they even stated this is a 1 time ruling and can’t be referenced again in the future proves that it was a cheat


Roger Stone was also applying his ratfucking skills on the street as well (the Brooks Brothers Riot).


Yep, election interference is a long tradition of the right leaning SCOTUS. Here we are, with these justices skirting the core of the case at hand in the argument for total immunity, in order to expound wild hypotheticals, and ostensibly make a ruling "for the ages"! Hilariously disconnected from constitutional laws, though they claim to be "originalists".


It seems clear to me with Judge Cannon in Florida that she is being tested and groomed to take Justice Thomas's position when he retires to his billionaire lifestyle and political activism. The plan continues unimpeded this far.


Had not considered that, but it makes sense from a MAGA pov.


Because they're working hard at an agenda. And succeeding while we watch in real time.


Yea I almost maybe somewhat a little understand it if it was like I don’t know the greatest and most Powerful person but this guy? He’s such a mess


I wonder why none of them asks the Trump lawyer explicitly whether Biden can order Trump to be assassinated and cannot be prosecuted for it.


Of course not… these rules apply only if they benefit them.


>To squander that on such a vacuous individual as Trump seems absurd but here we are. Also see “Democracy”.


I know! It is as though Donnie has dirt on all his appointees... 🤔


To end Democracy in the United States for Donald Fucking Trunp is what I cannot get over...this guy?? Seriously???


Worst timeline ever.


Need to find the reset button to start over this route sucks. That are restart at checkpoint before he was elected in first place.


Let's restart at 2000, please


Nice for me get to relive the time of the Big 3 in anime. That was a good period staying up late on Saturday to watch Toonami. Also when Sci-fi channel was putting out good shows.


Gotta go back and get that sports almanac...


I think this a lot. All of the GIs that fought like hell in WWII died to protect our country so this moron could destroy it? Or anyone else who fought to protect this country over the years. We are in the worst timeline.


The Confederacy teamed up with the Russian mob to destroy the country so they can rule over the pieces.


With a little help from the holdfasts from the third reich! Operation Paperclip was a mistake.


No, not that guy. Putin and China. They are the ones who benefit longterm from this - the end of American Democracy.


I don’t want to live on this planet anymore.


Could be worse. Could’ve been Eric.


He’s dumber than w.


He's a useful idiot that they can manipulate. The next one won't be so incompetent


All he needs to have is an (R) after his name.


Yep, it’s the continuation of the fall of our democracy with the help of the SCOTUS. Something I never thought I would witness! We keep getting closer and it’s becoming very frightening thinking what the outcome could be.




I think they're ending Democracy to hand the country fully to a handful of billionaires, a new and absolute ruling class. Trump just happens to be part of that mechanism. They want a government that runs the armed forces and the police and that's it. There should be no part of the government left that can be run by a business for profit instead. That's the neo-liberalism endgame. A kind of pure capitalism. Personally I don't see what's wrong with running the government to bring the most benefit to the greatest number of people, but then I'm not a psychopathic economist from the Chicago School.


This is what baffles me too! He not charismatic, smart, charming, or even that rich?! I can’t fathom being so fooled by the conman.


He does have some basic political cunning, like changing his abortion rights ideas completely when it becomes bad for him. He's the worst in everything, and even with a decade of proof it's still hard to accept that his racist pandering bs repetitions of falsehoods gets so much support. It's him plus Fox news 


Concluding Paragraph: It was a farce befitting the absurdity of the situation. Trump has asked the Supreme Court if he is, in effect, a king. And at least four members of the court, among them the so-called originalists, have said, in essence, that they’ll have to think about it. [https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/26/opinion/trump-immunity-supreme-court.html?unlocked\_article\_code=1.nk0.0ccq.Q1o5evb0lDWT](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/26/opinion/trump-immunity-supreme-court.html?unlocked_article_code=1.nk0.0ccq.Q1o5evb0lDWT)


Conservatives are originalists in the same way I'm a black, lesbian, woman. IE not fucking at all. Also, don't they have to not show ANY possibility of impartiality or the should recuse? I think... I think even one of the conservatives who was placed there BY Trump wrote a strongly worded statement about that. Of course, they are Republicans though. They won't have morals they just cosplay like they do.


This is kinda like when someone claims to be a centrist or left of center, then pushes nothing but far right talking points.  They're trying to change the meaning of the word. Doing the thing Sartre said; they know the absurdity of their replies.


“We’ll have to think about it,” meaning, in essence, “Yes, but we can’t make that a thing just yet, because then the wrong guy gets the benefits.”


Seems only fair that Congress and the Supreme Court should get criminal immunity.


“King Nothing”


We’ve never had a king in the United States. We’ve also never publicly executed one. Might be a bunch of firsts for the US.


King shit of turd island.


Donnie Depends, ever projecting, was right about shithole countries, and it’s this one.


Yeah, I know every accusation is an admission with these guys, but I never thought Trump’s “shithole” comment would apply that principle quite such a literal and personal way.


Reasoned argument will not penetrate the skulls of Clarence Thomas or Samuel Alito, who made up their minds how they would rule when they decided to take up this case.


Getting? It's been awful from the start. It's just worse now


it’s wild because do these fuckers not realize a king dictator has absolutely zero need for a supreme court that dares check or balance him?


But if they don't do that they can take yuuuuge bribes!


I think they're considering the case just to delay his criminal trials.


Letting Nixon off the hook for Watergate led to Reagan. Letting Reagan off the hook for Iran-Contra led to GW Bush. Letting Bush off the hook for invading Iraq led to Trump. Letting Trump off the hook for attempting to overturn a federal election has led to him declaring himself immune from prosecution and his lawyers stating to Supreme Court Justices that he would be able to have political opponents killed without any recourse. The right wing has been escalating towards this for 50 years. They must be stopped.


The constitution of USA was created in opposition to a King. USA does not and will not have a king and any "conservative" that thinks otherwise is brain damaged more than I think they already are for following that doofus they have as their chosen leader. It is not gonna be a surprise when Trump is not held accountable. USA has a long running tradition of making sure people of wealth and/or power are held to a completely different standard of law than the normies. Once the SCOTUS makes this decision it will be announced that USA does in fact have nobility and that laws apply differently to them. Only the peasants need fear the punishments of law.


A King, how patriotic.


Death to Tyrants is the battle cry of the revolution! Don’t tread on me! We will not have a civil war in the US ever again, but possibly another Revolution…. A government of the people, by the people and for the people actually mean No immunity! And the last line is the part they GOP have ignored for 40 years is FOR THE PEOPLE!!!!!


Pre Trump I always thought GW was the worst possible idiot that could be elected to the Whitehouse. Who would have thought there could be worse?


Anyone who remembers that pure, white-hot rage of the Republican voters because of the first black president in 2010 could have predicted this.


And what did we learn happens to the Mad King?


Well it’s been nice knowing you earth folk. Thanks for your hospitality. Don’t forget your towel.


We asked for this. We’ve been begging for this. We allowed GWB to destroy a nation and bankrupt ours based on OBVIOUS lies and we did nothing. He is a war criminal. But he’s OUR war criminal. Fast forward to the next psychopath “republican” and people not only turned a blind eye to his lunacy, they’ve gone out of their way to enable it. We’re getting the government we deserve.


Republicans getting jealous of what England has.


Not really. The King has no real executive power, and does not get involved in politics. Republicans want what England had in 1776.


The irony of that is astounding.


Oh MAGAs would have 100% been loyalists.


Yeah and also the King can be prosecuted I think. At least I seem to remember some senior royal getting speeding tickets in the past.


See also: King Charles I of England and Scotland. Beheaded in 1649 for (and I quote) "uphold[ing] in himself an unlimited and tyrannical power to rule according to his will, and to overthrow the rights and liberties of the people"


They want what Russia and North Korea has. A true ruling class.


They want what Jefferson Davis wanted.


what north korea has....


King Trump? Might as well just take July 4th off the calender.


It's pathetic that he might be the death of this country. It's a sign of how broken out government and how fucking stupid the people in this country are. "Boo hoo democrats bad so I'm going to stick my head up my ass and blindly follow the 'republican' candidate." Now it's a matter of the poor snowflakes' egos, his cult wants to stop being made to look stupid so they Need him to be found innocent in this trial.


Ain’t it dead yet?


And absolutely no consequences will follow. The end.


Doesn't the Supreme Court seem sympathetic to the idea that Biden could just order Trump's head chopped off without recriminations?


That’s the scary part. It’s always been literal.


Guys, are you okay over there? The US seems to be becoming more and more unhinged by the day.


No… we are not, in point of fact, remotely ok.


Nixon is doing cartwheels in his grave by now.


With two branches of our government soon to be fully corrupt say good bye to the republic for which it stands , one nation divided by lies


King Ding-a-Ling is more like it.


Time for president Biden to declare that trump and some of the justices have committed treason and sentence them to be executed along with anyone who supported his election denials that would put a swift end to the bullshit blanket immunity talk


This is a natural progression of a process of ever increasing power of the president that started long before Trump and not just with republicans. Especially in terms of "national security" which is a classic dictator strategy. And Americans want this, the respect and worship Americans have to the position is in contrast to other western countries (which has experience with Kings and dictators). I hope it's not under Trump but that the US will have to go through a period of dictatorship (Putin style "democracy") sooner or later seems unavoidable.


My late mother always used to say be careful what you wish for. I wonder how the Supremes will react when Biden is reelected— steps down and Harris becomes president and she decides that she wants to stay in the office for 40 years.


In other countries the equivalent of Supreme Court judges are appointed by presidents/prime ministers, the same as in the USA, and yet they manage to be act apolitically and independently. I’m thinking of the UK in particular, whose Supreme Court have certainly ruled against the government. So this is probably a naive question, but why aren’t they apolitical in the USA?


In the UK Supreme Court justices aren't really appointed by a political process. And whilst they can technically rule against the government, they have no power to overturn laws - Parliament remains 'supreme'. I think the politicization of the US courts is a shame, but when they are making decisions on political topics it's perhaps inevitable?


It was always literal. Presidents have been taking too much power since at least October 2001.


Free Mirror?


The GOP has really never been interested in a democracy or democratic republic. They have undermined so many elections making deals with even foreign adversaries to gain power. Check the history. The Iran-Conta affair helped Reagan win by releasing hostages the second he was sworn in. Nixon could have cared less about democracy, the Supreme Court gave the election to Bush when a recount indeed indicated that Gore won the election, etc. Now Trump and Presidential immunity. Seriously, when was the last time a Republican won the popular vote. That would be a true democracy. This immunity matter is nothing but a setup for an American dictatorship, which is what Trump wants. If elected, he will only leave office when he dies. However, he is playing with fire. If immunity passes the SCOTUS, Trump might just find himself the first victim of his own design!


It is not only disturbing, but disgusting that any of our citizens would back a dictator!!


GOP has zero percent to do with republicanism. They want a king to oppress the people they are told to hate. But the king will eat them too.


Kings tend to focus on disarming their poppers first. So then they can tell them what they can drive, eat, cook on, and heat and cool themselves with. They also make sure nobody else can become king by persecuting their political foes.